Ticket #9205: hawine.patch
File hawine.patch, 11.6 KB (added by , 12 years ago) |
diff --git a/dlls/iphlpapi/ifenum.c b/dlls/iphlpapi/ifenum.c index aff88cd..b0feed4 100644
a b static DWORD getInterfaceMaskByName(const char *name) 304 304 return ret; 305 305 } 306 306 307 static DWORD getInterfacePhysicalByName(const char *name, PDWORD len, PBYTE addr, PDWORD type) 308 { 309 *len=0; 310 *type=0; 311 return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; 312 } 313 307 314 #if defined (SIOCGIFHWADDR) && defined (HAVE_STRUCT_IFREQ_IFR_HWADDR) 308 315 static DWORD getInterfacePhysicalByName(const char *name, PDWORD len, PBYTE addr, 309 316 PDWORD type) -
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/serial.c b/dlls/ntdll/serial.c index 231466c..79ee613 100644
a b static NTSTATUS get_line_control(int fd, SERIAL_LINE_CONTROL* slc) 260 260 } 261 261 switch (port.c_cflag & CSIZE) 262 262 { 263 /* 263 264 case CS5: slc->WordLength = 5; break; 264 265 case CS6: slc->WordLength = 6; break; 266 */ 265 267 case CS7: slc->WordLength = 7; break; 266 268 case CS8: slc->WordLength = 8; break; 267 269 default: ERR("unknown size %x\n", (UINT)(port.c_cflag & CSIZE)); -
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/server.c b/dlls/ntdll/server.c index 2fe7877..bbc7498 100644
a b void server_init_process(void) 1002 1002 /* setup the signal mask */ 1003 1003 sigemptyset( &server_block_set ); 1004 1004 sigaddset( &server_block_set, SIGALRM ); 1005 sigaddset( &server_block_set, SIGIO ); 1005 /* sigaddset( &server_block_set, SIGIO ); */ 1006 1006 sigaddset( &server_block_set, SIGINT ); 1007 1007 sigaddset( &server_block_set, SIGHUP ); 1008 1008 sigaddset( &server_block_set, SIGUSR1 ); -
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c b/dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c index 4a83a70..d7c7463 100644
a b typedef ucontext_t SIGCONTEXT; 399 399 #define T_MCHK T_MCA 400 400 #define T_XMMFLT T_XMM 401 401 402 #elif defined(__HAIKU__) 403 # include <sys/types.h> 404 # include <signal.h> 405 406 typedef ucontext_t SIGCONTEXT; 407 408 #define EAX_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.eax) 409 #define EBX_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.ebx) 410 #define ECX_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.ecx) 411 #define EDX_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.edx) 412 #define ESI_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.esi) 413 #define EDI_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.edi) 414 #define EBP_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.ebp) 415 #define ESP_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.esp) 416 417 #define CS_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.xregs.state.new_format.fp_cs) 418 #define DS_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.xregs.state.new_format.fp_ds) 419 /*#define ES_sig(context) NULL*/ 420 /*#define SS_sig(context) NULL*/ 421 /*#define FS_sig(context) NULL*/ 422 /*#define GS_sig(context) NULL*/ 423 424 #define EFL_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.eflags) 425 #define EIP_sig(context) ((context)->uc_mcontext.eip) 426 /*#define TRAP_sig(context) NULL*/ 427 /*#define ERROR_sig(context) NULL*/ 428 429 #define FPU_sig(context) NULL 430 #define FPUX_sig(context) NULL 431 432 #define T_MCHK T_MCA 433 #define T_XMMFLT T_XMM 434 402 435 #else 403 436 #error You must define the signal context functions for your platform 404 437 #endif /* linux */ … … static inline void *init_handler( const SIGCONTEXT *sigcontext, WORD *fs, WORD * 915 948 } 916 949 #endif 917 950 918 if (!wine_ldt_is_system(CS_sig(sigcontext)) || 919 !wine_ldt_is_system(SS_sig(sigcontext))) /* 16-bit mode */ 951 if (!wine_ldt_is_system(CS_sig(sigcontext))) 920 952 { 921 953 /* 922 954 * Win16 or DOS protected mode. Note that during switch … … static inline void save_context( CONTEXT *context, const SIGCONTEXT *sigcontext, 1071 1103 context->Esp = ESP_sig(sigcontext); 1072 1104 context->SegCs = LOWORD(CS_sig(sigcontext)); 1073 1105 context->SegDs = LOWORD(DS_sig(sigcontext)); 1074 context->SegEs = LOWORD(ES_sig(sigcontext)); 1106 /* context->SegEs = LOWORD(ES_sig(sigcontext)); */ 1075 1107 context->SegFs = fs; 1076 1108 context->SegGs = gs; 1077 context->SegSs = LOWORD(SS_sig(sigcontext)); 1109 /* context->SegSs = LOWORD(SS_sig(sigcontext)); */ 1078 