Ticket #16823: net_server-9328-debug-02-03-2021-03-17-09.report

File net_server-9328-debug-02-03-2021-03-17-09.report, 15.8 KB (added by X512, 3 years ago)
1Debug information for team /boot/system/servers/net_server (9328):
2CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i5-4690S
3Memory: 7.82 GiB total, 709.80 MiB used
4Haiku revision: hrev54837+35 Jan 4 2021 02:34: (BePC)
6Active Threads:
7 thread 9330: PathMonitor looper
8 thread 9331: /dev/net/ipro1000/0
9 thread 9332: /dev/net/atheros813x/0
10 thread 9333: /dev/net/idualwifi7260/0
11 thread 9335: services listener
12 thread 9339: team 9328 debug task
13 thread 9328: net_server (main)
14 state: Exception (Segment violation)
16 Frame IP Function Name
17 -----------------------------------------------
18 0x721e8280 0x155fa97 BTextView::_UpdateInsets(BRect&) + 0x133
19 Disassembly:
20 BTextView::_UpdateInsets(BRect&):
21 0x0155f964: 55 push %ebp
22 0x0155f965: 89e5 mov %esp, %ebp
23 0x0155f967: 83ec2c sub $0x2c, %esp
24 0x0155f96a: 57 push %edi
25 0x0155f96b: 56 push %esi
26 0x0155f96c: 53 push %ebx
27 0x0155f96d: e800000000 call 0x155f972
28 0x0155f972: 5b pop %ebx
29 0x0155f973: 81c33a891600 add $0x16893a, %ebx
30 0x0155f979: 8b7d08 mov 0x8(%ebp), %edi
31 0x0155f97c: 8b8740010000 mov 0x140(%edi), %eax
32 0x0155f982: f6402002 test $0x2, 0x20(%eax)
33 0x0155f986: 0f856a010000 jnz 0x155faf6
34 0x0155f98c: 8d75f0 lea -0x10(%ebp), %esi
35 0x0155f98f: 83c4f8 add $0xfffffff8, %esp
36 0x0155f992: 57 push %edi
37 0x0155f993: 56 push %esi
38 0x0155f994: e80f6e0000 call 0x15667a8
39 0x0155f999: 8b8f40010000 mov 0x140(%edi), %ecx
40 0x0155f99f: 8b450c mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
41 0x0155f9a2: d945f0 fld -0x10(%ebp)
42 0x0155f9a5: d9ee fldz
43 0x0155f9a7: 83c40c add $0xc, %esp
44 0x0155f9aa: d900 fld (%eax)
45 0x0155f9ac: d8d2 fcom %st2, %st0
46 0x0155f9ae: dfe0 fnstsw %ax
47 0x0155f9b0: 80e405 and $0x5, %ah
48 0x0155f9b3: 7506 jnz 0x155f9bb
49 0x0155f9b5: ddd9 fstp %st1
50 0x0155f9b7: dee1 fsubrp %st0, %st1
51 0x0155f9b9: eb04 jmp 0x155f9bf
52 0x0155f9bb: ddd8 fstp %st0
53 0x0155f9bd: ddd9 fstp %st1
54 0x0155f9bf: d919 fstp (%ecx)
55 0x0155f9c1: 8b8f40010000 mov 0x140(%edi), %ecx
56 0x0155f9c7: 8b450c mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
57 0x0155f9ca: d94604 fld 0x4(%esi)
58 0x0155f9cd: d9ee fldz
59 0x0155f9cf: d94004 fld 0x4(%eax)
60 0x0155f9d2: d8d2 fcom %st2, %st0
61 0x0155f9d4: dfe0 fnstsw %ax
62 0x0155f9d6: 80e405 and $0x5, %ah
63 0x0155f9d9: 7506 jnz 0x155f9e1
64 0x0155f9db: ddd9 fstp %st1
65 0x0155f9dd: dee1 fsubrp %st0, %st1
66 0x0155f9df: eb04 jmp 0x155f9e5
67 0x0155f9e1: ddd8 fstp %st0
68 0x0155f9e3: ddd9 fstp %st1
69 0x0155f9e5: d95904 fstp 0x4(%ecx)
70 0x0155f9e8: 8b8f40010000 mov 0x140(%edi), %ecx
71 0x0155f9ee: 8b450c mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
72 0x0155f9f1: d94608 fld 0x8(%esi)
73 0x0155f9f4: d9ee fldz
