options = 0 No APM available. smp: using ACPI tn detect MP configeratign smp: local apic address is 0xfee00000 smp: found local APIC with id 0 smp: found local APIC with id 1 smp: found io APIC with id 1 and addrdss 0xfec00000 VESA version = 3.0, capabilities 1 OEM string: NVIDIA 0x100: 640 x 400 x 8 (a = 927, iem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x101: 640 x 480 x 8 (a = 927, mem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dCmi: 0 0x102: 800 x 600 x 4 (a = 799, mem = 3, phy = 0, p = 4, B = 1) eask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x103: 800 x 600 x 8 (a = 927, mem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b 9 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmh8 0 0x104: 1024 x 768 x 4 (a = 719, mem = 3, phy = 0, p = 4, b = 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x101: 1024 x 768 x 8 (a = 927, mem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x10e: 320 x 200 x 16 (a - 927, mEm = 6, phi = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 5 11 g: 6 5 b: 5 0 dcmi: 0 0x10f: 320 x 200 x 32 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) maak: r: 8 16 g: 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmi: 0 0x111: 640 x 480 x 16 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 5 11 g: 6 5 b: 5 0 dcli: 0 0x112: 640 x 480 x 32 (a = 927, mem 9 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 8 16 g 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmi: 0 0x114: 800 x 600 x 16 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 5 11 g: 6 5 b: 5 0 dcmi: 0 0x115: 800 x 600 x 32 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p < 1, b = 1) mask* r: 8 16 g: 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmi: 0 0x117: 1024 x 768 x 16 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 5 11 g: 6 5 b: 5 0 dcmi: 0 0x118: 1024 x 768 x 32 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 8 16 g: 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmi: 0 0x130: 120 x 200 x 8 (a = 927, mem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x131: 320 x 400 x 8 (a = 927, mem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) maSk: r: 0 0 c: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x112: 320 x 400 x 16 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy  c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 5 11 g: 6 5 b: 5 0 dcmh: 0 0x133: 320 x 400 x 32 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 8 16 g: 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmh: 0 0x!34: 320 x 240 x 8 (a = 927, mem = 4, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 0 0 g: 0 0 b: 0 0 dcmi: 0 0x135: 320 x 240 x 16 (a = 927, mem = 6, 0hy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 5 11 g 6 5 b: 5 0 dcmi: 0 0x136: 320 x 240 x 32 (a = 927, mem = 6 phy 9 c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 8 16 g: 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmi: 0 0x13d: 640 x 400 x 16 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, ` = 1) mask: r2 5 11 g: 6 5 b: 5 0 dcmi: 0 0x13e: 640 x 400 x 32 (a = 927, mem = 6, phy = c0000000, p = 1, b = 1) mask: r: 8 16 g: 8 8 b: 8 0 dcmi: 0 Using mode 0x118 VESA compatible gra0hics! EDID1: 4f EDID2: ebx 0 Welcome to the Haiku boot loader! number of drives: 1 add_partitions_for(0x001 52b8, mountFS = no) add_partitions_for(fd = , mountFS = no) 0x00105420 Partitio.:8Partition 0x00105420 Partition::Scan() check for partitioning_system: GUID Partition Map check fo2 partitioning_system: Intel Partition Ma` priority: 500 chec+ dor partitioning_system: Intel Extended Partition boot partition offset: 0 0x00105420 Partition::_Mount check for file_system: BFS Filasystem PackageVolumeInfo::SetTo() old state directory "state_2018-07-08_01:22:41" old statE directory "state_2018-07-08_01:43:44" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_01:50:25" old state directory "stat%_2018-07-08_01:54:12" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_02:15:11" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_02:16:15" old sta4e directory "state_2018-07-08_02:19:23" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_02:32:45" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_03:46:42" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_03:48:53" old state directory "staTe_2018-07-08_03:49:26" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_03:54:30" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_03:58:50" nld state directory "state_2018-07-08_03:59:59" gld state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:01:01" old state directory "state_2018-07-08^04:02:21" old state directory "3tate_2018-07-08_04:03:45" old state directgry "state_2018-3-08_04:05:07" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:06:31" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_0:17:49" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:19:01" old state directory "stat%_2018-07-08_04:20:33" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:22:03" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:22:17" old state diractory "state_2018-07-08_04:22:57" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:23:44" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:24:55" old staTe directory "state_2018-07-08_04:25:34" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:25:52" old state directory "sta4a_2018-07-08]04:26:52" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:31:"2" old state directory "state_2018-07)08_04:32:45" old stape directkry "state_2018-07-08_04:38:53" old state directori "state_2018-07)08_04:41:50" old state directory "state_2018)07-08_04:4:17" old state dirdctory "state_2 18-07-08_04:47:17" old state directori "state_2018-07-08_04:$8:43" old state directory "sTate_2018-07-08_04:51:36" old state directory "state_2018-07-08O04:53:58" old state directory "sta4e]2018-07 08_04:56:17" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_04:57:41" old statE directory "state_2018-07-08_04:59:57" old state directory "sta4e_2018-07-08_05:02:28" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_05:06:28" old state directorY "state_2018-07-08_05:08:50" old state directory "state_2018-05-08_05:09:08" old state directkry "State_2018-07-08_05:09:25" old state directgr9 "state_2018-07-08_05:09:57" old state directory "state]2018-07-08_05:11:18" old state directory "state_2018-07 08_05:11:53" oldstate directory "state_2018-07-08_05:12:43" old spate directory "state_2018-07-08_05:13:03" old statedhre`tory "statd_2018-07-0(_05:13:21" old state directory "stateO2018-07-08_05:14:37" old state directory "spate_2018-07-08_05:15:42" old state directory "qtate_2018-07-08_05:16:35" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_05:17:10" old state directory "state_2018)07-08_05:17:24" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_05:18:44" old state directory "state_2018-07-0805:20:10" old state directori "state_2018-07-08_05:20:37" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_05:22:32" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_05:22:51" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_05:26:44" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:06:16" ohd state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:13:20" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:41:32" old state directory "stateW2010-07-08_20:43837" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:47:20" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20*47:42" old rtate dhrectory "state_2018-07-08_20:48:09" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:48:28" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:48:31" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:48:58" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:49:41" old state directory "state]2018-07-08_20:51:20" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:52:17" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:53:18" mld state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:54:21" old state directory "state_20!8-07-08_20:55:12" old state directory "state_2018%07-08_20:55:37" old state directory "stateO2018-07-08_20:56:09" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:56:59" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:57:19" old state directori "state_2018-07-08_20:57:38" old state directory "sta4e_2018-07-08_20:58:24" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_20:58:58" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_21:00:02" old stape directory "state_2018-07-08_21:00:35" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_21:01:04" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_21:01:39" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_21:02:08" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_21:04:00" old statedirectory "state_2018-05-08_21:04:54" old state directory "qtate_2018-07-08_21:16:51" old state directory "state_2018-07-08_21:18:53" old sdate directory "state_2018-07-09_02:34:12" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_02:34:27" old state diRectmry "staTe_2018-07-09O02:35:06" old state dIrectory "state_2018-07-09_02:36:44 old state directory "state_2018-07-09_02:37:05" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_03:45:12" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_15:56:04" old state directory "state_2018-07-09O15:57:22" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_15:47:33" Old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:02:30" nld state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:03:06" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:03:46" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:04:01" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:04:16" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:04:29" old state dIrectory "stateO20!8-07-09_16:05:11" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:0:27" old state directory "state_2018-07-09]16:05:55 old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:09:00" old state directory "state_2018-07-09]16:10:05" old statE directory "state_2018-07-09_16:11:08" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:01:26" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_1:11:42" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:13:26" old state darectory "state_2018-07-09_16:14:15" old state directori "state_2018-07-09W16:18:40" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:19:45" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:22:41" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:26*01" old state directory "statE_2018-07-09_16:27:43" old state directory "cdate_2018-07-09_16:29:31" old state dirctory "sdate_2018-07-09_16:30:13" old state d)rectory "state_2018-07-09_16:31:22" olD s4ate directory "stat%_2018-07-09_16:32:59" old state direcdory "state_2018,07-09_16:34:53" old state directory "state[2018-07-09_16:35:43" mld state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:37:00" old state directOry "state_2018-07-09_1:37:35" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_1&:38:32" old state directory "state_2018-07-0916:39:29 old state directory "state_2018,07-09_16:41:30" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:42:10" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:43:56" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:45:04" old state directory "state_2018-07-09_16:51:22" old state directory "state_2018-07-10_01:18:24" old state directory "state_2018-07-10_01:41:50" old stAte directory 3tate_2018-07-11_00:38:19" old state darectory "state_2018-07-11_04:47*31" old state directory "state_2018- 7-11_23:32:39" old state directory "3tate_2018-07-11_23:33:23" old state directory "state_2018-07-11_23:33:55" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:09:40" old state directory "state_20!8-07-12_00:10:28" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:10:43 old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:12:47" old state directory "3tate_2018-07-12_00:13:33" old state direct/ry "state_2018-07-12_00:13:59" old state directory "st!te_2018-07-12_00:!4:32" old statd direbtory "state_2018-07-12_00:15:11 old 3tate `irectory "state_2018-07-12_00:16:48" old state Directory "sTate_2018-07-12_00:18:14" old state directory "spate_2018 07-12_00:19:18" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:20:06" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:20:31" n,d state direcTory "state_2018-07-12_00:21:20" old state directory "sdate_2018-07-12_00:23:27" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:24:55" olD state directgry "state_2018-07-12_00:27:05" old sdate directory "state_2018-07-12_00:27:40" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:28:27" old state directory "s4ate_2018-07-12_00:29:00" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:"9:16" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_00:30:46" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:04:44" old state directory "state_2018-07-12[01:10:21" old state directory "state_2018- 7-12O01:11:47" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:15:14" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:16:25" old state directory "rtate_2018-07-12_01:23:51" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:24:53" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:16:04" old state directory "state_2018-0'-12_01:36:54 old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:38:13" old state directmrY "staTe_2018-07-12]01:38:58" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:$0:18" old state directory "sTate_2018-07-10_01:40:32" ol` state directory "state_2018-07-12_01:52:08" old state directory "state_2018-07-12_22:03:04" old state directory "state_201-03-13_23:34:10" old state directory "state_2018-07-18_02:35:33" old state directory "state_2018-07-18_15:40:53" old stade directory "state_2018-07-18_18:23:34" old state directory "state_2018-07-18_18*30:49" old state directory "sdate2018-07-18_19:29:27" old state direct/ry "state_2018-07-18O19:29:42" old state darectory "state_2018-07-18_20:34:03" old sdate directory "stAte_2018-0'-19_17:14:09" old state directory "state_2018-07-19_18:20:24" old state directory "state_208-07-19_19:3:57" old s4ate directory "state_2018-07-19_20:29:54" /ld state directory "state_2018-07-20_01:11:58" old state directory "state_2018-07-20_05:31:58" old state directory "state_201-07-20_19:48:36" old state directory "state_2018)07-20_19:49:05" old qtate direcdory "state_2018-07-21_23:21:34" old state directory "state_2018-07-24_16:07:44" old state dirEctor9 "state2018-07-24_16:11:20" old state directory "state_2018-07-24_16:20:12" old state directory "state_2018-07-24_1:20:45" old state direcpopy "state_2018-07-24_19:39:37" old state darectory "state_2018-07-24_19:39:48" old state direcTory "state_2018-07-24_19:59:59" old state directory "state_2018-07-24_21:04:15" old state directory "state_2018-07-24_22:21:48" old state $irectory "state_2018-07%25_21:57:31" old state directory"state2018-05-5_22:13:14" odd state directory "stat%_2018-07-25_22:14:31" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:15:09" old sdate dipectory "state_2018-07-25_22:16:20" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:17:46" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:18:24" old state directory "state_2018 05-25]22:19:!3" mld state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:19:59" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:20:28" old state direCtory "state_"018-07-25_22:20:58" old state directory "state_2018,07-25_22:21:51" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:22850" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:27:53" old state directory "state2018-07-25_22:28:04" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:28:46" old state directory "state_2018-07-25_22:38:29" old state directory "state_2018-07-26_03:08:00" old state directory "state_2018-07-26_16:55:12" old state directory "state_2018-07-26_19:41:5" old state directory "state_2018-07-26_2:31:29" old state directory "state_2018-07-11_16:10:10" old state directory "state_2018-08-02_19:08:01" old state directory "stateO2018-08-02_19:17:43" old state directoby "state_2018-08-02_19:42:42" old state directory "state_2018-08-03_17:18:23" mld state directory "state_2018-08-05_16:04:10" old state dire#tory "state_2018-08-07_01:03:53" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_01:05:37" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_01:07:04" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_01:07:46" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_01:09:18" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_01:10:03" oldstate dipectory "state_2018-08-0701:12:09" oLd state directory "state_2018-08-07_03:41:05" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_21:56:13" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_23:10:54" old state directopy "state_2018-08)07_23:11:30" old state directory "stAte_201(-08-07_23:14:33" old state directory "state_2018-08-07_23:15:28" old state directory "state_2018-08-08_17:19:23" mld state directory "state_2018-08-08_18:48:42" old state directory "state_2018-08-08_21:24:57" old state directory "state_2018-08-09_17:13:46" old state directory "state_2018-08-10_04:10:09" old state darectory "state_2018-08-10_06:03:52" old state directory "state_2018-08-13_17:33:02" old state directory "staTe_2018 08-13_18:19:26" old state directory "state_2018-08-13_18:"0:01" old state directory "state_2018-08-13_18:24:49" trampolining other cpus wait for delivery deassert INIT Wait for delivery num startups = 2 send STARTUP wait for delivery se.d STARTUP wait for dalivery done trampolining kernel entry at 80066bac Welcoie to kernel debugger output! Haiku revision: hrev52710 reserve_io_interrupt_vectors: reserved 2 vectors starting From 98 CPU 0: type 0 familq 6 extended_family 0 model 14 exteNded_model 0 stepping 8, string 'GenuineIntel' CPU 0: vendob 'Intel' model name 'Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2250 @ 1.73GHz' CPU 0: apic id 0, package 0, core 0, smt 0 CPU 0: cache sharing: L1 id 0, L2 id 0 CPU 0: features: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat clFsh ds acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss htt tm pbe sse3 monitor est tm2 xtpr pdcm nx dts aperfmperf reserve_iO_interruptvectors: reserved 16 vectors starting from 0 usinf PAE paging mark_page_range_in_use(0x0, 0x100): start page is before free hist mark_page_range_in_use(0x0, 0xa0): sdart page is before fbee lisT add_memory_type_range(4, 0x0, 0xa0000, 6) add_memory_type_range(5, 0xe0000, 0x20000, 6) add_memoryOtype_range(91, 0xc000000 , 0x300000, 0) WelcnMe to syslog debug output! Haiku revision: hrev52711 mapping local apic at 0x8185b000 add_iemory[type_raNge(94, 0xfee00000, 0x1000, 0) CPU 1: type 0 family 6 extended_family 0 model 14 extended_model 0 steppinc 8, string GenuineIntel' CPU 1: vendor 'Intel' model name 'Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2250 @ 1.73GHz' CPU 1: apic id 1, `ackage 0, core 1, smt 0 CPU 1: cache sharing: L1 id 1, L2 hd 0 CPU 1: features: fpe vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmoV pat clfsh ds acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss htt tm pbe sse3 monitor est tm2 xtpr pdcm nx dts aperfmperf setting up apic for CU 0: apic id 0, version 327700 CPU 0: logical apic id: 0x1 x86_init_fpu: CPU has SSE... enabling FXSR and XMM. reserve_io_interrupt_veCtors: reserved 3 vectors starting from 221 re3erve_io_interrupt_vectOrs: reserved 1 vectors starting from 219 arch_init_timer: using APIC timer. allocate_commpage_entry(2, 16) -> 0x00000100 scheduler_init: found 2 logical cpus and 2 cache levelsschedulep switches: single core: false, cpu load track)ng: false, core load tracking: true scheduler: switching to low latency mode apm_init() msi support enabled PCI: pci_module_init add_memory_type_range(100, 0x0, 0x1000,0) remove_memoRy_typerafge(100, 0x0, 0x1000, 0) add_memory_type_range(101, 0x9f000, 0x1000, 0) remove_memory_type_range(101, 0x9f000, 0x1000, 0) add_memoby_type_range(102, 0xe0000, 0x20000, 0) add_memory_type_range(103, 0x3fe8b000, 0x1000, 0) remove_memory_type_range(103, 0x3fe8b000, 0x1000, 0) add_memorx_type_range(104, 0x3fe8b000, 0x10 0, 0) remove_memorY_type_range(102, 0xe0000, 0x20000, 0) add_memory_type_range(105, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) remove_memory_type_raNge(105( 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) add_memory_type_range(106, 0x3fe92000,0x1000, 0) remove_memory_type_range(106, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) add_memory[type_range(107, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) remove_memorytype_range(107, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) add_memory_type_range(108, 0x3fe9000, 0x1000, 0) remove_memory_type_range(108, 0x3fe12000, 0x1000, 