Ticket #13788: app_server-215-debug-21-11-2017-08-26-41.report

File app_server-215-debug-21-11-2017-08-26-41.report, 23.6 KB (added by hyche, 6 years ago)

app_server debug

1Debug information for team /boot/system/servers/app_server (215):
2CPU(s): 2x Intel Core™ i7-5500U
3Memory: 1.26 Gio total, 288.20 Mio used
4Haiku revision: hrev51568 Nov 19 2017 03:59:59 (BePC)
6Active Threads:
7 thread 215: app_server (main)
8 thread 241: DMT is here for you, eventually
9 thread 249: Font Manager
10 thread 252: screen manager
11 thread 274: d:0:baron
12 thread 275: a:223:x-vnd.Haiku-SystemLogger
13 thread 276: a:222:x-vnd.Haiku-powermanageme
14 thread 277: a:219:x-vnd.Haiku-mount_server
15 thread 281: a:271:x-vnd.Be-input_server
16 thread 288: event loop
17 thread 289: cursor loop
18 thread 294: a:284:x-vnd.Be.media-server
19 thread 312: a:306:x-vnd.Be.addon-host
20 thread 320: a:286:x-vnd.Be-TRAK
21 thread 325: w:286:Desktop
22 thread 328: a:324:x-vnd.Be-TSKB
23 thread 350: w:324:Deskbar
24 thread 355: w:324:Twitcher
25 thread 356: w:324:offscreen
26 thread 359: w:286:Tracker status
27 thread 375: a:373:x-vnd.Haiku-Locale
28 thread 465: team 215 debug task
29 thread 376: w:373:Locale
30 state: Exception (Segment violation)
32 Frame IP Function Name
33 -----------------------------------------------
34 0x721f6918 0x61cad180 commpage_memset + 0x40
35 Disassembly:
36 commpage_memset:
37 0x61cad140: 55 push %ebp
38 0x61cad141: 89e5 mov %esp, %ebp
39 0x61cad143: 57 push %edi
40 0x61cad144: 8b4d10 mov 0x10(%ebp), %ecx
41 0x61cad147: 8b450c mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
42 0x61cad14a: 8b7d08 mov 0x8(%ebp), %edi
43 0x61cad14d: 83f90c cmp $0xc, %ecx
44 0x61cad150: 7c2e jl 0x61cad180
45 0x61cad152: 89fa mov %edi, %edx
46 0x61cad154: 83e203 and $0x3, %edx
47 0x61cad157: 7411 jz 0x61cad16a
48 0x61cad159: b904000000 mov $0x4, %ecx
49 0x61cad15e: 29d1 sub %edx, %ecx
50 0x61cad160: f3aa rep stosb
51 0x61cad162: 8b4d10 mov 0x10(%ebp), %ecx
52 0x61cad165: 83e904 sub $0x4, %ecx
53 0x61cad168: 01d1 add %edx, %ecx
54 0x61cad16a: 88c4 mov %al, %ah
55 0x61cad16c: 89c2 mov %eax, %edx
56 0x61cad16e: c1e010 shl $0x10, %eax
57 0x61cad171: 6689d0 mov %dx, %ax
58 0x61cad174: 89ca mov %ecx, %edx
59 0x61cad176: 83e203 and $0x3, %edx
60 0x61cad179: c1e902 shr $0x2, %ecx
61 0x61cad17c: f3ab rep stosd
62 0x61cad17e: 89d1 mov %edx, %ecx
63 0x61cad180: f3aa rep stosb <--
65 Frame memory:
66 [0x721f6914] .KT. f8 4b 54 18
67 0x721f6a20 0x1f49af9 HWInterface::_AdoptDragBitmap(ServerBitmap*, BPoint&) + 0x2d5
68 0x721f6a50 0x1f48243 HWInterface::SetDragBitmap(ServerBitmap*, BPoint&) + 0x37
69 0x721f6a90 0x1ec1f7a EventDispatcher::SetDragMessage(BMessage&, ServerBitmap*, BPoint&) + 0xb6
70 0x721f6dc0 0x1eea63a ServerWindow::_DispatchViewMessage(int32, BPrivate::LinkReceiver&) + 0x33d2
71 0x721f6ef0 0x1ee7170 ServerWindow::_DispatchMessage(int32, BPrivate::LinkReceiver&) + 0x12b4
72 0x721f6f70 0x1ef22de ServerWindow::_MessageLooper() + 0x27a
73 0x721f6fa0 0x1ec66da MessageLooper::_message_thread(void*) + 0x26
74 0x721f6fc8 0x719941 thread_entry + 0x21
75 00000000 0x61cad250 commpage_thread_exit + 0
77 Registers:
78 eip: 0x61cad180
79 esp: 0x721f6914
80 ebp: 0x721f6918
81 eax: 0x00000000
82 ebx: 0x01ff1d24
83 ecx: 0xfffff204
84 edx: 0xfffff204
85 esi: 0x00000004
86 edi: 0x00000000
87 cs: 0x001b
88 ds: 0x0023
89 es: 0x0023
90 fs: 0x0063
91 gs: 0x0023
92 ss: 0x0023
93 st0: 0
94 st1: 0
95 st2: 0
96 st3: 0.612
97 st4: -1
98 st5: -1
99 st6: -2.15e+09
