1 | Siarzhuk>> a beginning of the log purged. Hope it is not significnat for our problem.
2 |
3 | KERN: vesa: init_hardware()
4 | KERN: vesa: init_driver()
5 | KERN: vesa: publish_devices()
6 | KERN: vesa: find_device()
7 | KERN: loaded driver /boot/beos/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/graphics/vesa
8 | KERN: vesa: vesa_init() completed successfully!
9 | KERN: vesa: acc: vesa.accelerant
10 | KERN: emuxki: init_hardware()
11 | KERN: emuxki: init_hardware() failed: No such device
12 | KERN: ps2_hid: init_hardware
13 | KERN: ps2_hid: init_driver
14 | KERN: ps2: init
15 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_init
16 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_thread started
17 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_init done
18 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0xaa, out 0, in 1
19 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0xaa
20 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ignoring, ctrl 0x1d (keyb)
21 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command in 0x55
22 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
23 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0x20, out 0, in 1
24 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x20
25 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ignoring, ctrl 0x1d (keyb)
26 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command in 0x77
27 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
28 | KERN: ps2: get command byte: res 0x00000000, cmdbyte 0x77
29 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0x60, out 1, in 0
30 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command out 0x47
31 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x60
32 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x47
33 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
34 | KERN: ps2: set command byte: res 0x00000000, cmdbyte 0x47
35 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0xd3, out 1, in 1
36 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command out 0xf0
37 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0xd3
38 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf0
39 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ignoring, ctrl 0x35 (aux)
40 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command in 0xf0
41 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
42 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0xd3, out 1, in 1
43 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command out 0x56
44 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0xd3
45 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x56
46 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ignoring, ctrl 0x35 (aux)
47 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command in 0x56
48 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
49 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0xd3, out 1, in 1
50 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command out 0xa4
51 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0xd3
52 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xa4
53 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ignoring, ctrl 0xf1 (aux)
54 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command in 0x11
55 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
56 | KERN: ps2: active multiplexing v1.1 enabled
57 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command cmd 0xae, out 0, in 0
58 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0xae
59 | KERN: ps2: ps2_command result 0x00000000
60 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added input/keyboard/at/0
61 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added done
62 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added input/mouse/ps2/0
63 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added done
64 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added input/mouse/ps2/1
65 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added done
66 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added input/mouse/ps2/2
67 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added done
68 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added input/mouse/ps2/3
69 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_added done
70 | KERN: ps2: init done!
71 | KERN: ps2_hid: publish_devices
72 | KERN: ps2_hid: publish_devices() returned NULL.
73 | KERN: ps2_hid: uninit_driver
74 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ADDED input/keyboard/at/0
75 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_publish input/keyboard/at/0
76 | KERN: heap: allocated big chunk (131072 bytes), it will never be freed!
77 | KERN: usb_ehci: no devices found
78 | KERN: usb_uhci: no devices found
79 | KERN: bfs: bfs_remove_attr:1745: No such file or directory
80 | KERN: bfs: bfs_access:1306: Operation not allowed
81 | KERN: Last message repeated 11 times.
82 | KERN: bfs: bfs_create_index:1847: File or Directory already exists
83 | Last message repeated 1 time
84 | KERN: bfs: bfs_remove_attr:1745: No such file or directory
85 | KERN: bfs: bfs_create_index:1847: File or Directory already exists
86 | KERN: USB BusManager: error while setting device address
87 | KERN: ps2: devfs_publish_device input/keyboard/at/0, status = 0x00000000
88 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ADDED input/mouse/ps2/0
89 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_publish input/mouse/ps2/0
90 | KERN: ps2: devfs_publish_device input/mouse/ps2/0, status = 0x00000000
91 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ADDED input/mouse/ps2/1
92 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_publish input/mouse/ps2/1
93 | KERN: ps2: devfs_publish_device input/mouse/ps2/1, status = 0x00000000
94 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ADDED input/mouse/ps2/2
95 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_publish input/mouse/ps2/2
96 | KERN: ps2: devfs_publish_device input/mouse/ps2/2, status = 0x00000000
97 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ADDED input/mouse/ps2/3
98 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_publish input/mouse/ps2/3
99 | KERN: ps2: devfs_publish_device input/mouse/ps2/3, status = 0x00000000
100 | KERN: cx23882: init_hardware()
101 | KERN: cx23882: init_hardware() failed: General system error
102 | KERN: ps2: keyboard_open input/keyboard/at/0
103 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xff, out-count 0, in-count 1, dev input/keyboard/at/0
104 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xff
105 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
106 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 933
107 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xaa (keyb)
108 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
109 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for input res 0x00000000, wait-time 1
110 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command rx: 0xaa
111 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
112 | KERN: ps2: keyboard found
113 | KERN: ps2: keyboard_open input/keyboard/at/0 success
114 | KERN: ps2: ioctl KB_SET_KEY_REPEAT_RATE
