1 | KERN: 930: DEBUGGER: Could not create BWindow's receive port, used for interacting with the app_server!
2 | KERN: _user_debugger(): Failed to install debugger. Message is: `Could not create BWindow's receive port, used for interacting with the app_server!'
3 | KERN: thread_hit_debug_event(): Failed to create debug port: No more ports available
4 | KERN: vm_soft_fault: va 0x0 not covered by area in address space
5 | KERN: vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x4, ip 0x4af693f, write 0, user 1, thread 0xae6
6 | KERN: vm_page_fault: thread "WebPositive" (2790) in team "WebPositive" (2790) tried to read address 0x4, ip 0x4af693f ("libJavaScriptCore.so.1.5.1_seg0" +0x68293f)
7 | KERN: debug_server: Thread 2790 entered the debugger: Segment violation
8 | KERN: stack trace, current PC 0x4af693f _ZN3JSC9Structure38ensurePropertyReplacementWatchpointSetERNS_2VMEi + 0x8f:
9 | KERN: (0x72880d88) 0x48c2893 _ZN3JSCL16generateByIdStubEPNS_9ExecStateENS_12ByIdStubKindERKNS_10IdentifierENS_11FunctionPtrERNS_17StructureStubInfoEPNS_14StructureChainEmiPNS_9StructureEbPNS_13WatchpointSetENS_17CodeLocationLabelESF_RN3WTF6RefPtrINS_14JITStubRoutineEEE + 0x1f43
10 | KERN: (0x72880e98) 0x48c52b0 _ZN3JSC14repatchPutByIDEPNS_9ExecStateENS_7JSValueEPNS_9StructureERKNS_10IdentifierERKNS_15PutPropertySlotERNS_17StructureStubInfoENS_7PutKindE + 0x220
11 | KERN: (0x72880f48) 0x489cb87 operationPutByIdNonStrictOptimize + 0x1a7
12 | KERN: (0x72880fd8) 0xdca7be (mmap area + 0x67be)
13 | KERN: (0x72881148) 0xd0fb9a (mmap area + 0x5b9a)
14 | KERN: (0x728811f8) 0xdc4d8c (mmap area + 0xd8c)
15 | KERN: (0x728812b8) 0x4b39223 llint_entry + 0x42fb (closest symbol)
16 | KERN: (0x72881328) 0x115537 (mmap area + 0x2537)
17 | KERN: (0x72881388) 0xcda653 (mmap area + 0x2653)
18 | KERN: (0x72881458) 0xb937a4 (mmap area + 0x7a4)
19 | KERN: (0x728814c8) 0x6edfd1 (mmap area + 0x2fd1)
20 | KERN: (0x72881538) 0x73863c (mmap area + 0x263c)
21 | KERN: (0x728815a8) 0xccd184 (mmap area + 0x3184)
22 | KERN: (0x72881608) 0x665302 (mmap area + 0x1302)
23 | KERN: (0x72881688) 0xd17ee0 (mmap area + 0x3ee0)
24 | KERN: (0x728816d8) 0x665302 (mmap area + 0x1302)
25 | KERN: (0x72881758) 0x701d2c (mmap area + 0x3d2c)
26 | KERN: (0x728817c8) 0x4b34da1 vmEntryToJavaScript + 0xfd (closest symbol)
27 | KERN: (0x72881818) 0x4889f34 _ZN3JSC7JITCode7executeEPNS_2VMEPNS_14ProtoCallFrameE + 0x84
28 | KERN: (0x72881858) 0x4863de2 _ZN3JSC11Interpreter11executeCallEPNS_9ExecStateEPNS_8JSObjectENS_8CallTypeERKNS_8CallDataENS_7JSValueERKNS_7ArgListE + 0x172
29 | KERN: (0x72881908) 0x49c36d8 _ZN3JSC4callEPNS_9ExecStateENS_7JSValueENS_8CallTypeERKNS_8CallDataES2_RKNS_7ArgListE + 0x68
30 | KERN: (0x72881958) 0x49c374a _ZN3JSC4callEPNS_9ExecStateENS_7JSValueENS_8CallTypeERKNS_8CallDataES2_RKNS_7ArgListEPS2_ + 0x5a
31 | KERN: (0x728819a8) 0x3600ebb _ZN7WebCore15JSEventListener11handleEventEPNS_22ScriptExecutionContextEPNS_5EventE + 0x5bb
32 | KERN: (0x72881ad8) 0x2d4bdf3 _ZN7WebCore11EventTarget18fireEventListenersEPNS_5EventEPNS_15EventTargetDataERN3WTF6VectorINS_23RegisteredEventListenerELm1ENS5_15CrashOnOverflowELm16EEE + 0x133
33 | KERN: (0x72881b48) 0x2d4c200 _ZN7WebCore11EventTarget18fireEventListenersEPNS_5EventE + 0xd0
34 | KERN: (0x72881b88) 0x2d4c36e _ZN7WebCore11EventTarget13dispatchEventEN3WTF10PassRefPtrINS_5EventEEE + 0x6e
35 | KERN: (0x72881bc8) 0x2d4b9ec _ZN7WebCore11EventTarget13dispatchEventEN3WTF10PassRefPtrINS_5EventEEERi + 0x7c
36 | KERN: (0x72881bf8) 0x2d4e675 _ZN7WebCore11MessagePort16dispatchMessagesEv + 0xa5
37 | KERN: (0x72881c78) 0x2d6ea34 _ZN7WebCore22ScriptExecutionContext25dispatchMessagePortEventsEv + 0x1d4
38 | KERN: (0x72881cb8) 0x2d6ea8d _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvRN7WebCore22ScriptExecutionContextEEZNS1_30processMessagePortMessagesSoonEvEUlS2_E_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataS2_ + 0x1d
39 | KERN: (0x72881cd8) 0x2d24b12 _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvEZN7WebCore8Document8postTaskENS1_22ScriptExecutionContext4TaskEEUlvE_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data + 0xe2
40 | KERN: (0x72881d18) 0x2cb1a03 _ZN3WTFL18callFunctionObjectEPv + 0x23
41 | KERN: (0x72881d38) 0x2cb1b3f _ZN3WTF31dispatchFunctionsFromMainThreadEv + 0x10f
42 | KERN: (0x72881d88) 0x2ccab78 _ZN3WTF17MainThreadHandler15MessageReceivedEP8BMessage + 0x38
43 | KERN: (0x72881da8) 0xeeb5b8 _ZN7BLooper15DispatchMessageEP8BMessageP8BHandler + 0x54
44 | KERN: (0x72881dc8) 0xee39e5 _ZN12BApplication15DispatchMessageEP8BMessageP8BHandler + 0x2f
45 | KERN: (0x72881ff8) 0xeeb927 _ZN7BLooper11task_looperEv + 0x1c7
46 | KERN: (0x72882048) 0xee05e1 _ZN12BApplication3RunEv + 0x5f
47 | KERN: (0x72882068) 0x1490b81 main + 0x43
48 | KERN: (0x72882098) 0x1484fbb _start + 0x50
49 | KERN: (0x728820d8) 0x79da6e runtime_loader + 0x132