100 st7: 1
101 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
102 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
103 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
104 mm3: {0x9c9d, 0x9c9c, 0x9c9c, 0x9c9c}
105 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
106 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
107 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
108 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
109 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
110 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
111 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
112 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
113 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
114 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
115 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
116 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
118Loaded Images:
119 ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
120 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 791 0x004ab000 0x004d5000 0x004d5000 0x004db000 lib /boot/system/lib/libpng16.so.16.34.0
122 739 0x004eb000 0x00522000 0x00522000 0x0052e000 lib /boot/system/lib/libfontconfig.so.1.10.1
123 786 0x0066a000 0x00684000 0x00684000 0x00685000 lib /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
124 778 0x006e7000 0x007bd000 0x007bd000 0x00808000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
125 783 0x00866000 0x00871000 0x00871000 0x00874000 lib /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.57.1
126 653 0x008a5000 0x008bc000 0x008bc000 0x008c1000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
127 788 0x00937000 0x00a8e000 0x00a8e000 0x00aa6000 lib /boot/system/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0
128 777 0x00af1000 0x00b22000 0x00b22000 0x00b30000 lib /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.r4.so
129 782 0x00c26000 0x00c79000 0x00c79000 0x00c84000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.57.1
130 655 0x00d48000 0x00dab000 0x00dab000 0x00dbf000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbnetapi.so
131 792 0x01197000 0x012b8000 0x012b8000 0x012db000 lib /boot/system/lib/libxml2.so.2.9.3
132 785 0x0141b000 0x0158d000 0x0158d000 0x015c1000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.1
133 784 0x01707000 0x01740000 0x01740000 0x01777000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.1
134 789 0x0177a000 0x017cf000 0x017cf000 0x017d6000 lib /boot/system/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0
135 776 0x018cb000 0x019c2000 0x019c2000 0x019c5000 lib /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
136 780 0x019ce000 0x01c5f000 0x01c5f000 0x01cc8000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.1
137 738 0x01cd4000 0x01d6d000 0x01d6d000 0x01d84000 lib /boot/system/lib/libfreetype.so.6.15.0
138 793 0x01dd9000 0x01ddc000 0x01ddc000 0x01dde000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbsd.so
139 790 0x01e04000 0x01e13000 0x01e13000 0x01e15000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbz2.so.1.0.6
140 652 0x01e33000 0x01fc0000 0x01fc0000 0x02002000 app /boot/system/servers/app_server
141 787 0x02017000 0x0204c000 0x0204c000 0x02054000 lib /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so
142 654 0x02062000 0x02331000 0x02331000 0x023ca000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
143 957 0x023f1000 0x023f5000 0x023f5000 0x023f7000 add-on /boot/system/add-ons/accelerants/vesa.accelerant
