1 | Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/StyledEdit (40414):
2 | CPU(s): 2x AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 5200+
3 | Memory: 4.00 GiB total, 735.25 MiB used
4 | Haiku revision: hrev47259 May 25 2014 01:01:01 (BePC)
5 |
6 | Active Threads:
7 | thread 40414: StyledEdit (main)
8 | thread 40419: add poses
9 | thread 40420: team 40414 debug task
10 | thread 40418: w>StyledEdit: Open
11 | state: Exception (Segment violation)
12 |
13 | Frame IP Function Name
14 | -----------------------------------------------
15 | 0x795badb0 0x169b91f BPrivate::BPoseView::CreatePoses(BPrivate::Model*, BPrivate::PoseInfo*, int32, BPrivate::BPose*, bool, void*, BRect*, void*) + 0x37
16 | Disassembly:
17 | BPrivate::BPoseView::CreatePoses(BPrivate::Model*, BPrivate::PoseInfo*, int32, BPrivate::BPose*, bool, void*, BRect*, void*):
18 | 0x0169b8e8: 632e arpl %bp, (%esi)
19 | 0x0169b8ea: 3139 xor %edi, (%ecx)
20 | 0x0169b8ec: 3037 xor %dh, (%edi)
21 | 0x0169b8ee: 06 push %es
22 | 0x0169b8ef: 035504 add 0x4(%ebp), %edx
23 | 0x0169b8f2: 0b13 or (%ebx), %edx
24 | 0x0169b8f4: 30546572 xor %dl, 0x72(%ebp)
25 | 0x0169b8f8: 6d insd
26 | 0x0169b8f9: 7320 jae 0x169b91b
27 | 0x0169b8fb: 6f outsd
28 | 0x0169b8fc: 66207573 o16 and %dh, 0x73(%ebp)
29 | 0x0169b900: 65206174 and %ah, %gs:0x74(%ecx)
30 | 0x0169b904: 206874 and %ch, 0x74(%eax)
31 | 0x0169b907: 7470 jz 0x169b979
32 | 0x0169b909: 733a jae 0x169b945
33 | 0x0169b90b: 2f das
34 | 0x0169b90c: 2f das
35 | 0x0169b90d: 7777 ja 0x169b986
36 | 0x0169b90f: 772e ja 0x169b93f
37 | 0x0169b911: 7468 jz 0x169b97b
38 | 0x0169b913: 61 popad
39 | 0x0169b914: 7774 ja 0x169b98a
40 | 0x0169b916: 652e636f6d arpl %bp, %cs:0x6d(%edi)
41 | 0x0169b91b: 2f das
42 | 0x0169b91c: 637073 arpl %si, 0x73(%eax)
43 | 0x0169b91f: 2028 and %ch, (%eax) <--
44 |
45 | Frame memory:
46 | [0x795bac88] #...0.i..,$...*. 23 00 00 00 30 d0 69 01 f8 2c 24 18 d0 91 2a 18
47 | [0x795bac98] ..*...........[y 98 92 2a 18 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 5b 79
48 | [0x795baca8] ..........)...p. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 29 18 90 bc 70 01
49 | [0x795bacb8] ..[y).i.H.....". 98 ad 5b 79 29 cc 69 01 48 af 98 00 f8 cc 22 18
50 | [0x795bacc8] .."...[y..[y.,$. f8 cc 22 18 00 ad 5b 79 f8 ac 5b 79 f8 2c 24 18
51 | [0x795bacd8] .....%j...v...[y 00 00 00 00 e2 25 6a 01 a0 0b 76 01 b8 ad 5b 79
52 | [0x795bace8] .."............@ f8 cc 22 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a0 40
53 | [0x795bacf8] ...@...@........ 00 00 a0 40 00 00 a0 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
54 | [0x795bad08] ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
55 | [0x795bad18] ..*....@...@...@ d0 91 2a 18 00 00 a0 40 00 00 a0 40 00 00 a0 40
56 | [0x795bad28] ..[y.1a.x.[y..". d8 ad 5b 79 bc 31 61 01 78 ad 5b 79 f8 cc 22 18
57 | [0x795bad38] h.[y..a.H....... 68 ad 5b 79 f1 2e 61 01 48 af 98 00 00 00 00 00
58 | [0x795bad48] ..".m...H...|. . f8 cc 22 18 6d b1 8d 00 48 af 98 00 7c 1f 20 18
59 | [0x795bad58] ......[yH.....". 00 00 00 00 84 ad 5b 79 48 af 98 00 f8 cc 22 18
60 | [0x795bad68] ..[y{wy......... 98 ad 5b 79 7b 77 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
61 | [0x795bad78] ...........D...C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 44 00 00 b5 43
62 | [0x795bad88] ..[y..w..b)..... d8 ad 5b 79 97 df 77 00 98 62 29 18 00 00 00 00
63 | [0x795bad98] .............. . 03 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 b8 1a 20 18
64 | [0x795bada8] ..[y.cw. d8 ad 5b 79 af 63 77 00
65 | 0x795bade0 0x7763ad BLooper::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x59
66 | 0x795bafe0 0x856828 BWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x1970
67 | 0x795bb010 0x164dd80 BPrivate::TFilePanel::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x24
68 | 0x795bb070 0x85ac4e BWindow::task_looper() + 0x28e
69 | 0x795bb0a0 0x777845 BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x3d
