PANIC: page fault, but interrupts were disabled. Touching address 0x0302e82e from ip 0x8006da3c Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land... Thread 453 "BUrlProtocol.HTTP" running on CPU 2 stack trace for thread 453 "BUrlProtocol.HTTP" kernel stack: 0x82337000 to 0x8233b000 user stack: 0x718f9000 to 0x71939000 frame caller :function + offset 0 8233aa14 (+ 32) 8014c0df arch_debug_stack_trace + 0x0f 1 8233aa20 (+ 12) 80139a5a arch_debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x1b 2 8233aa50 (+ 48) 800a94a0 debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x60 3 8233aaa0 (+ 80) 800aa8a0 kernel_debugger_loop(char const*: 0x2 "", char const*: 0x801d5728 "àª3‚Œí", char*: 0x8233aae0, int32: -2146783946) + 0xe0 4 8233aae0 (+ 64) 800aac2f kernel_debugger_internal(char const*: 0x2 "", char const*: 0x2 "", char*: 0x82821f58, int32: -2146783403) + 0x5f 5 8233ab00 (+ 32) 800aaf3f panic + 0x2f 6 8233ab50 (+ 80) 8014d6f0 x86_page_fault_exception + 0x1e0 7 8233ab5c (+ 12) 8013d52c int_bottom + 0x3c kernel iframe at 0x8233ab5c (end = 0x8233abac) eax 0xffffffff ebx 0x0 ecx 0x100000 edx 0x0 esi 0x302e822 edi 0xd2ba4880 ebp 0x8233af04 esp 0x8233ab90 eip 0x8006da3c eflags 0x10086 vector: 0xe, error code: 0x0 8 8233af04 (+ 936) 8006da3c handle_signals + 0xec 9 8233af44 (+ 64) 80081ec6 thread_at_kernel_exit + 0x16 10 8233afa8 (+ 100) 8013d82f kernel_exit_handle_signals + 0x06 user iframe at 0x8233afa8 (end = 0x8233b000) eax 0x8233aee8 ebx 0x0 ecx 0x1 edx 0x0 esi 0x0 edi 0x0 ebp 0x0 esp 0x8233afdc eip 0x60a32263 eflags 0x206 user esp 0x71938888 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0 11 00000000 (+ 0) 60a32263 commpage_thread_exit + 0x13