144 781 0x02420000 0x02429000 0x02429000 0x0242b000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.1
145 651 0x02451000 0x0246f000 0x0246f000 0x02472000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
146 779 0x025d7000 0x03e55000 0x03e55000 0x03e56000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.1
147 650 0x61cad000 0x61cb5000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
150 ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
151 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 2226 0x00100000 0x00108000 32 rw- full rld heap
153 2581 0x00108000 0x00109000 4 rw-S full vesa shared info
154 1787 0x00109000 0x0010a000 4 rw-S full _rld_debug_
155 2631 0x0010a000 0x0010b000 4 rw-S full d:0:shared read only
156 2582 0x0010b000 0x0010d000 8 rw- full vesa modes
157 3785 0x00111000 0x00112000 4 rw-S full shared cursor
158 2227 0x00113000 0x0011b000 32 rw- full rld heap
159 4510 0x0011c000 0x00125000 36 r-- full mmap area
160 2228 0x00127000 0x00137000 64 rw- full rld heap
161 4511 0x00137000 0x00140000 36 r-- full mmap area
162 1786 0x00140000 0x00150000 64 rw- full rld heap
163 3615 0x00157000 0x00177000 128 rw-S full heap:222:x-vnd.Haiku-powermanag
164 3611 0x00178000 0x00198000 128 rw-S full heap:223:x-vnd.Haiku-SystemLogg
165 4513 0x00199000 0x001a2000 36 r-- full mmap area
166 2506 0x001a4000 0x001bf000 108 r-- full mmap area
167 3627 0x001c0000 0x001e0000 128 rw-S full heap:271:x-vnd.Be-input_server
168 4515 0x001e0000 0x001e9000 36 r-- full mmap area
169 3620 0x001eb000 0x0020b000 128 rw-S full heap:219:x-vnd.Haiku-mount_serv
170 2502 0x00211000 0x0025d000 304 r-- full mmap area
171 3873 0x0025e000 0x0027e000 128 rw-S full heap:284:x-vnd.Be.media-server
172 2257 0x0027f000 0x002ca000 300 r-- full mmap area
173 4114 0x002ca000 0x002ea000 128 rw-S full heap:306:x-vnd.Be.addon-host
174 2229 0x00301000 0x00311000 64 rw- full rld heap
175 4185 0x00328000 0x00348000 128 rw-S full heap:286:x-vnd.Be-TRAK
176 4527 0x00352000 0x00373000 132 rw-S full heap:324:x-vnd.Be-TSKB
177 4487 0x00373000 0x003ca000 348 r-- full mmap area
178 4490 0x003ca000 0x00423000 356 r-- full mmap area
179 4452 0x0042a000 0x00487000 372 r-- full mmap area
180 4658 0x0048a000 0x004aa000 128 rw-S full heap:324:x-vnd.Be-TSKB
181 2192 0x004ab000 0x004d5000 168 r-x full libpng16.so.16.34.0_seg0ro
182 2193 0x004d5000 0x004db000 24 rw- full libpng16.so.16.34.0_seg1rw
183 2055 0x004eb000 0x00522000 220 r-x full libfontconfig.so.1.10.1_seg0ro
184 2056 0x00522000 0x0052e000 48 rw- full libfontconfig.so.1.10.1_seg1rw
185 4495 0x00534000 0x0057b000 284 r-- full mmap area
186 4494 0x00594000 0x005d9000 276 r-- full mmap area
187 4713 0x005db000 0x005fb000 128 rw-S full heap:373:x-vnd.Haiku-Locale
188 4491 0x005fd000 0x0065f000 392 r-- full mmap area
189 2180 0x0066a000 0x00684000 104 r-x full libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
190 2181 0x00684000 0x00685000 4 rw- full libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
191 4533 0x0068f000 0x006da000 300 r-- full mmap area
192 2160 0x006e7000 0x007bd000 856 r-x full libroot.so_seg0ro
193 2161 0x007bd000 0x007d0000 76 rw- full libroot.so_seg1rw
194 2162 0x007d0000 0x00808000 224 rw- full libroot.so_seg2rw
195 4634 0x00815000 0x00861000 304 r-- full mmap area
196 2172 0x00866000 0x00871000 44 r-x full libiculx.so.57.1_seg0ro
197 2173 0x00871000 0x00874000 12 rw- full libiculx.so.57.1_seg1rw
198 1791 0x008a5000 0x008bc000 92 r-x full libtranslation.so_seg0ro
