vm_soft_fault: va 0x0 not covered by area in address space vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x24, ip 0x80039a50, write 0, user 0, thread 0xe9 PANIC: vm_page_fault: unhandled page fault in kernel space at 0x24, ip 0x80039a50 Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land... Thread 233 "bash" running on CPU 2 kdebug> bt stack trace for thread 233 "bash" kernel stack: 0x80a88000 to 0x80a8c000 user stack: 0x7efef000 to 0x7ffef000 frame caller :function + offset 0 80a8b7d4 (+ 48) 8006e388 invoke_command_trampoline(0x80a8b86c) + 0x001c 1 80a8b804 (+ 12) 800f1f44 :arch_debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x001b 2 80a8b810 (+ 48) 8006d554 :debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x0060 3 80a8b840 (+ 64) 8006e5e1 :invoke_debugger_command + 0x00b9 4 80a8b880 (+ 64) 8006e40d invoke_pipe_segment(debugger_command_pipe*: 0x84872030, int32: 0, 0x0 "") + 0x0079 5 80a8b8c0 (+ 64) 8006e74c :invoke_debugger_command_pipe + 0x009c 6 80a8b900 (+ 48) 80070148 ExpressionParser<0x80a8b9b0>::_ParseCommandPipe(0x80a8b9ac) + 0x0234 7 80a8b930 (+ 64) 8006f582 ExpressionParser<0x80a8b9b0>::EvaluateCommand(0x80142ce0 "bt", 0x80a8b9ac) + 0x02ba 8 80a8b970 (+ 224) 8007155c :evaluate_debug_command + 0x0080 9 80a8ba50 (+ 64) 8006bfda kernel_debugger_loop(0x80a8bb30 "vm_page_fault: unhandled page fault in kernel space at 0x24, ip 0x80039a50 ", int32: 2) + 0x0296 10 80a8ba90 (+ 48) 8006c22e kernel_debugger_internal(0x80a8bb30 "vm_page_fault: unhandled page fault in kernel space at 0x24, ip 0x80039a50 ", int32: 2) + 0x0042 11 80a8bac0 (+ 48) 8006d71f :kernel_debugger + 0x0023 12 80a8baf0 (+ 192) 8006d6f1 :panic + 0x0029 13 80a8bbb0 (+ 64) 800d5301 :vm_page_fault + 0x0131 14 80a8bbf0 (+ 80) 800ed6d6 page_fault_exception(iframe*: 0x80a8bc4c) + 0x017e 15 80a8bc40 (+ 12) 800f22ed :int_bottom + 0x003d kernel iframe at 0x80a8bc4c (end = 0x80a8bc9c) eax 0xceb5dc00 ebx 0x80a8bd9c ecx 0x0 edx 0xccdab7f8 esi 0x0 edi 0x0 ebp 0x80a8bcc4 esp 0x80a8bc80 eip 0x80039a50 eflags 0x10292 vector: 0xe, error code: 0x0 16 80a8bc4c (+ 120) 80039a50 :file_cache_read + 0x0018 17 80a8bcc4 (+ 80) 80bc5355 Inode<0xccdab7f8>::ReadAt(int64: 0, 0xceb5dc00 "ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ", 0x80a8bd9c) + 0x0121 18 80a8bd14 (+ 64) 80bd3cae bfs_read_link(fs_volume*: 0xcd94ab90, fs_vnode*: 0xcd9c5044, 0xceb5dc00 "ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ", 0x80a8bd9c) + 0x009e 19 80a8bd54 (+ 80) 800ae4c3 vnode_path_to_vnode(vnode*: 0xce585d8c, 0xceb6d000 "[haiku-commits] r35066 - in haiku_trunk: headers_private_kernel_arch headers_priva te_kernel_arch_ppc headers_private_kernel_arch_x86 headers_private_kernel_vm src_system_kernel_arch_generic ... 20100114042613 ingo_weinhold", true, int32: 0, io_context*: 0x815e 9110, vnode*: 0x80a8be90, NULL) + 0x021f 20 80a8bda4 (+ 48) 800ae711 vnode_path_to_vnode(vnode*: 0xce585d8c, 0xceb6d000 "[haiku-commits] r35066 - in haiku_trunk: headers_private_kernel_arch headers_priva te_kernel_arch_ppc headers_private_kernel_arch_x86 headers_private_kernel_vm src_system_kernel_arch_generic ... 