70 | 0x795bb0c8 0x1057691 thread_entry + 0x21
71 | 00000000 0x61b6d250 commpage_thread_exit + 0
72 |
73 | Registers:
74 | eip: 0x0169b91f
75 | esp: 0x795bac88
76 | ebp: 0x795bada8
77 | eax: 0x0169b888
78 | ebx: 0x01760ba0
79 | ecx: 0x18242cf8
80 | edx: 0x01ffcbff
81 | esi: 0x795bad98
82 | edi: 0x1829629c
83 | cs: 0x001b
84 | ds: 0x0023
85 | es: 0x0023
86 | fs: 0x0063
87 | gs: 0x0023
88 | ss: 0x0023
89 |
90 | Loaded Images:
91 | ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
92 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 | 11503 0x0062b000 0x0064a000 0x0064a000 0x0064d000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
94 | 11505 0x0067b000 0x0091a000 0x0091a000 0x009a5000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
95 | 11513 0x00ad9000 0x00ae1000 0x00ae1000 0x00ae3000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.48.1.1
96 | 11514 0x00ae3000 0x00b1b000 0x00b1b000 0x00b22000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.48.1.1
97 | 11506 0x00b54000 0x00b68000 0x00b68000 0x00b6c000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
98 | 11512 0x00c6e000 0x00e77000 0x00e77000 0x00ec4000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.48.1.1
99 | 11509 0x01028000 0x010f3000 0x010f3000 0x0113e000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
100 | 11510 0x01344000 0x01374000 0x01374000 0x01381000 lib /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.r4.so
101 | 11508 0x0138e000 0x01485000 0x01485000 0x01488000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
102 | 11507 0x01568000 0x01715000 0x01715000 0x01774000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtracker.so
103 | 11518 0x01a05000 0x01a15000 0x01a15000 0x01a18000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot-addon-icu.so
104 | 11516 0x01b12000 0x01b31000 0x01b31000 0x01b66000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.48.1.1
105 | 11515 0x01c62000 0x01c6c000 0x01c6c000 0x01c6f000 lib /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.48.1.1
106 | 11517 0x022d6000 0x02411000 0x02411000 0x02439000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.48.1.1
107 | 11504 0x025e8000 0x02609000 0x02609000 0x0260f000 app /boot/system/apps/StyledEdit
108 | 11511 0x026b0000 0x0384b000 0x0384b000 0x03851000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.48.1.1
109 | 11502 0x61b6d000 0x61b75000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
110 |
111 | Areas:
112 | ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
113 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 | 289970 0x0010b000 0x0011b000 64 rw- full rld heap
115 | 289934 0x00133000 0x00134000 4 rw-S full _rld_debug_
116 | 289933 0x0013f000 0x0014f000 64 rw- full rld heap
117 | 289930 0x0062b000 0x0064a000 124 r-x full runtime_loader_seg0ro
118 | 289931 0x0064a000 0x0064c000 8 rw- full runtime_loader_seg1rw
119 | 289932 0x0064c000 0x0064d000 4 rw- full runtime_loader_bss1
120 | 289937 0x0067b000 0x0091a000 2684 r-x full libbe.so_seg0ro
121 | 289938 0x0091a000 0x009a4000 552 rw- full libbe.so_seg1rw
122 | 289939 0x009a4000 0x009a5000 4 rw- full libbe.so_seg2rw
123 | 289958 0x00ad9000 0x00ae1000 32 r-x full libicuio.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
124 | 289959 0x00ae1000 0x00ae3000 8 rw- full libicuio.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
125 | 289960 0x00ae3000 0x00b1b000 224 r-x full libicule.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
126 | 289961 0x00b1b000 0x00b22000 28 rw- full libicule.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
127 | 289940 0x00b54000 0x00b68000 80 r-x full libtranslation.so_seg0ro
128 | 289941 0x00b68000 0x00b6c000 16 rw- full libtranslation.so_seg1rw
129 | 289955 0x00c6e000 0x00e77000 2084 r-x full libicui18n.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
130 | 289956 0x00e77000 0x00ec3000 304 rw- full libicui18n.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