199 1792 0x008bc000 0x008c1000 20 rw- full libtranslation.so_seg1rw
200 4632 0x008c5000 0x0092f000 424 rw-S full heap:286:x-vnd.Be-TRAK
201 2185 0x00937000 0x00a8e000 1372 r-x full libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
202 2186 0x00a8e000 0x00aa4000 88 rw- full libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
203 2187 0x00aa4000 0x00aa6000 8 rw- full libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg2rw
204 2157 0x00af1000 0x00b22000 196 r-x full libstdc++.r4.so_seg0ro
205 2158 0x00b22000 0x00b2d000 44 rw- full libstdc++.r4.so_seg1rw
206 2159 0x00b2d000 0x00b30000 12 rw- full libstdc++.r4.so_seg2rw
207 4492 0x00b3a000 0x00c0a000 832 r-- full mmap area
208 2170 0x00c26000 0x00c79000 332 r-x full libicule.so.57.1_seg0ro
209 2171 0x00c79000 0x00c84000 44 rw- full libicule.so.57.1_seg1rw
210 1796 0x00d48000 0x00dab000 396 r-x full libbnetapi.so_seg0ro
211 1797 0x00dab000 0x00dbf000 80 rw- full libbnetapi.so_seg1rw
212 2194 0x01197000 0x012b8000 1156 r-x full libxml2.so.2.9.3_seg0ro
213 2218 0x012b8000 0x012da000 136 rw- full libxml2.so.2.9.3_seg1rw
214 2223 0x012da000 0x012db000 4 rw- full libxml2.so.2.9.3_seg2rw
215 2177 0x0141b000 0x0158d000 1480 r-x full libicuuc.so.57.1_seg0ro
216 2178 0x0158d000 0x015c0000 204 rw- full libicuuc.so.57.1_seg1rw
217 2179 0x015c0000 0x015c1000 4 rw- full libicuuc.so.57.1_seg2rw
218 2174 0x01707000 0x01740000 228 r-x full libicutu.so.57.1_seg0ro
219 2175 0x01740000 0x01745000 20 rw- full libicutu.so.57.1_seg1rw
220 2176 0x01745000 0x01777000 200 rw- full libicutu.so.57.1_seg2rw
221 2188 0x0177a000 0x017cf000 340 r-x full libssl.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
222 2189 0x017cf000 0x017d6000 28 rw- full libssl.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
223 2061 0x018cb000 0x019c2000 988 r-x full libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
224 2155 0x019c2000 0x019c4000 8 rw- full libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
225 2156 0x019c4000 0x019c5000 4 rw- full libtextencoding.so_seg2rw
226 2165 0x019ce000 0x01c5f000 2628 r-x full libicui18n.so.57.1_seg0ro
227 2166 0x01c5f000 0x01cc7000 416 rw- full libicui18n.so.57.1_seg1rw
228 2167 0x01cc7000 0x01cc8000 4 rw- full libicui18n.so.57.1_seg2rw
229 1798 0x01cd4000 0x01d6d000 612 r-x full libfreetype.so.6.15.0_seg0ro
230 2039 0x01d6d000 0x01d84000 92 rw- full libfreetype.so.6.15.0_seg1rw
231 2224 0x01dd9000 0x01ddc000 12 r-x full libbsd.so_seg0ro
232 2225 0x01ddc000 0x01dde000 8 rw- full libbsd.so_seg1rw
233 2190 0x01e04000 0x01e13000 60 r-x full libbz2.so.1.0.6_seg0ro
234 2191 0x01e13000 0x01e15000 8 rw- full libbz2.so.1.0.6_seg1rw
235 1788 0x01e33000 0x01fc0000 1588 r-x full app_server_seg0ro
236 1789 0x01fc0000 0x01ff8000 224 rw- full app_server_seg1rw
237 1790 0x01ff8000 0x02002000 40 rw- full app_server_seg2rw
238 2182 0x02017000 0x0204c000 212 r-x full libnetwork.so_seg0ro
239 2183 0x0204c000 0x0204f000 12 rw- full libnetwork.so_seg1rw
240 2184 0x0204f000 0x02054000 20 rw- full libnetwork.so_seg2rw
241 1793 0x02062000 0x02331000 2876 r-x full libbe.so_seg0ro
242 1794 0x02331000 0x023c8000 604 rw- full libbe.so_seg1rw
243 1795 0x023c8000 0x023ca000 8 rw- full libbe.so_seg2rw
244 2578 0x023f1000 0x023f5000 16 r-x full vesa.accelerant_seg0ro
245 2579 0x023f5000 0x023f7000 8 rw- full vesa.accelerant_seg1rw
246 2168 0x02420000 0x02429000 36 r-x full libicuio.so.57.1_seg0ro
247 2169 0x02429000 0x0242b000 8 rw- full libicuio.so.57.1_seg1rw
