Ticket #16871: ausgabe.txt

File ausgabe.txt, 999.5 KB (added by lorglas, 3 years ago)

Extract Haikudepot -v trace

1{T} an object exists at the candidate path [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/testfile.txt] - it will be deleted
2{T} did delete the candidate file [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/testfile.txt]
3{I} last version [0.0.4] and current version [0.0.4] match -> cache retained
4{D} derived system default language [de]
5{D} set preferred language [de]
6{T} adopting model to main window ui
7{I} did clear the featured packages view
8{I} adding and starting a process coordinator [BulkLoad]
9{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
10{I} [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] initiating
11{I} [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] starting process
12{I} [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] will update local repositories' caches
13{D} [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [BeSly Software Solutions] cache
14{D} [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [Haiku] cache
15{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] not started
16{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] not started
17{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] not started
18{I} [Node<ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>] initiating
19{I} [Node<ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>] starting process
20{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data
21{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__reference/all-de.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/filemcIptb]
22{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Resolving https://depot.haiku-os.org/__reference/all-de.json.gz
23{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Hostname resolved to:
24{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Connection to depot.haiku-os.org on port 443.
25{D} [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [HaikuPorts] cache
26{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Connection opened, sending request.
27{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; GET /__reference/all-de.json.gz HTTP/1.1
29{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Host: depot.haiku-os.org
30{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Accept: */*
31{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Accept-Encoding: gzip
32{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Connection: close
33{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; User-Agent: HaikuDepot/0.0.4
34{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; If-Modified-Since: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 10:39:56 GMT
35{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Request sent.
36{D} [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [KapiX's Depot] cache
37{I} [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] did update 4 local repositories' caches
38{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
39{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Status line received: Code 304 (Not Modified)
40{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:28:58 GMT
41{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Server: Jetty(9.4.34.v20201102)
42{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
43{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
44{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
45{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
46{T} url->file <ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>; Connection: close
47{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Tue, 16 Mar 2021 10:39:56 GMT]
48{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] did fetch data
49{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will process data
50{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will populate 181 natural languages
51{T} did add the supported language [ab]
52{T} did add the supported language [aa]
53{T} did add the supported language [af]
54{T} did add the supported language [ak]
55{T} did add the supported language [sq]
56{T} did add the supported language [am]
57{T} did add the supported language [ar]
58{T} did add the supported language [an]
59{T} did add the supported language [hy]
60{T} did add the supported language [as]
61{T} did add the supported language [av]
62{T} did add the supported language [ae]
63{T} did add the supported language [ay]
64{T} did add the supported language [az]
65{T} did add the supported language [bm]
66{T} did add the supported language [ba]
67{T} did add the supported language [eu]
68{T} did add the supported language [be]
69{T} did add the supported language [bn]
70{T} did add the supported language [bh]
71{T} did add the supported language [bi]
72{T} did add the supported language [nb]
73{T} did add the supported language [bs]
74{T} did add the supported language [br]
75{T} did add the supported language [bg]
76{T} did add the supported language [my]
77{T} did add the supported language [ca]
78{T} did add the supported language [km]
79{T} did add the supported language [ch]
80{T} did add the supported language [ce]
81{T} did add the supported language [ny]
82{T} did add the supported language [zh]
83{T} did add the supported language [cv]
84{T} did add the supported language [kw]
85{T} did add the supported language [co]
86{T} did add the supported language [cr]
87{T} did add the supported language [hr]
88{T} did add the supported language [cs]
89{T} did add the supported language [da]
90{T} did add the supported language [dv]
91{T} did add the supported language [nl]
92{T} did add the supported language [dz]
93{T} did add the supported language [en]
94{T} did add the supported language [eo]
95{T} did add the supported language [et]
96{T} did add the supported language [ee]
97{T} did add the supported language [fo]
98{T} did add the supported language [fj]
99{T} did add the supported language [fi]
100{T} did add the supported language [fr]
101{T} did add the supported language [ff]
102{T} did add the supported language [gd]
103{T} did add the supported language [gl]
104{T} did add the supported language [lg]
105{T} did add the supported language [ka]
106{T} did replace the supported language [de]
107{T} did add the supported language [el]
108{T} did add the supported language [gn]
109{T} did add the supported language [gu]
110{T} did add the supported language [ht]
111{T} did add the supported language [ha]
112{T} did add the supported language [he]
113{T} did add the supported language [hz]
114{T} did add the supported language [hi]
115{T} did add the supported language [ho]
116{T} did add the supported language [hu]
117{T} did add the supported language [is]
118{T} did add the supported language [io]
119{T} did add the supported language [ig]
120{T} did add the supported language [id]
121{T} did add the supported language [iu]
122{T} did add the supported language [ik]
123{T} did add the supported language [ga]
124{T} did add the supported language [it]
125{T} did add the supported language [ja]
126{T} did add the supported language [jv]
127{T} did add the supported language [kl]
128{T} did add the supported language [kn]
129{T} did add the supported language [kr]
130{T} did add the supported language [ks]
131{T} did add the supported language [kk]
132{T} did add the supported language [ki]
133{T} did add the supported language [rw]
134{T} did add the supported language [ky]
135{T} did add the supported language [kv]
136{T} did add the supported language [kg]
137{T} did add the supported language [ko]
138{T} did add the supported language [kj]
139{T} did add the supported language [ku]
140{T} did add the supported language [lo]
141{T} did add the supported language [la]
142{T} did add the supported language [lv]
143{T} did add the supported language [li]
144{T} did add the supported language [ln]
145{T} did add the supported language [lt]
146{T} did add the supported language [lu]
147{T} did add the supported language [lb]
148{T} did add the supported language [mk]
149{T} did add the supported language [mg]
150{T} did add the supported language [ms]
151{T} did add the supported language [ml]
152{T} did add the supported language [mt]
153{T} did add the supported language [gv]
154{T} did add the supported language [mi]
155{T} did add the supported language [mr]
156{T} did add the supported language [mh]
157{T} did add the supported language [mn]
158{T} did add the supported language [na]
159{T} did add the supported language [nv]
160{T} did add the supported language [nd]
161{T} did add the supported language [nr]
162{T} did add the supported language [ng]
163{T} did add the supported language [ne]
164{T} did add the supported language [se]
165{T} did add the supported language [no]
166{T} did add the supported language [nn]
167{T} did add the supported language [oc]
168{T} did add the supported language [oj]
169{T} did add the supported language [or]
170{T} did add the supported language [om]
171{T} did add the supported language [os]
172{T} did add the supported language [pi]
173{T} did add the supported language [pa]
174{T} did add the supported language [fa]
175{T} did add the supported language [pl]
176{T} did add the supported language [pt]
177{T} did add the supported language [ps]
178{T} did add the supported language [qu]
179{T} did add the supported language [ro]
180{T} did add the supported language [rm]
181{T} did add the supported language [rn]
182{T} did add the supported language [ru]
183{T} did add the supported language [sm]
184{T} did add the supported language [sg]
185{T} did add the supported language [sa]
186{T} did add the supported language [sc]
187{T} did add the supported language [sr]
188{T} did add the supported language [sn]
189{T} did add the supported language [ii]
190{T} did add the supported language [sd]
191{T} did add the supported language [si]
192{T} did add the supported language [sk]
193{T} did add the supported language [sl]
194{T} did add the supported language [so]
195{T} did add the supported language [st]
196{T} did add the supported language [es]
197{T} did add the supported language [su]
198{T} did add the supported language [sw]
199{T} did add the supported language [ss]
200{T} did add the supported language [sv]
201{T} did add the supported language [tl]
202{T} did add the supported language [ty]
203{T} did add the supported language [tg]
204{T} did add the supported language [ta]
205{T} did add the supported language [tt]
206{T} did add the supported language [te]
207{T} did add the supported language [th]
208{T} did add the supported language [bo]
209{T} did add the supported language [ti]
210{T} did add the supported language [to]
211{T} did add the supported language [ts]
212{T} did add the supported language [tn]
213{T} did add the supported language [tr]
214{T} did add the supported language [tk]
215{T} did add the supported language [tw]
216{T} did add the supported language [ug]
217{T} did add the supported language [uk]
218{T} did add the supported language [ur]
219{T} did add the supported language [uz]
220{T} did add the supported language [ve]
221{T} did add the supported language [vi]
222{T} did add the supported language [vo]
223{T} did add the supported language [wa]
224{T} did add the supported language [cy]
225{T} did add the supported language [fy]
226{T} did add the supported language [wo]
227{T} did add the supported language [xh]
228{T} did add the supported language [yi]
229{T} did add the supported language [yo]
230{T} did add the supported language [za]
231{T} did add the supported language [zu]
232{D} derived system default language [de]
233{D} set preferred language [de]
234{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] did add 181 supported languages
235{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will populate 11 pkg categories
236{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will populate 5 rating stabilities
237{I} [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] did process data
238{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
239{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] not started
240{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] not started
241{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] not started
242{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] not started
243{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
244{I} [Node<LocalPkgDataLoadProcess>] initiating
245{I} [Node<LocalPkgDataLoadProcess>] starting process
246{D} [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] will refresh the package list
247{D} [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [BeSly Software Solutions] identifier; [tag:besly.de,2020:happy]
248{D} [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [Haiku] identifier; [https://hpkg.haiku-os.org/haiku/master/x86_64/current]
249{D} [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [HaikuPorts] identifier; [https://hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/x86_64/current]
250{D} [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [KapiX's Depot] identifier; [<http://haiku.kacperkasper.pl/repo/x86_64>]
251{I} adding process coordinator [UserDetailVerifier] to the queue
252{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] not started
253{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] not started
254{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
255{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] not started
256{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] not started
257{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] not started
258{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] not started
259{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
260{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
261{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] not started
262{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] not started
263{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
264{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] not started
265{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] not started
266{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] not started
267{T} [Coordinator] all predecessors not complete -> [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] not started
268{T} pkg [lbackup] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
269{T} pkg [tutorialfinder] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
270{T} pkg [bashhistoryswitcher] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
271{T} pkg [dateimeister] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
272{T} pkg [masspictureconverter] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
273{T} pkg [multiracer] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
274{T} pkg [repomaker] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
275{T} pkg [solitair] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
276{T} pkg [hermes] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
277{T} pkg [officetemplates] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
278{T} pkg [yabze] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
279{T} pkg [shufflepicture] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
280{T} pkg [ink] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
281{T} pkg [inform] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
282{T} pkg [mrega] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
283{T} pkg [shufflenumbers] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
284{T} pkg [colorsequence] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
285{T} pkg [hiqdock] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
286{T} pkg [systemanalysistool] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
287{T} pkg [spriteeditor] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
288{T} pkg [hpkgcreator] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
289{T} pkg [oxo] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
290{T} pkg [listlib] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
291{T} pkg [firststeps] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
292{T} pkg [kids] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
293{T} pkg [libqt4] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
294{T} pkg [colorme] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
295{T} pkg [imagemagickgui] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
296{T} pkg [frotz] assigned to [BeSly Software Solutions]
297{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_fur] assigned to [Haiku]
298{T} pkg [haiku_loader] assigned to [Haiku]
299{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_es] assigned to [Haiku]
300{T} pkg [haiku_extras] assigned to [Haiku]
301{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_it] assigned to [Haiku]
302{T} pkg [webpositive] assigned to [Haiku]
303{T} pkg [makefile_engine] assigned to [Haiku]
304{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_fi] assigned to [Haiku]
305{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_ro] assigned to [Haiku]
306{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_jp] assigned to [Haiku]
307{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_ca] assigned to [Haiku]
308{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_fr] assigned to [Haiku]
309{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_pt_br] assigned to [Haiku]
310{T} pkg [userland_fs] assigned to [Haiku]
311{T} pkg [netfs] assigned to [Haiku]
312{T} pkg [haiku_source] assigned to [Haiku]
313{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_ru] assigned to [Haiku]
314{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_sv_se] assigned to [Haiku]
315{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_sk] assigned to [Haiku]
316{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_zh_cn] assigned to [Haiku]
317{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_de] assigned to [Haiku]
318{T} pkg [haiku] assigned to [Haiku]
319{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_pl] assigned to [Haiku]
320{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_tr] assigned to [Haiku]
321{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_id] assigned to [Haiku]
322{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_pt_pt] assigned to [Haiku]
323{T} pkg [haiku_welcome] assigned to [Haiku]
324{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_hu] assigned to [Haiku]
325{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_uk] assigned to [Haiku]
326{T} pkg [haiku_devel] assigned to [Haiku]
327{T} pkg [haiku_userguide_en] assigned to [Haiku]
328{T} pkg [pluggy_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
329{T} pkg [dateutil_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
330{T} pkg [jdtranslationhelper_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
331{T} pkg [kbuild] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
332{T} pkg [guile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
333{T} pkg [astyle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
334{T} pkg [gifsicle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
335{T} pkg [libsvm_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
336{T} pkg [quilt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
337{T} pkg [ubuntu_font_family] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
338{T} pkg [assimp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
339{T} pkg [libnsbmp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
340{T} pkg [pybind11] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
341{T} pkg [libfreehand] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
342{T} pkg [linaro_qemu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
343{T} pkg [hyperfine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
344{T} pkg [solitaire_mahjong] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
345{T} pkg [arduino] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
346{T} pkg [protobuf21] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
347{T} pkg [lateef_font] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
348{T} pkg [lynx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
349{T} pkg [nginx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
350{T} pkg [tzlocal_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
351{T} pkg [vision] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
352{T} pkg [requests_futures_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
353{T} pkg [unicorn_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
354{T} pkg [qemu_ppc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
355{T} pkg [enum34] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
356{T} pkg [polib_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
357{T} pkg [babel_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
358{T} pkg [pyasn1_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
359{T} pkg [pyqt5_sip_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
360{T} pkg [pillow_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
361{T} pkg [wrapt_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
362{T} pkg [pluggy_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
363{T} pkg [smmap_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
364{T} pkg [polib_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
365{T} pkg [decorator_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
366{T} pkg [urwid_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
367{T} pkg [pycparser_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
368{T} pkg [jdtranslationhelper_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
369{T} pkg [jdtranslationhelper_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
370{T} pkg [pluggy_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
371{T} pkg [pycparser_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
372{T} pkg [smmap_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
373{T} pkg [babel_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
374{T} pkg [pillow_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
375{T} pkg [wrapt_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
376{T} pkg [urwid_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
377{T} pkg [pyqt5_sip_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
378{T} pkg [pyasn1_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
379{T} pkg [decorator_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
380{T} pkg [polib_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
381{T} pkg [eiskaltdcpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
382{T} pkg [r] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
383{T} pkg [libgit2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
384{T} pkg [essays1743] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
385{T} pkg [bcrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
386{T} pkg [mcrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
387{T} pkg [serious_sam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
388{T} pkg [calligraplan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
389{T} pkg [antiword] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
390{T} pkg [tesseract_data_urd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
391{T} pkg [ant_core] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
392{T} pkg [booksorg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
393{T} pkg [cairo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
394{T} pkg [lpairs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
395{T} pkg [simutrans_pak64] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
396{T} pkg [befar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
397{T} pkg [libsanta_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
398{T} pkg [myspell_kv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
399{T} pkg [getopt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
400{T} pkg [libexif_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
401{T} pkg [an_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
402{T} pkg [global_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
403{T} pkg [tidy57_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
404{T} pkg [privoxy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
405{T} pkg [guile1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
406{T} pkg [libxaw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
407{T} pkg [expat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
408{T} pkg [texinfo4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
409{T} pkg [libao_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
410{T} pkg [libtheora_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
411{T} pkg [libwps_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
412{T} pkg [muparser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
413{T} pkg [re2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
414{T} pkg [gemrb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
415{T} pkg [povray_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
416{T} pkg [lua51_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
417{T} pkg [libyajl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
418{T} pkg [orc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
419{T} pkg [flare_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
420{T} pkg [libtar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
421{T} pkg [libquicktime_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
422{T} pkg [serious_sam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
423{T} pkg [libxau_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
424{T} pkg [log4cxx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
425{T} pkg [kdevelop_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
426{T} pkg [qscintilla_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
427{T} pkg [openexr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
428{T} pkg [tar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
429{T} pkg [aquaskk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
430{T} pkg [alienblaster_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
431{T} pkg [cram_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
432{T} pkg [mednafen_pcfx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
433{T} pkg [bc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
434{T} pkg [arc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
435{T} pkg [puri_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
436{T} pkg [libxdmcp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
437{T} pkg [bam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
438{T} pkg [lua52_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
439{T} pkg [libmcrypt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
440{T} pkg [uqm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
441{T} pkg [docbook_xsl_stylesheets_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
442{T} pkg [uri_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
443{T} pkg [picard_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
444{T} pkg [dcraw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
445{T} pkg [sword_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
446{T} pkg [docutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
447{T} pkg [libid3tag_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
448{T} pkg [libmpeg2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
449{T} pkg [serf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
450{T} pkg [clementine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
451{T} pkg [re2c_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
452{T} pkg [gptfdisk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
453{T} pkg [iperf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
454{T} pkg [debugmonitor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
455{T} pkg [libraw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
456{T} pkg [libsdl2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
457{T} pkg [okular_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
458{T} pkg [bat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
459{T} pkg [lizard_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
460{T} pkg [randomizer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
461{T} pkg [scintilla_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
462{T} pkg [jam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
463{T} pkg [openjk_academy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
464{T} pkg [bcrypt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
465{T} pkg [watchdog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
466{T} pkg [future_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
467{T} pkg [libavif_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
468{T} pkg [mednafen_psx_hw_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
469{T} pkg [dmtx_utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
470{T} pkg [libxext_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
471{T} pkg [tbb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
472{T} pkg [setuptools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
473{T} pkg [tbe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
474{T} pkg [pari_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
475{T} pkg [gperf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
476{T} pkg [unrar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
477{T} pkg [kconfig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
478{T} pkg [qtav_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
479{T} pkg [apr_util_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
480{T} pkg [gdal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
481{T} pkg [wizznic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
482{T} pkg [guitar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
483{T} pkg [openal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
484{T} pkg [botan_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
485{T} pkg [konfetti_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
486{T} pkg [zpaq_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
487{T} pkg [libgcrypt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
488{T} pkg [xar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
489{T} pkg [mimetic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
490{T} pkg [libparserutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
491{T} pkg [gish] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
492{T} pkg [qelectrotech] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
493{T} pkg [libnspsl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
494{T} pkg [caveexpress] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
495{T} pkg [openjk_outcast] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
496{T} pkg [pycrypto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
497{T} pkg [fontsproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
498{T} pkg [libmspub] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
499{T} pkg [pytz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
500{T} pkg [curl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
501{T} pkg [libxext_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
502{T} pkg [libprefs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
503{T} pkg [libavif_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
504{T} pkg [kauth_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
505{T} pkg [libircclient_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
506{T} pkg [openexr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
507{T} pkg [libmpeg2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
508{T} pkg [qscintilla_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
509{T} pkg [glew1_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
510{T} pkg [libcdio_paranoia_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
511{T} pkg [sdl2_ttf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
512{T} pkg [kconfig_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
513{T} pkg [aspell_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
514{T} pkg [csound_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
515{T} pkg [libelf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
516{T} pkg [nuspell_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
517{T} pkg [mujs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
518{T} pkg [kguiaddons_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
519{T} pkg [neon_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
520{T} pkg [gtest_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
521{T} pkg [speexdsp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
522{T} pkg [nodejs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
523{T} pkg [kglobalaccel_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
524{T} pkg [apr_util_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
525{T} pkg [libffi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
526{T} pkg [ykpers_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
527{T} pkg [libspectrum] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
528{T} pkg [pyqt_builder] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
529{T} pkg [guitarmaster] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
530{T} pkg [extreme_tuxracer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
531{T} pkg [commandtimer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
532{T} pkg [desknotes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
533{T} pkg [libgeotiff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
534{T} pkg [imagemagick7_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
535{T} pkg [chessx_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
536{T} pkg [libxinerama_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
537{T} pkg [libxfont_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
538{T} pkg [hwloc2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
539{T} pkg [cutemarked_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
540{T} pkg [pugixml_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
541{T} pkg [libxdmcp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
542{T} pkg [xxhash_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
543{T} pkg [tesseract_data_vie] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
544{T} pkg [keychain] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
545{T} pkg [defendguin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
546{T} pkg [texstudio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
547{T} pkg [unzip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
548{T} pkg [libzip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
549{T} pkg [lzip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
550{T} pkg [lrzip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
551{T} pkg [zip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
552{T} pkg [tesseract_data_uzb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
553{T} pkg [luajit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
554{T} pkg [apply_defaults_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
555{T} pkg [voluptuous_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
556{T} pkg [atomicwrites_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
557{T} pkg [msgpack_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
558{T} pkg [requests_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
559{T} pkg [libcuefile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
560{T} pkg [deeperpeople] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
561{T} pkg [libsndfile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
562{T} pkg [libxkbfile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
563{T} pkg [kristall] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
564{T} pkg [pylzma] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
565{T} pkg [libnsutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
566{T} pkg [bencode_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
567{T} pkg [openjdk11_default] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
568{T} pkg [fontawesome] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
569{T} pkg [courier_prime] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
570{T} pkg [libzmf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
571{T} pkg [texi2html] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
572{T} pkg [libupnp15] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
573{T} pkg [gif2apng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
574{T} pkg [ksyntax_highlighting] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
575{T} pkg [simutrans_pak128] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
576{T} pkg [libsvgtiny] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
577{T} pkg [gitpython] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
578{T} pkg [pychart_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
579{T} pkg [pycrypto_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
580{T} pkg [lzop] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
581{T} pkg [qt_creator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
582{T} pkg [decorator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
583{T} pkg [miniupnpc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
584{T} pkg [css_parser_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
585{T} pkg [gitdb_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
586{T} pkg [gitdb_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
587{T} pkg [css_parser_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
588{T} pkg [digikam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
589{T} pkg [sdllopan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
590{T} pkg [gcc_fortran] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
591{T} pkg [tuxtype2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
592{T} pkg [lskat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
593{T} pkg [tesseract_data_aze_cyrl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
594{T} pkg [flickcurl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
595{T} pkg [vollkorn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
596{T} pkg [source_pro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
597{T} pkg [melonds_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
598{T} pkg [librepcb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
599{T} pkg [xdg_utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
600{T} pkg [alembic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
601{T} pkg [dmidecode_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
602{T} pkg [colors_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
603{T} pkg [patchutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
604{T} pkg [nose_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
605{T} pkg [sdcc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
606{T} pkg [libgsf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
607{T} pkg [distcc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
608{T} pkg [scotch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
609{T} pkg [mhash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
610{T} pkg [pyqt_builder_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
611{T} pkg [gish_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
612{T} pkg [libcdio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
613{T} pkg [pandas_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
614{T} pkg [fuse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
615{T} pkg [libfreehand_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
616{T} pkg [fritzing_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
617{T} pkg [automake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
618{T} pkg [aquaria_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
619{T} pkg [apitrace] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
620{T} pkg [dash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
621{T} pkg [exiv2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
622{T} pkg [xxhash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
623{T} pkg [pycurl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
624{T} pkg [libmspub_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
625{T} pkg [copynametoclipboard_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
626{T} pkg [libdca_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
627{T} pkg [patch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
628{T} pkg [schroedinger_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
629{T} pkg [pbr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
630{T} pkg [libssh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
631{T} pkg [superfreecell_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
632{T} pkg [apply_defaults_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
633{T} pkg [gdbm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
634{T} pkg [handbrake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
635{T} pkg [paladin_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
636{T} pkg [mesa_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
637{T} pkg [pfetch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
638{T} pkg [admesh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
639{T} pkg [eternal_lands_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
640{T} pkg [lazy_object_proxy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
641{T} pkg [perl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
642{T} pkg [mksh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
643{T} pkg [libxcb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
644{T} pkg [lugaru_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
645{T} pkg [djvulibre_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
646{T} pkg [calligraplan_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
647{T} pkg [cmark_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
648{T} pkg [arj_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
649{T} pkg [bash_completion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
650{T} pkg [libxcomposite_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
651{T} pkg [srm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
652{T} pkg [audiofile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
653{T} pkg [curl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
654{T} pkg [cd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
655{T} pkg [midikeyboard_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
656{T} pkg [yarl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
657{T} pkg [kdnssd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
658{T} pkg [netpbm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
659{T} pkg [icu66_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
660{T} pkg [fcrm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
661{T} pkg [tiff4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
662{T} pkg [hdf5_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
663{T} pkg [haproxy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
664{T} pkg [libburndevice_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
665{T} pkg [gettext_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
666{T} pkg [mosh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
667{T} pkg [wireshark_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
668{T} pkg [rhash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
669{T} pkg [kcrash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
670{T} pkg [cairo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
671{T} pkg [xa65_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
672{T} pkg [libusb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
673{T} pkg [ykpers_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
674{T} pkg [enca_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
675{T} pkg [pcsx_rearmed_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
676{T} pkg [irssi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
677{T} pkg [bash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
678{T} pkg [drawpile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
