bulk load - start bulk load - context poll bulk load - transition to state [BULK_LOAD_REPOSITORY_AND_REFERENCE] bulk load - initiating [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] bulk load - starting process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] bulk load - initiating [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will start fetching icons bulk load - starting process [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkgicon/all.tar.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileEKPwrQ] [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__repository/all-en.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/filexCO7Ab] Fatal exception occurred while resolving system dependencies: No such file or directory, details: received 304 --> will not store download to file [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Wed, 20 Dec 2017 18:14:39 GMT] did complete fetching icons did not set the package icon for [haiku]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_loader]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_ca]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_de]; no data received 304 --> will not store download to file did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_en]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_es]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_fi]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_fr]; no data [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Mon, 04 Dec 2017 02:24:10 GMT] [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] did fetch data [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will process data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_hu]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_it]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_jp]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_pl]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_pt_br]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_pt_pt]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_ru]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_sk]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_sv_se]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_uk]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_userguide_zh_cn]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_welcome]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [haiku_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [makefile_engine]; no data did not set the package icon for [netfs]; no data did not set the package icon for [userland_fs]; no data did not set the package icon for [webpositive_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [2048]; no data did not set the package icon for [2048_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [2cdt]; no data did not set the package icon for [2cdt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [3dmov]; no data did not set the package icon for [3dmov_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [a52dec]; no data associated dept [clasqm's x86_gcc2 repo] (http://clasquin-johnson.co.za/michel/repo) with server repository source [clasqm_x86_gcc2] (http://clasquin-johnson.co.za/michel/repo) did not set the package icon for [a52dec_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [a52dec_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [a52dec_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [a52dec_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [a52dec_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [a_book] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/a_book/32.png] associated dept [HaikuPorts] (http://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/repository/x86_gcc2/current) with server repository source [haikuports_x86_gcc2] (https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/repository/x86_gcc2/current) did not set the package icon for [a_book_source]; no data [RepositoryDataUpdateProcess] did process data bulk load - context poll depot [Haiku] (https://packages.haiku-os.org/haiku/master/x86_gcc2/current) correlates with no repository in the haikudepot server system depot [Local] correlates with no repository in the haikudepot server system depot [] correlates with no repository in the haikudepot server system bulk load - transition to state [BULK_LOAD_PKGS_AND_ICONS] the depot [Haiku] has no repository source code did not set the package icon for [aalib]; no data did not set the package icon for [aalib_devel]; no data bulk load - initiating [PkgDataUpdateProcess] bulk load - starting process [PkgDataUpdateProcess] [PkgDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data did not set the package icon for [aalib_source]; no data the depot [Local] has no repository source code [PkgDataUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkg/all-haikuports_x86_gcc2-en.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileiIKOiP] the depot [] has no repository source code bulk load - initiating [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did initiate populate package data for 2 depots bulk load - starting process [PkgDataUpdateProcess] [PkgDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data [PkgDataUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkg/all-clasqm_x86_gcc2-en.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/filebKEA2s] did not set the package icon for [aalib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [aalib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [aalib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aalibtranslator]; no data did not set the package icon for [aalibtranslator_source]; no data have set the package icon for [abe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/abe/64.png] did not set the package icon for [abe_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [abiword]; no data did not set the package icon for [abiword_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [abrick]; no data did not set the package icon for [abrick_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [acr]; no data did not set the package icon for [acr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [advancemame_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [advancemame_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ahem]; no data did not set the package icon for [aiksaurus]; no data did not set the package icon for [aiksaurus_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [aiksaurus_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aiksaurus_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [aiksaurus_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [aiksaurus_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [album] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/album/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [album_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ale] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ale/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ale_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [alex4]; no data did not set the package icon for [alex4_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [alien_svn]; no data did not set the package icon for [alien_svn_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [alienblaster]; no data did not set the package icon for [alienblaster_source]; no data have set the package icon for [alivejournal] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/alivejournal/64.png] did not set the package icon for [alivejournal_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [allegro]; no data did not set the package icon for [allegro_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [allegro_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [allegro_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [allegro_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [allegro_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [almp3]; no data did not set the package icon for [almp3_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [almp3_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [almp3_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [almp3_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [almp3_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [amath]; no data did not set the package icon for [amath_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [amc]; no data did not set the package icon for [amc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [amoebax_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [amoebax_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [angband]; no data did not set the package icon for [angband_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [anonymous_pro]; no data did not set the package icon for [ansiweather]; no data did not set the package icon for [ansiweather_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [anthy]; no data did not set the package icon for [anthy_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [anthy_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [antiword]; no data did not set the package icon for [antiword_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apache]; no data did not set the package icon for [apache_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apache_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [apache_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apng2gif]; no data did not set the package icon for [apng2gif_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apngopt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [apngopt_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [apngopt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [app2png]; no data did not set the package icon for [app2png_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_util]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_util_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_util_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_util_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_util_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_util_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [apr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [arabeyes_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [argh]; no data did not set the package icon for [argh_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [argh_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [argh_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aria2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [aria2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_binutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_binutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_nolibc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_nolibc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_gdb_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_gdb_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_newlib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [arm_none_eabi_newlib_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [armyknife] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/armyknife/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [armyknife_source]; no data have set the package icon for [artpaint] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/artpaint/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [artpaint_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [asciidoc]; no data did not set the package icon for [asciidoc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_be]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_be_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_bg]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_bg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_ca]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_ca_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_de]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_de_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_en]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_en_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_eo]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_eo_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_es]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_es_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_fi]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_fi_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_fr]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_fr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_hr]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_hr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_hu]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_hu_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_it]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_it_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_lt]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_lt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_nl]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_nl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_pl]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_pl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_pt_br]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_pt_br_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_pt_pt]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_pt_pt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_ro]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_ro_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_ru]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_ru_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sk]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sl]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sr]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sv]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_sv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_uk]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_uk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [aspell_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [assimp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [assimp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [assimp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [astyle_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [astyle_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [atari++_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [atari++_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [atool]; no data did not set the package icon for [atool_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [attica_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [attica_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [attica_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [attrs]; no data did not set the package icon for [attrs_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [attrs_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [attrs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [audacious_plugins_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [audacious_plugins_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [audacious_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [audacious_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [audacious_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [audiofile_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [audiofile_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [audiofile_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [autoconf]; no data did not set the package icon for [autoconf213]; no data did not set the package icon for [autoconf213_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [autoconf213_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [autoconf213_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [autoconf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [automake]; no data did not set the package icon for [automake113]; no data did not set the package icon for [automake113_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [automake_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [automoc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [automoc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [autotrace]; no data did not set the package icon for [autotrace_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [autotrace_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [autotrace_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [autotrace_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [autotrace_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [avr_binutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [avr_binutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [avr_gcc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [avr_gcc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [avr_libc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [avr_libc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [avra]; no data did not set the package icon for [avra_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [avrdude_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [avrdude_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [babybe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/babybe/64.png] did not set the package icon for [babybe_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [backup]; no data did not set the package icon for [backup_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bafx]; no data did not set the package icon for [bafx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bakefile]; no data did not set the package icon for [bakefile_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bam]; no data did not set the package icon for [bam_source]; no data have set the package icon for [barrage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/barrage/64.png] did not set the package icon for [barrage_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bash]; no data did not set the package icon for [bash_completion]; no data did not set the package icon for [bash_completion_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bash_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [basiliskii]; no data did not set the package icon for [basiliskii_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bc]; no data did not set the package icon for [bc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bchunk]; no data did not set the package icon for [bchunk_source]; no data have set the package icon for [be_book] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/be_book/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [beae] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beae/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [beae_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [beautifulsoup]; no data did not set the package icon for [beautifulsoup_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [beautifulsoup_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [beautifulsoup_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bebuilder]; no data did not set the package icon for [bebuilder_source]; no data have set the package icon for [becasso] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/becasso/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [becasso_source]; no data have set the package icon for [becheckers] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/becheckers/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [becheckers_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [becjk]; no data did not set the package icon for [becjk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [beecrypt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [beecrypt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [beecrypt_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [beezer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beezer/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [beezer_source]; no data have set the package icon for [befar] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/befar/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [befar_source]; no data have set the package icon for [beget] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beget/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [beget_source]; no data have set the package icon for [belife] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/belife/32.png] did not set the package icon for [belife_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bencode_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [bencode_tools_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [bencode_tools_source]; no data have set the package icon for [beohms] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beohms/64.png] did not set the package icon for [beohms_source]; no data have set the package icon for [bepdf] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bepdf/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bepdf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bephotomagic]; no data did not set the package icon for [bephotomagic_source]; no data have set the package icon for [bepodder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bepodder/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bepodder_source]; no data have set the package icon for [bescreencapture] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bescreencapture/32.png] did not set the package icon for [bescreencapture_inputfilter]; no data did not set the package icon for [bescreencapture_source]; no data have set the package icon for [beshare_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beshare_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [beshare_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [besol]; no data did not set the package icon for [besol_source]; no data have set the package icon for [bespider] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bespider/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bespider_source]; no data have set the package icon for [bevexed] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bevexed/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bevexed_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bigreqsproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [bigreqsproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bigreqsproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bigreqsproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [billardgl]; no data did not set the package icon for [billardgl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bin86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bin86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bin86_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bin86_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [binaryclock]; no data did not set the package icon for [binaryclock_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [binutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [binutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [binutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [binutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bison]; no data did not set the package icon for [bison_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [bison_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bison_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bison_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [bison_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [blogpositive] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blogpositive/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [blogpositive_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bmake]; no data did not set the package icon for [bmake_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bochs]; no data did not set the package icon for [bochs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bochs_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bochs_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bonnie++]; no data did not set the package icon for [bonnie++_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bookmarkconverter]; no data did not set the package icon for [bookmarkconverter_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost165_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost165_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost165_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_atomic]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_chrono]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_container]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_context]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_coroutine]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_date_time]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_filesystem]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_graph]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_iostreams]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_locale]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_log]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_math]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_program_options]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_random]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_regex]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_serialization]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_signals]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_system]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_test]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_thread]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_timer]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_unit_test_framework]; no data did not set the package icon for [boost_x86_wave]; no data did not set the package icon for [botan_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [botan_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [botan_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [box2d]; no data did not set the package icon for [box2d_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [box2d_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [box2d_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [box2d_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [box2d_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bpg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bpg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [bpg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [breeze_icons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [breeze_icons_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [brexx]; no data did not set the package icon for [brexx_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [brexx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [brexx_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [brexx_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [brexx_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [buildbot_slave]; no data did not set the package icon for [buildbot_slave_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bumprace_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bumprace_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [burnitnow] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/burnitnow/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [burnitnow_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [burp]; no data did not set the package icon for [burp_source]; no data have set the package icon for [butterfly] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/butterfly/64.png] did not set the package icon for [butterfly_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [byacc]; no data did not set the package icon for [byacc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzflag_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzflag_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzip2]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzip2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzip2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzip2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzip2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [bzip2_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [bzr] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bzr/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bzr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [c_ares]; no data did not set the package icon for [c_ares_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [c_ares_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [c_ares_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [c_ares_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [c_ares_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ca_root_certificates]; no data did not set the package icon for [cabextract]; no data did not set the package icon for [cabextract_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cairo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cairo_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cairo_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [cal] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cal/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [cal_source]; no data have set the package icon for [caladea] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/caladea/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [calc]; no data did not set the package icon for [calc_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [calc_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [calc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [calc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [calc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [calc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [calcurse_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [calcurse_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [calligra_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calligra_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [calligra_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [camlp5]; no data did not set the package icon for [camlp5_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [canna]; no data did not set the package icon for [canna_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cantarell]; no data did not set the package icon for [cantata_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cantata_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [capitalbe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/capitalbe/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [capitalbe_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [capstone_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [capstone_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [capstone_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cardo]; no data have set the package icon for [carlito] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/carlito/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [catkeyseditor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/catkeyseditor/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [catkeyseditor_source]; no data have set the package icon for [caya] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/caya/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [caya_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ccache]; no data did not set the package icon for [ccache_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ccache_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ccache_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ccd2iso]; no data did not set the package icon for [ccd2iso_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdrtools]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdrtools_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdrtools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdrtools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdrtools_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdrtools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [chardet]; no data did not set the package icon for [chardet_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [chardet_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [chardet_source]; no data have set the package icon for [chat] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chat/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [chat_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [check]; no data did not set the package icon for [check_common]; no data did not set the package icon for [check_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [check_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [check_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [check_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [check_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cherokee_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cherokee_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cherokee_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [chmlib]; no data did not set the package icon for [chmlib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [chmlib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [chmlib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [chmlib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [chmlib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [chocolate_doom_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [chocolate_doom_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [clear_sans]; no data have set the package icon for [clipdinger] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clipdinger/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [clipdinger_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cln_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cln_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cln_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cloog_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cloog_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cloog_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [clucene_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [clucene_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [clucene_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cmake_haiku]; no data did not set the package icon for [cmake_haiku_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cmake_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cmake_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cmus_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cmus_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [codecrypt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [codecrypt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [color_lines_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [color_lines_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [colorcode_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/colorcode_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [colorcode_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [colordiff]; no data did not set the package icon for [colordiff_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [colormake]; no data did not set the package icon for [colormake_source]; no data have set the package icon for [colors] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/colors/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [colors_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [colors_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [colors_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [comic_neue]; no data have set the package icon for [commandtimer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/commandtimer/64.png] did not set the package icon for [commandtimer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [compositeproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [compositeproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [compositeproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [compositeproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [confuse]; no data did not set the package icon for [confuse_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [confuse_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [confuse_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [confuse_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [confuse_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [convmv]; no data did not set the package icon for [convmv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [coolreader3_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [coolreader3_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [copynametoclipboard] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/copynametoclipboard/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [copynametoclipboard_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [coreutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [coreutils_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [coreutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [courier_prime]; no data did not set the package icon for [cpctools]; no data did not set the package icon for [cpctools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cpio]; no data did not set the package icon for [cpio_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cppunit]; no data did not set the package icon for [cppunit_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cppunit_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cppunit_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cppunit_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [cppunit_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [crimson]; no data did not set the package icon for [crimson_source]; no data have set the package icon for [criticalmass] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/criticalmass/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [criticalmass_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [croscorefonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [crypto++_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [crypto++_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [crypto++_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [crypto++_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cscope]; no data did not set the package icon for [cscope_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cssselect]; no data did not set the package icon for [cssselect_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [cssselect_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [cssselect_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ctags]; no data did not set the package icon for [ctags_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [ctags_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [curl]; no data did not set the package icon for [curl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [curl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [curl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [curl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [curl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [curlftpfs]; no data did not set the package icon for [curlftpfs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cutecom_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cutecom_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cvs]; no data did not set the package icon for [cvs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [cvsps_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cvsps_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [d52]; no data did not set the package icon for [d52_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [daa2iso]; no data did not set the package icon for [daa2iso_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [damageproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [damageproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [damageproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [damageproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dateutil]; no data did not set the package icon for [dateutil_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [dateutil_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [dateutil_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [db]; no data did not set the package icon for [db61]; no data did not set the package icon for [db61_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [db61_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [db61_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [db61_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [db61_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [db_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [db_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [db_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [db_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [db_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dbus_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dbus_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [dbus_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dcadec_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dcadec_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [dcadec_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dcraw_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dcron]; no data received 304 --> will not store download to file did not set the package icon for [dcron_source]; no data have set the package icon for [defendguin] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/defendguin/64.png] [PkgDataUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:27:05 GMT] [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did fetch data [PkgDataUpdateProcess] will process data did not set the package icon for [defendguin_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dejagnu]; no data did not set the package icon for [dejagnu_source]; no data have set the package icon for [dejavu] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/dejavu/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [desknotes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/desknotes/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [desknotes_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [devil_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [devil_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [devil_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dfu_programmer_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dfu_programmer_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dfu_util]; no data did not set the package icon for [dfu_util_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dgen_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dgen_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dialog]; no data did not set the package icon for [dialog_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [dialog_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dialog_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dialog_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [dialog_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [diffstat]; no data did not set the package icon for [diffstat_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [diffutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [diffutils_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [diffutils_source]; no data have set the package icon for [digiclock] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/digiclock/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [digiclock_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [discount]; no data did not set the package icon for [discount_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [discount_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [discount_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [discount_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [discount_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvulibre]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvulibre_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvulibre_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvulibre_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvulibre_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvulibre_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [djvutranslator] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/djvutranslator/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [djvutranslator_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvutranslator_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [djvutranslator_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [djvuviewer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/djvuviewer/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [djvuviewer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dmg2img]; no data received 304 --> will not store download to file did not set the package icon for [dmg2img_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dmidecode]; no data [PkgDataUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Wed, 20 Dec 2017 20:06:05 GMT] [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did fetch data [PkgDataUpdateProcess] will process data did not set the package icon for [dmidecode_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dmtx_utils]; no data did not set the package icon for [dmtx_utils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [docbook_xml_dtd]; no data did not set the package icon for [docbook_xml_dtd_source]; no data did populate data for [sanity] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [docbook_xsl_stylesheets]; no data did not set the package icon for [docbook_xsl_stylesheets_source]; no data have set the package icon for [dockbert] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/dockbert/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [dockbert_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [doctranslator]; no data did not set the package icon for [doctranslator_source]; no data did populate data for [beshare_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [documentviewer_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/documentviewer_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [documentviewer_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [keymapswitcher] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [docutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [docutils_python]; no data did populate data for [weather] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [docutils_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [docutils_source]; no data did populate data for [qbittorrent_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dooble_x86]; no data did populate data for [beezer] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dooble_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dos2unix]; no data did not set the package icon for [dos2unix_source]; no data have set the package icon for [dosbox_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/dosbox_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [dosbox_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [slimevolley] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dosfstools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dosfstools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [double_conversion_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [double_conversion_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [double_conversion_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dovecot_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dovecot_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [doxygen]; no data did not set the package icon for [doxygen_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [doxygen_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [doxygen_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [droid] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/droid/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [dtc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dtc_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ducksaver] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ducksaver/32.png] did not set the package icon for [ducksaver_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dulwich]; no data did not set the package icon for [dulwich_source]; no data did populate data for [desknotes] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dumb]; no data did not set the package icon for [dumb_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [dumb_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dumb_x86]; no data did populate data for [qt_creator_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dumb_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [dumb_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dvda_author_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dvda_author_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [python] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dvdauthor_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dvdauthor_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [dvdbackup_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [dvdbackup_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [dynamate] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/dynamate/64.png] did populate data for [canna] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dynamate_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ebook_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [ebook_tools_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ebook_tools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ebook_tools_x86]; no data did populate data for [wonderbrush] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ebook_tools_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [qmmp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ebook_tools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ecdsa]; no data did populate data for [djvutranslator] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ecdsa_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [ecdsa_python3]; no data did populate data for [filwip] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ecdsa_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ed]; no data did not set the package icon for [ed_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [edgar]; no data did not set the package icon for [edgar_source]; no data did populate data for [vmware_addons] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [eduke32_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [eduke32_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [eigen]; no data did populate data for [flare_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [eigen_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [eigen_x86]; no data did populate data for [belife] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [eigen_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [einsteinium] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/einsteinium/icon.hvif] did populate data for [qupzilla_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [einsteinium_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [enca]; no data did not set the package icon for [enca_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [enca_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [enca_x86]; no data did populate data for [bespider] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [enca_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [enca_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [enchant]; no data did populate data for [djvuviewer] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [enchant_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [enchant_source]; no data did populate data for [colors] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [enchant_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [enchant_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [enchant_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [enet]; no data did not set the package icon for [enet_devel]; no data did populate data for [dejavu] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [enet_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [espeak]; no data did not set the package icon for [espeak_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [essays1743]; no data did not set the package icon for [exiftool]; no data did not set the package icon for [exiftool_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [exiv2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [exiv2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [exiv2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [exomizer]; no data did not set the package icon for [exomizer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [expat]; no data did not set the package icon for [expat_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [expat_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [expat_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [expat_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [expat_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [expect]; no data did not set the package icon for [expect_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [expect_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [extra_cmake_modules_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [extra_cmake_modules_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [f1spirit]; no data did not set the package icon for [f1spirit_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [faac]; no data did not set the package icon for [faac_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [faac_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [faac_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [faac_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [faac_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [faad2]; no data did not set the package icon for [faad2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [faad2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [faad2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [faad2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [faad2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fairtrade]; no data did not set the package icon for [fairtrade_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [farmhash_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [farmhash_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [farmhash_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [farsi_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [fasm]; no data did not set the package icon for [fasm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fastdep]; no data did not set the package icon for [fastdep_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fatsort_x86]; no data did populate data for [becjk] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fatsort_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fblend]; no data did not set the package icon for [fblend_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fceux_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fceux_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [copynametoclipboard] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fdupes]; no data did not set the package icon for [fdupes_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [feedparser]; no data did not set the package icon for [feedparser_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [feedparser_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [feedparser_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [festival_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [festival_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [festival_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ffmpeg] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ffmpeg/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ffmpeg_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ffmpeg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ffmpeg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ffmpeg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ffmpeg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fftw]; no data did not set the package icon for [fftw_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fftw_source]; no data did populate data for [bepdf] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fftw_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fftw_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fftw_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fifechan_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fifechan_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fifechan_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [figlet]; no data did not set the package icon for [figlet_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [file]; no data did not set the package icon for [file_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [file_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [file_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [file_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [file_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [file_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [filecropper]; no data did not set the package icon for [filecropper_source]; no data have set the package icon for [filer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/filer/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [filer_source]; no data have set the package icon for [filwip] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/filwip/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [filwip_source]; no data have set the package icon for [finance] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/finance/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [finance_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [findutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [findutils_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [findutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fira_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [firacode]; no data did not set the package icon for [fish_fillets]; no data did not set the package icon for [fish_fillets_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fish_fillets_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fish_fillets_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fish_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fish_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fixesproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [fixesproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fixesproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fixesproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fizmo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fizmo_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac123]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac123_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flac_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flam3]; no data did not set the package icon for [flam3_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flam3_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flam3_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [flam3_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flam3_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flare_data]; no data have set the package icon for [flare_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flare_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [flare_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flex]; no data did not set the package icon for [flex_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flickcurl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flite]; no data did not set the package icon for [flite_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flite_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flite_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [flite_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [flite_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [flobopuyo]; no data did not set the package icon for [flobopuyo_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidlite]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidlite_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidlite_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidlite_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidlite_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidlite_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidsynth]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidsynth_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidsynth_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidsynth_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fluidsynth_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [calligra_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fluidsynth_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [foldershaper] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/foldershaper/64.png] did not set the package icon for [foldershaper_source]; no data have set the package icon for [fontawesome] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontawesome/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [fontboy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontboy/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [fontboy_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontconfig]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontconfig_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontconfig_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontconfig_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontconfig_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontconfig_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontsproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontsproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontsproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontsproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fonttools]; no data did not set the package icon for [fonttools_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [fonttools_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [fonttools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontutil_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [fontutil_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [fortuna] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fortuna/64.png] did not set the package icon for [fortuna_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [freealut]; no data did populate data for [quicklaunch] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [freealut_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [freealut_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [freealut_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [freealut_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [freealut_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [befar] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [freeciv_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [freeciv_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [freegish]; no data did not set the package icon for [freegish_source]; no data did populate data for [qutim_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [freeimage_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [freeimage_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [cvs] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [freeimage_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [freetype]; no data did not set the package icon for [freetype_debuginfo]; no data did populate data for [dosbox_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [freetype_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [freetype_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [freetype_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [freetype_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [freetype_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [caladea] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [freetype_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fribidi]; no data did not set the package icon for [fribidi_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fribidi_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fribidi_x86]; no data did populate data for [bescreencapture] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fribidi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [fribidi_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [friss] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/friss/icon.hvif] did populate data for [cdrtools] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [friss_source]; no data did populate data for [scummvm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ftgl]; no data did not set the package icon for [ftgl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ftgl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ftgl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ftgl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ftgl_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ftppositive] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ftppositive/icon.hvif] did populate data for [jabber4haiku] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ftppositive_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [fuse]; no data did not set the package icon for [fuse_source]; no data did populate data for [librecad_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fuse_utils]; no data did not set the package icon for [fuse_utils_source]; no data have set the package icon for [fusesmb_haiku] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fusesmb_haiku/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [fusesmb_haiku_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [game_music_emu]; no data did not set the package icon for [game_music_emu_devel]; no data did populate data for [monkeystudio_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [game_music_emu_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [game_music_emu_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [game_music_emu_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [vlc] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [game_music_emu_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gawk]; no data did not set the package icon for [gawk_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [gawk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcab_x86]; no data did populate data for [genesis_commander] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gcab_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcab_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcal]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcal_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcc]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcc_source]; no data did populate data for [fontboy] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gcc_syslibs_devel]; no data did populate data for [chat] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gcc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcc_x86_fortran]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcc_x86_syslibs]; no data did not set the package icon for [gcc_x86_syslibs_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gd_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [trojita_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gd_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [mercurial] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gdal_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdal_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdal_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdata]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdata_python]; no data did populate data for [sum_it] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gdata_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdb]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdb_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdk_pixbuf]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdk_pixbuf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdk_pixbuf_source]; no data did populate data for [rdesktop] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gdk_pixbuf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gdk_pixbuf_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [be_book] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gdk_pixbuf_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [gemdropx] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gemdropx/64.png] did not set the package icon for [gemdropx_source]; no data have set the package icon for [gemz] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gemz/64.png] did not set the package icon for [gemz_source]; no data have set the package icon for [genesis_commander] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/genesis_commander/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [genesis_commander_source]; no data did populate data for [clipdinger] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [geoip]; no data did not set the package icon for [geoip_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [geoip_source]; no data did populate data for [catkeyseditor] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [geoip_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [geoip_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [carlito] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [geoip_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [geoipupdate_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [geoipupdate_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [geos_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [geos_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [geos_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [getconf]; no data did not set the package icon for [getconf_source]; no data did populate data for [quassel_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [getopt]; no data did not set the package icon for [getopt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gettext]; no data did populate data for [beae] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gettext_libintl]; no data did not set the package icon for [gettext_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gettext_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gettext_x86_libintl]; no data did not set the package icon for [gettext_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [sequitur] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [giddy3] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/giddy3/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [giddy3_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gif2apng_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gif2apng_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib6]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib6_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib6_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib6_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib6_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib6_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [giflib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gimps_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gimps_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [gimps_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [kolourpaint_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ginac_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ginac_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ginac_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [git] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/git/icon.hvif] did populate data for [qemacs] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [git_arch] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/git_arch/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [git_cvs] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/git_cvs/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [git_daemon] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/git_daemon/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [git_email] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/git_email/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bevexed] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [git_flow]; no data did not set the package icon for [git_flow_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [git_source]; no data have set the package icon for [git_svn] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/git_svn/icon.hvif] did populate data for [taskmanager] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glew]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew1]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew1_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew1_source]; no data did populate data for [becasso] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glew1_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew1_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew1_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew_devel]; no data did populate data for [mc] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glew_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew_util]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [nanosvgtranslator] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glew_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glew_x86_util]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib2]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib2_x86]; no data did populate data for [ffmpeg] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glib2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib_networking_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib_networking_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib_source]; no data did populate data for [photograbber] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glm]; no data did not set the package icon for [glm_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glm_source]; no data did populate data for [lnlauncher] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glm_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [global]; no data did not set the package icon for [global_source]; no data did populate data for [lyx_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [globe]; no data did not set the package icon for [globe_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glog_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glog_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [criticalmass] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glog_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gloox_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gloox_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [yab_ide] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gloox_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [glpng]; no data did populate data for [takenotes] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glpng_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glpng_source]; no data did populate data for [vision] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glu]; no data did not set the package icon for [glu_debuginfo]; no data did populate data for [dockbert] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glu_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [glu_source]; no data did populate data for [ducksaver] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glu_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [glu_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [glu_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [ltris] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [glu_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gmp]; no data did not set the package icon for [gmp_devel]; no data did populate data for [pdftranslator] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gmp_ecm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gmp_ecm_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gmp_ecm_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [ubertuber] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gmp_source]; no data did populate data for [caya] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gmp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gmp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gmp_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [pecorename] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gnome_common]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnome_common_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnome_common_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnome_common_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnu_efi_kernel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnulib]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnulib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnulib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnulib_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [lbreakout2] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gnupg]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnupg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnupg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnupg_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [postgresql] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gnuplot_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnuplot_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnurobbo]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnurobbo_source]; no data did populate data for [documentviewer_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gnutls]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls34_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls34_x86_bin]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls34_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls34_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [perl] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gnutls35_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls35_x86_bin]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls35_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls35_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls36_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls36_x86_bin]; no data did populate data for [bepodder] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gnutls36_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls36_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls_bin]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gocr]; no data did populate data for [fusesmb_haiku] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gocr_source]; no data did populate data for [mev] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gogo_no_coda]; no data did not set the package icon for [gogo_no_coda_source]; no data did populate data for [thememanager] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gogo_no_coda_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gogo_no_coda_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [goldendict_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [goldendict_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [keepassxc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [goonies_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [goonies_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [quickres] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gophernicus]; no data did not set the package icon for [gophernicus_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gperf]; no data did not set the package icon for [gperf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gpgme_x86]; no data did populate data for [armyknife] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gpgme_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gpgme_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gphoto2_x86]; no data did populate data for [album] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gphoto2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gpp]; no data did not set the package icon for [gpp_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gptfdisk]; no data did not set the package icon for [gptfdisk_source]; no data did populate data for [a_book] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [graphite2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [graphite2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [graphite2_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [lmarbles] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [grep] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/grep/32.png] have set the package icon for [grep_debuginfo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/grep_debuginfo/32.png] did not set the package icon for [grep_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [groff]; no data did not set the package icon for [groff_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gsl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gsl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gsl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_libav_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_libav_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_bad_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_bad_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_bad_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_base_x86]; no data did populate data for [blogpositive] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_base_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_base_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_good_x86]; no data did populate data for [capitalbe] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_good_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_ugly_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gst_plugins_ugly_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [ktorrent_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [gstreamer_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gstreamer_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gstreamer_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gtk_doc]; no data did not set the package icon for [gtk_doc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [guideml_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [guideml_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [guilib]; no data did not set the package icon for [guilib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [guilib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [guilib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [guilib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [guilib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [guitarmaster]; no data did not set the package icon for [guitarmaster_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gutenprint]; no data did not set the package icon for [gutenprint_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gutenprint_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gutenprint_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gutenprint_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [gutenprint_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gws]; no data did not set the package icon for [gws_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gyp]; no data did not set the package icon for [gyp_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [gzip]; no data did not set the package icon for [gzip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hack]; no data have set the package icon for [haikuporter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/haikuporter/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [haikuporter_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [haikutwitter_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [haikutwitter_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [haikuwebkit_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/haikuwebkit_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [haikuwebkit_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [haikuwebkit_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [handbrake_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [handbrake_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hare]; no data did not set the package icon for [hare_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [harfbuzz_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [harfbuzz_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [harfbuzz_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hdialog]; no data did not set the package icon for [hdialog_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [help2man]; no data did not set the package icon for [help2man_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [help2man_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [help2man_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [heroes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/heroes/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [heroes_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hexedit]; no data did not set the package icon for [hexedit_source]; no data have set the package icon for [hexvexed] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hexvexed/icon.hvif] did populate data for [friss] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hexvexed_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hidapi_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hidapi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [hidapi_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hivelytracker]; no data did not set the package icon for [hivelytracker_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [homeworld_sdl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [homeworld_sdl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hqx_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hqx_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [hqx_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [html2text]; no data did not set the package icon for [html2text_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [html2text_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [html2text_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [html5lib]; no data did not set the package icon for [html5lib_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [html5lib_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [html5lib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [html_parser]; no data did not set the package icon for [html_parser_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [htmldoc]; no data did not set the package icon for [htmldoc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [htop_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [htop_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [httplib2]; no data did not set the package icon for [httplib2_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [httplib2_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [httplib2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hub]; no data did not set the package icon for [hub_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hubbub]; no data did not set the package icon for [hubbub_devel]; no data did populate data for [netpulse] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hubbub_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hubbub_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hubbub_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [hubbub_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hugen]; no data did populate data for [pe] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hugen_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hugo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hugo_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [otter_browser_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hugs98]; no data did not set the package icon for [hugs98_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hunspell_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hunspell_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [hunspell_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [artpaint] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hwloc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hwloc_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [hwloc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [hwloc_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [vncserver] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hxcfloppyemulator_cmdline_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hxcfloppyemulator_cmdline_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hxtools_x86]; no data did populate data for [paladin] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hxtools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [hyperstudio]; no data did not set the package icon for [hyperstudio_source]; no data did populate data for [moe] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hyphen_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [hyphen_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [hyphen_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [aiksaurus] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iasl_x86]; no data did populate data for [abiword] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iasl_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [icebreaker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/icebreaker/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [icebreaker_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [icoutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [icoutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [icu]; no data did populate data for [mog] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [icu_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [icu_source]; no data did populate data for [aalibtranslator] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [icu_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [icu_x86]; no data did populate data for [a52dec] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [icu_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [icu_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [vl_gothic] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [idna]; no data did not set the package icon for [idna_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [idna_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [idna_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [idutils]; no data did populate data for [alien_svn_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [idutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [iec16022_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [iec16022_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [iec16022_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [iff_catalog]; no data did populate data for [alien_svn] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iff_catalog_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [iff_catalog_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [iff_catalog_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [alienblaster_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iff_ilbm_translator]; no data did populate data for [3dmov] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iff_ilbm_translator_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [iff_ilbm_translator_x86]; no data did populate data for [git_svn] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iff_ilbm_translator_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ilmbase]; no data did not set the package icon for [ilmbase_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ilmbase_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ilmbase_x86]; no data did populate data for [lynx] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ilmbase_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ilmbase_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [imagemagick]; no data did not set the package icon for [imagemagick_devel]; no data did populate data for [ocaml] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [imagemagick_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [imagemagick_x86]; no data did populate data for [allegro] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [imagemagick_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [imagemagick_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [abiword_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [imlib2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [imlib2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [imlib2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [inconsolata]; no data did not set the package icon for [indent]; no data did not set the package icon for [indent_source]; no data did populate data for [git_cvs] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [indent_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [indent_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [iniparse]; no data did populate data for [alex4_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iniparse_source]; no data did populate data for [djvulibre] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [inputproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [inputproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [inputproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [inputproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [interface_elements]; no data did not set the package icon for [interface_elements_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [interface_elements_source]; no data did populate data for [kstars_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [interface_elements_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [interface_elements_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [interface_elements_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [openssl] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [internalmidi]; no data did populate data for [timecop] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [internalmidi_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [intltool]; no data did populate data for [acr_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [intltool_source]; no data did populate data for [pipepanic] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [intltool_x86]; no data did populate data for [vwget] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [intltool_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [opensound] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [iozone]; no data did not set the package icon for [iozone_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [irrlicht_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [irrlicht_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [irrlicht_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [isl13_x86]; no data did populate data for [aiksaurus_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [isl13_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [isl13_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [wget] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [isl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [isl_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [isl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [isl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [itstool]; no data did populate data for [allegro_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [itstool_source]; no data did populate data for [unrar] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [jabber4haiku] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jabber4haiku/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [jabber4haiku_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jam]; no data did not set the package icon for [jam_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jansson]; no data did not set the package icon for [jansson_devel]; no data did populate data for [2048] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jansson_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jansson_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [jansson_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [alienblaster] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jansson_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper1]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper1_devel]; no data did populate data for [sdllopan] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jasper1_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper1_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper1_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper1_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper1_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper_devel]; no data did populate data for [f1spirit] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jasper_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [jasper_x86]; no data did populate data for [alex4] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jasper_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [aalib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jasper_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jbig2dec]; no data did not set the package icon for [jbig2dec_devel]; no data did populate data for [abe] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jbig2dec_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jbig2dec_x86]; no data did populate data for [a52dec_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jbig2dec_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [jbig2dec_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jed_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [jed_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jgmod]; no data did populate data for [grep_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jgmod_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [jgmod_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jinja]; no data did populate data for [almp3] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jinja_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [jinja_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [jinja_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [joe]; no data did not set the package icon for [joe_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [joystickutilizer]; no data did not set the package icon for [joystickutilizer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg_tools]; no data did populate data for [trackergrep] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jpeg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpeg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jpegoptim]; no data did populate data for [milkytracker] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jpegoptim_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [jq_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [jq_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [json_c]; no data did populate data for [alivejournal] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [json_c_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [json_c_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [json_c_x86]; no data did populate data for [shredder] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [json_c_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [json_c_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kacst_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [kactivities_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kactivities_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [3dmov_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kactivities_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [karchive_x86]; no data did populate data for [aalib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [karchive_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [karchive_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kauth_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kauth_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kauth_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [giddy3] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kbookmarks_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kbookmarks_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kbookmarks_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kbproto]; no data did populate data for [allegro_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kbproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kbproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kbproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcmutils_x86]; no data did populate data for [mirrormagic] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kcmutils_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcmutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcodecs_x86]; no data did populate data for [aalib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kcodecs_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcodecs_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcompletion_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcompletion_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcompletion_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kconfig_x86]; no data did populate data for [xrick] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kconfig_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kconfig_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kconfigwidgets_x86]; no data did populate data for [abrick_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kconfigwidgets_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kconfigwidgets_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [abe_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kcoreaddons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcoreaddons_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcoreaddons_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcrash_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcrash_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kcrash_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [2cdt_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kdbusaddons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdbusaddons_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdbusaddons_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdeclarative_x86]; no data did populate data for [alivejournal_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kdeclarative_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdeclarative_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kded_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kded_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kded_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [acr] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kdelibs4support_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdelibs4support_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdelibs4support_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [lmms_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kdesignerplugin_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdesignerplugin_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdesignerplugin_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdiagram_x86]; no data did populate data for [advancemame_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kdiagram_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdiagram_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [kdiff3_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kdiff3_x86/64.png] did populate data for [ale] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kdiff3_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdoctools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdoctools_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kdoctools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [keepassxc_x86]; no data did populate data for [allegro_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [keepassxc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kemoticons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kemoticons_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kemoticons_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [aiksaurus_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [keymapswitcher] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/keymapswitcher/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [keymapswitcher_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [keymapswitcher_x86]; no data did populate data for [abrick] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [keymapswitcher_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kfilemetadata_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kfilemetadata_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [aiksaurus_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kfilemetadata_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [sqlite] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kglobalaccel_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kglobalaccel_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kglobalaccel_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [scons] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kguiaddons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kguiaddons_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [wpa_supplicant] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kguiaddons_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [khtml_x86]; no data did populate data for [a52dec_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [khtml_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [qemu_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [khtml_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ki18n_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ki18n_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [advancemame_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [ki18n_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kiconthemes_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kiconthemes_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kiconthemes_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [einsteinium] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kidletime_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kidletime_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kidletime_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kimageformats_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kimageformats_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [git_arch] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kinit_x86]; no data did populate data for [pecobeat] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kinit_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kinit_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kio_x86]; no data did populate data for [roadfighter] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kio_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kio_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kitemmodels_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kitemmodels_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kitemmodels_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [llvm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kitemviews_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kitemviews_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kitemviews_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kjobwidgets_x86]; no data did populate data for [aalib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kjobwidgets_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kjobwidgets_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kjs_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kjs_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kjs_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [super_transball] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [knewstuff_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [knewstuff_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [knewstuff_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [knotifications_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [knotifications_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [knotifications_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [openssh] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [knotifyconfig_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [knotifyconfig_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [smtube_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [knotifyconfig_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [koder_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [koder_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [kolourpaint_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kolourpaint_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [kolourpaint_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [haikuwebkit_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [konfetti]; no data did not set the package icon for [konfetti_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kovel_x86]; no data did populate data for [git_daemon] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kovel_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kpackage_x86]; no data did populate data for [git] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kpackage_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kpackage_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kparts_x86]; no data did populate data for [a52dec_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kparts_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kparts_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kplotting_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kplotting_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kplotting_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [2cdt] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kproperty_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kproperty_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [a52dec_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kproperty_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kqlives]; no data did not set the package icon for [kqlives_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kreport_x86]; no data did populate data for [seeker] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kreport_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [samba] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kreport_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kross_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kross_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [rocksndiamonds_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kross_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kservice_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kservice_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [aalib] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [kservice_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kstars_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kstars_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ksyntax_highlighting_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ksyntax_highlighting_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ksyntax_highlighting_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktexteditor_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktexteditor_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktexteditor_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktextwidgets_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktextwidgets_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktextwidgets_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktorrent_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ktorrent_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kunitconversion_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kunitconversion_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kunitconversion_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwallet_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwallet_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwallet_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwidgetsaddons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwidgetsaddons_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwidgetsaddons_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwindowsystem_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwindowsystem_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kwindowsystem_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [kxmlgui_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [kxmlgui_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [kxmlgui_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ladspa_sdk]; no data did not set the package icon for [ladspa_sdk_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ladspa_sdk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ladspa_sdk_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ladspa_sdk_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ladspa_sdk_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lame]; no data did not set the package icon for [lame_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lame_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lame_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lame_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lame_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lateef_font]; no data did not set the package icon for [lato_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [lava]; no data did not set the package icon for [lava_source]; no data have set the package icon for [lbreakout2] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lbreakout2/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [lbreakout2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcab]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcab_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcms_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcms_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcms_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcov]; no data did not set the package icon for [lcov_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lensfun_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lensfun_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lensfun_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica]; no data did populate data for [slayer] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [leptonica_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [leptonica_x86_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [less]; no data did not set the package icon for [less_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lftp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lftp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lftp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lgeneral]; no data did not set the package icon for [lgeneral_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lgeneral_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lgeneral_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lha]; no data did not set the package icon for [lha_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lib3ds]; no data did not set the package icon for [lib3ds_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lib3ds_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lib3ds_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lib3ds_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lib3ds_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libaacs_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libaacs_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libaacs_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libabw_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libabw_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libabw_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libao]; no data did not set the package icon for [libao_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libao_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libao_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libao_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libao_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libarchive_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libarchive_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libarchive_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libart_lgpl]; no data did not set the package icon for [libart_lgpl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libart_lgpl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libart_lgpl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libart_lgpl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libart_lgpl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libasr]; no data did not set the package icon for [libasr_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libasr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libasr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libasr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libasr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libass_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libass_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libass_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libassuan]; no data did not set the package icon for [libassuan_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libassuan_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libassuan_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libassuan_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libassuan_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libatomic_ops_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libatomic_ops_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libatomic_ops_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libattica_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libattica_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libattica_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libaubio_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libaubio_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libaubio_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbase58_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbase58_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbase58_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbase58_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbdplus_x86]; no data did populate data for [album_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libbdplus_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbdplus_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libblkmaker_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libblkmaker_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libblkmaker_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbluray1_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbluray1_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbluray1_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbluray_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbluray_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbluray_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbson_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbson_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libbson_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburn_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburn_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburn_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburndevice]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburndevice_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburndevice_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburndevice_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburndevice_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libburndevice_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca_doc]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcaca_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcddb]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcddb_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcddb_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcddb_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcddb_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcddb_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdio]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdio_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdio_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdio_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdio_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdio_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcdr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libclaw_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libclaw_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libclaw_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcmis_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcmis_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcmis_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libconfig_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libconfig_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libconfig_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcroco]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcroco_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcroco_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcroco_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcroco_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcroco_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcss_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcss_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcss_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcuefile]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcuefile_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcuefile_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcuefile_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcuefile_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libcuefile_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [aiksaurus_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libdbusmenu_qt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdbusmenu_qt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdbusmenu_qt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdca]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdca_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdca_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdca_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdca_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdca_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdiscid]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdiscid_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdiscid_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdiscid_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdiscid_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdiscid_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdmtx]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdmtx_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdmtx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdmtx_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdmtx_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdmtx_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdom_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdom_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdom_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdsk_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdv]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdv_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdv_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdv_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdv_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi12]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi12_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi12_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi12_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi12_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi12_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvbpsi_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdcss]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdcss_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdcss_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdcss_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdcss_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdcss_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdnav]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdnav_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdnav_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdnav_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdnav_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdnav_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdread]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdread_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdread_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdread_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdread_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdvdread_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdwarf]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdwarf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdwarf_source]; no data did populate data for [grep] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libdwarf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdwarf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libdwarf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebml]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebml_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebml_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebml_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebml_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebml_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebook_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebook_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebook_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebur128]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebur128_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libebur128_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libedit]; no data did not set the package icon for [libedit_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libedit_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libedit_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libedit_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libedit_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libelf]; no data did not set the package icon for [libelf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libelf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libelf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libelf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libelf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liberation_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [liberation_fonts_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libertine]; no data did not set the package icon for [libertine_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libetonyek_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libetonyek_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libetonyek_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libevent_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libevent_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [aiksaurus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libevent_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexecinfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexecinfo_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexecinfo_source]; no data did populate data for [openttd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libexecinfo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexecinfo_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexecinfo_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexif]; no data did populate data for [jasper] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libexif_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexif_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexif_x86]; no data did populate data for [subversion] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libexif_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libexif_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfdk_aac_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfdk_aac_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfdk_aac_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfdk_aac_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libffi]; no data did not set the package icon for [libffi_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libffi_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libffi_x86]; no data did populate data for [goonies_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libffi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libffi_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfilezilla_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfilezilla_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfilezilla_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfpx]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfpx_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfpx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfreehand_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfreehand_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libfreehand_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libftdi_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libftdi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libftdi_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgcrypt]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgcrypt_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgcrypt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgcrypt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgcrypt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgcrypt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgeotiff_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgeotiff_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgeotiff_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgit2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgit2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgit2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgpg_error]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgpg_error_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgpg_error_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgpg_error_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgpg_error_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgpg_error_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgphoto2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgphoto2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgphoto2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgsasl]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgsasl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgsasl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgsasl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgsasl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libgsasl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libguess]; no data did populate data for [tuxpaint] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libguess_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libguess_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libguess_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libguess_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [git_email] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libguess_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libharu]; no data did not set the package icon for [libharu_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libharu_source]; no data did populate data for [allegro_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libhx_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libhx_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libhx_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libhxcfe_x86]; no data did populate data for [audacious_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libhxcfe_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libhxcfe_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libical_x86]; no data did populate data for [armyknife_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libical_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libical_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libicns]; no data did populate data for [assimp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libicns_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libicns_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libicns_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libicns_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [attica_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libicns_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiconv]; no data did populate data for [autoconf213_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libiconv_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiconv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiconv_x86]; no data did populate data for [avra] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libiconv_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiconv_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libid3tag]; no data did not set the package icon for [libid3tag_devel]; no data did populate data for [antiword_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libid3tag_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libid3tag_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libid3tag_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libid3tag_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidl]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidl_devel]; no data did populate data for [audiofile_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libidl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidl_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [almp3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libidn]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidn_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidn_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidn_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libidn_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [apr_util_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libidn_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libimagemanip]; no data did not set the package icon for [libimagemanip_devel]; no data did populate data for [autotrace_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libimagemanip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libimagemanip_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libimagemanip_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libimagemanip_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiodbc]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiodbc_devel]; no data did populate data for [anthy_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libiodbc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiodbc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiodbc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiodbc_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_newlib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libiptcdata]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiptcdata_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libiptcdata_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libircclient]; no data did populate data for [almp3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libircclient_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libircclient_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libircclient_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libircclient_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [apr] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libircclient_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libkomparediff2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libkomparediff2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libkomparediff2_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [almp3_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libksba]; no data did not set the package icon for [libksba_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libksba_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_util_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libksba_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libksba_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_gdb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libksba_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libktorrent_x86]; no data did populate data for [audiofile_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libktorrent_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libktorrent_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblangtag_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblangtag_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [autoconf213] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [liblangtag_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblayout]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblayout_devel]; no data did populate data for [attrs] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [liblayout_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblayout_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblayout_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblayout_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [amath_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [liblo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblo_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblo_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [apache_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [liblrdf]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblrdf_devel]; no data did populate data for [attica_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [liblrdf_source]; no data did populate data for [autotrace_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [liblrdf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblrdf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [liblrdf_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [audacious_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmad]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmad_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmad_source]; no data did populate data for [automoc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmad_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmad_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [apache_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmad_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmatroska]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmatroska_devel]; no data did populate data for [almp3_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmatroska_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmatroska_x86]; no data did populate data for [antiword] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmatroska_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [attrs_python] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmatroska_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmaxminddb_x86]; no data did populate data for [amath] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmaxminddb_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmaxminddb_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmetalink]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmetalink_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmetalink_source]; no data did populate data for [almp3_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmetalink_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmetalink_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmetalink_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmicrohttpd]; no data did populate data for [aspell] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmicrohttpd_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmicrohttpd_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmicrohttpd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmicrohttpd_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [aspell_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmicrohttpd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmikmod]; no data did populate data for [apng2gif_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmikmod_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmikmod_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmikmod_x86]; no data did populate data for [apngopt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmikmod_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmikmod_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmkv]; no data did populate data for [argh_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmkv_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmkv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmkv_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmkv_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmkv_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmms]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmms_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmms_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmms_x86]; no data did populate data for [attrs_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmms_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmms_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmng]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_nolibc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmng_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmng_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmng_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmng_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [aspell_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmng_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmodplug]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmodplug_devel]; no data did populate data for [attica_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmodplug_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmodplug_x86]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_nolibc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmodplug_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmodplug_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [audiofile_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmp4v2_x86]; no data did populate data for [apngopt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libmp4v2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmp4v2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmpeg2]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmpeg2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmpeg2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmpeg2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmpeg2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmpeg2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspack]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspack_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspack_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspack_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspack_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspack_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspub_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspub_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmspub_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmtp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmtp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmtp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmwaw_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmwaw_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmwaw_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmysqlclient_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmysqlclient_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libmysqlclient_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnatpmp]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnatpmp_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnatpmp_source]; no data did populate data for [amoebax_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libnsbmp]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsbmp_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsbmp_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsbmp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsbmp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsbmp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsgif_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsgif_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsgif_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnslog_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnslog_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnslog_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnspsl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnspsl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnspsl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsutils_devel]; no data did populate data for [apache] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libnsutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsutils_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libnsutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboauth]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboauth_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboauth_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboauth_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboauth_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboauth_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libodfgen_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libodfgen_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libodfgen_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libogg]; no data did not set the package icon for [libogg_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libogg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libogg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libogg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libogg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboil]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboil_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [liboil_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libopenmpt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libopenmpt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libopenmpt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libotr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libotr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libotr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libp11]; no data did not set the package icon for [libp11_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libp11_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libp11_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libp11_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libp11_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpagemaker_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpagemaker_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpagemaker_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpaper]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpaper_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpaper_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpaper_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpaper_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpaper_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libparserutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [libparserutils_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libparserutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libparserutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libparserutils_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libparserutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcap]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcap_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcap_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre0]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre0_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre0_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre0_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre2]; no data did populate data for [aria2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libpcre2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpcre_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpipeline_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libplist]; no data did not set the package icon for [libplist_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libplist_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libplist_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libplist_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libplist_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng12]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng12_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng12_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng16]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng16_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng16_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng16_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng16_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng16_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_util] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libpng_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpng_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libprefs]; no data did not set the package icon for [libprefs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpthread_stubs]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpthread_stubs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpthread_stubs_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libpthread_stubs_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [libqt4_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/libqt4_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [libqt4_x86_devel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/libqt4_x86_devel/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [libqt4_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libquicktime]; no data did not set the package icon for [libquicktime_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libquicktime_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libquicktime_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libquicktime_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libquicktime_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraqm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraqm_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraqm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraw_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraw_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraw_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libraw_x86_tools]; no data have set the package icon for [librecad_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/librecad_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [librecad_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libreplaygain]; no data did not set the package icon for [libreplaygain_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libreplaygain_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libreplaygain_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libreplaygain_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libreplaygain_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [librevenge_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [librevenge_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [librevenge_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [librsync]; no data did not set the package icon for [librsync_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [librsync_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [librsync_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [librsync_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [librsync_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsamplerate_x86]; no data did populate data for [asciidoc_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libsamplerate_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsamplerate_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsanta]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsanta_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsanta_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsanta_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsanta_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsanta_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsass_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsass_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsass_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl2]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsdl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libshout]; no data did not set the package icon for [libshout_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libshout_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libshout_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libshout_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libshout_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++3_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++3_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++3_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigc++_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigsegv]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigsegv_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigsegv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigsegv_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigsegv_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsigsegv_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmdev_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmdev_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmdev_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmf]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsmf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsndfile]; no data did populate data for [apr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libsndfile_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsndfile_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsndfile_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsndfile_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsndfile_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsodium]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsodium_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsodium_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsodium_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsodium_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsodium_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsolv]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsolv_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsolv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsolv_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsolv_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsolv_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoundtouch_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoundtouch_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoundtouch_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoup_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoup_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoup_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsoup_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libspectrum]; no data did not set the package icon for [libspectrum_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libspectrum_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libssh2]; no data did not set the package icon for [libssh2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libssh2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libssh2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libssh2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libssh2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvgtiny_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvgtiny_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvgtiny_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvm]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvm_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libsvm_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtar]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtar_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtar_source]; no data did populate data for [autoconf] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libtasn1]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtasn1_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtasn1_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtasn1_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtasn1_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtasn1_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtheora]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtheora_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtheora_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtheora_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtheora_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtheora_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtimidity]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtimidity_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtimidity_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtimidity_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtimidity_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtimidity_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtool]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtool_libltdl]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtool_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtool_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtool_x86_libltdl]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtool_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtorrent_rasterbar_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtorrent_rasterbar_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libtorrent_rasterbar_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libunistring]; no data did not set the package icon for [libunistring_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libunistring_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libunistring_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libunistring_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libunistring_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libupnp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libupnp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libupnp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_compat]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_compat_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_compat_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_compat_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_compat_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_compat_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [assimp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libusb_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusb_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusbhxcfe_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusbhxcfe_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusbhxcfe_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusbmuxd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusbmuxd_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libusbmuxd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libutf8proc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libutf8proc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libutf8proc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libuuid]; no data did not set the package icon for [libuuid_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libuuid_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libuuid_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libuuid_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libuuid_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvisio_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvisio_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvisio_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvncserver_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvncserver_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvncserver_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvorbis]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvorbis_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvorbis_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvorbis_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvorbis_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvorbis_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx3_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx3_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx3_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvterm]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvterm_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvterm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvterm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvterm_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvterm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwalter]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwalter_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwapcaplet_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwapcaplet_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwapcaplet_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp5]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp5_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp5_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp5_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp5_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp5_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp6]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp6_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp6_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp6_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp6_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp6_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwebp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwpd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwpd_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwpd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwpg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwpg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwpg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwps_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libwps_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [apngopt_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [libwps_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libx11]; no data did not set the package icon for [libx11_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libx11_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libx11_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libx11_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxau]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxau_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxau_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxau_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxau_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxau_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcb]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcb_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcb_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcb_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcb_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcm]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcm_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcm_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxcm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxdg_basedir]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxdg_basedir_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxdg_basedir_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxdg_basedir_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxdg_basedir_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxdg_basedir_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxext_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxext_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxext_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxfixes_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxfixes_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxfixes_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxi_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxi_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxinerama_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxinerama_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxinerama_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxkbfile_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxkbfile_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxkbfile_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxml2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxpm]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxpm_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxpm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxpm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxpm_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxpm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxslt]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxslt_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxslt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxslt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxslt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxtst_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxtst_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libxtst_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libykpers_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libykpers_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libykpers_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libyubikey]; no data did not set the package icon for [libyubikey_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libyubikey_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libyubikey_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libyubikey_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libyubikey_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libzip]; no data did not set the package icon for [libzip_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libzip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [libzip_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libzip_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [libzip_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lighttpd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lighttpd_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lighttpd_x86_mod_geoip]; no data did not set the package icon for [lighttpd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [linaro_qemu_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [linaro_qemu_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [links]; no data did not set the package icon for [links_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [live555]; no data did not set the package icon for [live555_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [live555_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [live555_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [live555_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [live555_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [llvm_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/llvm_x86/32.png] did not set the package icon for [llvm_x86_clang]; no data did not set the package icon for [llvm_x86_clang_analysis]; no data did not set the package icon for [llvm_x86_libs]; no data did not set the package icon for [llvm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lm4tools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lm4tools_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [lmarbles] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lmarbles/icon.hvif] did populate data for [autotrace_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [lmarbles_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lmdb_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lmdb_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lmdb_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [lmms_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lmms_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [lmms_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [lnlauncher] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lnlauncher/32.png] did not set the package icon for [lnlauncher_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lohit]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpairs]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpairs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpsolve]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpsolve_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpsolve_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpsolve_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpsolve_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lpsolve_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lrzsz]; no data did not set the package icon for [lrzsz_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lsdvd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lsdvd_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ltris] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ltris/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ltris_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua51]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua51_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua51_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua51_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua51_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua51_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua52]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua52_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua52_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua52_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua52_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua52_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lua_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [luacheck]; no data did not set the package icon for [luacheck_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [luafilesystem]; no data did not set the package icon for [luafilesystem_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [luafilesystem_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [luafilesystem_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [luajit_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [luajit_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [luajit_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [luarocks]; no data did not set the package icon for [luarocks_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [luarocks_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [luarocks_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lwtools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lwtools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lynx]; no data did not set the package icon for [lynx_source]; no data have set the package icon for [lyx_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lyx_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [lyx_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lz4]; no data did not set the package icon for [lz4_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lz4_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lz4_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lz4_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lz4_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzip_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzip_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzo]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzo_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzo_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzo_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzo_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzop]; no data did not set the package icon for [lzop_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [m4]; no data did not set the package icon for [m4_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [m4_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [make]; no data did not set the package icon for [make_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [make_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [makedepend]; no data did not set the package icon for [makedepend_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mako]; no data did not set the package icon for [mako_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [mako_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [mako_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [man]; no data did not set the package icon for [man_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [maps]; no data did not set the package icon for [maps_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [markdown]; no data did not set the package icon for [markdown_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [markdown_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [markdown_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [markups]; no data did not set the package icon for [markups_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [markups_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [markups_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mawk]; no data did not set the package icon for [mawk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mbedtls_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mc]; no data did not set the package icon for [mc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mda_vst_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mda_vst_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdate]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdate_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdds_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdds_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdds_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdocml]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdocml_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mdocml_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mechanize]; no data did not set the package icon for [mechanize_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [mechanize_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mediainfo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mediainfo_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [mercurial] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mercurial/32.png] did not set the package icon for [mercurial_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_swrast]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mesa_x86_swpipe]; no data did not set the package icon for [meson]; no data did not set the package icon for [meson_source]; no data have set the package icon for [mev] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mev/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [mev_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mgba_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mgba_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [midikeyboard]; no data did not set the package icon for [midikeyboard_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mikmod]; no data did not set the package icon for [mikmod_source]; no data have set the package icon for [milkytracker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/milkytracker/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [milkytracker_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mimetic_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mimetic_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mimetic_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [minesweeper]; no data did not set the package icon for [minesweeper_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [minicom_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [minicom_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [minimizeall] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/minimizeall/64.png] did not set the package icon for [minimizeall_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [minisign]; no data did not set the package icon for [minisign_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [minisign_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [minisign_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [minizip]; no data did not set the package icon for [minizip_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [minizip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [minizip_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [minizip_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [amc_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [minizip_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mirrormagic]; no data did not set the package icon for [mirrormagic_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mjpegtools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mjpegtools_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mjpegtools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mkdepend]; no data did not set the package icon for [mkdepend_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mksh]; no data did not set the package icon for [mksh_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mm_common]; no data did not set the package icon for [mm_common_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mock]; no data did not set the package icon for [mock_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [mock_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [mock_source]; no data have set the package icon for [moe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/moe/32.png] did not set the package icon for [moe_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mog]; no data did not set the package icon for [mog_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [moleinvasion]; no data did not set the package icon for [moleinvasion_music]; no data did not set the package icon for [moleinvasion_source]; no data have set the package icon for [monkeystudio_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/monkeystudio_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [monkeystudio_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [monoid]; no data did not set the package icon for [monoid_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mosh_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mosh_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpc]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpc_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpfr]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpfr_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpfr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpfr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpfr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpfr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg123]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg123_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg123_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg123_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg123_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg123_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg321_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpg321_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mplus]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpv_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mpv_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [mrpeeps] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mrpeeps/64.png] did not set the package icon for [mrpeeps_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [msgpack_c_cpp_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [msgpack_c_cpp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [msgpack_c_cpp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [msgpack_c_cpp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [msttcorefonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [mtr]; no data did not set the package icon for [mtr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mtr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mtr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [multitalk]; no data did not set the package icon for [multitalk_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [muparser_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [muparser_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [muparser_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mupdf]; no data did populate data for [automoc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [mupdf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mupdf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mupdf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mupdf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [mupdf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [muscle_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [muscle_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [muscle_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [musepack_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [musepack_tools_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [musepack_tools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [musepack_tools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [musepack_tools_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [musepack_tools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [musescore_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [musescore_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [musicbrainz]; no data did not set the package icon for [musicbrainz_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [musicbrainz_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [musicbrainz_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [musicbrainz_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [musicbrainz_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [mutt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [mutt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nafees_nastaleeq]; no data did not set the package icon for [nafees_riqa]; no data did not set the package icon for [nano]; no data did not set the package icon for [nano_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nanosvgtranslator]; no data did not set the package icon for [nanosvgtranslator_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nanosvgtranslator_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [nanosvgtranslator_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nasm]; no data did not set the package icon for [nasm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncompress]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncompress_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses6]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses6_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses6_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses6_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses6_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses6_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ne_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ne_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_util_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [neofetch]; no data did not set the package icon for [neofetch_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [neon]; no data did not set the package icon for [neon_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [neon_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [neon_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [neon_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [neon_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [neonlights]; no data did not set the package icon for [neonlights_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [netcat]; no data did not set the package icon for [netcat_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nethack]; no data did not set the package icon for [nethack_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [netperf]; no data did not set the package icon for [netperf_source]; no data have set the package icon for [netpulse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/netpulse/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [netpulse_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [netsurf_buildsystem]; no data did not set the package icon for [netsurf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [netsurf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nettle]; no data did not set the package icon for [nettle_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [nettle_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nettle_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [nettle_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [nettle_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [neverball_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [neverball_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nfd]; no data did not set the package icon for [nfd_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ninja_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ninja_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [notepadqq_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [notepadqq_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [noto] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [noto_chroscore] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_chroscore/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [noto_condensed] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_condensed/icon.hvif] did populate data for [assimp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [noto_regional] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_regional/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [noto_sans_cjk]; no data have set the package icon for [noto_sans_cjk_jp] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_sans_cjk_jp/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [noto_sans_cjk_kr] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_sans_cjk_kr/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [noto_sans_cjk_sc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_sans_cjk_sc/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [noto_sans_cjk_tc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noto_sans_cjk_tc/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [npth]; no data did not set the package icon for [npth_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [npth_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [npth_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [npth_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [npth_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nsgenbind_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [nsgenbind_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nspr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [nspr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [nspr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [nss_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [nss_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [nss_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ocaml] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ocaml/32.png] did not set the package icon for [ocaml_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ode]; no data did not set the package icon for [ode_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ode_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ode_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ode_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ode_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [odt2txt]; no data did not set the package icon for [odt2txt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [oniguruma]; no data did not set the package icon for [oniguruma_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [oniguruma_source]; no data did populate data for [apr_util_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [oniguruma_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [oniguruma_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [oniguruma_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [open_sans]; no data did not set the package icon for [openal]; no data did not set the package icon for [openal_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openal_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openal_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openal_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openal_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openarena_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [openblas_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openblas_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openblas_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opencollada_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [opencollada_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [opencollada_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [opencollada_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openexr]; no data did not set the package icon for [openexr_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openexr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openexr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openexr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openexr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openjpeg]; no data did not set the package icon for [openjpeg_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openjpeg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openjpeg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openjpeg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openjpeg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openldap]; no data did not set the package icon for [openldap_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openldap_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openldap_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openldap_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openldap_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openpam_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openpam_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openpam_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opensound]; no data did not set the package icon for [opensound_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssh]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssh_source]; no data did populate data for [automake113] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [openssl]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_man]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [openssl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openttd_gfx]; no data did not set the package icon for [openttd_gfx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [openttd_msx]; no data did not set the package icon for [openttd_sfx]; no data did not set the package icon for [openttd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openttd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opentyrian_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [openxcom_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [openxcom_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [optipng]; no data did not set the package icon for [optipng_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [optipngtranslator]; no data did not set the package icon for [optipngtranslator_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_tools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [opus_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opusfile]; no data did not set the package icon for [opusfile_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [opusfile_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [opusfile_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [opusfile_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [opusfile_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [orc]; no data did not set the package icon for [orc_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [orc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [orc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [orc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [orc_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [otter_browser_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/otter_browser_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [otter_browser_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [overpass]; no data did not set the package icon for [oxygen_icons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [oxygen_icons_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [p7zip]; no data did not set the package icon for [p7zip_source]; no data did populate data for [anthy] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [pachi] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pachi/64.png] did not set the package icon for [pachi_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [padblocker]; no data did not set the package icon for [padblocker_source]; no data have set the package icon for [paladin] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/paladin/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [paladin_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [paladin_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [paladin_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pango_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pango_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pango_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [paperkey]; no data did not set the package icon for [paperkey_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [paperkey_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [paperkey_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [paramiko]; no data did not set the package icon for [paramiko_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [paramiko_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [paramiko_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [paratype]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pari_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [patch]; no data did not set the package icon for [patch_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [patchutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [patchutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pathtools]; no data did not set the package icon for [pathtools_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [pathtools_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [pathtools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pciutils_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pdflib]; no data did not set the package icon for [pdflib_source]; no data did populate data for [audacious_plugins_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [pdftranslator] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pdftranslator/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [pdftranslator_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pdftranslator_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pdftranslator_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pdfwriter]; no data did not set the package icon for [pdfwriter_source]; no data have set the package icon for [pe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pe/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [pe_source]; no data have set the package icon for [pecobeat] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pecobeat/64.png] did not set the package icon for [pecobeat_source]; no data have set the package icon for [pecorename] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pecorename/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [pecorename_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [penguin_command]; no data did not set the package icon for [penguin_command_source]; no data have set the package icon for [perl] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/perl/32.png] did not set the package icon for [perl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [phantomlimb]; no data did not set the package icon for [phantomlimb_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [phonon_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [phonon_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [phonon_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [photograbber] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/photograbber/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [photograbber_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [physfs]; no data did not set the package icon for [physfs_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [physfs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [physfs_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [physfs_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [physfs_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pin8]; no data did not set the package icon for [pin8_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pinentry]; no data did not set the package icon for [pinentry_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pinentry_x86]; no data did populate data for [attrs_python3] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [pinentry_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pingus_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pingus_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pip]; no data did not set the package icon for [pip_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [pip_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [pip_source]; no data have set the package icon for [pipepanic] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pipepanic/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [pipepanic_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pixman]; no data did not set the package icon for [pixman_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pixman_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pixman_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pixman_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pixman_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pjdfstest]; no data did not set the package icon for [pjdfstest_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pkgconfig]; no data did not set the package icon for [pkgconfig_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pkgconfig_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pkgconfig_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [plee_the_bear_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [plee_the_bear_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [plib]; no data did not set the package icon for [plib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [plib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [plib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [png2ico]; no data did not set the package icon for [png2ico_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pngcrush]; no data did not set the package icon for [pngcrush_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pnglite]; no data did not set the package icon for [pnglite_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pnglite_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pnglite_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pnglite_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pnglite_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [audacious_plugins_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [pngquant_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [pngquant_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [pngquant_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [podofo_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [podofo_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [podofo_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ponpokodiff]; no data did not set the package icon for [ponpokodiff_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ponscripter_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ponscripter_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_data_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_x86_glib]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_x86_qt5]; no data did not set the package icon for [poppler_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [popt]; no data did not set the package icon for [popt_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [popt_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [popt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [popt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [popt_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [postgresql] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/postgresql/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [postgresql_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [postgresql_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [potrace]; no data did not set the package icon for [potrace_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [potrace_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [potrace_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [potrace_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [amc] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [potrace_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [premake_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [premake_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [presentproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [presentproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [presentproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [presentproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [primegen]; no data did not set the package icon for [primegen_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [primegen_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [primesieve_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [primesieve_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [primesieve_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [prison_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [prison_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [prison_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [privoxy]; no data did not set the package icon for [privoxy_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [proj_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [proj_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [proj_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [protobuf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [protobuf_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [protobuf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [protobuf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [psiconv]; no data did not set the package icon for [psiconv_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [psiconv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [psqlodbc]; no data did not set the package icon for [psqlodbc_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [psqlodbc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ptex_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ptex_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ptex_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [puri_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [puri_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [putty]; no data did not set the package icon for [putty_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pv]; no data did not set the package icon for [pv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pwgen]; no data did not set the package icon for [pwgen_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pygments]; no data did not set the package icon for [pygments_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [pygments_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [pygments_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pypeg2]; no data did not set the package icon for [pypeg2_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [pypeg2_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [pypeg2_source]; no data have set the package icon for [python] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/python/icon.hvif] did populate data for [aria2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [python3_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [python3_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [python_imaging]; no data did not set the package icon for [python_imaging_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [python_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pywebsocket]; no data did not set the package icon for [pywebsocket_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [pyyaml]; no data did not set the package icon for [pyyaml_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [pyyaml_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [pyyaml_source]; no data have set the package icon for [q] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/q/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [q_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qbittorrent_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qbittorrent_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qbittorrent_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qbs_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qbs_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qca2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qca2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qca2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qca_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qca_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qca_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qemacs] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qemacs/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qemacs_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qemu_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qemu_x86/32.png] did not set the package icon for [qemu_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qjson_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qjson_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qjson_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qmmp_plugin_pack_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qmmp_plugin_pack_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qmmp_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qmmp_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qmmp_x86_devel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qmmp_x86_devel/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qmmp_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qpdfview_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qpdfview_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qpdfview_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_devel]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_binutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [qrencode_kdl]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_kdl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_kdl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qrencode_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qscintilla_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qscintilla_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qscintilla_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qsystray]; no data did not set the package icon for [qsystray_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qt4pas_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qt4pas_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qt4pas_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qt5_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qt5_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qt5_x86_devel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qt5_x86_devel/icon.hvif] did populate data for [aspell_devel] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [qt5_x86_docs] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qt5_x86_docs/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qt5_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qt_creator_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qt_creator_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qt_creator_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qtav_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qtav_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qtav_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qthaikuplugins_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qthaikuplugins_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [qtwebkit_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [qtwebkit_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [qtwebkit_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [quassel_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quassel_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [quassel_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [querywatcher]; no data did not set the package icon for [querywatcher_source]; no data have set the package icon for [quicklaunch] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quicklaunch/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [quicklaunch_source]; no data did populate data for [apache_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [quickres] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quickres/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [quilt]; no data did not set the package icon for [quilt_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qupzilla_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qupzilla_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qupzilla_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [qutim_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qutim_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qutim_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [radare2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [radare2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [radare2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ragel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ragel_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ragel_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ragel_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [randrproto]; no data did populate data for [angband] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [randrproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [randrproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [randrproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [raptor]; no data did not set the package icon for [raptor_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [raptor_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [raptor_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [raptor_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [raptor_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [rawaes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rawaes/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [rawaes_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rdesktop]; no data did not set the package icon for [rdesktop_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [re2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [re2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [re2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [re2c_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [re2c_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6_devel]; no data did populate data for [app2png] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [readline6_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6_x86_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline6_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [readline_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rebol]; no data did not set the package icon for [rebol_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [recordproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [recordproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [recordproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [recordproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [redis_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [redis_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [redoflacs]; no data did not set the package icon for [redoflacs_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [remember]; no data did not set the package icon for [remember_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [remotecontrol]; no data did not set the package icon for [remotecontrol_source]; no data did populate data for [angband_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [rename] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rename/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [rename_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [renderproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [renderproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [renderproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [renderproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [requests]; no data did not set the package icon for [requests_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [requests_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [requests_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [residualvm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [residualvm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [resourceproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [resourceproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [resourceproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [resourceproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [retext]; no data did not set the package icon for [retext_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [retroarch_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [retroarch_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [retroarch_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rezerwar]; no data did not set the package icon for [rezerwar_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rhapsody_irc]; no data did not set the package icon for [rhapsody_irc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rman]; no data did not set the package icon for [rman_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [roadfighter]; no data did not set the package icon for [roadfighter_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [roboto]; no data did not set the package icon for [rocksndiamonds_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [rocksndiamonds_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rssavers]; no data did not set the package icon for [rssavers_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rsync]; no data did not set the package icon for [rsync_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rubberband_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [rubberband_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [rubberband_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ruby_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ruby_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ruby_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [runprogram]; no data did not set the package icon for [runprogram_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [rust_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [rust_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sablotron]; no data did not set the package icon for [sablotron_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sablotron_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [samba]; no data did not set the package icon for [samba_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [samba_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [samba_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sane_backends]; no data did not set the package icon for [sane_backends_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sane_backends_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sane_backends_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sane_backends_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sane_backends_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sanity] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sanity/icon.hvif] did populate data for [artpaint_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [sanity_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sbc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sbc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sbc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sbc_x86_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [scheherazade_font]; no data did not set the package icon for [schroedinger]; no data did not set the package icon for [schroedinger_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [schroedinger_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [scintilla_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [scintilla_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [scintilla_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [scons] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scons/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [scons_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [screenfetch]; no data did not set the package icon for [screenfetch_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [scriptureguide_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [scriptureguide_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [scrnsaverproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [scrnsaverproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [scrnsaverproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [scrnsaverproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [scummvm_tools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [scummvm_tools_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [scummvm_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scummvm_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [scummvm_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdcc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdcc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_gfx]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_gfx_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_gfx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_image]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_image_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_image_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_image_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_image_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_image_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_mixer]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_mixer_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_mixer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_mixer_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_mixer_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_mixer_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_net]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_net_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_net_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_net_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_net_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_net_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_ttf]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_ttf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_ttf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_ttf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_ttf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl2_ttf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_bomber]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_bomber_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_gfx]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_gfx_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_gfx_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_gfx_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_gfx_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_gfx_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_image]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_image_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_image_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_image_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_image_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_image_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_mixer]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_mixer_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_mixer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_mixer_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_mixer_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_mixer_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_net]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_net_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_net_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_net_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_net_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_net_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_pango_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_pango_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_pango_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_sound]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_sound_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_sound_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_sound_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_sound_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_sound_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_ttf]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_ttf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_ttf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_ttf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_ttf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdl_ttf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdljoytest]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdljoytest_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sdllopan] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sdllopan/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [sdllopan_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdlscavenger]; no data did not set the package icon for [sdlscavenger_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [se]; no data did not set the package icon for [se_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sed]; no data did not set the package icon for [sed_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [sed_source]; no data have set the package icon for [seeker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/seeker/32.png] did not set the package icon for [seeker_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sequitur] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sequitur/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [sequitur_devices]; no data did not set the package icon for [sequitur_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [serd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [serd_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [serd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [serf]; no data did not set the package icon for [serf_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [serf_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [serf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [serf_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [serf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [serviceswatcher]; no data did not set the package icon for [serviceswatcher_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [setuptools]; no data did not set the package icon for [setuptools_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [setuptools_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [setuptools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sge]; no data did not set the package icon for [sge_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sge_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sge_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sge_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sge_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [shanty]; no data did not set the package icon for [shanty_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [shared_mime_info]; no data did not set the package icon for [shared_mime_info_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [shared_mime_info_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [shared_mime_info_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sharutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [sharutils_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sharutils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sharutils_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [shredder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/shredder/64.png] did not set the package icon for [shredder_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [simplebackup]; no data did not set the package icon for [simplebackup_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [simplyvorbis]; no data did not set the package icon for [simplyvorbis_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [simutrans_pak64]; no data did not set the package icon for [simutrans_pak64_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [six]; no data did not set the package icon for [six_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [six_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [six_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [slang]; no data did not set the package icon for [slang_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [slang_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [slang_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [slang_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [slang_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [slayer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/slayer/32.png] did populate data for [aspell_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [slayer_source]; no data have set the package icon for [slimevolley] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/slimevolley/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [slimevolley_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smjpeg]; no data did not set the package icon for [smjpeg_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [smjpeg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smjpeg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [smjpeg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [smjpeg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg2]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg2_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg2_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [smpeg_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [smtube_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [smtube_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [snappy_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [snappy_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [snappy_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [snapshot] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/snapshot/64.png] did not set the package icon for [snapshot_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sockhop]; no data did not set the package icon for [sockhop_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sockhop_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [solarus_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [solarus_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [solid_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [solid_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [solid_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sonnet_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sonnet_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sonnet_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sortsave] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sortsave/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [sortsave_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [source_pro]; no data did not set the package icon for [sox_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sox_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sox_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [soxr]; no data did not set the package icon for [soxr_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [soxr_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [soxr_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [soxr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [soxr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sparsehash_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sparsehash_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [speech_tools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [speech_tools_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [speech_tools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [speech_tools_x86_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [speex]; no data did not set the package icon for [speex_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [speex_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [speex_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [speex_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [speex_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [spiff]; no data did not set the package icon for [spiff_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sqlite] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sqlite/32.png] have set the package icon for [sqlite_devel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sqlite_devel/32.png] did not set the package icon for [sqlite_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sqlite_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sqlite_x86/32.png] have set the package icon for [sqlite_x86_devel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sqlite_x86_devel/32.png] did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_newlib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [sqlite_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [squashfs_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [squashfs_tools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [squashfs_tools_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [squashfs_tools_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [squirrel_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [squirrel_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [squirrel_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sshfs_fuse]; no data did not set the package icon for [sshfs_fuse_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [stegsnow]; no data did not set the package icon for [stegsnow_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [stfl_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [stfl_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [stfl_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [stlink_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [stlink_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [stm32flash_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [stm32flash_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [stockfish_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [stockfish_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [streamradio] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/streamradio/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [streamradio_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [strigi_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [strigi_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [strigi_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [substrate]; no data did not set the package icon for [substrate_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [subversion]; no data did not set the package icon for [subversion_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [subversion_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sum_it] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sum_it/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [sum_it_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [super_transball]; no data did not set the package icon for [super_transball_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [superfreecell]; no data did not set the package icon for [superfreecell_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [superfreecell_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [superfreecell_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [superlu_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [superlu_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [superlu_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [supertux]; no data did not set the package icon for [supertux_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [swi_prolog_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [swi_prolog_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [swig_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [swig_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [sword_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sword_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [sword_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [symbola]; no data did not set the package icon for [symetrie]; no data did not set the package icon for [symetrie_source]; no data have set the package icon for [sync_modular] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sync_modular/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [systeminfo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/systeminfo/64.png] did not set the package icon for [systeminfo_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [szip]; no data did not set the package icon for [szip_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [szip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [szip_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [szip_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [szip_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [t4k_common_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [t4k_common_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [t4k_common_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [taglib]; no data did not set the package icon for [taglib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [taglib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [taglib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [taglib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [taglib_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [takenotes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/takenotes/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [takenotes_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tar]; no data did not set the package icon for [tar_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [tar_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [taskmanager]; no data did not set the package icon for [taskmanager_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcc_x86]; no data did populate data for [autotrace_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [tcc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcl]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcl_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcpdump]; no data did not set the package icon for [tcpdump_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [terminus_ttf]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_afr]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_amh]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ara]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_asm]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_aze]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_aze_cyrl]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_bel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ben]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_bod]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_bos]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_bul]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_cat]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ceb]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ces]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_chi_sim]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_chi_tra]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_chr]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_cym]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_dan]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_dan_frak]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_deu]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_deu_frak]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_dzo]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ell]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_eng]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_enm]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_epo]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_equ]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_est]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_eus]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_fas]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_fin]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_fra]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_frk]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_frm]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_gle]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_glg]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_grc]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_guj]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_hat]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_heb]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_hin]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_hrv]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_hun]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_iku]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ind]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_isl]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ita]; no data did populate data for [automake] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ita_old]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_jav]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_jpn]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kan]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kat]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kat_old]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kaz]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_khm]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kir]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kor]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_kur]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_lao]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_lat]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_lav]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_lit]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_mal]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_mar]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_mkd]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_mlt]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_msa]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_mya]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_nep]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_nld]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_nor]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ori]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_osd]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_pan]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_pol]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_por]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_pus]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ron]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_rus]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_san]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_sin]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_slk]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_slk_frak]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_slv]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_spa]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_spa_old]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_sqi]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_srp]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_srp_latn]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_swa]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_swe]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_syr]; no data did populate data for [autotrace_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tam]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tgk]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tgl]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tha]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tir]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_tur]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_uig]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_ukr]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_urd]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_uzb]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_uzb_cyrl]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_vie]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_data_yid]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseract_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tesseracttranslator_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [testdisk_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [testdisk_x86_qt]; no data did not set the package icon for [testdisk_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [texi2html]; no data did not set the package icon for [texi2html_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [texinfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [texinfo4]; no data did not set the package icon for [texinfo4_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [texinfo_source]; no data have set the package icon for [textsaver] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/textsaver/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [textsaver_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [the_silver_searcher_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [the_silver_searcher_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [thememanager] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/thememanager/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [thememanager_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [threadweaver_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [threadweaver_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [threadweaver_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tidy]; no data did not set the package icon for [tidy_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tidy_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff4_x86_source]; no data did populate data for [atari++_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [tig_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tig_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [timecop] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/timecop/64.png] did not set the package icon for [timecop_source]; no data have set the package icon for [timetracker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/timetracker/64.png] did not set the package icon for [timetracker_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [timgmsoundfont]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinygl]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinygl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml2_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [tinyxml_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tipster]; no data did not set the package icon for [tipster_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tnftp]; no data did not set the package icon for [tnftp_source]; no data have set the package icon for [tolmach] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tolmach/64.png] did not set the package icon for [tolmach_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tor_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tor_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [torsocks]; no data did not set the package icon for [torsocks_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [torsocks_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [torsocks_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [torsocks_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [torsocks_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tox_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tox_x86_devel]; no data did populate data for [astyle_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [tox_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [trackergrep] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/trackergrep/64.png] did not set the package icon for [trackergrep_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [transplus]; no data did not set the package icon for [transplus_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tree]; no data did not set the package icon for [tree_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [treecc]; no data did not set the package icon for [treecc_source]; no data have set the package icon for [trojita_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/trojita_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [trojita_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxmath_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxmath_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [tuxpaint] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tuxpaint/32.png] did not set the package icon for [tuxpaint_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxracer]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxracer_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxracer_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxtype2_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [tuxtype2_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [twolame]; no data did not set the package icon for [twolame_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [twolame_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [twolame_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [twolame_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [twolame_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [ubertuber] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ubertuber/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ubertuber_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ubuntu_font_family]; no data did not set the package icon for [uchardet]; no data did not set the package icon for [uchardet_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [uchardet_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [uchardet_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [uchardet_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [uchardet_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [udis86]; no data did not set the package icon for [udis86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [uif2iso_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [uif2iso_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ukijorgfonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [ultradv]; no data did not set the package icon for [ultradv_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unarr_x86]; no data did populate data for [audacious_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [unarr_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [unarr_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [uncrustify_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [uncrustify_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unifont]; no data did not set the package icon for [unittest++]; no data did not set the package icon for [unittest++_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [unittest++_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unittest++_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [unittest++_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [unittest++_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixodbc]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixodbc_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixodbc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixodbc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixodbc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixodbc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unlzx]; no data did not set the package icon for [unlzx_source]; no data have set the package icon for [unrar] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/unrar/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [unrar_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unrtf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [unrtf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [unzip]; no data did not set the package icon for [unzip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [uri]; no data did not set the package icon for [uri_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [uriparser]; no data did not set the package icon for [uriparser_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [urllib3]; no data did not set the package icon for [urllib3_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [urllib3_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [urllib3_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [util_linux_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [util_linux_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [util_linux_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [util_macros]; no data did populate data for [autotrace] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [util_macros_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [util_macros_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [util_macros_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vala_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vala_x86_common]; no data did not set the package icon for [vala_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vamp_plugin_sdk_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vamp_plugin_sdk_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [vamp_plugin_sdk_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vasm]; no data did not set the package icon for [vasm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdgear]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdimager]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdimager_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdimager_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdimager_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdimager_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdimager_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [vectoroids] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vectoroids/64.png] did not set the package icon for [vectoroids_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [verilator_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [verilator_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vice_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vice_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [videoproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [videoproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [videoproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [videoproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vifm_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vifm_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [virtualbox_guest_additions] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/virtualbox_guest_additions/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [virtualbox_guest_additions_source]; no data have set the package icon for [vision] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vision/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [vision_source]; no data have set the package icon for [vl_gothic] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vl_gothic/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [vlc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vlc/icon.hvif] did populate data for [avra_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [vlc_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [vlc_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vlc_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vlc_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [vlc_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vlink]; no data did not set the package icon for [vlink_source]; no data have set the package icon for [vmware_addons] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vmware_addons/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [vmware_addons_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vmware_addons_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [vmware_addons_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [vncserver] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vncserver/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [vncserver_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vollkorn]; no data did not set the package icon for [vorbis_tools]; no data did not set the package icon for [vorbis_tools_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [vttest]; no data did not set the package icon for [vttest_source]; no data have set the package icon for [vwget] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vwget/64.png] did not set the package icon for [vwget_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wakeup]; no data did not set the package icon for [wakeup_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [watchdog]; no data did not set the package icon for [watchdog_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [watchdog_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [watchdog_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wavpack_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [wavpack_x86_bin]; no data did not set the package icon for [wavpack_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [wavpack_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [weather] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/weather/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [weather_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [webencodings]; no data did not set the package icon for [webencodings_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [webencodings_python3]; no data did not set the package icon for [webencodings_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [webwatch]; no data did not set the package icon for [webwatch_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [weechat_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [weechat_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [weechat_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wget]; no data did not set the package icon for [wget_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wget_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [wget_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [whereismymouse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/whereismymouse/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [whereismymouse_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [which]; no data did not set the package icon for [which_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [which_source]; no data have set the package icon for [wonderbrush] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/wonderbrush/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [wordclock] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/wordclock/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [wordclock_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wpa_supplicant]; no data did populate data for [asciidoc] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [wpa_supplicant_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wput]; no data did not set the package icon for [wput_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wput_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [wput_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [wqy_microhei] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/wqy_microhei/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [wqy_zenhei]; no data did not set the package icon for [wqy_zenhei_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [wxqt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [wxqt_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [wxqt_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [x264_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [x264_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [x264_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [x265_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [x265_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [x265_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [x_series_fonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [xaos_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xapian_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xapian_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [xapian_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xar_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xar_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [xar_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcb_proto]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcb_proto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcb_proto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcb_proto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcmiscproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcmiscproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcmiscproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xcmiscproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xdelta_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xdelta_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xextproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [xextproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xextproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xextproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xineramaproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [xineramaproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xineramaproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xineramaproto_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xlreader]; no data did not set the package icon for [xlreader_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xml_parser]; no data did not set the package icon for [xml_parser_source]; no data did populate data for [atari++_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [xmlto]; no data did not set the package icon for [xmlto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xpdf_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xpdf_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xproto]; no data did not set the package icon for [xproto_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xproto_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xproto_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [xrick] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xrick/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [xrick_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xtrans]; no data did not set the package icon for [xtrans_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xtrans_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xtrans_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [xz_utils_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [xz_utils_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [xz_utils_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [yab] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yab/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [yab_ide] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yab_ide/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [yab_ide_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [yab_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [yaml_cpp_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [yaml_cpp_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [yaml_cpp_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [yasm]; no data did not set the package icon for [yasm_debuginfo]; no data did not set the package icon for [yasm_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [ykclient_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ykclient_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [ykclient_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [youtube_dl]; no data did not set the package icon for [youtube_dl_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [z26_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [z26_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zip]; no data did not set the package icon for [zip_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zlib]; no data did not set the package icon for [zlib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [zlib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zlib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [zlib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [zlib_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zope_interface]; no data did not set the package icon for [zope_interface_python]; no data did not set the package icon for [zope_interface_python3]; no data did populate data for [autoconf213_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [zope_interface_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zopfli_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [zopfli_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zsdx]; no data did not set the package icon for [zstd_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [zstd_x86_bin]; no data did not set the package icon for [zstd_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [zstd_x86_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zsxd]; no data did not set the package icon for [zziplib]; no data did not set the package icon for [zziplib_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [zziplib_source]; no data did not set the package icon for [zziplib_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [zziplib_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [zziplib_x86_source]; no data have set the package icon for [clockwerk] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clockwerk/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [gnutls_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [gnutls_x86_devel]; no data did not set the package icon for [icu55_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [libvpx_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [myfonts]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncurses_x86_devel]; no data have set the package icon for [openjdk_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/openjdk_x86/icon.hvif] did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_gcc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [radio]; no data did not set the package icon for [tiff]; no data did not set the package icon for [wifi_firmwares]; no data have set the package icon for [15_meses_j_es] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/15_meses_j_es/64.png] have set the package icon for [18thcenturykurrentfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/18thcenturykurrentfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [191colors] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/191colors/64.png] have set the package icon for [256] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/256/64.png] have set the package icon for [2pnotes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/2pnotes/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [2prongtreefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/2prongtreefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [32768nofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/32768nofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [36daysagofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/36daysagofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [3dthirteenpixelfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/3dthirteenpixelfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [3prongtreefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/3prongtreefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [4colors_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/4colors_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [4kstnclfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/4kstnclfont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [anthy_devel] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [4wins] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/4wins/64.png] have set the package icon for [5by7font] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/5by7font/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [5thgradecursivefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/5thgradecursivefont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [6s_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [7thcity_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [8bitlimitfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/8bitlimitfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [8dock] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/8dock/64.png] did not set the package icon for [8thcircle_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [a68g]; no data did not set the package icon for [aardvark_shellutils]; no data have set the package icon for [aardwolf] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aardwolf/64.png] have set the package icon for [aarni_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aarni_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [abbeyofcrimeextensum_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/abbeyofcrimeextensum_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [abe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/abe/64.png] have set the package icon for [abombniball] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/abombniball/64.png] have set the package icon for [absinthefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/absinthefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [abuse2demo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/abuse2demo/64.png] have set the package icon for [accanthisfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/accanthisfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [accelerator_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [acento_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/acento_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [acharmingfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/acharmingfont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [amoebax_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [acquire]; no data have set the package icon for [acrimsonspring] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/acrimsonspring/64.png] have set the package icon for [actualsize] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/actualsize/64.png] have set the package icon for [add] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/add/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [add3rdpartyrepos]; no data did not set the package icon for [addappinfo]; no data have set the package icon for [addbordertoimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/addbordertoimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [addorremoveextension] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/addorremoveextension/64.png] have set the package icon for [addraisedbordertoimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/addraisedbordertoimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [addsunkenbordertoimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/addsunkenbordertoimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [adom] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/adom/64.png] have set the package icon for [adventprofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/adventprofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [aestextcrypt_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aestextcrypt_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ageofironicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [agg_demos]; no data have set the package icon for [aiee] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aiee/64.png] have set the package icon for [airbrushfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/airbrushfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [airport] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/airport/64.png] did not set the package icon for [akarsubasic]; no data have set the package icon for [akronnbpfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/akronnbpfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [alegreyafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/alegreyafont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [alephone] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/alephone/64.png] did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_gdb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [alivejournal] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/alivejournal/64.png] did not set the package icon for [all2iso]; no data have set the package icon for [allerfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/allerfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [allpossibleimages] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/allpossibleimages/64.png] have set the package icon for [almendrafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/almendrafont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [alongdrink] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/alongdrink/64.png] have set the package icon for [alsee] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/alsee/64.png] have set the package icon for [americanthighs] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/americanthighs/64.png] did not set the package icon for [amigabeicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [amigaicons]; no data have set the package icon for [amphetamine] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/amphetamine/64.png] have set the package icon for [anagramarama] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/anagramarama/64.png] have set the package icon for [analogpulse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/analogpulse/64.png] have set the package icon for [anateus6] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/anateus6/64.png] have set the package icon for [ancestris_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ancestris_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [andadafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/andadafont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [animaxo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/animaxo/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [anime] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/anime/64.png] have set the package icon for [annoy2] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/annoy2/64.png] have set the package icon for [anonymousprofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/anonymousprofont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [antiword]; no data have set the package icon for [apexlakefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/apexlakefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [aplayer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aplayer/64.png] did not set the package icon for [app2png]; no data have set the package icon for [apus] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/apus/64.png] did not set the package icon for [aquax1icons]; no data have set the package icon for [aquiferfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aquiferfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [aracher] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aracher/64.png] have set the package icon for [arachnophilia_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/arachnophilia_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [archivoblackfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/archivoblackfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [archivonarrowfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/archivonarrowfont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [atool] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [areawatch] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/areawatch/64.png] have set the package icon for [aristarcojfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aristarcojfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [arj_en]; no data did not set the package icon for [arj_ru]; no data have set the package icon for [arora_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/arora_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [arrowsfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/arrowsfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [arseangel_be_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [arthursnightout] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/arthursnightout/64.png] did not set the package icon for [arun]; no data did not set the package icon for [asapconv]; no data have set the package icon for [asc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/asc/64.png] did not set the package icon for [ascii]; no data have set the package icon for [asciidesign_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/asciidesign_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [asenseofbeauty_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [ashbyfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ashbyfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [astroblast] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/astroblast/64.png] did not set the package icon for [ataristtranslators]; no data have set the package icon for [atoms] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/atoms/64.png] have set the package icon for [atsignfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/atsignfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [attraction] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/attraction/64.png] did not set the package icon for [attrextr]; no data have set the package icon for [attribexplorer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/attribexplorer/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [attribio]; no data did not set the package icon for [attributebrowser]; no data have set the package icon for [aurelisadffont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aurelisadffont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [aurora] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/aurora/64.png] did not set the package icon for [autochive]; no data did not set the package icon for [automate_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [autoshutdown] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/autoshutdown/64.png] did not set the package icon for [autotrace]; no data did not set the package icon for [average]; no data have set the package icon for [averiasansfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/averiasansfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [averiaseriffont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/averiaseriffont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [avinfo]; no data have set the package icon for [avondalefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/avondalefont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [astyle_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [awka]; no data did not set the package icon for [azip]; no data have set the package icon for [azoftsansfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/azoftsansfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [babybe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/babybe/64.png] did not set the package icon for [backlight]; no data did not set the package icon for [backontrack]; no data have set the package icon for [backslash_n] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/backslash_n/64.png] have set the package icon for [ball_lang] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ball_lang/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [bambi_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bambi_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [banksiafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/banksiafont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [barberpole]; no data have set the package icon for [barrage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/barrage/64.png] have set the package icon for [bartlauncher] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bartlauncher/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bas]; no data did not set the package icon for [bas55]; no data did not set the package icon for [basick]; no data have set the package icon for [baskervaldfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/baskervaldfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [basqet_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/basqet_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [bazaronitefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bazaronitefont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bchunk]; no data have set the package icon for [bdhcalc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bdhcalc/64.png] did not set the package icon for [be3dicons]; no data have set the package icon for [be_basics] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/be_basics/64.png] have set the package icon for [beaccessible] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beaccessible/64.png] have set the package icon for [beapple2] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beapple2/64.png] have set the package icon for [bebase] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bebase/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bebeautifiedicons]; no data have set the package icon for [bebin_es] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bebin_es/64.png] have set the package icon for [beccy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beccy/64.png] have set the package icon for [becheckers] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/becheckers/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [becheckpoint] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/becheckpoint/64.png] did not set the package icon for [becopy]; no data did not set the package icon for [bedead]; no data have set the package icon for [beearth] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beearth/64.png] have set the package icon for [beediff] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beediff/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [beelements] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beelements/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [beexit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beexit/64.png] have set the package icon for [beeyes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beeyes/64.png] have set the package icon for [befilegrep] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/befilegrep/64.png] have set the package icon for [begadu] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/begadu/64.png] have set the package icon for [beget] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beget/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [behalma] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/behalma/64.png] did not set the package icon for [behexed]; no data have set the package icon for [belief] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/belief/64.png] have set the package icon for [belines] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/belines/64.png] did not set the package icon for [belowtherooticons]; no data did populate data for [arm_none_eabi_binutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [beltanefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beltanefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [bemailtombox] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bemailtombox/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bemoricons]; no data have set the package icon for [benegraphicfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/benegraphicfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [benes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/benes/64.png] have set the package icon for [benibblix] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/benibblix/64.png] did not set the package icon for [benormal]; no data have set the package icon for [beohms] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beohms/64.png] have set the package icon for [beonfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beonfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [beos_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [beos_screensaver_collection]; no data did not set the package icon for [beos_sounds]; no data have set the package icon for [bepatience] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bepatience/64.png] have set the package icon for [bepexeso] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bepexeso/64.png] have set the package icon for [bephonebook] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bephonebook/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bepsdtranslator]; no data have set the package icon for [bereset] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bereset/64.png] have set the package icon for [berestart_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/berestart_en/64.png] have set the package icon for [berestart_pl] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/berestart_pl/64.png] have set the package icon for [berestart_ru] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/berestart_ru/64.png] have set the package icon for [berlinemailfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/berlinemailfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [bernardomodafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bernardomodafont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [beryliumfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/beryliumfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [bes9x] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bes9x/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [besafe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/besafe/32.png] did populate data for [apng2gif] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [besam] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/besam/64.png] have set the package icon for [besame] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/besame/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [besfx]; no data have set the package icon for [besokoban] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/besokoban/64.png] have set the package icon for [bespider] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bespider/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [betasks] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/betasks/64.png] have set the package icon for [betree] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/betree/64.png] have set the package icon for [bevacik_pl] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bevacik_pl/64.png] have set the package icon for [bevice] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bevice/64.png] have set the package icon for [bexplorer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bexplorer/64.png] have set the package icon for [bezx] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bezx/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bf]; no data have set the package icon for [bfrunner_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bfrunner_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bfstools]; no data have set the package icon for [bghostview] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bghostview/64.png] have set the package icon for [bibleverse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bibleverse/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bibycal]; no data have set the package icon for [biew] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/biew/64.png] did not set the package icon for [binaryclock]; no data did not set the package icon for [bincat]; no data have set the package icon for [bing] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bing/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [biniax] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/biniax/64.png] have set the package icon for [bitcal] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bitcal/64.png] have set the package icon for [bitmap2rsrc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bitmap2rsrc/64.png] have set the package icon for [bitmapripper] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bitmapripper/icon.hvif] did populate data for [argh] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [bitmaptest] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bitmaptest/64.png] have set the package icon for [bjongg] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bjongg/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bl_bwindow_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [blackchanceryfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blackchanceryfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [blackoutfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blackoutfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [bladeenc]; no data did not set the package icon for [blbwindowicons]; no data have set the package icon for [blender] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blender/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [block] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/block/64.png] have set the package icon for [blockit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blockit/64.png] have set the package icon for [bloqus_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bloqus_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [blowfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blowfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [blubbels_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/blubbels_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [bluecube] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bluecube/64.png] have set the package icon for [bluej_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bluej_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bmap2c]; no data did not set the package icon for [bogusforth]; no data have set the package icon for [bolonewtfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bolonewtfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [bomberinstinct] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bomberinstinct/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bomstrip]; no data have set the package icon for [bong] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bong/64.png] did not set the package icon for [bookmarkconverter]; no data have set the package icon for [borg_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/borg_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [bradleygratisfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bradleygratisfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [brahmi_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/brahmi_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [breakomatic] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/breakomatic/64.png] have set the package icon for [brickshooter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/brickshooter/64.png] did populate data for [backup] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [brokenglassfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/brokenglassfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [brominefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/brominefont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [brs]; no data have set the package icon for [bshisen] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bshisen/64.png] have set the package icon for [bsnow] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bsnow/64.png] have set the package icon for [buckmuck] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/buckmuck/64.png] have set the package icon for [buddi_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/buddi_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [bugged] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bugged/64.png] have set the package icon for [bugsquish] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/bugsquish/64.png] have set the package icon for [butterfly] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/butterfly/64.png] did not set the package icon for [byacc]; no data did not set the package icon for [bynaryo]; no data did not set the package icon for [byte2c]; no data did not set the package icon for [byte2hex]; no data have set the package icon for [byzantineempirefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/byzantineempirefont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [cactus]; no data have set the package icon for [caduntu] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/caduntu/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [calcc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calcc/64.png] did populate data for [beezer_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [calcorange_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calcorange_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [calculator] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calculator/64.png] did not set the package icon for [calcus_x86]; no data have set the package icon for [calendare] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calendare/64.png] have set the package icon for [calendarj] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calendarj/64.png] have set the package icon for [calligraseriffont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/calligraseriffont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [capslockfilter]; no data have set the package icon for [cardofonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cardofonts/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [carma] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/carma/64.png] have set the package icon for [cars] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cars/64.png] did not set the package icon for [casechangers]; no data have set the package icon for [casperfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/casperfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [catchamonster_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/catchamonster_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [catharsisrequiemfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/catharsisrequiemfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [cc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cc/64.png] did not set the package icon for [ccsh]; no data did not set the package icon for [cdirip]; no data have set the package icon for [cdogssdl] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cdogssdl/64.png] have set the package icon for [cdtomp3ripper] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cdtomp3ripper/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [cdvst] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cdvst/64.png] have set the package icon for [chalklinefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chalklinefont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [boost_x86_random] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [chaos]; no data have set the package icon for [characters] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/characters/64.png] have set the package icon for [charcoalsketchimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/charcoalsketchimage/64.png] did not set the package icon for [charcount]; no data have set the package icon for [charliefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/charliefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [chasing] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chasing/64.png] did not set the package icon for [chd]; no data have set the package icon for [cheesedoff] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cheesedoff/64.png] have set the package icon for [chemicalreactionfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chemicalreactionfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [chessx_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chessx_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [chlorophyll] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chlorophyll/64.png] did not set the package icon for [chmdump]; no data have set the package icon for [christmasoncrackfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/christmasoncrackfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [chrysler] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chrysler/64.png] have set the package icon for [chunkfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/chunkfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [cinter]; no data have set the package icon for [circuslinux] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/circuslinux/64.png] have set the package icon for [cleansheets_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cleansheets_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [cli_matrix] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cli_matrix/64.png] did populate data for [bam] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [cli_othello] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cli_othello/64.png] have set the package icon for [clickomanie] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clickomanie/64.png] have set the package icon for [clientdatabase_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clientdatabase_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [clipboard]; no data have set the package icon for [clipgrab_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clipgrab_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [cliphist2_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cliphist2_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [clips]; no data have set the package icon for [clipup] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clipup/64.png] have set the package icon for [clockworkboy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/clockworkboy/64.png] have set the package icon for [closet] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/closet/64.png] did not set the package icon for [cls]; no data have set the package icon for [cocoview] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cocoview/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [codepositive] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/codepositive/64.png] have set the package icon for [codequill_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/codequill_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [codewalker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/codewalker/64.png] have set the package icon for [codonfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/codonfont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bakefile] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [colcut]; no data have set the package icon for [colorcode_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/colorcode_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [colorextractor_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/colorextractor_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [colortool_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/colortool_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [colorworld]; no data have set the package icon for [colossalcave] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/colossalcave/64.png] have set the package icon for [commandtimer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/commandtimer/64.png] have set the package icon for [connectagram_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/connectagram_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [controlpanel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/controlpanel/64.png] did not set the package icon for [convert]; no data have set the package icon for [converttolf] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/converttolf/64.png] have set the package icon for [conway] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/conway/64.png] did not set the package icon for [coplandbeicons]; no data have set the package icon for [corovapioneer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/corovapioneer/64.png] have set the package icon for [correctextension] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/correctextension/64.png] have set the package icon for [count] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/count/64.png] did not set the package icon for [countchars]; no data did not set the package icon for [countdown]; no data did not set the package icon for [cpindexes]; no data did not set the package icon for [cpuid]; no data did not set the package icon for [crashtest]; no data have set the package icon for [createacursor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/createacursor/64.png] did populate data for [bakefile_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [createdeviceimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/createdeviceimage/64.png] did not set the package icon for [cronie_x86]; no data have set the package icon for [crossftp_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/crossftp_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [crystalicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [cube_beos_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [cubicrubic] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cubicrubic/64.png] have set the package icon for [cuewavextract_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cuewavextract_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [cutegomoku_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cutegomoku_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [cutemaze_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cutemaze_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [cutief8]; no data did not set the package icon for [cutils]; no data did not set the package icon for [cutycapt_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [cycler]; no data have set the package icon for [cygnusx1] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cygnusx1/64.png] have set the package icon for [cynoed_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/cynoed_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [dad_de] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/dad_de/64.png] have set the package icon for [daleks] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/daleks/64.png] have set the package icon for [damasefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/damasefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [datereplicant] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/datereplicant/64.png] did not set the package icon for [datum]; no data have set the package icon for [davegnukem] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/davegnukem/64.png] did not set the package icon for [dcraw]; no data have set the package icon for [dd2] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/dd2/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [decoration_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/decoration_j/64.png] did populate data for [boost_x86_filesystem] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [dedupfiles]; no data have set the package icon for [deepcount] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/deepcount/64.png] have set the package icon for [defendguin] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/defendguin/64.png] did not set the package icon for [deheader]; no data did not set the package icon for [dehtml]; no data have set the package icon for [deleter_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/deleter_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [deltahex_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/deltahex_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [deluxepaintcomicfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/deluxepaintcomicfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [deroff]; no data have set the package icon for [deskbareyes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/deskbareyes/64.png] did not set the package icon for [deskbarlink]; no data have set the package 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[ebooks_detective_sax_rohmer_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_detective_sax_rohmer_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_dictionaries_cy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_cy/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_dictionaries_de] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_de/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_dictionaries_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_en/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_dictionaries_enm] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_enm/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_dictionaries_eo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_eo/icon.hvif] did populate data for [binutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [ebooks_dictionaries_fr] from 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[/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_histfic_eleventh_century/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_histfic_fifth_century] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_histfic_fifth_century/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_histfic_first_century] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_histfic_first_century/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_histfic_fourth_century] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_histfic_fourth_century/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_histfic_ninth_century] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_histfic_ninth_century/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_histfic_prechristian] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_histfic_prechristian/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_histfic_second_century] from 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[/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_bellamy/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_a] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_a/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_b] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_b/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bonnie++] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_c] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_c/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_d] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_d/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_e] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_e/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_f] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_f/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_g] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_g/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_h] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_h/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_i] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_i/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_k] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_k/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_misc_scifi_l] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_l/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_presidential_addresses] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_presidential_addresses/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_1632_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_1632_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_abernathy_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_abernathy_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_belisarius_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_belisarius_en/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_bradley_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_bradley_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_brown_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_brown_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_budrys_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_budrys_collection/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bebuilder] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_burroughs_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_burroughs_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_campbell_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_campbell_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_cory_doctorow_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_cory_doctorow_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_delrey_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_delrey_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_fontenay_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_fontenay_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_fyfe_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_fyfe_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_garrett_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_garrett_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_harrison_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_harrison_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_honorverse_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_honorverse_en/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_kornbluth_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_kornbluth_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_lafferty_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_lafferty_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_laumer_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_laumer_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_leiber_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_leiber_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_leinster_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_leinster_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_philip_k_dick_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_philip_k_dick_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_poul_anderson_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_poul_anderson_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_ray_bradbury_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_ray_bradbury_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_scifi_roger_dee_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_scifi_roger_dee_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_sherlock_holmes_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_sherlock_holmes_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_tarzan_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_tarzan_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ebooks_tom_sawyer_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_tom_sawyer_collection/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bin86_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [ebooks_tom_swift_collection] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ebooks_tom_swift_collection/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [edbindiansfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/edbindiansfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [edbwildthingsfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/edbwildthingsfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [eddie] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/eddie/64.png] have set the package icon for [eggscontrol] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/eggscontrol/64.png] have set the package icon for [ehm_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ehm_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [ekit_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ekit_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [eliza] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/eliza/64.png] have set the package icon for [eltercerhombrefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/eltercerhombrefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [elvenedit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/elvenedit/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [embed]; no data have set the package icon for [embossimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/embossimage/64.png] have set the package icon for [emptytrash] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/emptytrash/64.png] did not set the package icon for [enhance]; no data have set the package icon for [enotes_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/enotes_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [escherwebsketch_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/escherwebsketch_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [ethopoolfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ethopoolfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [eworldicons]; no data have set the package icon for [executor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/executor/64.png] did not set the package icon for [extrafortunefiles]; no data have set the package icon for [faccp] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/faccp/64.png] have set the package icon for [falsoyd] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/falsoyd/64.png] have set the package icon for [fanwor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fanwor/64.png] have set the package icon for [fastcounter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fastcounter/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [fastjar]; no data did not set the package icon for [fdupes]; no data have set the package icon for [fedb] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fedb/64.png] have set the package icon for [felix] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/felix/64.png] have set the package icon for [fidocadj_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fidocadj_j/64.png] did populate data for [boost_x86_chrono] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [figlet]; no data did not set the package icon for [filedate]; no data did not set the package icon for [filemode]; no data did not set the package icon for [filenode]; no data did not set the package icon for [fileown]; no data have set the package icon for [fileshredder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fileshredder/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [filesize]; no data did not set the package icon for [filesize.pl]; no data have set the package icon for [filesynq_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/filesynq_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [filetime]; no data did not set the package icon for [filetores]; no data have set the package icon for [filler] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/filler/64.png] have set the package icon for [finance] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/finance/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [findstr]; no data have set the package icon for [fishshark] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fishshark/64.png] have set the package icon for [fixlink] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fixlink/64.png] did not set the package icon for [fixpermissions]; no data have set the package icon for [flamestation] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flamestation/64.png] have set the package icon for [fleetingpm_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fleetingpm_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [flickrfind]; no data have set the package icon for [flipimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flipimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [fliplayer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fliplayer/64.png] have set the package icon for [flipull] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flipull/64.png] have set the package icon for [flopimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flopimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [flyingtroll] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flyingtroll/64.png] have set the package icon for [flytex_base] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/flytex_base/64.png] did not set the package icon for [flytexture_christmas1]; no data did not set the package icon for [flytexture_halloween1]; no data did not set the package icon for [flytexture_starwars1]; no data did not set the package icon for [folder_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [foldershaper] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/foldershaper/64.png] have set the package icon for [fontforerinfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontforerinfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [fontinspector] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontinspector/64.png] did not set the package icon for [fontinstaller]; no data have set the package icon for [fontmanager] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontmanager/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [fontmonkey] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontmonkey/icon.hvif] did populate data for [boost_x86_serialization] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [fontmonkeydata]; no data have set the package icon for [fontview] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fontview/64.png] did not set the package icon for [formakeutils]; no data have set the package icon for [formido] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/formido/64.png] have set the package icon for [fortuna] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fortuna/64.png] did not set the package icon for [freecell]; no data have set the package icon for [freemind_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/freemind_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [freeplane_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/freeplane_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [freeverse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/freeverse/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [freeze]; no data have set the package icon for [fruitninja_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fruitninja_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [fskit]; no data have set the package icon for [ftppositive] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ftppositive/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [functionalcalculator_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/functionalcalculator_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [fundamentalrushfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fundamentalrushfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [futureboy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/futureboy/64.png] have set the package icon for [fuzzytime] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fuzzytime/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [fx702p_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/fx702p_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [gadgeteer]; no data have set the package icon for [galaxy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/galaxy/64.png] did not set the package icon for [galaxy_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [gameoflife_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gameoflife_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [ganttproject_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ganttproject_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [gartoonicons]; no data have set the package icon for [gauges] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gauges/64.png] have set the package icon for [gaussjordanfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gaussjordanfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [gav] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gav/64.png] did populate data for [bc] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [geekcode]; no data did not set the package icon for [gema]; no data have set the package icon for [gemdropx] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gemdropx/64.png] have set the package icon for [gemz] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gemz/64.png] have set the package icon for [getinfo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/getinfo/64.png] have set the package icon for [getit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/getit/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ghastlypanicfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ghastlypanicfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ghostscript]; no data did not set the package icon for [gif2png]; no data did not set the package icon for [gifbatchops]; no data did not set the package icon for [gifbug]; no data did not set the package icon for [gifsicle]; no data have set the package icon for [gigocalc] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gigocalc/64.png] did not set the package icon for [ginas]; no data have set the package icon for [gjkreminder_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gjkreminder_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [glark]; no data have set the package icon for [glipsgraffiti_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/glipsgraffiti_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [globalclock_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/globalclock_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [glspball] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/glspball/64.png] have set the package icon for [gnufreefonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gnufreefonts/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [gobeproductive_full] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gobeproductive_full/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [gocr]; no data did not set the package icon for [gogo]; no data have set the package icon for [gogogadget] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gogogadget/64.png] have set the package icon for [gogrinder_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gogrinder_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [gogui_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gogui_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [goldplatedfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/goldplatedfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [googlemaps] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/googlemaps/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [gottet_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gottet_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [gprop] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gprop/64.png] did populate data for [billardgl_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [grab]; no data have set the package icon for [grabit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/grabit/64.png] have set the package icon for [grafipaintfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/grafipaintfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [greed] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/greed/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [grungehandwritingfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/grungehandwritingfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [guber_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/guber_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [guido] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/guido/64.png] have set the package icon for [guilty] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/guilty/64.png] have set the package icon for [gypsymoonfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/gypsymoonfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [haikudbbicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [haikupy]; no data have set the package icon for [halogen] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/halogen/64.png] have set the package icon for [halogenfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/halogenfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [hammurabi] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hammurabi/64.png] have set the package icon for [hammurabi4hugo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hammurabi4hugo/64.png] did not set the package icon for [handbrake]; no data have set the package icon for [handmedownfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/handmedownfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [hanukkah] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hanukkah/64.png] did not set the package icon for [hashbrown]; no data have set the package icon for [hatari] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hatari/64.png] did not set the package icon for [hd]; no data did not set the package icon for [hebgb]; no data did not set the package icon for [hermet_de]; no data have set the package icon for [heroes] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/heroes/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [hex2byte]; no data did not set the package icon for [hex_pistols]; no data have set the package icon for [hexalate_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hexalate_x86/64.png] did populate data for [bochs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [hexcolor]; no data did not set the package icon for [hexdumptranslator]; no data have set the package icon for [hexglass_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hexglass_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [hexjuggler]; no data have set the package icon for [hexkeycodefinder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hexkeycodefinder/32.png] have set the package icon for [hnb] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hnb/64.png] have set the package icon for [hoffmanhandfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hoffmanhandfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [hollywoodmurders] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hollywoodmurders/64.png] have set the package icon for [hor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hor/64.png] have set the package icon for [hotedit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hotedit/64.png] did not set the package icon for [hotlauncher]; no data did not set the package icon for [htmlcolor]; no data did not set the package icon for [hugo]; no data have set the package icon for [hugoclock] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hugoclock/64.png] have set the package icon for [hugotetris] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/hugotetris/64.png] did not set the package icon for [icon_inquisition]; no data did not set the package icon for [iconblender]; no data did not set the package icon for [iconchomper]; no data have set the package icon for [iconedit_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/iconedit_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [icongrabber]; no data did not set the package icon for [icosxicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [id3attr]; no data did not set the package icon for [id3dir]; no data did not set the package icon for [id3edit]; no data have set the package icon for [idx3d] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/idx3d/64.png] did not set the package icon for [image2icon]; no data have set the package icon for [imagegrinder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/imagegrinder/64.png] have set the package icon for [imagej2x_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/imagej2x_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [imagepro] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/imagepro/32.png] have set the package icon for [imageresizer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/imageresizer/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [imageshow]; no data have set the package icon for [imagesplitter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/imagesplitter/64.png] did not set the package icon for [imageviewer]; no data did not set the package icon for [imagsize]; no data did not set the package icon for [img2ttf]; no data have set the package icon for [impro_visor_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/impro_visor_j/icon.hvif] did populate data for [boost165_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [index] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/index/64.png] did not set the package icon for [inferno]; no data have set the package icon for [infopopper] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/infopopper/64.png] have set the package icon for [initialfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/initialfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [inlinesfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/inlinesfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [interlearn] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/interlearn/64.png] have set the package icon for [internetsurfboard] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/internetsurfboard/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [iostone]; no data did not set the package icon for [iozone]; no data have set the package icon for [ipresolve] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ipresolve/64.png] have set the package icon for [iptalk] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/iptalk/64.png] have set the package icon for [iqpuzzle_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [irrepfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/irrepfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ish] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ish/64.png] have set the package icon for [ishido_de] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ishido_de/64.png] have set the package icon for [isolato] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/isolato/64.png] did not set the package icon for [itpackicons]; no data have set the package icon for [ivan] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ivan/64.png] have set the package icon for [ixalance_demos] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ixalance_demos/64.png] did not set the package icon for [jad]; no data have set the package icon for [jamal_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jamal_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [janitorfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/janitorfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jarexplorer_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jarexplorer_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jasymca] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jasymca/64.png] did populate data for [avr_libc_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [javatexteditor_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/javatexteditor_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jave_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jave_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [jawk_j]; no data did not set the package icon for [jbasic_j]; no data have set the package icon for [jcards_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jcards_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jconvert_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jconvert_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jdraw_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jdraw_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jdrawingpanel_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jdrawingpanel_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jedit_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jedit_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jeks_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jeks_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jellikit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jellikit/64.png] have set the package icon for [jenny_thinks] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jenny_thinks/64.png] have set the package icon for [jetris_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jetris_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jewelbox] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jewelbox/64.png] have set the package icon for [jfamily_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jfamily_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jfig_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jfig_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jfilesplitter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jfilesplitter/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bin86_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [jfontchooser_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jfontchooser_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jfontviewer_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jfontviewer_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jiconmaker_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jiconmaker_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jim_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jim_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jipe_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jipe_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jisho] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jisho/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jlgui_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jlgui_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jmemorize_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jmemorize_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jmines_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jmines_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jnote_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jnote_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jnpad_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jnpad_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [jogdialaicons]; no data have set the package icon for [jomic_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jomic_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [jp2a]; no data have set the package icon for [jpad_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpad_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jpass_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpass_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jpassword_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpassword_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jpc_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpc_j/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bmake_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [jpdftweak_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpdftweak_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jpdfviewer_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpdfviewer_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jpe_demo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpe_demo/64.png] have set the package icon for [jpeces_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpeces_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [jpgbatchops]; no data have set the package icon for [jpicedt_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpicedt_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jpuzzle_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jpuzzle_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jscicalc2_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jscicalc2_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jsignpdf_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jsignpdf_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jslovo_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jslovo_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jsoko_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jsoko_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [jstickynotes_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jstickynotes_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [jstock_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jstock_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [judo_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/judo_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [juffed] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/juffed/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [julie] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/julie/64.png] did not set the package icon for [justify]; no data have set the package icon for [justshow] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/justshow/64.png] did populate data for [becjk_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [jwictranslator]; no data have set the package icon for [jworksheet_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/jworksheet_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [jython]; no data have set the package icon for [kcolor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kcolor/64.png] have set the package icon for [kdiff3_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kdiff3_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [kedit]; no data have set the package icon for [keepalive] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/keepalive/64.png] have set the package icon for [keplerey_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/keplerey_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [kicker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kicker/64.png] have set the package icon for [kickflipbrkfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kickflipbrkfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [kidsicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [kilopounds]; no data did not set the package icon for [kiokisicons]; no data have set the package icon for [kitchengardenaid_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kitchengardenaid_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [knewavefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/knewavefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [kobo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/kobo/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [komi] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/komi/64.png] did not set the package icon for [kvec]; no data did not set the package icon for [label]; no data did not set the package icon for [lang5]; no data have set the package icon for [latexdraw_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/latexdraw_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [latofonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/latofonts/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [launchbar] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/launchbar/64.png] have set the package icon for [leaguegothicfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/leaguegothicfont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [binaryclock_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [leaguescriptnr1font] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/leaguescriptnr1font/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [leaves] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/leaves/64.png] have set the package icon for [leibomber] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/leibomber/64.png] have set the package icon for [lemontuesdayfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lemontuesdayfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [lesserpasswords] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lesserpasswords/64.png] did not set the package icon for [libclasqm]; no data have set the package icon for [liberationfonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/liberationfonts/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [libprefs]; no data did not set the package icon for [lifekeeper]; no data have set the package icon for [liftoff] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/liftoff/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [lightsoff] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lightsoff/64.png] have set the package icon for [lightweight2_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lightweight2_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [lingua] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lingua/64.png] have set the package icon for [linuxlibertinefonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/linuxlibertinefonts/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [liny] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/liny/64.png] did not set the package icon for [listrsrc]; no data have set the package icon for [littleshell] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/littleshell/64.png] did not set the package icon for [littlesmalltalk]; no data have set the package icon for [littlewriter_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/littlewriter_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [lockdown] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lockdown/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [lockworkstation] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lockworkstation/64.png] have set the package icon for [lockworkstation_old] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lockworkstation_old/64.png] did populate data for [avr_binutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [lomtfonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lomtfonts/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [longestline]; no data did not set the package icon for [lorem]; no data did not set the package icon for [lost_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [lowercase]; no data did not set the package icon for [lrealpath]; no data did not set the package icon for [lreplace]; no data have set the package icon for [lunasanctorum] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lunasanctorum/64.png] have set the package icon for [luxofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/luxofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [lyapunovia] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/lyapunovia/64.png] did not set the package icon for [macosx4beosicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [macosxicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [macpainttranslator]; no data have set the package icon for [madbomber] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/madbomber/64.png] have set the package icon for [maelfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/maelfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [maelstrom] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/maelstrom/64.png] have set the package icon for [magnifyextreme] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/magnifyextreme/64.png] have set the package icon for [mahjongg] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mahjongg/64.png] did not set the package icon for [maincalc]; no data have set the package icon for [majob_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/majob_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [makagiga_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/makagiga_j/32.png] did not set the package icon for [makehaiku]; no data have set the package icon for [makem3u] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/makem3u/64.png] did not set the package icon for [makeself]; no data have set the package icon for [makingalistfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/makingalistfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [mandrake_8_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [manifestoforfuturismicons]; no data did populate data for [beautifulsoup] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [mario_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mario_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [martianmemory] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/martianmemory/64.png] have set the package icon for [massfilerenamer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/massfilerenamer/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [matchingcolumns] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/matchingcolumns/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [math_ang]; no data did not set the package icon for [mathhelper]; no data have set the package icon for [mathomatic] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mathomatic/64.png] did not set the package icon for [matt]; no data have set the package icon for [maze] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/maze/64.png] did not set the package icon for [mboxtobemail]; no data did not set the package icon for [mcclintockicons]; no data have set the package icon for [mean] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mean/64.png] did not set the package icon for [mednafen]; no data have set the package icon for [meltdown] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/meltdown/64.png] have set the package icon for [memochip] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/memochip/64.png] have set the package icon for [memory] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/memory/64.png] have set the package icon for [memory_monitor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/memory_monitor/64.png] did not set the package icon for [memspeed]; no data did not set the package icon for [metamorph]; no data did not set the package icon for [mf2t]; no data have set the package icon for [mfg_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mfg_j/64.png] did populate data for [billardgl] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [milo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/milo/64.png] have set the package icon for [minefield_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/minefield_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [minimizeall] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/minimizeall/64.png] have set the package icon for [minipulse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/minipulse/64.png] have set the package icon for [miracle] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/miracle/64.png] have set the package icon for [mirrordraw_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mirrordraw_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [misc_haiku_wallpapers]; no data did not set the package icon for [misccliutils]; no data have set the package icon for [miscdemos] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/miscdemos/64.png] have set the package icon for [missilecommand] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/missilecommand/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [monkeystudio_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/monkeystudio_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [monoglyceridefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/monoglyceridefont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [moonlander] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/moonlander/64.png] did not set the package icon for [more_people_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [moreutils]; no data have set the package icon for [moriacitadelfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/moriacitadelfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [morsegen]; no data have set the package icon for [motherearth] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/motherearth/64.png] have set the package icon for [motivatormaker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/motivatormaker/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [movetoparentfolder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/movetoparentfolder/64.png] did not set the package icon for [mp3asm]; no data did not set the package icon for [mp3gain]; no data did not set the package icon for [mp3repack]; no data have set the package icon for [mpconvert_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mpconvert_en/64.png] did populate data for [boost_x86_iostreams] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [mpconvert_fr] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mpconvert_fr/64.png] did not set the package icon for [mpegtools]; no data did not set the package icon for [mplex]; no data did not set the package icon for [mplex2]; no data have set the package icon for [mrpeeps] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mrpeeps/64.png] have set the package icon for [mstorage_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mstorage_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [mucommander_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mucommander_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [multidocument_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/multidocument_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [multimarkdown]; no data have set the package icon for [munchman] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/munchman/64.png] have set the package icon for [mustsee2be] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mustsee2be/32.png] have set the package icon for [mycinema_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/mycinema_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [namenorm]; no data did not set the package icon for [nanoblogger]; no data have set the package icon for [nanolink] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nanolink/64.png] did not set the package icon for [napicons]; no data have set the package icon for [natrixcalc_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/natrixcalc_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [nazghul] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nazghul/64.png] have set the package icon for [nc_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nc_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ncdt]; no data did not set the package icon for [ncftp]; no data did not set the package icon for [nconvert]; no data did populate data for [babybe] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [ne] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ne/64.png] have set the package icon for [negateimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/negateimage/64.png] have set the package icon for [nekrokidsfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nekrokidsfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [nerdkill] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nerdkill/64.png] have set the package icon for [nervetonicfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nervetonicfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [netbeans_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/netbeans_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [netoptimist] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/netoptimist/64.png] have set the package icon for [netpenguin] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/netpenguin/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [networktime] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/networktime/64.png] did not set the package icon for [nicks_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [nightandday] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nightandday/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ninjanarutofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ninjanarutofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [njam] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/njam/64.png] have set the package icon for [noblenote_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noblenote_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [nodeinspector] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nodeinspector/64.png] did not set the package icon for [noindent]; no data did not set the package icon for [normalize]; no data did not set the package icon for [normalizefrom]; no data did not set the package icon for [notabs]; no data have set the package icon for [notanothertetrisgame_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/notanothertetrisgame_j/icon.hvif] did populate data for [bepdf_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [notrail]; no data have set the package icon for [noughtsandcrosses] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/noughtsandcrosses/64.png] have set the package icon for [nplay] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nplay/64.png] did not set the package icon for [nspark]; no data have set the package icon for [nullpointerfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nullpointerfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [numbase]; no data have set the package icon for [number1ichirofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/number1ichirofont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [numlock]; no data did not set the package icon for [nuvola_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [nvj_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nvj_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [nvu] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/nvu/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [ocal]; no data have set the package icon for [octaviofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/octaviofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [octicityfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/octicityfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [odt2txt]; no data have set the package icon for [officejunkfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/officejunkfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ogapp] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ogapp/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [oggenc]; no data have set the package icon for [oneconstantfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/oneconstantfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [openbaskervillefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/openbaskervillefont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [avr_gcc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [openiconlibrary]; no data did not set the package icon for [openiconlibrary_cc]; no data did not set the package icon for [openiconlibrary_gpl]; no data have set the package icon for [openpref_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/openpref_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [opensansfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/opensansfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [openyoutube]; no data have set the package icon for [opera] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/opera/64.png] did not set the package icon for [optionkey]; no data have set the package icon for [orbitronfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/orbitronfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ordrumbox_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ordrumbox_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ostrichsansfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ostrichsansfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ottofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ottofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [outersiderfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/outersiderfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [overhaulfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/overhaulfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [oxo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/oxo/64.png] have