Ticket #14129: ag-12096-debug-08-05-2018-06-32-38.report

File ag-12096-debug-08-05-2018-06-32-38.report, 23.2 KB (added by miqlas, 6 years ago)

Crashlog - FreeChunk::Size

1Debug information for team /Ports/Inst/ag8/bin/ag (12096):
2CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i7-4600U
3Memory: 7.69 GiB total, 828.63 MiB used
4Haiku revision: hrev51923 May 6 2018 10:40:39 (x86_64)
6Active Threads:
7 thread 12096: ag (main)
8 thread 12103: team 12096 debug task
9 thread 12099: pthread func
10 state: Exception (Segment violation)
12 Frame IP Function Name
13 -----------------------------------------------
14 0x7ffd0715c100 0x10199ce78fc FreeChunk::Size() const + 0xc
15 Disassembly:
16 FreeChunk::Size() const:
17 0x0000010199ce78f0: 55 push %rbp
18 0x0000010199ce78f1: 4889e5 mov %rsp, %rbp
19 0x0000010199ce78f4: 53 push %rbx
20 0x0000010199ce78f5: 4883ec08 sub $0x8, %rsp
21 0x0000010199ce78f9: 4889fb mov %rdi, %rbx
22 0x0000010199ce78fc: 48031f add (%rdi), %rbx <--
24 Frame memory:
25 [0x7ffd0715c0e0] ........P/...... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 2f 16 16 1f 00 00 00
26 [0x7ffd0715c0f0] ........C....... 80 c1 15 07 fd 7f 00 00 43 95 ce 99 01 01 00 00
27 0x7ffd0715c190 0x10199ce953e free + 0x676
28 0x7ffd0715c1c0 0x10199ce9ce1 realloc + 0x87
29 0x7ffd0715c1f0 0x10199ce6de0 DynamicThreadVector::_ResizeVector(unsigned int) + 0x4e
30 0x7ffd0715c260 0x10199ce6f71 get_tls_address(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 0xe3
31 0x7ffd0715c270 0xf2361788af __tls_get_addr + 0x15
32 0x7ffd0715c290 0x9bce8c4d35 print_cleanup_context(void) + 0x15 (src/print.c:-1)
33 0x7ffd0715c370 0x9bce8c6ab2 search_file(const char*) + 0x202 (src/search.c:-1)
34 Variables:
35 file_full_path: ./COPYRIGHT
36 fd: 3
37 f_len: 6142
38 buf: # $FreeBSD$
39# @(#)COPYRIGHT 8.2 (Berkeley) 3/21/94
41The compilation of software known as FreeBSD is distributed under the
42following terms:
44Copyright (c) 1992-2018 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved.
46Redistribution and use in source and binary form
47 statbuf {
48 st_dev: 6
49 st_ino: 1048587
50 st_mode: 33188
51 st_nlink: 1
52 st_uid: 0
53 st_gid: 0
54 st_size: 6142
55 st_rdev: -1
56 st_blksize: 65536
57 st_type: 0
58 st_blocks: 16
59 }
60 fp: 0 {
61 _flags: Invalid Argument
62 _IO_read_ptr: Bad address
63 _IO_read_end: Bad address
64 _IO_read_base: Bad address
65 _IO_write_base: Bad address
66 _IO_write_ptr: Bad address
67 _IO_write_end: Bad address
68 _IO_buf_base: Bad address
69 _IO_buf_end: Bad address
70 _IO_save_base: Bad address
71 _IO_backup_base: Bad address
72 _IO_save_end: Bad address
73 _markers: Bad address
74 _chain: Bad address
75 _fileno: Bad address
76 _flags2: Bad address
77 _old_offset: Bad address
78 _cur_column: Bad address
79 _vtable_offset: Bad address
80 _shortbuf: Bad address
81 _offset: Bad address
82 _codecvt: Bad address
83 _wide_data: Bad address
84 _mode: Bad address
85 _unused2: Bad address
86 }
88 0x7ffd0715c3c0 0x9bce8c6de6 search_file_worker(void*) + 0xc6 (src/search.c:-1)
89 Variables:
90 queue_item: 0x12cc4876540 {
91 path: ./COPYRIGHT
92 next: 0
93 }
94 worker_id: 0
96 0x7ffd0715c3d0 0xf236184a9e pthread_thread_entry(void*, void*) + 0x8
97 00000000 0x7fcb4a3f1260 commpage_thread_exit + 0
99 Registers:
100 rip: 0x0000010199ce78fc
101 rsp: 0x00007ffd0715c0e0
