Ticket #12874: Tracker-559-debug-23-07-2016-20-52-11.report

File Tracker-559-debug-23-07-2016-20-52-11.report, 31.0 KB (added by HAL, 8 years ago)
1Debug information for team /boot/system/Tracker (559):
2CPU(s): 8x AMD FX-Series
3Memory: 11.90 GiB total, 487.79 MiB used
4Haiku revision: hrev50426 Jul 18 2016 15:40:56 (x86_64)
6Active Threads:
7 thread 559: Tracker (main)
8 thread 572: launch looper
9 thread 576: w>Desktop
10 thread 579: PathMonitor looper
11 thread 593: w>Tracker status
12 thread 594: TrashWatcher
13 thread 595: ClipboardRefsWatcher
14 thread 597: TrackerTaskLoop
15 thread 1202: w>FileContext
16 thread 1204: w>FileContext cached menu
17 thread 1206: w>Home cached menu
18 thread 1208: w>mail cached menu
19 thread 1209: team 559 debug task
20 thread 1200: popup
21 state: Exception (Segment violation)
23 Frame IP Function Name
24 -----------------------------------------------
25 0x7f4ba7e12af0 0x1b0455b8ba1 BMenu::_ChooseTrigger(char const*, int&, unsigned int&, BPrivate::TriggerList&) + 0x195
26 Disassembly:
27 BMenu::_ChooseTrigger(char const*, int&, unsigned int&, BPrivate::TriggerList&):
28 0x000001b0455b8a0c: 55 push %rbp
29 0x000001b0455b8a0d: 4889e5 mov %rsp, %rbp
30 0x000001b0455b8a10: 4157 push %r15
31 0x000001b0455b8a12: 4156 push %r14
32 0x000001b0455b8a14: 4155 push %r13
33 0x000001b0455b8a16: 4154 push %r12
34 0x000001b0455b8a18: 53 push %rbx
35 0x000001b0455b8a19: 4883ec18 sub $0x18, %rsp
36 0x000001b0455b8a1d: 48894dc0 mov %rcx, -0x40(%rbp)
37 0x000001b0455b8a21: 4885f6 test %rsi, %rsi
38 0x000001b0455b8a24: 0f84b6010000 jz 0x1b0455b8be0
39 0x000001b0455b8a2a: 4889f3 mov %rsi, %rbx
40 0x000001b0455b8a2d: 4989d5 mov %rdx, %r13
41 0x000001b0455b8a30: 4d89c6 mov %r8, %r14
42 0x000001b0455b8a33: 0fb606 movzx (%rsi), %eax
43 0x000001b0455b8a36: 84c0 test %al, %al
44 0x000001b0455b8a38: 0f848b000000 jz 0x1b0455b8ac9
45 0x000001b0455b8a3e: 41bc00000000 mov $0x0, %r12d
46 0x000001b0455b8a44: 89c2 mov %eax, %edx
47 0x000001b0455b8a46: 83e2c0 and $0xffffffc0, %edx
48 0x000001b0455b8a49: 80fa80 cmp $0x80, %dl
49 0x000001b0455b8a4c: 7468 jz 0x455b8ab6
50 0x000001b0455b8a4e: 480fbec0 movsx %al, %rax
51 0x000001b0455b8a52: 488b1567733600 mov 0x367367(%rip), %rdx
52 0x000001b0455b8a59: 488b12 mov (%rdx), %rdx
53 0x000001b0455b8a5c: f644420101 test $0x1, 0x1(%rdx,%rax,2)
54 0x000001b0455b8a61: 7453 jz 0x455b8ab6
55 0x000001b0455b8a63: 4c8d3c8500000000 lea (%rax,4), %r15
56 0x000001b0455b8a6b: 4c8975c8 mov %r14, -0x38(%rbp)
57 0x000001b0455b8a6f: 488b159a6e3600 mov 0x366e9a(%rip), %rdx
58 0x000001b0455b8a76: 488b12 mov (%rdx), %rdx
59 0x000001b0455b8a79: 48633482 movsxd (%rdx,%rax,4), %rsi
60 0x000001b0455b8a7d: 4c89f7 mov %r14, %rdi
61 0x000001b0455b8a80: e86ba3f8ff call 0x1b045542df0
62 0x000001b0455b8a85: 84c0 test %al, %al
63 0x000001b0455b8a87: 752d jnz 0x455b8ab6
64 0x000001b0455b8a89: 45896500 mov %r12d, (%r13)
65 0x000001b0455b8a8d: 488b057c6e3600 mov 0x366e7c(%rip), %rax
66 0x000001b0455b8a94: 488b10 mov (%rax), %rdx
67 0x000001b0455b8a97: 428b143a mov (%rdx,%r15), %edx
68 0x000001b0455b8a9b: 488b7dc0 mov -0x40(%rbp), %rdi
69 0x000001b0455b8a9f: 8917 mov %edx, (%rdi)
70 0x000001b0455b8aa1: 488b00 mov (%rax), %rax
71 0x000001b0455b8aa4: 4a633438 movsxd (%rax,%r15), %rsi
72 0x000001b0455b8aa8: 488b7dc8 mov -0x38(%rbp), %rdi
73 0x000001b0455b8aac: e84fcef8ff call 0x1b045545900
74 0x000001b0455b8ab1: e950010000 jmp 0x1b0455b8c06
75 0x000001b0455b8ab6: 4183c401 add $0x1, %r12d
76 0x000001b0455b8aba: 4489e0 mov %r12d, %eax
77 0x000001b0455b8abd: 0fb60403 movzx (%rbx,%rax), %eax
78 0x000001b0455b8ac1: 84c0 test %al, %al
