Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#6502 new bug

ifconfig and address parameters

Reported by: atis.elsts Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Network & Internet Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


  • When a new address is added to existing interface, but no netmask or prefix length for that address is specified, the result is an address with invalid netmask. Probably a call to set_to_defaults() is needed somewhere in the kernel code.
  • [Enhancement] Broadcast address is also not handled correctly, when not explicitly specified. First, setting new address for an interface does not set the correct broadcast address - the broadcast address should be dependent on network mask, not on address class. Second, adding new address to existing interface leaves broadcast address field completely empty. (The same set_to_defaults() call should solve this second case too.)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by atis.elsts, 15 years ago

An update: actually there are bigger issues.

  • When adding a new address to existing interface, routes are not added.
  • After deleting an interface with such multiple address, not everything apparently is deleted, because when I try to re-add that interface with a new address, the adding fails in halfway with "Name in use" error.

You will need my ifconfig patch (the one that adds AddAddress() call) to repeat the problems,

comment:2 by axeld, 15 years ago

set_to_defaults() is always done when an address is set, it may just not work properly :-)

In any case, please file one bug report per bug, and don't try to put 4 of them into one - this makes the life of a bug squasher much more pleasant ;-)

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