Welcome to the Haiku shell. ~> HaikuDepot unable to find the user cache directory for icons[ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] unable to obtain the path for storing icons [Node] initiating [Node] starting process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] will update local repositories [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] did update 2 local repositories [Node] initiating [Node] starting process [Node] initiating [Node] starting process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data unable to find the user cache file for [reference-all_%languageCode%.json.gz] data[ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] an error has arisen; General system error [Node] initiating [Node] starting process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] an error has arisen; General system error [Node] initiating [Node] starting process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data unable to find the user cache file for [repository-all_%languageCode%.json.gz] data[ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] an error has arisen; General system error unknown process coordinator changed unknown process coordinator changed ~>