679{T} pkg [unarr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
680{T} pkg [zsh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
681{T} pkg [libpurple_finch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
682{T} pkg [calc_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
683{T} pkg [cssselect] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
684{T} pkg [lrzsz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
685{T} pkg [myspell_udm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
686{T} pkg [fluidsynth2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
687{T} pkg [bin86] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
688{T} pkg [libevent_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
689{T} pkg [libfmt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
690{T} pkg [zopfli_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
691{T} pkg [fftw_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
692{T} pkg [sdl2_image_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
693{T} pkg [uchardet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
694{T} pkg [gstreamer_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
695{T} pkg [qtkeychain_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
696{T} pkg [libfpx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
697{T} pkg [mpfr3_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
698{T} pkg [libsoundtouch_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
699{T} pkg [openldap_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
700{T} pkg [libgit2_25_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
701{T} pkg [gst_plugins_bad_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
702{T} pkg [devil_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
703{T} pkg [unibilium_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
704{T} pkg [libmwaw_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
705{T} pkg [opensubdiv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
706{T} pkg [libatomic_ops_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
707{T} pkg [jbig2dec_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
708{T} pkg [lftp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
709{T} pkg [libpng16_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
710{T} pkg [kwindowsystem] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
711{T} pkg [vcdimager] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
712{T} pkg [helpviewer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
713{T} pkg [vncserver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
714{T} pkg [libpaper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
715{T} pkg [granatier] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
716{T} pkg [libvncserver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
717{T} pkg [seeker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
718{T} pkg [universalscroller] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
719{T} pkg [otter_browser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
720{T} pkg [aiksaurus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
721{T} pkg [libbdplus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
722{T} pkg [lighttpd_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
723{T} pkg [benchmark_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
724{T} pkg [libxkbfile_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
725{T} pkg [cutycapt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
726{T} pkg [nghttp2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
727{T} pkg [opencascade_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
728{T} pkg [boehm_gc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
729{T} pkg [coverage] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
730{T} pkg [file_next] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
731{T} pkg [cryptography] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
732{T} pkg [qtpbfimageplugin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
733{T} pkg [p11_kit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
734{T} pkg [jbigkit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
735{T} pkg [teckit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
736{T} pkg [iniconfig_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
737{T} pkg [jsonschema_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
738{T} pkg [mechanize_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
739{T} pkg [abstrakt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
740{T} pkg [libparserutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
741{T} pkg [hdf5_103] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
742{T} pkg [kitemmodels] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
743{T} pkg [opencv_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
744{T} pkg [openal_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
745{T} pkg [scummvm_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
746{T} pkg [penguin_command] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
747{T} pkg [jsoncpp22] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
748{T} pkg [open_sans] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
749{T} pkg [nanumfont] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
750{T} pkg [rdflib_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
751{T} pkg [sablotron] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
752{T} pkg [bash_completion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
753{T} pkg [rapidjson] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
754{T} pkg [freedroidrpg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
755{T} pkg [async_timeout_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
756{T} pkg [async_timeout_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
757{T} pkg [dukpy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
758{T} pkg [guile1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
759{T} pkg [okular] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
760{T} pkg [libclaw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
761{T} pkg [imageplay] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
762{T} pkg [tesseract_data_uzb_cyrl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
763{T} pkg [nasm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
764{T} pkg [kdesignerplugin_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
765{T} pkg [atf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
766{T} pkg [cadaver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
767{T} pkg [redasm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
768{T} pkg [minisign_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
769{T} pkg [libmikmod_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
770{T} pkg [iniparse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
771{T} pkg [chardet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
772{T} pkg [bakefile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
773{T} pkg [vamp_plugin_sdk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
774{T} pkg [blobbyvolley2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
775{T} pkg [gsasl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
776{T} pkg [cdrtools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
777{T} pkg [kate_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
778{T} pkg [krita_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
779{T} pkg [libasr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
780{T} pkg [futures_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
781{T} pkg [osl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
782{T} pkg [amath_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
783{T} pkg [dbuspython_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
784{T} pkg [gitdb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
785{T} pkg [mdate_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
786{T} pkg [jdtextedit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
787{T} pkg [kwrite_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
788{T} pkg [kstars_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
789{T} pkg [xpdf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
790{T} pkg [kross_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
791{T} pkg [isl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
792{T} pkg [gdata_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
793{T} pkg [fontconfig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
794{T} pkg [simsu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
795{T} pkg [yasm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
796{T} pkg [lpairs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
797{T} pkg [paperkey_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
798{T} pkg [soupsieve_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
799{T} pkg [mednafen_supergrafx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
800{T} pkg [bemines_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
801{T} pkg [fheroes2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
802{T} pkg [pyopenssl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
803{T} pkg [fuse_utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
804{T} pkg [smooth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
805{T} pkg [dvdauthor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
806{T} pkg [binutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
807{T} pkg [asciinema_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
808{T} pkg [krdc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
809{T} pkg [fastdep_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
810{T} pkg [chessx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
811{T} pkg [mupdf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
812{T} pkg [libtorrent_rasterbar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
813{T} pkg [glew1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
814{T} pkg [libxcm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
815{T} pkg [dosfstools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
816{T} pkg [blender_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
817{T} pkg [aspell_lt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
818{T} pkg [64tass_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
819{T} pkg [geoipupdate_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
820{T} pkg [zstd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
821{T} pkg [flite_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
822{T} pkg [libsamplerate_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
823{T} pkg [webencodings_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
824{T} pkg [bepdf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
825{T} pkg [iasl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
826{T} pkg [libgphoto2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
827{T} pkg [kdiff3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
828{T} pkg [gdk_pixbuf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
829{T} pkg [pytest_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
830{T} pkg [less_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
831{T} pkg [sqlite_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
832{T} pkg [gtest_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
833{T} pkg [opencv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
834{T} pkg [db_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
835{T} pkg [tcl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
836{T} pkg [kauth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
837{T} pkg [gsl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
838{T} pkg [libfprint_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
839{T} pkg [burnitnow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
840{T} pkg [screenfetch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
841{T} pkg [mksh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
842{T} pkg [pyopenssl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
843{T} pkg [inconsolata] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
844{T} pkg [pciutils_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
845{T} pkg [libsanta] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
846{T} pkg [leveldb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
847{T} pkg [qrencode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
848{T} pkg [dukto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
849{T} pkg [pygments] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
850{T} pkg [qsolocards] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
851{T} pkg [libgsf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
852{T} pkg [audacious_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
853{T} pkg [mythes_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
854{T} pkg [kxmlgui_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
855{T} pkg [util_linux_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
856{T} pkg [oniguruma_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
857{T} pkg [libyubikey_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
858{T} pkg [ladspa_sdk_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
859{T} pkg [hunspell_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
860{T} pkg [gpgme_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
861{T} pkg [libtorrent_rasterbar_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
862{T} pkg [gmp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
863{T} pkg [discount_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
864{T} pkg [libvisio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
865{T} pkg [farmhash_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
866{T} pkg [glu_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
867{T} pkg [hyphen_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
868{T} pkg [gsl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
869{T} pkg [sdl_image_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
870{T} pkg [libexif_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
871{T} pkg [libsodium] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
872{T} pkg [libepubgen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
873{T} pkg [filer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
874{T} pkg [wordgrinder] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
875{T} pkg [minesweeper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
876{T} pkg [bebuilder] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
877{T} pkg [timetracker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
878{T} pkg [openjdk11_sources] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
879{T} pkg [diskus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
880{T} pkg [toilet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
881{T} pkg [figlet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
882{T} pkg [glew] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
883{T} pkg [avidemux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
884{T} pkg [slimevolley] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
885{T} pkg [alien_svn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
886{T} pkg [libepubgen_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
887{T} pkg [bullet_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
888{T} pkg [qmdnsengine_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
889{T} pkg [tesseract_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
890{T} pkg [freetype_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
891{T} pkg [speexdsp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
892{T} pkg [unarr_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
893{T} pkg [suitesparse_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
894{T} pkg [findutils_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
895{T} pkg [libdvbpsi_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
896{T} pkg [eduke32_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
897{T} pkg [libpurple_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
898{T} pkg [diffutils_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
899{T} pkg [taglib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
900{T} pkg [glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
901{T} pkg [aalib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
902{T} pkg [gnulib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
903{T} pkg [alglib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
904{T} pkg [id3lib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
905{T} pkg [wcslib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
906{T} pkg [polib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
907{T} pkg [chmlib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
908{T} pkg [hamlib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
909{T} pkg [solid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
910{T} pkg [streamradio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
911{T} pkg [dos2unix] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
912{T} pkg [cryptography_vectors_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
913{T} pkg [zope_interface_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
914{T} pkg [pycurl_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
915{T} pkg [aiohttp_socks_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
916{T} pkg [ecdsa_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
917{T} pkg [packaging_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
918{T} pkg [aiohttp_socks] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
919{T} pkg [wolle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
920{T} pkg [speedtest_cli] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
921{T} pkg [cantarell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
922{T} pkg [hello] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
923{T} pkg [opus_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
924{T} pkg [wcstools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
925{T} pkg [more_itertools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
926{T} pkg [findutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
927{T} pkg [lm4tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
928{T} pkg [kdiamond] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
929{T} pkg [dumb2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
930{T} pkg [hwloc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
931{T} pkg [libcaca_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
932{T} pkg [jsonrpcclient] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
933{T} pkg [openexr25] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
934{T} pkg [libiconv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
935{T} pkg [dialog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
936{T} pkg [glog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
937{T} pkg [hdialog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
938{T} pkg [cffi_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
939{T} pkg [pytz_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
940{T} pkg [pygments_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
941{T} pkg [regex_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
942{T} pkg [pyenchant_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
943{T} pkg [pyqt_builder_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
944{T} pkg [regex_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
945{T} pkg [pyqt_builder_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
946{T} pkg [pyenchant_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
947{T} pkg [poppler076_qt5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
948{T} pkg [poppler066_qt5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
949{T} pkg [poppler062_qt5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
950{T} pkg [puckman] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
951{T} pkg [snowman] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
952{T} pkg [smmap] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
953{T} pkg [libfm_extra] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
954{T} pkg [samba] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
955{T} pkg [mednafen_pce_fast_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
956{T} pkg [blis060] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
957{T} pkg [libnumbertext_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
958{T} pkg [lingua_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
959{T} pkg [ytdl_gui_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
960{T} pkg [pegtl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
961{T} pkg [poppler_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
962{T} pkg [ppviewer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
963{T} pkg [advancemame_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
964{T} pkg [mechanize_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
965{T} pkg [jpeg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
966{T} pkg [freetype_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
967{T} pkg [udis86_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
968{T} pkg [blogpositive_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
969{T} pkg [tldr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
970{T} pkg [hstr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
971{T} pkg [alex4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
972{T} pkg [kyua_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
973{T} pkg [sanity_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
974{T} pkg [xcmiscproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
975{T} pkg [tree_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
976{T} pkg [kservice_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
977{T} pkg [libertine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
978{T} pkg [dukto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
979{T} pkg [ponpokodiff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
980{T} pkg [smpeg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
981{T} pkg [mutt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
982{T} pkg [libcss_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
983{T} pkg [mygui_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
984{T} pkg [mdds_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
985{T} pkg [kwallet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
986{T} pkg [mtr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
987{T} pkg [multimarkdown_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
988{T} pkg [libmtp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
989{T} pkg [vmware_addons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
990{T} pkg [kreversi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
991{T} pkg [libdaemon_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
992{T} pkg [cegui_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
993{T} pkg [cubeb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
994{T} pkg [psi_plus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
995{T} pkg [imageplay_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
996{T} pkg [alembic_py_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
997{T} pkg [maeparser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
998{T} pkg [ed_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
999{T} pkg [iniconfig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1000{T} pkg [ifaddr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1001{T} pkg [librsvg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1002{T} pkg [ffmpeg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1003{T} pkg [libmicrohttpd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1004{T} pkg [pathtools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1005{T} pkg [lpeg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1006{T} pkg [dcadec_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1007{T} pkg [ripgrep_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1008{T} pkg [libmp4v2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1009{T} pkg [ccfits_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1010{T} pkg [a52dec_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1011{T} pkg [atk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1012{T} pkg [libdv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1013{T} pkg [aspell_it_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1014{T} pkg [embree_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1015{T} pkg [libotr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1016{T} pkg [tipster_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1017{T} pkg [pcmanfm_qt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1018{T} pkg [berdp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1019{T} pkg [libsoup_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1020{T} pkg [exiftool_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1021{T} pkg [jed_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1022{T} pkg [cryptography_vectors_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1023{T} pkg [kded_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1024{T} pkg [pax_utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1025{T} pkg [synergy_haiku_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1026{T} pkg [stlover_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1027{T} pkg [numpy_python_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1028{T} pkg [kqlives_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1029{T} pkg [scipy_python_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1030{T} pkg [xmoto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1031{T} pkg [sdl_net_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1032{T} pkg [xerces_c_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1033{T} pkg [luacheck_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1034{T} pkg [libass_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1035{T} pkg [haikuwebsearch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1036{T} pkg [yab_buildfactory] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1037{T} pkg [xdelta] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1038{T} pkg [numptyphysics] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1039{T} pkg [firacode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1040{T} pkg [scriptureguide] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1041{T} pkg [x265_179] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1042{T} pkg [xmlto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1043{T} pkg [libopenmpt_modplug] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1044{T} pkg [aria2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1045{T} pkg [libidn_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1046{T} pkg [gutenprint9_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1047{T} pkg [fribidi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1048{T} pkg [attica_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1049{T} pkg [libtasn1_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1050{T} pkg [libpcre2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1051{T} pkg [hqx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1052{T} pkg [strigi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1053{T} pkg [libice_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1054{T} pkg [tinyxml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1055{T} pkg [imlib2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1056{T} pkg [libusb_compat_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1057{T} pkg [libnice_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1058{T} pkg [glib2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1059{T} pkg [kwidgetsaddons_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1060{T} pkg [gutenprint8_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1061{T} pkg [pugixml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1062{T} pkg [kdiagram_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1063{T} pkg [libidl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1064{T} pkg [libwapcaplet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1065{T} pkg [wxqt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1066{T} pkg [autotrace_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1067{T} pkg [mxml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1068{T} pkg [libu2f_host_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1069{T} pkg [tidy_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1070{T} pkg [asylum] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1071{T} pkg [ubertuber] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1072{T} pkg [sqlitebrowser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1073{T} pkg [heimer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1074{T} pkg [qutebrowser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1075{T} pkg [photograbber] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1076{T} pkg [sdl_bomber] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1077{T} pkg [themes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1078{T} pkg [sdl2_net] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1079{T} pkg [lpsolve] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1080{T} pkg [which_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1081{T} pkg [pkgconf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1082{T} pkg [openoriginpackage] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1083{T} pkg [unittest++] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1084{T} pkg [billardgl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1085{T} pkg [pyopengl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1086{T} pkg [libusbmuxd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1087{T} pkg [gmic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1088{T} pkg [katomic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1089{T} pkg [html2text] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1090{T} pkg [tesseract_data_yid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1091{T} pkg [knotifyconfig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1092{T} pkg [libreoffice_sa_in] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1093{T} pkg [libcmis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1094{T} pkg [arx_libertatis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1095{T} pkg [mechanize] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1096{T} pkg [pyasn1_modules_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1097{T} pkg [zipp_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1098{T} pkg [module_build] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1099{T} pkg [asciinema] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1100{T} pkg [cdrtools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1101{T} pkg [jasper_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1102{T} pkg [ffmpeg_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1103{T} pkg [qmmp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1104{T} pkg [libdvbpsi12] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1105{T} pkg [autoconf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1106{T} pkg [sqlalchemy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1107{T} pkg [openclonk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1108{T} pkg [mpg123] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1109{T} pkg [flac123] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1110{T} pkg [json_c] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1111{T} pkg [mikmod] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1112{T} pkg [lemon] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1113{T} pkg [frozendict_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1114{T} pkg [git_daemon] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1115{T} pkg [argh_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1116{T} pkg [tremor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1117{T} pkg [skympc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1118{T} pkg [libmicrohttpd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1119{T} pkg [stegsnow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1120{T} pkg [pythonzeroconf_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1121{T} pkg [pythonzeroconf_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1122{T} pkg [ginac] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1123{T} pkg [libdvdread] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1124{T} pkg [numpy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1125{T} pkg [openal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1126{T} pkg [supermariowar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1127{T} pkg [gemrb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1128{T} pkg [graphite2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1129{T} pkg [openjdk8_jre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1130{T} pkg [dosbox_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1131{T} pkg [gearboy_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1132{T} pkg [freeintv_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1133{T} pkg [enca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1134{T} pkg [scintilla_lexers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1135{T} pkg [flatbuffers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1136{T} pkg [sidreloc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1137{T} pkg [photivo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1138{T} pkg [libcroco_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1139{T} pkg [enet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1140{T} pkg [octave_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1141{T} pkg [scummvm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1142{T} pkg [toner_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1143{T} pkg [kwave_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1144{T} pkg [glew_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1145{T} pkg [libffi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1146{T} pkg [aiorpcx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1147{T} pkg [xineramaproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1148{T} pkg [querywatcher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1149{T} pkg [protobuf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1150{T} pkg [axel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1151{T} pkg [sonnet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1152{T} pkg [mudlet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1153{T} pkg [linaro_qemu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1154{T} pkg [jasper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1155{T} pkg [romannumbers_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1156{T} pkg [wakeup_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1157{T} pkg [ugrep_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1158{T} pkg [ptex_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1159{T} pkg [ansiweather_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1160{T} pkg [alivejournal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1161{T} pkg [caffe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1162{T} pkg [janet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1163{T} pkg [hyphen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1164{T} pkg [diffutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1165{T} pkg [fifechan_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1166{T} pkg [uploadit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1167{T} pkg [netpulse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1168{T} pkg [extreme_tuxracer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1169{T} pkg [c_ares_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1170{T} pkg [supermariowar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1171{T} pkg [finance] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1172{T} pkg [grep_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1173{T} pkg [babel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1174{T} pkg [qwinff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1175{T} pkg [libunibreak_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1176{T} pkg [koder_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1177{T} pkg [avisynthplus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1178{T} pkg [libev_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1179{T} pkg [opencolorio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1180{T} pkg [autoconf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1181{T} pkg [milkytracker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1182{T} pkg [kxmlgui_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1183{T} pkg [fdupes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1184{T} pkg [fff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1185{T} pkg [pyrsistent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1186{T} pkg [warmux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1187{T} pkg [hugs98_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1188{T} pkg [corsix_th_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1189{T} pkg [pygments_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1190{T} pkg [step_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1191{T} pkg [texinfo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1192{T} pkg [nfd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1193{T} pkg [orcus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1194{T} pkg [filer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1195{T} pkg [pycares_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1196{T} pkg [xa65] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1197{T} pkg [stegsnow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1198{T} pkg [libmatroska6_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1199{T} pkg [kovel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1200{T} pkg [clipdinger_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1201{T} pkg [msieve_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1202{T} pkg [cffi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1203{T} pkg [vacuum_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1204{T} pkg [geos372_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1205{T} pkg [curaengine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1206{T} pkg [cutter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1207{T} pkg [diskus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1208{T} pkg [beezer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1209{T} pkg [tmux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1210{T} pkg [cython_python3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1211{T} pkg [lgrep_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1212{T} pkg [pyenet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1213{T} pkg [mercurial_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1214{T} pkg [valentina_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1215{T} pkg [autoconf264_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1216{T} pkg [openmortal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1217{T} pkg [libnspsl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1218{T} pkg [libinstpatch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1219{T} pkg [es_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1220{T} pkg [extra_cmake_modules_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1221{T} pkg [icoutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1222{T} pkg [quimup_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1223{T} pkg [cmus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1224{T} pkg [festival_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1225{T} pkg [love_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1226{T} pkg [qmplay2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1227{T} pkg [toilet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1228{T} pkg [icecast_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1229{T} pkg [flex_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1230{T} pkg [twisted_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1231{T} pkg [frotz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1232{T} pkg [clockwerk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1233{T} pkg [pytz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1234{T} pkg [yodownet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1235{T} pkg [scourge_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1236{T} pkg [kfilemetadata] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1237{T} pkg [simsu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1238{T} pkg [opencv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1239{T} pkg [liberation_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1240{T} pkg [ukijorgfonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1241{T} pkg [cyrus_sasl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1242{T} pkg [mhash_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1243{T} pkg [duktape_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1244{T} pkg [apr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1245{T} pkg [freerdp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1246{T} pkg [slang_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1247{T} pkg [libkomparediff2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1248{T} pkg [lame_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1249{T} pkg [live555_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1250{T} pkg [libraqm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1251{T} pkg [icu66_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1252{T} pkg [atf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1253{T} pkg [kunitconversion_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1254{T} pkg [kservice_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1255{T} pkg [enchant_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1256{T} pkg [libopenshot_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1257{T} pkg [hidapi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1258{T} pkg [redland_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1259{T} pkg [kcrash_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1260{T} pkg [httrack_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1261{T} pkg [libass_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1262{T} pkg [rhash_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1263{T} pkg [xxhash_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1264{T} pkg [imagemagick_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1265{T} pkg [c_ares_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1266{T} pkg [flam3_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1267{T} pkg [audiofile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1268{T} pkg [twolame_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1269{T} pkg [dragengine_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1270{T} pkg [libasr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1271{T} pkg [dbus_glib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1272{T} pkg [atk_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1273{T} pkg [kdesignerplugin_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1274{T} pkg [lizard_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1275{T} pkg [xz_utils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1276{T} pkg [unarr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1277{T} pkg [pari_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1278{T} pkg [octave_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1279{T} pkg [quimup] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1280{T} pkg [toner] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1281{T} pkg [nesalizer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1282{T} pkg [bemines] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1283{T} pkg [cmus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1284{T} pkg [klines] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1285{T} pkg [pyenet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1286{T} pkg [janet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1287{T} pkg [sdl_net] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1288{T} pkg [enet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1289{T} pkg [qwinff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1290{T} pkg [scummvm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1291{T} pkg [jamvm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1292{T} pkg [libtasn1_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1293{T} pkg [scotch_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1294{T} pkg [libsigc++3_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1295{T} pkg [libsecp256k1_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1296{T} pkg [softhsm2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1297{T} pkg [peaclock_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1298{T} pkg [tiff4_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1299{T} pkg [libodfgen_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1300{T} pkg [armadillo_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1301{T} pkg [texinfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1302{T} pkg [json_c_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1303{T} pkg [libmcrypt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1304{T} pkg [log4cxx_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1305{T} pkg [wcslib_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1306{T} pkg [radare2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1307{T} pkg [libspiro_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1308{T} pkg [libgcrypt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1309{T} pkg [libpipeline_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1310{T} pkg [cadaver_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1311{T} pkg [svt_av1_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1312{T} pkg [renga] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1313{T} pkg [pango] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1314{T} pkg [imagemagick7] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1315{T} pkg [ki18n] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1316{T} pkg [html5lib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1317{T} pkg [cronie] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1318{T} pkg [glew_util] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1319{T} pkg [opencolorio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1320{T} pkg [ninja] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1321{T} pkg [jinja] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1322{T} pkg [cppunit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1323{T} pkg [kinit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1324{T} pkg [bcunit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1325{T} pkg [libreoffice_szl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1326{T} pkg [rdflib_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1327{T} pkg [beautifulsoup_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1328{T} pkg [waitress_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1329{T} pkg [links] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1330{T} pkg [libpurple] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1331{T} pkg [conky] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1332{T} pkg [fluidsynth2_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1333{T} pkg [lxqt_build_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1334{T} pkg [libnatpmp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1335{T} pkg [canna] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1336{T} pkg [libfontenc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1337{T} pkg [qhttpengine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1338{T} pkg [qmdnsengine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1339{T} pkg [ktuberling] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1340{T} pkg [openmw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1341{T} pkg [jetbrains_mono] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1342{T} pkg [libtorrent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1343{T} pkg [libmatrix_client] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1344{T} pkg [gdata_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1345{T} pkg [futures_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1346{T} pkg [chardet_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1347{T} pkg [phonon] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1348{T} pkg [opencv_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1349{T} pkg [webencodings_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1350{T} pkg [quaternion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1351{T} pkg [pyopenssl_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1352{T} pkg [soupsieve_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1353{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ron] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1354{T} pkg [dvda_author] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1355{T} pkg [json_c4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1356{T} pkg [editorconfig_core_py_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1357{T} pkg [editorconfig_core_py_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1358{T} pkg [lbreakout2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1359{T} pkg [liblangtag] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1360{T} pkg [editorconfig_core_py] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1361{T} pkg [tesseract_data_san] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1362{T} pkg [gsoap] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1363{T} pkg [openclaw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1364{T} pkg [makeobj] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1365{T} pkg [atari800_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1366{T} pkg [easyrpg_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1367{T} pkg [db61] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1368{T} pkg [poppler062] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1369{T} pkg [noto_sans_cjk_sc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1370{T} pkg [hdf5_103_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1371{T} pkg [frozendict_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1372{T} pkg [mythes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1373{T} pkg [reminiscence_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1374{T} pkg [kcoreaddons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1375{T} pkg [cutycapt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1376{T} pkg [pypandoc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1377{T} pkg [libircclient_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1378{T} pkg [opera_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1379{T} pkg [libevent21_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1380{T} pkg [bevexed_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1381{T} pkg [libpgf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1382{T} pkg [capstone_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1383{T} pkg [qsolocards_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1384{T} pkg [robin_map_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1385{T} pkg [julius_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1386{T} pkg [renga_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1387{T} pkg [gd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1388{T} pkg [libsvm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1389{T} pkg [tuxmath_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1390{T} pkg [bovo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1391{T} pkg [kio_extras_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1392{T} pkg [libsass_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1393{T} pkg [leveldb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1394{T} pkg [libxft_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1395{T} pkg [figlet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1396{T} pkg [websocketpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1397{T} pkg [freerdp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1398{T} pkg [stfl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1399{T} pkg [penguin_command_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1400{T} pkg [mpfr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1401{T} pkg [netpulse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1402{T} pkg [cblas_reference] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1403{T} pkg [kunitconversion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1404{T} pkg [libdmtx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1405{T} pkg [recordproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1406{T} pkg [wesnoth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1407{T} pkg [klines_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1408{T} pkg [cantata_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1409{T} pkg [musepack_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1410{T} pkg [libfm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1411{T} pkg [libebml4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1412{T} pkg [primegen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1413{T} pkg [pnglite_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1414{T} pkg [util_linux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1415{T} pkg [pingus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1416{T} pkg [connectagram_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1417{T} pkg [artpaint_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1418{T} pkg [libftdi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1419{T} pkg [gottet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1420{T} pkg [dosbox_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1421{T} pkg [openvdb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1422{T} pkg [trojita_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1423{T} pkg [libcddb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1424{T} pkg [bullet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1425{T} pkg [cvs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1426{T} pkg [libkdegames_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1427{T} pkg [argh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1428{T} pkg [proxychains_ng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1429{T} pkg [libstaroffice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1430{T} pkg [liblrdf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1431{T} pkg [aspell_pl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1432{T} pkg [ja2_stracciatella_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1433{T} pkg [genesis_plus_gx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1434{T} pkg [biniax2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1435{T} pkg [freedroidrpg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1436{T} pkg [libnsgif_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1437{T} pkg [glproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1438{T} pkg [jamvm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1439{T} pkg [poppler066] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1440{T} pkg [xonsh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1441{T} pkg [libdvbpsi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1442{T} pkg [mock] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1443{T} pkg [file_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1444{T} pkg [noto_sans_cjk_tc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1445{T} pkg [poppler076] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1446{T} pkg [qrencode_kdl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1447{T} pkg [kimageformats] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1448{T} pkg [shanty] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1449{T} pkg [libssh2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1450{T} pkg [libcdio1_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1451{T} pkg [libcec_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1452{T} pkg [kjobwidgets_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1453{T} pkg [readline_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1454{T} pkg [suitesparse_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1455{T} pkg [libsrtp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1456{T} pkg [libpcap_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1457{T} pkg [dbus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1458{T} pkg [superlu_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1459{T} pkg [physfs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1460{T} pkg [kcmutils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1461{T} pkg [dav1d_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1462{T} pkg [hubbub_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1463{T} pkg [knewstuff_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1464{T} pkg [libcdio0_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1465{T} pkg [libksba_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1466{T} pkg [radare2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1467{T} pkg [netcdf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1468{T} pkg [librsync_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1469{T} pkg [opusfile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1470{T} pkg [libtimidity_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1471{T} pkg [kparts_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1472{T} pkg [libutf8proc2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1473{T} pkg [libcdr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1474{T} pkg [pciutils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1475{T} pkg [ghostscript_gpl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1476{T} pkg [uriparser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1477{T} pkg [jsonrpcserver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1478{T} pkg [bescreencapture_inputfilter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1479{T} pkg [joystickutilizer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1480{T} pkg [yacreader] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1481{T} pkg [libxrender] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1482{T} pkg [openjdk8_sources] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1483{T} pkg [openjdk12_sources] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1484{T} pkg [tesseract_data_rus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1485{T} pkg [deskbareyes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1486{T} pkg [freealut] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1487{T} pkg [primesieve] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1488{T} pkg [colordiff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1489{T} pkg [libopusenc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1490{T} pkg [libiptcdata_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1491{T} pkg [lightsoff_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1492{T} pkg [udis86_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1493{T} pkg [icecast_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1494{T} pkg [readline_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1495{T} pkg [fontforge] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1496{T} pkg [openttd_sfx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1497{T} pkg [menu_cache] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1498{T} pkg [aranym] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1499{T} pkg [idea_community_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1500{T} pkg [coin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1501{T} pkg [tesseract_data_sin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1502{T} pkg [geoip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1503{T} pkg [argon2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1504{T} pkg [slixmpp_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1505{T} pkg [pandas_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1506{T} pkg [libgphoto2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1507{T} pkg [konsole] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1508{T} pkg [tesseract_data_slk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1509{T} pkg [colm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1510{T} pkg [umbrello] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1511{T} pkg [diffutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1512{T} pkg [mtools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1513{T} pkg [musepack_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1514{T} pkg [coreutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1515{T} pkg [fstools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1516{T} pkg [libsolv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1517{T} pkg [tesseract_data_slv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1518{T} pkg [butterfly] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1519{T} pkg [kona] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1520{T} pkg [pkgconf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1521{T} pkg [getconf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1522{T} pkg [lincity_ng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1523{T} pkg [mpg321] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1524{T} pkg [sidreloc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1525{T} pkg [pycurl_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1526{T} pkg [scons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1527{T} pkg [psiconv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1528{T} pkg [libnslog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1529{T} pkg [pathtools_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1530{T} pkg [mechanize_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1531{T} pkg [cryptography_vectors_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1532{T} pkg [alembic_py_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1533{T} pkg [dnspython] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1534{T} pkg [telegram_desktop] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1535{T} pkg [kdevelop] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1536{T} pkg [tesseract_data_spa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1537{T} pkg [dvdauthor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1538{T} pkg [freetype] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1539{T} pkg [cscope] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1540{T} pkg [python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1541{T} pkg [python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1542{T} pkg [zipp_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1543{T} pkg [tzlocal_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1544{T} pkg [imagesize_py_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1545{T} pkg [tzlocal_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1546{T} pkg [zipp_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1547{T} pkg [python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1548{T} pkg [imagesize_py_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1549{T} pkg [beecrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1550{T} pkg [apngopt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1551{T} pkg [tesseract_data_sqi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1552{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1553{T} pkg [an] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1554{T} pkg [bc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1555{T} pkg [copynametoclipboard] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1556{T} pkg [libexttextcat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1557{T} pkg [sword] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1558{T} pkg [kpmcore] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1559{T} pkg [libdvdnav] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1560{T} pkg [unicorn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1561{T} pkg [mednafen_pce_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1562{T} pkg [mednafen_gba_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1563{T} pkg [tesseract_data_srp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1564{T} pkg [cd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1565{T} pkg [fatsort] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1566{T} pkg [openjk_outcast_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1567{T} pkg [pychart_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1568{T} pkg [qbittorrent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1569{T} pkg [ayat_tafasir_data_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1570{T} pkg [vba_next_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1571{T} pkg [rapidjson_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1572{T} pkg [optipngtranslator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1573{T} pkg [pycrypto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1574{T} pkg [luckybackup_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1575{T} pkg [gws_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1576{T} pkg [vangers_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1577{T} pkg [pango_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1578{T} pkg [svt_av1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1579{T} pkg [httraqt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1580{T} pkg [kguiaddons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1581{T} pkg [haikuporter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1582{T} pkg [gerbera_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1583{T} pkg [ftgl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1584{T} pkg [libvisio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1585{T} pkg [ddgr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1586{T} pkg [xorg_sgml_doctools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1587{T} pkg [kexi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1588{T} pkg [connect4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1589{T} pkg [beshare_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1590{T} pkg [discount_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1591{T} pkg [openssh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1592{T} pkg [kgoldrunner_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1593{T} pkg [pkcs11_helper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1594{T} pkg [gn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1595{T} pkg [mawk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1596{T} pkg [hunspell_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1597{T} pkg [libkmahjongg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1598{T} pkg [cython_python39_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1599{T} pkg [kfilemetadata_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1600{T} pkg [tg_owt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1601{T} pkg [libkomparediff2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1602{T} pkg [kdeclarative_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1603{T} pkg [notepadqq_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1604{T} pkg [amoebax_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1605{T} pkg [opencv3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1606{T} pkg [lha_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1607{T} pkg [python38_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1608{T} pkg [python39_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1609{T} pkg [kmahjongg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1610{T} pkg [kreport_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1611{T} pkg [cython_python38_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1612{T} pkg [graphicsmagick_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1613{T} pkg [python36_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1614{T} pkg [gawk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1615{T} pkg [glib_networking_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1616{T} pkg [pinentry_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1617{T} pkg [fastjar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1618{T} pkg [mosh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1619{T} pkg [geos372] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1620{T} pkg [db] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1621{T} pkg [amd_microcode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1622{T} pkg [bepdf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1623{T} pkg [mupdf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1624{T} pkg [smooth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1625{T} pkg [vamp_plugin_sdk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1626{T} pkg [libtxc_dxtn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1627{T} pkg [fixesproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1628{T} pkg [xmoto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1629{T} pkg [compositeproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1630{T} pkg [noto_condensed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1631{T} pkg [beindexed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1632{T} pkg [ed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1633{T} pkg [udis86] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1634{T} pkg [ffmpeg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1635{T} pkg [smpeg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1636{T} pkg [wqy_zenhei] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1637{T} pkg [qtav_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1638{T} pkg [fswatch_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1639{T} pkg [stfl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1640{T} pkg [libxcomposite_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1641{T} pkg [kdeclarative_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1642{T} pkg [jansson_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1643{T} pkg [libdca_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1644{T} pkg [plasma_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1645{T} pkg [libbase58_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1646{T} pkg [kcompletion_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1647{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1648{T} pkg [botan_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1649{T} pkg [lcms_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1650{T} pkg [orcus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1651{T} pkg [hdf5_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1652{T} pkg [prison_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1653{T} pkg [cln_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1654{T} pkg [libpcre_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1655{T} pkg [scotch_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1656{T} pkg [a52dec_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1657{T} pkg [log4cxx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1658{T} pkg [maeparser_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1659{T} pkg [mimetic_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1660{T} pkg [libdatrie_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1661{T} pkg [festival_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1662{T} pkg [dht_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1663{T} pkg [jsoncpp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1664{T} pkg [libcss_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1665{T} pkg [libsoup] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1666{T} pkg [padblocker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1667{T} pkg [postgresql11_server] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1668{T} pkg [blobbyvolley2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1669{T} pkg [html5_parser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1670{T} pkg [jasper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1671{T} pkg [texmaker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1672{T} pkg [themes_tunetracker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1673{T} pkg [postgresql12_server] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1674{T} pkg [es] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1675{T} pkg [fdupes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1676{T} pkg [soupsieve] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1677{T} pkg [hugs98] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1678{T} pkg [libcdio_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1679{T} pkg [libedit_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1680{T} pkg [sdl2_gfx_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1681{T} pkg [warmux_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1682{T} pkg [aiksaurus_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1683{T} pkg [libidn2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1684{T} pkg [libavif_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1685{T} pkg [libgit2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1686{T} pkg [ri_li_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1687{T} pkg [libbs2b_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1688{T} pkg [libutf8proc2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1689{T} pkg [ragel_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1690{T} pkg [libexif_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1691{T} pkg [blobbyvolley2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1692{T} pkg [libxrandr_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1693{T} pkg [vcardpeople_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1694{T} pkg [tesseract_data_swa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1695{T} pkg [mpfr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1696{T} pkg [gd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1697{T} pkg [tesseract_data_swe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1698{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tgk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1699{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tgl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1700{T} pkg [gn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1701{T} pkg [multimarkdown] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1702{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tha] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1703{T} pkg [tg_owt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1704{T} pkg [soxr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1705{T} pkg [im] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1706{T} pkg [cpio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1707{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tir] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1708{T} pkg [tesseract_data_syr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1709{T} pkg [mozc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1710{T} pkg [m4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1711{T} pkg [noto_sans_cjk_jp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1712{T} pkg [jq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1713{T} pkg [pathtools_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1714{T} pkg [more_itertools_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1715{T} pkg [noto_sans_cjk_kr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1716{T} pkg [sigrok_cli] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1717{T} pkg [hwloc_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1718{T} pkg [mc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1719{T} pkg [dumb2_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1720{T} pkg [openexr25_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1721{T} pkg [libfstrcmp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1722{T} pkg [pythonzeroconf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1723{T} pkg [optipng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1724{T} pkg [fitspng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1725{T} pkg [bitstring] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1726{T} pkg [libupnp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1727{T} pkg [docutils_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1728{T} pkg [setuptools_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1729{T} pkg [bcrypt_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1730{T} pkg [future_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1731{T} pkg [cram_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1732{T} pkg [watchdog_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1733{T} pkg [ktexteditor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1734{T} pkg [pe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1735{T} pkg [paratype] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1736{T} pkg [aiorpcx_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1737{T} pkg [kapow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1738{T} pkg [pytz_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1739{T} pkg [lxml_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1740{T} pkg [aiohttp_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1741{T} pkg [yarl_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1742{T} pkg [pyrsistent_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1743{T} pkg [six_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1744{T} pkg [argh_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1745{T} pkg [toml_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1746{T} pkg [sip_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1747{T} pkg [pbr_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1748{T} pkg [pip_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1749{T} pkg [pytz_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1750{T} pkg [argh_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1751{T} pkg [toml_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1752{T} pkg [pyrsistent_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1753{T} pkg [six_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1754{T} pkg [pip_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1755{T} pkg [pbr_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1756{T} pkg [aiohttp_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1757{T} pkg [yarl_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1758{T} pkg [lxml_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1759{T} pkg [hippo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1760{T} pkg [faac] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1761{T} pkg [pv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1762{T} pkg [snappy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1763{T} pkg [py] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1764{T} pkg [rasqal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1765{T} pkg [rhapsody_irc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1766{T} pkg [abe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1767{T} pkg [anonymous_pro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1768{T} pkg [naspro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1769{T} pkg [chmlib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1770{T} pkg [manaplus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1771{T} pkg [allegro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1772{T} pkg [neocd_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1773{T} pkg [scummvm_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1774{T} pkg [confuse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1775{T} pkg [alien_svn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1776{T} pkg [plib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1777{T} pkg [pyasn1_modules_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1778{T} pkg [noteshrink_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1779{T} pkg [beecrypt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1780{T} pkg [luafilesystem_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1781{T} pkg [stress_ng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1782{T} pkg [gnulib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1783{T} pkg [kpmcore_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1784{T} pkg [libclaw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1785{T} pkg [libbs2b_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1786{T} pkg [interface_elements_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1787{T} pkg [kholidays_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1788{T} pkg [potrace] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1789{T} pkg [unrardll_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1790{T} pkg [irrlicht_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1791{T} pkg [libdvbpsi12_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1792{T} pkg [fswatch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1793{T} pkg [libdvdread_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1794{T} pkg [rdflib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1795{T} pkg [c_blosc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1796{T} pkg [gifsicle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1797{T} pkg [hamlib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1798{T} pkg [dht_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1799{T} pkg [libart_lgpl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1800{T} pkg [jsoncpp22_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1801{T} pkg [cronie_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1802{T} pkg [voluptuous_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1803{T} pkg [fatsort_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1804{T} pkg [umbrello_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1805{T} pkg [slimevolley_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1806{T} pkg [taglib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1807{T} pkg [libopenshot_audio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1808{T} pkg [butterfly_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1809{T} pkg [solid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1810{T} pkg [multitalk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1811{T} pkg [polib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1812{T} pkg [brie_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1813{T} pkg [whid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1814{T} pkg [se] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1815{T} pkg [neverball_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1816{T} pkg [weechat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1817{T} pkg [flif_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1818{T} pkg [libpcre_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1819{T} pkg [kpackage_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1820{T} pkg [zlib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1821{T} pkg [kbbi_qt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1822{T} pkg [retext_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1823{T} pkg [aspell_nl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1824{T} pkg [pdflib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1825{T} pkg [rdesktop_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1826{T} pkg [ki18n_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1827{T} pkg [tig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1828{T} pkg [wcslib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1829{T} pkg [aalib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1830{T} pkg [innoextract_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1831{T} pkg [alglib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1832{T} pkg [glib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1833{T} pkg [id3lib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1834{T} pkg [finance_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1835{T} pkg [libqxp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1836{T} pkg [giflib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1837{T} pkg [xorriso_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1838{T} pkg [libprefs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1839{T} pkg [live555_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1840{T} pkg [openssl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1841{T} pkg [boswars_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1842{T} pkg [space] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1843{T} pkg [kitemmodels_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1844{T} pkg [dlib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1845{T} pkg [soxr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1846{T} pkg [libeditline_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1847{T} pkg [libabw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1848{T} pkg [v8] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1849{T} pkg [ack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1850{T} pkg [lapack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1851{T} pkg [msgpack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1852{T} pkg [arpack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1853{T} pkg [wavpack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1854{T} pkg [httrack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1855{T} pkg [hack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1856{T} pkg [mlpack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1857{T} pkg [nethack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1858{T} pkg [pynacl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1859{T} pkg [sl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1860{T} pkg [pam_yubico] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1861{T} pkg [openarena_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1862{T} pkg [tesseract_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1863{T} pkg [acr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1864{T} pkg [w6] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1865{T} pkg [apsw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1866{T} pkg [homeworld_sdl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1867{T} pkg [libwebsockets] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1868{T} pkg [rocksndiamonds] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1869{T} pkg [ultradv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1870{T} pkg [kpty] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1871{T} pkg [lutok_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1872{T} pkg [sdl_ttf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1873{T} pkg [speex_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1874{T} pkg [libdom_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1875{T} pkg [libuuid_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1876{T} pkg [gnutls_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1877{T} pkg [opencollada_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1878{T} pkg [liboauth_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1879{T} pkg [brotli_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1880{T} pkg [box2d_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1881{T} pkg [armadillo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1882{T} pkg [check_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1883{T} pkg [expect_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1884{T} pkg [libdiscid_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1885{T} pkg [kcontacts_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1886{T} pkg [kcodecs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1887{T} pkg [librevenge_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1888{T} pkg [libdsk_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1889{T} pkg [dtc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1890{T} pkg [smpeg2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1891{T} pkg [zookeeper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1892{T} pkg [tesseract_data_tur] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1893{T} pkg [ducksaver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1894{T} pkg [fs_uae_launcher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1895{T} pkg [threadweaver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1896{T} pkg [vc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1897{T} pkg [qt5_examples] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1898{T} pkg [opus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1899{T} pkg [color_lines] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1900{T} pkg [wput] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1901{T} pkg [armyknife] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1902{T} pkg [ftppositive] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1903{T} pkg [buildbot_slave] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1904{T} pkg [libshout_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1905{T} pkg [ccfits_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1906{T} pkg [c_blosc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1907{T} pkg [libpcre_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1908{T} pkg [kbuild_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1909{T} pkg [libsass_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1910{T} pkg [libxext_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1911{T} pkg [librsvg_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1912{T} pkg [libeditline_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1913{T} pkg [libwebm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1914{T} pkg [libsigsegv_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1915{T} pkg [libxtst_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1916{T} pkg [libwebp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1917{T} pkg [libyaml_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1918{T} pkg [superprefs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1919{T} pkg [bafx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1920{T} pkg [libsigc++] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1921{T} pkg [generaluser_gs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1922{T} pkg [gflags] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1923{T} pkg [ctags] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1924{T} pkg [tesseract_data_uig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1925{T} pkg [flam3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1926{T} pkg [cloud_init] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1927{T} pkg [man_pages_posix] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1928{T} pkg [pylzma_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1929{T} pkg [yarl_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1930{T} pkg [pyasn1_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1931{T} pkg [ifaddr_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1932{T} pkg [imagesize_py_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1933{T} pkg [css_parser_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1934{T} pkg [vala] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1935{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ukr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1936{T} pkg [ale] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1937{T} pkg [audiofile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1938{T} pkg [phantomlimb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1939{T} pkg [guile1_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1940{T} pkg [patchutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1941{T} pkg [xz_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1942{T} pkg [openjdk12_default] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1943{T} pkg [openjdk8_default] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1944{T} pkg [rename] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1945{T} pkg [lame] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1946{T} pkg [twolame] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1947{T} pkg [angband] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1948{T} pkg [redland] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1949{T} pkg [dragengine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1950{T} pkg [slang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1951{T} pkg [erlang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1952{T} pkg [pyparsing] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1953{T} pkg [golang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1954{T} pkg [nano] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1955{T} pkg [xtrans] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1956{T} pkg [enchant] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1957{T} pkg [dbuspython] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1958{T} pkg [kunitconversion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1959{T} pkg [nose_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1960{T} pkg [pbr_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1961{T} pkg [pycurl_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1962{T} pkg [xaos] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1963{T} pkg [libopenshot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1964{T} pkg [duktape] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1965{T} pkg [mechanize_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1966{T} pkg [ifaddr_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1967{T} pkg [mechanize_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1968{T} pkg [ifaddr_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1969{T} pkg [hidapi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1970{T} pkg [apr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1971{T} pkg [wrapt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1972{T} pkg [pyqt5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1973{T} pkg [libraqm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1974{T} pkg [bam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1975{T} pkg [cram] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1976{T} pkg [radare2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1977{T} pkg [re2c] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1978{T} pkg [arc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1979{T} pkg [bat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1980{T} pkg [midikeyboard] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1981{T} pkg [lizard] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1982{T} pkg [httraqt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1983{T} pkg [bescreencapture] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1984{T} pkg [flare] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1985{T} pkg [beshare] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1986{T} pkg [live555] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1987{T} pkg [dcraw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1988{T} pkg [pari] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1989{T} pkg [arj] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1990{T} pkg [yabause_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1991{T} pkg [neocd_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1992{T} pkg [vba_next_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1993{T} pkg [tesseract_data_msa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1994{T} pkg [unarr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1995{T} pkg [libkomparediff2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1996{T} pkg [kstars] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1997{T} pkg [pychart] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1998{T} pkg [pencil_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
1999{T} pkg [phonon_gstreamer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2000{T} pkg [libconfig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2001{T} pkg [filwip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2002{T} pkg [libgit2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2003{T} pkg [openlara_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2004{T} pkg [mrpeeps_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2005{T} pkg [importlib_metadata_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2006{T} pkg [flam3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2007{T} pkg [geoip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2008{T} pkg [lincity_ng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2009{T} pkg [boost169_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2010{T} pkg [markups_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2011{T} pkg [scrnsaverproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2012{T} pkg [powermanga_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2013{T} pkg [foldershaper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2014{T} pkg [module_build_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2015{T} pkg [six_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2016{T} pkg [aspell_sv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2017{T} pkg [duktape_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2018{T} pkg [coin_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2019{T} pkg [lyx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2020{T} pkg [soundpipe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2021{T} pkg [argtable2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2022{T} pkg [opensyobonaction_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2023{T} pkg [nesalizer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2024{T} pkg [kio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2025{T} pkg [libdatrie_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2026{T} pkg [timetracker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2027{T} pkg [speexdsp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2028{T} pkg [dhewm3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2029{T} pkg [discid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2030{T} pkg [ncompress_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2031{T} pkg [sais_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2032{T} pkg [aranym_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2033{T} pkg [focuswriter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2034{T} pkg [haikutwitter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2035{T} pkg [textsaver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2036{T} pkg [minesweeper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2037{T} pkg [libwebm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2038{T} pkg [ncmpcpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2039{T} pkg [html5lib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2040{T} pkg [blobwars_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2041{T} pkg [fossil_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2042{T} pkg [kservice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2043{T} pkg [sip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2044{T} pkg [qgit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2045{T} pkg [jsoncpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2046{T} pkg [thememanager_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2047{T} pkg [astromenace_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2048{T} pkg [git_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2049{T} pkg [desknotes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2050{T} pkg [dovecot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2051{T} pkg [jigit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2052{T} pkg [sigil_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2053{T} pkg [catkeyseditor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2054{T} pkg [boost163_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2055{T} pkg [gmp_ecm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2056{T} pkg [transmission_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2057{T} pkg [pyqt5_sip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2058{T} pkg [wordclock_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2059{T} pkg [antiword_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2060{T} pkg [simulide_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2061{T} pkg [arx_libertatis_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2062{T} pkg [teckit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2063{T} pkg [boost165_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2064{T} pkg [steghide_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2065{T} pkg [boost166_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2066{T} pkg [fbreader_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2067{T} pkg [aspell_sr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2068{T} pkg [bescreencapture_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2069{T} pkg [eduke32_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2070{T} pkg [supertuxkart_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2071{T} pkg [al_anvar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2072{T} pkg [ayat_tarajem_data_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2073{T} pkg [icu66] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2074{T} pkg [kcrash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2075{T} pkg [rhash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2076{T} pkg [bash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2077{T} pkg [mhash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2078{T} pkg [xxhash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2079{T} pkg [dash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2080{T} pkg [imagemagick] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2081{T} pkg [cyrus_sasl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2082{T} pkg [redasm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2083{T} pkg [nasm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2084{T} pkg [gdata] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2085{T} pkg [ayat_tarajem_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2086{T} pkg [cantata] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2087{T} pkg [libasr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2088{T} pkg [libass] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2089{T} pkg [krdc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2090{T} pkg [64tass] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2091{T} pkg [simulide] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2092{T} pkg [steghide] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2093{T} pkg [mdate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2094{T} pkg [atf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2095{T} pkg [openttd_msx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2096{T} pkg [atk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2097{T} pkg [xextproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2098{T} pkg [cardo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2099{T} pkg [xcb_proto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2100{T} pkg [berdp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2101{T} pkg [freerdp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2102{T} pkg [hexvexed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2103{T} pkg [wqy_microhei] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2104{T} pkg [ki18n_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2105{T} pkg [imagemagick7_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2106{T} pkg [pango_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2107{T} pkg [libmicrohttpd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2108{T} pkg [kfilemetadata_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2109{T} pkg [libcmis_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2110{T} pkg [flatbuffers_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2111{T} pkg [graphite2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2112{T} pkg [mpg123_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2113{T} pkg [enca_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2114{T} pkg [cdrtools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2115{T} pkg [openal_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2116{T} pkg [json_c_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2117{T} pkg [sdl_net_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2118{T} pkg [libdvdread_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2119{T} pkg [janet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2120{T} pkg [qmmp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2121{T} pkg [opencolorio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2122{T} pkg [opencv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2123{T} pkg [ginac_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2124{T} pkg [tremor_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2125{T} pkg [libdvbpsi12_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2126{T} pkg [enet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2127{T} pkg [ripgrep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2128{T} pkg [lgrep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2129{T} pkg [grep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2130{T} pkg [ugrep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2131{T} pkg [tesseract_data_nep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2132{T} pkg [nafees_nastaleeq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2133{T} pkg [qmplay2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2134{T} pkg [smplayer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2135{T} pkg [futures] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2136{T} pkg [c_ares] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2137{T} pkg [transplus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2138{T} pkg [pycares] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2139{T} pkg [octave] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2140{T} pkg [qpdfview] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2141{T} pkg [gdk_pixbuf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2142{T} pkg [trojita_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2143{T} pkg [qtdropbox_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2144{T} pkg [orcus_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2145{T} pkg [libvorbis_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2146{T} pkg [dejavu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2147{T} pkg [argh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2148{T} pkg [webencodings] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2149{T} pkg [tesseract_data_mya] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2150{T} pkg [aquaria] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2151{T} pkg [dbus_glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2152{T} pkg [openjdk10_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2153{T} pkg [kdesignerplugin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2154{T} pkg [blaze] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2155{T} pkg [jsonrpcserver_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2156{T} pkg [coverage_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2157{T} pkg [feedparser_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2158{T} pkg [clazy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2159{T} pkg [libcdio0] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2160{T} pkg [libcdio1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2161{T} pkg [tesseract_data_nld] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2162{T} pkg [tworld] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2163{T} pkg [marble] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2164{T} pkg [opusfile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2165{T} pkg [opensubdiv_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2166{T} pkg [fonttools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2167{T} pkg [pciutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2168{T} pkg [kcmutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2169{T} pkg [superlu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2170{T} pkg [librsync] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2171{T} pkg [voxophone] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2172{T} pkg [readline] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2173{T} pkg [httplib2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2174{T} pkg [devilutionx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2175{T} pkg [dateutil_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2176{T} pkg [pyrfc3339_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2177{T} pkg [pydispatcher_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2178{T} pkg [libutf8proc2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2179{T} pkg [tesseract_data_nor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2180{T} pkg [pygments_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2181{T} pkg [pygments_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2182{T} pkg [fontboy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2183{T} pkg [ghostscript_gpl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2184{T} pkg [lcab] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2185{T} pkg [dav1d] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2186{T} pkg [tesseract_data_deu_frak] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2187{T} pkg [tesseract_data_dan_frak] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2188{T} pkg [cal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2189{T} pkg [opentyrian] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2190{T} pkg [libpcap] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2191{T} pkg [libksba] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2192{T} pkg [avr_libc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2193{T} pkg [nyancat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2194{T} pkg [netcat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2195{T} pkg [cowsay] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2196{T} pkg [mrboom_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2197{T} pkg [myspell_pt_br] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2198{T} pkg [aspell_pt_br] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2199{T} pkg [vectoroids_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2200{T} pkg [ant_core_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2201{T} pkg [qmmp_plugin_pack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2202{T} pkg [libraqm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2203{T} pkg [fzy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2204{T} pkg [cmocka_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2205{T} pkg [autoconf213_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2206{T} pkg [fluidsynth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2207{T} pkg [becjk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2208{T} pkg [substrate_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2209{T} pkg [mednafen_wswan_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2210{T} pkg [openpam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2211{T} pkg [graphite2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2212{T} pkg [apngopt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2213{T} pkg [calligra_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2214{T} pkg [make_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2215{T} pkg [libopenshot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2216{T} pkg [httrack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2217{T} pkg [kjs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2218{T} pkg [compositeproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2219{T} pkg [djvuviewer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2220{T} pkg [libunistring_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2221{T} pkg [texi2html_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2222{T} pkg [suitesparse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2223{T} pkg [curlftpfs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2224{T} pkg [libcdio_paranoia_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2225{T} pkg [timecop_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2226{T} pkg [smake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2227{T} pkg [telegram_desktop_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2228{T} pkg [ddrescue_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2229{T} pkg [bzr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2230{T} pkg [booksorg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2231{T} pkg [renderproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2232{T} pkg [armadillo9_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2233{T} pkg [dnspython_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2234{T} pkg [sparsehash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2235{T} pkg [cmake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2236{T} pkg [libsigrokdecode_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2237{T} pkg [libreoffice_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2238{T} pkg [mujs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2239{T} pkg [kemoticons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2240{T} pkg [argon2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2241{T} pkg [libu2f_server_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2242{T} pkg [boost164_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2243{T} pkg [openshot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2244{T} pkg [lzo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2245{T} pkg [pyasn1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2246{T} pkg [musicpc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2247{T} pkg [bmake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2248{T} pkg [dreamchess_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2249{T} pkg [caveexpress_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2250{T} pkg [slixmpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2251{T} pkg [screenkeyboard_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2252{T} pkg [libexecinfo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2253{T} pkg [cyrus_sasl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2254{T} pkg [goldendict] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2255{T} pkg [netcdf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2256{T} pkg [xorgproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2257{T} pkg [scrnsaverproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2258{T} pkg [libsrtp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2259{T} pkg [libcdr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2260{T} pkg [hubbub] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2261{T} pkg [libssh2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2262{T} pkg [kparts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2263{T} pkg [kjobwidgets] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2264{T} pkg [libcec] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2265{T} pkg [ncdu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2266{T} pkg [libtimidity] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2267{T} pkg [phonon_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2268{T} pkg [quassel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2269{T} pkg [liblangtag_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2270{T} pkg [qhttpengine_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2271{T} pkg [libtorrent_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2272{T} pkg [gsoap_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2273{T} pkg [libmatrix_client_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2274{T} pkg [menu_cache_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2275{T} pkg [primesieve_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2276{T} pkg [uriparser_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2277{T} pkg [qrencode_kdl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2278{T} pkg [kinit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2279{T} pkg [libxrender_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2280{T} pkg [bcunit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2281{T} pkg [libdvbpsi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2282{T} pkg [freealut_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2283{T} pkg [cppunit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2284{T} pkg [libpurple_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2285{T} pkg [libnatpmp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2286{T} pkg [fontforge_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2287{T} pkg [libfontenc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2288{T} pkg [db61_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2289{T} pkg [libstaroffice_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2290{T} pkg [qmdnsengine_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2291{T} pkg [album] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2292{T} pkg [kshisen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2293{T} pkg [dvdbackup] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2294{T} pkg [cdplayer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2295{T} pkg [subtitlecomposer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2296{T} pkg [dbus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2297{T} pkg [solarus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2298{T} pkg [atomicwrites] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2299{T} pkg [knewstuff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2300{T} pkg [gwenview] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2301{T} pkg [zesarux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2302{T} pkg [libmysqlclient_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2303{T} pkg [libopenshot_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2304{T} pkg [yaddns_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2305{T} pkg [libnpupnp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2306{T} pkg [cppunit_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2307{T} pkg [physfs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2308{T} pkg [yoshi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2309{T} pkg [libreoffice_ca_valencia] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2310{T} pkg [lmdbxx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2311{T} pkg [bitchx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2312{T} pkg [fossil] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2313{T} pkg [pencil] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2314{T} pkg [llvm_clang_analysis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2315{T} pkg [pyasn1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2316{T} pkg [bzr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2317{T} pkg [markdown_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2318{T} pkg [handbrake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2319{T} pkg [aquaskk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2320{T} pkg [bakefile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2321{T} pkg [drawpile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2322{T} pkg [cln] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2323{T} pkg [plasma] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2324{T} pkg [libavif_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2325{T} pkg [docutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2326{T} pkg [icoutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2327{T} pkg [binutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2328{T} pkg [vcmi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2329{T} pkg [lcms] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2330{T} pkg [packaging] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2331{T} pkg [fritzing] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2332{T} pkg [glew21] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2333{T} pkg [coolreader3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2334{T} pkg [html5_parser_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2335{T} pkg [bison] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2336{T} pkg [meson] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2337{T} pkg [numpy_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2338{T} pkg [kcompletion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2339{T} pkg [scipy_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2340{T} pkg [dukpy_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2341{T} pkg [jansson] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2342{T} pkg [prison] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2343{T} pkg [feedparser_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2344{T} pkg [gn1731] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2345{T} pkg [optipngtranslator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2346{T} pkg [soundpipe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2347{T} pkg [pyasn1_modules_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2348{T} pkg [lcov] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2349{T} pkg [libopenshot_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2350{T} pkg [jsoncpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2351{T} pkg [ncmpcpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2352{T} pkg [ppsspp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2353{T} pkg [aspell_pt_pt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2354{T} pkg [codecrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2355{T} pkg [tesseract_data_slk_frak] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2356{T} pkg [festival] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2357{T} pkg [botan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2358{T} pkg [tesseract_data_pan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2359{T} pkg [guitar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2360{T} pkg [pandas] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2361{T} pkg [libpcre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2362{T} pkg [qtav] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2363{T} pkg [libbase58] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2364{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ori] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2365{T} pkg [fcrm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2366{T} pkg [libdca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2367{T} pkg [opencv3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2368{T} pkg [distcc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2369{T} pkg [dockbert] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2370{T} pkg [tesseract_data_osd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2371{T} pkg [python_markdown_math_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2372{T} pkg [calendar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2373{T} pkg [psiconv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2374{T} pkg [diffstat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2375{T} pkg [ri_li_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2376{T} pkg [gst_libav_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2377{T} pkg [kbuild_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2378{T} pkg [libicns_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2379{T} pkg [getconf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2380{T} pkg [imagemagick7_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2381{T} pkg [libtxc_dxtn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2382{T} pkg [hdf5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2383{T} pkg [kcalc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2384{T} pkg [vala_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2385{T} pkg [quiterss_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2386{T} pkg [ladspa_sdk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2387{T} pkg [muscle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2388{T} pkg [openarena_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2389{T} pkg [stockfish_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2390{T} pkg [screenfetch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2391{T} pkg [aspell_uk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2392{T} pkg [astyle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2393{T} pkg [nodejs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2394{T} pkg [ale_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2395{T} pkg [libmodplug_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2396{T} pkg [libelf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2397{T} pkg [cabextract_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2398{T} pkg [dockbert_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2399{T} pkg [qrencode_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2400{T} pkg [projectconceptor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2401{T} pkg [mako_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2402{T} pkg [clucene_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2403{T} pkg [opensound_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2404{T} pkg [angband_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2405{T} pkg [libmkv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2406{T} pkg [guile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2407{T} pkg [libfilezilla_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2408{T} pkg [calc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2409{T} pkg [scourge_data_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2410{T} pkg [codecrypt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2411{T} pkg [haikuwebkit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2412{T} pkg [file_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2413{T} pkg [dopewars_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2414{T} pkg [fortuna_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2415{T} pkg [libsidplayfp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2416{T} pkg [bluemsx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2417{T} pkg [kcompletion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2418{T} pkg [libspectrum_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2419{T} pkg [autoconf_archive_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2420{T} pkg [yamagi_quake2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2421{T} pkg [solitaire_mahjong_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2422{T} pkg [pfetch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2423{T} pkg [scotch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2424{T} pkg [fswatch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2425{T} pkg [stockfish] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2426{T} pkg [patch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2427{T} pkg [becasso] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2428{T} pkg [gitdb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2429{T} pkg [gnuchess] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2430{T} pkg [libcss] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2431{T} pkg [libxcomposite] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2432{T} pkg [chessx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2433{T} pkg [a52dec] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2434{T} pkg [twisted] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2435{T} pkg [comic_neue] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2436{T} pkg [libnslog_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2437{T} pkg [libexttextcat_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2438{T} pkg [libdvdnav_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2439{T} pkg [smpeg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2440{T} pkg [argon2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2441{T} pkg [freetype_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2442{T} pkg [smooth_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2443{T} pkg [libtxc_dxtn_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2444{T} pkg [soxr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2445{T} pkg [coin_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2446{T} pkg [kpmcore_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2447{T} pkg [ffmpeg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2448{T} pkg [jasper_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2449{T} pkg [psiconv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2450{T} pkg [libsolv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2451{T} pkg [colm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2452{T} pkg [db_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2453{T} pkg [gd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2454{T} pkg [vamp_plugin_sdk_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2455{T} pkg [libgphoto2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2456{T} pkg [geoip_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2457{T} pkg [mupdf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2458{T} pkg [sword_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2459{T} pkg [libsoup_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2460{T} pkg [musepack_tools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2461{T} pkg [pkgconf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2462{T} pkg [mpfr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2463{T} pkg [cd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2464{T} pkg [beecrypt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2465{T} pkg [fastdep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2466{T} pkg [step] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2467{T} pkg [ppviewer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2468{T} pkg [blender] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2469{T} pkg [tipster] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2470{T} pkg [taresizer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2471{T} pkg [maeparser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2472{T} pkg [orcus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2473{T} pkg [chardet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2474{T} pkg [kdeclarative] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2475{T} pkg [ponpokodiff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2476{T} pkg [stfl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2477{T} pkg [git_svn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2478{T} pkg [libmspub_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2479{T} pkg [xmlsec_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2480{T} pkg [apngopt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2481{T} pkg [cvs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2482{T} pkg [ddgr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2483{T} pkg [mimetic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2484{T} pkg [dht] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2485{T} pkg [libdatrie] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2486{T} pkg [log4cxx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2487{T} pkg [ply_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2488{T} pkg [pretend_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2489{T} pkg [py_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2490{T} pkg [dukpy_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2491{T} pkg [aiodns_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2492{T} pkg [lazy_object_proxy_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2493{T} pkg [requests_futures_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2494{T} pkg [numpy_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2495{T} pkg [gphoto2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2496{T} pkg [brotli] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2497{T} pkg [armadillo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2498{T} pkg [icu_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2499{T} pkg [avr_binutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2500{T} pkg [gnutls] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2501{T} pkg [dmd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2502{T} pkg [gst_plugins_ugly] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2503{T} pkg [jumpnbump] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2504{T} pkg [command_not_found] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2505{T} pkg [swift_lang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2506{T} pkg [yaddns] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2507{T} pkg [mandoc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2508{T} pkg [htmldoc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2509{T} pkg [lutok] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2510{T} pkg [tesseract_data_pol] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2511{T} pkg [libdom] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2512{T} pkg [nlohmann_json] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2513{T} pkg [pyyaml_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2514{T} pkg [editor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2515{T} pkg [tesseract_data_por] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2516{T} pkg [aalibtranslator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2517{T} pkg [certifi_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2518{T} pkg [frozendict_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2519{T} pkg [qtox] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2520{T} pkg [mutagen_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2521{T} pkg [frozendict_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2522{T} pkg [mutagen_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2523{T} pkg [freac] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2524{T} pkg [instead] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2525{T} pkg [fs_uae] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2526{T} pkg [beae] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2527{T} pkg [euae] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2528{T} pkg [imagesize_py] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2529{T} pkg [espeak] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2530{T} pkg [cereal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2531{T} pkg [zeal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2532{T} pkg [beam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2533{T} pkg [ideam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2534{T} pkg [bear] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2535{T} pkg [box2d] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2536{T} pkg [capitalbe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2537{T} pkg [nestopia_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2538{T} pkg [snes9x_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2539{T} pkg [opencl_headers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2540{T} pkg [runprogram_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2541{T} pkg [jansson_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2542{T} pkg [pybind11_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2543{T} pkg [pycparser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2544{T} pkg [libsmf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2545{T} pkg [pretend_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2546{T} pkg [wonderbrush_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2547{T} pkg [packaging_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2548{T} pkg [libmpdclient_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2549{T} pkg [libtool_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2550{T} pkg [libslz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2551{T} pkg [mlt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2552{T} pkg [maelstrom_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2553{T} pkg [glu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2554{T} pkg [yabause_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2555{T} pkg [piozone_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2556{T} pkg [whereismymouse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2557{T} pkg [protobuf21_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2558{T} pkg [itstool_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2559{T} pkg [cln_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2560{T} pkg [dumb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2561{T} pkg [bzip2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2562{T} pkg [colm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2563{T} pkg [foobillardplus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2564{T} pkg [openclonk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2565{T} pkg [gpgme_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2566{T} pkg [rename_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2567{T} pkg [aspell_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2568{T} pkg [libxfixes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2569{T} pkg [tyrquake_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2570{T} pkg [glm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2571{T} pkg [xz_utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2572{T} pkg [sdl2_ttf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2573{T} pkg [flac123_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2574{T} pkg [lame_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2575{T} pkg [readline7_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2576{T} pkg [sablotron_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2577{T} pkg [plasma_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2578{T} pkg [qelectrotech_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2579{T} pkg [olm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2580{T} pkg [dfu_programmer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2581{T} pkg [vcmi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2582{T} pkg [pygame_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2583{T} pkg [flatbuffers_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2584{T} pkg [kchmviewer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2585{T} pkg [gambatte_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2586{T} pkg [aspell_ro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2587{T} pkg [libbson_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2588{T} pkg [fontutil_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2589{T} pkg [redland_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2590{T} pkg [boost170_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2591{T} pkg [mame_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2592{T} pkg [aspell_ru_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2593{T} pkg [pkgconf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2594{T} pkg [gearboy_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2595{T} pkg [acme_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2596{T} pkg [dejagnu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2597{T} pkg [enchant_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2598{T} pkg [quilt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2599{T} pkg [flyingtroll_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2600{T} pkg [minicom_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2601{T} pkg [libdsk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2602{T} pkg [wordclock] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2603{T} pkg [check] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2604{T} pkg [opencollada] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2605{T} pkg [0ad_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2606{T} pkg [smpeg2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2607{T} pkg [pypeg2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2608{T} pkg [waitress] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2609{T} pkg [kcodecs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2610{T} pkg [dtc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2611{T} pkg [minetest] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2612{T} pkg [expect] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2613{T} pkg [fairtrade] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2614{T} pkg [sdl_ttf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2615{T} pkg [liboauth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2616{T} pkg [kcontacts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2617{T} pkg [qputty] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2618{T} pkg [putty] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2619{T} pkg [lapack_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2620{T} pkg [libabw_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2621{T} pkg [rasqal_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2622{T} pkg [kpty_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2623{T} pkg [potrace_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2624{T} pkg [wavpack_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2625{T} pkg [gflags_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2626{T} pkg [libupnp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2627{T} pkg [libwebsockets_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2628{T} pkg [opus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2629{T} pkg [unicorn_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2630{T} pkg [faac_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2631{T} pkg [libfstrcmp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2632{T} pkg [threadweaver_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2633{T} pkg [arpack_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2634{T} pkg [v8_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2635{T} pkg [ktexteditor_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2636{T} pkg [libsigc++_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2637{T} pkg [mlpack_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2638{T} pkg [snappy_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2639{T} pkg [im_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2640{T} pkg [naspro_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2641{T} pkg [lnlauncher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2642{T} pkg [tesseract_data_pus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2643{T} pkg [giddy3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2644{T} pkg [speex] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2645{T} pkg [dbus_glib_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2646{T} pkg [c_ares_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2647{T} pkg [opencollada_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2648{T} pkg [podofo_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2649{T} pkg [librevenge] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2650{T} pkg [uncrustify] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2651{T} pkg [phototonic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2652{T} pkg [libuuid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2653{T} pkg [libdiscid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2654{T} pkg [apng2gif] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2655{T} pkg [sourcetrail] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2656{T} pkg [jpegoptim] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2657{T} pkg [uhexen2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2658{T} pkg [nodejs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2659{T} pkg [fonttools_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2660{T} pkg [alembic_py_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2661{T} pkg [xonsh_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2662{T} pkg [argh_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2663{T} pkg [aiohttp_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2664{T} pkg [tzlocal_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2665{T} pkg [pycparser_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2666{T} pkg [decorator_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2667{T} pkg [mujs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2668{T} pkg [qscintilla] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2669{T} pkg [texinfo4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2670{T} pkg [libelf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2671{T} pkg [aspell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2672{T} pkg [nuspell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2673{T} pkg [myspell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2674{T} pkg [libgsf_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2675{T} pkg [advancemame] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2676{T} pkg [myspell_kmr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2677{T} pkg [pretend] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2678{T} pkg [csound] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2679{T} pkg [proxychains_ng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2680{T} pkg [kguiaddons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2681{T} pkg [libircclient] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2682{T} pkg [indent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2683{T} pkg [pyrsistent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2684{T} pkg [maelstrom] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2685{T} pkg [beautifulsoup_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2686{T} pkg [neon] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2687{T} pkg [projectconceptor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2688{T} pkg [networkx_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2689{T} pkg [discid_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2690{T} pkg [editor_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2691{T} pkg [cython_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2692{T} pkg [asn1crypto_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2693{T} pkg [discid_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2694{T} pkg [asn1crypto_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2695{T} pkg [editor_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2696{T} pkg [cython_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2697{T} pkg [nafees_riqa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2698{T} pkg [markups] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2699{T} pkg [gerbera] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2700{T} pkg [calendar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2701{T} pkg [diffstat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2702{T} pkg [iperf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2703{T} pkg [gperf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2704{T} pkg [netsurf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2705{T} pkg [tesseract_data_jav] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2706{T} pkg [perl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2707{T} pkg [curl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2708{T} pkg [pycurl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2709{T} pkg [mednafen_psx_hw_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2710{T} pkg [ykpers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2711{T} pkg [aqemu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2712{T} pkg [hexalate_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2713{T} pkg [toml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2714{T} pkg [sdl2_gfx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2715{T} pkg [libgeotiff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2716{T} pkg [tinyxml2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2717{T} pkg [mednafen_psx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2718{T} pkg [rsync_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2719{T} pkg [mednafen_pce_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2720{T} pkg [twolame_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2721{T} pkg [commandtimer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2722{T} pkg [guitarmaster_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2723{T} pkg [routino_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2724{T} pkg [nanosvgtranslator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2725{T} pkg [libxrandr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2726{T} pkg [pyparsing_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2727{T} pkg [flameshot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2728{T} pkg [libxslt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2729{T} pkg [liberation_fonts_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2730{T} pkg [gnuchess_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2731{T} pkg [sqlcipher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2732{T} pkg [slang_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2733{T} pkg [libetonyek_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2734{T} pkg [mtools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2735{T} pkg [mednafen_gba_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2736{T} pkg [bong_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2737{T} pkg [astromenace] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2738{T} pkg [avidemux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2739{T} pkg [qmmp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2740{T} pkg [tcpdump_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2741{T} pkg [wqy_zenhei_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2742{T} pkg [mednafen_ngp_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2743{T} pkg [bespider_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2744{T} pkg [qpdfview_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2745{T} pkg [lmms_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2746{T} pkg [xcb_proto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2747{T} pkg [zeromq_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2748{T} pkg [gmp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2749{T} pkg [transplus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2750{T} pkg [jdtranslationhelper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2751{T} pkg [bdhcalc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2752{T} pkg [qemu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2753{T} pkg [libexttextcat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2754{T} pkg [imutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2755{T} pkg [bepodder_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2756{T} pkg [aspell_sk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2757{T} pkg [golang_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2758{T} pkg [pyyaml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2759{T} pkg [musescore_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2760{T} pkg [kona_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2761{T} pkg [kitemviews_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2762{T} pkg [erlang_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2763{T} pkg [takenotes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2764{T} pkg [starfighter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2765{T} pkg [kbookmarks_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2766{T} pkg [libsolv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2767{T} pkg [ocaml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2768{T} pkg [kglobalaccel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2769{T} pkg [mednafen_vb_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2770{T} pkg [lcms_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2771{T} pkg [aspell_pt_pt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2772{T} pkg [assimp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2773{T} pkg [iozone_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2774{T} pkg [mdds14_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2775{T} pkg [kplotting_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2776{T} pkg [lighttpd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2777{T} pkg [texstudio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2778{T} pkg [sdl2_mixer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2779{T} pkg [aspell_sl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2780{T} pkg [hyperfine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2781{T} pkg [libxdamage_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2782{T} pkg [bookmarkconverter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2783{T} pkg [ultracopier_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2784{T} pkg [libmng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2785{T} pkg [luacheck] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2786{T} pkg [tesseract_data_isl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2787{T} pkg [speexdsp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2788{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ita] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2789{T} pkg [glew1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2790{T} pkg [libmpeg2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2791{T} pkg [less] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2792{T} pkg [gtest] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2793{T} pkg [pytest] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2794{T} pkg [sdl2_ttf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2795{T} pkg [corsix_th] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2796{T} pkg [kauth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2797{T} pkg [konfetti] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2798{T} pkg [recordproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2799{T} pkg [farsi_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2800{T} pkg [arabeyes_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2801{T} pkg [alex4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2802{T} pkg [mutt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2803{T} pkg [qemu_x86] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2804{T} pkg [assimp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2805{T} pkg [guile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2806{T} pkg [libfreehand_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2807{T} pkg [libspectrum_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2808{T} pkg [kovel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2809{T} pkg [libmspub_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2810{T} pkg [libnsbmp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2811{T} pkg [libgit2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2812{T} pkg [kglobalaccel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2813{T} pkg [libnspsl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2814{T} pkg [libgeotiff_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2815{T} pkg [cairo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2816{T} pkg [vacuum] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2817{T} pkg [unibilium] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2818{T} pkg [beautifulsoup] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2819{T} pkg [foldershaper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2820{T} pkg [cadaver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2821{T} pkg [bepodder] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2822{T} pkg [johntheripper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2823{T} pkg [stlover] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2824{T} pkg [kqlives] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2825{T} pkg [openjdk13_sources] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2826{T} pkg [pywebsocket] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2827{T} pkg [yodownet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2828{T} pkg [fff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2829{T} pkg [libffi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2830{T} pkg [libxt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2831{T} pkg [libjpeg_turbo_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2832{T} pkg [libfm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2833{T} pkg [wordgrinder_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2834{T} pkg [readline7_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2835{T} pkg [libsm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2836{T} pkg [mplayer_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2837{T} pkg [libuv_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2838{T} pkg [transmission_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2839{T} pkg [libmd_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2840{T} pkg [libxi_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2841{T} pkg [libprefs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2842{T} pkg [libcdio_paranoia] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2843{T} pkg [celestia] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2844{T} pkg [openexr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2845{T} pkg [libxext] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2846{T} pkg [gettext] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2847{T} pkg [retext] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2848{T} pkg [libavif] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2849{T} pkg [kconfig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2850{T} pkg [lazy_object_proxy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2851{T} pkg [fontutil] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2852{T} pkg [dateutil] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2853{T} pkg [dfu_util] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2854{T} pkg [devil] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2855{T} pkg [apr_util] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2856{T} pkg [qvim] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2857{T} pkg [qtkeychain] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2858{T} pkg [opensubdiv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2859{T} pkg [pypandoc_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2860{T} pkg [markupsafe_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2861{T} pkg [setuptools_scm_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2862{T} pkg [speedtest_cli_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2863{T} pkg [attrs_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2864{T} pkg [zopfli] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2865{T} pkg [vorbis_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2866{T} pkg [pecorename] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2867{T} pkg [libfmt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2868{T} pkg [mkdepend] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2869{T} pkg [libpng16] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2870{T} pkg [mpfr3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2871{T} pkg [audacious_plugins] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2872{T} pkg [ktorrent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2873{T} pkg [rtorrent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2874{T} pkg [libevent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2875{T} pkg [libgit2_25] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2876{T} pkg [mako_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2877{T} pkg [bitstring_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2878{T} pkg [iniconfig_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2879{T} pkg [dateutil_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2880{T} pkg [docutils_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2881{T} pkg [pycrypto_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2882{T} pkg [bitstring_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2883{T} pkg [iniconfig_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2884{T} pkg [docutils_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2885{T} pkg [dateutil_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2886{T} pkg [pycrypto_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2887{T} pkg [tesseract_data_jpn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2888{T} pkg [libatomic_ops] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2889{T} pkg [gst_plugins_bad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2890{T} pkg [libfpx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2891{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2892{T} pkg [openldap] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2893{T} pkg [avra] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2894{T} pkg [edgar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2895{T} pkg [qdirstat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2896{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2897{T} pkg [aspell_be] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2898{T} pkg [aspell_bg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2899{T} pkg [libmwaw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2900{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kaz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2901{T} pkg [vecx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2902{T} pkg [fmsx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2903{T} pkg [virtualjaguar_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2904{T} pkg [gpsp_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2905{T} pkg [2048_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2906{T} pkg [aspell_ca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2907{T} pkg [ffsb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2908{T} pkg [gcc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2909{T} pkg [makeheaders] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2910{T} pkg [retroarch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2911{T} pkg [midisynth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2912{T} pkg [fixesproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2913{T} pkg [ykclient_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2914{T} pkg [stlink_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2915{T} pkg [tweeny_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2916{T} pkg [librecad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2917{T} pkg [scons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2918{T} pkg [streamradio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2919{T} pkg [indent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2920{T} pkg [grantlee_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2921{T} pkg [libmms_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2922{T} pkg [csound_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2923{T} pkg [simutrans_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2924{T} pkg [gdal302_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2925{T} pkg [ebook_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2926{T} pkg [imagemagick_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2927{T} pkg [konsole_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2928{T} pkg [game_music_emu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2929{T} pkg [chocolate_doom_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2930{T} pkg [binwalk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2931{T} pkg [netcdf_cxx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2932{T} pkg [beautifulsoup_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2933{T} pkg [libepubgen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2934{T} pkg [johntheripper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2935{T} pkg [libsodium_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2936{T} pkg [freeimage_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2937{T} pkg [makedepend_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2938{T} pkg [glew21_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2939{T} pkg [hexvexed_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2940{T} pkg [benchmark_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2941{T} pkg [libjpeg_turbo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2942{T} pkg [jsonschema_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2943{T} pkg [moe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2944{T} pkg [dmg2img_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2945{T} pkg [gitqlient_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2946{T} pkg [t1utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2947{T} pkg [defendguin_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2948{T} pkg [kblocks_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2949{T} pkg [mpg321_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2950{T} pkg [libyaml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2951{T} pkg [ksudoku_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2952{T} pkg [u_boot_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2953{T} pkg [mikmod_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2954{T} pkg [fstools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2955{T} pkg [kconfigwidgets_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2956{T} pkg [taresizer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2957{T} pkg [nginx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2958{T} pkg [lynx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2959{T} pkg [nano_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2960{T} pkg [bchunk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2961{T} pkg [gputils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2962{T} pkg [criticalmass_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2963{T} pkg [coreutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2964{T} pkg [sdlscavenger_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2965{T} pkg [libdvdcss_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2966{T} pkg [abstrakt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2967{T} pkg [farmhash_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2968{T} pkg [mog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2969{T} pkg [libsoundtouch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2970{T} pkg [neofetch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2971{T} pkg [webwatch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2972{T} pkg [cppcheck] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2973{T} pkg [gdb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2974{T} pkg [mda_vst] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2975{T} pkg [aspell_de] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2976{T} pkg [asn1crypto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2977{T} pkg [lftp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2978{T} pkg [tnftp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2979{T} pkg [jbig2dec] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2980{T} pkg [x_series_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2981{T} pkg [lato_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2982{T} pkg [requests] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2983{T} pkg [fftw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2984{T} pkg [lrzip_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2985{T} pkg [libbdplus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2986{T} pkg [ksyntax_highlighting_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2987{T} pkg [fluidsynth2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2988{T} pkg [vcdimager_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2989{T} pkg [libcuefile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2990{T} pkg [digikam_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2991{T} pkg [miniupnpc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2992{T} pkg [libsvgtiny_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2993{T} pkg [libnsutils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2994{T} pkg [bencode_tools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2995{T} pkg [libxkbfile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2996{T} pkg [libpaper_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2997{T} pkg [kwindowsystem_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2998{T} pkg [libzmf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