79 0x000001b0455b8ac3: 0f857bffffff jnz 0x1b0455b8a44
80 0x000001b0455b8ac9: 41c7450000000000 mov $0x0, (%r13)
81 0x000001b0455b8ad1: 0fb603 movzx (%rbx), %eax
82 0x000001b0455b8ad4: 84c0 test %al, %al
83 0x000001b0455b8ad6: 7814 js 0x455b8aec
84 0x000001b0455b8ad8: 0fbec0 movsx %al, %eax
85 0x000001b0455b8adb: 85c0 test %eax, %eax
86 0x000001b0455b8add: 0f8404010000 jz 0x1b0455b8be7
87 0x000001b0455b8ae3: 4883c301 add $0x1, %rbx
88 0x000001b0455b8ae7: e990000000 jmp 0x1b0455b8b7c
89 0x000001b0455b8aec: 89c2 mov %eax, %edx
90 0x000001b0455b8aee: 81e2c0000000 and $0xc0, %edx
91 0x000001b0455b8af4: 81fa80000000 cmp $0x80, %edx
92 0x000001b0455b8afa: 750b jnz 0x455b8b07
93 0x000001b0455b8afc: 4883c301 add $0x1, %rbx
94 0x000001b0455b8b00: b8fdff0000 mov $0xfffd, %eax
95 0x000001b0455b8b05: eb75 jmp 0x1b0455b8b7c
96 0x000001b0455b8b07: 0fb6c8 movzx %al, %ecx
97 0x000001b0455b8b0a: 4883c301 add $0x1, %rbx
98 0x000001b0455b8b0e: be80ffffff mov $0xffffff80, %esi
99 0x000001b0455b8b13: a880 test $0x80, %al
100 0x000001b0455b8b15: 750b jnz 0x455b8b22
101 0x000001b0455b8b17: eb1d jmp 0x1b0455b8b36
102 0x000001b0455b8b19: 80fa02 cmp $0x2, %dl
103 0x000001b0455b8b1c: 0f84da000000 jz 0x1b0455b8bfc
104 0x000001b0455b8b22: 400fb6d6 movzx %sil, %edx
105 0x000001b0455b8b26: 89d0 mov %edx, %eax
106 0x000001b0455b8b28: f7d0 not %eax
107 0x000001b0455b8b2a: 21c1 and %eax, %ecx
108 0x000001b0455b8b2c: d1fa sar $0x1, %edx
109 0x000001b0455b8b2e: 89d6 mov %edx, %esi
110 0x000001b0455b8b30: 85ca test %ecx, %edx
111 0x000001b0455b8b32: 75e5 jnz 0x455b8b19
112 0x000001b0455b8b34: eb05 jmp 0x1b0455b8b3b
113 0x000001b0455b8b36: be80ffffff mov $0xffffff80, %esi
114 0x000001b0455b8b3b: 0fb613 movzx (%rbx), %edx
115 0x000001b0455b8b3e: 89d0 mov %edx, %eax
116 0x000001b0455b8b40: 25c0000000 and $0xc0, %eax
117 0x000001b0455b8b45: 3d80000000 cmp $0x80, %eax
118 0x000001b0455b8b4a: 7519 jnz 0x455b8b65
119 0x000001b0455b8b4c: 89c8 mov %ecx, %eax
120 0x000001b0455b8b4e: c1e006 shl $0x6, %eax
121 0x000001b0455b8b51: 83e23f and $0x3f, %edx
122 0x000001b0455b8b54: 8d0c02 lea (%rdx,%rax), %ecx
123 0x000001b0455b8b57: 4883c301 add $0x1, %rbx
124 0x000001b0455b8b5b: 01f6 add %esi, %esi
125 0x000001b0455b8b5d: 4080fe40 cmp $0x40, %sil
126 0x000001b0455b8b61: 75d8 jnz 0x455b8b3b
127 0x000001b0455b8b63: eb11 jmp 0x1b0455b8b76
128 0x000001b0455b8b65: 4080fe40 cmp $0x40, %sil
129 0x000001b0455b8b69: 740b jz 0x455b8b76
130 0x000001b0455b8b6b: 84d2 test %dl, %dl
131 0x000001b0455b8b6d: 747f jz 0x455b8bee
132 0x000001b0455b8b6f: b8fdff0000 mov $0xfffd, %eax
133 0x000001b0455b8b74: eb06 jmp 0x1b0455b8b7c
134 0x000001b0455b8b76: 85c9 test %ecx, %ecx
135 0x000001b0455b8b78: 747b jz 0x455b8bf5
136 0x000001b0455b8b7a: 89c8 mov %ecx, %eax
137 0x000001b0455b8b7c: 4898 cdqe
138 0x000001b0455b8b7e: 488b153b723600 mov 0x36723b(%rip), %rdx
139 0x000001b0455b8b85: 488b12 mov (%rdx), %rdx
140 0x000001b0455b8b88: f644420120 test $0x20, 0x1(%rdx,%rax,2)
141 0x000001b0455b8b8d: 7547 jnz 0x455b8bd6
142 0x000001b0455b8b8f: 4c8d248500000000 lea (%rax,4), %r12
143 0x000001b0455b8b97: 488b15726d3600 mov 0x366d72(%rip), %rdx
144 0x000001b0455b8b9e: 488b12 mov (%rdx), %rdx
145 0x000001b0455b8ba1: 48633482 movsxd (%rdx,%rax,4), %rsi <--
147 Frame memory:
148 [0x7f4ba7e12aa0] .+..K....+..K... 08 2b e1 a7 4b 7f 00 00 10 2b e1 a7 4b 7f 00 00
149 [0x7f4ba7e12ab0] .*..K........... d0 2a e1 a7 4b 7f 00 00 a0 b2 a0 7f f3 01 00 00
150 [0x7f4ba7e12ac0] ................ a0 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 a0 bc c4 7f f3 01 00 00
151 [0x7f4ba7e12ad0] .+..K....+..K... 08 2b e1 a7 4b 7f 00 00 0c 2b e1 a7 4b 7f 00 00
