1 | Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/HaikuDepot (819):
2 | CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i3-2100T
3 | Memory: 7.46 GiB total, 278.45 MiB used
4 | Haiku revision: hrev46284-12-gf671813 [master] (BePC)
5 |
6 | Active Threads:
7 | thread 819: HaikuDepot (main)
8 | thread 829: Planet Express
9 | thread 830: w>HaikuDepot
10 | thread 846: menu_tracking
11 | thread 847: _m_task_
12 | thread 848: MouseTrackingThread
13 | thread 851: team 819 debug task
14 | thread 850: w>_mc_mb_ cached menu
15 | state: Call (Looper must be locked.)
16 |
17 | Frame IP Function Name
18 | -----------------------------------------------
19 | 00000000 0x61038112 commpage_syscall + 0x2
20 | Disassembly:
21 | commpage_syscall:
22 | 0x61038110: 89e1 mov %esp, %ecx
23 | 0x61038112: 0f34 sysenter <--
24 |
25 | Frame memory:
26 |
27 | 0x7b16a460 0xdd6491 debugger + 0x39
28 | 0x7b16a498 0x1849644 BLooper::check_lock() + 0x40
29 | 0x7b16a4c8 0x191d0ed BView::_CheckLock(BView) + 0x21
30 | 0x7b16a4f8 0x191216f BView::Bounds(BView) + 0x1f
31 | 0x7b16a568 0x18b4d99 BMenu::_ComputeLayout(int32, bool) + 0xf1
32 | 0x7b16a5c8 0x18b4bde BMenu::_LayoutItems(int32) + 0x42
33 | 0x7b16a608 0x18b4b8a BMenu::_RelayoutIfNeeded() + 0x3a
34 | 0x7b16a638 0x18b1698 BMenu::DoLayout() + 0x38
35 | 0x7b16a668 0x191b486 BView::_Layout(bool, BLayoutContext*) + 0x7a
36 | 0x7b16a698 0x191b4dd BView::_Layout(bool, BLayoutContext*) + 0xd1
37 | 0x7b16a6c8 0x191b4dd BView::_Layout(bool, BLayoutContext*) + 0xd1
38 | 0x7b16a738 0x191b079 BView::Layout(bool) + 0x31
39 | 0x7b16a778 0x192592a BWindow::Layout(bool) + 0x32
40 | 0x7b16a998 0x1922c21 BWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x1afd
41 | 0x7b16a9c8 0x18c04f2 BPrivate::BMenuWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x22
42 | 0x7b16aa28 0x1927026 BWindow::task_looper() + 0x242
43 | 0x7b16aa58 0x1848da1 BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x3d
44 | 0x7b16aa80 0xddae25 thread_entry + 0x21
45 | 00000000 0x61038250 commpage_thread_exit + 0
46 |
47 | Registers:
48 | eip: 0x61038114
49 | esp: 0x7b16a424
50 | ebp: 0x7b16a460
51 | eax: 0x000000dc
52 | ebx: 0x00e7f084
53 | ecx: 0x7b16a424
54 | edx: 0x61038114
55 | esi: 0x019d4b90
56 | edi: 0x03be0478
57 | cs: 0x001b
58 | ds: 0x0023
59 | es: 0x0023
60 | fs: 0x00a3
61 | gs: 0x0023
62 | ss: 0x0023
63 |
64 | Loaded Images:
65 | ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
66 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 | 2696 0x002b4000 0x004bd000 0x004bd000 0x0050a000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.48.1.1
68 | 2708 0x0051b000 0x0052b000 0x0052b000 0x0052e000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot-addon-icu.so
69 | 2702 0x0057b000 0x005c9000 0x005c9000 0x005cb000 lib /boot/system/lib/libcurl.so.4.2.0
70 | 2692 0x0063d000 0x00651000 0x00651000 0x00655000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
71 | 2704 0x00684000 0x0077b000 0x0077b000 0x0077e000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
72 | 2698 0x008df000 0x00917000 0x00917000 0x0091e000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.48.1.1
73 | 2697 0x00971000 0x00979000 0x00979000 0x0097b000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.48.1.1
74 | 2700 0x00c2a000 0x00c49000 0x00c49000 0x00c7e000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.48.1.1
75 | 2694 0x00dae000 0x00e76000 0x00e76000 0x00ec0000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
76 | 2688 0x00f24000 0x00f41000 0x00f41000 0x00f44000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
77 | 2689 0x0108a000 0x01107000 0x01107000 0x0111e000 app /boot/system/apps/HaikuDepot
78 | 2693 0x01421000 0x01451000 0x01451000 0x0145f000 lib /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.r4.so
79 | 2706 0x0152a000 0x01658000 0x01658000 0x0166d000 lib /boot/system/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0
80 | 2699 0x0170e000 0x01718000 0x01718000 0x0171b000 lib /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.48.1.1
81 | 2690 0x01752000 0x019e5000 0x019e5000 0x01a6d000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