102 rbp: 0x00007ffd0715c0f0
103 rax: 0x0000000000000000
104 rbx: 0x000000fc00000000
105 rcx: 0x00007ffd0715c140
106 rdx: 0x0000000000000000
107 rsi: 0x0000001f16162ef9
108 rdi: 0x000000fc00000000
109 r8: 0x0000000000000011
110 r9: 0x0000000000000000
111 r10: 0x00000000000017fe
112 r11: 0x0000012cc4882750
113 r12: 0x000000fc00000000
114 r13: 0xfffffffffffffff9
115 r14: 0x0000001f16162f58
116 r15: 0x0000012cc4892788
117 cs: 0x0023
118 ds: 0x0000
119 es: 0x0000
120 fs: 0x0000
121 gs: 0x0000
122 ss: 0x001b
123 st0: 0
124 st1: 0
125 st2: 0
126 st3: 0
127 st4: 0
128 st5: 0
129 st6: 0
130 st7: 0
131 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
132 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
133 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
134 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
135 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
136 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0}
137 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0}
138 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0}
139 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
140 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
141 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
142 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
143 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
144 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
145 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
146 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
147 xmm8: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
148 xmm9: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
149 xmm10: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
150 xmm11: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
151 xmm12: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
152 xmm13: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
153 xmm14: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
154 xmm15: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
155 thread 12100: pthread func
156 state: Exception (Segment violation)
158 Frame IP Function Name
159 -----------------------------------------------
160 0x7f6c2f6d3460 0x10199ce6f63 get_tls_address(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 0xd5
161 Disassembly:
162 get_tls_address(unsigned int, unsigned long):
163 0x0000010199ce6e8e: 55 push %rbp
164 0x0000010199ce6e8f: 4889e5 mov %rsp, %rbp
165 0x0000010199ce6e92: 4157 push %r15
166 0x0000010199ce6e94: 4156 push %r14
167 0x0000010199ce6e96: 4155 push %r13
168 0x0000010199ce6e98: 4154 push %r12
169 0x0000010199ce6e9a: 53 push %rbx
170 0x0000010199ce6e9b: 4883ec38 sub $0x38, %rsp
171 0x0000010199ce6e9f: 4189fe mov %edi, %r14d
172 0x0000010199ce6ea2: 488975a0 mov %rsi, -0x60(%rbp)
173 0x0000010199ce6ea6: bf05000000 mov $0x5, %edi
174 0x0000010199ce6eab: e8e0b1ffff call 0x10199ce2090
175 0x0000010199ce6eb0: 488945b0 mov %rax, -0x50(%rbp)
176 0x0000010199ce6eb4: 48c745b800000000 mov $0x0, -0x48(%rbp)
177 0x0000010199ce6ebc: 48c745c000000000 mov $0x0, -0x40(%rbp)
178 0x0000010199ce6ec4: 488b00 mov (%rax), %rax
179 0x0000010199ce6ec7: 4885c0 test %rax, %rax
180 0x0000010199ce6eca: 7407 jz 0x99ce6ed3
181 0x0000010199ce6ecc: 488b00 mov (%rax), %rax
182 0x0000010199ce6ecf: 488945b8 mov %rax, -0x48(%rbp)
