Ticket #12154: WebPositive-718-debug-14-06-2015-11-47-27.report

File WebPositive-718-debug-14-06-2015-11-47-27.report, 8.7 KB (added by vidrep, 9 years ago)
1Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/WebPositive (718):
2CPU(s): 4x Intel Core i5
3Memory: 1.93 GiB total, 745.80 MiB used
4Haiku revision: hrev49292 Jun 13 2015 22:35:19 (x86_64)
6Active Threads:
7 thread 721: pthread func
8 thread 723: w>Downloads
9 thread 725: w>Settings
10 thread 729: w>WebPositive: Save
11 thread 731: timer thread
12 thread 733: w>Football | Sports | Calgary S
13 thread 734: pthread func
14 thread 2165: pthread func
15 thread 3171: pthread func
16 thread 3174: media extractor thread
17 thread 3175: _BMediaRoster_
18 thread 3176: HTML5 Audio control
19 thread 3178: pthread func
20 thread 3179: pthread func
21 thread 3180: pthread func
22 thread 3181: pthread func
23 thread 3234: team 718 debug task
24 thread 718: WebPositive (main)
25 state: Call (Composite blobs are currently unsupported. Please submit a bugreport with the webpage that triggered this.)
27 Frame IP Function Name
28 -----------------------------------------------
29 00000000 0x1bc142b33d7 _kern_debugger + 0x7
30 Disassembly:
31 _kern_debugger:
32 0x000001bc142b33d0: 48c7c0e0000000 mov $0xe0, %rax
33 0x000001bc142b33d7: 0f05 syscall <--
35 Frame memory:
37 0x7fac7bfcd5f0 0x10e208be49a WebCore::BFormDataIO::_ParseCurrentElement() + 0xaa
38 0x7fac7bfcd6a0 0x10e208bf154 WebCore::BUrlProtocolHandler::BUrlProtocolHandler(WebCore::NetworkingContext*, WebCore::ResourceHandle*, bool) + 0x154
39 0x7fac7bfcd720 0x10e2034dfb2 WebCore::ResourceHandle::start() + 0x152
40 0x7fac7bfcd790 0x10e20058093 WebCore::ResourceHandle::create(WebCore::NetworkingContext*, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceHandleClient*, bool, bool) + 0x263
41 0x7fac7bfcd7e0 0x10e1fee8db7 WebCore::ResourceLoader::start() + 0xd7
42 0x7fac7bfcd830 0x10e1fee4be6 WebCore::ResourceLoadScheduler::servePendingRequests(WebCore::ResourceLoadScheduler::HostInformation*, WebCore::ResourceLoadPriority) + 0x116
43 0x7fac7bfcd870 0x10e1fee4e07 WebCore::ResourceLoadScheduler::scheduleSubresourceLoad(WebCore::Frame*, WebCore::CachedResource*, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceLoaderOptions const&) + 0x37
44 0x7fac7bfcda10 0x10e1ff0c79b WebCore::CachedResource::load(WebCore::CachedResourceLoader&, WebCore::ResourceLoaderOptions const&) + 0x56b
45 0x7fac7bfcdb30 0x10e1ff11825 WebCore::CachedResourceLoader::requestResource(WebCore::CachedResource::Type, WebCore::CachedResourceRequest&) + 0x3e5
46 0x7fac7bfcdb60 0x10e1ff11fbd WebCore::CachedResourceLoader::requestRawResource(WebCore::CachedResourceRequest&) + 0x1d
47 0x7fac7bfcdcf0 0x10e1feb1641 WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::loadRequest(WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::SecurityCheckPolicy) + 0xd1
48 0x7fac7bfcdd70 0x10e1feb1b5b WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::makeSimpleCrossOriginAccessRequest(WebCore::ResourceRequest const&) + 0x15b
49 0x7fac7bfcddd0 0x10e1feb229e WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::makeCrossOriginAccessRequest(WebCore::ResourceRequest const&) + 0x4de
50 0x7fac7bfcde60 0x10e1feb2746 WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::DocumentThreadableLoader(WebCore::Document&, WebCore::ThreadableLoaderClient&, WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::BlockingBehavior, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ThreadableLoaderOptions const&) + 0x1d6
51 0x7fac7bfcdeb0 0x10e1feb28a6 WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::create(WebCore::Document&, WebCore::ThreadableLoaderClient&, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ThreadableLoaderOptions const&) + 0x46
52 0x7fac7bfcdf10 0x10e1fef1395 WebCore::ThreadableLoader::create(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebCore::ThreadableLoaderClient*, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ThreadableLoaderOptions const&) + 0xa5
53 0x7fac7bfce080 0x10e202f7b09 WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::createRequest(int&) + 0x349
54 0x7fac7bfce0f0 0x10e202f86e5 WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::send(WebCore::Blob*, int&) + 0x55
55 0x7fac7bfce1d0 0x10e2058599e WebCore::JSXMLHttpRequest::send(JSC::ExecState*) + 0x42e
56 0x7fac7bfce1e0 0x10e2040eb9a WebCore::jsXMLHttpRequestPrototypeFunctionSend(JSC::ExecState*) + 0x8a
57 0x7fac7bfce1e0 0x9d9d70a8 ?