74 0x0155f9f6: d94008 fld 0x8(%eax)
75 0x0155f9f9: d8d2 fcom %st2, %st0
76 0x0155f9fb: dfe0 fnstsw %ax
77 0x0155f9fd: 80e445 and $0x45, %ah
78 0x0155fa00: fecc dec %ah
79 0x0155fa02: 80fc40 cmp $0x40, %ah
80 0x0155fa05: 7306 jae 0x155fa0d
81 0x0155fa07: ddd9 fstp %st1
82 0x0155fa09: dee9 fsubp %st0, %st1
83 0x0155fa0b: eb04 jmp 0x155fa11
84 0x0155fa0d: ddd8 fstp %st0
85 0x0155fa0f: ddd9 fstp %st1
86 0x0155fa11: d95908 fstp 0x8(%ecx)
87 0x0155fa14: 8b8f40010000 mov 0x140(%edi), %ecx
88 0x0155fa1a: 8b450c mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
89 0x0155fa1d: d9460c fld 0xc(%esi)
90 0x0155fa20: d9ee fldz
91 0x0155fa22: d9400c fld 0xc(%eax)
92 0x0155fa25: d8d2 fcom %st2, %st0
93 0x0155fa27: dfe0 fnstsw %ax
94 0x0155fa29: 80e445 and $0x45, %ah
95 0x0155fa2c: fecc dec %ah
96 0x0155fa2e: 80fc40 cmp $0x40, %ah
97 0x0155fa31: 7306 jae 0x155fa39
98 0x0155fa33: ddd9 fstp %st1
99 0x0155fa35: dee9 fsubp %st0, %st1
100 0x0155fa37: eb04 jmp 0x155fa3d
101 0x0155fa39: ddd8 fstp %st0
102 0x0155fa3b: ddd9 fstp %st1
103 0x0155fa3d: d9590c fstp 0xc(%ecx)
104 0x0155fa40: d945f0 fld -0x10(%ebp)
105 0x0155fa43: d95de0 fstp -0x20(%ebp)
106 0x0155fa46: c645df00 mov $0x0, -0x21(%ebp)
107 0x0155fa4a: d94604 fld 0x4(%esi)
108 0x0155fa4d: d95de4 fstp -0x1c(%ebp)
109 0x0155fa50: d94608 fld 0x8(%esi)
110 0x0155fa53: d95de8 fstp -0x18(%ebp)
111 0x0155fa56: d9460c fld 0xc(%esi)
112 0x0155fa59: d95dec fstp -0x14(%ebp)
113 0x0155fa5c: 83c4f8 add $0xfffffff8, %esp
114 0x0155fa5f: 8d45e0 lea -0x20(%ebp), %eax
115 0x0155fa62: 50 push %eax
116 0x0155fa63: 8b450c mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
117 0x0155fa66: 50 push %eax
118 0x0155fa67: e80c94fcff call 0x1528e78
119 0x0155fa6c: 83c410 add $0x10, %esp
120 0x0155fa6f: 84c0 test %al, %al
121 0x0155fa71: 7416 jz 0x155fa89
122 0x0155fa73: 80bffd00000000 cmp $0x0, 0xfd(%edi)
123 0x0155fa7a: 7509 jnz 0x155fa85
124 0x0155fa7c: 80bffc00000000 cmp $0x0, 0xfc(%edi)
125 0x0155fa83: 7404 jz 0x155fa89
126 0x0155fa85: c645df01 mov $0x1, -0x21(%ebp)
127 0x0155fa89: 807ddf00 cmp $0x0, -0x21(%ebp)
128 0x0155fa8d: 7467 jz 0x155faf6
129 0x0155fa8f: 8b834c0d0000 mov 0xd4c(%ebx), %eax
130 0x0155fa95: 8b00 mov (%eax), %eax
131 0x0155fa97: 8b889c000000 mov 0x9c(%eax), %ecx <--
133 Frame memory:
134 [0x721e8240] ..l..`..P...I... ac 82 6c 01 80 60 8d 18 50 fd 8c 18 49 80 e2 00
135 [0x721e8250] $............... 24 00 00 00 b8 a6 8d 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
136 [0x721e8260] ................ 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
137 [0x721e8270] ...........r.sU. 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf e8 82 1e 72 9d 73 55 01
138 0x721e82f0 0x1557398 BTextView::_InitObject(BRect, BFont*, rgb_color*) + 0x2f8
139 0x721e8340 0x1550828 __9BTextViewPCcUl + 0xdc
140 0x721e83c0 0x14b4f0d BAlert::_Init(char*) + 0xa1
141 0x721e8410 0x14b3ec3 __6BAlertPCcN4112button_width10alert_type + 0xaf