152 [0x7f4ba7e12ae0] p+..K...>.[E.... 70 2b e1 a7 4b 7f 00 00 3e ac 5b 45 b0 01 00 00
153 0x7f4ba7e12b80 0x1b0455bac39 BMenu::_CalcTriggers() + 0xc5
154 0x7f4ba7e12bb0 0x1b0455bac95 BMenu::_LayoutItems(int) + 0x11
155 0x7f4ba7e12be0 0x1b0455bc44d BMenu::AttachedToWindow() + 0x83
156 0x7f4ba7e12c00 0x1f13eb9cd1a BPrivate::BNavMenu::AttachedToWindow() + 0xc
157 0x7f4ba7e12c20 0x1b0456096a9 BView::_Attach() + 0x79
158 0x7f4ba7e12c50 0x1b04560bebd BView::_AddChild(BView*, BView*) + 0xdf
159 0x7f4ba7e12c70 0x1b04560c155 BView::AddChild(BView*, BView*) + 0xd
160 0x7f4ba7e12cf0 0x1b0455c37e9 BPrivate::BMenuFrame::AttachedToWindow() + 0x27
161 0x7f4ba7e12d10 0x1b0456096a9 BView::_Attach() + 0x79
162 0x7f4ba7e12d40 0x1b04560bebd BView::_AddChild(BView*, BView*) + 0xdf
163 0x7f4ba7e12d60 0x1b04560c155 BView::AddChild(BView*, BView*) + 0xd
164 0x7f4ba7e12db0 0x1b045610839 BWindow::AddChild(BView*, BView*) + 0x3b
165 0x7f4ba7e12de0 0x1b0455c3f65 BPrivate::BMenuWindow::AttachMenu(BMenu*) + 0x59
166 0x7f4ba7e12e70 0x1b0455b9326 BMenu::_Show(bool, bool) + 0x14a
167 0x7f4ba7e12ec0 0x1b0455b9530 BMenu::_SelectItem(BMenuItem*, bool, bool, bool) + 0xb6
168 0x7f4ba7e12fe0 0x1b0455b9997 BMenu::_UpdateStateOpenSelect(BMenuItem*, BPoint, BRect&, BRect&, long&, long&) + 0x35f
169 0x7f4ba7e13130 0x1b0455ba11d BMenu::_Track(int*, long) + 0x3b9
170 0x7f4ba7e13270 0x1b0455b9fe3 BMenu::_Track(int*, long) + 0x27f
171 0x7f4ba7e133b0 0x1b0455b9fe3 BMenu::_Track(int*, long) + 0x27f
172 0x7f4ba7e133f0 0x1b0455ba539 BMenu::Track(bool, BRect*) + 0x71
173 0x7f4ba7e13430 0x1b0455cdcbb BPopUpMenu::_StartTrack(BPoint, bool, bool, BRect*) + 0x75
174 0x7f4ba7e13460 0x1b0455cdd76 BPopUpMenu::_thread_entry(void*) + 0x46
175 0x7f4ba7e13470 0x6be3075bba /boot/system/lib/libroot.so + 0x3dbba
176 00000000 0x7fe561298260 commpage_thread_exit + 0
178 Registers:
179 rip: 0x000001b0455b8ba1
180 rsp: 0x00007f4ba7e12aa0
181 rbp: 0x00007f4ba7e12ae0
182 rax: 0x000000000001f525
183 rbx: 0x000001f37fc491e7
184 rcx: 0x000000000001f525
185 rdx: 0x0000006be3128760
186 rsi: 0x0000000000000040
187 rdi: 0x00007f4ba7e12b10
188 r8: 0x00007f4ba7e12b10
189 r9: 0x0000000000000010
190 r10: 0x0000000000000015
191 r11: 0x0000000000000001
192 r12: 0x000000000007d494
193 r13: 0x00007f4ba7e12b0c
194 r14: 0x00007f4ba7e12b10
195 r15: 0x0000000000000134
196 cs: 0x0023
197 ds: 0x0000
198 es: 0x0000
199 fs: 0x0000
200 gs: 0x0000
201 ss: 0x001b
202 st0: nan
203 st1: nan
204 st2: 0
205 st3: 0
206 st4: 0
207 st5: nan
208 st6: 6.63e+04
209 st7: 2e+08
210 mm0: {0x2, 0xfec1, 0, 0}
211 mm1: {0xf20, 0x60, 0, 0}
212 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
213 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
214 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
215 mm5: {0xc136, 0xfff7, 0, 0}
216 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0x8196}
217 mm7: {0xe67a, 0x8cc2, 0x499e, 0xbf29}
218 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
219 xmm1: {0xf2ca, 0x7149, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
220 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
221 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
222 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
223 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
224 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
225 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
226 xmm8: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
227 xmm9: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
228 xmm10: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
229 xmm11: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