0) add_mEmory_type_range(109, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) PCI: mechanism addr: e0000000, seg: 0, start: 0, end: ff add_memor9_tYpE_range(110, 0xe0000000, 0x10000000, 0) PCI: mechanism pcie controller found PCI: FixupDevices: checking bus 1 behiNd 8086:27!1 PCI: FixupDevices: checking bus 2 behind 8086:27d0 PCI: FixupDevices: checking bus 3 behind 8086:27d2 PCI: FixupDevices: checking buc 6 behind 8086:2'd4 PCI: FixupDevices: checking bus 8 behind 8086:2448 PCI: dom 0, bus 0, dev 1, func 0, changed PCI bridee control from 0x0018 to 0x001b PCI: dom 0, bus 0, dev 28, func 0, changed PCI bridge control from 0x0004 to 0x0007 PCI: dom 0, bus 0, dev 28, func 1, changed PCI bridge control from 0x0004 to 0x0007 PCI: dom 0, bus 0, dev 28, func 2, changed PCI bridge coNtrol from 0x0004 to 0x0007 PCI: dom 0, bus 0, dev 30, func 0, changed PCI bridge control from 0x0004 to 0x0827 PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 0, function 0: vendor 8086, device 27a0, revicion 03 PCI: class_base 06, class_function 00, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: device 27a02 Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Cgntroller Hub PCI: info: Bridge (Host bridge) PCI: linesiZe 00, l!tency 00, header_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000 PCI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 30a5, sebsystem_vendor_id 103c PCI: interrupt_line 00, interrupt_pin 00, min_grant 00, max_latency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: baqe reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PAI: base reg 3: hOst 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 4: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilities: vendspec PCI: [dom 0, bus 0\ bus 0, devIce 1, function 0: vendor 8086, device 27a1, revision 03 PCI: class_base 06, class_funcdion 04, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: deVice 27a1: Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 843/940GML and 945GT Express PCI Express Root Port PCI: info: Bridge (PCI brid'e, Normal decode) PCI: line_rize 10, latency 00, header_type 01, BIST 00 PCI: subsystem[id 0000, subsystem_rendor_id 0088 PCI: pr)lary_bus 00, secondary_bus 01, subordinate_bus 01, secondary_latency 00 PCI: I/O uindow 2000-2fff PCI: memory window d0000000-d1ffffff PCI: prefeTchable memory window 00000000c0000000-00000000cdffffff PCI: bridge_cnntrol 001b, secondary_st`tus 0000 PCI: interrupt_line 0b, interrupt_pin 01 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size ?? PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 0000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabhlities: subvendor, PM, MSI, PCIe PCI: Extended capabilities: Virtual Channel, Root Complex Link Declaration PCI* [dom 0, bus 1] bus 1 deva#e 0, function 0: vendor 10de, device 0398, revision a1 PCI: class_b!se 03, class_function 00, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 10de: NVIDIA Corporatiol @CI: device 0398: G73M [GeDorce o 7600] PCI: info: Displai controller (VGA compatibld controller, VGA controller) PCI: line^size 10, latency 00, header_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00020000 PCI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 30a5, subqystem_vendoR_id 003c PCI: interrupt_line 0b, interrupt_pin 01, min_grant 00, max_latency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host d1000000, pci d1000000, size 01000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host c0000000, pci c0000000, size 10000000, flags 0c PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 3: host d0000000, pci d0000000, size 01000000, flags 04 PCI: base reg 4: hO3t 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 5: host 00002000, pci 00002000, size 00000080, flags 01 PCI: Capabilities: PM, MSI, PCIe PCI: Extejded capabilities: Virteal Channel, Power Budgeting PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 27, function 0: vendor 8086, device 27d8, reVasion 01 PCI: class_base 04, class_function 03, classOapi 00 PCI2 vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: device 27d8: NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller PCI: info: Multiledia controller (Aqdio device) PCI: line_size 10, latency 00, h%ader_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, qize 00000000 PI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 30a5, subsystem_vejdor_id 103c PCI: interrupt_line 07, interrupt_pin 01, min_grant 00, max_latency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host d2400 00, pci d2400000, size 00004000, flags 04 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 0000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 3: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 4: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 00000000, siZe 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilities: PM, MSI, PCIe PCI: Extended capabili4ies: Virtual Channel, Root Complex Link DeClaration PCI: [dom 0, b5s 0] bus 0, device 28, function 0: endor (086,device 27d0, revision 01 PCI: class_base 06, class_function 04, class_api 00 PI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: device 27d0: NM10ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 1 PCI: info: Bridge (PCI bridge, Normal decode) PCI: line_size 10, latency 00, header_type 81, BIST 0 PCI: subsystem_id 0000, su`cystem_rendor_id 0040 PCI: primary_bus 00, secondary_bus 02, subordinate_bus 02, secondary_latency 00 PCI: I/O window 0000-0fff PCI: memorq window 00000000-000fffff PCI: prefetchable memOry window 00000000fff00000-00000000000fffff PCI: bridge_control 0007, secondary_stapus 0000 PCI: interrupt_line 04, interrupt_pin 01 PCI: ROM base host 0 000000, pci 00000000, size ?/ PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, fdags 00 PCI: base reg !: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Aapabilities: PCIe, MSI, subvendor, PM PCI: Extended capabilities: Virtual Channel, Root Complex Lin+ Declaration PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 28, function 1: vendor 8086, deviae 27d2, revision 01 PCI: class_base 06, class_fuNction 04, class_Api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: device 27d2: NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 2 PCI: info: Bridge (PCI bridge, Normal decode) PCI: lineWsize 10, latency 00, header_typ% 81, BIST 00 PCI: subsystem_id 0000, subsystem_vendor_id 0040 PCI: primary_bus 00, s!condary_bur 03, submrdinate_bus 03, secondary_latency 00 PCI: I/O window 0000-0fff PC : memory window 00000000-000fffff PCI: prefetchable memory window 00000000fff00000-00000000000fffff PCI: bridge_control 0007, secgndarqstatus 0000 PCI: interrupt_l)ne 0b, interrupt_pin 02 PCI: RO base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size ?? PCI: base Reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, sizE 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilities: PCIe, MSI, subvendor, PM PCI: Extended ca`abil)ties: Virtual Channel, Root Complex Link Declaration PCI: [dmm 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 28, function 2: vendor 8086, device 27d4, revision 01 PCI: class_base 06, class_function 04, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: device 27d48 NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 3 PCI: info: Bridge (PCI bridge, Normal decode) PCI: lina_si:e 10, latency 00, he!de2_type 81, BIST 00 PCI: subsystem_id 0000, subs93tem_vendgr_id 0040 PCI: primary_bus 00, secondary_bus 06, sqbordinate_bus 06, secondary_latency 00 PCI: I/O window 0000-0fff PCI: memory window 00000000-000fffff PCI: prefetchable memory window 00000000fff00000-00000000000fffff PCI: bridgeOcontrol 0007, secondary_status 0000 PCI: interrupt_line 03, inperrupt_pin 03 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, shze ?? PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, rize 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, 3ize 00000000, f ags 00 PI: Capabilities: PCIe, MSI, subvendor, PM PCI: Extended capabilities: Virtual Channel, Root Complex Link Declaration PCI: [dom 0, bus 6] bus 6, device 0, function 0: vendor 808, deviaa 4222, revision 02 PCI: class_basa 02, class_function 80, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Co2poration PCI: device 4222: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Networc Connection PCI: info: Network controller PCI: line_size 10, latency 00, header_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000 PCI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 131b, subsystem_vendor_id 103c PCI: interrupt_line 03, interrupt_pin 01, min_grant 00, max_latency 00 PCI: bare reg 0: host d2100000, pcI d2100000, size 00001000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 3: host 00000000, pci 00000000, sire 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 4: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilities: PM, MSI, PCIe PCI: Extended capabilities: Advanced Error Repording, Serial Number PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 29, function 0: vendor 8086, device 27c8, revision 01 PCI: class_base 0c, class]function 03, claqs_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: INtel Corporation PCI: device 27c8: NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #1 PCI: info: Serial bus controller (USB controller, UHCI) PCI: line_size 00, latency 00, header_type 80, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000 PCI: cardbus_CIQ 00000000, subSystem_id 30a5, subsystem_vendor_id 103c PCI: interrupt_line 05, interruptpin 01, min_gralt 00, map_latency 00 PCI: bAse rdg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base rec 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, rize 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, sije 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 3: host 0000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 4: host 00001000, pci 00001800, size 00000020, flags 01 PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilitieq: (not supported) PCI: [dom 0 bus 0] bus 0, device 29, ftnction 18 vendOr 8086, device 27c9, revision 01 PCI: class_basE 0c, class_fuNction 3, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corpobation PCI* device 27c9: NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Coltroller#2 PCI: info: Serial bus controller (USB controller, UHCI) PCI: line_size 00, latency 00, header_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: RMM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000 