82 | 2707 0x01a7b000 0x01abf000 0x01abf000 0x01ac2000 lib /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so
83 | 2712 0x01ad0000 0x01add000 0x01add000 0x01adf000 lib /boot/system/lib/libsolvext.so.0
84 | 2703 0x01afd000 0x01b16000 0x01b16000 0x01b17000 lib /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.8
85 | 2701 0x01e43000 0x01f7e000 0x01f7e000 0x01fa6000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.48.1.1
86 | 2710 0x01fdb000 0x01fe5000 0x01fe5000 0x01fe7000 lib /boot/system/lib/libpackage-add-on-libsolv.so
87 | 2705 0x02038000 0x0207c000 0x0207c000 0x02081000 lib /boot/system/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0
88 | 2711 0x0213a000 0x021ad000 0x021ad000 0x021af000 lib /boot/system/lib/libsolv.so.0
89 | 2691 0x021cb000 0x0226a000 0x0226a000 0x02286000 lib /boot/system/lib/libpackage.so
90 | 2695 0x0266b000 0x03806000 0x03806000 0x0380c000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.48.1.1
91 | 2687 0x61038000 0x61040000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
92 |
93 | Areas:
94 | ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
95 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 | 9279 0x00287000 0x00297000 64 rw- full rld heap
97 | 9249 0x002b4000 0x004bd000 2084 r-x full libicui18n.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
98 | 9250 0x004bd000 0x00509000 304 rw- full libicui18n.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
99 | 9251 0x00509000 0x0050a000 4 rw- full libicui18n.so.48.1.1_seg2rw
100 | 9281 0x0051b000 0x0052b000 64 r-x full libroot-addon-icu.so_seg0ro
101 | 9282 0x0052b000 0x0052e000 12 rw- full libroot-addon-icu.so_seg1rw
102 | 9223 0x00533000 0x00534000 4 rw-S full _rld_debug_
103 | 9222 0x00568000 0x00578000 64 rw- full rld heap
104 | 9264 0x0057b000 0x005c9000 312 r-x full libcurl.so.4.2.0_seg0ro
105 | 9265 0x005c9000 0x005cb000 8 rw- full libcurl.so.4.2.0_seg1rw
106 | 9239 0x0063d000 0x00651000 80 r-x full libtranslation.so_seg0ro
107 | 9240 0x00651000 0x00655000 16 rw- full libtranslation.so_seg1rw
108 | 9268 0x00684000 0x0077b000 988 r-x full libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
109 | 9269 0x0077b000 0x0077d000 8 rw- full libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
110 | 9270 0x0077d000 0x0077e000 4 rw- full libtextencoding.so_seg2rw
111 | 9254 0x008df000 0x00917000 224 r-x full libicule.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
112 | 9255 0x00917000 0x0091e000 28 rw- full libicule.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
113 | 9252 0x00971000 0x00979000 32 r-x full libicuio.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
114 | 9253 0x00979000 0x0097b000 8 rw- full libicuio.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
115 | 9258 0x00c2a000 0x00c49000 124 r-x full libicutu.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
116 | 9259 0x00c49000 0x00c4c000 12 rw- full libicutu.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
117 | 9260 0x00c4c000 0x00c7e000 200 rw- full libicutu.so.48.1.1_seg2rw
118 | 9244 0x00dae000 0x00e76000 800 r-x full libroot.so_seg0ro
119 | 9245 0x00e76000 0x00e88000 72 rw- full libroot.so_seg1rw
120 | 9246 0x00e88000 0x00ec0000 224 rw- full libroot.so_seg2rw
121 | 9219 0x00f24000 0x00f41000 116 r-x full runtime_loader_seg0ro
122 | 9220 0x00f41000 0x00f42000 4 rw- full runtime_loader_seg1rw
123 | 9221 0x00f42000 0x00f44000 8 rw- full runtime_loader_bss1
124 | 9224 0x0108a000 0x01107000 500 r-x full HaikuDepot_seg0ro
125 | 9233 0x01107000 0x0111e000 92 rw- full HaikuDepot_seg1rw
126 | 9241 0x01421000 0x01451000 192 r-x full libstdc++.r4.so_seg0ro
127 | 9242 0x01451000 0x0145c000 44 rw- full libstdc++.r4.so_seg1rw
128 | 9243 0x0145c000 0x0145f000 12 rw- full libstdc++.r4.so_seg2rw
129 | 9273 0x0152a000 0x01658000 1208 r-x full libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
130 | 9274 0x01658000 0x0166b000 76 rw- full libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
131 | 9275 0x0166b000 0x0166d000 8 rw- full libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg2rw