1110 context->Dr0 = regs->dr0; 1079 1111 context->Dr1 = regs->dr1; 1080 1112 context->Dr2 = regs->dr2; … … static inline void restore_context( const CONTEXT *context, SIGCONTEXT *sigconte 1127 1159 ESP_sig(sigcontext) = context->Esp; 1128 1160 CS_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegCs; 1129 1161 DS_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegDs; 1130 ES_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegEs; 1131 SS_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegSs; 1162 /* ES_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegEs; */ 1163 /* SS_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegSs; */ 1132 1164 #ifdef GS_sig 1133 1165 GS_sig(sigcontext) = context->SegGs; 1134 1166 #else … … static EXCEPTION_RECORD *setup_exception_record( SIGCONTEXT *sigcontext, void *s 1639 1671 EFL_sig(sigcontext) &= ~(0x100|0x400|0x40000); 1640 1672 CS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_cs(); 1641 1673 DS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_ds(); 1642 ES_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_es(); 1643 FS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_fs(); 1644 GS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_gs(); 1645 SS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_ss(); 1674 /* ES_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_es(); */ 1675 /* FS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_fs(); */ 1676 /* GS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_gs(); */ 1677 /* SS_sig(sigcontext) = wine_get_ss(); */ 1646 1678 1647 1679 return stack->rec_ptr; 1648 1680 } -
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/thread.c b/dlls/ntdll/thread.c index 8f8fdcf..13b94c5 100644
a b NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlCreateUserThread( HANDLE process, const SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * 502 502 if ((status = virtual_alloc_thread_stack( teb, stack_reserve, stack_commit ))) goto error; 503 503 504 504 pthread_attr_init( &attr ); 505 pthread_attr_setstack( &attr, teb->DeallocationStack,506 (char *)teb->Tib.StackBase - (char *)teb->DeallocationStack ); 505 /* pthread_attr_setstack( &attr, teb->DeallocationStack, 506 (char *)teb->Tib.StackBase - (char *)teb->DeallocationStack );*/ 507 507 pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM ); /* force creating a kernel thread */ 508 508 interlocked_xchg_add( &nb_threads, 1 ); 509 509 if (pthread_create( &pthread_id, &attr, (void * (*)(void *))start_thread, info )) -
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/virtual.c b/dlls/ntdll/virtual.c index 88bcdbb..324fcb6 100644
a b NTSTATUS WINAPI NtAllocateVirtualMemory( HANDLE process, PVOID *ret, ULONG zero_ 1940 1940 else if (type & MEM_RESET) 1941 1941 { 1942 1942 if (!(view = VIRTUAL_FindView( base, size ))) status = STATUS_NOT_MAPPED_VIEW; 1943 else madvise( base, size,MADV_DONTNEED );1943 else posix_madvise( base, size, POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED ); 1944 1944 } 1945 1945 else /* commit the pages */ 1946 1946 { … … NTSTATUS WINAPI NtLockVirtualMemory( HANDLE process, PVOID *addr, SIZE_T *size, 2383 2383 *size = ROUND_SIZE( *addr, *size ); 2384 2384 *addr = ROUND_ADDR( *addr, page_mask ); 2385 2385 2386 if (mlock( *addr, *size )) status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; 2386 /* if (mlock( *addr, *size )) status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; */ 2387 2387 return status; 2388 2388 } 2389 2389 … … NTSTATUS WINAPI NtUnlockVirtualMemory( HANDLE process, PVOID *addr, SIZE_T *size 2420 2420 *size = ROUND_SIZE( *addr, *size ); 2421 2421 *addr = ROUND_ADDR( *addr, page_mask ); 2422 2422 2423 if (munlock( *addr, *size )) status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; 2423 /* if (munlock( *addr, *size )) status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; */ 2424 2424 return status; 2425 2425 } 2426 2426 -
diff --git a/dlls/rpcrt4/rpc_transport.c b/dlls/rpcrt4/rpc_transport.c index aebb05e..ebd7026 100644