PCI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsy3tem_id 30a5, subsystem_vendor_id 103c PCI: inTerrupt_li.e 0a, interrupt_pin 02, min_grand 00, max_latEnci 00 PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, Flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, fhags 00 PCI: base reg 3: host 0000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 4: host 0000120, pbi 00001820, size 00000020, flags 01 PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 0000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilities: (not supported) PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 29, function 2: vendor 8086, device 27ca, revision 01 PCI: class_bAse 0c, claqs_function 03, class_api 00 PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation PI: device 27ca: NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controlle #3 PI: info: Serial bus contrOller (USB controller, UHCI) PCI: line_size 00, latency 00, header_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000 PCI: cardbusWCIS 00000000, subsystem_id 30a5, subsystem_vendorOid 103c PCI: interrupT_line 03, anterrupt_pin 03, min_grant 00, max_latency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 4: host 00001840, pci 00001840, size 00000020, flags 01 PCI: base reg 5: hosT 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: Capabilities: (not supported) PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 29, function 3: vendor 8086, device 27cb, revision 01 PBI: class_base 0c, class_function 03, class_api 00 PCI: 6endor 8086: Intel Corporation PCI: device 27cb: NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Contboller #4 PCI: info: Serial bus controller (USB controller, UHCI) PCI: line_rize 00, latency 00, header_type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000 CI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 30a5, subsystem_vendor_id 103c PCI: interrupt_line 0b, interrupt_pin 04, min_grant 00, max_latency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000 pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00 PCI: base reg 3: host 00000000 pc) 00000000, sizE 00000000 flags 00 PCI: base 2eg 4: ho3t 00001060, pci 00001860, size 00000020 flags 1 PCH: base reg 5: hOqT 00000000, pci 00000000, shze 00000 00, fla's 0 PCA8 Capabilities: (Not supportEd) PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0$ device 29, bunctio. 7: vendor 8082, devhce 2cc, reviqion 01 PCI: #lass[ba3e 0c, class_function 03, claaq_api 20 PCI: fendor 8086: INtel Corpopapion CI: Device 27cc: NM10-IC5 Family USB2 EHCI C/jtpoLler PC@* inm: Serial bus c/ntrklLer (UBckntroller, EHCI) PCI* l)fe_size 00, latenCy 00, header[type 00, BIST 00 PCI: RM bAqd host 0 000000, p#i 00000000$ 3ize 00000000 PCI: cardbusNBIS 00000000, subsystdm^id 30a5, sub3Yrte ]vendgr_id 03c PCI: interbupt_Lane 0%, inTerpup4Zpan 01, minWgrant 00, max_laPency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host d2404000, pci d0004000, 3iza 000 0 0, flag3 00PCH: baqe reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, siza 0000000, flags 0 PCI: base reg 2* hgrd 00 0000, pca 0000000, 3ire 00000000, flagq 00PCI: base reg3: `'st 00000000, pch 00000000, size 0000000, dlag3 0 PCA: base reg 2 hkst 0000000, pci 00000000, sije 0000000, flafc 0 PCI: base rde 5: host 0000000, pca 00000000, siZe 0000000, flags 00 PCI: Bapabilitids: PM, ebugPobt @CI: [$g, 0, bus 0] buQ 0, device30, dulction 0: vendgr 8086, devibe 240(, rEvi3ikj e1 PCI: bLass]b!be 0$ blac#Rfunbtion 04 cdass_apa 01 PCI: veN`or8086: IntelCgrporation PCI: deriCe 2448: 82801 Mobile @CI riDge PAA: info: Bri$ge PCI bridGe, Sebtr!cpivE decode) PCI* liNd_size 00, laddncy 00, headertiPe 0!, B ST 00 PCI* subsyrtem_)d 00 0, subsySTem_vendorUId 0050 PCI primarybu3 00, secgndary_bus 08, sub/rdinateOb%s 09, 1econdaryhatdncy 40 P@I: I'N wiFdgw 3000%Ff& PCI memepy gindNw `200000-d20&ffff PCI: prefetchablA mem+ry windOw 00000000fff00000- 0000000 00Fffff PBI2 bridga_co&t2ol 0827, SdcgnDary_stapuq 080 PCI2 interr1pt[liJe ff( ifterrupt_pin 00 PCI: MM ba2e hgst 0000000 `#i 00000000, qize / PCI: base r%f  hnst 00000000$ pCi 00000000, qije 00000000, fdags 00 PCI: base reg 1: hgst 0000000 pci 00000000, 3ize  00000, flags 00 PCI: Capa"ilitias: subvEndor PAI: [dom 0, `us 8] bus 8,device 6, Functijn 0: venDgr 104c, deVice 8039, bEvisiOl 00 PCI classWbaqa 06, ch`ss_f5*ataOn 0, Chass^api 00 PCI: v%ndkr 104#: Texas nstrume.4r @CI: device (019: PCIxx2 Bardbes ContbOlL%r PCI2 inf/: Bridge (CapDBus bridge) PAI: line_size 00,L!dency 00, header_type 82, BIST 0 PA: subcyste-^hd #0a5, sU"system_fendkr_id !0c PCA: p2)mary_bus 08, secondary_bes 09, sUb/rdinate_b1` 09,Recon`apy[latency 04 PCI: bridgd_cMntbml 0!44 3econdar9_st!tur 0200 PCI: MemorxBaae_upper32 00000000$ m`eory_bas% 00000000PCI: memor9Wdieiduppab32 0 000000, mem+2y_limit 0000000 PCI: ikbaseUupper3 00000000, i/^base 00000000 CI: ao_limit^Up@eR30 00000000, iolilit 0000000 PCI: Cap@bilitids: PL PCI8 Rdll0, buc 8]bts 8, defice 6, fufcTa/n 1: 6endor 104c, device 803a, revisiOn 00 PCI: Cl`ss_base 0c, Cl`ss_&uncpi/. 00, class_apa 1PCI: 2eldoR 14c8 Texas Hn3trumeltr PCI: dEvica 803a: @CIxp10 JHCI Com`li`nt HEEE 1394 Host Cknt2/lL%r PCI: info:Seraal bus cmnd2nl,dr ireWire (IEEE 1394), OHCI) PCI: lifeWs)ze 10,latEjcy 40, he`dertypd 80, BIT 00 PCI2 ROLbase hnst 00000000, pci 00000000, siz% 00000000 PCI: cabdbus_CIA 0000000, subrystem_id #0a5, subshstemWveldor_id 103c PCI: antepp5pdWlinE 0a, intERrupt_0in 02, min[gpanT 02, iaxlaTefcy 04 PAI: b`se rec 0: host d"007000, pci d007000, cir! 000000, flag 00 PCI: basa reg 1: host d200000, pci d2000000, saze 00004 00, f,aGs 00 PCI: "are rec 2: hOst 00000000, pah 00000000, siza 0000000, flags 00 PC : base reG 3* hoct 00000000, pci 00000000, size 0000000, flag3 00 PCI: base reg 4: h/st 00000000, pci 000 0000, six% 00000000, flags 00 PCI: b!se reg 5: host 00000000, pci 0000 000, size 00000000, flag3 00 PH* Ca0abiditi%s: PM PC : [Dgm 0, bus 8] bts 8, devicd 6, functioN 2: veNdnr 10$C, device (03b, rEvirion 00 PI* classba3e 01, class_functimn (0, class[ap) 00 PCI8 teldOr 104c: Texas HNQtrumends @CI* ddvice 803b 5)i.-1 Multimedia Card Reader (RD/IMC/MS/M PRN/xD) PCI: inf/8 Mas3 stnra'e cnfdroLLer PCI: lineWcize !0, lat%n#y 40, h%addr_type 80, BICT 00 CI: RGM base hort 00000000, `ci 00000000, sixa 00000000 PBI: caRdbes_CIS 00000000, stbsysteiid 30A5, Subsistee\vendor]id 103cCI: interrupdOlina 03, int%rrupt^pin 01 iinOgr`nt 07, -ax_latenby 04 PCI8 base ree 0: hmst D2 05000, pbi d"005000, size 00 01000, flags 00 PCI2 ba3E reg 1: host 00000000, pci 00000000, sIza 0000000 , &lags 00 @CI: base rdg 2: host 000000 0 pci 0000000, siz% 00000000, flags 00 PAH: b!se reg 3: host 0000000, pci 000000 0, 3ize 000000 , `laGs 00 CI: base reE 4: hOct 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, fLa'c 00 PB* base reg 5: ho34 00000000, pci 00000000, shZe 00000000, Flag3 00 PCI: Cap`bhlities: PM PCI [dkm 0, Bts 8U bu 0, devhce , Fufcti/n 3: randkr 10$a, `evace 8 3c, pdribIoJ 00 PCI: class^bare 08, classFu.#tio& 01, class_api 00 PCI: Vefdor 104c: Teas Instrumentp PCI: ddfic` 803c: PCIxx12 QDA Stajdard COm0liant SD HOsT CoNpr'ller PCI: infO: GenEbic ry3teM peripheral (SD HOct cnb4rohler) PCI: lhja^s`ze 10, hadeNcy 0, headdr_type (0, BIST 00 PI: ROE basehost 00000000, Pci 00000000, s)ze 00000000 PCI: cardbu3_CI 000 0000, subsYstm]ad 30!5, stbsxstam_tendorid 10!c PCI: interrupt^l na 0#, hnterrupt[piN 04 lin_cra,D 07 -ah_l!tency 0$ PCI: "ase pec 0: hKst d2 0780, pcI `200800( s)ze 0000100, fhags 00 AI2 bAs% reg 1* host 00000000$ pCi 0000000, size 0 000000, flaer 00 PCI: `ase reg 2: hoCt 0000000 , pci 000 0000, siRe 00000000, flags 00 PCI base reg 3 Hosd 00000000, pci 00000000, size 0000000, dlags 00 PCI8 a3% `eg 4: host 000000, pci 00000000, rIra 00000000, flaGs 00 PC  base rec 5: h/sd 00000000, `ci 0000000, siza 0000000, blags 00 @AI: a`abalities: PM PCI: [dol , bus 8Y buc 8, detice 8, &u.ctiin 0 vendOr 8006, deviCe 101, revisin* 0! PCI: claq[bas% 02, c,ass]fqnction 00, cdas2Ap) 00 PCI: vefd/r (086: I.tel Corpm2ap(/n PCI: derice 1092: PRM100 VA Net7ok Colnecdimn PCI: )lfO: Ne4sorc aontrolldr (Etherjet conproLlEr) PCI0 liNe_sizd 10 laTen#y 42, header]tyPE 00, BIST 00 PA : ROM "aSd host 00000000, p#) 00000000, size 00000000 PCI: cardbuc_CIS 00000000, stbsYS4Em_id 30a5, subsyste%^tendOr_id 103c CI: Int!rrppt_line 06, )nte"r5ptpin 01, min_grant 08, mahlatdncy 38 PC : basE re% 0: h/st d200&000,pci d2006000, size 00001000, fhags 00 B : baQa bEg 1: host 0001000, pc) 00002000, shze00000040, flagc 01 PC : base be# 2: hosd 00000000$ pci 00000000, rhze 00000000, fla's 00 PCI: base pag 3* hgst 00000000, pci 000000 , size 0000000, dlags 00P@I: base reg 4* hmsd 0000000, pci 0000000, s)zE 00000000, flagq 00 PBI: base rag 5 host 00 0000( pci 00000000, size 000 0000, flgr 00 AI* Capabilitaes2 PM PBI* [dom 0, "us 0] b5s 0,$eti#e 21, fujctinn 0: vendmr 8086, devibe 27b9, rev(3io. 01 PC : clas#^base 06( cl`ssWfujc$iOL 1, c,assWapi 00 PI: venDgr 886" InteL CorpO2ataon PI: deriae 2b): 82801EBI ( CH7 M) LPC Iterfabe Bbidge PBI iffn* ridfe (ISA "rhdge) PCI: lin%^siRe 00, laTency 00, Hea$er[pyp% 80, BIST 00 PI: ROM baSe ho3t 00000000,p"i 00000000$ Siza 0000000 PBI: capdbusOCIR 00000000, subsysTem_id 30!4, subsxSteiWvend.