20100114042613 ingo_weinhold", true, int32: 0, false, vnode*: 0x80 a8be90, NULL) + 0x0049 21 80a8bdd4 (+ 64) 800ae810 path_to_vnode(0xceb6d000 "[haiku-commits] r35066 - in haiku_trunk: headers_private_kernel_arch headers_private_kernel_arch_ppc headers _private_kernel_arch_x86 headers_private_kernel_vm src_system_kernel_arch_generic ... 20100114042613 ingo_weinhold", true, vnode*: 0x80a8be90, NULL, false) + 0x00f8 22 80a8be14 (+ 64) 800af01c fd_and_path_to_vnode(int32: -1, 0xceb6d000 "[haiku-commits] r35066 - in haiku_trunk: headers_private_kernel_arch headers_private_kerne l_arch_ppc headers_private_kernel_arch_x86 headers_private_kernel_vm src_system_kernel_arch_generic ... 20100114042613 ingo_weinhold", true, vnode*: 0x80a8be90, NULL, false) + 0x 0064 23 80a8be54 (+ 64) 800b524d common_path_read_stat(int32: -1, 0xceb6d000 "[haiku-commits] r35066 - in haiku_trunk: headers_private_kernel_arch headers_private_kern el_arch_ppc headers_private_kernel_arch_x86 headers_private_kernel_vm src_system_kernel_arch_generic ... 20100114042613 ingo_weinhold", true, stat*: 0x80a8beec, false) + 0x0031 24 80a8be94 (+ 176) 800ba813 :_user_read_stat + 0x00eb 25 80a8bf44 (+ 100) 800f2522 :handle_syscall + 0x00af user iframe at 0x80a8bfa8 (end = 0x80a8c000) eax 0x8a ebx 0x38094c ecx 0x7ffed440 edx 0xffff0114 esi 0x0 edi 0x1 ebp 0x7ffed47c esp 0x80a8bfdc eip 0xffff0114 eflags 0x203 user esp 0x7ffed440 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0 26 80a8bfa8 (+ 0) ffff0114 :commpage_syscall + 0x0004 27 7ffed47c (+ 128) 0022883e :unknown + 0x2883e 28 7ffed4fc (+ 64) 00253a36 :unknown + 0x53a36 29 7ffed53c (+ 64) 002537d3 :unknown + 0x537d3 30 7ffed57c (+ 48) 00253a76 :unknown + 0x53a76 31 7ffed5ac (+ 48) 002552cc :unknown + 0x552cc 32 7ffed5dc (+ 64) 0025a46e :unknown + 0x5a46e 33 7ffed61c (+ 64) 0025afd5 :unknown + 0x5afd5 34 7ffed65c (+ 80) 00293c93 :unknown + 0x93c93 35 7ffed6ac (+ 64) 00232080 :unknown + 0x32080 36 7ffed6ec (+ 48) 00232aa1 :unknown + 0x32aa1 37 7ffed71c (+ 96) 00231cd6 :unknown + 0x31cd6 38 7ffed77c (+ 96) 0022d7c2 :unknown + 0x2d7c2 39 7ffed7dc (+ 80) 00282caf :unknown + 0x82caf 40 7ffed82c (+ 80) 002417c1 :unknown + 0x417c1 41 7ffed87c (+ 96) 00244e75 :unknown + 0x44e75 42 7ffed8dc (+ 160) 00245674 :unknown + 0x45674 43 7ffed97c (+ 80) 0024686e :unknown + 0x4686e 44 7ffed9cc (+ 64) 00246ab9 :unknown + 0x46ab9 45 7ffeda0c (+ 48) 00246399 :unknown + 0x46399 46 7ffeda3c (+ 64) 0024e2b7 :unknown + 0x4e2b7 47 7ffeda7c (+ 48) 0024e625 :unknown + 0x4e625 48 7ffedaac (+ 48) 0024e189 :unknown + 0x4e189 49 7ffedadc (+ 64) 0023e5c1 :unknown + 0x3e5c1 50 7ffedb1c (+ 80) 0023e801 :unknown + 0x3e801 51 7ffedb6c (+ 48) 0023e8f1 :unknown + 0x3e8f1 52 7ffedb9c (+ 64) 00246a20 :unknown + 0x46a20 53 7ffedbdc (+ 48) 00246371 :unknown + 0x46371 54 7ffedc0c (+ 80) 00231835 :unknown + 0x31835 55 7ffedc5c (+ 96) 0022d7c2 :unknown + 0x2d7c2 56 7ffedcbc (+ 80) 0022f4df :unknown + 0x2f4df 57 7ffedd0c (+ 96) 0022da78 :unknown + 0x2da78 58 7ffedd6c (+ 96) 0022da59 :unknown + 0x2da59 59 7ffeddcc (+ 96) 00232660 :unknown + 0x32660 60 7ffede2c (+ 64) 00232ac5 :unknown + 0x32ac5 61 7ffede6c (+ 96) 00231cd6 :unknown + 0x31cd6 62 7ffedecc (+ 96) 0022d7c2 :unknown + 0x2d7c2 63 7ffedf2c (+ 80) 0022cfb2 :unknown + 0x2cfb2 64 7ffedf7c (+ 48) 00230cc9 :unknown + 0x30cc9 65 7ffedfac (+ 80) 0022d9ec :unknown + 0x2d9ec 7ffedffc -- read fault kdebug>