a b 83 83 #include "wininet.h" 84 84 #include "winternl.h" 85 85 #include "wine/unicode.h" 86 //#include "winsock.h" 86 87 87 88 #include "rpc.h" 88 89 #include "rpcndr.h" … … typedef struct _RpcConnection_tcp 1020 1021 { 1021 1022 RpcConnection common; 1022 1023 int sock; 1023 #if def HAVE_SOCKETPAIR1024 #if 1 //def HAVE_SOCKETPAIR 1024 1025 int cancel_fds[2]; 1025 1026 #else 1026 1027 HANDLE sock_event; … … typedef struct _RpcConnection_tcp 1028 1029 #endif 1029 1030 } RpcConnection_tcp; 1030 1031 1031 #if def HAVE_SOCKETPAIR1032 #if 1 1032 1033 1033 1034 static BOOL rpcrt4_sock_wait_init(RpcConnection_tcp *tcpc) 1034 1035 { … … static size_t rpcrt4_ncacn_ip_tcp_get_top_of_tower(unsigned char *tower_data, 1538 1539 EPM_PROTOCOL_TCP, endpoint); 1539 1540 } 1540 1541 1541 #if def HAVE_SOCKETPAIR1542 #if 1 //def HAVE_SOCKETPAIR 1542 1543 1543 1544 typedef struct _RpcServerProtseq_sock 1544 1545 { -
diff --git a/dlls/winhttp/net.c b/dlls/winhttp/net.c index 5ec4e1a..3516a3b 100644
a b 59 59 #define USE_WS_PREFIX 60 60 #include "winsock2.h" 61 61 62 #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 63 #define ETOOMANYREFS 109 64 62 65 WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(winhttp); 63 66 64 67 #ifndef HAVE_GETADDRINFO -
diff --git a/dlls/wininet/netconnection.c b/dlls/wininet/netconnection.c index b746b54..ab79d2d 100644
a b 91 91 92 92 #define RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 30 /* FROM internet.c */ 93 93 94 #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 95 #define ETOOMANYREFS 109 94 96 95 97 WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(wininet); 96 98 -
diff --git a/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c b/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c index 5c69d21..e5b2031 100644
a b 170 170 #define INADDR_NONE ~0UL 171 171 #endif 172 172 173 #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 174 #define ETOOMANYREFS 109 175 173 176 WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(winsock); 174 177 WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(winediag); 175 178 -
diff --git a/server/change.c b/server/change.c index f6d56b0..28d3f93 100644
a b static void dnotify_adjust_changes( struct dir *dir ) 190 190 int fd = get_unix_fd( dir->fd ); 191 191 unsigned int filter = dir->filter; 192 192 unsigned int val; 193 if ( 0 > fcntl( fd, F_SETSIG, SIGIO) )194 return;193 // if ( 0 > fcntl( fd, F_SETSIG, SIGIO) ) 194 // return; 195 195 196 196 val = DN_MULTISHOT; 197 197 if (filter & FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME) … … static inline void insert_change( struct dir *dir ) 220 220 sigset_t sigset; 221 221 222 222 sigemptyset( &sigset ); 223 sigaddset( &sigset, SIGIO );223 // sigaddset( &sigset, SIGIO ); 224 224 sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL ); 225 225 list_add_head( &change_list, &dir->entry ); 226 226 sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL ); … … static inline void remove_change( struct dir *dir ) 232 232 sigset_t sigset; 233 233 234 234 sigemptyset( &sigset ); 235 sigaddset( &sigset, SIGIO );235 // sigaddset( &sigset, SIGIO ); 236 236 sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL ); 237 237 list_remove( &dir->entry ); 238 238 sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL ); -
diff --git a/server/process.h b/server/process.h index f216ecd..7c62336 100644
a b struct startup_info; 30 30 /* process startup state */ 31 31 enum startup_state { STARTUP_IN_PROGRESS, STARTUP_DONE, STARTUP_ABORTED }; 32 32 33 #ifdef __HAIKU__ 34 #define wait4(pid, status, options, rusage) waitpid(pid, status, options) 35 #endif 36 33 37 /* process structures */ 34 38 35 39 struct process_dll -
diff --git a/server/signal.c b/server/signal.c index 5e4fe33..fc21ae9 100644
a b void init_signals(void) 283 283 sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGHUP ); 284 284 sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGINT ); 285 285 sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGALRM ); 286 sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGIO );286 // sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGIO ); 287 287 sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGQUIT ); 288 288 sigaddset( &blocked_sigset, SIGTERM ); 289 289 #ifdef SIG_PTHREAD_CANCEL -
diff --git a/server/sock.c b/server/sock.c index 7dcc101..44fd6f0 100644
a b static int sock_get_ntstatus( int err ); 124 124 static int sock_get_error( int err ); 125 125 static void sock_set_error(void); 126 126 127 128 #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 129 #define ETOOMANYREFS 109 130 131 127 132 static const struct object_ops sock_ops = 128 133 { 129 134 sizeof(struct sock), /* size */