Ticket #10977: 3_area

File 3_area, 661 bytes (added by pulkomandy, 10 years ago)

Attempt to list the area.

1kdebug> area 0x3128
2AREA: 0xce874c50
3name: 'mmap area'
4owner: 0x221
5id: 0x3128
6base: 0x10d000
7size: 0x1000
8protection: 0x11
9wiring: 0x0
10memory_type: 0x0
11cache: 0xce84fa30
12cache_type: RAM
13cache_offset: 0x0
14cache_next: 0x00000000
15cache_prev: 0x00000000
16page mappings: 1
17kdebug> in_context 889 area address 0x0010d000
18AREA: 0x0010d000
19name: '<NULL>'
21[*** READ FAULT at 0x30, pc: 0x80116b49 ***]
22kdebug> in_context 888 area address 0x0010d000
23AREA: 0x0010d000
24name: '<NULL>'
26[*** READ FAULT at 0x30, pc: 0x80116b49 ***]