183 0x0000010199ce6ed3: e858b8ffff call 0x10199ce2730
184 0x0000010199ce6ed8: beffffffff mov $0xffffffff, %esi
185 0x0000010199ce6edd: 4889c7 mov %rax, %rdi
186 0x0000010199ce6ee0: e8abb3ffff call 0x10199ce2290
187 0x0000010199ce6ee5: 89c3 mov %eax, %ebx
188 0x0000010199ce6ee7: 8945ac mov %eax, -0x54(%rbp)
189 0x0000010199ce6eea: 488d7db0 lea -0x50(%rbp), %rdi
190 0x0000010199ce6eee: e82db1ffff call 0x10199ce2020
191 0x0000010199ce6ef3: 39c3 cmp %eax, %ebx
192 0x0000010199ce6ef5: 765e jbe 0x99ce6f55
193 0x0000010199ce6ef7: bb00000000 mov $0x0, %ebx
194 0x0000010199ce6efc: 4c8d7db0 lea -0x50(%rbp), %r15
195 0x0000010199ce6f00: 488b45b0 mov -0x50(%rbp), %rax
196 0x0000010199ce6f04: 4c8b28 mov (%rax), %r13
197 0x0000010199ce6f07: 4d85ed test %r13, %r13
198 0x0000010199ce6f0a: 7440 jz 0x99ce6f4c
199 0x0000010199ce6f0c: 488b45b8 mov -0x48(%rbp), %rax
200 0x0000010199ce6f10: 395804 cmp %ebx, 0x4(%rax)
201 0x0000010199ce6f13: 7637 jbe 0x99ce6f4c
202 0x0000010199ce6f15: 83c301 add $0x1, %ebx
203 0x0000010199ce6f18: e813b8ffff call 0x10199ce2730
204 0x0000010199ce6f1d: 4489f6 mov %r14d, %esi
205 0x0000010199ce6f20: 4889c7 mov %rax, %rdi
206 0x0000010199ce6f23: e868b3ffff call 0x10199ce2290
207 0x0000010199ce6f28: 4189c4 mov %eax, %r12d
208 0x0000010199ce6f2b: 4c89ff mov %r15, %rdi
209 0x0000010199ce6f2e: e8edb0ffff call 0x10199ce2020
210 0x0000010199ce6f33: 4139c4 cmp %eax, %r12d
211 0x0000010199ce6f36: 76c8 jbe 0x99ce6f00
212 0x0000010199ce6f38: 443965ac cmp %r12d, -0x54(%rbp)
213 0x0000010199ce6f3c: 72c2 jb 0x99ce6f00
214 0x0000010199ce6f3e: 89d8 mov %ebx, %eax
215 0x0000010199ce6f40: 498d7cc500 lea (%r13,%rax,8), %rdi
216 0x0000010199ce6f45: e856b1ffff call 0x10199ce20a0
217 0x0000010199ce6f4a: ebb4 jmp 0x10199ce6f00
218 0x0000010199ce6f4c: 488b45b8 mov -0x48(%rbp), %rax
219 0x0000010199ce6f50: 8b55ac mov -0x54(%rbp), %edx
220 0x0000010199ce6f53: 8910 mov %edx, (%rax)
221 0x0000010199ce6f55: 488b45b0 mov -0x50(%rbp), %rax
222 0x0000010199ce6f59: 48833800 cmp $0x0, (%rax)
223 0x0000010199ce6f5d: 740a jz 0x99ce6f69
224 0x0000010199ce6f5f: 488b45b8 mov -0x48(%rbp), %rax
225 0x0000010199ce6f63: 443b7004 cmp 0x4(%rax), %r14d <--
227 Frame memory:
228 [0x7f6c2f6d33f0] ........(4m/.... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 34 6d 2f 00 00 00 00
229 [0x7f6c2f6d3400] (@m/l........... 28 40 6d 2f 6c 7f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
230 [0x7f6c2f6d3410] ........ ...,... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 c6 87 c4 2c 01 00 00
231 [0x7f6c2f6d3420] ........ ...,... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 c6 87 c4 2c 01 00 00
232 [0x7f6c2f6d3430] ................ e0 0d ad ce 9b 00 00 00 00 10 ab d9 00 00 00 00
233 [0x7f6c2f6d3440] ................ 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 af 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
234 [0x7f6c2f6d3450] `4m/l......6.... 60 34 6d 2f 6c 7f 00 00 b2 88 17 36 f2 00 00 00
235 0x7f6c2f6d3470 0xf2361788af __tls_get_addr + 0x15
236 0x7f6c2f6d3490 0x9bce8c4d35 print_cleanup_context(void) + 0x15 (src/print.c:7)
237 0x7f6c2f6d3570 0x9bce8c6ab2 search_file(const char*) + 0x202 (src/search.c:130)
238 Variables:
239 file_full_path: ./LOCKS
240 fd: 4
241 f_len: 687
242 buf: $FreeBSD$
244This file documents formal review/approval requirements that have been
245approved by core.