248 1783 0x02451000 0x0246f000 120 r-x full runtime_loader_seg0ro
249 1784 0x0246f000 0x02471000 8 rw- full runtime_loader_seg1rw
250 1785 0x02471000 0x02472000 4 rw- full runtime_loader_bss1
251 2163 0x025d7000 0x03e55000 25080 r-x full libicudata.so.57.1_seg0ro
252 2164 0x03e55000 0x03e56000 4 rw- full libicudata.so.57.1_seg1rw
253 4258 0x03ecc000 0x042b3000 3996 r-- full mmap area
254 4207 0x04358000 0x04750000 4064 r-- full mmap area
255 4518 0x04e01000 0x05dac000 16044 r-- full mmap area
256 4519 0x05e46000 0x06e7d000 16604 r-- full mmap area
257 4520 0x072cb000 0x0813f000 14800 r-- full mmap area
258 4522 0x08877000 0x09822000 16044 r-- full mmap area
259 4523 0x098a4000 0x0a862000 16120 r-- full mmap area
260 4524 0x0af7a000 0x0bef8000 15864 r-- full mmap area
261 4525 0x0c63a000 0x0d5d7000 15988 r-- full mmap area
262 4526 0x0d77b000 0x0e7b1000 16600 r-- full mmap area
263 4534 0x0eb67000 0x0fb12000 16044 r-- full mmap area
264 2234 0x180b1000 0x18c71000 12032 rw- full heap
265 1779 0x607d0000 0x607d4000 16 rw- full user area
266 1782 0x61cad000 0x61cb5000 32 r-xSk full commpage
267 4711 0x704f3000 0x70538000 276 rw-s full a:373:x-vnd.Haiku-Locale_375_st
268 3625 0x7053e000 0x70583000 276 rw-s full a:271:x-vnd.Be-input_server_281
269 4256 0x706a6000 0x706eb000 276 rw-s full a:324:x-vnd.Be-TSKB_328_stack
270 4581 0x707e5000 0x7082a000 276 rw-s full w:324:Twitcher_355_stack
271 3602 0x708e6000 0x7092b000 276 rw-s full a:223:x-vnd.Haiku-SystemLogger_
272 3871 0x70a39000 0x70a7e000 276 rw-s full a:284:x-vnd.Be.media-server_294
273 2509 0x70b21000 0x70b66000 276 rw-s full Font Manager_249_stack
274 1781 0x70d66000 0x71d67000 16388 rw-s full app_server_215_stack
275 3788 0x71d69000 0x71dae000 276 rw-s full event loop_288_stack
276 3608 0x71db2000 0x71df7000 276 rw-s full a:219:x-vnd.Haiku-mount_server_
277 3604 0x71e2f000 0x71e74000 276 rw-s full a:222:x-vnd.Haiku-powermanageme
278 4201 0x71e8f000 0x71ed4000 276 rw-s full w:286:TrackerWindow_325_stack
279 4110 0x71ede000 0x71f23000 276 rw-s full a:306:x-vnd.Be.addon-host_312_s
280 3600 0x71f2b000 0x71f70000 276 rw-s full d:0:baron_274_stack
281 4183 0x71f88000 0x71fcd000 276 rw-s full a:286:x-vnd.Be-TRAK_320_stack
282 3790 0x71ff6000 0x7203b000 276 rw-s full cursor loop_289_stack
283 2586 0x72044000 0x72089000 276 rw-s full screen manager_252_stack
284 4583 0x720aa000 0x720ef000 276 rw-s full w:324:offscreen_356_stack
285 4532 0x72106000 0x7214b000 276 rw-s full w:324:Deskbar_350_stack
286 4716 0x721b3000 0x721f8000 276 rw-s full w:373:Locale_376_stack
287 4636 0x72259000 0x7229e000 276 rw-s full w:286:Tracker status_359_stack
288 2251 0x722b8000 0x722fd000 276 rw-s full DMT is here for you, eventually
290Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
293 ID Count Last Holder Name
294 ------------------------------------------------------------
295 1241 0 0 some BBlockCache lock
296 1242 0 0 Catalog
297 1243 0 0 some BLocker
298 1244 0 0 some BLocker
299 1245 0 0 token space
300 1246 0 328 BLooperList lock
301 1247 0 0 AppServerLink_sLock
302 1248 0 0 LocaleRosterData
303 1249 0 0 some BLocker
304 1250 0 0 Catalog
305 1251 0 0 synchronized hash map
306 1252 0 0 synchronized hash map
307 1253 0 0 some BLocker
308 1254 0 0 AlphaMask cache
309 1255 0 0 font lock
310 1256 0 375 FontCacheEntry usage lock
311 1257 0 325 FontCache lock-ReadSem
312 1258 0 0 FontCache lock-WriteSem
313 1259 0 0 FontCache lock-WriterLock
314 1260 0 0 DelayedMessageSender
315 1264 0 0 token space