set the package icon for [pac] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pac/64.png] have set the package icon for [pachi] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pachi/64.png] have set the package icon for [packagebuilder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/packagebuilder/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [packomatics] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/packomatics/64.png] have set the package icon for [pager] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pager/64.png] have set the package icon for [painter_pl_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/painter_pl_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [palaceofshadows_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/palaceofshadows_j/64.png] did populate data for [boost_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [paledit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/paledit/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [panodemo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/panodemo/64.png] have set the package icon for [papercutfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/papercutfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [party] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/party/64.png] did not set the package icon for [passwdgen]; no data have set the package icon for [patience_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/patience_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [pauker_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pauker_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [pcsecrets_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pcsecrets_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [pecalc]; no data did not set the package icon for [peepicons]; no data have set the package icon for [pege] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pege/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [pege5_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pege5_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [peki_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/peki_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [pellespatience] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pellespatience/64.png] have set the package icon for [penguincards_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/penguincards_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [penguincommand] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/penguincommand/64.png] did not set the package icon for [people2vcard]; no data did not set the package icon for [perlpowertools]; no data have set the package icon for [peterbuiltfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/peterbuiltfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [pgp]; no data have set the package icon for [photoresizerqt_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [picat_x86]; no data have set the package icon for [picky] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/picky/32.png] did populate data for [basiliskii] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [pig]; no data have set the package icon for [pirate] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pirate/64.png] have set the package icon for [pixelitor_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pixelitor_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [pixie] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pixie/64.png] have set the package icon for [playdoughfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/playdoughfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [playlister] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/playlister/64.png] have set the package icon for [playlistmaker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/playlistmaker/64.png] have set the package icon for [plumecreator_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/plumecreator_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [pmmp] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pmmp/64.png] did not set the package icon for [pngbatchops]; no data have set the package icon for [pocketcalculator_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pocketcalculator_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [polaroidimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/polaroidimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [pooka_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pooka_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [portablequpzilla]; no data have set the package icon for [powermanga] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/powermanga/64.png] did not set the package icon for [powerpufficons]; no data have set the package icon for [ppsee_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ppsee_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [preflaunch] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/preflaunch/64.png] have set the package icon for [pretendo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pretendo/64.png] have set the package icon for [pretzelfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/pretzelfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [procload] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/procload/64.png] have set the package icon for [projectlibre_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/projectlibre_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [psdtranslator]; no data did not set the package icon for [pub]; no data have set the package icon for [puggle_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/puggle_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [puissance4_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/puissance4_en/64.png] have set the package icon for [puissance4_fr] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/puissance4_fr/64.png] have set the package icon for [puzzle15] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/puzzle15/64.png] did populate data for [beecrypt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [pypsum.py]; no data have set the package icon for [qaceedit_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qaceedit_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qbrows_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qbrows_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qcodecs_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qcodecs_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qelectrotech_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qelectrotech_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qeodart_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qeodart_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qgameoflife_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qgameoflife_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qgreatstatzenta_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qgreatstweightcalculator_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qiviewer_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qiviewer_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qmediainfo_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qmediainfo_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qmetro_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qmetro_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qorganizer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qorganizer/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qpass_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qpass_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qpassgen_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qpassgen_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qpdfview_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qpdfview_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [qperiodictable_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qperiodictable_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [qrcodegenerator_j]; no data have set the package icon for [qsimplesheet_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qsolocards_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qsolocards_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qtrehber_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qtrehber_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [qtwister_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/qtwister_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [quadro] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quadro/64.png] have set the package icon for [quickasciiconverter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quickasciiconverter/64.png] have set the package icon for [quickshutdown] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quickshutdown/64.png] have set the package icon for [quicky_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/quicky_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [qxmledit_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [ramspeed]; no data did not set the package icon for [randomize]; no data did not set the package icon for [randpasswd]; no data did populate data for [beshare_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [randswap]; no data did not set the package icon for [rbexe]; no data did not set the package icon for [re7zip]; no data did not set the package icon for [realforth]; no data have set the package icon for [realplayer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/realplayer/64.png] have set the package icon for [rebeccafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rebeccafont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [rebol]; no data have set the package icon for [recibe] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/recibe/64.png] have set the package icon for [reflexio] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/reflexio/64.png] did not set the package icon for [regina]; no data have set the package icon for [remember_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/remember_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [reminiscence] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/reminiscence/64.png] have set the package icon for [remixfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/remixfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [rename_perl]; no data have set the package icon for [replicat] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/replicat/64.png] have set the package icon for [repliman] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/repliman/64.png] did not set the package icon for [rescanfonts]; no data have set the package icon for [restorizer_gcc2] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/restorizer_gcc2/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [retawq] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/retawq/64.png] did not set the package icon for [returntobasic]; no data have set the package icon for [reverzi] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/reverzi/64.png] have set the package icon for [rgbblur] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rgbblur/64.png] have set the package icon for [ringarochkryss] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ringarochkryss/64.png] did not set the package icon for [rman]; no data did not set the package icon for [rmchar]; no data have set the package icon for [rmsquarial3dfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rmsquarial3dfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [robotofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/robotofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [rollemup] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rollemup/64.png] did not set the package icon for [roman2decimal]; no data have set the package icon for [rommt] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rommt/64.png] have set the package icon for [rondel] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rondel/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [rotateimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rotateimage/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [rpg] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rpg/64.png] did populate data for [bigreqsproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [rpm_opener]; no data have set the package icon for [rtext_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rtext_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [rtf2html_lite]; no data have set the package icon for [rudimentfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/rudimentfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [running] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/running/64.png] did not set the package icon for [runonchange]; no data did not set the package icon for [saferun]; no data have set the package icon for [sambaisdeadfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sambaisdeadfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [samegame_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/samegame_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [samuraidesigner]; no data have set the package icon for [sanctuaryfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sanctuaryfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [sardoria] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sardoria/64.png] did not set the package icon for [sartreicons]; no data have set the package icon for [sasteroids] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sasteroids/64.png] did not set the package icon for [scat]; no data have set the package icon for [schismtracker_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/schismtracker_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [scim] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scim/64.png] have set the package icon for [scratchedlettersfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scratchedlettersfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [scribus_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scribus_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [scriptassistant] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scriptassistant/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [scriptureguide] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scriptureguide/64.png] have set the package icon for [scriptworld] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/scriptworld/64.png] did not set the package icon for [scrows_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [seamonkey] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/seamonkey/64.png] have set the package icon for [seattleavenuefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/seattleavenuefont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [selective]; no data have set the package icon for [setpermissions] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/setpermissions/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [sevenhoursfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sevenhoursfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [shalbum]; no data did not set the package icon for [shanty]; no data have set the package icon for [sharptools] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sharptools/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ships] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ships/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [showdependencies]; no data have set the package icon for [showpeople] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/showpeople/64.png] have set the package icon for [shredder] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/shredder/64.png] did populate data for [boost_x86_coroutine] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [shufflepuzzle] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/shufflepuzzle/64.png] have set the package icon for [sidplayer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sidplayer/64.png] have set the package icon for [sierranevadaroadfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sierranevadaroadfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [siglaunch]; no data did not set the package icon for [silentword_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [silunicodefonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/silunicodefonts/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [simian_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simian_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [simpleslides] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simpleslides/64.png] have set the package icon for [simpletimer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simpletimer/32.png] have set the package icon for [simpleview] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simpleview/64.png] have set the package icon for [simplyhtml_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simplyhtml_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [simsu_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simsu_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [simutrans] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/simutrans/64.png] have set the package icon for [sintegrialtexteditor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sintegrialtexteditor/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [sisong] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sisong/64.png] did not set the package icon for [sizeattr]; no data have set the package icon for [sketchel_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sketchel_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [skiptrash]; no data have set the package icon for [skyorb] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/skyorb/32.png] have set the package icon for [slavemind] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/slavemind/64.png] did not set the package icon for [sleepy]; no data have set the package icon for [slidey] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/slidey/64.png] have set the package icon for [smalltextpad_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/smalltextpad_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [smartcopy] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/smartcopy/64.png] did not set the package icon for [smartypants]; no data have set the package icon for [snapshot] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/snapshot/64.png] have set the package icon for [snigletfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/snigletfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [solitaire] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/solitaire/64.png] have set the package icon for [soundplay] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/soundplay/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [sox]; no data did not set the package icon for [spaceswitcher]; no data have set the package icon for [speedwayfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/speedwayfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [spellassist_dicts_pack0]; no data did not set the package icon for [spellassist_dicts_pack1]; no data did not set the package icon for [spellassist_dicts_pack2]; no data did populate data for [belife_source] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [spiff]; no data have set the package icon for [spirograph] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/spirograph/64.png] did not set the package icon for [splitdir]; no data did not set the package icon for [splitstudio]; no data have set the package icon for [sqlitebrowser_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sqlitebrowser_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [squash_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/squash_x86/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [stal]; no data have set the package icon for [stardate_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/stardate_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [starter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/starter/64.png] did not set the package icon for [startrek_icons]; no data did not set the package icon for [stats]; no data did not set the package icon for [steph]; no data have set the package icon for [stercus] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/stercus/32.png] did not set the package icon for [stformatstranslator]; no data have set the package icon for [stickit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/stickit/32.png] have set the package icon for [stone] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/stone/64.png] did not set the package icon for [stripwhite]; no data have set the package icon for [study] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/study/64.png] have set the package icon for [subnamer_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/subnamer_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [suck]; no data have set the package icon for [sudokuki_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sudokuki_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [sujetafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sujetafont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [sunbird] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/sunbird/64.png] did not set the package icon for [suncalculator_x86]; no data did not set the package icon for [sunriset]; no data have set the package icon for [suqoku_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/suqoku_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [surl.py]; no data have set the package icon for [survivantfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/survivantfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [sustituye]; no data have set the package icon for [svm] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/svm/64.png] did not set the package icon for [swap2files]; no data have set the package icon for [synkron_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/synkron_x86/64.png] did populate data for [boost_x86_test] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [systeminfo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/systeminfo/64.png] have set the package icon for [systemmixers] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/systemmixers/64.png] have set the package icon for [systemmonitor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/systemmonitor/64.png] did not set the package icon for [t2r]; no data have set the package icon for [tab2sp] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tab2sp/64.png] did not set the package icon for [tab2spc]; no data did not set the package icon for [tac]; no data have set the package icon for [tallymarkfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tallymarkfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tanked] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tanked/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tankgame] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tankgame/64.png] have set the package icon for [taotechingverse] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/taotechingverse/64.png] have set the package icon for [tarbackup_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tarbackup_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [taresizer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/taresizer/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [tcping]; no data have set the package icon for [tea_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tea_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [technetiumfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/technetiumfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [technooverloadfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/technooverloadfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [teeii] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/teeii/64.png] did not set the package icon for [tempname]; no data did not set the package icon for [tempomatic]; no data did not set the package icon for [termcalc]; no data did not set the package icon for [terminalalerts]; no data have set the package icon for [tetris] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tetris/64.png] have set the package icon for [texgyrefonts] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/texgyrefonts/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [texliveassist]; no data did not set the package icon for [text_transcoders]; no data have set the package icon for [texteditorplusplus_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [textlab] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/textlab/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tgttos] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tgttos/64.png] have set the package icon for [thad] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/thad/32.png] have set the package icon for [thegurufont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/thegurufont/icon.hvif] did populate data for [boost165_x86] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [thinkfree_office]; no data did not set the package icon for [thinkfree_office_data]; no data did not set the package icon for [thumber]; no data have set the package icon for [thumbnail] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/thumbnail/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tictactoe_sdl] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tictactoe_sdl/64.png] have set the package icon for [ticworkspaceindicator] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/64.png] have set the package icon for [tide_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tide_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [tile] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tile/64.png] have set the package icon for [timecop] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/timecop/64.png] have set the package icon for [timeslottracker_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/timeslottracker_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [timetracker] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/timetracker/64.png] have set the package icon for [tinytim] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tinytim/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [toab] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/toab/64.png] have set the package icon for [tolmach] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tolmach/64.png] did not set the package icon for [tolower]; no data have set the package icon for [tongits] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tongits/64.png] have set the package icon for [topekafont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/topekafont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [torrentfileopener_x86]; no data did populate data for [boost_x86_signals] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [touchaddon]; no data did not set the package icon for [toupper]; no data have set the package icon for [tournamentmaker_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tournamentmaker_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [tr2nfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tr2nfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tracerelay] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tracerelay/64.png] did not set the package icon for [tracker_addon_shell_interface]; no data have set the package icon for [trackergrep] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/trackergrep/64.png] have set the package icon for [transuraniumfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/transuraniumfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [trashsize]; no data have set the package icon for [trax] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/trax/64.png] did not set the package icon for [tree]; no data have set the package icon for [triangulorfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/triangulorfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [trim]; no data have set the package icon for [trimines] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/trimines/64.png] have set the package icon for [trope] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/trope/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tttfh_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tttfh_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [tubularix_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tubularix_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [turnoffthelight] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/turnoffthelight/64.png] have set the package icon for [tuxcards_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tuxcards_x86/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [tuxpaint] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tuxpaint/32.png] did populate data for [beget_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [tuxpuck] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tuxpuck/64.png] have set the package icon for [tuxtyping] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/tuxtyping/64.png] have set the package icon for [txt2regex] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/txt2regex/64.png] did not set the package icon for [txt2tags]; no data have set the package icon for [txtreader_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/txtreader_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [typewriter]; no data have set the package icon for [ubiquityfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ubiquityfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ubuntufont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ubuntufont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [ultimatecalc_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/ultimatecalc_j/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [unace]; no data have set the package icon for [unanimousfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/unanimousfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [unarj]; no data did not set the package icon for [unhtml]; no data did not set the package icon for [unimp]; no data did not set the package icon for [unixtime]; no data did not set the package icon for [unquote]; no data did not set the package icon for [unrtf]; no data did not set the package icon for [unsit]; no data did not set the package icon for [uppercase]; no data have set the package icon for [userdocs_imagemagick_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/userdocs_imagemagick_en/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [userdocs_lyx_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/userdocs_lyx_en/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [userdocs_multitalk_en] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/userdocs_multitalk_en/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [utfconvert]; no data did not set the package icon for [vaioicons]; no data did not set the package icon for [vairios_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [valkyrofont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/valkyrofont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [vandelay] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vandelay/64.png] did not set the package icon for [vcard2people]; no data did not set the package icon for [vcdtools]; no data have set the package icon for [vectoroids] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vectoroids/64.png] did not set the package icon for [victorsicons]; no data have set the package icon for [videopro] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/videopro/64.png] did populate data for [avr_binutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [vietpad_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vietpad_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [viewit] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/viewit/64.png] have set the package icon for [vignetteimage] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vignetteimage/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [vilistextum]; no data have set the package icon for [voptop] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/voptop/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [vstm] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vstm/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [vwget] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/vwget/64.png] did not set the package icon for [w2dobundle]; no data did not set the package icon for [warp]; no data have set the package icon for [watertorturefont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/watertorturefont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [weatherman]; no data have set the package icon for [webeditor] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/webeditor/64.png] did not set the package icon for [webman]; no data have set the package icon for [weeklydiary] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/weeklydiary/64.png] did not set the package icon for [wgetter]; no data did not set the package icon for [wingrab]; no data did not set the package icon for [winmanip]; no data have set the package icon for [wolf3d] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/wolf3d/64.png] did not set the package icon for [word2x]; no data have set the package icon for [workbar] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/workbar/64.png] have set the package icon for [workbetter] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/workbetter/64.png] did not set the package icon for [workspace]; no data have set the package icon for [workspaceid] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/workspaceid/64.png] have set the package icon for [workspaceswitcher] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/workspaceswitcher/64.png] have set the package icon for [worldfactbook] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/worldfactbook/64.png] did populate data for [bison] (HaikuPorts) did not set the package icon for [worldofcoplandicons]; no data have set the package icon for [worldsvoyage_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/worldsvoyage_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [worldtourfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/worldtourfont/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [wput]; no data did not set the package icon for [wsbasic]; no data have set the package icon for [wsnote] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/wsnote/64.png] have set the package icon for [xamp] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xamp/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [xbin]; no data have set the package icon for [xcrillion] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xcrillion/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [xdm_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xdm_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [xgalaga] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xgalaga/64.png] did not set the package icon for [xicon]; no data did not set the package icon for [xlreader]; no data did not set the package icon for [xmlbmessage]; no data did not set the package icon for [xpm_translator]; no data have set the package icon for [xtract1] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xtract1/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [xtrusionfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/xtrusionfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [yabadabbadoo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yabadabbadoo/icon.hvif] did not set the package icon for [yabadabbadoo_github_integration]; no data have set the package icon for [yabdialog] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yabdialog/64.png] did not set the package icon for [yacas]; no data have set the package icon for [yagodu_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yagodu_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [yaiv_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yaiv_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [yapbam_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yapbam_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [yate] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yate/64.png] did populate data for [bafx] (HaikuPorts) have set the package icon for [yed_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yed_j/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [yodownet_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/yodownet_x86/64.png] did not set the package icon for [youbeaut]; no data did not set the package icon for [zag]; no data have set the package icon for [zday] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zday/64.png] did not set the package icon for [zenebona_icons]; no data have set the package icon for [zeroone] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zeroone/64.png] have set the package icon for [zincboomerangfont] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zincboomerangfont/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [zipcreator_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zipcreator_j/64.png] have set the package icon for [zipdropper] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zipdropper/icon.hvif] have set the package icon for [zipexplorer_j] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zipexplorer_j/64.png] did not set the package icon for [znotes_x86]; no data have set the package icon for [zoclock_x86] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zoclock_x86/64.png] have set the package icon for [zoidsquest] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zoidsquest/64.png] did not set the package icon for [zoo]; no data have set the package icon for [zork] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zork/64.png] have set the package icon for [zork4hugo] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zork4hugo/64.png] have set the package icon for [zviewer] from [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/__allicons/hicn/zviewer/64.png] did not set the package icon for [zxtranslator]; no data did not set the package icon for [zyzicons]; no data did populate 1172 packages' icons ( 0.634 secs) bulk load - context poll did populate data for [boost_x86_regex] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bespider_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bison_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bephotomagic] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [avr_gcc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beautifulsoup_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beecrypt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bchunk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bison_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bigreqsproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [binaryclock] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [basiliskii_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beecrypt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beget] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [binutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bochs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_program_options] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [avrdude_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [avr_libc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bison_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bison_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bencode_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bencode_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [barrage] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [besol_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bmake] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_date_time] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bookmarkconverter] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bin86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bison_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_log] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beautifulsoup_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bochs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost165_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bescreencapture_inputfilter] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [barrage_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [avrdude_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_math] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beautifulsoup_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_container] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bescreencapture_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bephotomagic_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [binutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beae_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [besol] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bash] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_system] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [beohms] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_atomic] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzip2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chmlib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [botan_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cdrtools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cherokee_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bpg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [burnitnow] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzip2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calcurse_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chmlib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chardet_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [brexx_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [box2d_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzip2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc_data] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cherokee_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [camlp5_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [check_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [check_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cherokee_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chocolate_doom_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cdrtools_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [buildbot_slave] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [brexx_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [c_ares_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzflag_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzip2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzip2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [botan_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chardet_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cantata_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [byacc_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [c_ares_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [brexx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [capstone_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chocolate_doom_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ccache_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [burp_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bpg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [butterfly] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [byacc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ccache_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bpg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calcurse_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [brexx_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ccache] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bumprace_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [box2d_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [check_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [camlp5] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [caya_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cdrtools_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ccd2iso] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cabextract] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzflag_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [capstone_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chmlib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_wave] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_thread] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calligra_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_timer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [box2d_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [c_ares] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cantata_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [box2d_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [check] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ca_root_certificates] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [boost_x86_unit_test_framework] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [brexx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [breeze_icons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [calc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chardet_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [burnitnow_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cal] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [breeze_icons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [c_ares_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cln_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chmlib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bumprace_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [brexx_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [c_ares_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [botan_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cdrtools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chat_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [bzr_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [box2d] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cairo_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [check_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chmlib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [chardet] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cairo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [capstone_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cairo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [burp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [d52] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cppunit_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [curl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [clucene_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [curlftpfs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [crypto++_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [damageproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [devil_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cln_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [crypto++_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [curl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dcadec_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [damageproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dbus_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [compositeproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [curl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cutecom_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cssselect_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [damageproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cppunit] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dateutil_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db61_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [color_lines_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dbus_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dateutil_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cppunit_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [curl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cmake_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [coolreader3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db61_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [colorcode_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ctags_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cpctools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [confuse] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [devil_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [crimson] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cloog_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ctags] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dateutil] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [crypto++_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dcron] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [confuse_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [commandtimer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [confuse_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cvsps_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [daa2iso] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [colorcode_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cln_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cmus_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dcadec_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cpio] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [clucene_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [confuse_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cpctools_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [compositeproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dbus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cutecom_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [devil_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db61_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cmake_haiku] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db61] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [compositeproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dateutil_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [codecrypt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dfu_programmer_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cmus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cscope] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [colors_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dfu_programmer_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [curl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cssselect] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cppunit_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [crimson_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cloog_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cloog_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [colors_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cppunit_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [colormake] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [d52_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [coolreader3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [coreutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cvsps_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dcadec_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [confuse_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [confuse_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [crypto++_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cmake_haiku_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [codecrypt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [color_lines_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [db61_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [defendguin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [cmake_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [clucene_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [coreutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dcron_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ebook_tools_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dgen_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [discount] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dynamate] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enchant_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dgen_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [eduke32_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ebook_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dockbert_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [diffutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dovecot_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [docutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enchant_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ecdsa_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [docutils_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dumb_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [doctranslator_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [doxygen] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dialog_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [docutils_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dmtx_utils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enet] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dvdbackup_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enchant_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dosfstools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [eduke32_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dfu_util] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [diffutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [docbook_xml_dtd] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [doctranslator] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvulibre_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dumb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dovecot_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [doxygen_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dumb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [discount_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvuviewer_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dmg2img_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [eigen_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [edgar] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dooble_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dvda_author_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enchant_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [double_conversion_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [eigen_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dialog_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvutranslator_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [double_conversion_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enchant] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enca_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dmidecode] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dialog_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dtc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ebook_tools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dtc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dulwich] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dos2unix] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [docutils_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [diffstat] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dvdauthor_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ed] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [doxygen_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ebook_tools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dvda_author_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dos2unix_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dumb_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dosbox_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enchant_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dialog_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dvdbackup_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvulibre_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dvdauthor_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [double_conversion_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [discount_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dynamate_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ebook_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvutranslator_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [eigen_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvulibre_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dumb] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [einsteinium_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enca_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [digiclock] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enet_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dialog] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dosfstools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enca_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvutranslator_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dooble_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enca_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [discount_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enca] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ecdsa] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [documentviewer_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [eigen] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [djvulibre_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dumb_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [enet_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [discount_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [dmg2img] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fftw_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fastdep_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flac_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [filecropper_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fifechan_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [festival_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fblend] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [file_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ffmpeg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fixesproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faad2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [file_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [filwip_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fftw_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flac_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [file_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fblend_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flam3_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ffmpeg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faac] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [farmhash_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [exiv2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [findutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flac123] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flam3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fish_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [festival_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [filecropper] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flac] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [file_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faac_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [file] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fish_fillets_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [festival_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ffmpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [exomizer_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fftw_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fish_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fatsort_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faac_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [exiv2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fizmo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fftw] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [f1spirit_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [espeak] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [farmhash_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expect] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [feedparser_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fasm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flam3_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fdupes] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faac_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expat_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fftw_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expect_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [extra_cmake_modules_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [exiv2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [feedparser] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [figlet] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fizmo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expat_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faad2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ffmpeg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fixesproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fish_fillets] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fifechan_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fish_fillets_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flam3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flac_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [exomizer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [filer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expat_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did process 0 packages' data in ( 1.14 secs) [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did process data bulk load - context poll did populate data for [fceux_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fceux_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fish_fillets_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expat_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [findutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faad2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flam3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [extra_cmake_modules_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [filer_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fasm_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flex] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [expat] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faad2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fixesproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [farmhash_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fatsort_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flac_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fftw_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fairtrade] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faad2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [faac_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fifechan_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [finance] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flare_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fastdep] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontutil_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ftgl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fribidi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [game_music_emu_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcab_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdb_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [game_music_emu_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freeciv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freealut_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc_syslibs_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontconfig] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidsynth] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fuse_utils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fribidi_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freeimage_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gawk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontboy_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freealut] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidlite] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdb] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontsproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidsynth_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freealut_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fribidi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontconfig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freeciv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gawk_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcal] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidlite_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontutil_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flite_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdata] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontconfig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fuse] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdal_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidlite_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flite_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontconfig_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flobopuyo_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freealut_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freegish] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontsproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [game_music_emu_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freeimage_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ftgl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fuse_utils_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc_x86_syslibs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidlite_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [game_music_emu_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcab_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fribidi] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flite_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdal_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freeimage_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc_x86_syslibs_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidsynth_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdal_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fortuna] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [game_music_emu_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidsynth_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fonttools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ftppositive] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freealut_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ftgl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fonttools_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ftgl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flite] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontsproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ftgl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidsynth_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flite_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fontconfig_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [game_music_emu] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freegish_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flickcurl_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcab_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [flobopuyo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [foldershaper] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [friss_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gcc_x86_fortran] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fluidlite_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [freetype] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fuse_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [fribidi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib6_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geos_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gloox_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geos_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [getopt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib_networking_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gettext] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ginac_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gettext_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [globe] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew_util] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoip_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gemz] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew1_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew1_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gloox_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glog_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [global] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gif2apng_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gimps_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ginac_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [getconf_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoip_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoip_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gemdropx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew1] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gettext_libintl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoipupdate_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gettext_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib_networking_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gloox_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib6_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glpng_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glpng_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib6_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gettext_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gif2apng_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib6] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib6_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [git_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew1_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glu_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geos_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gemdropx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glog_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gemz_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew1_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [genesis_commander_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoip_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib6_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gimps_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoipupdate_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ginac_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glm_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [geoip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gimps_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glog_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glib2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [getconf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew1_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glm_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gettext_x86_libintl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glpng] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [giflib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [glew_x86_util] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gsl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gpgme_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_base_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gutenprint_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnuplot_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gperf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guilib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hack] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gogo_no_coda] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gutenprint_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gutenprint_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gptfdisk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls36_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guilib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guilib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gogo_no_coda_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls35_x86_bin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_base_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnulib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls36_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gtk_doc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnome_common] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnurobbo_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnupg] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [haikutwitter_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_good_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guideml_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [groff] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gsl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guilib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gstreamer_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls36_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_libav_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnome_common_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gutenprint] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_bad_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnulib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnupg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guilib_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gocr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls34_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls_bin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_ecm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gzip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gsl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls34_x86_bin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnupg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [graphite2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_bad_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnurobbo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [graphite2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnulib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_ugly_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls35_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gocr_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gstreamer_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_bad_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_ecm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls34_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_ugly_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gphoto2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gpgme_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gpp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gutenprint_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gogo_no_coda_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_good_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [haikutwitter_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnome_common_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gyp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [graphite2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gstreamer_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_libav_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls35_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gst_plugins_base_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls36_x86_bin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnulib_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gyp_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gophernicus] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [goldendict_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls34_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [goonies_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guitarmaster] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnome_common_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guilib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [goldendict_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gpgme_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnuplot_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gphoto2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gogo_no_coda_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [guideml_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_ecm_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gmp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gnutls35_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [gophernicus_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [haikuwebkit_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [htmldoc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hidapi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iasl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hexedit] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hexvexed] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hqx_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [help2man_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [heroes] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [harfbuzz_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [idutils_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hwloc_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [homeworld_sdl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_catalog_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html5lib_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hwloc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icu_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icu_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hyphen_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_ilbm_translator_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icu_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [homeworld_sdl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hubbub_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hyphen_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hubbub_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [heroes_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hunspell_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [idna] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hyperstudio_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_ilbm_translator_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [httplib2_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hugen_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icoutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hqx_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hubbub] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [harfbuzz_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hugo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [handbrake_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iec16022_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [idna_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iasl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ilmbase_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html_parser] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [haikuwebkit_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hwloc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [help2man] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [htop_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hxcfloppyemulator_cmdline_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_catalog_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hugs98] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hyperstudio] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html5lib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hubbub_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icebreaker_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html5lib_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [idna_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html2text] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hivelytracker_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [handbrake_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hubbub_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hdialog] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hxtools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icu] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_ilbm_translator] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ilmbase] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hunspell_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [idna_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hxcfloppyemulator_cmdline_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iec16022_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [htop_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hwloc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hivelytracker] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hubbub_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [harfbuzz_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html5lib_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icu_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_catalog] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hidapi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hare_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hunspell_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [httplib2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hugo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [idutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hugen] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icebreaker] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hxtools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hare] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_ilbm_translator_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hqx_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [htmldoc_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hyphen_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hidapi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [html2text_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hub] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icoutils_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [icu_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [help2man_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [hub_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iff_catalog_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iec16022_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [intltool_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imlib2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jinja_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ilmbase_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [intltool] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jam] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [internalmidi] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [inputproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [intltool_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [karchive_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [interface_elements] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl13_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [irrlicht_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper1_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kauth_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [json_c_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jq_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jbig2dec_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kauth_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jansson_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [karchive_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kactivities_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imagemagick_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [interface_elements_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [iozone] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [interface_elements_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jam_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [internalmidi_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imagemagick_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jinja_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [indent_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpegoptim] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imlib2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl13_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imlib2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jbig2dec_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper1_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [json_c_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jansson_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jinja] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper1_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ilmbase_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ilmbase_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jgmod_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [interface_elements_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imagemagick] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jq_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [irrlicht_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jbig2dec_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jed_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [interface_elements_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jgmod_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jgmod] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [json_c] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kactivities_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [karchive_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jbig2dec] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [itstool] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jansson_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imagemagick_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper1] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jinja_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [json_c_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kactivities_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [joe] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [indent] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jansson] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [inputproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl13_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [joystickutilizer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper1_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [inputproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jed_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jbig2dec_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jasper1_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [intltool_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ilmbase_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [imagemagick_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jansson_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jpeg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [json_c_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [isl_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [indent_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [jbig2dec_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [irrlicht_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcodecs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kio_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kfilemetadata_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kconfigwidgets_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdesignerplugin_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcodecs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdelibs4support_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kbookmarks_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcrash_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kiconthemes_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kconfigwidgets_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kglobalaccel_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcoreaddons_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdbusaddons_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kbproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kbookmarks_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdiff3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kjs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdoctools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kglobalaccel_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kio_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kinit_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kemoticons_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kitemmodels_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kjobwidgets_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdelibs4support_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [khtml_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kjobwidgets_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [khtml_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kfilemetadata_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kitemmodels_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kglobalaccel_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kitemviews_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcoreaddons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kimageformats_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcmutils_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kfilemetadata_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdesignerplugin_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [keepassxc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [keymapswitcher_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ki18n_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kguiaddons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kbookmarks_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdiagram_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kded_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcodecs_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdeclarative_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kemoticons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kconfigwidgets_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kinit_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kconfig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ki18n_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kidletime_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kiconthemes_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kitemmodels_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdeclarative_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kconfig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcompletion_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdiagram_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kguiaddons_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kjs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcompletion_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdelibs4support_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kguiaddons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kinit_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdoctools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kio_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knewstuff_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcmutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kconfig_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kbproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdiagram_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [khtml_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kimageformats_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdbusaddons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdoctools_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kbproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcompletion_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ki18n_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kidletime_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kded_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdeclarative_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kidletime_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kitemviews_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kjs_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kded_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kemoticons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [keymapswitcher_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcmutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [keymapswitcher_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdiff3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kauth_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcrash_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcrash_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kiconthemes_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kitemviews_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kjobwidgets_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kcoreaddons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdbusaddons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kdesignerplugin_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kunitconversion_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kreport_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lgeneral_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktextwidgets_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [koder_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lcms_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kross_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kservice_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kovel_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kxmlgui_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knotifyconfig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kreport_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knotifyconfig_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lftp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwindowsystem_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ladspa_sdk_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kservice_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktextwidgets_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ksyntax_highlighting_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kxmlgui_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kqlives] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kxmlgui_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kpackage_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lensfun_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ladspa_sdk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kparts_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kolourpaint_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lensfun_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lha] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kproperty_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktextwidgets_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwallet_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwallet_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kproperty_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lbreakout2_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knewstuff_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lava_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ksyntax_highlighting_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktexteditor_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwidgetsaddons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ladspa_sdk_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kparts_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lcms_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica_x86_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lame_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kparts_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ladspa_sdk_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lame_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktorrent_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kross_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lcms_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwidgetsaddons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knotifications_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [koder_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kreport_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [leptonica_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kplotting_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lftp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ladspa_sdk_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [less] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lftp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktexteditor_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwallet_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kproperty_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kpackage_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwindowsystem_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kplotting_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kpackage_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kplotting_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lensfun_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kunitconversion_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwidgetsaddons_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lgeneral] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knotifications_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ktexteditor_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knotifications_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lava] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lgeneral_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [less_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kunitconversion_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ksyntax_highlighting_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kwindowsystem_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lame_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kstars_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knewstuff_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lcab] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lgeneral_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [knotifyconfig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kqlives_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [konfetti] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lame_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kservice_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kovel_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [kross_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lame] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libaacs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcddb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdio_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburndevice_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libassuan_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbase58_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbson_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lib3ds] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburndevice_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libattica_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbluray_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libart_lgpl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libarchive_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdio_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libart_lgpl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbdplus_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libattica_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbluray1_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libabw_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbson_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libasr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libass_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libclaw_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcddb] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdio_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libarchive_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libblkmaker_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdio_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lib3ds_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libassuan_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcmis_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libao] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburn_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcmis_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libclaw_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbase58_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcddb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libasr_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbase58_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbdplus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libaubio_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libassuan] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libao_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcaca_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburn_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libasr_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libabw_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbluray_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libao_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbdplus_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lib3ds_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libao_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libart_lgpl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libaubio_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburn_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcddb_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburndevice] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libaacs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libasr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libart_lgpl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libart_lgpl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbluray_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcaca] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libasr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libasr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libass_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libassuan_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdio] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libatomic_ops_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libass_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lib3ds_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libao_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbluray1_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcaca_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libattica_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdio_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libaacs_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcmis_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbluray1_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libclaw_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcddb_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lib3ds_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbase58_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libbson_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcdr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libassuan_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburndevice_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libabw_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcaca_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libassuan_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libblkmaker_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libatomic_ops_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcaca_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libaubio_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libburndevice_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libarchive_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libblkmaker_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libatomic_ops_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebml_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libedit_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdmtx_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdmtx_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdiscid_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdom_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdcss_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebml_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcss_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdwarf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcroco_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdbusmenu_qt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdiscid_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdread_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcss_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebur128] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdread_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdmtx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdnav] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdca_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi12_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdcss_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdnav_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libelf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcss_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdnav_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcuefile_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcroco_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdread_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdca] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcuefile_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdwarf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdca_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdnav_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libedit_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdwarf_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libconfig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcuefile_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdcss_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdv_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdwarf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdcss_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdmtx_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebml_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libelf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi12_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libelf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libconfig_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdiscid_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi12] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdwarf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcuefile] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libelf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdom_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdnav_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libedit_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libconfig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdom_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcroco] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcroco_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdca_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdv_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libelf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdwarf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcuefile_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdiscid_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdiscid_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdread] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdbusmenu_qt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdiscid] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebur128_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdsk_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdmtx_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi12_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdcss] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebml_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebook_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcuefile_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libedit_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebml] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdbusmenu_qt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvdread_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libedit] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdvbpsi12_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libcroco_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebook_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libdca_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libebook_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libftdi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libguess_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libid3tag_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libid3tag_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfpx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libhx_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexecinfo_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libhx_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libicns_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgcrypt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgsasl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiconv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgpg_error] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libguess_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libhxcfe_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libevent_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgsasl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgpg_error_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfreehand_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfdk_aac_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libhxcfe_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfilezilla_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libetonyek_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfilezilla_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libffi] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libffi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfdk_aac_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgpg_error_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libetonyek_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidn] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libguess_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libical_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgeotiff_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiconv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfpx_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgpg_error_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiconv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfreehand_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgcrypt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgit2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libhxcfe_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libid3tag_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgphoto2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexif_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libicns_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfreehand_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgeotiff_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfilezilla_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgphoto2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libharu_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libicns_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libharu_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libicns] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgsasl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgeotiff_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexif_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libffi_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidn_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libetonyek_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgcrypt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libhx_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libevent_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfpx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libicns_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libevent_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libftdi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfdk_aac_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexif_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libffi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexecinfo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libical_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgpg_error_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgsasl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgsasl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libid3tag] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexecinfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexif_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgphoto2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libguess_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgit2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libffi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexecinfo_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libical_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libharu] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libid3tag_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgcrypt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgcrypt_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiconv_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexecinfo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libfdk_aac_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libexif] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libguess] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiconv_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libgit2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libftdi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmng] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiodbc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libircclient_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblrdf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libksba_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmaxminddb_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmad_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmodplug] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiodbc_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmicrohttpd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmetalink_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libimagemanip_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblangtag_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmicrohttpd] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmatroska_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmms_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmicrohttpd_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmms_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmms_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblayout_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libkomparediff2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmkv_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmatroska_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmaxminddb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmodplug_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libimagemanip_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidn_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libksba] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidn_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiodbc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmetalink_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmikmod] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libktorrent_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmetalink_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libktorrent_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmetalink_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libimagemanip_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmodplug_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblrdf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libidn_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmms] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libimagemanip_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiptcdata] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmng_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libksba_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libksba_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmicrohttpd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblo_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmkv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libircclient_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmatroska] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmikmod_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libircclient] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libircclient_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmad_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libircclient_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblayout_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblrdf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmad_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmkv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libircclient_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiptcdata_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libimagemanip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblayout_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmikmod_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmng_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblangtag_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmkv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libkomparediff2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmng_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libktorrent_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmikmod_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmodplug_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmatroska_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmng_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmikmod_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libkomparediff2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libksba_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmodplug_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblayout] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmicrohttpd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblangtag_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmad_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblrdf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblrdf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmad] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiodbc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmatroska_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmms_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libimagemanip_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmicrohttpd_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblayout_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiodbc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmetalink] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmaxminddb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liblrdf_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libiodbc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmkv_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboauth_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspack_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libogg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpaper_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnatpmp_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmp4v2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libparserutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libodfgen_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre0] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpaper] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspub_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libopenmpt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpaper_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmtp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspack_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libparserutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmpeg2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmysqlclient_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnspsl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsgif_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnspsl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboil_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspack_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmpeg2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmtp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libotr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspack_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmpeg2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnspsl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnslog_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsbmp_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libp11_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpaper_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspack] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libp11_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmp4v2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsgif_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpagemaker_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboil] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libopenmpt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmwaw_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsgif_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libogg_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmwaw_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnslog_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcap] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsutils_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libp11_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcap_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspub_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnatpmp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmwaw_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmpeg2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmpeg2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsbmp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libopenmpt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpagemaker_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libparserutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsbmp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmysqlclient_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsbmp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libp11] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libogg] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre0_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre0_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsutils_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libogg_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboauth] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpagemaker_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmysqlclient_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libodfgen_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libodfgen_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre0_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsbmp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libparserutils_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmtp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboauth_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboauth_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libogg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libp11_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libp11_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmp4v2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libogg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libmspub_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnslog_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libnsutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboil_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libotr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libparserutils_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [liboauth_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpaper_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libotr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libquicktime_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng16_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraqm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng16_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libshout_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraqm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraqm_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librsync_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libquicktime] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsass_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libshout_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libprefs_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libreplaygain_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librsync_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng12_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librevenge_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsamplerate_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libshout_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng16_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libquicktime_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsanta_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++3_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librecad_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libreplaygain] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libprefs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpthread_stubs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libreplaygain_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraw_x86_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libshout] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libqt4_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libshout_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libplist_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraw_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsass_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsass_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng16_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librsync] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librsync_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librevenge_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsanta_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng12] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libreplaygain_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsamplerate_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libplist] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng16] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsamplerate_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng12_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraw_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsanta] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsanta_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libqt4_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsanta_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libplist_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpthread_stubs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libquicktime_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libplist_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libreplaygain_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpcre_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpipeline_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libplist_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libraw_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libqt4_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libreplaygain_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsdl2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librevenge_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpthread_stubs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libquicktime_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [librsync_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libpng_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsoup_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsvgtiny_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_compat] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsolv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigsegv_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsvgtiny_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtheora_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libunistring_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtimidity_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsvgtiny_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsodium] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsoundtouch_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigc++_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsolv_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtasn1_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsodium_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libupnp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libspectrum_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtool_x86_libltdl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusbmuxd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtheora_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libunistring] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigsegv_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigsegv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmdev_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsodium_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtar] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsndfile_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsndfile_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsndfile] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigsegv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtasn1_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libunistring_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsodium_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libunistring_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmdev_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsolv_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsolv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsndfile_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtasn1_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtool] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsoup_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtimidity_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtasn1] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusbmuxd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsoundtouch_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtheora_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsvm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusbhxcfe_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtimidity_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsodium_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libupnp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtimidity] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsolv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libssh2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmdev_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libssh2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtheora] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libspectrum_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtheora_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusbhxcfe_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusbmuxd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsvm_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_compat_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libssh2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libssh2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtasn1_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsoundtouch_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtool_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_compat_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsoup_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtimidity_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsndfile_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsodium_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_compat_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusbhxcfe_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsigsegv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtasn1_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libssh2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtool_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libspectrum] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libupnp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsmf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libunistring_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_compat_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtool_libltdl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libssh2_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libtar_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libsvm_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvisio_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxfixes_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp6_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwps_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxau_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp5_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcm_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwps_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvpx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libusb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvterm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwpd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvterm_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcm_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxext_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxfixes_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libuuid] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp5_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxau_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwalter] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvorbis_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvorbis_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxau] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxinerama_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxdg_basedir] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvterm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libutf8proc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvorbis] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libuuid_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwalter_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvncserver_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp6_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxdg_basedir_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvisio_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxfixes_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxau_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libutf8proc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcb] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libuuid_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwpg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libx11_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp5_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwapcaplet_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvterm_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libx11_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxau_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvterm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libuuid_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvpx3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvpx3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcb_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwps_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwpd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp5_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvpx_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libx11] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libx11_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwapcaplet_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwpg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxdg_basedir_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libuuid_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvisio_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvpx3_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxdg_basedir_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvpx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp6_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvncserver_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwpd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp5] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp6] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvncserver_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwapcaplet_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libx11_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxdg_basedir_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvorbis_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxcb_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxext_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp6_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwpg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxext_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libutf8proc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvterm_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp6_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libvorbis_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxinerama_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libwebp5_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxinerama_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lwtools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxpm_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lm4tools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lmms_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lighttpd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luafilesystem_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua52_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libykpers_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lm4tools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua51_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxpm_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxslt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luajit_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxml2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [live555_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua51_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luarocks_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxml2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lrzsz] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libzip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [live555_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [llvm_x86_clang_analysis] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpsolve_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [linaro_qemu_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpairs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libzip_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [live555_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [linaro_qemu_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luajit_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lmarbles_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxtst_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lighttpd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua51_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libykpers_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxslt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libykpers_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luacheck] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [llvm_x86_libs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lmdb_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxml2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libyubikey_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxtst_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [live555_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luarocks] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxpm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lighttpd_x86_mod_geoip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [links] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lsdvd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua51_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua52_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libzip_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ltris_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpsolve_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua52_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxml2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libzip_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lmdb_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua52_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua51_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libyubikey] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxslt_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua51] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua52] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libzip_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [llvm_x86_clang] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luafilesystem] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxslt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lmdb_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpairs_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxkbfile_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luafilesystem_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lwtools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxkbfile_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [live555] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lsdvd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxslt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpsolve_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libyubikey_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libyubikey_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [llvm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxkbfile_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxtst_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpsolve_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luarocks_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxml2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxml2_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lighttpd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxpm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [luajit_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lpsolve] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libyubikey_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [libxpm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lua_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mechanize_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minisign_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mimetic_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mkdepend] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [m4_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markdown_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minizip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minesweeper] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minimizeall] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mjpegtools_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markups_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [make_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mjpegtools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mksh_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mechanize] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [midikeyboard] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzip_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mako_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [m4_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdocml] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mksh] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lz4_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markups] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mgba_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [makedepend] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzip_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzo_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markdown] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [man] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mawk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minizip_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minicom_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lynx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lz4] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [m4] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdds_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minizip_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa_swrast] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [make_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lz4_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mda_vst_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mediainfo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mev_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markups_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [maps_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzo_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mako_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdocml_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdocml_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minisign] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minisign_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdate_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minizip_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mimetic_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mda_vst_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [maps] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lz4_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markdown_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mikmod] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mediainfo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lyx_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markdown_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdds_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdate] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mock] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa_x86_swpipe] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mako] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mechanize_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mgba_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mirrormagic_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mm_common] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lz4_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mako_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mc_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [lzop] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [make] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [markups_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mbedtls_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mdds_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minicom_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mesa_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minizip_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [minisign_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mjpegtools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mawk_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mimetic_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musicbrainz_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neofetch_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nettle_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncurses6_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netsurf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mutt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neonlights] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musescore_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [moleinvasion_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nettle_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mupdf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [moleinvasion] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nettle_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg321_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nanosvgtranslator_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpfr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mog_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nanosvgtranslator_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg321_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musepack_tools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncurses6_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mupdf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mupdf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neon_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mupdf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mutt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [muparser_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nettle] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musicbrainz_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musepack_tools_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncurses6_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netcat_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netcat] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mrpeeps] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg123_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [muscle_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musicbrainz] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neon_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg123_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [multitalk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mosh_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mupdf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nasm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncompress] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncompress_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nano] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nanosvgtranslator_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mtr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [multitalk_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netsurf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpfr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musicbrainz_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg123_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [moleinvasion_music] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mtr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mosh_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpfr_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musepack_tools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mtr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpfr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neon_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netsurf_buildsystem] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpv_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mock_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musicbrainz_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neon_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netperf_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musepack_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncurses6_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neverball_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [muparser_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg123_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [muparser_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musepack_tools_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpg123] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nettle_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [netperf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neverball_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musescore_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [monkeystudio_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nethack] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neon] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [muscle_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nettle_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ncurses6] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [neofetch] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musicbrainz_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nethack_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [muscle_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpv_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [musepack_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [mpfr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openal_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openldap] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nss_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opus_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opus] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_regional] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nspr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opusfile_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openal_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [notepadqq_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ocaml_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openexr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openexr_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openxcom_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openpam_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nss_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openblas_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openblas_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ode] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openal] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oniguruma_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oniguruma_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [npth_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openal_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ode_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openttd_gfx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ode_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openjpeg] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [optipngtranslator] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openxcom_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [odt2txt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openexr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opusfile_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ninja_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nsgenbind_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opencollada_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ode_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openal_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openexr_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opensound_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openttd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opusfile_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_sans_cjk_sc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openldap_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [npth_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_sans_cjk_jp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oniguruma_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nspr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_sans_cjk_tc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [npth] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_chroscore] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openjpeg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opencollada_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ninja_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opencollada_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opus_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nsgenbind_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_sans_cjk_kr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ne_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nspr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openldap_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nss_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ne_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oniguruma] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [nfd] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [npth_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openpam_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openblas_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openjpeg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opusfile] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openldap_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_man] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openpam_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_condensed] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [noto_sans_cjk] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [npth_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ode_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [optipng] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openexr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openjpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openldap_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openexr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openttd_sfx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opencollada_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opusfile_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [notepadqq_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openldap_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opusfile_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ode_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openttd_gfx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oniguruma_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openssl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [openjpeg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [phonon_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pingus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [podofo_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [patch] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pango_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [plee_the_bear_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pixman_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pnglite] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [plib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pachi_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opus_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [otter_browser_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [penguin_command_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [plib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paramiko] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paramiko_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [orc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pango_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pin8_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pinentry_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pixman_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pachi] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pixman] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils_data] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oxygen_icons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [physfs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [physfs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [photograbber_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [patchutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pari_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pngquant_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pe_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [plee_the_bear_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pngquant_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [orc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pathtools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pip_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paladin_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pin8] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [plib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pngquant_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [oxygen_icons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [orc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pdftranslator_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [phonon_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [physfs_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pathtools_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pkgconfig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [orc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pinentry] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pixman_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [physfs_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pdflib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pari_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [podofo_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pecobeat_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pnglite_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pinentry_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paladin_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [padblocker] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pari_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pixman_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paperkey_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pjdfstest] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [p7zip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [penguin_command] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pdftranslator_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [phonon_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pnglite_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [plib_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pdfwriter] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [physfs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pnglite_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pari] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [phantomlimb] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pecorename_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [podofo_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [orc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pkgconfig] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paperkey_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pkgconfig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pngcrush] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paperkey] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pnglite_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ponpokodiff] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [opus_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paperkey_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pari_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pingus_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pciutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pango_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [paladin_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [png2ico] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [primegen_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [poppler_x86_glib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [protobuf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qpdfview_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qmmp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pyyaml_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [psqlodbc_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [putty_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qca_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pypeg2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [primegen] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [psiconv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ptex_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [potrace] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [proj_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ponscripter_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qbittorrent_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [poppler_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pyyaml] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [poppler_x86_qt5] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qca2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [psiconv_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [popt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qscintilla_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qjson_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [primesieve_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [potrace_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ptex_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [presentproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [popt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pyyaml_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [psiconv_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qca2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [potrace_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pygments] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [protobuf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pygments_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pwgen_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qbs_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qmmp_plugin_pack_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [presentproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [q] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [puri_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [popt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode_kdl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [poppler_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [premake_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qpdfview_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [privoxy_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [primesieve_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qbs_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [popt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qemu_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [protobuf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode_kdl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [postgresql_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [poppler_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [postgresql_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pwgen] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [puri_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [presentproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qjson_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [python3_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qemacs_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [primegen_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qmmp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pypeg2_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qmmp_plugin_pack_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pypeg2_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ptex_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [putty] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [proj_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [python3_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pywebsocket] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qca_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [python_imaging] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [psqlodbc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pyyaml_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [psqlodbc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [privoxy] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [primesieve_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [proj_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pypeg2_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ponscripter_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [premake_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qca_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [potrace_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qjson_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qscintilla_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [pywebsocket_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [protobuf_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [potrace_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [popt_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qrencode] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qca2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rubberband_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rezerwar_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [resourceproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [re2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rebol_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ragel_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [raptor_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [querywatcher] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qtwebkit_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [raptor_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [randrproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [requests_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt4pas_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qsystray] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [quassel_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [residualvm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt5_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_x86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [redis_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ragel_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qtwebkit_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qupzilla_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [recordproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt5_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qtwebkit_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [requests] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [raptor_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [remember] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [raptor_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [roadfighter_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [renderproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [raptor_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [re2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [randrproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rman_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [redis_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [remotecontrol] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qutim_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [quilt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rubberband_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [requests_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt4pas_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rsync] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rdesktop_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rename] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [re2c_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qthaikuplugins_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qtav_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [raptor] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rssavers] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt5_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [randrproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [recordproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [radare2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt5_x86_docs] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [radare2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt4pas_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qt_creator_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [re2c_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [retroarch_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [re2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rman] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rubberband_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qtav_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qthaikuplugins_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rocksndiamonds_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [radare2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qtav_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rawaes] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [retroarch_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [requests_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [resourceproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ragel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [resourceproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [q_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [qscintilla_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline6_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rhapsody_irc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [renderproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ragel_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rebol] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [recordproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rezerwar] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rssavers_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [readline] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [retroarch_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [residualvm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [renderproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ruby_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [runprogram_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_mixer_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_mixer_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sane_backends_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_net_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdcc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_net_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rust_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scintilla_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_mixer_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_mixer_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdllopan_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scintilla_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdlscavenger_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_image_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_mixer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scrnsaverproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_image_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_image_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scummvm_tools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scriptureguide_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_pango_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_ttf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_ttf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [se] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_gfx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_pango_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_image_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_gfx_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_image_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_image_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_net_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sablotron] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_ttf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_net_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sbc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sbc_x86_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_image_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_sound] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_net_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_ttf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sane_backends_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ruby_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [schroedinger] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_net_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_image_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdlscavenger] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scummvm_tools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_net_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [schroedinger_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sane_backends] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_bomber_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdljoytest] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sane_backends_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sbc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scriptureguide_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [samba_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scintilla_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scummvm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_ttf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_ttf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_sound_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_image] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_net] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_ttf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sane_backends_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_mixer_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_sound_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_image] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_mixer_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [samba_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_ttf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_gfx_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdcc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_pango_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sablotron_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [rust_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_mixer_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [runprogram] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_ttf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [samba_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdljoytest_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_mixer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scrnsaverproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_gfx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_bomber] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [scrnsaverproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_gfx_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_mixer_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_net_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_gfx_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_sound_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sbc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_image_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_ttf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_sound_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ruby_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl2_net] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sdl_gfx_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sortsave] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speex_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sonnet_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sed_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speech_tools_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sparsehash_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg2_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smjpeg_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slimevolley_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [solarus_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sge_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sharutils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [simutrans_pak64] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speech_tools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smjpeg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smtube_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serf] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [solarus_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [solid_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [simplebackup_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [snapshot] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sockhop_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [soxr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sge_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sonnet_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [snappy_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slang_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [soxr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg2_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [setuptools_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sed] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sockhop_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [shared_mime_info_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serviceswatcher] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [shanty] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [soxr] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slang] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [snappy_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sparsehash_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sequitur_devices] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smjpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [snapshot_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [shared_mime_info] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sockhop] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slang_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [setuptools_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [setuptools_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [six_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slang_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [soxr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [setuptools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sharutils] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sharutils_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sge] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [simplebackup] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [simplyvorbis] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smjpeg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sox_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speech_tools_x86_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slang_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serviceswatcher_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speex_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speex_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smjpeg] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sge_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [solid_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sge_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [simplyvorbis_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sequitur_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg2] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sox_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [slayer_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serf_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speech_tools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speex] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sge_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smjpeg_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [soxr_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [shared_mime_info_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [six] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [snappy_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sonnet_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [simutrans_pak64_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [speex_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [solid_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [serf_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sox_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [smpeg] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [strigi_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squashfs_tools_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [superlu_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [systeminfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [swig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [threadweaver_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [testdisk_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sshfs_fuse] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tesseract_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sqlite_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [texi2html] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stlink_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stfl_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [taskmanager_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [symetrie] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tidy_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sshfs_fuse_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [texinfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [taglib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squirrel_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [threadweaver_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [superfreecell_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sword_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [strigi_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [swig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [t4k_common_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [taglib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [swi_prolog_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stm32flash_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [superlu_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sqlite_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [subversion_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [testdisk_x86_qt] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sqlite_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stm32flash_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [szip_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tcc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [t4k_common_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [swi_prolog_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sword_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stegsnow] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [superlu_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sum_it_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [streamradio] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [taglib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stockfish_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sqlite_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tar_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squashfs_tools_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [the_silver_searcher_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [the_silver_searcher_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [strigi_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [substrate] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tcl_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [testdisk_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tar] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stfl_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stlink_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [threadweaver_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [superfreecell] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [szip_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [superfreecell_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [textsaver] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sword_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [szip_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [supertux_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [spiff_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stfl_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tesseract_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [texi2html_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tcc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squirrel_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sync_modular] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [taglib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [super_transball_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tcpdump] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tesseract_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [taglib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [systeminfo_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squashfs_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [symbola] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tcl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [texinfo4] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [spiff] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [szip_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squashfs_tools_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [stockfish_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tcc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [squirrel_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [sqlite_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [szip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [t4k_common_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [thememanager_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tidy] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [szip_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [supertux] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unixodbc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinygl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [timgmsoundfont] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tipster] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinygl_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [timetracker_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [torsocks_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unixodbc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [urllib3_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uriparser_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tipster_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tox_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tig_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [treecc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vamp_plugin_sdk_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uchardet_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uchardet] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [torsocks_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ultradv] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [trojita_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vala_x86_common] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uchardet_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unrtf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [udis86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tolmach] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uri_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uriparser] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [torsocks_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unlzx_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [twolame_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unrtf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unarr_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tnftp] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [twolame_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tuxmath_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uif2iso_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [util_linux_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unarr_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unzip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unittest++_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [util_linux_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tuxracer_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml2_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tolmach_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unzip_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tuxtype2_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [twolame_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [twolame_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uchardet_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uri] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tuxracer] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [util_macros_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [torsocks_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unittest++_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unixodbc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tox_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [transplus] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unixodbc] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vamp_plugin_sdk_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tox_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unarr_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [urllib3_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tree] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unittest++] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vamp_plugin_sdk_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tig_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [twolame] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unittest++_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [util_macros_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [torsocks_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [util_linux_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uchardet_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uncrustify_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unittest++_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tor_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vala_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tor_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unixodbc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vala_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [timetracker] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [torsocks] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [unlzx] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [util_macros] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [urllib3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tiff4_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tuxmath_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [udis86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tinyxml_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uif2iso_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [uncrustify_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [tuxtype2_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [urllib3_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vifm_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xar_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wordclock] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcb_proto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wordclock_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [x264_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wput] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [x264_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xmlto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vifm_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [whereismymouse] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xar_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcmiscproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [weechat_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xextproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [videoproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vcdimager_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vcdimager_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [which_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wxqt_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wget_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wput_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vorbis_tools] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xlreader] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vectoroids_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcb_proto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [videoproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vlc_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xml_parser_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xdelta_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vcdimager_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xapian_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wavpack_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wxqt_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [x265_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xextproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wavpack_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcb_proto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xdelta_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xineramaproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vcdimager_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vcdimager] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vice_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xapian_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vasm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wpa_supplicant_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xpdf_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [watchdog] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wput_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [watchdog_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcb_proto_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wavpack_x86_bin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [webencodings] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wget_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wxqt_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [x264_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xpdf_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcmiscproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [verilator_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xapian_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vasm_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vectoroids] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wakeup_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [webwatch] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vmware_addons_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [weechat_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [weechat_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vlc_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [which] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vttest] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vcdgear] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wakeup] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xcmiscproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [webencodings_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vlc_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vttest_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vmware_addons_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [webencodings_python3] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vice_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vmware_addons_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [verilator_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vlink] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vlink_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xineramaproto_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [videoproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vision_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xar_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xlreader_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [webencodings_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wget_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xml_parser] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [vlc_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xineramaproto_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [x265_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [wavpack_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xextproto] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [x265_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yasm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [z26_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zziplib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zziplib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zope_interface_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zstd_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zopfli_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yaml_cpp_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xtrans_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zope_interface] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ykclient_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zziplib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xrick_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yaml_cpp_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yaml_cpp_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yasm] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yab] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ykclient_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zlib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zope_interface_python] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zziplib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yab_ide_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [z26_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zip] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zlib_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zstd_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xz_utils_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xtrans_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zlib_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [ykclient_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xtrans] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zlib_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zstd_x86_bin] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zlib] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zziplib_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zopfli_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xz_utils_x86_devel] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [yab_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zziplib_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zstd_x86] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [xz_utils_x86_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [youtube_dl] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [youtube_dl_source] (HaikuPorts) did populate data for [zope_interface_python3] (HaikuPorts) [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did process 3542 packages' data in ( 4.74 secs) [PkgDataUpdateProcess] did process data bulk load - context poll bulk load - transition to state [BULK_LOAD_COMPLETE]