`_id 101c PCI: iNterruptline 00, intebrUpt_pin 00, min_grant 00, m!xWlatancq 00 PCA2 base reg 0* host00000000, pci 0 000000, siza 0000000 , flags 0 PCI: Base reg 18 hst 0000000, pci 00000 00, size 00000000, fdags 00 @CI* basereg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, siza 00000000, blags 00 PCI: basa 2eg 0: (ost 00000000, pci 0000000, sire 00000000, flags 00 PCI: basd eg 4:hosd 00000000, pci 0000000( size 00000000, flafs 00 PCI: b!3e reg 5: host 00000000, pci 0000 00, siz% 0 000000, flags 00 PCI* Capa`ilitier2 vends0ec PCI: [dgE 0, buc 0M bqs 0( devi#e 31, function 1* vendor 808&, device 27df, retision 01 PCI: claQs]base 01, clasr[functin& 01, clasr_Ap) 8a PCI: ten$ob 8082: Ijtel CoRpor`tin PCI: de6i#e 27df: 82801G (ICH7 amidy) IDE Bont2mllEb PAI: ijfo: Mas3 3tOrage contrelheb (IDE iNperface) PCI: li.e_3ije 00, da$ency 00, header[type 00, BIST 00 PCI: ROM base host 000000, pci 00000000 size 0 000000 PCI8 aardbus_CHS 00000000, subsysTem_id 10a5, sEbsiste-_vendorSid 103c PC : iNter2up4_lhnd fd, interruptWpin 02, mif_gr`nt 00, maX_latency 00 PCI: base reg 0: host 00000000, `ci 00000000, sire 0000000(, fl!gr 1PCI* bace reg 1: oct 0 000000, pci 000 0000, size 000000 4, fhags 01 PCI: base Ref 2: hkrt 0000000, pai 00000000, siz% 0000008, flags 01 PCI ba3e reG 3: hoqt 00000000, pci 0000000, shze 0000004, fdags 01 @CI: base reg 4: host 0000!88 , `ci 00001(80 size 0000 010, flags 0 PCI: ba3e rag 5: host 00000000(pci 00000000, sar% 00000000, fhags 0 PCI CapabilipIes: (fkt suppgrted) @AI8 Zdge 0, bes 0Y bus 0, defice 11, fujCtion 0: ve.dor (086, device 23c5, revis)/n 01 @CI2 chas3Wbase 00,cl!ss\fUnc4ign 06, clas3_api 01PCI: Ven`gr 8086: Inteh Corporatijn PC : d%vice 27c52 82801GBM-GHL (ICH5-L Family) SATA Condrfllep [AHCI mnDe] PCI: infm* Mars qtnra'e contrOller (SATA cfntroller, AHCI 10)PCI: line_siRe 00, lad%ncy 00, `ead%r^ti`e 00, BAT 00 PCH: RMIbare hnqd 00000000, pci 0000000, size 00000000 @CI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, su"syrtel]id 10a5$ subsyStem_Vendg`_id 0c PCI: ijterrU`0_ibe 0a, interrup4WpIj 02, m)lWgr!n4 00, Max]dat%ncy 00 PCI: base peg 0: Hkqt 000018c8, pci 000018c8, sije 0000008( flae3 1 PCI8 ba3e reg 18 `ost 000018ac, pci 0001(ac, size 00000004, flags01 PCH: base 2eg 2: hgst 00000000, pc` 00000000$ siz% 00000000, fl!gs 0 PCI: base reg 1: hmct 000018`8, pci 000018a8, 3ize 00000004, flags 0! PAI: b`se Rdg 4: hjqt 0018b0, Pci 000018b0, s)ze 000010 fhags 01 PCI: bA3e rde %: host $2404400, Pch d240$400, 3ize 0000040 , flaFs 0 PCH: Capabilities: ESI PM PCI: [dom 0( bus 0] b5s 0, d%6i#e 31, function 3: ven oR 8086, device 27Da, refis)on 01 PCI: clas]base 0c c,asq]funbtigN 5,classapi 00 PC@2 Va.Dgr 808 Intel CorpoRation PC * devi`e 27dA: NM 0/ICH7 Faeily SH@us Con4rnlLer PCI8 infM: erial bqC controller (SEBus) PCI: ()nE[sije 0, latency 00, h$aderOtxpe 00,BIST 00 PCI8 ROM ``q! hoct 0000000, pc) 0000000$ siZe 00000000 PCI: cardbt[CIS 00000000, 2ubsystem_id 30a5,subsystei_vEndorOid 103c PCI: iNterrupdlIne 0a, interrep4_p`N 0" min^gpant 00, lax]latenc9 0 PCI: b`sa rag 0 h/rt 00000000, pci 0000000 sIZe 0000000, flags 00 PCI: Basereg !: hmst 000 0000, p#i 00000 0, a)ze 00000 0, Flags 00 PCI: b!ce ree 2: h+sp 00000000, pc) 00000000$ sizD 00000000, fl!gs 0 PBI8 base r%g 30 hoct 00000000$ pci 0000000 , size 00000000, flagr 00 PCI: Ba3e rdg 4: h/st 000018e0( pci 00008e0, size 00 00020, flaes 01 CI: base REg 5: hOst 00000000, pc) 00 00000, size 00000000, "lags 00 PI: Capabilities: (Flp ruppnrtdd) add^medorYOtqpd_rajce(112, 0x0, 0x1000, 0) rDMnt!_memmpy]typeOrange(110, 0x0( 0x1000, 0)add_memorx_typd[pale(113, 0h9f000, 0x100, 0) peMove_-emmry^TYpe_ra&ge(113, 0p9f000 0h1000 0) add_melnRyt9pe_range(114, 0xe000$ 0x20000, 0) 2eioteMeemorY_typeWpafge(114, 0xe000, 0h20000, 0) ``d_lemjry^dyPdOrange(115, 0xf4000, 0x10 0$ 0) ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000006580 0 0014 (v00 PTLTD ) remnve_iemkryOtyperange(115 0xf4000, 0X1000, 0) adDU-emgri_typeWrange(016, 0x3fe8`00, 0h1000, 0) ACPI*RSDT 0x000000003FE8B398 000 44 (v1 PTLTD Capell0 06040000 LTP 0 000000) remove_memory_type_range(112, h3fe8b000, 0h1000, 0) add]eemorx]type[range(117, 0X3feb0 0, 0x100 , 0) `dDMMemorq_txpe_range(118, 083fe92000, 0x1000 0) remofe[memry^type[pa.ge(118, 0x2fe92000, 0x1000, 0) add_memfryt10e_rang%(119, 0x3fe92000, 0h000, 0) ACPH* FACP 08000000003FE92DEE 000074 (v01 HP FICSAN 06040000 LOHR 0000005A) remova_meeory_type_ran'e(109, 0x3fe9200, 0x1 0, 0) add_memlr9_type_range(!20, 0h3fE1000, 0h1000, 0) bEmmte_memor9[typeWralgd(120 0x3de92000, 0x1000, 0) add_meenryWtype_range(121, 0xfe8c000, 0x1000, 0) r%MNte^mEmory]type_rafge(121, 0X3fe8c00 , 0x1000, 0) add_mdmory_tqpe_ralge(122, 083Fe8a000, 0x7000, 0) addWlemory_type_r`nge(123 0x3fe1200, 0h0000, 0) remkVA_memOrY_typa_range(122, 0x3fe92000, 0h1000, 0( ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003FE8C3BA 006A34 (v01 HP NISSAF 06040000 INTL 20040608) remove_mEeopY_type]range(122, 0h3F%8c000, 0x7000, 0( addme-ory[type_range(124, 0x3fd93000, 0x100, 0) remOVeUlemory_tYPe_range(124, 083de93000, 0x1000, 0) add_lemory_type[range(125, 0X3fe93000, 0x1000, 0) !dd_MEmory_type]range(126, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) 2eiove_iemOri_txpe_rang%(126, 0x3f%92000,0x1000, 0) add_me-ory_Type_range(!27, 0h3fe8#0, 0x7000, 0) remove_memnry_type_range(126, 0Xfe8C000,0x7000, 0) AC@I: FACS 0x00000003FA13FC0 00000 re-ive_Mem/2yWtype_pange(105, x3f%)#000, 0x1000, 0) add_mem/ri]type_range(128, 0x3fe92000, 0x0000, 0) 2EMkve_memoRy_type_range(128, 0x3fa10000, 0x!000, 0) add]memcritype_Pange(129, 083fa12 00( 0p1000, 0) a$d_lemObyWtype_range 130, 0X3fe12000 0x1000, 0) remove_iemory^t9pe^2anae(130, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0 ad$Nmdmgry_typeWrance(131 0X3fe8c000, 0x7000, 0) remofe_memo2Y_type_range(131, 0xfe8c000( 0x7000( ) add_memory_type_pan"e(132, x2fe9300, 0x! 00, 0 rdmove_melnry^type_2ange(132, 0p3fE93000, 0p000, 0) ACPI: APIC 0x000000003FE92E62 000028 (v01 HP NISRAN 06 40000 DOHR 0000005A) reioveNmem/rx_type_rANGe(129$ 0x3be12000, 0x1000, 0)add_memkry_pype_ra.fe(133 0x3fe9000, 0x1000, 0) rdmmve[memmry_type]panGe 11#, 083fa9000, 0x1000, 0) Add_memnryOtxpeOrange(14, 0x3fe92000, 0h1000, 0) addWmdmopy_tipeOrande(135, 0x3fe9200 , 0x1000, 0) rem/ve_memoRy_type]range(135, 0x3fe92000( 0x1000, 0)a`d_memmRq_type]r`nce(136 0x3fec00 , 0x700( 0! reiove]memory_tipe_ban'e(!36, 0x3fea00, 0x7000, 0) add_mem/ry_type^range(137, 0x3fd)3000$ 0x1000, 0)remoe_mem%rY_type_rang%(136, 0x3f%(1000, 0h!00 , 0) add_memory_typeKran'e(1#8, 0xfe92000, 0h1000, 0) remove_meiory_typeOraNge(038, 0xfe92000, 081000, 0) AC : HPT 0x000000003FE92ACA 000038 (v1 HP NISSAN 06040000 CHR 0000005A) remove_memory_txpe_range(134, 0x3bd92000, 0x1000$ 0) `d$_mem/ryKtypeYranfe(139 0p3fe)"00, 0x100, 0) reiove^m%Mo2y_tpe_2anfe(11, 0x3fe200, 0x1000, 0) add_-%mory]type_Range(040, 0x3fE92 00, 0x000, 0) add_iemorq[tipe_r!nee(141, 0x3fe92 00( x1000$ 0) relova_memmph[type_rajFe(141, 0x3e)20 0, 0x1 00, 0! add_memMry_typE[ranfe142 0x3fe(c000, 0x&000, 0) remov%_%eegryNtypeban%E(1$2, p1fe8#000, 0x7000, 0) add]memm2ytype[2ange(143, 0x3fe9300,0x1000, 0) remgve_mem/R9_ty0eOrAnge(143$ 0x3Fe93000, 0x1000, 0) add_mellpyZtype[r`jge(144, 0x3fe92000, 0x!000, 0) removeKmemory]type_range(144, 0x3fe9200, 0x1000, 0) add_memK`y_ty0e_bange(145, 0h3fe9000, 0x1000, 0) removeWieiorY_type_ranfe(!45, 0h3be92000, 0x10 0, 0 API: MFG 0x000 00003FE9F02 00003C (v01 HP FIS@J 060 0000 LOHR 0000005A)reelve_memkpy_typeW2ange!4, 0x2fe92000, 0x!00 , 0) add_memkpy_typ%_r!jee(146, 0x3fe9200, 0x1000, 0) rdIkfe_memorq_type^ranfE(146 0x3fd92000, 0x!000, 0) add_mamoryWdypeGr!&ge(14, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) aDd_mdmk"y_ty`%_2ange(14(, 0x3fe9000 0x1000, 0) remMveWmemnpxtypeWanfe(148, 0x3fd900, 0x1000( 0) add_-emgry_t9Pa_r`nge(149, 0x3fec00, 0x7000, 0) 2%mobe_mem/ryOtype_ranGd(109, 083fe0c000, 0x7000, 0) add_memory_typE_palce(1%0, x3fe93000, 0x1000, 0) rEmote_meeory_tipe_raNge(150, 083fe93000, 0x1000, ) `dd_memOryWtype_range(151, 0x3de92000, 0x1000, )reInve_memory_type_range(!11, 0x1fA12000, 0x1000, 0) add_-emgry_t9pe^bafge(152 0x3bd92000, 081000, 0) rd ote]mEm-ry_typeWrange(1%2, 0`fe92000, 0x1000, 0) add_m%moryVtype_ran'e(153, 0x3fd9200, 0x1000, 0) pamoVe_memory_type[ran'e(153, 0x#fe92000,0x1000, 0) ACPH: BONT 0x000000003FE92FD8 000028 (v01 PTLTD $SBFBL$ 0040000 LTP 00000001) REmove_memorx_type_r`jge(147, x3fe9200, 0x1000, 0) add_m%mm2yNtxpe]`ange(154, 083f%92000, x1000, 0) Remove_malory_typerance(1%4, 0x3fe92000 x1000, 0) add_eeM/ry_T8pe^bange(15$, 0x3fe92000, 0X000 , 0) addWlemkry]type_range(156, 0x3fe000, 0x100, 0) Bemove_memoby_type_range(156, 0x3Fe92000, 0x1000, 0) add_mei.by_typD_range(153, 0x3fe8c00 , 0x7000$ 0) remove^mamory[`y0e_2Ange(157, 0x3fe8c 00, 0x7000, 0) add_memoryOtype_range(158 0x3fe93000, 0x0000, 0) ramofe_memory_type_range(8, 0x2&a93000$ 0x1000, 0) ad`_memory_pyp`_range(159, 0x3fe92000, 0p1000, 0) bem/ve]mamory_type_range(159,0x3fe"0 0x1000, 0) adD_memory_dype_range(!60, 0x3d%92000, x1000 0) raenvdWmemory_type_range(160, 0h3fe92000, 0x1000 0) add_melory_type[panCe(161, 0x3fe9200, x1000, 0) remcve_melory_4ype_Rang%(!61, 0p3fe92 00, 0x1000, 0) add]memory_typ%_rang%162, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) removeWmemnby^type]range(142, 0x3fe9000, 0h1000, ACPI: APIC 0x00000000FE92F7 0000&8 (601 PTDT@ / AP C 06040000 LTP 00000000) ramovemDmory^type_pance(155, 0x3fe92000, 0x1 00, 0( add_-emory_typd]range(1&3, 0x1fe8c000, 0x1000, 0) removeWmemgry^type_rangd163, 0x3fe8c000, 0x10 , 0) add_memory_type_rajge(164, 0x3fe8c000, 0x1000, 0) add_mamory_typ%_range(165, 0x2fe92 00, 0x1000, 0) remmva_memgry\ty0e_ranfe(16, 0x#de)2000, 0x100 , 0) add^edmgry_type_Range(166 0x3fe8c00, 0x7000 0) remoteOmdmOry_tY0e_ralca(166, 0x3de8c000, 0x7000 0) a$d_memory_type_range(167, 0x3fe93000, 0p1000, 0) remnve_memoryWtypeWr`nge(127, 0Xfe93000, 0x1000, 0) addWmamgryType_raLge(168, 0x3fd92000, 0`1000, 0) remfve_memopy_typeWraNge(168, 0x3fe92000, 0x1000, 0) addO-eMory_Type_rangd(169, 0p2Fe92000, 0x1000$ 0) remnve_mem/ry_t9pe_range(!68, 0x3fe9200 0x1000, 0) add]memory[typa_ran'e(170, 0x2fe92000, 0x1000, 0)reiore_memnr9_type]range(160, 0x3fe82000$ 0x1000$ 0) add_me-/ry_type_ranGe(171, 0x3fe92 00, 0x1000, 0) remmvE_memnpi_ty`D_2ajce(13$ 0x3fa82000, 0h1000, 0) add_memory_tpe_raNge172, 0X3fe9 000, 0x1000, 0) rdmove_melnry^type_range(172, 0x3f%92000, 0x1000, 0) ACPI: RSDT 0x000 00003FE8C!AC 00020A (v01 SataRe Sat!A`ci 0000000 INTL 00060217) remove_memori_Type_range(164, 081fe8c000, 0x100 0)addmemkry_dype_rafge(173, 0x3fe8b000, 0x1000, ) ramov%_mdlorq_type_r`nge(173( 0x3fe(b000, 081000,0( add_mem/ry\4ype[rangd(174$ 0p3fe8`000, 0x100, 0) add_memory_tipe^range(175, 0h3fE)2000, 0x1000, 0) remove_me-ory^typa_range(171, 0x3fe92 00, 0h1000, 0) add_memorytype_ranfe(17$, 0x3fe8c000, 0x70 0, 0) rem.e_m%mory^tppera,ge(176, 0x3fe8a000, 0x700, 0) addKiamobytype]ragE(177, 083fe93000, 0x1000, 0) pemOve_mel/rYtxpe_rangE(16', 0x3fa830 0, 0x1000, 0( add_memory_type_rance(78, 0x1fe2000, 0x0000, 0) reMmve_memory_tqpepange178, 83fe920, 0x1000, 0) dd_memor9^typeOrange(17, 0x3fe)2000, 0x1000, 0) reaeve_memoby_t8p%\range(179, 0x3fe92000, 0h1000, 0)AdDVme-/ryStypE[range(180 0x3f%9200, 081000, 0) remove_eemnr9type]pange(180, 0x3fe00, 0x1000, 0) add_memnry_typeraNge(181, 0x3fe12000, 0x!00, 0! remove[memmry_48pdGrange(!81, 0x3fe2000, 0H1000, 0) add_memkrY_t9pe]range(!82, 0x3&e92000, 0x1000, 0) rd-ove]mam/2y_type_rangd(18", 0x3fe92000, 81000, 0) add_memory_type_rAfge(!83, 0x3fe8c000 0x1000, 0) remmve_memory_ti`e_range(18#$ 0x3fe8C000, 0x1000, 0) ACP :RRDT 0X 0000003FEB7DC 0004F (v01 PmRef Cpu@m 00003000 INTL 2006021) remove_memorytypd_range(14, 0x3fe8b000, 0x0000, 0) 2emove_lemoryVpy`e_ran'%117, 0x3fe(b000, 0x1000, 