#!/bin/sh # Download and zip up wifi firmware from an OS with internet access. # To be unpacked to /boot in Haiku and installed from the Terminal # by running install-wifi-firmwares.sh # # To be used for Haiku Alpha4 # (i.e. without package management) DownloadFileTo() { local url="$1" local targetDir="$WIFI_DATA_TOP/$2/" if [ ! -d "$targetDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$targetDir" fi cd "$targetDir" wget "$url" cd "$SCRIPT_TOP_DIR" } # some variables SCRIPT_TOP_DIR=`pwd` WIFI_DATA_TOP=wifi-firmware baseURL=http://cgit.haiku-os.org/haiku/tree/src/system/libroot/posix archiveName=haiku-wifi-firmware-data.zip # copy these to system/data/firmware/broadcom43xx/b43-fwcutter/ dir=system/data/firmware/broadcom43xx/b43-fwcutter DownloadFileTo http://bues.ch/b43/fwcutter/b43-fwcutter-019.tar.bz2 $dir DownloadFileTo $baseURL/glibc/string/byteswap.h $dir # copy these to system/data/firmware/broadcom43xx/b43-fwcutter/bits dir=system/data/firmware/broadcom43xx/b43-fwcutter/bits DownloadFileTo $baseURL/glibc/include/arch/x86/bits/byteswap.h $dir # copy these to system/data/firmware/broadcom43xx/ dir=system/data/firmware/broadcom43xx DownloadFileTo http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta- $dir # copy these to system/data/firmware/marvell88w8335 dir=system/data/firmware/marvell88w8335 DownloadFileTo http://www.nazgul.ch/malo/malo-firmware-1.4.tgz $dir cd "$WIFI_DATA_TOP" zip -9ry ../$archiveName . cd .. echo "" echo "" echo "For Haiku Alpha4 (i.e. without package management)" echo "" echo "Extract $archiveName to your Haiku's /boot" echo "Then run install-wifi-firmwares.sh"