142 0x721e84a0 0x1af21aa NetServer::AboutRequested() + 0x46
143 0x721e86a0 0x147b6a9 BApplication::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x319
144 0x721e86e0 0x1488173 BLooper::task_looper() + 0x203
145 0x721e8720 0x1486ccb BLooper::Loop() + 0x63
146 0x721e8750 0x147a1ed BApplication::Run() + 0x25
147 0x721e89a0 0x1af71f0 main + 0x80
148 0x721e89c8 0x1af1d32 _start + 0x56
149 0x721e8a08 0x2270876 runtime_loader + 0x132
150 00000000 0x61707258 commpage_thread_exit + 0
152 Registers:
153 eip: 0x0155fa97
154 esp: 0x721e8240
155 ebp: 0x721e8278
156 eax: 0x00000000
157 ebx: 0x016c82ac
158 ecx: 0x721e8258
159 edx: 0x721e8328
160 esi: 0x721e8268
161 edi: 0x188cfd50
162 cs: 0x001b
163 ds: 0x0023
164 es: 0x0023
165 fs: 0x0063
166 gs: 0x0023
167 ss: 0x0023
168 st0: nan
169 st1: nan
170 st2: 0
171 st3: 0
172 st4: 0
173 st5: -1
174 st6: -1
175 st7: -1
176 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0}
177 mm1: {0x100, 0, 0, 0}
178 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
179 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0}
180 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0}
181 mm5: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
182 mm6: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
183 mm7: {0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
184 xmm0: {0xd643, 0xec87, 0xeba4, 0x4bb5, 0xe5a1, 0x3e3f, 0xb236, 0xa90d}
185 xmm1: {0xb828, 0xd2b2, 0x826, 0x48a7, 0xdfb3, 0x3c98, 0x6000, 0xf024}
186 xmm2: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
187 xmm3: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
188 xmm4: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
189 xmm5: {0x6aea, 0x1bf0, 0x5bec, 0x4a8d, 0x7695, 0x9b74, 0x5609, 0x302d}
190 xmm6: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
191 xmm7: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
193Loaded Images:
194 ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
195 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 8429 0x00764000 0x0076a000 0x0076a000 0x0076b000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbsd.so
197 8426 0x007f1000 0x0082a000 0x0082a000 0x00861000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.2
198 8422 0x00e01000 0x00edd000 0x00edd000 0x00f29000 lib /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
199 8421 0x00f3a000 0x00f6c000 0x00f6c000 0x00f79000 lib /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.r4.so
200 8419 0x00f84000 0x00fba000 0x00fba000 0x00fc2000 lib /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so
201 8424 0x01052000 0x012e2000 0x012e2000 0x0134c000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.2
202 8418 0x01372000 0x0164c000 0x0164c000 0x016e7000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
203 8431 0x016e8000 0x01757000 0x01757000 0x0178c000 lib /boot/system/lib/libssl.so.1.1
