Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5631 closed bug (fixed)

app_server died horribly

Reported by: l_n Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Servers/app_server Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


after closing arora, i went to open the BeMenu and the app_server crashed, sending me to a gdb instance (no choice in the matter for me. gdb took over the screen). i didn't write down the output of bt, but i did find some relevant stuff in syslog. i'm using the nightly hrev35928.

syslog output:

KERN: debug_server: Thread 271 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `sb'
KERN: stack trace, current PC 0xffff0114  :
KERN:   (0x705d5a6c)  0x7b6201  __assert_fail + 0x51
KERN:   (0x705d5a9c)  0x8270cc  free__Q28BPrivate11processHeapPv + 0x60
KERN:   (0x705d5adc)  0x828991  free + 0xb1
KERN:   (0x705d5b0c)  0x41720a SendMessage__C8BMessagelllxbR10BMessenger + 0x36a
KERN:   (0x705d5b8c)  0x2963e5  SendMessageToClient__C12ServerWindowPC8BMessagel + 0x55
KERN:   (0x705d5bec)  0x29d411  ResizeBy__6WindowllP7BRegion + 0x2e5
KERN:   (0x705d5cac)  0x2598c4  ResizeWindowBy__7DesktopP6Windowff + 0xb8
KERN:   (0x705d5d4c)  0x2a0b83  _ObeySizeLimits__6Window + 0xf3
KERN:   (0x705d5d8c)  0x29f39f  SetSizeLimits__6Windowllll + 0x93
KERN:   (0x705d5dbc)  0x28f46f  _DispatchMessage__12ServerWindowlRQ28BPrivate12LinkReceiver + 0xadf
KERN:   (0x705d5efc)  0x296246  _MessageLooper__12ServerWindow + 0x28e
KERN:   (0x705d5f7c)  0x2749cc  _message_thread__13MessageLooperPv + 0x28
KERN:   (0x705d5fac)  0x7affe6  thread_entry + 0x36
KERN: vm_soft_fault: va 0x0 not covered by area in address space
KERN: vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x4, ip 0x8270d2, write 0, user 1, thread 0x10f
KERN: vm_page_fault: thread "w:123:BeMenu cached menu" (271) in team "app_server" (72) tried to read address 0x4, ip 0x8270d2 ("libroot.so_seg0ro" +0xa00d2)

Change History (1)

comment:1 by bonefish, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Possibly fixed in hrev36523. Please reopen, if you encounter it again.

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