247subsystem login expires notes
250Special cases:
251releng/4.* Requires Security Officer approval.
252releng/5.* Re
253 statbuf {
254 st_dev: 6
255 st_ino: 1048589
256 st_mode: 33188
257 st_nlink: 1
258 st_uid: 0
259 st_gid: 0
260 st_size: 687
261 st_rdev: -1
262 st_blksize: 65536
263 st_type: 0
264 st_blocks: 8
265 }
266 fp: 0 {
267 _flags: Invalid Argument
268 _IO_read_ptr: Bad address
269 _IO_read_end: Bad address
270 _IO_read_base: Bad address
271 _IO_write_base: Bad address
272 _IO_write_ptr: Bad address
273 _IO_write_end: Bad address
274 _IO_buf_base: Bad address
275 _IO_buf_end: Bad address
276 _IO_save_base: Bad address
277 _IO_backup_base: Bad address
278 _IO_save_end: Bad address
279 _markers: Bad address
280 _chain: Bad address
281 _fileno: Bad address
282 _flags2: Bad address
283 _old_offset: Bad address
284 _cur_column: Bad address
285 _vtable_offset: Bad address
286 _shortbuf: Bad address
287 _offset: Bad address
288 _codecvt: Bad address
289 _wide_data: Bad address
290 _mode: Bad address
291 _unused2: Bad address
292 }
294 0x7f6c2f6d35c0 0x9bce8c6de6 search_file_worker(void*) + 0xc6 (src/search.c:55)
295 Variables:
296 queue_item: 0x12cc4876520 {
297 path: ./LOCKS
298 next: 0
299 }
300 worker_id: 1
302 0x7f6c2f6d35d0 0xf236184a9e pthread_thread_entry(void*, void*) + 0x8
303 00000000 0x7fcb4a3f1260 commpage_thread_exit + 0
305 Registers:
306 rip: 0x0000010199ce6f63
307 rsp: 0x00007f6c2f6d33f0
308 rbp: 0x00007f6c2f6d3450
309 rax: 0x0000000000000000
310 rbx: 0x0000000000000000
311 rcx: 0x0000000000000003
312 rdx: 0x0000000000000000
313 rsi: 0x00000000ffffffff
314 rdi: 0x00007f6c2f6d3400
315 r8: 0x0000000000000011
316 r9: 0x0000000000000000
317 r10: 0x00000000000002af
318 r11: 0x0000012cc4882750
319 r12: 0x0000009bcead0de0
320 r13: 0x00000000d9ab1000
321 r14: 0x0000000000000000
322 r15: 0x00000000000002af
323 cs: 0x0023
324 ds: 0x0000
325 es: 0x0000
326 fs: 0x0000
327 gs: 0x0000
328 ss: 0x001b
329 st0: 0
330 st1: 0
331 st2: 0
332 st3: 0
333 st4: 0
334 st5: 0
335 st6: 0
336 st7: 0
337 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
338 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
339 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
340 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
341 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
342 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0}
343 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0}
344 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0}
345 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
346 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
347 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
348 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
349 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
350 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
351 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
352 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
353 xmm8: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
354 xmm9: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
355 xmm10: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
356 xmm11: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
357 xmm12: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
358 xmm13: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
359 xmm14: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
360 xmm15: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
361 thread 12101: pthread func
362 state: Call ((unsigned long)b <= hoardHeap::align(sizeof(superblock) + blksize * _numBlocks) + (unsigned long)this)
364 Frame IP Function Name
365 -----------------------------------------------
366 00000000 0xf236175e37 _kern_debugger + 0x7
367 Disassembly:
368 _kern_debugger:
369 0x000000f236175e30: 48c7c0e1000000 mov $0xe1, %rax
370 0x000000f236175e37: 0f05 syscall <--
372 0x7ffbe120c080 0xf23616f699 debugger + 0x2f
373 0x7ffbe120c0b0 0xf23617c52b __assert_fail + 0x3e
374 0x7ffbe120c0c0 0xf236217fe8 BPrivate::superblock::superblock(int, int, BPrivate::hoardHeap*) + 0x198
375 0x7ffbe120c100 0xf2362181a8 BPrivate::superblock::makeSuperblock(int, BPrivate::processHeap*) + 0x1a8
376 0x7ffbe120c150 0xf236218c28 BPrivate::threadHeap::malloc(unsigned long) + 0xa3e
