Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#10243 closed bug (no change required)

Don't show already installed packages in pkgman search

Reported by: kallisti5 Owned by: nobody
Priority: low Milestone: R1
Component: Applications Version: R1/Development
Keywords: pkgman search Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


~> pkgman search groff
Installed  Name          Description
system     groff         GNU troff typesetting package               
           groff_source  GNU troff typesetting package (source files)
           groff         GNU troff typesetting package

Change History (7)

comment:1 by bonefish, 10 years ago

Resolution: no change required
Status: newclosed

There's the option '-u' for that purpose.

comment:2 by kallisti5, 10 years ago

why wouldn't this behavior be reversed? it seems like not showing packages that are already installed should be the default behavior.

comment:3 by axeld, 10 years ago

Why should it? Since the installed items are marked as such, I prefer to get the complete results. If you search for something, it's always better to know it's already installed than to not get any results.

comment:4 by kallisti5, 10 years ago

I phrased that incorrectly. I'm fine seeing packages already installed... but look at the example. You see groff twice.

Version 0, edited 10 years ago by kallisti5 (next)

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by bonefish, 10 years ago

A package is listed for each installation location it is installed in and each repository it is available from. ATM there's no repository column (maybe "Installed" could be shared). Other possible columns are missing as well (e.g. for the package version), but the space is rather limited, so I'm not sure yet how to solve that best.

comment:6 by kallisti5, 10 years ago

Ok, that makes sense.

It seems like the semi correct logic would be:

1) More than one package (installed vs non-installed)? Combine them. Display the later version available (local or remote) 2) If repo version is later than installed version, show that there is an update somehow.

maybe add a "-v" that would show all packages + versions (for figuring out dependency issues, etc)

All just ideas. I have no issues throwing together some patches if no-one has time to make these improvements. Could we call this bug an enhancement instead and re-open it?

comment:7 by bonefish, 10 years ago

Based on your suggestions I reworked the listings in hrev46453. Due to the limited space the version isn't shown in the simple listing, though. The detailed listing (-D/--details) has separate lines for equally named packages in different locations/repositories (like the previous pkgman version) and it shows the version and the architecture, but omits the summary instead.

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