132 | 9256 0x0170e000 0x01718000 40 r-x full libiculx.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
133 | 9257 0x01718000 0x0171b000 12 rw- full libiculx.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
134 | 9234 0x01752000 0x019e5000 2636 r-x full libbe.so_seg0ro
135 | 9235 0x019e5000 0x01a6c000 540 rw- full libbe.so_seg1rw
136 | 9236 0x01a6c000 0x01a6d000 4 rw- full libbe.so_seg2rw
137 | 9276 0x01a7b000 0x01abf000 272 r-x full libnetwork.so_seg0ro
138 | 9277 0x01abf000 0x01ac1000 8 rw- full libnetwork.so_seg1rw
139 | 9278 0x01ac1000 0x01ac2000 4 rw- full libnetwork.so_seg2rw
140 | 9321 0x01ad0000 0x01add000 52 r-x full libsolvext.so.0_seg0ro
141 | 9322 0x01add000 0x01adf000 8 rw- full libsolvext.so.0_seg1rw
142 | 9266 0x01afd000 0x01b16000 100 r-x full libz.so.1.2.8_seg0ro
143 | 9267 0x01b16000 0x01b17000 4 rw- full libz.so.1.2.8_seg1rw
144 | 9261 0x01e43000 0x01f7e000 1260 r-x full libicuuc.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
145 | 9262 0x01f7e000 0x01fa5000 156 rw- full libicuuc.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
146 | 9263 0x01fa5000 0x01fa6000 4 rw- full libicuuc.so.48.1.1_seg2rw
147 | 9317 0x01fdb000 0x01fe5000 40 r-x full libpackage-add-on-libsolv.so_se
148 | 9318 0x01fe5000 0x01fe7000 8 rw- full libpackage-add-on-libsolv.so_se
149 | 9271 0x02038000 0x0207c000 272 r-x full libssl.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
150 | 9272 0x0207c000 0x02081000 20 rw- full libssl.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
151 | 9319 0x0213a000 0x021ad000 460 r-x full libsolv.so.0_seg0ro
152 | 9320 0x021ad000 0x021af000 8 rw- full libsolv.so.0_seg1rw
153 | 9237 0x021cb000 0x0226a000 636 r-x full libpackage.so_seg0ro
154 | 9238 0x0226a000 0x02286000 112 rw- full libpackage.so_seg1rw
155 | 9247 0x0266b000 0x03806000 18028 r-x full libicudata.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
156 | 9248 0x03806000 0x0380c000 24 rw- full libicudata.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
157 | 9280 0x03bb6000 0x041f6000 6400 rw- full heap
158 | 9218 0x61038000 0x61040000 32 r-xSk full commpage
159 | 9215 0x61d05000 0x61d09000 16 rw- full user area
160 | 9217 0x61f79000 0x62f7a000 16388 rw-s full HaikuDepot_819_stack
161 | 9289 0x62f7a000 0x62f7b000 4 rw-S full server_memory
162 | 9291 0x6af7a000 0x6af9a000 128 rw-S full server_memory
163 | 9297 0x72f7a000 0x72f9a000 128 rw-S full server_memory
164 | 9313 0x7af90000 0x7afd5000 276 rw-s full w>HaikuDepot_830_stack
165 | 9311 0x7b007000 0x7b04c000 276 rw-s full Planet Express_829_stack
166 | 9367 0x7b127000 0x7b16c000 276 rw-s full w>_mc_mb_ cached menu_850_stack
167 | 9363 0x7b177000 0x7b1bc000 276 rw-s full MouseTrackingThread_848_stack
168 | 9361 0x7b2ef000 0x7b334000 276 rw-s full _m_task__847_stack
169 | 9359 0x7b5cd000 0x7b612000 276 rw-s full menu_tracking_846_stack
170 |
171 | Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
172 |
173 | Semaphores:
174 | ID Count Last Holder Name
175 | ------------------------------------------------------------
176 | 4200 0 830 some BBlockCache lock
177 | 4201 0 0 Catalog
178 | 4202 0 0 some BLocker
179 | 4203 0 0 some BLocker
180 | 4204 0 842 token space
181 | 4205 0 830 BLooperList lock
182 | 4206 0 830 AppServerLink_sLock
183 | 4207 0 0 LocaleRosterData
184 | 4208 0 0 some BLocker
185 | 4209 0 0 Catalog
186 | 4210 0 0 Catalog
187 | 4211 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
188 | 4212 0 0 AppLooperPort
189 | 4224 0 0 screen list
190 | 4225 0 0 clipboard
191 | 4226 0 0 width buffer
192 | 4227 0 828 BMessageQueue Lock
193 | 4228 -3 830 HaikuDepot
194 | 4234 0 0 some BLocker
195 | 4235 0 0 some BLocker
196 | 4236 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
197 | 4237 0 0 offscreen bitmap
198 | 4247 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
199 | 4248 0 0 offscreen bitmap
200 | 4258 0 0 font list
201 | 4277 -1 0 PendingPackageActions
202 | 4287 0 0 tool tip manager
203 | 4348 0 0 job queue
204 | 4349 0 0 have runnable job
205 | 4365 0 0 window close sem
206 | 4375 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
207 | 4376 -1 850 _mc_mb_ cached menu