131 | 289957 0x00ec3000 0x00ec4000 4 rw- full libicui18n.so.48.1.1_seg2rw
132 | 289947 0x01028000 0x010f3000 812 r-x full libroot.so_seg0ro
133 | 289948 0x010f3000 0x01106000 76 rw- full libroot.so_seg1rw
134 | 289949 0x01106000 0x0113e000 224 rw- full libroot.so_seg2rw
135 | 289950 0x01344000 0x01374000 192 r-x full libstdc++.r4.so_seg0ro
136 | 289951 0x01374000 0x0137f000 44 rw- full libstdc++.r4.so_seg1rw
137 | 289952 0x0137f000 0x01381000 8 rw- full libstdc++.r4.so_seg2rw
138 | 289945 0x0138e000 0x01485000 988 r-x full libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
139 | 289946 0x01485000 0x01488000 12 rw- full libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
140 | 289942 0x01568000 0x01715000 1716 r-x full libtracker.so_seg0ro
141 | 289943 0x01715000 0x01773000 376 rw- full libtracker.so_seg1rw
142 | 289944 0x01773000 0x01774000 4 rw- full libtracker.so_seg2rw
143 | 289972 0x01a05000 0x01a15000 64 r-x full libroot-addon-icu.so_seg0ro
144 | 289973 0x01a15000 0x01a18000 12 rw- full libroot-addon-icu.so_seg1rw
145 | 289964 0x01b12000 0x01b31000 124 r-x full libicutu.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
146 | 289965 0x01b31000 0x01b34000 12 rw- full libicutu.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
147 | 289966 0x01b34000 0x01b66000 200 rw- full libicutu.so.48.1.1_seg2rw
148 | 289962 0x01c62000 0x01c6c000 40 r-x full libiculx.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
149 | 289963 0x01c6c000 0x01c6f000 12 rw- full libiculx.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
150 | 289967 0x022d6000 0x02411000 1260 r-x full libicuuc.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
151 | 289968 0x02411000 0x02438000 156 rw- full libicuuc.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
152 | 289969 0x02438000 0x02439000 4 rw- full libicuuc.so.48.1.1_seg2rw
153 | 289935 0x025e8000 0x02609000 132 r-x full StyledEdit_seg0ro
154 | 289936 0x02609000 0x0260f000 24 rw- full StyledEdit_seg1rw
155 | 289953 0x026b0000 0x0384b000 18028 r-x full libicudata.so.48.1.1_seg0ro
156 | 289954 0x0384b000 0x03851000 24 rw- full libicudata.so.48.1.1_seg1rw
157 | 289971 0x181f9000 0x182d9000 896 rw- full heap
158 | 289926 0x6052d000 0x60531000 16 rw- full user area
159 | 289929 0x61b6d000 0x61b75000 32 r-xSk full commpage
160 | 289982 0x61b75000 0x61b76000 4 rw-S full server_memory
161 | 289928 0x7039b000 0x7139c000 16388 rw-s full StyledEdit_40414_stack
162 | 289984 0x7139c000 0x713bc000 128 rw-S full server_memory
163 | 289990 0x793b4000 0x793f9000 276 rw-s full add poses_40419_stack
164 | 289988 0x79578000 0x795bd000 276 rw-s full w>TrackerWindow_40418_stack
165 |
166 | Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
167 |
168 | Semaphores:
169 | ID Count Last Holder Name
170 | ------------------------------------------------------------
171 | 7548772 -2 40418 TrackerWindow
172 | 7560858 0 752 some BLocker
173 | 7561488 0 761 Tracker shared icon cache
174 | 7561543 0 759 some BLocker
175 | 7561571 0 747 clipboard
176 | 7561749 0 752 AppLooperPort
177 | 7570572 0 31250 LocaleRosterData
178 | 7573167 0 32297 some BLocker
179 | 7573349 0 32654 width buffer
180 | 7573408 0 32297 BMessageQueue Lock
181 | 7573501 0 31941 Light Lock
182 | 7573505 0 2572 Catalog
183 | 7573520 0 31250 some BLocker
184 | 7573528 0 31250 BLooperList lock
185 | 7573529 0 31941 PeriodicUpdatePoses
186 | 7573550 0 30201 Tracker node icon cache
187 | 7573553 0 32904 AppServerLink_sLock
188 | 7573554 0 -11141 some BLocker
189 | 7573557 0 31941 Light Lock
190 | 7573559 0 32904 token space
191 | 7573560 0 874 some BLocker
192 | 7573564 0 2572 BMessageQueue Lock
193 | 7573565 0 0 undo
194 | 7573578 0 2573 Catalog
195 | 7573579 0 36394 Catalog
196 | 7573585 0 -22480 screen list
197 | 7573590 0 2572 some BBlockCache lock
198 | 7573591 0 38878 some BLocker
199 | 7573593 0 32297 Catalog
200 | 7573621 0 38878 virtual directory manager