377 0x7ffbe120c180 0xf23621955c calloc + 0x1bd
378 0x7ffbe120c1a0 0x9bce8c8c39 ag_calloc(size_t, size_t) + 0x9 (src/util.c:-1)
379 Variables:
380 count: No such file or directory
381 size: No such file or directory
383 0x7ffbe120c1c0 0x9bce8c4cc7 print_init_context(void) + 0x47 (src/print.c:-1)
384 0x7ffbe120c2a0 0x9bce8c6a08 search_file(const char*) + 0x158 (src/search.c:90)
385 Variables:
386 file_full_path: ./MAINTAINERS
387 fd: 5
388 f_len: 0
389 buf: Invalid Argument
390 statbuf {
391 st_dev: 6
392 st_ino: 1048590
393 st_mode: 33188
394 st_nlink: 1
395 st_uid: 0
396 st_gid: 0
397 st_size: 5847
398 st_rdev: -1
399 st_blksize: 65536
400 st_type: 0
401 st_blocks: 16
402 }
403 fp: 0 {
404 _flags: Invalid Argument
405 _IO_read_ptr: Bad address
406 _IO_read_end: Bad address
407 _IO_read_base: Bad address
408 _IO_write_base: Bad address
409 _IO_write_ptr: Bad address
410 _IO_write_end: Bad address
411 _IO_buf_base: Bad address
412 _IO_buf_end: Bad address
413 _IO_save_base: Bad address
414 _IO_backup_base: Bad address
415 _IO_save_end: Bad address
416 _markers: Bad address
417 _chain: Bad address
418 _fileno: Bad address
419 _flags2: Bad address
420 _old_offset: Bad address
421 _cur_column: Bad address
422 _vtable_offset: Bad address
423 _shortbuf: Bad address
424 _offset: Bad address
425 _codecvt: Bad address
426 _wide_data: Bad address
427 _mode: Bad address
428 _unused2: Bad address
429 }
431 0x7ffbe120c2f0 0x9bce8c6de6 search_file_worker(void*) + 0xc6 (src/search.c:55)
432 Variables:
433 queue_item: 0x12cc48764e0 {
434 path: ./MAINTAINERS
435 next: 0
436 }
437 worker_id: 2
439 0x7ffbe120c300 0xf236184a9e pthread_thread_entry(void*, void*) + 0x8
440 00000000 0x7fcb4a3f1260 commpage_thread_exit + 0
442 Registers:
443 rip: 0x000000f236175e39
444 rsp: 0x00007ffbe120c058
445 rbp: 0x00007ffbe120c070
446 rax: 0x00000000000000e1
447 rbx: 0x000000f236276160
448 rcx: 0x000000f236175e39
449 rdx: 0x00007ffbe120bbd7
450 rsi: 0x000000f2362274a5
451 rdi: 0x000000f236276160
452 r8: 0x0000000000000000
453 r9: 0x000000f236275820
454 r10: 0x00000000000000f9
455 r11: 0x0000000000003202
456 r12: 0x0000012cc4892790
457 r13: 0x00000000000000fc
458 r14: 0x0000012cc4892790
459 r15: 0x0000012cc48615f0
460 cs: 0x0023
461 ds: 0x0000
462 es: 0x0000
463 fs: 0x0000
464 gs: 0x0000
465 ss: 0x001b
466 st0: 0
467 st1: 0
468 st2: 0
469 st3: 0
470 st4: 0
471 st5: 0
472 st6: 0
473 st7: 0
474 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
475 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
476 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
477 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
478 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
479 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0}
480 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0}
481 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0}
482 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
483 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
484 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
485 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
486 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
487 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
488 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
489 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
490 xmm8: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
491 xmm9: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
492 xmm10: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
493 xmm11: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
494 xmm12: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
495 xmm13: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
496 xmm14: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
497 xmm15: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
498 thread 12102: pthread func
499 state: Debugged
501 Frame IP Function Name
502 -----------------------------------------------
503 00000000 0xf236175cea _kern_map_file + 0xa
504 Disassembly:
505 _kern_map_file:
506 0x000000f236175ce0: 4989ca mov %rcx, %r10
507 0x000000f236175ce3: 48c7c0cc000000 mov $0xcc, %rax
508 0x000000f236175cea: 0f05 syscall <--
510 0x7f6b75879140 0x25db000 ?
