Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9854, comment 1

Jul 4, 2013, 12:04:43 AM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #9854, comment 1

    initial v1  
    1 Confirmed that it's the presence of the B_TEAM_DEBUG_POST_SYSCALL flag that causes the problem, but I'm currently at a loss as to why. Adding tracing to _user_debug_thread() confirms that it indeeds decides all is well and calls thread_interrupt() on the thread as it should, but the expected B_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE_THREAD_DEBUGGED never seems to arrive, and the thread happily keeps executing as best I can tell. Interrupting a thread via a breakpoint, however, consistently still behaves as expected.
     1Confirmed that it's the presence of the B_TEAM_DEBUG_POST_SYSCALL flag that causes the problem, but I'm currently at a loss as to why. Adding tracing to _user_debug_thread() confirms that it indeed decides all is well and calls thread_interrupt() on the thread as it should, but the expected B_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE_THREAD_DEBUGGED never seems to arrive, and the thread happily keeps executing as best I can tell. Interrupting a thread via a breakpoint, however, consistently still behaves as expected.
    33An example of such an undebuggable thread is one belonging to a BLooper, which was simply sitting in the kernel waiting for a port read when attempting to debug it. Any ideas?