115 | KERN: ps2: set_typematic rate 200, delay 500000
116 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf3, out-count 1, in-count 0, dev input/keyboard/at/0
117 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command tx: 0x2c
118 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf3
119 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
120 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 229
121 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
122 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x2c
123 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
124 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 223
125 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
126 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
127 | KERN: ps2: ioctl KB_SET_KEY_REPEAT_DELAY
128 | KERN: ps2: set_typematic rate 200, delay 500000
129 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf3, out-count 1, in-count 0, dev input/keyboard/at/0
130 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command tx: 0x2c
131 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf3
132 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
133 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 857
134 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
135 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x2c
136 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
137 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 225
138 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
139 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
140 | KERN: ps2: ioctl KB_SET_LEDS
141 | KERN: ps2: set keyboard LEDs
142 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xed, out-count 1, in-count 0, dev input/keyboard/at/0
143 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command tx: 0x00
144 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xed
145 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
146 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 244
147 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
148 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x00
149 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0xfa (keyb)
150 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 480
151 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
152 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
153 | KERN: ps2: ioctl KB_READ
154 | KERN: ps2: read_keyboard_packet: enter
155 | KERN: auich: init_hardware()
156 | KERN: auich: init_hardware() failed: No such device
157 | KERN: auvia: init_hardware()
158 | KERN: auvia: init_hardware() failed: No such device
159 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/0
160 | KERN: ps2: ps2_reset_mouse
161 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xff, out-count 0, in-count 2, dev input/mouse/ps2/0
162 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x90
163 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xff
164 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfe (mouse 3)
165 | KERN: ps2: input/mouse/ps2/3 not enabled, data 0xfe dropped
166 | KERN: loaded driver /boot/beos/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/bus/usb_raw
167 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x80000009, wait-time 4000029
168 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x80000009
169 | KERN: ps2: reset mouse failed
170 | KERN: ps2: probe_mouse reset failed
171 | KERN: ps2: probing mouse input/mouse/ps2/0 failed
172 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_removed input/mouse/ps2/0
173 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_removed done
174 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/0 failed
175 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/1
176 | KERN: ps2: ps2_reset_mouse
177 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xff, out-count 0, in-count 2, dev input/mouse/ps2/1
178 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x91
179 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_REMOVED input/mouse/ps2/0
180 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_unpublish input/mouse/ps2/0
181 | KERN: ps2: devfs_unpublish_device input/mouse/ps2/0, status = 0x00000000
182 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xff
183 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x71, data 0xfe (mouse 1)
184 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 219
185 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got NACK
186 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x80000001
187 | KERN: ps2: reset mouse failed
188 | KERN: ps2: probe_mouse reset failed
189 | KERN: ps2: probing mouse input/mouse/ps2/1 failed
190 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_removed input/mouse/ps2/1
191 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_removed done
192 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/1 failed
193 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/2
194 | KERN: ps2: ps2_reset_mouse
195 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xff, out-count 0, in-count 2, dev input/mouse/ps2/2
196 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x92
197 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_REMOVED input/mouse/ps2/1
198 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_unpublish input/mouse/ps2/1
199 | KERN: ps2: devfs_unpublish_device input/mouse/ps2/1, status = 0x00000000
200 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xff
201 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xb1, data 0xfe (mouse 2)
202 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 218
203 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got NACK
204 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x80000001
205 | KERN: ps2: reset mouse failed
206 | KERN: ps2: probe_mouse reset failed
207 | KERN: ps2: probing mouse input/mouse/ps2/2 failed
208 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_removed input/mouse/ps2/2
209 | KERN: ps2: ps2_service_notify_device_removed done
210 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/2 failed
211 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/3
212 | KERN: ps2: ps2_reset_mouse
213 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xff, out-count 0, in-count 2, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
214 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
215 | KERN: ps2: PS2_SERVICE_NOTIFY_DEVICE_REMOVED input/mouse/ps2/2
216 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_unpublish input/mouse/ps2/2
217 | KERN: ps2: devfs_unpublish_device input/mouse/ps2/2, status = 0x00000000
218 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xff
219 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
220 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2401
221 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
222 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xaa (mouse 3)
223 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x00 (mouse 3)
224 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for input res 0x00000000, wait-time 393582
225 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command rx: 0xaa
226 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command rx: 0x00