511 0x7f6b75879230 0x9bce8c6ae0 search_file(const char*) + 0x230 (src/search.c:140)
512 Variables:
513 file_full_path: No such file or directory
514 fd: No such file or directory
515 f_len: No such file or directory
516 buf: No such file or directory
517 statbuf {
518 st_dev: 6
519 st_ino: 2973248
520 st_mode: 33188
521 st_nlink: 1
522 st_uid: 0
523 st_gid: 0
524 st_size: 48562
525 st_rdev: -1
526 st_blksize: 65536
527 st_type: 0
528 st_blocks: 24
529 }
530 fp: 0 {
531 _flags: Invalid Argument
532 _IO_read_ptr: Bad address
533 _IO_read_end: Bad address
534 _IO_read_base: Bad address
535 _IO_write_base: Bad address
536 _IO_write_ptr: Bad address
537 _IO_write_end: Bad address
538 _IO_buf_base: Bad address
539 _IO_buf_end: Bad address
540 _IO_save_base: Bad address
541 _IO_backup_base: Bad address
542 _IO_save_end: Bad address
543 _markers: Bad address
544 _chain: Bad address
545 _fileno: Bad address
546 _flags2: Bad address
547 _old_offset: Bad address
548 _cur_column: Bad address
549 _vtable_offset: Bad address
550 _shortbuf: Bad address
551 _offset: Bad address
552 _codecvt: Bad address
553 _wide_data: Bad address
554 _mode: Bad address
555 _unused2: Bad address
556 }
558 0x7f6b75879280 0x9bce8c6de6 search_file_worker(void*) + 0xc6 (src/search.c:55)
559 Variables:
560 queue_item: 0x12cc49bcc80 {
561 path: ./usr.sbin/cxgbetool/cxgbetool.8
562 next: 0x12cc49bcca0
563 }
564 worker_id: 3
566 0x7f6b75879290 0xf236184a9e pthread_thread_entry(void*, void*) + 0x8
567 00000000 0x7fcb4a3f1260 commpage_thread_exit + 0
569 Registers:
570 rip: 0x000000f236175cec
571 rsp: 0x00007f6b758790f8
572 rbp: 0x00007f6b75879140
573 rax: 0x000000000010d8fb
574 rbx: 0x0000012cc49c10a0
575 rcx: 0x000000f236175cec
576 rdx: 0x0000000000000006
577 rsi: 0x00007f6b75879128
578 rdi: 0x000000f23627420e
579 r8: 0x0000000000000001
580 r9: 0x0000000000000001
581 r10: 0x00000000000021ce
582 r11: 0x0000000000003202
583 r12: 0x0000009bcead0de0
584 r13: 0x00007f6b75879170
585 r14: 0x0000000000000006
586 r15: 0x00000000000021ce
587 cs: 0x0023
588 ds: 0x0000
589 es: 0x0000
590 fs: 0x0000
591 gs: 0x0000
592 ss: 0x001b
593 st0: 0
594 st1: 0
595 st2: 0
596 st3: 0
597 st4: 0
598 st5: 0
599 st6: 0
600 st7: 0
601 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
602 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
603 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
604 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
605 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
606 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0}
607 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0}
608 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0}
609 xmm0: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
610 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
611 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
612 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
613 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
614 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
615 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
616 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
617 xmm8: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
618 xmm9: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
619 xmm10: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
620 xmm11: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
621 xmm12: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
622 xmm13: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