204 8425 0x01791000 0x0179a000 0x0179a000 0x0179b000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.2
205 8420 0x017ef000 0x01850000 0x01850000 0x01864000 lib /boot/system/lib/libbnetapi.so
206 8427 0x01937000 0x01aa9000 0x01aa9000 0x01add000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.2
207 8417 0x01ae5000 0x01b01000 0x01b01000 0x01b05000 app /boot/system/servers/net_server
208 8430 0x01c06000 0x01de4000 0x01de4000 0x01ebc000 lib /boot/system/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1
209 8428 0x01fd9000 0x01ff3000 0x01ff3000 0x01ff4000 lib /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
210 8416 0x0225e000 0x0227d000 0x0227d000 0x02281000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
211 8423 0x02660000 0x03ee0000 0x03ee0000 0x03ee1000 lib /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.2
212 8415 0x61707000 0x6170f000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
215 ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
216 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 80787 0x00146000 0x00156000 64 rw- none rld heap
218 80788 0x00436000 0x00437000 4 rw-cS none _rld_debug_
219 80827 0x00656000 0x0065e000 32 rw- none rld heap
220 80828 0x0070f000 0x0071f000 64 rw- none rld heap
221 80829 0x00726000 0x00736000 64 rw- none rld heap
222 80820 0x00764000 0x0076a000 24 r-x none libbsd.so_seg0ro
223 80821 0x0076a000 0x0076b000 4 rw- none libbsd.so_seg1rw
224 80812 0x007f1000 0x0082a000 228 r-x none libicutu.so.57.2_seg0ro
225 80813 0x0082a000 0x0082f000 20 rw- none libicutu.so.57.2_seg1rw
226 80814 0x0082f000 0x00861000 200 rw- none libicutu.so.57.2_seg2rw
227 80802 0x00e01000 0x00edd000 880 r-x none libroot.so_seg0ro
228 80803 0x00edd000 0x00ef1000 80 rw- none libroot.so_seg1rw
229 80804 0x00ef1000 0x00f29000 224 rw- none libroot.so_seg2rw
230 80799 0x00f3a000 0x00f6c000 200 r-x none libstdc++.r4.so_seg0ro
231 80800 0x00f6c000 0x00f77000 44 rw- none libstdc++.r4.so_seg1rw
232 80801 0x00f77000 0x00f79000 8 rw- none libstdc++.r4.so_seg2rw
233 80794 0x00f84000 0x00fba000 216 r-x none libnetwork.so_seg0ro
234 80795 0x00fba000 0x00fbd000 12 rw- none libnetwork.so_seg1rw
235 80796 0x00fbd000 0x00fc2000 20 rw- none libnetwork.so_seg2rw
236 80807 0x01052000 0x012e2000 2624 r-x none libicui18n.so.57.2_seg0ro
237 80808 0x012e2000 0x0134b000 420 rw- none libicui18n.so.57.2_seg1rw
238 80809 0x0134b000 0x0134c000 4 rw- none libicui18n.so.57.2_seg2rw
239 80791 0x01372000 0x0164c000 2920 r-x none libbe.so_seg0ro
240 80792 0x0164c000 0x016e6000 616 rw- none libbe.so_seg1rw
241 80793 0x016e6000 0x016e7000 4 rw- none libbe.so_seg2rw
242 80825 0x016e8000 0x01757000 444 r-x none libssl.so.1.1_seg0ro
243 80826 0x01757000 0x0178c000 212 rw- none libssl.so.1.1_seg1rw
244 80810 0x01791000 0x0179a000 36 r-x none libicuio.so.57.2_seg0ro
245 80811 0x0179a000 0x0179b000 4 rw- none libicuio.so.57.2_seg1rw
246 80797 0x017ef000 0x01850000 388 r-x none libbnetapi.so_seg0ro
