Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#7989 new enhancement

MediaPlayer needs play video/audio URL and shuffle features.

Reported by: ddavid123 Owned by: stippi
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/MediaPlayer Version: R1/Development
Keywords: MediaPlayer, Shuffle, URL Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I love Haiku's MediaPlayer, it is an awesome app! I have noticed two features that are missing that I think should be implemented for R1. In VLc and other media players, there is the option to play audio/video from the URL. Instead of downloading the entire media file, VLC just plays it directly from URL.

Another feature that many media players have that Haiku's MediaPlayer doesn't is the option to shuffle the videos/music that are played! Instead of playing them in order, the shuffle feature may play song/video three first, then perhaps 8. Songs/videos are played out of order.

Although these features are not critical to the release of Haiku R1, they are important for many like me who have become accustomed and even dependent on them!

Change History (10)

comment:1 by anevilyak, 13 years ago

Component: Audio & VideoApplications/MediaPlayer
Owner: changed from nobody to stippi
Version: R1/alpha3R1/Development

comment:2 by axeld, 13 years ago

The shuffle mode is implemented by randomizing the playlist (in the playlist window). Not sure it makes sense to have both.

The URL feature depends on our media kit to support streaming, which it currently doesn't do.

comment:3 by ddavid123, 13 years ago

axeld "The shuffle mode is implemented by randomizing the playlist (in the playlist window). Not sure it makes sense to have both."

This is true, you can shuffle the media played in the playlist, but the user has to select each one manually! What I would like to see is a shuffle feature that shuffles the media randomly, without any user input. All the user would have to do is tell MediaPlayer which songs/videos to play, then click "Shuffle" to randomize the playlist automatically. Nobody wants to sit in front of a screen and manually click each file to shuffle! Especially if they just want to relax and listen to their favorate albums.

As far as the play URL is concerned, it is also important! It is important especially if you (like me) are booting Haiku from a usb stick and don't want to fill it with media. Perhaps it could be implemented as an add-on?

Thanks for your consideration!

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by axeld, 13 years ago

Replying to ddavid123:

Nobody wants to sit in front of a screen and manually click each file to shuffle!

Indeed, that's why there is a "Randomize" menu item in the "Edit" menu :-) One possible addition would be an auto shuffle mode, though, where new additions are inserted at random positions which would achieve what you want.

As far as the play URL is concerned, it is also important!

Of course it is important, but that doesn't matter at all as long as no one finds the time and motivation to implement it. There are many important things missing from Haiku -- that's why there is still no R1 for one thing. It just takes time.

comment:5 by ddavid123, 13 years ago

I know it takes time, and I didn't mean to sound critical! The edit menu in the playlist window has been hiding from me! lol I did not know you could click the playlist menu item and get a playlist window, thanks axeld! I suppose the need for a "shuffle" feature is already implemented, but perhaps it could be achieved with just one click in the MediaPlayer menu for newbies like me!

As far as the play URL feature is concerned, I understand there are only a few developers and many features wanting to be added! It is times like this I wished I was a programmer.


comment:6 by stippi, 13 years ago

In principle, the "Randomize Playlist" and the hypothetical Shuffle playback allow the user to achieve the same thing. However, a Shuffle feature would allow it with much more convenience and more tailored towards the most common use-case. Which is a you have an organized playlist, you just want to pay back all those songs in random order, and each time with a different random order, please. The "Randomize Playlist" feature on the other hand would have to be invoked manually before each playback of the playlist, and on top of that it completely messes up your playlist so you can't easily see what you have in it anymore. The only good use-case for the "Randomize Playlist" is when you want to make a pseudo random, but actually controlled playlist. I.e. you know what you want to play at the party, randomize the list for a start, and then tweak the playlist order specifically to have certain songs come after another.

comment:7 by ariza09, 12 years ago

(Google Code-in)

Haiku revision: hrev42211 still a bug.Media player don't play by video/audio url, but MediaPlayer is the option to shuffle the videos/music that are played . System: Haiku hrev1-alpha3 on VMware workstation 8 on windows 7 32 bit

comment:8 by Freeman, 11 years ago

System: Haiku R1Alpha4.1 on Virtualbox v4.2.4r81684 Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

Media player does not play video/audio urls. Playlist randomization is present and working.

comment:9 by pulkomandy, 9 years ago

Milestone: R1Unscheduled

comment:10 by vidrep, 6 years ago

MediaPlayer has had the ability to play audio/video URL's for some months now. Not sure if we should keep the ticket open for the shuffle feature, or create another ticket.

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