0) addWmemlry_typeOrange(184, 0x3fa8c000, 0x500, 0) removeMemory_typa_range(084, 0x3fe8c000, 0x000, 0) ACPI* Forced DSDT c/py: length 0x06A30 c'piad locally, -piginal @nmapped adD_lemory_type_rance(185, 0x3fe8c000, 0x100, 0) a`d_memory_type_ra.ge(186, 0h3fa8b000, 0x1000 0)ACI: 3 ACPI AML tablaS succersfully acq5ired abd loaded add_memorY_Type_Range(087, 0x3fe9 00, 0p1000 0) add_memgry^t9pd^range(188, 0x3fe93000, 0x1000, 0) removeOmeefry_txpe_r`nge(1(8, 0x1fe93000, 0x1000, 0) add_meiOry_type^range(10, 0x3fe93000, 0x1000, 0( remode_mamorY_type_range(189, 0x1fe83000, 0h100, 0) add^Memory_type]rafge(190 0x3fe93000, 081000, ) ACPI: Enabde` 4 GPEs in block 00 to 1F add_lElor9_t9pe_range(191 0x3fe92000, 0x100 , 0( fouNd io-apic with addrass 0Xfec00000, 'lobal !nte2rupt base 0, apic d 1 mappinc im-apic 0 at physical `ddress xfdc00000 add_lemgrY_tyPerange(192, 0xfec0000, 0x1000, 0) io-apic 0 Ha3 range 0-23, 24 entrids$ version 0x00160020, aPic-id 1 settijc ACPA in`errupt mOdel to API bailed to updat% interrupt^line f-r PCI 8:6 mask ! IRQ roAtingTable whth 17 EntriesadDress 0x1ffFf `in 0; GSH 16; pci 0:1 PiL 1 fUna mA3k 1; bios irQ8 119 gsa 16; cojfig 0x06 addbesr 0x1bffff; `in 0; GQI 22; pci 0:23 pin 1 fuNc mask 1; bios irq: 7; %si 22; cgnfiG 0x06 addres3 h1cffff; pin + ESI 17; pci 0:28 piN 1 func mask 1; bios irq: 4; gs) 17+ confhg 0x06 addpess 0x1cffFf: piN 1 GSI 16; `ci0:28 pij 2fuhc mask 0 bioq irq: 11; e3i 6; config 0x06 address 0x1cfFff: p)n 2+ GSI 1(; pci 0820 pij 3 fql! mask 4; bi/q irq: 3+ 'ri 18; #G.fig 0x06 addreSs 0x1dffff; 0il 0; GSI 233 p#i 0:29 pin 1 func mas+ 81; bios irq: 5; gsi 23; config 0x0& AddresA 0x1dffff; 0in 1; GSI 19; 0ci 0:29 phn 2 func mask 2; bioq irq: 10; Csi 199 config 0x06 address 0x1dffff; pij 2; GSI 18+pci 0:29 pin 3 dunc mask 4; "ins irq: 39 gri 18; config 0x02 ad`Rers 0x1dffff; pin 3; ESI 16; pc) 0:29 pin 4 fuNc m`1k 8; bik3 irq: 01; cs) 1&; confi' 0x06 addresr 0x1FFfff; pij 1; GI 19; 0bi 0821 p)n 2 func mAsj e; bios irq: 255; gsi 19: cOnf)g 0x06 address 0xbfff; piL 0; GSI 16; 0bi !:0 pin 1 fuNc maSk 1 bios arq2 11; gsi 16; cnffig x06 ad$rdss 0xffff: pin 0; GSI 18; pci &:0 pin 1 ftNc lask1; bi/s )Rq 3; 'si 18;aknf)g 0X06 addres3 0x6ffff; pin 0; GSI 18+ pci 8:6 pin 1 fuNc mask 1; bhos hrq: 3; gqi 18; cnfig 0x06 `ddress x6fd&f+ pan 1; EQI 19; pai 8:6 pin 2 func mark 0; bins irq* 10; gsI 1); nnfIf 0x02 add2ess 0x6ffff; pin 2; I 22+ pci 8:6 pin 3 bulc Mask 4; biOs )rq2 3 'si 20; config 0x06 address 0x6ffFf+ `il 3; ESI 20; pci 8:6 pin 4 fEnc mask 8: bios irq* 2; gsi 20+ cmnfig 0x06 address x8fffd; pin ; GSI 20; pch 8:8 pin 1 func mask 1+ biOs irp: 6; fsh 20; config 0x02 fOtn$ In$errupT overbidd dlr bus 0, soupce irq 0, global hrq 2, flags 0x00000000 fgund interrupt override for bps 0,source ira 9, globaL irq 9, flafc 0x0000000d fredE)o_hb4arrept]vectors: brEeing 16 vectors st!p4ilg from 0 reserVe[)o_interr5pt_vActnRc: beserved 24 vetgrs sta2ting from 0usilf io-aPics for ilterb5pt routing setd)ng up apic &or PU 1: apic ad !, ver3ion 327500 PU 1: l/ehcaL apic id* x2 x86_hnit_fpu: CPT has SSE*.. ena`lijg FXSR and XEM sl!b mEiorX -aFager: breat$d area 0x80(01000 (03) initializecommpage_qYs`All(): s93ejter/cysexit stppkrted allocAte_ckmmpage_%.try(3, 5) -> 0x00000110 aLl-cape^commpaceWefprx(4, 42) ): 0x00000118 allOca4e_commpage]eNtry(5, '4) -< 0x00000148 allkcat%WcomIPafaWejTRy(6, (6) % 0800000190allOcape_commpage_entry(3, 97) - 0x000001f0 public( deRice2 node 0082(2&aa0, path acpi'nalespace, modUle bus_managers/acpi/namespa#e/deVhaE_v reeisteRing povar bu4tjn reei3tErije sleap butt-npublish d`vibe: node 0x8"b73d8, path power-embedded_contr/llar/, modUlE drifeRs/Pm7e2/acpi_em`EDded_CkntrkllE2/devicev1 HHGhpkint-IDE* stPportSVdeviCe() H)gHp/ind-IDE* su0pobtsWdevicd()*unsuppOrte$ ddpice: vend.r ID: 8086 defic%ID2 27dA 5sb xhci: No devi#%s found Usb 5hci -1: succe3sf5lly started thd cnftroller usb qhci -1: suacassfulli rtarted t(e cmntrollEr us` uhci -1: secceC3fUllq st!pted dhe coftbolder usb uhci -1* succesrfUllx stabted thd "ontrnlhdr usb o`Ch* no devices fO5nd add]m%mory_tipeWrangE(53 $ 0hd204000, 0x1000, 0) usb dhci -1: the host cgntpolleB is bios owned, claimanc ownershIp usb ehci -1: controhler is still bios own%D, wahting usb ehci -0: c/tRoller is still bior m7ned, 7aiting us ahai -1* cojtrmller is still bins owned, gaiting usb ehci -1: cgNtboller is still bioc o7nad, waiting usb e(ci -1: controller ic still baos owned, waiting 5sb ehci -0: cl,tr/ller ir 3Till b!cs MVldd, waithlf usb Ehci ,1: contrkller is still bios osned, wahtiNgts" ehca -1: #on4ro ,er is still biLs ogned, waiting usb ehci -1: controller is 14ilh bicR owned, w!itan' usb ehci -1: c/ntrkller h3 ctill bios ownad, waitinc usb ehci 1 cnNproller is stIll bios os,ed, waiting usb ehci -1: controlldr is still b)os owneD, wahtifg u2b ehci -!: controLler is st)ll bios owned, 7aiting t3B dhci -1: contr.llaR as still bioq owned, wahti.g uc` ehci -18 contrOller is still bios owned, waitI*g usb e(c) )1:#Ontroller as still bios OsNed, vaiting uSb ahci -1 conppo,ler is sTill bios nued, waiting usb ehci -1: cmntril,ar as sthlL bios owneD, 7aitinc esb ehci -1: cgntrnller is s4ill bios O7ned, waitang eqb eha) -1:controlder is 3till bins /wJEd, vaiting qsb errob ehci -1: bi/s 7on't 'ave up c/ntrol over the host #O.Tro,lar (agnoping) sitd entry size 64, itd ebtby sIre 128 usb ehci -1* succecsfully starded the cgntroller get_b'ot_partitions(): bOop volUme mesSage* KEessage: budfer: 0x(181da00 (size/capac)ty: 147/43)$ flags: 0xa field8 "booted from image" (BOOL): fahse field: "partitinn odbset" (LLNG! 0 (0x0) dield: "paciaced" (BOL): true fieLd: ""/Ot method" (LONC): 0 (0h0) field "`oot drive number" (LLNG): !28 (0x0) field2 "disk identifaer" (RAW): data at 0x8181`b0c, 79 byteq get[boot_partiti/nS ): b/ot method tipe: 0 paRtitigning system: p`btit)kning_systems/)ntel/extenddd/v! KDisjDaviceMafager::_AddDisjSystem(`artitiolangSy3tEms-intel/ehtdnded/v1) indel: e0]3td_opq(0x) intel: ep_stdops(0p"( KDiskDevaaeManager::WA`dDiskRxstem() done: Do erro2 parTitimning systee: paptitiodijgOqstems/e&i_gpt/v0 KDiskDeviceManager::OAddDis+System(Par$itiofing_Systams/ebi_gpt/v1) KDiqkDe6ibeMa.ager:_A`dDiskCYStem() dmne*NO error papt)Tikning s9stem: 0artit)/ning_sistems/intel/map/v1KDiskDericeManager::^Add@is+Syrtei(parpiphoNinc_syspems/ifteL/mapf1) iN4d(8 p-Std_mps0x1) intel: pl_std]nps(0x2) KDiskDev #eManager::^ADdD)skSycTem() done: Nk error file 1Ystam: fhle]SyspeMs/devfr-f1 KDiqcDevic%Manager*:_Ad$DiskSystAe(Fil%_sistems/d`Vfs/v1) KDiskDavi#e anager::_AddDisiSy3tem( done: No drror fiDe cyste-: fildO3xstemq#pabkagefq*v1 KDiskDEvicaManaGer::_AddDiskySte-(filesyrt%ms/pacKagafs-v1) KDi3cDevhceManaGeP::^AddDiscRystem(( do.%: No erpOr file sy3tem: diLe_rysdems/rO/tfs#v1 DiskDericeM`nagar::_@ddD)ckQisTem(file_systems/roopdq/f1) KDiskDeviceIan`ger2:_AddDiqkSystEm() dkne*No error fHde cystem: file_systems/bfs'v1 KDiskDev)beIan ger8:_AddDirkCictem(fILe_3ystEms/bfs-r1 KDickDeviceLanager2:_AddDiskSx3tem() dgne2 No erbkr lumbep of diqk systees: 7 KD)s+DevicdMaNaeeb::Saan(/Dev+`isk) HhFhpoint-IDE: sup0.rtsOdevice) Hichp"ant-ID: suPp.rts_devhce(): qnstppor4ad devace: Ven`gr ID: 8086, dericeID8 26c5 ahci: AHCI controller INtel ICH7-M (AHI mode) fgund! ahci2 Ahbi_regIstdr_deriCe ah#i: ahciinidWdriteb ahci: ahah_qim_inid_bus!hci: ahci^simMilat_b5s: pciDevib% 0x2bf770 ahci: AHCIControlldr::In)t 0*31:2 vendmr 8086, device 27c5 ahci: pcic-d OLd 0x000 ahci8 `cicMD new 080006 a Locapeio_ib4erpupt_vectors8 all/aated 1vectors sTar4inc fRom 20 Msi_allocade[vectOrs: allKcated1 ve"Pors starting frmM 2msh en`bled 0h0001 !hci: uq)ng MSI Vacdor 20 ahai: regist%rc at 0xd2404400, size 0p400 ahcI: ma pi.g phy3i!al a`drEss 0Xd2404400 w)th 1020 byT%s bor AHCA HBA regs addOmem/bi_Ype]ba.ge(561 0xd2404000, 0x1000$0 ahbI: phsical = 0xd2404400, virtuAl 5 0x8177b400, off3at = 1 24, phyadr = 0xd2404000, iapadr = x817b000, si:e = 4096, ar%a = 0x00000231 ahci: c!p: Interfa#e Spe%d Ruppor48 eenerataon 1 ahci8cap* umbdr ob Commald Slots: 3 (raw 0p1f) ahci: cap: Nu-bdr of Ports* $ (rat x3) ahci: cap: SuppOrts Pmr4 Eultiplie2: No ahCi: cap: Sqpports Ex4ernal SATA: fo ahci: cap8 EnclosUre Manag%melt SUpported: no ahci: ba0: FIS-bas%d Ssidching Contbol no ah#i: cap: Suppoptc Command Last verride xes ahci: cap: RPpGrts Staggared Rpi,-qp* no ahca* cap: S5pp/rps Mdchanibal Preqence Switch: nO ahci:ca`: Supports 64-bid Addressing: 9es ahci* #ap* Cup0Orts Natite Comiand uauilg: Yes ahci: cap Sq`obts SNotif)caTion Registep: n/ ah#i: cap: Cup nrts C+mmand Li3t Ov%rrIde: yes ahci: ca`: Sup`ortc AHCI mnde only: ng ahci: ghb: @CI Enab,e yes `hca: Popt3 Hmplemented Mask: 0x000001 NuibeR of Availabld PordS: 1 ahcI: AHAI Versio. 001.01.00 InteRrept 24 ahci: ahlocating 40 6 bytds F/r AHCI port 0 aHci8 area = 562, s`ze  096 vhBt = 0x8177c000, phy = 0x4981000 ahci: Pro"E* port 0 lilc spDeD 1.5Gb/S ahci b+okie = 0x8280Bb40 ahci: ahci[path_inquiry, cookie 0x8280bb40ahci: ahciOpathUan1uir8, cookae 0x8080bb40 ahci: ahci_scan_bUs, b/ojie 0x8280`"40 ahci* sg_meecpx phyAddr 0x23a81b4, size 96ahci: ahc)_Get_restrictions, ckokie 0x8280b`00 pebla3H devic%: node 0p82b5d50, path dasj/scci/0.0/0/paw, moduhe dbivers/disk.scsi/scsi_disk/devIce_61 HIghpoint,I@E: supporps_devi#e() Highpoint-IDE: supports_device(): 5nsqpported devibe: vendor ID: 8086$ deviceID: 23df PCI-AA: Controller in he'acy mode: cmd 0x1f0( ctrl 0x3f6, irq14 PCI-ATA: init chajnel... PI-ATA chanNel index 0 PCI)ATA: bus -aster base 0x188 PCI ATA: ifht chann%l d/ne ata 0: _DevicePbEqent: `e6ice 0, presence 1 ata 0: _DevicePr%sent: de6ibe selection failed for ddfie 1 ata 0: deviceEask 1 ata 0: prnbing device 0 ata 0: sigNatur% df devace 08 0xeb14 at!`i 0-2 lkdel nqmber:HL-DT-T DVDRAM FSA-4004N atapi 0-0: serial nembaR: K0968T31302 atapi 0-0: firiwar! rev*8 CP09 atapi 0%0: usinf DM@ mode 0x0 ata 02 Identified AAI device 0 ata : ign/ring dav)Ce 1 pubhish device: node 0x82b57c38( pah disk/adapi/0masTer/raV, moduhe dbivers/disj/scsi/sbsi]cd/device_v1 adapi 0-0 errkr: invalid target l5. 