227 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
228 | KERN: ps2: reset mouse success
229 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf2, out-count 0, in-count 1, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
230 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
231 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf2
232 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
233 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2397
234 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
235 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x00 (mouse 3)
236 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for input res 0x00000000, wait-time 946
237 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command rx: 0x00
238 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
239 | KERN: ps2: probe_mouse device id: 0
240 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf3, out-count 1, in-count 0, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
241 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command tx: 0xc8
242 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
243 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf3
244 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
245 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2410
246 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
247 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
248 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xc8
249 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
250 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2383
251 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
252 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
253 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf3, out-count 1, in-count 0, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
254 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command tx: 0x64
255 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
256 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf3
257 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
258 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2413
259 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
260 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
261 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x64
262 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
263 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2381
264 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
265 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
266 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf3, out-count 1, in-count 0, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
267 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command tx: 0x50
268 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
269 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf3
270 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
271 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2433
272 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
273 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
274 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0x50
275 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
276 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2391
277 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
278 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
279 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf2, out-count 0, in-count 1, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
280 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
281 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf2
282 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
283 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2397
284 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
285 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x00 (mouse 3)
286 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for input res 0x00000000, wait-time 949
287 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command rx: 0x00
288 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
289 | KERN: ps2: probe_mouse alternate device id: 0
290 | KERN: ps2: probe_mouse Standard PS/2 mouse found
291 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command cmd 0xf4, out-count 0, in-count 0, dev input/mouse/ps2/3
292 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_ctrl 0x93
293 | KERN: ps2: ps2_write_data 0xf4
294 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0xfa (mouse 3)
295 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command wait for ack res 0x00000000, wait-time 2399
296 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command got ACK
297 | KERN: ps2: ps2_dev_command result 0x00000000
298 | KERN: ps2: mouse_open input/mouse/ps2/3 success
299 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_SET_MAP (set mouse mapping) not implemented
300 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_SETCLICK (set click speed)
301 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_GET_ACCEL (get mouse acceleration) not implemented
302 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_SET_ACCEL (set mouse acceleration) not implemented
303 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_SET_TYPE not implemented
304 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_READ
305 | KERN: ps2: mouse_read_event
306 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0x17 (keyb)
307 | KERN: ps2: read_keyboard_packet: scancode: 17, keydown: true
308 | KERN: ps2: ioctl KB_READ
309 | KERN: ps2: read_keyboard_packet: enter
310 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0x11, data 0x97 (keyb)
311 | KERN: ps2: read_keyboard_packet: scancode: 17, keydown: false
312 | KERN: ps2: ioctl KB_READ
313 | KERN: ps2: read_keyboard_packet: enter
314 | KERN: SCSI -- is_sg_list_dma_safe: S/G-entry crosses DMA boundary @0x2730000
315 | KERN: SCSI_DSK -- synchronize_cache:
316 | KERN: SCSI -- is_sg_list_dma_safe: S/G-entry crosses DMA boundary @0x2730000
317 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x08 (mouse 3)
318 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x00 (mouse 3)
319 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x01 (mouse 3)
320 | KERN: ps2: ps2_packet_to_movement xdelta: 0, ydelta: 1, buttons 0, clicks: 0, timestamp 62720670
321 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_READ
322 | KERN: ps2: mouse_read_event
323 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x08 (mouse 3)
324 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x0a (mouse 3)
325 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x04 (mouse 3)
326 | KERN: ps2: ps2_packet_to_movement xdelta: 10, ydelta: 4, buttons 0, clicks: 0, timestamp 62775835
327 | KERN: ps2: ioctl MS_READ
328 | KERN: ps2: mouse_read_event
329 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x08 (mouse 3)
330 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x0f (mouse 3)
331 | KERN: ps2: ps2_interrupt ctrl 0xf1, data 0x07 (mouse 3)
332 | KERN: ps2: ps2_packet_to_movement xdelta: 15, ydelta: 7, buttons 0, clicks: 0, timestamp 62803630
333 |
334 | Siarzhuk>> lot of mouse_read_event entries were purged....