Opened 13 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#6941 closed bug (fixed)

Tracker slow and hesitant when copying large numbers of files

Reported by: dsuden Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications/Tracker Version: R1/Development
Keywords: tracker copying files slow Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


When I copy large numbers of files (thousands), Tracker starts copying quickly, but after a few dozen files, it sits and does nothing for long periods of time.

Eventually it always finishes copying, but during the hesitations, all Tracker processes seem to freeze, so I can't open folders, create links, or do other desktop tasks independent of the copying process for awhile. When copying progress resumes, Tracker also becomes responsive for other tasks.

Am using version 39648, running directly off Intel hardware on its own . Not sure what "version" that's considered, but I assume it's a part of alpha2.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by aldeck, 13 years ago

Component: Add-Ons/TrackerApplications/Tracker
Owner: changed from nobody to axeld
Version: R1/alpha2R1/Development

It's probably Tracker's slowness at populating windows with thousands of files. Though at this point it might be something else.

Does it also happen when the destination folder window is not open (close the destination tracker window after you started the copy)?

Knowing your background, are you copying from and to the same partition? both Haiku formatted BFS?

Is it slow when doing the same copy using terminal? cp /path1/* /path2

comment:2 by dsuden, 13 years ago

I am copying from one hard drive to another. I have tried the following approaches you mentioned:

  • Starting the copy and then closing the destination window
  • Closing all windows and doing the copy from a Terminal

In both cases, the same thing happens. The copying starts and flies along for a short while, then hesitates for a long time, during which Tracker becomes unresponsive and won't allow me to do things like open windows, create links, etc.

FYI, the item I'm copying is my "Station" folder, which contains subfolders, of which have audio files in them. In some cases, the audio files (mostly songs) are buried several layers the directory structure includes items like:

/boot/Station/Music/AlmaNova/After Hours/07 Massimo Dancing.mp3

comment:3 by dsuden, 13 years ago

Should have mentioned...

GetInfo provides:

Size: 14.68 GiB for 3517 files

comment:4 by dsuden, 13 years ago

Similar behavior when emptying large numbers of files trash. It starts emptying quickly, then stalls, and takes a long time to keep going. During that time, Tracker becomes unresponsive.

comment:5 by dsuden, 11 years ago

I don't see this behavior might be something that could be retired.

comment:6 by diver, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks for the update!

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