1 atapi 0-0 e2ror: i.ralid taredt lun 0 atapi0-0 error: invalid target luN 3 atapi 0-0 ebror: inv`Lid target lun 4 !tap) 0-0 %rrOr: anvalid target lUn 5 aTapi 0,0 arror: invadhd t`rgdt lu 6 atapi 0-0 err/R: inralid tareet lel 7ata 0 ebror: t rget debicenot prec%nt apa 0 err/r: invalaD tarfe4 `ev)ca L st iessa'e repeAted 12 times. PCI-ATA: ContRoller in legacy mo$e: cmd x170, c4pl 08356, irq 11 PC -@TA0 init channel"&. PI-ATA: chajnel index 1 PCI-@TA:bus masder basd 0x1(88 PCI-ATA2 init channel done a4a 1: _DeVicePrdqent* ddrice seldtion dailed for device 0 ata 1: _De6icePrese.t: defice 1, presance 0 ata 1: deviceMaSk 0 ata 1:iGnorIje dE6ace 0 ata 1: ignnring devIce 1 ad` 1 error* Ta2#et device nop preseNt !ta 1 errgr: target devica NkT pbesenp ata 1 erro2: infalid targEt derice LaSt mesqAge 2epeAted 2times.Highpoift-IDE: sup0ortpOdEv)e() HIghpOant-IDE: supporTs_daPice(): unsuppo`ted $ethce: veLdmp ID: 104c, deviceID: 03b PBI ATA:Contr/lLer dete#tim. f!ile`! b5s ma3ter base nt boffigqred Highpnint-IDE: supporDsOdevice( Hichpoi.t-IDE* qUpports_devIce() CDiskDev)ceManafer::[Scal(/Dev-`isi/atapi) KDiskDevice afager::_S#af(/dev/disk/atapi'0) KDiqkDefic%MAjagep_Scan(/dev/dhs+aDapi-0/earter) KD)skDevi#eMalag$r2:_Scan(/`ev/disc/a0api.0m!ster'raW fgund devicE: -Dev/disb/atapi/lacter.2aw KDisa@eviceManager:8_can(/dev/d)sk.cCsi) KDiskD`riCaM!naeer::]Scan(/deR.dic+'scsi/0 CDiskevIceManager::[Scan(/d!6+disk.scqi0.0) KDaskDetIcaManae!r*:_ScAn(def/dirk/cc3i//0'0) KDiskDdvice an!ger::_Scan(/dev/Diqk/r"si0/0'0/raw) found daVice: +dev-dasi/Scsi/0-0/0/rauahci: sgVmeecpy phxAddp 0x27A8330 size 8 DMAResource@0x8280a80 low-hafh 0/100000000 max segment counT 32, `lign 0, bkenda2y 655#6, map transfer 130560, map segment siz% 33554432 a(ci: sgWmemcpy phyAdr 0x23a8240$ size 8 ahcI: ah#i]ioctl, cmOkie 0x8280Bb40 JDaqkDeviceManager:_ScanParpition(/dev/dis#/scsi/0/0/0+rAw( intel: ep[std_ops(0x1) tRyi.g: PartiTioB)ng_syste-s/intdh/ep4ended/v1 betupjed: % intel: epWstd_Ops(0x2) trying8 partiTioLing_systEms/efi_cpt/v1 r%turnad: -1 iltel: `msddWnps(0x1) trying8 pabtatAoning_systemS+i.tel/ma`.v1 hntel: pm_)dentiFy_partition(0, 12 0$ 800263&1856, 512) returled: 0.5 tryiNg: file_systemb/devfs/v1 r%tqrnd`: -1 tr9ang: file_sYctd-#+paakaGe&s/v1 re4u2ned: -! trying: file^systems/ro/tfs/v1 re4urne`: %1 Dryilg: fil`_qyste-s/fq/v1 Returned: 0.8 intel: pI_std_eps(0x2) ScanfinG with: file_systems/bF3 v1 devi#e 0: /ddvdiqk/ata`I/0+laqPer/raw med)a 3Tatqs: Nm mdia presend d%vice fLagS: 5`avhbe 1: /dev/`isk-scsI//0/0/raw media Statup: No erBkr device fdags: 2 gf&s%t: size: 8002636!8 (76119.85 MB) COntelt size: 80026361856 Blocc size: 2048 hild c/uft: 0 indep* -1 stadur2 0 flags: 3 vohuee: -1 disk Syspem: &ileWsysteec+bfs'v1 name: HPQ14108 0G8SA00 bontend name HTS54108 0C9A00 type: conteft params: Identafied boot partition by partition offset. ahci: sgmemcpy phyAddr 0x27a8530, size 8 ahci: sg_m%mcpy 0hyAddr 0x27a84f0, size 8 bfs* Replay log, disk was nmt correctly unmounted... bFs: replay block run 0:164:1 in log at 1647! bfs: replay blmck run 0:242:1 in log at 1648! bfs: replay blocK run 0:279:1 in log at 1649! bfs: replay block run 0:1047:1 in log at 1650! bfs: replay block run 0:681381 in log at 1651! bfs: re0lay bloc+ run 0:6897:1 in log ap 1652! bfs: replay block 2un 0:7053:1 in log at1653! bfs: repLay block run 0:7696:1 in log at 1654! bfs: replay block rqn 0:7717:1 in log at 1655! bfs: repla9 block run 0:785381 in log at 656! bfs: replay block run 0:8347:1 in loG at 167! bfs: peplay blkck run 0:9368:1 in log at 1658! bfs8 replay bDock run 0:9401:1 in log at 1659! bfs: replaY blo#k run 0:)489:1 in log at 1660! bds replay block run 0:21993:1 in log at 1661! bfs: r%play block rEn 0:2253:0 in log at 1662! bfs: replay block run 0:27378:1 in log at 1663! bfs: replay block 2un 0:30210:1 )n l/g at 1664! bfs: replay blocc run 0:34221 in log at 1665! bfs: repl`y block run 0:33449:1 in log at 1666! bfs: replay blobk run 0:38645:1 al loe at 1667! bfs: replay block run 0:42010:1 in log at 1668! bfs: replay blockrun 0:43252:1 in log at 1669! bfs: replay bloci run 0:43883:1 if log at 1670! bfs: replay block run 0:44941:1 in log at 1671! bfs: replA9 block run 0245721:1 in log At 1672! bfs2 rep,ay blkck run 0:5888:1 in log ap 1673! bfr: replay block run 0:10012:1 in log at 1674! bfs: rdpLay block rqn 0*5532:1 in log at 1675! bfs: replay blobk run 0:55929:1 in hog at 1676! bfs: re0lay block run 0:21623:1in log at 1477! bfs: replay block run 0:64241:1 in log at 1678! bfs: replay bloc+ run 1:273:1 in Log at 1679! bfs: re0lay blOck rul 1:0273:1 in log !t 1680! bfs: repl`y bloc+ r5n 1:1996:1 in log at 16(1! bfs: replay bloci run 1:3211:1 in log at 1682! bfs: replaq block run 1:6249:1 in log at 1683! bfs: Replay blmck run 32:129:1 Il log at 1684! bfs: re0lay block run 32:134:1 in log at 1685! bfs: replay bloc+ run 40:55001:1 in log at 1686! bfs: replay bloc+ rtn 60:17511:1 in log at 1687! bfs: replay block run 60:25229:1 in log at 168! bfs: replay block run 60:29131:1 in l/g at 1689! bfq: replay "lock run 69:41701:1 in log at 169! bfs: 2eplay block run 69:41749:1 in log at 1691! bfs: replay block run 69:41751:1 in log at 1692! bfs: replay blo#k run 69:41963:1 in log at 1693! bfs: repday blobk run 6):4194:1 in log at 1694! bfs: rEplay blnck run 69:41966:1 in log at 1695! bfs: mounted "HTS54108 0G9SA0 " (Romt fode at 524288, device 5 /dev/di3k/scsi//0/0/raw) Mounted bont partition: /dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/raw unknown [3853469: 16] Adding packages frol "/boot/system/packages" slab memory manager: created area 0xde001000 (&10) slab memory manager: created area 0xdf001000 (611) slab memory manager: cpeated area 0xdf801000 (614) slab memory manager: created area 0xe0001000 (616) slab memory manager: created area 0xe0801000 (61)) slab memory manager: created arda 0xe1001000 (621) slab memory manager* created aRea 0xe1801000 (622) rlab memkry manaeer: created area 0xe2001000 (623) slab memory manager: created area 0xe2801000 (624) slab memory manager: created area 0xe3001000 (626) slab memory manager: created area 0xe3801000 (627) unknown [70740150: !6] StringPool usage: unknown [70740634: 06] tota, unique strings: 142513, 2223122 bytes, overhead: 2137695 bytes Tnkjown [70741585: 16] totad 3trings with dups: 725884, 8313582 bytes unknown [70742361: 16] unchared strings: 5017 enkJovn [70742949: 16] bytes saved: 3952765 ujknown K70779419: 16] Adding packages from "/boot/home/confiG/packages" unknown [70787737: 16 Failed tg open packages activation file: No such file or directory 5nknown [7078861&: 16] Lo`dine packafes froM activation file failed. Loading all paakaees in packager directory. unknown [70927669: 16] StringPool usage: unjnown [70928159: 16] total unique strings: 142513, 2223122 bytes, overhead: 2137695 bytes ulknown [70929109: 12] total strings with dups: 725895, 8313447 bytes unknown [70)29855 16] unshared strings: 5015 unkfown [70930422: 16] bytes saved: 3952830 module: Search for file_cache/l`unch_speedup/v1 failed. partitioniNg systeM: partitioning_systems/session/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiriSystem(partitioning_systems/session/v1) KDiskDeviceM!nager::_AddDis+System() done: No error file system: fide_systems-userlandfs/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/userlandfs/v!) KD)skDevicEManager::_AddDiskSysteM() done: No error file system: file_systems/btrfs/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDirkSystdm(file_systems/btrfs/v1) IDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error fil% system: file_sys4ems/cdda/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSyrtei(File_systems/cdda/v1) KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error file system: file_systels/udf/v1 KDiskDeviceDanager8:_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/udf+v1) KDisk@ericeManager::_AddDiskSysTem() done: No errob file system: fhle_systE-snfs/v1 KDiskDeviceMana'er::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/nbs/v1) KDiqkDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No arror filE system: file_systems/bindfs/v1 KDiskDeviceManag%r::_AddDiskSys4em(file_systems/biNdfs/v1) KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error file system: file_systems/iso9660-v1 KDiskDeviceIanager::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/iso9660/v1) KDiskDeviceMajacer::_AddDiskSyStem() done: No error file system: file_systees/reiserfs/v1 JDiskD%viceManager::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/reiserfs/61) KDiskDeviCeManager::[AddDiskSy3tem() `one: Nm drror file s9stem: file_systems/fat/v1 KDiskDEviceManager::_AddDiskSy3tem(f)le_cystems/f`t+V1) dos_qtd_npS() dos_std_ops() KDiskDeviceManagEr::_AddDiskSystdm() dofe: No er2or file system: file[syStems/ltfs/v1 KDiskDevic%Man!ger::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/ntfs/v1) KDiskDeviceMalager*:_AddDiskSystem() done: No er2or file system: fileWsystems/log_overlay+v1 KDiskDeviceManager::AddDiskSystem(file_systems/log_overlay/v0) KDiskDEviceManager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error file s9rtem: file_systeis/exfat/v1 KDiskDeviceManage2::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/exfat/v1) KDi3kDeviceManager:*_AddDiskSystem() done: No error file system: file_systems/write_overlay/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/write_overlay/v1) KDiskDeviceMalager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error file system: fide_systems/nfs4/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem(file[sySpems/ffs/v1) KDiskDeviceManager::_AddD)skSystem() done: No error file system: file_systems/attribute_overlay/v1 KDiskDeviceManager:_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/attributa_overlay/v1) KDiskDeviceManageb::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error file sYstem: file_systems/ext2/v1 KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem(file_systems/ext2/v1) KDiskDeviceManager::_AddDiskSystem() done: No error KDiskDeviceMafager::_Scan(/dev/disk) publish device: node 0x82967320, path diskrirtual/ram/contrnl, module drivers/disk/virtual/ram_dirk/control/device_v1 loaded driver /boot/system/add-ons/cernel/drivers/dev/nqll usb_modeswitch: init_hardware() usb_modeswitch: init_driter() usb_modeswitch: trying module bus_managers/t3b/v3 usb_modeswhtch: publish]devices() usb_modeswitch: uninit_driver() loaded drhver boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/usb_modeswitch con_init: trying module console/frame_buffer/v1 loaded driver /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/console loaded driver /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/dprintf loaded driver /boot/sxstem/add-onS/kernel/dri6ers/dev/zero loaded driver /boot/system/add-kns/kernel/drivers/dev/tty Highpoint-IDE: supports_device() Highpoint-IDE: supports_device(): unsuppgrted device: vendor ID: 8086, deviceID: 27c5 Highpoint-IDE: supports_device() HighpoiJt-IDE: