Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #7738, comment 1

Jun 24, 2011, 10:09:41 AM (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #7738, comment 1

    initial v1  
    55Though it's much more difficult to reproduce in that case: you have to keep Alt-² depressed and drag the teapot window around.
    7 Come to think of it, I've had others, very different, troubles on workspace switching a few weeks ago, that might be related: they involved a bad interaction between audio/VESA; could be triggered by the same bug.. The difference is that it would result in a system freeze (even KDL was inaccessible IIRC), it would be triggered easily at first or second WS switch, and it would occur only if in VESA mode and playing an mp3 in MediaPlayer.
     7Come to think of it, I've had others troubles on workspace switching -- with a different outcome -- a few weeks ago, that might be related: they involved a bad interaction between audio/VESA; could be triggered by the same bug.. The difference is that it would result in a system freeze (even KDL was inaccessible IIRC), it would be triggered easily at first or second WS switch, and it would occur only if in VESA mode and playing an mp3 in MediaPlayer.
    9 So this could help narrow down the list of suspect: we're seemingly looking at a piece of code close to workspace-switching, that holds a ressource/lock for the duration of the switch and is sensitive to how long the switch takes: if switching to a different resolution (hence taking more time to return) and a concurrent change occurs in some also-sensitive guys (BGLView, some audio drivers, VESA ..etc) then bad things happen easily, otherwise they occur rarely.
     9So this could help narrow down the list of suspects: we're seemingly looking at a piece of code close to workspace-switching, that holds a ressource/lock for the duration of the switch and is sensitive to how long the switch takes: if switching to a different resolution (hence taking more time to return) and a concurrent change occurs in some also-sensitive guys (BGLView, some audio drivers, VESA ..etc) then bad things happen easily, otherwise they occur rarely.