316 1265 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
317 1266 0 0 picasso
318 1270 0 0 AppServerDesktopLock
319 1271 0 0 input manager
320 1272 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
321 1273 0 320 Font Manager
322 1316 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
323 1317 0 0 screen manager
324 1318 0 325 hw interface lock-ReadSem
325 1319 0 320 hw interface lock-WriteSem
326 1320 0 0 hw interface lock-WriterLock
327 1321 -2 376 floating overlays lock
328 1334 0 0 BitmapManager Lock
329 1335 0 0 desktop
330 1336 -1 0 event dispatcher
331 1337 0 0 cursor loop lock
332 1338 0 0 application list
333 1339 0 0 screen lock-ReadSem
334 1340 0 0 screen lock-WriteSem
335 1341 0 0 screen lock-WriterLock
336 1342 0 0 direct screen lock
337 1343 0 0 workspaces list
338 1344 0 0 CursorManager
339 1345 0 0 token space
340 1346 0 376 window lock-ReadSem
341 1347 0 449 window lock-WriteSem
342 1348 0 288 window lock-WriterLock
343 1484 0 0 application
344 1485 0 0 window list
345 1486 0 0 token space
346 1487 0 0 server app maps
347 1488 0 0 client memory lock
348 1492 0 0 application
349 1493 0 0 window list
350 1494 0 0 token space
351 1495 0 0 server app maps
352 1496 0 0 client memory lock
353 1510 0 0 application
354 1511 0 0 window list
355 1512 0 0 token space
356 1513 0 0 server app maps
357 1514 0 0 client memory lock
358 1539 0 0 application
359 1540 0 0 window list
360 1541 0 0 token space
361 1542 0 0 server app maps
362 1543 0 0 client memory lock
363 1585 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
364 1593 0 0 tool tip manager
365 1634 0 0 application
366 1635 0 0 window list
367 1636 0 0 token space
368 1637 0 0 server app maps
369 1638 0 0 client memory lock
370 1767 0 0 application
371 1768 0 0 window list
372 1769 0 0 token space
373 1770 0 0 server app maps
374 1771 0 0 client memory lock
375 1827 0 0 application
376 1828 0 0 window list
377 1829 0 0 token space
378 1830 0 0 server app maps
379 1831 0 0 client memory lock
380 1863 0 0 TrackerWindow
381 1864 0 0 window death
382 1895 0 0 application
383 1896 0 0 window list
384 1897 0 0 token space
385 1898 0 0 server app maps
386 1899 0 0 client memory lock
387 2010 0 0 Deskbar
388 2011 0 0 window death
389 2017 0 325 FontCacheEntry lock-ReadSem
390 2018 0 320 FontCacheEntry lock-WriteSem
391 2019 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-WriterLock
392 2020 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-ReadSem
393 2021 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-WriteSem
394 2022 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-WriterLock
395 2080 0 0 Twitcher
396 2081 0 0 window death
397 2087 0 0 offscreen
398 2088 0 0 window death
399 2089 0 0 hw interface lock-ReadSem
400 2090 0 0 hw interface lock-WriteSem
401 2091 0 0 hw interface lock-WriterLock
402 2092 0 0 floating overlays lock
403 2136 0 0 Tracker status
404 2137 0 0 window death
405 2138 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-ReadSem
406 2139 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-WriteSem
407 2140 0 0 FontCacheEntry lock-WriterLock
408 2221 0 0 application
409 2222 0 0 window list
410 2223 0 0 token space
411 2224 0 0 server app maps
412 2225 0 0 client memory lock
413 2234 0 0 Locale
414 2235 0 0 window death
415 2242 0 0 decorator lock
416 2496 0 0 hw interface lock-ReadSem
417 2497 0 0 hw interface lock-WriteSem
418 2498 0 0 hw interface lock-WriterLock
419 2499 0 0 floating overlays lock