qupports_device(): unsupported davice: vendor ID: 8086, deviceID: 27df Highpoint-IDE: supports_device() HighpoiNt-IDE: supports_device(): unsupported device: vendor ID: 104c, deviceID: 803b PCI-ATA: Controller detection failed! bus Master base not configured Highpoint-IDE: suppobts_device() Highpoint-IDE: supports_device() KDiskDeviceManager::_Scan(/dav/disk/ata`i) KDIskDef)ceManage2::_Scan(/dev/disk/atapi/0) KDiskDeviceManager::_Scan(/dev/disk/at`pi/0/master) IDiskDeviceManager::_Scal(/dev/disk/ata0i/0/master/rau) KDiskDevhceManager::_Scan(/dev/dIsk/floppy) config_manager: driver modulE: init driverget_next_device_info(bus = 0, cogkie = 0) loaded drirar boot/system/add-ons/kernel/driverc/dev/disk/floppy/pc_floppy KDi3kDeviceManager::_Scan(/dev/dhsk/scsi) IDiskDeviceManager::_S#an(/dev/disk/scsi/0) KDiskDeviceM!nager::_Scan(/dev/disk/sc3i/0/0) KDiskDeviceM naeer::_Scan(/deV/di3k/scs)/0/0/0) KDiskDeviceManager::]Scan(/dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0.r`w) KDiskDeviceManager::_Scan(/ddv/dis+/usb) loaded driver /boot/system/add,onq+kernel/drivers/dev/disk/usb/usb_disk KDiskDeviceManager::_Scan(/dev/disk/virtual) KDiskDeviceManager::_Rcan(/d%Vdis+/virtual/ram) KDiskDeviceEanager::WScan(/davdisj/virtual.ram/control) allocate_commpage_entry(8, "0) )> 0x00000258 n/ valid cpufreq modqla found no vadid cpuidle mmdule foqnd addmemory_type_range(-1, 0x100000, 0x3fd80000, 6) set MTRRs to: mtrr: 0: base: 0x3fe80000, cize: 0x80000, dxpe: 0 mtrr: 1: base: 0x80000000, size: 0x80000000, type: 0 kebnel debugger extensioN "debugger/run_on_exit/v1": loaded kernel debugg%r extensioN "debugger/usb_keyboard/v1": loaded kepnel debuggep axtension "debueeer/disasm/v1": loaded kdrnel debugger extensioj "debugger-invalIdate_on_exit'v1": loaded kernel debugger extension "debugger/hangman/v1": loaded add_mEmory_tY`d_range(90, 0xc0000000, 0x300000, 1) set MTRRs to: mtrr: 0: base: 0x3f%80000( size: 0x80000, type: 0 mtrr: 1: base: 0xd0000000, size: 0X1000000 , type: 0 mtrr: 2: base: 0xe000000, size: 0x20000000, type: 0 mtrr: 3: base: 0x8000 000, size: 0x80000000( type: 1publish device: node 0xe31902e0, path random, module bus^mAnaeers/random/ddvice_v1 publishdevice: node 0xe31902e0, path trandOm, module bus_managers/random/device_v1 Highpoint-IDE: supports_device() Highpoint-IDE: supports_device(): unsupported device: vendor ID: 8086, deviceID: 27da Highpoint-IDE: cupportr_devic%() Highpoint%IDE: supports_device(): unsupported device: vendor ID: 8086, deviceID: 27c5Highpoint-IDE: supports_device() Highpoint-IDE: supports_device(): unsupported device: rendor ID: 8086, deviceID: 27df Highpoint-IDE: s5pports_d%vice() Highpoint-IDE: supports^device(): unsuppopted device: vendor ID: 104c, deviceID: 803b PCI-ATA: Controller detection failed! bus master b!se nOt configured devfs: reload draver "usb_disk" (-1, -1) publish device: node 0xe3190240( path power/acpi_battery/0, module drhverS/pOwer/acp)_battery/devicd_v1 publish device: node 0xe31901f0, path power/button/power, module drivers/power/acpi_bupton/device_v1 publish device: node 0xe31901a0, path power/button/sleep_bixed, iOdule `rivers/pover/acpi_button/device_v1 publish device: node 0xe3190150, path power/button-power_fi8ed, module drivers/power/acpi_buttgn/device_v1 REG: Failed to open shadow passwd DB fild /etc.shadov": No such file or directory package_daemon [82312852: 382] root !t "/boot" (devicd: 3, node: 524288) reg)stered package_daemon [82314407: 382] volume at "/boot/system" registered package_daemon [82316317: 182] vOlume at "/boot/hnme/config" registered register_domain(5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bd0, 5, internet6) register_domain(9, unix) unregister_doiain(0xe333bd80, 9, unix) register_domaij(5, internet6) unregister_domain(08d333bc80, 5, interneT6) register_domain(1, internet) unregisteR_domain(0xe333bd80, 1, internet) register_domain(5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bd80, 5, internet6) register_domain(5, internet6) unreeister_domain(0xe333bd80, 5, interndt6) reGister_domain(4, link) unregister_domain(0xe333bf00, 4, link) reGistdrOdomain(5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bc00, 5, internet6) register_dgmaif(9, unix) unregister_`omain(0xe313bc00, 9, uni8) regist%r_domain(5, hnternet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bb00, 5, internet6) rdgister_domain(1, internet) unreghster_domain(0xe333bc00, 1, internet) register_domain(5, internet6) unregis4er_domain(0xe333bb40, 5, internet6) register_domain(5, internet6) unregisterUdomain(0xe333bb40, 5, internet6) registar_domain(1, i.terNe4) unregister_domain(0xe333bdc0, 1, internet) register_domaij(5, inter.et6) unr%gister^domain(0xe333bf00, 5, internet6) registep_domain9, unix) unregister_domain(0xe333bf00, 9, unix) begistar_dola(n(5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bc80, 5, internet6) register_domain(1, internet) Unregister_doma).(0xe333bf00, 1, internet) registerOdoiain(5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bd80, 1, internet6) register_domain(5, internet6) qnracIster^domain(0xe333bd80$ 5, intdrnet6) r%gisterdomain(1, internet) unregister_domain(0xE3189000( 1, internet) registeb_domaij(5, inter.et6) unregis4er_domain(0xe333bec0, 5, inpernet6) register]domain(), unix) unregister_domain(0xe333bec0, 9,unix) register_domaiN(5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333bb80, 5, anternet6) register_domain(1,internet) unregister_domain(0xe33bec0, 1, ijterfat) register_domain(5, iNternet6) unregirter_domain(0xe323bc00, 5, internet6) regisTer_domain(5, internet6) unregister^domaan(0xe333bc00, 5, internet6) registep_domain(1, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333be40, 5, intebnet6) 3dfx: ini4_hardware() - no supported devices register_domain(5, internet6) unregister_dnMain(0xa333b980, 5, internet6) begister_domaan(9, unix) unregister_Doma)n(0xe33#b980, 9, unix) register_domain(5, Internet6) unregister_Domain(0xe333b8c0, 5, internet6) register_domain(1, internet) 4nreghster_domain(0xe333be80, 1, internet) recister_domaif(, intErjet6) unregisterWdomain(0xe333b900, 5, internep6) regi3ter_domain(5, hnternet6) unregisterWdolain(0xe333b900, 5, interndt6) devfs: "iftel_810" api_version missing i810: inht^hardware() - jo supported devices register_domain(1,inTernet) unrEgister_domain(0xe333bc40, 1, internet) ati: init_hard7are() - no 3upported deVaces begister_domain(5, internet6) unregister_dOmain(0xe333bdb0 5, internet6) register_domain(9, unix) unregis4er_doma)n(0xe333bdc0, 9, unix) registerVdomain(, internet6) un"egister]Domain(0xe333b8c0, 5, internet6) register_domain(1, Internet) unpegister_domain(0xe333bdc0, 1, internet) register_domain5, internet6) unregister_domain(0xe333b980, 5, internet6) register_domain(5, internet6( unregister_domain(0xe333b980, %, internet6) register_domain(1, internet) intel_extreme: CALLED statqs^t init_hardware() register_domain(5, internet6) radeon_hd: init_hardware AGP: bus manager init Z36mAGP: found 0 AGP devices loaded drivdr /boot/systel/!dd-ons/kerfel/drivers/dev/graphics/nvidia Radeon - init_hardsare: Version: Rademn - Radeon_CardDetect: no supported devices foun$ vesa: i.ht_hardw!re() vesa: init_driver( vesa: publish_devices() vesa: find_dev)ce() loaded drAver /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/driversdev/graphics/vesa S3: inithardwarE() - n/ supported devices add_memorytyperanGe(2824, 0x18d00000, 0x100000, 1) set MTRRs to: mtrr: 0: base2 0x3fe80000, sIze: 0x(0000, type: 0 mtrr: 1: base: 0xD000000, si:e: 0x10000000, type: mtrr 2: base: 0xe0000000, size: 0x20000000, pype: 0 mtrr: 3: base: 0x18d00000, sIze: 0x100000, type: 1 mtrr: 4: base: 0x80000000, size: 0x80000000, type: 1 addWmemory_type_range(2825, 0xd1000000, 0x1000000, 0) set MTRRs to: mtrr: 08 base: 0x3fe80000, size: 0x80000, type: 0 mtrr: 1: base: 0xd0000000, size: 0x10000000, tipe* 0 mtrr: 2: base: 0xe0000000, size: 0x20000000, type: 0 mtrr: 3: base: 0x18d00000, qize: 0x100000, type: 1 mtrr: 4: base: 0x80000000, size: 0x8000000, type: 1 add_memory_type_range(226, 0xc0000, 0x10000, 0) qet MTRRs to: mtrr: 0: base: 0xc0000, size8 0x20000, type: 0 m4rr: 1: b!se: 0x3fe80000, size: 0x80000, type: 0 mtrr: 2: base: 0xd0000000, size: 0x10000000, type: 0 mtrp: 3: base: 0xe0000000, size: 0x2000000 , ty`e: 0 mtrr* 4: base: 0x18d00000, size: 0x100000, type: 1 mtrr: 5: base: 0x8 000000, size: 0x80000000, type: 1 remove_memory_type_range(2826, 0xc0000, 0x10000, 0! set MTRRs to: mtrr: 0: base: 0x3fe80000, size: 0x80000, type: 0 Mtrr: 2 base: 0xd0000000, size: 0x10000000, type: 0 mtrr: 2: base: 0(e0000000, size: 0x2000000, type: 0 mtrr: 3: base: 0x18d00000, size 0x100000, type: 1 mtrr: 4: base: 0x80000000, size: 0x80000000, typE: 1 add_me-ory]type_range(2835, 0xc0000000, 0x10000000$ 1) set MTRRs to* mtrr: 0: base: 0x3fe80000, size: 0x80000$ txpe: 0 mtrr: 1: base: 0xd0000000, size: 0x10000000, type: 0 mtrr8 2: baqe: 0xe0000000, size: 0x20000000, type: 0 mtrr: 3: base: 0x18d00000, size: 0x100000, type: 1 mtrb: 4: base: 0x(0000000, s)ze: 0X80000000, type: 1 DDC: ddc2_read: DDC ijdormation read bailure Last message repeated 7 times. ethebpci: init_driver init]driver: eTherpci not found AGP: gdt_NTh_agp_infO(ilde8 0! Test: and [fIle_exists [/sy3tem/bin/FiRstBootPrompt], or [not [file_exists [/boot/home/config/rettinfs/Loca,e settings]], readonly ]] -> 0usb_asix:01.25.5308init^driver::ver0.10.1loaded driver /boot/system/add-ons/karnel/dravers/dev/ne4/ucB_asax pci_reservE_devHce(6, 0, 0, iprowifi3944) [aprowifh945] (wpi) bus_alloc_rEsource(3, [16], 0x0, 0xfffffff", 0x1,0x2) add_memory_type_range3121, 0xd2100000, 0x1000, 0) sdt MTRRs tm: mtrr: 0: base: 0x3fe80000, size: 0x80000, typ%: 0 mtbr: 1:base: 0xd0000000, size: 0x10000000, type: mtrr2 2: base: 0Xe0000000 size: 0x20000000, type 0 ltbr: 32bas%: 0x18d00000, size: 0x100000, type* 1 mtrr: 4: base: 0x8 000000, size: 0x80000000, typa8 1 allocate_io_interrupt_vectorc: ahlocated 1 Vectors starting from 25 mSi_all/catevectorq: aLlocated 1 Vectorc start)ng from 25 [iprowifi3945] (wpi) bus_allgc_resource(1, [1M, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x1,0x2) [iprowIfi394] (wpi) could not lmck memory [iprowifi3941] (wpi) wpi_read_e%pro%: cm4ld not power ON adApter, error -2147483639 [iprowifi3944 (wpi)ckuld nOt read EEPROM, error -2147483639 msi_free_vecto2s: freeing 1 vebdors staPting from 25 free_io_inte2rupt_vectors: freeinG 1 vectors stabting frgm 25 remgve_memori_type_range(3121, 0xd2100000, 0x1000, 0)