List of FOSS OS (and portable app/drivers) projects to send the [wiki:FOSDEM2010AltOSDevroomCallForParticipationDraft] to: = OS Projects = * [ Rosetta OS] (project + [ Google group]) ~~(ml)~~ * [ RTEMS] * [ Minix] (IRC + ml) * [ Haiku] (~~ml~~ + news) * *BSD (they have their own devroom, but might share some talks) * [ AROS] ~~(IRC + ml)~~ * [ ReactOS] ~~(IRC + ml)~~ * [ PureDarwin] (~~IRC~~) * [ Hurd] (~~IRC~~) * [ Syllable] (~~IRC~~) * [ OpenSolaris] (~~IRC~~) * [ AuroraUX] (fork of OpenSolaris) (~~IRC~~) * [ Plan9] (~~IRC~~) * FreeDOS (~~IRC~~) * OOS (OOC based OS) (~~IRC~~) * [ Anubis OS] (~~IRC~~) * [ AWOS] (~~IRC~~) * [ Chromium OS] (~~IRC~~, [ googlegroup]) * [ EyeOS] (~~IRC~~, []) = Related = * [ OSSv4] ~~(IRC + ml)~~ * [ NetSurf] ~~(IRC + ml)~~ * [ QEMU] ~~(IRC + ml)~~ * ##kernel (~~IRC~~)