Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Ticket #19216, comment 7

Nov 9, 2024, 1:10:33 PM (3 months ago)


  • Ticket #19216, comment 7

    v7 v8  
    1515(Because making/enforcing more versions of characters for variants that only diverge when spoken would be a massive waste of time, money and all in all a literal nightmare. Just think about codifying your own standard for about 200k+ characters, and to me that's a low estimate.)
     17I'll give you a more concrete example: imagine we're all cavemen of a specific tribe and one of us makes a wall graffiti about people chucking spears at a pack of deer. When you observe the graffiti it doesn't matter if you say "deer-hunting" in a different way than me, we both get that it's about "deer-hunting", because we all draw these things in a similar style.
     18Then a caveman from another tribe comes in and in their tribe they're used to draw deer, people or spears in a slightly different way than us, that caveman might struggle understanding the picture at first but eventually they'd get it. Again, it doesn't really matter how they say the word, what matters is whether they recognize the symbols and their meaning or not.