230 xmm12: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
231 xmm13: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
232 xmm14: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
233 xmm15: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
235Loaded Images:
236 ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
237 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 1926 0x6d90a9000 0x6d90b7000 0x6d92b7000 0x6d92b8000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/BMPTranslator
239 1805 0x23e1ef6000 0x23e1f0a000 0x23e210a000 0x23e210c000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEG2000Translator
240 1923 0x2b6f467000 0x2b6f473000 0x2b6f673000 0x2b6f675000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PPMTranslator
241 1931 0x4864e7b000 0x4864ed6000 0x48650d5000 0x48650d8000 lib /boot/system/lib/libwebp.so.6.0.0
242 1934 0x4eb16ea000 0x4eb16f6000 0x4eb18f5000 0x4eb18f6000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/HVIFTranslator
243 1928 0x63f3f73000 0x63f3fdf000 0x63f41df000 0x63f41e3000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtiff.so.5.2.4
244 1918 0x6449118000 0x6449124000 0x6449324000 0x6449325000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PCXTranslator
245 1830 0x651a620000 0x651a63c000 0x651a83c000 0x651a83f000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RAWTranslator
246 1716 0x6a680e6000 0x6a68363000 0x6a68562000 0x6a68577000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.1
247 1712 0x6be3038000 0x6be318b000 0x6be338a000 0x6be33db000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
248 1865 0x7e2eef9000 0x7e2effc000 0x7e2f1fc000 0x7e2f202000 lib /boot/system/lib/libilmimf.so
249 1840 0x83fc541000 0x83fc558000 0x83fc758000 0x83fc75a000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEGTranslator
250 1816 0x964b715000 0x964b75d000 0x964b95c000 0x964b967000 lib /boot/system/lib/libjasper.so.1.0.0
251 1724 0xa5bd1d2000 0xa5bd2ce000 0xa5bd4ce000 0xa5bd4d1000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
252 1915 0xa9451f0000 0xa945202000 0xa945401000 0xa945403000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator
253 1720 0xad568fc000 0xad5692b000 0xad56b2b000 0xad56b5f000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.1
254 1930 0xce3285e000 0xce3286b000 0xce32a6b000 0xce32a6c000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WebPTranslator
255 1917 0xcf0da7c000 0xcf0da8b000 0xcf0dc8b000 0xcf0dc8c000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/SGITranslator
256 1843 0xd5b3bda000 0xd5b3c14000 0xd5b3e14000 0xd5b3e15000 lib /boot/system/lib/libjpeg.so.9.1.0
257 1718 0xd8a56dc000 0xd8a5731000 0xd8a5931000 0xd8a5934000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.57.1
258 1933 0xe83f8ee000 0xe83f8fb000 0xe83fafb000 0xe83fafc000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICOTranslator
259 1713 0xec2766d000 0xec27682000 0xec27881000 0xec27882000 lib /boot/system/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
260 1927 0xefcdefe000 0xefcdf0c000 0xefce10c000 0xefce10d000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TIFFTranslator
261 1932 0x1078f083000 0x1078f099000 0x1078f298000 0x1078f29a000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/GIFTranslator
262 1924 0x11cea7e2000 0x11cea7ef000 0x11cea9ef000 0x11cea9f0000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICNSTranslator
263 1881 0x120eacd5000 0x120eace4000 0x120eaee4000 0x120eaee5000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TGATranslator
264 1846 0x12d934d8000 0x12d934e5000 0x12d936e5000 0x12d936e6000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/EXRTranslator