623 xmm14: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
624 xmm15: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
626Loaded Images:
627 ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
628 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
629 237595 0x3f5c9e6000 0x3f5ca09000 0x3f5cc09000 0x3f5cc0a000 lib /boot/system/lib/liblzma.so.5.2.4
630 237593 0x9bce8ba000 0x9bce8ce000 0x9bceacd000 0x9bceae2000 app /Ports/Inst/ag8/bin/ag
631 237596 0xdf2cbd1000 0xdf2cbed000 0xdf2cdec000 0xdf2cded000 lib /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
632 237597 0xf236136000 0xf23628d000 0xf23648d000 0xf2364e0000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
633 237598 0xf847d95000 0xf847dab000 0xf847faa000 0xf847fab000 lib /boot/system/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
634 237592 0x10199cd8000 0x10199cf9000 0x10199ef8000 0x10199efa000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
635 237594 0x16b264d8000 0x16b2651b000 0x16b2671b000 0x16b2671c000 lib /boot/system/lib/libpcre.so.1.2.10
636 237591 0x7fcb4a3f1000 0x7fcb4a3f9000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
639 ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
640 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
641 1104326 0x12f4b000 0x12f4f000 16 r-- full mmap area
642 1052919 0x9a69c000 0x9a69e000 8 r-- full mmap area
643 1052918 0xd9ab1000 0xd9ab2000 4 r-- full mmap area
644 1052720 0x1028596000 0x1028597000 4 rw-S full _rld_debug_
645 1052719 0x1f16160000 0x1f16170000 64 rw- full rld heap
646 1052726 0x3f5c9e6000 0x3f5ca09000 140 r-x full liblzma.so.5.2.4_seg0ro
647 1052727 0x3f5cc09000 0x3f5cc0a000 4 rw- full liblzma.so.5.2.4_seg1rw
648 1052721 0x9bce8ba000 0x9bce8ce000 80 r-x full ag_seg0ro
649 1052722 0x9bceacd000 0x9bcead1000 16 rw- full ag_seg1rw
650 1052723 0x9bcead1000 0x9bceae2000 68 rw- full ag_seg2rw
651 1052728 0xdf2cbd1000 0xdf2cbed000 112 r-x full libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
652 1052729 0xdf2cdec000 0xdf2cded000 4 rw- full libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
653 1052730 0xf236136000 0xf23628d000 1372 r-x full libroot.so_seg0ro
654 1052731 0xf23648d000 0xf23649b000 56 rw- full libroot.so_seg1rw
655 1052732 0xf23649b000 0xf2364e0000 276 rw- full libroot.so_seg2rw
656 1052733 0xf847d95000 0xf847dab000 88 r-x full libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
657 1052734 0xf847faa000 0xf847fab000 4 rw- full libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
658 1052717 0x10199cd8000 0x10199cf9000 132 r-x full runtime_loader_seg0ro
659 1052718 0x10199ef8000 0x10199efa000 8 rw- full runtime_loader_seg1rw
660 1052735 0x12cc485f000 0x12cc4aff000 2688 rw- full heap
661 1052724 0x16b264d8000 0x16b2651b000 268 r-x full libpcre.so.1.2.10_seg0ro
662 1052725 0x16b2671b000 0x16b2671c000 4 rw- full libpcre.so.1.2.10_seg1rw
663 1052917 0x7f6b75836000 0x7f6b7587b000 276 rw-s full pthread func_12102_stack
664 1052913 0x7f6c2f690000 0x7f6c2f6d5000 276 rw-s full pthread func_12100_stack
665 1052715 0x7f88fd3b3000 0x7f88fe3b9000 16408 rw-s full ag_12096_stack
666 1052714 0x7f919a91c000 0x7f919a920000 16 rw- full user area
667 1052716 0x7fcb4a3f1000 0x7fcb4a3f9000 32 r-xSk full commpage
668 1052915 0x7ffbe11c9000 0x7ffbe120e000 276 rw-s full pthread func_12101_stack
669 1052911 0x7ffd07119000 0x7ffd0715e000 276 rw-s full pthread func_12099_stack
671Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
674 ID Count Last Holder Name
675 ------------------------------------------------------------