58 0x7fac7bfce2e0 0x9de17ffc ?
59 0x7fac7bfce380 0x9db7afe6 ?
60 0x7fac7bfce3f0 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
61 0x7fac7bfce450 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
62 0x7fac7bfce4a0 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
63 0x7fac7bfce4f0 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
64 0x7fac7bfce540 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
65 0x7fac7bfce5a0 0x9d9d7fda ?
66 0x7fac7bfce600 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
67 0x7fac7bfce650 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
68 0x7fac7bfce6a0 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
69 0x7fac7bfce6f0 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
70 0x7fac7bfce770 0xf9d70a89b2 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6ca9b2
71 0x7fac7bfce7f0 0xf9d70a2f76 /boot/system/lib/libJavaScriptCore.so.1.4.9 + 0x6c4f76
72 0x7fac7bfce820 0xf9d6e2982f JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) + 0x6f
73 0x7fac7bfce900 0xf9d6e08156 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 0x196
74 0x7fac7bfce920 0xf9d6f50452 JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 0x32
75 0x7fac7bfce950 0xf9d6f5046c JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, JSC::JSValue*) + 0xc
76 0x7fac7bfceb00 0x10e20575fc0 WebCore::JSEventListener::handleEvent(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebCore::Event*) + 0x800
77 0x7fac7bfcebc0 0x10e1fccb6cc WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners(WebCore::Event*, WebCore::EventTargetData*, WTF::Vector<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, (unsigned long)1, WTF::CrashOnOverflow>&) + 0x14c
78 0x7fac7bfcec10 0x10e1fccbac0 WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners(WebCore::Event*) + 0xd0
79 0x7fac7bfcec40 0x10e1fccbc28 WebCore::EventTarget::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>) + 0x58
80 0x7fac7bfcecf0 0x10e2089e0e2 _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvRN7WebCore22ScriptExecutionContextEEZNS0_20WorkerMessagingProxy25postMessageToWorkerObjectEN3WTF10PassRefPtrINS0_21SerializedScriptValueEEESt10unique_ptrINS5_6VectorIS9_INS0_18MessagePortChannelESt14default_deleteISB_EELm1ENS5_15CrashOnOverflowEEESC_ISG_EEEUlS2_E_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataS2_ + 0x192
81 0x7fac7bfced20 0x10e1fca2cc6 _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvEZN7WebCore8Document8postTaskENS1_22ScriptExecutionContext4TaskEEUlvE_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data + 0x106
82 0x7fac7bfced40 0xf9d70de1f3 _ZN3WTFL18callFunctionObjectEPv + 0x13
83 0x7fac7bfced70 0xf9d70de2b0 WTF::dispatchFunctionsFromMainThread() + 0x90
84 0x7fac7bfcefc0 0x2fc1fd8f65 BApplication::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x25
85 0x7fac7bfcf020 0x2fc1fdfa4d BLooper::task_looper() + 0x11d
86 0x7fac7bfcf040 0x2fc1fd61e5 BApplication::Run() + 0x45
87 0x7fac7bfcf060 0x1efe667e9b9 main + 0x29
88 0x7fac7bfcf090 0x1efe667ebec _start + 0x4c
89 0x7fac7bfcf0b0 0x14339a36891 runtime_loader + 0xf1
90 00000000 0x7fa37ad32260 commpage_thread_exit + 0
92 Registers:
93 rip: 0x000001bc142b33d9
94 rsp: 0x00007fac7bfcd568
95 rbp: 0x00007fac7bfcd5e0
96 rax: 0x00000000000000e0
97 rbx: 0x00000099ca005ce0
98 rcx: 0x000001bc142b33d9
99 rdx: 0x00007fac7bfcd0ca
100 rsi: 0x000001bc14364725
101 rdi: 0x0000010e20b743e0
102 r8: 0x000000000000000a
103 r9: 0x00007fac7bfcd0ca
104 r10: 0x000000000000000a
105 r11: 0x0000000000003202
106 r12: 0x00000099ca228f40
107 r13: 0x00007fac7bfcd570
108 r14: 0x0000000000000001
109 r15: 0x00000099c9e8b530
110 cs: 0x0023
111 ds: 0x0000
112 es: 0x0000
113 fs: 0x0000
114 gs: 0x0000
115 ss: 0x001b
116 st0: 0
117 st1: 0
118 st2: 0
119 st3: 0
120 st4: 0
121 st5: 0
122 st6: 0
123 st7: 0
124 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
125 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
126 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
127 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
128 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
129 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0}
130 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0}
131 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0}
132 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
133 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
134 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
135 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
136 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
137 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
138 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
139 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
140 xmm8: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
141 xmm9: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
142 xmm10: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
143 xmm11: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
144 xmm12: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
145 xmm13: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
146 xmm14: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
147 xmm15: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
148 thread 3166:
149 state: Debugged
151 Frame IP Function Name
152 -----------------------------------------------