265 1719 0x13b8e1a3000 0x13b8e1ae000 0x13b8e3ae000 0x13b8e3af000 lib /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.57.1
266 1717 0x144bde58000 0x144bde64000 0x144be063000 0x144be065000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.1
267 1802 0x163055b3000 0x163055e3000 0x163057e2000 0x163057e3000 lib /boot/system/lib/libpng16.so.16.20.0
268 1877 0x1778897b000 0x1778898d000 0x17788b8c000 0x17788b8e000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RTFTranslator
269 1845 0x17e4a3df000 0x17e4a3f0000 0x17e4a5f0000 0x17e4a5f1000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PSDTranslator
270 1721 0x1846b235000 0x1846b3cd000 0x1846b5cc000 0x1846b5e1000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.1
271 1722 0x19f4dfa1000 0x19f4dfbc000 0x19f4e1bb000 0x19f4e1bc000 lib /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.8
272 1925 0x1abb21db000 0x1abb21ea000 0x1abb23e9000 0x1abb23ea000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicns.so.1.2.0
273 1715 0x1abfcc5e000 0x1abfe4dc000 0x1abfe6db000 0x1abfe6dc000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.1
274 1710 0x1b04541c000 0x1b04570c000 0x1b04590c000 0x1b045939000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
275 1709 0x1b7527a7000 0x1b7527a8000 0x1b7529a8000 0x1b7529a9000 app /boot/system/Tracker
276 1708 0x1b94100a000 0x1b941028000 0x1b941227000 0x1b941229000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
277 1929 0x1cb28954000 0x1cb28962000 0x1cb28b61000 0x1cb28b63000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/STXTTranslator
278 1714 0x1e369c79000 0x1e369ddb000 0x1e369fdb000 0x1e369fef000 lib /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.21
279 1801 0x1ea5b003000 0x1ea5b011000 0x1ea5b211000 0x1ea5b212000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PNGTranslator
280 1711 0x1f13ea97000 0x1f13ec2e000 0x1f13ee2e000 0x1f13ee47000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtracker.so
281 1723 0x20597e6d000 0x20597e82000 0x20598081000 0x20598083000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
282 1707 0x7fe561298000 0x7fe5612a0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
285 ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
286 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 5550 0x08f5a000 0x08f72000 96 rw- full rld heap
288 5549 0x4df83000 0x4df9b000 96 rw- full rld heap
289 5711 0x60000000 0x60001000 4 rw-S full server_memory
290 5715 0x68000000 0x68020000 128 rw-S full server_memory
291 6149 0x70000000 0x7019d000 1652 rw-S full server_memory
292 5548 0x2839e3000 0x2839f3000 64 rw- full rld heap
293 6127 0x6d90a9000 0x6d90b7000 56 r-x full BMPTranslator_seg0ro
294 6128 0x6d92b7000 0x6d92b8000 4 rw- full BMPTranslator_seg1rw
295 5547 0x8f0604000 0x8f0614000 64 rw- full rld heap
296 5546 0x9a4bd3000 0x9a4bdb000 32 rw- full rld heap
297 5858 0x23e1ef6000 0x23e1f0a000 80 r-x full JPEG2000Translator_seg0ro
298 5863 0x23e210a000 0x23e210c000 8 rw- full JPEG2000Translator_seg1rw
299 6121 0x2b6f467000 0x2b6f473000 48 r-x full PPMTranslator_seg0ro
300 6122 0x2b6f673000 0x2b6f675000 8 rw- full PPMTranslator_seg1rw
301 5509 0x2c80ace000 0x2c80acf000 4 rw-S full _rld_debug_
302 6137 0x4864e7b000 0x4864ed6000 364 r-x full libwebp.so.6.0.0_seg0ro
303 6138 0x48650d5000 0x48650d6000 4 rw- full libwebp.so.6.0.0_seg1rw
304 6139 0x48650d6000 0x48650d8000 8 rw- full libwebp.so.6.0.0_seg2rw
305 6144 0x4eb16ea000 0x4eb16f6000 48 r-x full HVIFTranslator_seg0ro
306 6145 0x4eb18f5000 0x4eb18f6000 4 rw- full HVIFTranslator_seg1rw