247 80798 0x01850000 0x01864000 80 rw- none libbnetapi.so_seg1rw
248 80815 0x01937000 0x01aa9000 1480 r-x none libicuuc.so.57.2_seg0ro
249 80816 0x01aa9000 0x01adc000 204 rw- none libicuuc.so.57.2_seg1rw
250 80817 0x01adc000 0x01add000 4 rw- none libicuuc.so.57.2_seg2rw
251 80789 0x01ae5000 0x01b01000 112 r-x none net_server_seg0ro
252 80790 0x01b01000 0x01b05000 16 rw- none net_server_seg1rw
253 80822 0x01c06000 0x01de4000 1912 r-x none libcrypto.so.1.1_seg0ro
254 80823 0x01de4000 0x01eb9000 852 rw- none libcrypto.so.1.1_seg1rw
255 80824 0x01eb9000 0x01ebc000 12 rw- none libcrypto.so.1.1_seg2rw
256 80818 0x01fd9000 0x01ff3000 104 r-x none libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
257 80819 0x01ff3000 0x01ff4000 4 rw- none libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
258 80784 0x0225e000 0x0227d000 124 r-x none runtime_loader_seg0ro
259 80785 0x0227d000 0x0227f000 8 rw- none runtime_loader_seg1rw
260 80786 0x0227f000 0x02281000 8 rw- none runtime_loader_bss1
261 80805 0x02660000 0x03ee0000 25088 r-x none libicudata.so.57.2_seg0ro
262 80806 0x03ee0000 0x03ee1000 4 rw- none libicudata.so.57.2_seg1rw
263 80830 0x188ac000 0x1894c000 640 rw-c none heap
264 80780 0x6102a000 0x6102e000 16 rw-k full user area
265 80783 0x61707000 0x6170f000 32 r-xSk full commpage
266 80836 0x700e0000 0x70125000 276 rw-s none PathMonitor looper_9330_stack
267 80842 0x70841000 0x70886000 276 rw-s none /dev/net/idualwifi7260/0_9333_s
268 80838 0x710d1000 0x71116000 276 rw-s none /dev/net/ipro1000/0_9331_stack
269 80782 0x711e9000 0x721ea000 16388 rw-s none net_server_9328_stack
270 80899 0x72222000 0x72267000 276 rw-s none services listener_9335_stack
271 80840 0x72470000 0x724b5000 276 rw-s none /dev/net/atheros813x/0_9332_sta
273Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
276 ID Count Last Holder Name
277 ------------------------------------------------------------
278 250811 0 2279 some BLocker
279 250814 0 0 some BBlockCache lock
280 250815 0 0 Catalog
281 250816 0 2279 some BLocker
282 250817 0 9328 token space
283 250818 0 0 synchronized hash map
284 250819 0 0 BLooperList lock
285 250820 0 0 AppServerLink_sLock
286 250821 0 0 LocaleRosterData
287 250822 0 0 some BLocker
288 250823 0 0 synchronized hash map
289 250824 0 0 some BLocker
290 250825 0 0 DNS cache
291 250827 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
292 250828 0 0 AppLooperPort
293 250832 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
294 250833 0 9330 PathMonitor looper
295 250856 0 2279 BMessageQueue Lock
296 250857 0 0 /dev/net/ipro1000/0
297 250866 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
298 250867 0 0 /dev/net/atheros813x/0
299 250884 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
300 250885 0 0 /dev/net/idualwifi7260/0
301 250891 0 0 some BLocker
302 251046 0 0 BMessageQueue Lock
303 251047 0 0 about