
There are a few social rules that are expected to be observed by all contributors of Haiku's Bug Tracker. Some of this content is either directly influenced by or in parts copied verbatim from Mozilla's Bugzilla Etiquette.

  • No personal abuse. Haiku's Bug Tracker is a window into the world of Haiku development. The fact that we permit anyone with an account to add a comment does not mean you are allowed to harass, harangue or otherwise hassle contributors. Do not make weak threats like "I won't use Haiku until this bug is fixed!" If a respected project contributor complains about your behavior on this bug tracker, then your account may be disabled.
  • Not a forum. This bug tracker is for reporting issues within Haiku itself, i.e., this includes only the base system and applications, not third-party applications (e.g. from HaikuDepot.) User-errors can be resolved through several other means of communication, such as an appropriate mailing list or IRC channel. Any tickets deemed to be user-error will be closed as invalid.
  • No obligation. "Open Source" is not the same as "the developers must do my bidding." The only person who has any obligation to fix the bugs you want fixed is yourself. Never act as if you expect someone to fix a bug by a particular date or release. Not only is this obnoxious, it is likely to get the bug ignored.
  • No whining about decisions. If a respected project contributor has marked a bug as invalid, then it is invalid. Someone filing another duplicate of it does not change this. Unless you have further important evidence, do not post a comment arguing that an invalid or junk bug should be reopened.
  • No pointless comments. Unless you have something constructive and helpful to say, do not add a comment to a bug. In bugs where there is a heated debate going on, you should be even more inclined not to add a comment. Unless you have something new to contribute, then the bug owner is aware of all the issues, and will make a judgment as to what to do. Additional "I see this too" or "It works for me" comments are generally unnecessary. Constructive and helpful thoughts unrelated to the topic of the bug should go in the appropriate mailing list or website forum.
  • No private email. Unless the bug owner or another respected project contributor has asked you to email them with specific information, please place all information relating to bugs in the bug itself. Do not send them by private email; no-one else can read them if you do that, and they'll probably just get ignored.
  • Attachments: Include File Extensions Even though Haiku does not require file extensions, they are required for proper handling in this bug tracker. Including the proper file extension, will help to increase the productivity of other contributors.
Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Aug 6, 2018, 8:16:42 PM
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