307 6131 0x63f3f73000 0x63f3fdf000 432 r-x full libtiff.so.5.2.4_seg0ro
308 6132 0x63f41df000 0x63f41e3000 16 rw- full libtiff.so.5.2.4_seg1rw
309 6109 0x6449118000 0x6449124000 48 r-x full PCXTranslator_seg0ro
310 6110 0x6449324000 0x6449325000 4 rw- full PCXTranslator_seg1rw
311 5889 0x651a620000 0x651a63c000 112 r-x full RAWTranslator_seg0ro
312 5914 0x651a83c000 0x651a83f000 12 rw- full RAWTranslator_seg1rw
313 5527 0x6a680e6000 0x6a68363000 2548 r-x full libicui18n.so.57.1_seg0ro
314 5528 0x6a68562000 0x6a68577000 84 rw- full libicui18n.so.57.1_seg1rw
315 5517 0x6be3038000 0x6be318b000 1356 r-x full libroot.so_seg0ro
316 5518 0x6be338a000 0x6be3398000 56 rw- full libroot.so_seg1rw
317 5519 0x6be3398000 0x6be33db000 268 rw- full libroot.so_seg2rw
318 5508 0x71b1f59000 0x71b1f69000 64 rw- full rld heap
319 5955 0x7e2eef9000 0x7e2effc000 1036 r-x full libilmimf.so_seg0ro
320 5996 0x7e2f1fc000 0x7e2f202000 24 rw- full libilmimf.so_seg1rw
321 5933 0x83fc541000 0x83fc558000 92 r-x full JPEGTranslator_seg0ro
322 5934 0x83fc758000 0x83fc75a000 8 rw- full JPEGTranslator_seg1rw
323 5865 0x964b715000 0x964b75d000 288 r-x full libjasper.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
324 5887 0x964b95c000 0x964b960000 16 rw- full libjasper.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
325 5888 0x964b960000 0x964b967000 28 rw- full libjasper.so.1.0.0_seg2rw
326 5544 0xa5bd1d2000 0xa5bd2ce000 1008 r-x full libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
327 5545 0xa5bd4ce000 0xa5bd4d1000 12 rw- full libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
328 6104 0xa9451f0000 0xa945202000 72 r-x full WonderBrushTranslator_seg0ro
329 6105 0xa945401000 0xa945403000 8 rw- full WonderBrushTranslator_seg1rw
330 5535 0xad568fc000 0xad5692b000 188 r-x full libicutu.so.57.1_seg0ro
331 5536 0xad56b2b000 0xad56b2d000 8 rw- full libicutu.so.57.1_seg1rw
332 5537 0xad56b2d000 0xad56b5f000 200 rw- full libicutu.so.57.1_seg2rw
333 6135 0xce3285e000 0xce3286b000 52 r-x full WebPTranslator_seg0ro
334 6136 0xce32a6b000 0xce32a6c000 4 rw- full WebPTranslator_seg1rw
335 6107 0xcf0da7c000 0xcf0da8b000 60 r-x full SGITranslator_seg0ro
336 6108 0xcf0dc8b000 0xcf0dc8c000 4 rw- full SGITranslator_seg1rw
337 5937 0xd5b3bda000 0xd5b3c14000 232 r-x full libjpeg.so.9.1.0_seg0ro
338 5949 0xd5b3e14000 0xd5b3e15000 4 rw- full libjpeg.so.9.1.0_seg1rw
339 5531 0xd8a56dc000 0xd8a5731000 340 r-x full libicule.so.57.1_seg0ro
340 5532 0xd8a5931000 0xd8a5934000 12 rw- full libicule.so.57.1_seg1rw
341 6142 0xe83f8ee000 0xe83f8fb000 52 r-x full ICOTranslator_seg0ro
342 6143 0xe83fafb000 0xe83fafc000 4 rw- full ICOTranslator_seg1rw
343 5520 0xec2766d000 0xec27682000 84 r-x full libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
344 5521 0xec27881000 0xec27882000 4 rw- full libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
345 6129 0xefcdefe000 0xefcdf0c000 56 r-x full TIFFTranslator_seg0ro
346 6130 0xefce10c000 0xefce10d000 4 rw- full TIFFTranslator_seg1rw
347 6140 0x1078f083000 0x1078f099000 88 r-x full GIFTranslator_seg0ro
348 6141 0x1078f298000 0x1078f29a000 8 rw- full GIFTranslator_seg1rw
349 6123 0x11cea7e2000 0x11cea7ef000 52 r-x full ICNSTranslator_seg0ro
350 6124 0x11cea9ef000 0x11cea9f0000 4 rw- full ICNSTranslator_seg1rw
351 6031 0x120eacd5000 0x120eace4000 60 r-x full TGATranslator_seg0ro
352 6032 0x120eaee4000 0x120eaee5000 4 rw- full TGATranslator_seg1rw
353 5953 0x12d934d8000 0x12d934e5000 52 r-x full EXRTranslator_seg0ro
354 5954 0x12d936e5000 0x12d936e6000 4 rw- full EXRTranslator_seg1rw
355 5533 0x13b8e1a3000 0x13b8e1ae000 44 r-x full libiculx.so.57.1_seg0ro
356 5534 0x13b8e3ae000 0x13b8e3af000 4 rw- full libiculx.so.57.1_seg1rw
357 5529 0x144bde58000 0x144bde64000 48 r-x full libicuio.so.57.1_seg0ro
358 5530 0x144be063000 0x144be065000 8 rw- full libicuio.so.57.1_seg1rw
359 5856 0x163055b3000 0x163055e3000 192 r-x full libpng16.so.16.20.0_seg0ro
360 5857 0x163057e2000 0x163057e3000 4 rw- full libpng16.so.16.20.0_seg1rw
361 6023 0x1778897b000 0x1778898d000 72 r-x full RTFTranslator_seg0ro
362 6024 0x17788b8c000 0x17788b8e000 8 rw- full RTFTranslator_seg1rw
363 5951 0x17e4a3df000 0x17e4a3f0000 68 r-x full PSDTranslator_seg0ro
364 5952 0x17e4a5f0000 0x17e4a5f1000 4 rw- full PSDTranslator_seg1rw
365 5538 0x1846b235000 0x1846b3cd000 1632 r-x full libicuuc.so.57.1_seg0ro
366 5539 0x1846b5cc000 0x1846b5e1000 84 rw- full libicuuc.so.57.1_seg1rw
367 5540 0x19f4dfa1000 0x19f4dfbc000 108 r-x full libz.so.1.2.8_seg0ro
368 5541 0x19f4e1bb000 0x19f4e1bc000 4 rw- full libz.so.1.2.8_seg1rw
369 6125 0x1abb21db000 0x1abb21ea000 60 r-x full libicns.so.1.2.0_seg0ro
370 6126 0x1abb23e9000 0x1abb23ea000 4 rw- full libicns.so.1.2.0_seg1rw
371 5525 0x1abfcc5e000 0x1abfe4dc000 25080 r-x full libicudata.so.57.1_seg0ro
372 5526 0x1abfe6db000 0x1abfe6dc000 4 rw- full libicudata.so.57.1_seg1rw
373 5512 0x1b04541c000 0x1b04570c000 3008 r-x full libbe.so_seg0ro
374 5513 0x1b04590c000 0x1b045939000 180 rw- full libbe.so_seg1rw
375 5510 0x1b7527a7000 0x1b7527a8000 4 r-x full Tracker_seg0ro
376 5511 0x1b7529a8000 0x1b7529a9000 4 rw- full Tracker_seg1rw
377 5506 0x1b94100a000 0x1b941028000 120 r-x full runtime_loader_seg0ro
378 5507 0x1b941227000 0x1b941229000 8 rw- full runtime_loader_seg1rw
379 6133 0x1cb28954000 0x1cb28962000 56 r-x full STXTTranslator_seg0ro
380 6134 0x1cb28b61000 0x1cb28b63000 8 rw- full STXTTranslator_seg1rw
381 5522 0x1e369c79000 0x1e369ddb000 1416 r-x full libstdc++.so.6.0.21_seg0ro
382 5523 0x1e369fdb000 0x1e369fe7000 48 rw- full libstdc++.so.6.0.21_seg1rw
383 5524 0x1e369fe7000 0x1e369fef000 32 rw- full libstdc++.so.6.0.21_seg2rw
384 5854 0x1ea5b003000 0x1ea5b011000 56 r-x full PNGTranslator_seg0ro
385 5855 0x1ea5b211000 0x1ea5b212000 4 rw- full PNGTranslator_seg1rw
386 5514 0x1f13ea97000 0x1f13ec2e000 1628 r-x full libtracker.so_seg0ro
387 5515 0x1f13ee2e000 0x1f13ee46000 96 rw- full libtracker.so_seg1rw
388 5516 0x1f13ee46000 0x1f13ee47000 4 rw- full libtracker.so_seg2rw
389 5555 0x1f37f6b2000 0x1f37fe72000 7936 rw- full heap
390 5542 0x20597e6d000 0x20597e82000 84 r-x full libtranslation.so_seg0ro
391 5543 0x20598081000 0x20598083000 8 rw- full libtranslation.so_seg1rw
392 6155 0x7f12814d0000 0x7f1281515000 276 rw-s full TrashWatcher_594_stack
393 5504 0x7f13c1634000 0x7f13c2635000 16388 rw-s full Tracker_559_stack
394 9289 0x7f3a91c0e000 0x7f3a91c53000 276 rw-s full w>mail cached menu_1208_stack
395 9261 0x7f4ba7dd0000 0x7f4ba7e15000 276 rw-s full popup_1200_stack
396 6157 0x7f53bfb78000 0x7f53bfbbd000 276 rw-s full ClipboardRefsWatcher_595_stack
397 5733 0x7f545c116000 0x7f545c15b000 276 rw-s full w>TrackerWindow_576_stack
398 9279 0x7f6d3d037000 0x7f6d3d07c000 276 rw-s full w>Home cached menu_1206_stack
399 9265 0x7f7229a06000 0x7f7229a4b000 276 rw-s full w>FileContext_1202_stack
400 5722 0x7f844f7aa000 0x7f844f7ef000 276 rw-s full launch looper_572_stack
401 9269 0x7fa5fcb8b000 0x7fa5fcbd0000 276 rw-s full w>FileContext cached menu_1204_
402 6153 0x7fa9c62a6000 0x7fa9c62eb000 276 rw-s full w>Tracker status_593_stack
403 6161 0x7fb126571000 0x7fb1265b6000 276 rw-s full TrackerTaskLoop_597_stack
404 5803 0x7fb20edee000 0x7fb20ee33000 276 rw-s full PathMonitor looper_579_stack
405 5502 0x7fb2b6724000 0x7fb2b6728000 16 rw- full user area
406 5505 0x7fe561298000 0x7fe5612a0000 32 r-xSk full commpage
408Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
411 ID Count Last Holder Name
412 ------------------------------------------------------------
413 2764 0 559 some BBlockCache lock
414 2765 0 0 Catalog
415 2766 0 0 some BLocker
416 2767 0 0 some BLocker
417 2768 0 1199 token space
418 2769 0 1200 BLooperList lock
419 2770 0 1204 AppServerLink_sLock
420 2771 0 0 LocaleRosterData
421 2772 0 0 some BLocker
422 2773 0 0 Catalog
423 2774 0 0 Catalog
424 2775 0 0 PeriodicUpdatePoses
425 2776 0 0 Light Lock
426 2777 0 0 Light Lock
427 2778 0 0 undo
428 2779 0 0 some BLocker
429 2780 0 0 some BLocker
430 2781 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
431 2782 0 0 AppLooperPort
432 2847 0 0 screen list
433 2849 0 0 clipboard
434 2851 0 0 width buffer
435 2853 0 0 some BLocker
436 2854 0 0 Light Lock
437 2858 0 0 Tracker node icon cache
438 2859 0 0 Tracker shared icon cache
439 2860 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
440 2861 0 0 launch looper
441 2875 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
442 2876 0 576 TrackerWindow
443 2913 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
444 2914 0 579 PathMonitor looper
445 2926 0 0 some BLocker
446 2946 0 0 translator list
447 2956 0 0 Catalog
448 2957 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
449 2960 0 0 Catalog
450 2961 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
451 2962 0 0 Catalog
452 2963 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
453 2977 0 0 Catalog
454 2984 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
455 2985 0 0 Catalog
456 2986 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
457 3002 0 0 Catalog
458 3003 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
459 3004 0 0 Catalog
460 3012 0 0 Catalog
461 3019 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
462 3020 0 0 Catalog
463 3022 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
464 3023 0 0 Catalog
465 3024 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
466 3025 0 0 Catalog
467 3026 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
468 3027 0 0 Catalog
469 3028 0 0 PPM settings lock
470 3031 0 0 Catalog
471 3032 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
472 3033 0 0 Catalog
473 3034 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
474 3035 0 0 Catalog
475 3036 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
476 3037 0 0 Catalog
477 3038 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
478 3039 0 0 Catalog
479 3040 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
480 3041 0 0 Catalog
481 3042 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
482 3043 0 0 Catalog
483 3044 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
484 3045 0 0 Catalog
485 3046 0 0 TranslatorSettings Lock
486 3050 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
487 3051 0 0 Tracker status
488 3060 0 0 some BLocker
489 3061 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
490 3062 0 0 TrashWatcher
491 3066 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
492 3067 0 0 ClipboardRefsWatcher
493 3071 0 0 some BLocker
494 3072 0 0 mimeListLock
495 3622 0 0 tool tip manager
496 68920 0 613 window close lock
497 68924 0 613 BMessageQueue Lock
498 68925 0 1202 FileContext
499 68974 0 613 BMessageQueue Lock
500 68975 0 1204 FileContext cached menu
501 69177 0 630 BMessageQueue Lock
502 69184 -1 1206 Home cached menu
503 69452 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
504 69453 -1 0 mail cached menu