2999{T} pkg [libvncserver_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3000{T} pkg [flickcurl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3001{T} pkg [libsndfile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3002{T} pkg [luajit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3003{T} pkg [libzip_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3004{T} pkg [aiksaurus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3005{T} pkg [dave_gnukem] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3006{T} pkg [aspell_en] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3007{T} pkg [aspell_eo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3008{T} pkg [html_parser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3009{T} pkg [gstreamer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3010{T} pkg [roadfighter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3011{T} pkg [xml_parser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3012{T} pkg [ranger] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3013{T} pkg [shredder] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3014{T} pkg [aspell_es] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3015{T} pkg [uchardet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3016{T} pkg [circuslinux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3017{T} pkg [aspell_fi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3018{T} pkg [ghostscript_gpl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3019{T} pkg [qhttpengine_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3020{T} pkg [links_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3021{T} pkg [libbluray_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3022{T} pkg [libetonyek_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3023{T} pkg [libgpg_error_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3024{T} pkg [liblockfile_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3025{T} pkg [lrzip_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3026{T} pkg [opensyobonaction_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3027{T} pkg [lutok_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3028{T} pkg [aspell_fr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3029{T} pkg [sdl2_image] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3030{T} pkg [openjdk8] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3031{T} pkg [tesseract_data_khm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3032{T} pkg [aspell_hr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3033{T} pkg [aspell_hu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3034{T} pkg [swig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3035{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kir] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3036{T} pkg [dhewm3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3037{T} pkg [aspell_it] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3038{T} pkg [git] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3039{T} pkg [mutagen_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3040{T} pkg [pbr_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3041{T} pkg [html5_parser_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3042{T} pkg [polib_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3043{T} pkg [fzy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3044{T} pkg [hunspell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3045{T} pkg [unrardll] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3046{T} pkg [glm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3047{T} pkg [oniguruma] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3048{T} pkg [xorg_sgml_doctools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3049{T} pkg [icu66_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3050{T} pkg [wcslib_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3051{T} pkg [openjdk14_default] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3052{T} pkg [aspell_lt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3053{T} pkg [glu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3054{T} pkg [gpgme] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3055{T} pkg [gmp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3056{T} pkg [clementine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3057{T} pkg [aspell_nl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3058{T} pkg [pypandoc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3059{T} pkg [discount] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3060{T} pkg [watchdog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3061{T} pkg [pybind11_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3062{T} pkg [pretend_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3063{T} pkg [pycparser_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3064{T} pkg [rdesktop] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3065{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3066{T} pkg [cssselect_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3067{T} pkg [pybind11_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3068{T} pkg [markdown_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3069{T} pkg [html5_parser_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3070{T} pkg [markdown_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3071{T} pkg [html5_parser_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3072{T} pkg [aspell_pl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3073{T} pkg [gpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3074{T} pkg [tesseract_data_lao] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3075{T} pkg [notepadqq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3076{T} pkg [libtorrent_rasterbar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3077{T} pkg [tesseract_data_lat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3078{T} pkg [tesseract_data_lav] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3079{T} pkg [reminiscence_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3080{T} pkg [aspell_ro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3081{T} pkg [pyrfc3339_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3082{T} pkg [ghostwriter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3083{T} pkg [atool_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3084{T} pkg [eiskaltdcpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3085{T} pkg [mpd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3086{T} pkg [freeciv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3087{T} pkg [neon_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3088{T} pkg [smplayer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3089{T} pkg [geos_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3090{T} pkg [gzdoom_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3091{T} pkg [pydispatcher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3092{T} pkg [mednafen_lynx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3093{T} pkg [dbus_glib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3094{T} pkg [sox_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3095{T} pkg [aspell_ru] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3096{T} pkg [lemon_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3097{T} pkg [json_c_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3098{T} pkg [libwpd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3099{T} pkg [xaos_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3100{T} pkg [libnsbmp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3101{T} pkg [mednafen_saturn_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3102{T} pkg [libwpg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3103{T} pkg [celestia_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3104{T} pkg [lcov_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3105{T} pkg [moleinvasion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3106{T} pkg [coolreader3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3107{T} pkg [dateutil_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3108{T} pkg [gn1731_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3109{T} pkg [gnupg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3110{T} pkg [hidapi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3111{T} pkg [android_file_transfer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3112{T} pkg [pdfwriter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3113{T} pkg [myspell_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3114{T} pkg [bison_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3115{T} pkg [cscope_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3116{T} pkg [meson_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3117{T} pkg [wordgrinder_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3118{T} pkg [mpc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3119{T} pkg [premake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3120{T} pkg [supertux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3121{T} pkg [cloud_init_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3122{T} pkg [sdl_image_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3123{T} pkg [xtrans_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3124{T} pkg [vision_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3125{T} pkg [gloox_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3126{T} pkg [libsquish_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3127{T} pkg [elforkane_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3128{T} pkg [texmaker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3129{T} pkg [tremor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3130{T} pkg [a_book_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3131{T} pkg [flacon_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3132{T} pkg [sqlalchemy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3133{T} pkg [nuspell_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3134{T} pkg [dfu_util_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3135{T} pkg [ixion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3136{T} pkg [libyubikey_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3137{T} pkg [python3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3138{T} pkg [3dmov_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3139{T} pkg [padblocker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3140{T} pkg [phantomlimb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3141{T} pkg [genesis_commander_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3142{T} pkg [iniparse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3143{T} pkg [aobook_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3144{T} pkg [prison_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3145{T} pkg [mpg123_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3146{T} pkg [resourceproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3147{T} pkg [flycast_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3148{T} pkg [networkx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3149{T} pkg [uhexen2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3150{T} pkg [libgsf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3151{T} pkg [git_arch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3152{T} pkg [farmhash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3153{T} pkg [sparsehash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3154{T} pkg [kreversi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3155{T} pkg [aspell_sk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3156{T} pkg [gsl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3157{T} pkg [aspell_sl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3158{T} pkg [dmd_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3159{T} pkg [aspell_sr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3160{T} pkg [quiterss] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3161{T} pkg [geoipupdate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3162{T} pkg [hexalate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3163{T} pkg [dmidecode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3164{T} pkg [aspell_sv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3165{T} pkg [ladspa_sdk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3166{T} pkg [libtool_libltdl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3167{T} pkg [lingua] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3168{T} pkg [bevexed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3169{T} pkg [kxmlgui] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3170{T} pkg [aspell_uk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3171{T} pkg [glew_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3172{T} pkg [glib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3173{T} pkg [libsanta_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3174{T} pkg [wcslib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3175{T} pkg [guile1_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3176{T} pkg [gnu_efi_kernel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3177{T} pkg [id3lib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3178{T} pkg [sablotron_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3179{T} pkg [teckit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3180{T} pkg [p11_kit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3181{T} pkg [solid_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3182{T} pkg [chmlib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3183{T} pkg [alglib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3184{T} pkg [qrencode_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3185{T} pkg [libepubgen_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3186{T} pkg [libclaw_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3187{T} pkg [kitemmodels_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3188{T} pkg [libparserutils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3189{T} pkg [hamlib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3190{T} pkg [taglib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3191{T} pkg [jbigkit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3192{T} pkg [aalib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3193{T} pkg [libsodium_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3194{T} pkg [axel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3195{T} pkg [okular_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3196{T} pkg [leveldb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3197{T} pkg [hyphen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3198{T} pkg [pydispatcher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3199{T} pkg [clipdinger] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3200{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kur] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3201{T} pkg [pycparser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3202{T} pkg [pingus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3203{T} pkg [audacious] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3204{T} pkg [mythes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3205{T} pkg [blogpositive] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3206{T} pkg [util_linux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3207{T} pkg [libyubikey] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3208{T} pkg [blis060_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3209{T} pkg [libdiscid_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3210{T} pkg [cyrus_sasl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3211{T} pkg [lingua_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3212{T} pkg [libopenshot_python38_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3213{T} pkg [ixion_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3214{T} pkg [bitchx_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3215{T} pkg [diskus_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3216{T} pkg [cfitsio_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3217{T} pkg [janet_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3218{T} pkg [irssi_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3219{T} pkg [jigdo_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3220{T} pkg [sdl_image] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3221{T} pkg [gws] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3222{T} pkg [libexif] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3223{T} pkg [libvisio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3224{T} pkg [gyp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3225{T} pkg [elixir] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3226{T} pkg [llvm9_clang_analysis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3227{T} pkg [llvm7_clang_analysis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3228{T} pkg [tesseract_data_lit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3229{T} pkg [libtasn1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3230{T} pkg [youtube_dl_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3231{T} pkg [nose_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3232{T} pkg [libdsk_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3233{T} pkg [openjdk13_default] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3234{T} pkg [pugixml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3235{T} pkg [tinyxml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3236{T} pkg [mxml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3237{T} pkg [aria2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3238{T} pkg [automake113] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3239{T} pkg [glib2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3240{T} pkg [imlib2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3241{T} pkg [urllib3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3242{T} pkg [calligra_okular_plugins] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3243{T} pkg [kwidgetsaddons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3244{T} pkg [openxcom] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3245{T} pkg [html5lib_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3246{T} pkg [python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3247{T} pkg [six_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3248{T} pkg [markups_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3249{T} pkg [discid_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3250{T} pkg [tesseracttranslator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3251{T} pkg [alembic_py_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3252{T} pkg [webencodings_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3253{T} pkg [markups_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3254{T} pkg [dnspython_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3255{T} pkg [dbuspython_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3256{T} pkg [markups_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3257{T} pkg [webencodings_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3258{T} pkg [dnspython_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3259{T} pkg [poppler_qt5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3260{T} pkg [libdvdread7] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3261{T} pkg [gutenprint8] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3262{T} pkg [gutenprint9] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3263{T} pkg [tesseract_data_mal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3264{T} pkg [kdiagram] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3265{T} pkg [openssl_man] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3266{T} pkg [libpcre0] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3267{T} pkg [tesseract_data_mar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3268{T} pkg [libpcre2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3269{T} pkg [iat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3270{T} pkg [libusb_compat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3271{T} pkg [wxqt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3272{T} pkg [kjumpingcube] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3273{T} pkg [hqx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3274{T} pkg [craft_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3275{T} pkg [cap32_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3276{T} pkg [attica] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3277{T} pkg [meteor_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3278{T} pkg [pad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3279{T} pkg [libsigsegv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3280{T} pkg [bzflag_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3281{T} pkg [mpv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3282{T} pkg [clips_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3283{T} pkg [xextproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3284{T} pkg [freeintv_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3285{T} pkg [libnice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3286{T} pkg [html5_parser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3287{T} pkg [keymapswitcher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3288{T} pkg [autotrace] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3289{T} pkg [maps_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3290{T} pkg [popt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3291{T} pkg [filecropper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3292{T} pkg [zipp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3293{T} pkg [beindexed_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3294{T} pkg [ucpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3295{T} pkg [pyqt5_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3296{T} pkg [fusesmb_haiku_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3297{T} pkg [ginac_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3298{T} pkg [feedparser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3299{T} pkg [libnslog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3300{T} pkg [wrapt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3301{T} pkg [r_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3302{T} pkg [qt5_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3303{T} pkg [cvsps_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3304{T} pkg [libdvdnav_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3305{T} pkg [frei0r_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3306{T} pkg [enum34_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3307{T} pkg [colormake_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3308{T} pkg [libsigc++3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3309{T} pkg [joyce] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3310{T} pkg [0ad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3311{T} pkg [libice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3312{T} pkg [calcurse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3313{T} pkg [nspr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3314{T} pkg [oniguruma_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3315{T} pkg [openjazz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3316{T} pkg [ppsspp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3317{T} pkg [zziplib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3318{T} pkg [bebuilder_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3319{T} pkg [numpy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3320{T} pkg [pywebsocket_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3321{T} pkg [bigreqsproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3322{T} pkg [systeminfo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3323{T} pkg [picodrive_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3324{T} pkg [skympc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3325{T} pkg [mcrypt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3326{T} pkg [mtafsir_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3327{T} pkg [gpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3328{T} pkg [apr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3329{T} pkg [libcmis_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3330{T} pkg [libbluray_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3331{T} pkg [dukpy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3332{T} pkg [jbigkit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3333{T} pkg [gnurobbo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3334{T} pkg [libbase58_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3335{T} pkg [mm_common_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3336{T} pkg [p11_kit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3337{T} pkg [deathchase3d_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3338{T} pkg [flac_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3339{T} pkg [mirrormagic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3340{T} pkg [audacious_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3341{T} pkg [gpxlab_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3342{T} pkg [speedcrunch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3343{T} pkg [which] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3344{T} pkg [click] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3345{T} pkg [png2ico] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3346{T} pkg [tuxracer_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3347{T} pkg [overpass] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3348{T} pkg [libu2f_host] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3349{T} pkg [frame3dd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3350{T} pkg [colorcode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3351{T} pkg [icu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3352{T} pkg [fribidi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3353{T} pkg [libidl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3354{T} pkg [libidn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3355{T} pkg [hub] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3356{T} pkg [tuxcards] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3357{T} pkg [msttcorefonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3358{T} pkg [tidy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3359{T} pkg [dumb2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3360{T} pkg [libopenmpt_modplug_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3361{T} pkg [wcstools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3362{T} pkg [hwloc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3363{T} pkg [knotifyconfig_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3364{T} pkg [dialog_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3365{T} pkg [libusbmuxd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3366{T} pkg [unittest++_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3367{T} pkg [openexr25_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3368{T} pkg [glog_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3369{T} pkg [sdl2_net_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3370{T} pkg [samba_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3371{T} pkg [libfm_extra_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3372{T} pkg [libiconv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3373{T} pkg [lpsolve_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3374{T} pkg [trackergrep] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3375{T} pkg [ca_root_certificates_java] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3376{T} pkg [slayer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3377{T} pkg [mplayer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3378{T} pkg [b43_fwcutter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3379{T} pkg [goonies] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3380{T} pkg [openjdk14_sources] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3381{T} pkg [async_timeout] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3382{T} pkg [libwapcaplet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3383{T} pkg [fife] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3384{T} pkg [markupsafe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3385{T} pkg [qview] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3386{T} pkg [certifi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3387{T} pkg [vifm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3388{T} pkg [residualvm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3389{T} pkg [graphicsmagick_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3390{T} pkg [flatbuffers_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3391{T} pkg [fdk_aac_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3392{T} pkg [libmaxminddb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3393{T} pkg [polyclipping_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3394{T} pkg [strigi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3395{T} pkg [pigz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3396{T} pkg [noto_sans_cjk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3397{T} pkg [editorconfig_core_py_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3398{T} pkg [pyqt_builder_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3399{T} pkg [dnspython_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3400{T} pkg [urwid_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3401{T} pkg [wrapt_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3402{T} pkg [frozendict_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3403{T} pkg [pybind11_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3404{T} pkg [tesseract_data_mkd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3405{T} pkg [openjazz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3406{T} pkg [libfilezilla] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3407{T} pkg [file] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3408{T} pkg [networkx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3409{T} pkg [bzip2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3410{T} pkg [gputils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3411{T} pkg [t1utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3412{T} pkg [scotch_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3413{T} pkg [lcms_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3414{T} pkg [imutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3415{T} pkg [opencv3_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3416{T} pkg [tesseract_data_mlt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3417{T} pkg [dmg2img] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3418{T} pkg [rsync] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3419{T} pkg [stress_ng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3420{T} pkg [stlink] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3421{T} pkg [routino] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3422{T} pkg [xerces_c] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3423{T} pkg [libmpdclient] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3424{T} pkg [ixion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3425{T} pkg [pyasn1_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3426{T} pkg [dnspython_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3427{T} pkg [setuptools_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3428{T} pkg [pycurl_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3429{T} pkg [pyaes_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3430{T} pkg [setuptools_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3431{T} pkg [soupsieve_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3432{T} pkg [attrs_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3433{T} pkg [voluptuous_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3434{T} pkg [numpy_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3435{T} pkg [jinja_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3436{T} pkg [soupsieve_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3437{T} pkg [attrs_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3438{T} pkg [jinja_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3439{T} pkg [voluptuous_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3440{T} pkg [setuptools_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3441{T} pkg [numpy_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3442{T} pkg [tesseract_data_epo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3443{T} pkg [zipp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3444{T} pkg [clips] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3445{T} pkg [jam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3446{T} pkg [fastjar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3447{T} pkg [tesseract_data_fas] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3448{T} pkg [tesseract_data_equ] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3449{T} pkg [benchmark] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3450{T} pkg [genesis_plus_gx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3451{T} pkg [exiv2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3452{T} pkg [bear_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3453{T} pkg [espeak_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3454{T} pkg [imgcat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3455{T} pkg [edgar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3456{T} pkg [avra_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3457{T} pkg [sourcetrail_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3458{T} pkg [knotifications_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3459{T} pkg [cal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3460{T} pkg [git_flow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3461{T} pkg [smmap_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3462{T} pkg [bsap_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3463{T} pkg [cereal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3464{T} pkg [sbc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3465{T} pkg [rocksndiamonds_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3466{T} pkg [bdirectconnect_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3467{T} pkg [jumpnbump_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3468{T} pkg [zeal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3469{T} pkg [netcat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3470{T} pkg [pixman_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3471{T} pkg [libuuid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3472{T} pkg [gsoap_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3473{T} pkg [iat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3474{T} pkg [msgpack_c_cpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3475{T} pkg [liblqr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3476{T} pkg [kdoctools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3477{T} pkg [poppler_data_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3478{T} pkg [lskat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3479{T} pkg [libguess_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3480{T} pkg [box2d_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3481{T} pkg [vncserver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3482{T} pkg [qtwebkit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3483{T} pkg [kobodeluxe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3484{T} pkg [smtube_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3485{T} pkg [libvncserver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3486{T} pkg [scummvm_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3487{T} pkg [globe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3488{T} pkg [yaml_cpp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3489{T} pkg [odt2txt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3490{T} pkg [knewstuff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3491{T} pkg [crypto++_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3492{T} pkg [glucas_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3493{T} pkg [paramiko_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3494{T} pkg [rasqal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3495{T} pkg [libplist_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3496{T} pkg [ideam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3497{T} pkg [babybe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3498{T} pkg [beam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3499{T} pkg [wxqt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3500{T} pkg [gcal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3501{T} pkg [mgba_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3502{T} pkg [cgal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3503{T} pkg [libmetalink_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3504{T} pkg [kapman_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3505{T} pkg [katomic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3506{T} pkg [abe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3507{T} pkg [liboauth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3508{T} pkg [libxml2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3509{T} pkg [goldendict_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3510{T} pkg [openttd_gfx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3511{T} pkg [hqx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3512{T} pkg [cowsay_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3513{T} pkg [retroarch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3514{T} pkg [isl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3515{T} pkg [uif2iso] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3516{T} pkg [daa2iso] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3517{T} pkg [ccd2iso] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3518{T} pkg [xorriso] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3519{T} pkg [krita] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3520{T} pkg [trojita] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3521{T} pkg [tesseract_data_est] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3522{T} pkg [cabextract] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3523{T} pkg [pnglite] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3524{T} pkg [sqlite] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3525{T} pkg [libsamplerate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3526{T} pkg [kwrite] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3527{T} pkg [flite] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3528{T} pkg [gettext_libintl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3529{T} pkg [carlito] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3530{T} pkg [kyua] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3531{T} pkg [eternal_lands] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3532{T} pkg [apply_defaults] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3533{T} pkg [ccfits] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3534{T} pkg [jed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3535{T} pkg [libreoffice_zh_tw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3536{T} pkg [sanity] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3537{T} pkg [libetonyek] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3538{T} pkg [tiff4_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3539{T} pkg [msieve_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3540{T} pkg [caffe_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3541{T} pkg [mesa_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3542{T} pkg [libxfixes_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3543{T} pkg [readline7_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3544{T} pkg [interface_elements_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3545{T} pkg [frei0r_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3546{T} pkg [libmp4v2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3547{T} pkg [dumb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3548{T} pkg [openvdb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3549{T} pkg [tidy57_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3550{T} pkg [scintilla_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3551{T} pkg [gmp_ecm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3552{T} pkg [libmodplug_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3553{T} pkg [geos_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3554{T} pkg [lighttpd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3555{T} pkg [libexecinfo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3556{T} pkg [clucene_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3557{T} pkg [admesh_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3558{T} pkg [libwebm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3559{T} pkg [kitemviews_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3560{T} pkg [libusb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3561{T} pkg [serf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3562{T} pkg [confuse_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3563{T} pkg [beezer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3564{T} pkg [focuswriter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3565{T} pkg [voluptuous] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3566{T} pkg [julius] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3567{T} pkg [tesseract_data_eus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3568{T} pkg [takenotes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3569{T} pkg [ca_root_certificates] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3570{T} pkg [pyasn1_modules] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3571{T} pkg [gsoap_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3572{T} pkg [gloox_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3573{T} pkg [gtest_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3574{T} pkg [gsasl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3575{T} pkg [photivo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3576{T} pkg [libfm_extra_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3577{T} pkg [guile_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3578{T} pkg [glib2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3579{T} pkg [gsl25_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3580{T} pkg [chromaprint_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3581{T} pkg [kpackage] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3582{T} pkg [poppler066_glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3583{T} pkg [poppler076_glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3584{T} pkg [poppler062_glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3585{T} pkg [libnumbertext] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3586{T} pkg [zstd_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3587{T} pkg [netbeans_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3588{T} pkg [tesseract_data_fin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3589{T} pkg [poezio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3590{T} pkg [szip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3591{T} pkg [p7zip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3592{T} pkg [minizip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3593{T} pkg [gzip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3594{T} pkg [quazip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3595{T} pkg [libreoffice_en_za] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3596{T} pkg [ancestris] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3597{T} pkg [benettris] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3598{T} pkg [libmatroska] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3599{T} pkg [setuptools_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3600{T} pkg [urllib3_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3601{T} pkg [mako_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3602{T} pkg [watchdog_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3603{T} pkg [importlib_metadata_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3604{T} pkg [hwloc2_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3605{T} pkg [sundials] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3606{T} pkg [kirigami] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3607{T} pkg [pyzmq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3608{T} pkg [libksane] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3609{T} pkg [polyclipping] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3610{T} pkg [pngquant] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3611{T} pkg [pyenchant] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3612{T} pkg [joe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3613{T} pkg [opensyobonaction] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3614{T} pkg [double_conversion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3615{T} pkg [aiohttp_socks_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3616{T} pkg [click_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3617{T} pkg [feedparser_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3618{T} pkg [dukpy_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3619{T} pkg [atomicwrites_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3620{T} pkg [qtdropbox] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3621{T} pkg [ecdsa_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3622{T} pkg [ecdsa_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3623{T} pkg [atomicwrites_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3624{T} pkg [dukpy_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3625{T} pkg [feedparser_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3626{T} pkg [tesseract_data_fra] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3627{T} pkg [usbdeskbar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3628{T} pkg [libfm_qt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3629{T} pkg [openjdk11_jre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3630{T} pkg [openjdk13_jre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3631{T} pkg [openjdk14_jre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3632{T} pkg [openjdk12_jre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3633{T} pkg [tesseract_data_frk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3634{T} pkg [tesseract_data_frm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3635{T} pkg [openlara_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3636{T} pkg [3dengine_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3637{T} pkg [fceumm_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3638{T} pkg [range_v3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3639{T} pkg [kdelibs4support] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3640{T} pkg [cal3d_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3641{T} pkg [se_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3642{T} pkg [boca_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3643{T} pkg [ffsb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3644{T} pkg [httpflow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3645{T} pkg [sundials_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3646{T} pkg [naspro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3647{T} pkg [ayat_recit_ghamadi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3648{T} pkg [ktexteditor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3649{T} pkg [x265_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3650{T} pkg [attrs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3651{T} pkg [libebook_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3652{T} pkg [kdelibs4support_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3653{T} pkg [pecorename_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3654{T} pkg [universalscroller_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3655{T} pkg [ruby_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3656{T} pkg [photograbber_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3657{T} pkg [xash3d_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3658{T} pkg [docbook_xml_dtd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3659{T} pkg [db61_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3660{T} pkg [v8_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3661{T} pkg [qca_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3662{T} pkg [libusb_compat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3663{T} pkg [ecdsa_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3664{T} pkg [joyce_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3665{T} pkg [attica_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3666{T} pkg [libassuan_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3667{T} pkg [gcc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3668{T} pkg [phototonic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3669{T} pkg [klickety_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3670{T} pkg [space_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3671{T} pkg [kdbusaddons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3672{T} pkg [sg3_utils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3673{T} pkg [byacc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3674{T} pkg [librsb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3675{T} pkg [fluidlite_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3676{T} pkg [mp3gain_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3677{T} pkg [which_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3678{T} pkg [libabw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3679{T} pkg [x264_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3680{T} pkg [qbs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3681{T} pkg [gif2apng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3682{T} pkg [zsh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3683{T} pkg [lxqt_build_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3684{T} pkg [ccextractor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3685{T} pkg [libice_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3686{T} pkg [xonsh_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3687{T} pkg [libiptcdata] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3688{T} pkg [kdb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3689{T} pkg [xmlsec_nss] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3690{T} pkg [libreoffice_kmr_latn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3691{T} pkg [sane_backends] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3692{T} pkg [openjpeg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3693{T} pkg [cgal_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3694{T} pkg [libvpx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3695{T} pkg [leptonica_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3696{T} pkg [sdl_gfx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3697{T} pkg [libiodbc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3698{T} pkg [libburn_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3699{T} pkg [lensfun_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3700{T} pkg [libsmdev_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3701{T} pkg [yaml_cpp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3702{T} pkg [fluidlite_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3703{T} pkg [tesseract_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3704{T} pkg [unixodbc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3705{T} pkg [rtmpdump_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3706{T} pkg [kdbusaddons_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3707{T} pkg [msgpack_c_cpp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3708{T} pkg [unshield_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3709{T} pkg [ragel_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3710{T} pkg [rubberband_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3711{T} pkg [sdl_pango_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3712{T} pkg [blinken] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3713{T} pkg [resourcer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3714{T} pkg [the_silver_searcher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3715{T} pkg [libshout] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3716{T} pkg [unicorn_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3717{T} pkg [libopenshot_audio_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3718{T} pkg [libxaw_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3719{T} pkg [gphoto2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3720{T} pkg [graphite2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3721{T} pkg [libpgf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3722{T} pkg [libssh_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3723{T} pkg [libp11_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3724{T} pkg [libtorrent_rasterbar_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3725{T} pkg [libxau_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3726{T} pkg [libx11_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3727{T} pkg [libidn_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3728{T} pkg [libcdio_paranoia_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3729{T} pkg [libxmu_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3730{T} pkg [libraw_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3731{T} pkg [libpsl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3732{T} pkg [libidl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3733{T} pkg [libdsk_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3734{T} pkg [hwloc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3735{T} pkg [fribidi_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3736{T} pkg [libxcm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3737{T} pkg [libxft_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3738{T} pkg [libabw_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3739{T} pkg [libiconv_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3740{T} pkg [libqxp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3741{T} pkg [libgsf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3742{T} pkg [librsb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3743{T} pkg [libxpm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3744{T} pkg [libxcb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3745{T} pkg [libwps_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3746{T} pkg [libfmt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3747{T} pkg [libusb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3748{T} pkg [rubberband_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3749{T} pkg [jbigkit_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3750{T} pkg [libpng_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3751{T} pkg [libmtp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3752{T} pkg [unixodbc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3753{T} pkg [libxcomposite_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3754{T} pkg [libslz_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3755{T} pkg [tidy57_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3756{T} pkg [libice_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3757{T} pkg [libass_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3758{T} pkg [openttd_gfx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3759{T} pkg [bonnie++] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3760{T} pkg [markdown] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3761{T} pkg [tagainijisho] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3762{T} pkg [kig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3763{T} pkg [libepoxy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3764{T} pkg [kio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3765{T} pkg [pyqt5_sip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3766{T} pkg [haikuwebkit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3767{T} pkg [jdtextedit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3768{T} pkg [noto_serif_cjk_jp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3769{T} pkg [pyrsistent_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3770{T} pkg [asn1crypto_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3771{T} pkg [cssselect_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3772{T} pkg [kjs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3773{T} pkg [automake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3774{T} pkg [noto_serif_cjk_kr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3775{T} pkg [kbookmarks] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3776{T} pkg [llvm9_lld] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3777{T} pkg [tesseract_data_gle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3778{T} pkg [tesseract_data_glg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3779{T} pkg [fotowall] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3780{T} pkg [jsonschema] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3781{T} pkg [xdg_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3782{T} pkg [libmatroska6] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3783{T} pkg [libmikmod] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3784{T} pkg [chocolate_doom] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3785{T} pkg [gobject_introspection] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3786{T} pkg [libdaemon] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3787{T} pkg [msgpack_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3788{T} pkg [speedtest_cli_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3789{T} pkg [markdown_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3790{T} pkg [debugmonitor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3791{T} pkg [qscintilla_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3792{T} pkg [websocketpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3793{T} pkg [gpxlab] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3794{T} pkg [flac] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3795{T} pkg [libmcrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3796{T} pkg [libgcrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3797{T} pkg [bzflag] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3798{T} pkg [libunibreak] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3799{T} pkg [noto_regional] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3800{T} pkg [tesseract_data_grc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3801{T} pkg [tesseract_data_hat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3802{T} pkg [musescore] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3803{T} pkg [djvulibre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3804{T} pkg [mednafen_wswan_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3805{T} pkg [mednafen_saturn_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3806{T} pkg [pcsx_rearmed_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3807{T} pkg [noto_serif_cjk_sc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3808{T} pkg [boost163] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3809{T} pkg [boost164] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3810{T} pkg [deathchase3d] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3811{T} pkg [unrtf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3812{T} pkg [softhsm2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3813{T} pkg [musicbrainz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3814{T} pkg [pypeg2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3815{T} pkg [postgresql11_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3816{T} pkg [libnsutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3817{T} pkg [pyenchant_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3818{T} pkg [xdelta_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3819{T} pkg [melonds_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3820{T} pkg [click_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3821{T} pkg [jpegoptim_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3822{T} pkg [kiconthemes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3823{T} pkg [certifi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3824{T} pkg [md4c_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3825{T} pkg [armagetronad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3826{T} pkg [pjdfstest_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3827{T} pkg [xsv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3828{T} pkg [acr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3829{T} pkg [colordiff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3830{T} pkg [verilator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3831{T} pkg [gdb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3832{T} pkg [cfitsio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3833{T} pkg [httplib2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3834{T} pkg [sl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3835{T} pkg [libdsk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3836{T} pkg [ack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3837{T} pkg [sdl_gfx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3838{T} pkg [nss_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3839{T} pkg [remotecontrol_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3840{T} pkg [libpcre2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3841{T} pkg [libfm_qt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3842{T} pkg [libiodbc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3843{T} pkg [netcdf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3844{T} pkg [libiptcdata_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3845{T} pkg [libsm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3846{T} pkg [color_lines_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3847{T} pkg [double_conversion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3848{T} pkg [vcardpeople_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3849{T} pkg [icu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3850{T} pkg [lmdb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3851{T} pkg [bebattle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3852{T} pkg [ode_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3853{T} pkg [goonies_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3854{T} pkg [libdwarf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3855{T} pkg [libcuefile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3856{T} pkg [check_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3857{T} pkg [postgresql12_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3858{T} pkg [kdb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3859{T} pkg [dtc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3860{T} pkg [mlpack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3861{T} pkg [w6_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3862{T} pkg [npth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3863{T} pkg [python_imaging_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3864{T} pkg [libburndevice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3865{T} pkg [arpack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3866{T} pkg [stella2014_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3867{T} pkg [libpsl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3868{T} pkg [googlemaps_mini_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3869{T} pkg [treecc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3870{T} pkg [speech_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3871{T} pkg [iec16022_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3872{T} pkg [libnpupnp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3873{T} pkg [apsw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3874{T} pkg [libpcre0_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3875{T} pkg [opencl_headers_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3876{T} pkg [emacs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3877{T} pkg [mock_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3878{T} pkg [2048_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3879{T} pkg [hblock_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3880{T} pkg [8dock_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3881{T} pkg [zookeeper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3882{T} pkg [lapack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3883{T} pkg [smpeg2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3884{T} pkg [pynacl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3885{T} pkg [boost165] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3886{T} pkg [ocp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3887{T} pkg [boost166] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3888{T} pkg [libsquish] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3889{T} pkg [boost169] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3890{T} pkg [peaclock] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3891{T} pkg [libcroco] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3892{T} pkg [boost170] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3893{T} pkg [criticalmass] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3894{T} pkg [qt5_docs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3895{T} pkg [noto_serif_cjk_tc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3896{T} pkg [innoextract] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3897{T} pkg [cascadia_code] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3898{T} pkg [substrate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3899{T} pkg [renderproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3900{T} pkg [xcmiscproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3901{T} pkg [tesseract_data_heb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3902{T} pkg [tldr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3903{T} pkg [gdk_pixbuf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3904{T} pkg [tesseract_data_guj] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3905{T} pkg [libxft_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3906{T} pkg [allegro_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3907{T} pkg [kplotting_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3908{T} pkg [libwpg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3909{T} pkg [libfprint_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3910{T} pkg [libxaw_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3911{T} pkg [protobuf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3912{T} pkg [libjpeg_turbo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3913{T} pkg [libxcb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3914{T} pkg [jigit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3915{T} pkg [libxcm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3916{T} pkg [mygui_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3917{T} pkg [cegui_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3918{T} pkg [muparser_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3919{T} pkg [libwps_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3920{T} pkg [libsigrokdecode_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3921{T} pkg [weechat_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3922{T} pkg [libxau_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3923{T} pkg [libwpd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3924{T} pkg [libconfig_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3925{T} pkg [irrlicht_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3926{T} pkg [xar_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3927{T} pkg [starfighter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3928{T} pkg [kgoldrunner] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3929{T} pkg [pkcs11_helper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3930{T} pkg [milkytracker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3931{T} pkg [phonon_gstreamer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3932{T} pkg [poppler] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3933{T} pkg [feedparser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3934{T} pkg [bullet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3935{T} pkg [kwallet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3936{T} pkg [mudlet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3937{T} pkg [flex] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3938{T} pkg [xz_utils_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3939{T} pkg [libfstrcmp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3940{T} pkg [alembic_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3941{T} pkg [blender_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3942{T} pkg [lincity_ng_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3943{T} pkg [opencv3_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3944{T} pkg [guitar_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3945{T} pkg [zeromq_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3946{T} pkg [openvdb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3947{T} pkg [libepoxy_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3948{T} pkg [expat_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3949{T} pkg [routino_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3950{T} pkg [netcdf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3951{T} pkg [leveldb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3952{T} pkg [opensubdiv_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3953{T} pkg [libpagemaker_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3954{T} pkg [icoutils_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3955{T} pkg [libdvdread_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3956{T} pkg [emacs_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3957{T} pkg [guile1_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3958{T} pkg [coreutils_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3959{T} pkg [otter_browser_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3960{T} pkg [harfbuzz_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3961{T} pkg [sg3_utils_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3962{T} pkg [openssl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3963{T} pkg [powermanga] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3964{T} pkg [lha] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3965{T} pkg [libsigc++3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3966{T} pkg [plib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3967{T} pkg [giflib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3968{T} pkg [zlib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3969{T} pkg [zziplib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3970{T} pkg [pdflib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3971{T} pkg [rdflib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3972{T} pkg [dlib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3973{T} pkg [flif] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3974{T} pkg [tesseract_data_hin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3975{T} pkg [libopenshot_audio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3976{T} pkg [lis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3977{T} pkg [blis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3978{T} pkg [iso8601_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3979{T} pkg [pyyaml_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3980{T} pkg [sqlalchemy_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3981{T} pkg [pyzmq_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3982{T} pkg [soupsieve_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3983{T} pkg [idna_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3984{T} pkg [jinja_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3985{T} pkg [pynacl_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3986{T} pkg [pyrfc3339_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3987{T} pkg [flatstyle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3988{T} pkg [minimizeall] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3989{T} pkg [libmysqlclient_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3990{T} pkg [libp11] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3991{T} pkg [sdl_sound] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3992{T} pkg [googlemaps_mini] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3993{T} pkg [libktorrent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3994{T} pkg [libxfont] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3995{T} pkg [gst_plugins_good] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3996{T} pkg [spdlog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3997{T} pkg [libebook] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3998{T} pkg [intltool] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
3999{T} pkg [remotecontrol] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4000{T} pkg [ranger_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4001{T} pkg [asn1crypto_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4002{T} pkg [pyaes_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4003{T} pkg [regex_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4004{T} pkg [qr_code_generator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4005{T} pkg [pdftranslator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4006{T} pkg [gnuplot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4007{T} pkg [pillow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4008{T} pkg [pyzmq_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4009{T} pkg [imutils_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4010{T} pkg [lazy_object_proxy_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4011{T} pkg [pyqt5_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4012{T} pkg [lazy_object_proxy_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4013{T} pkg [imutils_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4014{T} pkg [mac] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4015{T} pkg [libmad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4016{T} pkg [armagetronad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4017{T} pkg [2048] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4018{T} pkg [pixman] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4019{T} pkg [txt2man] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4020{T} pkg [kapman] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4021{T} pkg [liblqr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4022{T} pkg [qml_box2d] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4023{T} pkg [stella2014_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4024{T} pkg [libreoffice_pt_br] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4025{T} pkg [libsdl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4026{T} pkg [libidn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4027{T} pkg [libnatpmp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4028{T} pkg [medo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4029{T} pkg [lrzsz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4030{T} pkg [gw_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4031{T} pkg [yacreader_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4032{T} pkg [librepcb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4033{T} pkg [qputty_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4034{T} pkg [expect_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4035{T} pkg [solarus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4036{T} pkg [menu_cache_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4037{T} pkg [tnftp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4038{T} pkg [help2man_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4039{T} pkg [libcdr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4040{T} pkg [threadweaver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4041{T} pkg [hubbub_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4042{T} pkg [xmlroff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4043{T} pkg [libupnp15_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4044{T} pkg [aspell_pt_br_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4045{T} pkg [nomacs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4046{T} pkg [cblas_reference_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4047{T} pkg [xmlto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4048{T} pkg [trackgit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4049{T} pkg [gpxsee_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4050{T} pkg [ncdu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4051{T} pkg [shanty_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4052{T} pkg [lpsolve_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4053{T} pkg [lua_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4054{T} pkg [kpty_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4055{T} pkg [jbig2dec_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4056{T} pkg [flickcurl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4057{T} pkg [gme_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4058{T} pkg [tidy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4059{T} pkg [ftppositive_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4060{T} pkg [pam_yubico_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4061{T} pkg [81_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4062{T} pkg [gengetopt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4063{T} pkg [dos2unix_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4064{T} pkg [sed_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4065{T} pkg [avr_binutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4066{T} pkg [putty_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4067{T} pkg [swift_lang_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4068{T} pkg [bin86_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4069{T} pkg [knavalbattle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4070{T} pkg [libpagemaker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4071{T} pkg [kwindowsystem_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4072{T} pkg [mplayer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4073{T} pkg [libidl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4074{T} pkg [jigdo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4075{T} pkg [scribus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4076{T} pkg [grafx2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4077{T} pkg [fftw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4078{T} pkg [homeworld_sdl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4079{T} pkg [openimageio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4080{T} pkg [gertty_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4081{T} pkg [superprefs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4082{T} pkg [tolua++_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4083{T} pkg [gutenprint8_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4084{T} pkg [libsndfile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4085{T} pkg [imagesize_py_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4086{T} pkg [libxkbfile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4087{T} pkg [hub_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4088{T} pkg [libspiro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4089{T} pkg [gutenprint9_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4090{T} pkg [libsigrok_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4091{T} pkg [lftp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4092{T} pkg [slack++_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4093{T} pkg [djvutranslator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4094{T} pkg [tesseract_data_hrv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4095{T} pkg [libreoffice_zh_cn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4096{T} pkg [lmdb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4097{T} pkg [ayat_recit_ghamadi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4098{T} pkg [youtube_dl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4099{T} pkg [inputproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4100{T} pkg [lua] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4101{T} pkg [ktextwidgets] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4102{T} pkg [neonlights] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4103{T} pkg [gst_plugins_base_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4104{T} pkg [speech_tools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4105{T} pkg [cal3d_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4106{T} pkg [squirrel_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4107{T} pkg [libdwarf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4108{T} pkg [libaubio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4109{T} pkg [libarchive_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4110{T} pkg [irrxml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4111{T} pkg [kidletime_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4112{T} pkg [libgsasl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4113{T} pkg [knotifications_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4114{T} pkg [ocl_icd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4115{T} pkg [libxmp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4116{T} pkg [libxinerama_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4117{T} pkg [yab_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4118{T} pkg [libxmu_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4119{T} pkg [libodfgen_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4120{T} pkg [mosquitto_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4121{T} pkg [libxpm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4122{T} pkg [tesseract_data_hun] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4123{T} pkg [edfbrowser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4124{T} pkg [css_parser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4125{T} pkg [documentviewer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4126{T} pkg [mplus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4127{T} pkg [llvm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4128{T} pkg [ffmpeg_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4129{T} pkg [geoip_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4130{T} pkg [flite_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4131{T} pkg [libxfixes_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4132{T} pkg [libmpdclient_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4133{T} pkg [libxrender_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4134{T} pkg [libfm_qt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4135{T} pkg [netcdf_cxx_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4136{T} pkg [libopenmpt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4137{T} pkg [bdirectconnect_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4138{T} pkg [gemrb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4139{T} pkg [libreoffice_en_gb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4140{T} pkg [boehm_gc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4141{T} pkg [lz4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4142{T} pkg [tolua++] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4143{T} pkg [json_glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4144{T} pkg [libxml2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4145{T} pkg [vl_gothic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4146{T} pkg [pipepanic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4147{T} pkg [lyx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4148{T} pkg [noto_emoji] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4149{T} pkg [lzo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4150{T} pkg [pip_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4151{T} pkg [smmap_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4152{T} pkg [pyenchant_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4153{T} pkg [cython_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4154{T} pkg [aiorpcx_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4155{T} pkg [ja2_stracciatella] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4156{T} pkg [tesseract_data_iku] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4157{T} pkg [libmkv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4158{T} pkg [multitalk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4159{T} pkg [superfreecell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4160{T} pkg [neverball] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4161{T} pkg [u_boot_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4162{T} pkg [fuse_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4163{T} pkg [dosfstools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4164{T} pkg [pathtools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4165{T} pkg [ebook_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4166{T} pkg [mlt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4167{T} pkg [valentina] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4168{T} pkg [lmms] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4169{T} pkg [libmms] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4170{T} pkg [makedepend] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4171{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ind] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4172{T} pkg [curaengine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4173{T} pkg [capstone] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4174{T} pkg [libunistring] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4175{T} pkg [libmng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4176{T} pkg [openjk_academy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4177{T} pkg [kcoreaddons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4178{T} pkg [ykclient] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4179{T} pkg [moe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4180{T} pkg [mog] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4181{T} pkg [exiftool] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4182{T} pkg [decorator_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4183{T} pkg [moleinvasion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4184{T} pkg [zope_interface_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4185{T} pkg [mpc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4186{T} pkg [mpd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4187{T} pkg [flameshot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4188{T} pkg [cryptography_vectors_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4189{T} pkg [3dmov] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4190{T} pkg [html5lib_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4191{T} pkg [html5lib_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4192{T} pkg [libreoffice_pl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4193{T} pkg [slixmpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4194{T} pkg [libreoffice_pt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4195{T} pkg [mpv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4196{T} pkg [alembic_py] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4197{T} pkg [runprogram] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4198{T} pkg [libtheora] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4199{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ara] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4200{T} pkg [lua51] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4201{T} pkg [lua52] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4202{T} pkg [qemu_sparc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4203{T} pkg [mednafen_vb_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4204{T} pkg [libreoffice_ro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4205{T} pkg [romannumbers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4206{T} pkg [libreoffice_sd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4207{T} pkg [supertuxkart] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4208{T} pkg [opus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4209{T} pkg [libsrtp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4210{T} pkg [asn1crypto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4211{T} pkg [retroarch_assets_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4212{T} pkg [knights_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4213{T} pkg [sigrok_cli_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4214{T} pkg [slayer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4215{T} pkg [benettris_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4216{T} pkg [haikuwebsearch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4217{T} pkg [the_silver_searcher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4218{T} pkg [libtorrent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4219{T} pkg [xmlsec_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4220{T} pkg [fontforge_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4221{T} pkg [opentyrian_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4222{T} pkg [libssh2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4223{T} pkg [rtorrent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4224{T} pkg [readline_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4225{T} pkg [libfontenc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4226{T} pkg [kparts_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4227{T} pkg [wpa_supplicant_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4228{T} pkg [libgsasl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4229{T} pkg [lsdvd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4230{T} pkg [ranger_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4231{T} pkg [fife_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4232{T} pkg [qview_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4233{T} pkg [speex_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4234{T} pkg [lib3ds_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4235{T} pkg [armadillo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4236{T} pkg [vwget_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4237{T} pkg [libsvgtiny_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4238{T} pkg [kproperty_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4239{T} pkg [whereismymouse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4240{T} pkg [fuel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4241{T} pkg [regex_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4242{T} pkg [libdvdread7_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4243{T} pkg [hefur_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4244{T} pkg [vc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4245{T} pkg [groff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4246{T} pkg [libutf8proc2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4247{T} pkg [ragel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4248{T} pkg [dbus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4249{T} pkg [colorcode_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4250{T} pkg [qml_box2d_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4251{T} pkg [album_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4252{T} pkg [aiksaurus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4253{T} pkg [fribidi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4254{T} pkg [giddy3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4255{T} pkg [libcec_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4256{T} pkg [qtdropbox_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4257{T} pkg [async_timeout_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4258{T} pkg [rubberband_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4259{T} pkg [libfstrcmp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4260{T} pkg [catchchallenger_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4261{T} pkg [libreoffice_ru] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4262{T} pkg [ultradv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4263{T} pkg [pythonzeroconf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4264{T} pkg [pyaes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4265{T} pkg [libuv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4266{T} pkg [libxinerama_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4267{T} pkg [opensubdiv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4268{T} pkg [wput_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4269{T} pkg [pwgen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4270{T} pkg [primesieve_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4271{T} pkg [seeker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4272{T} pkg [kidletime_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4273{T} pkg [kwidgetsaddons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4274{T} pkg [wget_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4275{T} pkg [heimer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4276{T} pkg [asylum_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4277{T} pkg [avrdude_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4278{T} pkg [eigen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4279{T} pkg [libreoffice_sk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4280{T} pkg [libreoffice_sl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4281{T} pkg [tesseract_data_asm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4282{T} pkg [libxdmcp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4283{T} pkg [libreoffice_sq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4284{T} pkg [libreoffice_sr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4285{T} pkg [dreamchess] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4286{T} pkg [themes_stargate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4287{T} pkg [libreoffice_sv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4288{T} pkg [libreoffice_tg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4289{T} pkg [libreoffice_th] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4290{T} pkg [libmtp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4291{T} pkg [libreoffice_tr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4292{T} pkg [mtr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4293{T} pkg [vectoroids] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4294{T} pkg [kconfigwidgets] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4295{T} pkg [libreoffice_tt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4296{T} pkg [grantlee] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4297{T} pkg [myspell_gug] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4298{T} pkg [libreoffice_ug] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4299{T} pkg [libdmtx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4300{T} pkg [cmake_gui] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4301{T} pkg [libreoffice_uk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4302{T} pkg [alembic_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4303{T} pkg [libdvdcss_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4304{T} pkg [liblrdf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4305{T} pkg [libeditline_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4306{T} pkg [re2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4307{T} pkg [libquicktime_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4308{T} pkg [libdv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4309{T} pkg [unrar_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4310{T} pkg [tesseract_data_bel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4311{T} pkg [libxdamage_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4312{T} pkg [libraw_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4313{T} pkg [qt5_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4314{T} pkg [libfm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4315{T} pkg [embree_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4316{T} pkg [cmark_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4317{T} pkg [kio_extras_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4318{T} pkg [libid3tag_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4319{T} pkg [libevent21_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4320{T} pkg [libsass_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4321{T} pkg [svt_av1_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4322{T} pkg [libao_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4323{T} pkg [libyaml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4324{T} pkg [libqxp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4325{T} pkg [avisynthplus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4326{T} pkg [libyajl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4327{T} pkg [calc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4328{T} pkg [fifechan_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4329{T} pkg [libev_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4330{T} pkg [cubeb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4331{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ben] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4332{T} pkg [genesis_commander] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4333{T} pkg [schroedinger] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4334{T} pkg [ansiweather] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4335{T} pkg [querywatcher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4336{T} pkg [sdl2_mixer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4337{T} pkg [sdlscavenger] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4338{T} pkg [ultracopier] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4339{T} pkg [libu2f_server] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4340{T} pkg [filecropper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4341{T} pkg [sqlcipher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4342{T} pkg [kchmviewer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4343{T} pkg [manaplus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4344{T} pkg [psi_plus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4345{T} pkg [liblayout] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4346{T} pkg [sonnet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4347{T} pkg [nfd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4348{T} pkg [tmux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4349{T} pkg [warmux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4350{T} pkg [ibm_plex] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4351{T} pkg [libreoffice_vi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4352{T} pkg [libreoffice_uz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4353{T} pkg [nethack_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4354{T} pkg [bzip2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4355{T} pkg [boost170_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4356{T} pkg [systeminfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4357{T} pkg [quiterss_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4358{T} pkg [boost169_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4359{T} pkg [supermariowar_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4360{T} pkg [libmspack_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4361{T} pkg [gobject_introspection_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4362{T} pkg [assimp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4363{T} pkg [dav1d_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4364{T} pkg [csound_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4365{T} pkg [ctags_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4366{T} pkg [libassuan_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4367{T} pkg [boswars_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4368{T} pkg [armadillo9_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4369{T} pkg [sundials_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4370{T} pkg [libgphoto2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4371{T} pkg [libsigsegv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4372{T} pkg [tinyxml2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4373{T} pkg [mirrormagic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4374{T} pkg [wizznic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4375{T} pkg [libebml4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4376{T} pkg [nim] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4377{T} pkg [tesseract_data_aze] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4378{T} pkg [click_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4379{T} pkg [mock_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4380{T} pkg [pypeg2_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4381{T} pkg [ranger_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4382{T} pkg [chardet_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4383{T} pkg [tesseract_data_kat_old] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4384{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ita_old] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4385{T} pkg [tesseract_data_spa_old] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4386{T} pkg [lbreakout2_levels] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4387{T} pkg [kdoctools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4388{T} pkg [postgresql11] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4389{T} pkg [postgresql12] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4390{T} pkg [libopusenc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4391{T} pkg [llvm_clang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4392{T} pkg [nnn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4393{T} pkg [libnpupnp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4394{T} pkg [iec16022] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4395{T} pkg [libimagequant] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4396{T} pkg [tesseract_data_bod] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4397{T} pkg [subversion] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4398{T} pkg [certifi_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4399{T} pkg [httplib2_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4400{T} pkg [apsw_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4401{T} pkg [yab_documentation] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4402{T} pkg [mock_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4403{T} pkg [pypeg2_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4404{T} pkg [click_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4405{T} pkg [pynacl_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4406{T} pkg [djvutranslator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4407{T} pkg [hwloc2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4408{T} pkg [tesseract_data_bos] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4409{T} pkg [httpflow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4410{T} pkg [git_flow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4411{T} pkg [sqlalchemy_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4412{T} pkg [python_markdown_math_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4413{T} pkg [python_markdown_math_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4414{T} pkg [sqlalchemy_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4415{T} pkg [ktechlab] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4416{T} pkg [myspell_af] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4417{T} pkg [netcdf_fortran] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4418{T} pkg [myspell_an] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4419{T} pkg [help2man] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4420{T} pkg [myspell_ar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4421{T} pkg [openblas] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4422{T} pkg [tesseract_data_cat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4423{T} pkg [microbe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4424{T} pkg [globe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4425{T} pkg [myspell_be] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4426{T} pkg [myspell_bg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4427{T} pkg [myspell_bn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4428{T} pkg [myspell_bo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4429{T} pkg [boca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4430{T} pkg [myspell_ca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4431{T} pkg [libreoffice_dsb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4432{T} pkg [myspell_br] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4433{T} pkg [myspell_bs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4434{T} pkg [x264] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4435{T} pkg [aiohttp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4436{T} pkg [deskbareyes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4437{T} pkg [lz4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4438{T} pkg [more_itertools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4439{T} pkg [libepoxy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4440{T} pkg [lensfun_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4441{T} pkg [themes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4442{T} pkg [strigi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4443{T} pkg [libgit2_25_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4444{T} pkg [fuse_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4445{T} pkg [vvvvvv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4446{T} pkg [gpsp_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4447{T} pkg [llvm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4448{T} pkg [bafx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4449{T} pkg [mutagen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4450{T} pkg [rtmpdump_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4451{T} pkg [glogg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4452{T} pkg [quassel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4453{T} pkg [sshfs_fuse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4454{T} pkg [texmacs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4455{T} pkg [sge_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4456{T} pkg [podofo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4457{T} pkg [poppler076_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4458{T} pkg [zope_interface_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4459{T} pkg [kshisen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4460{T} pkg [nsgenbind_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4461{T} pkg [mosquitto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4462{T} pkg [libogg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4463{T} pkg [asciidoc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4464{T} pkg [libxtst_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4465{T} pkg [fmsx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4466{T} pkg [libpurple_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4467{T} pkg [jsonrpcserver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4468{T} pkg [libaacs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4469{T} pkg [numptyphysics_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4470{T} pkg [karchive_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4471{T} pkg [openjpeg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4472{T} pkg [sharutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4473{T} pkg [neofetch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4474{T} pkg [xorgproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4475{T} pkg [kcodecs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4476{T} pkg [subtitlecomposer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4477{T} pkg [x265] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4478{T} pkg [myspell_udm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4479{T} pkg [vifm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4480{T} pkg [decorator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4481{T} pkg [openoriginpackage_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4482{T} pkg [libopusenc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4483{T} pkg [sdl_ttf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4484{T} pkg [rawaes_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4485{T} pkg [mda_vst_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4486{T} pkg [libebur128_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4487{T} pkg [neonlights_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4488{T} pkg [libmspack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4489{T} pkg [hblock] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4490{T} pkg [8dock] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4491{T} pkg [ocp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4492{T} pkg [myspell_da] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4493{T} pkg [vvvvvv_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4494{T} pkg [myspell_cs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4495{T} pkg [nss] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4496{T} pkg [ode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4497{T} pkg [myspell_de] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4498{T} pkg [qemu_riscv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4499{T} pkg [damageproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4500{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ceb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4501{T} pkg [fira_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4502{T} pkg [t4k_common_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4503{T} pkg [libassuan_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4504{T} pkg [lib3ds_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4505{T} pkg [myspell_el] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4506{T} pkg [libxi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4507{T} pkg [sbc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4508{T} pkg [xmlsec_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4509{T} pkg [libebml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4510{T} pkg [libical_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4511{T} pkg [libsdl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4512{T} pkg [librsb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4513{T} pkg [glibmm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4514{T} pkg [sge_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4515{T} pkg [plotutils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4516{T} pkg [libsm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4517{T} pkg [libblkmaker_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4518{T} pkg [kiconthemes_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4519{T} pkg [liblo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4520{T} pkg [gcab_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4521{T} pkg [parallel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4522{T} pkg [proj_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4523{T} pkg [libmd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4524{T} pkg [libxt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4525{T} pkg [libmaxminddb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4526{T} pkg [tesseract_data_bul] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4527{T} pkg [cfitsio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4528{T} pkg [libuv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4529{T} pkg [einsteinium] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4530{T} pkg [libxscrnsaver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4531{T} pkg [catchchallenger] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4532{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ces] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4533{T} pkg [kactivities] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4534{T} pkg [mupen64plus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4535{T} pkg [myspell_es] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4536{T} pkg [lmarbles] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4537{T} pkg [myspell_et] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4538{T} pkg [groff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4539{T} pkg [xmlroff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4540{T} pkg [libunibreak_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4541{T} pkg [protobuf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4542{T} pkg [wcstools_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4543{T} pkg [abstrakt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4544{T} pkg [unittest++_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4545{T} pkg [yacreader_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4546{T} pkg [poppler076_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4547{T} pkg [poppler066_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4548{T} pkg [quazip_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4549{T} pkg [libbdplus_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4550{T} pkg [librevenge_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4551{T} pkg [mudlet_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4552{T} pkg [podofo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4553{T} pkg [libxcursor_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4554{T} pkg [mtools_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4555{T} pkg [myspell_fr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4556{T} pkg [myspell_gd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4557{T} pkg [xmlbmessage] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4558{T} pkg [glogg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4559{T} pkg [libogg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4560{T} pkg [myspell_gl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4561{T} pkg [libsecp256k1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4562{T} pkg [myspell_he] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4563{T} pkg [myspell_gu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4564{T} pkg [myspell_hi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4565{T} pkg [tesseract_data_chr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4566{T} pkg [myspell_hr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4567{T} pkg [poppler_glib] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4568{T} pkg [monoid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4569{T} pkg [droid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4570{T} pkg [myspell_id] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4571{T} pkg [myspell_hu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4572{T} pkg [wavpack_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4573{T} pkg [myspell_is] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4574{T} pkg [myspell_it] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4575{T} pkg [pytz_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4576{T} pkg [pycares_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4577{T} pkg [discid_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4578{T} pkg [python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4579{T} pkg [bcrypt_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4580{T} pkg [symbola] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4581{T} pkg [ksudoku] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4582{T} pkg [fusesmb_haiku] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4583{T} pkg [myspell_kv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4584{T} pkg [ri_li] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4585{T} pkg [flyingtroll] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4586{T} pkg [olm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4587{T} pkg [myspell_lo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4588{T} pkg [gdal302] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4589{T} pkg [myspell_lt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4590{T} pkg [myspell_lv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4591{T} pkg [toml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4592{T} pkg [zeromq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4593{T} pkg [mdds14] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4594{T} pkg [iozone] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4595{T} pkg [piozone] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4596{T} pkg [myspell_ne] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4597{T} pkg [bong] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4598{T} pkg [myspell_nl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4599{T} pkg [myspell_no] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4600{T} pkg [libssh_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4601{T} pkg [myspell_oc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4602{T} pkg [clear_sans] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4603{T} pkg [libopenshot_audio_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4604{T} pkg [gitqlient] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4605{T} pkg [unifont] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4606{T} pkg [a_book] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4607{T} pkg [aobook] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4608{T} pkg [be_book] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4609{T} pkg [atool] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4610{T} pkg [libtool] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4611{T} pkg [itstool] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4612{T} pkg [gzdoom] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4613{T} pkg [more_itertools_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4614{T} pkg [gloox] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4615{T} pkg [beautifulsoup_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4616{T} pkg [packaging_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4617{T} pkg [more_itertools_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4618{T} pkg [beautifulsoup_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4619{T} pkg [packaging_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4620{T} pkg [libart_lgpl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4621{T} pkg [myspell_pl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4622{T} pkg [0ad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4623{T} pkg [popt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4624{T} pkg [pad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4625{T} pkg [getopt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4626{T} pkg [myspell_pt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4627{T} pkg [openpam] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4628{T} pkg [tesseract_data_dan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4629{T} pkg [zpaq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4630{T} pkg [libbs2b] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4631{T} pkg [orc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4632{T} pkg [expat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4633{T} pkg [kbbi_qt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4634{T} pkg [gst_libav] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4635{T} pkg [clockwerk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4636{T} pkg [wireshark] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4637{T} pkg [netpbm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4638{T} pkg [mednafen_pcfx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4639{T} pkg [tyrquake_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4640{T} pkg [myspell_ro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4641{T} pkg [mednafen_lynx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4642{T} pkg [mednafen_psx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4643{T} pkg [mednafen_ngp_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4644{T} pkg [pbr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4645{T} pkg [colors] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4646{T} pkg [c_blosc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4647{T} pkg [gcc_syslibs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4648{T} pkg [kreport] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4649{T} pkg [taskmanager_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4650{T} pkg [sdl_bomber_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4651{T} pkg [liblangtag_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4652{T} pkg [doxygen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4653{T} pkg [libreplaygain_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4654{T} pkg [otter_browser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4655{T} pkg [ffmpeg_avdevice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4656{T} pkg [mgba_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4657{T} pkg [unshield_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4658{T} pkg [kumoworks_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4659{T} pkg [opencollada_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4660{T} pkg [libsmdev_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4661{T} pkg [pachi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4662{T} pkg [unittest++_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4663{T} pkg [graphviz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4664{T} pkg [libpaper_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4665{T} pkg [libxi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4666{T} pkg [html_parser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4667{T} pkg [billardgl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4668{T} pkg [gflags_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4669{T} pkg [blinken_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4670{T} pkg [kjumpingcube_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4671{T} pkg [o2em_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4672{T} pkg [damageproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4673{T} pkg [polyclipping_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4674{T} pkg [pluggy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4675{T} pkg [subversion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4676{T} pkg [minetest_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4677{T} pkg [libaubio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4678{T} pkg [calibre_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4679{T} pkg [ccache_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4680{T} pkg [libshout_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4681{T} pkg [parallel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4682{T} pkg [krusader_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4683{T} pkg [pkgconfig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4684{T} pkg [opencascade_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4685{T} pkg [poppler066_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4686{T} pkg [shc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4687{T} pkg [deeperpeople_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4688{T} pkg [gnugo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4689{T} pkg [nose] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4690{T} pkg [wcstools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4691{T} pkg [pngcrush_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4692{T} pkg [quaternion_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4693{T} pkg [openttd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4694{T} pkg [libnice_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4695{T} pkg [poppler062_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4696{T} pkg [openblas_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4697{T} pkg [physfs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4698{T} pkg [libreoffice] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4699{T} pkg [openldap_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4700{T} pkg [xml_parser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4701{T} pkg [myspell_ru] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4702{T} pkg [openclaw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4703{T} pkg [inputproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4704{T} pkg [vecx_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4705{T} pkg [ocl_icd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4706{T} pkg [tuxpaint_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4707{T} pkg [potrace_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4708{T} pkg [kigo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4709{T} pkg [ctags_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4710{T} pkg [libwebp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4711{T} pkg [libcaca_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4712{T} pkg [myspell_si] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4713{T} pkg [myspell_sk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4714{T} pkg [gptfdisk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4715{T} pkg [graphicsmagick] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4716{T} pkg [osl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4717{T} pkg [myspell_sl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4718{T} pkg [opentyrian_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4719{T} pkg [myspell_sq] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4720{T} pkg [myspell_sr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4721{T} pkg [kross] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4722{T} pkg [frozendict] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4723{T} pkg [intel_microcode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4724{T} pkg [myspell_te] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4725{T} pkg [myspell_sv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4726{T} pkg [xpdf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4727{T} pkg [myspell_sw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4728{T} pkg [fluidsynth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4729{T} pkg [wesnoth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4730{T} pkg [midisynth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4731{T} pkg [myspell_th] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4732{T} pkg [aiorpcx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4733{T} pkg [noto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4734{T} pkg [glproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4735{T} pkg [roboto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4736{T} pkg [libotr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4737{T} pkg [myspell_tr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4738{T} pkg [libxrandr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4739{T} pkg [docbook_xsl_stylesheets] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4740{T} pkg [lpeg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4741{T} pkg [jpeg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4742{T} pkg [ytdl_gui] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4743{T} pkg [frotz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4744{T} pkg [myspell_uk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4745{T} pkg [libinstpatch_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4746{T} pkg [gdbm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4747{T} pkg [tcl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4748{T} pkg [libbson_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4749{T} pkg [dcadec_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4750{T} pkg [muscle_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4751{T} pkg [ucpp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4752{T} pkg [game_music_emu_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4753{T} pkg [freeimage_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4754{T} pkg [libftdi_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4755{T} pkg [kemoticons_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4756{T} pkg [libcddb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4757{T} pkg [librsvg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4758{T} pkg [libicns_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4759{T} pkg [libssh_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4760{T} pkg [sdl2_gfx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4761{T} pkg [openssl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4762{T} pkg [tbb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4763{T} pkg [libnsgif_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4764{T} pkg [kded_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4765{T} pkg [fontconfig_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4766{T} pkg [argtable2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4767{T} pkg [kdnssd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4768{T} pkg [zstd_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4769{T} pkg [sox_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4770{T} pkg [libcdio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4771{T} pkg [cmocka_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4772{T} pkg [libtar_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4773{T} pkg [libsmf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4774{T} pkg [libxslt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4775{T} pkg [nspr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4776{T} pkg [ftgl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4777{T} pkg [kholidays_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4778{T} pkg [libsvm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4779{T} pkg [gdal_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4780{T} pkg [libkdegames_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4781{T} pkg [libsdl2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4782{T} pkg [ptex_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4783{T} pkg [primegen_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4784{T} pkg [libbluray_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4785{T} pkg [libslz_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4786{T} pkg [textsaver] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4787{T} pkg [alienblaster] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4788{T} pkg [foobillardplus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4789{T} pkg [love] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4790{T} pkg [tesseract_data_deu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4791{T} pkg [paperkey] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4792{T} pkg [myspell_vi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4793{T} pkg [hyperfine_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4794{T} pkg [manaplus_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4795{T} pkg [sqlite_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4796{T} pkg [lapack_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4797{T} pkg [argon2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4798{T} pkg [uriparser_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4799{T} pkg [aria2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4800{T} pkg [libaubio_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4801{T} pkg [bovo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4802{T} pkg [libbase58_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4803{T} pkg [partio_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4804{T} pkg [libdatrie_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4805{T} pkg [naspro_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4806{T} pkg [libsidplayfp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4807{T} pkg [libpgf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4808{T} pkg [libkmahjongg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4809{T} pkg [kmahjongg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4810{T} pkg [netcdf_cxx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4811{T} pkg [haproxy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4812{T} pkg [privoxy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4813{T} pkg [tesseract_data_cym] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4814{T} pkg [pycharm_community_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4815{T} pkg [pip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4816{T} pkg [libxdg_basedir] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4817{T} pkg [qtwebkit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4818{T} pkg [cram_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4819{T} pkg [python_markdown_math_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4820{T} pkg [twisted_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4821{T} pkg [knavalbattle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4822{T} pkg [liblockfile] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4823{T} pkg [super_transball] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4824{T} pkg [cfitsio_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4825{T} pkg [sg3_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4826{T} pkg [sharutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4827{T} pkg [ply] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4828{T} pkg [libpipeline] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4829{T} pkg [glpng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4830{T} pkg [app2png] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4831{T} pkg [libpng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4832{T} pkg [libmetalink] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4833{T} pkg [libmysqlclient] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4834{T} pkg [chromaprint] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4835{T} pkg [musicbrainz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4836{T} pkg [libxml2_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4837{T} pkg [sdlpop] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4838{T} pkg [libgpg_error] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4839{T} pkg [libxcursor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4840{T} pkg [verilator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4841{T} pkg [ccextractor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4842{T} pkg [mock_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4843{T} pkg [mako_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4844{T} pkg [2pow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4845{T} pkg [py_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4846{T} pkg [nose_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4847{T} pkg [waitress_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4848{T} pkg [idna_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4849{T} pkg [apsw_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4850{T} pkg [waitress_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4851{T} pkg [py_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4852{T} pkg [nose_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4853{T} pkg [idna_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4854{T} pkg [apsw_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4855{T} pkg [aaaa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4856{T} pkg [faad2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4857{T} pkg [fdk_aac] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4858{T} pkg [qemu_mips] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4859{T} pkg [libreoffice_af] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4860{T} pkg [libreoffice_ar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4861{T} pkg [libreoffice_be] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4862{T} pkg [libreoffice_bg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4863{T} pkg [nightandday] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4864{T} pkg [libp8_platform] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4865{T} pkg [libreoffice_bn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4866{T} pkg [libspiro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4867{T} pkg [parallel_n64_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4868{T} pkg [hatari_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4869{T} pkg [libcaca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4870{T} pkg [libreoffice_ca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4871{T} pkg [qca] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4872{T} pkg [libreoffice_br] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4873{T} pkg [qbs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4874{T} pkg [becheckers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4875{T} pkg [byacc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4876{T} pkg [libreoffice_bs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4877{T} pkg [png2ico_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4878{T} pkg [speedtest_cli_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4879{T} pkg [ktuberling_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4880{T} pkg [microbe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4881{T} pkg [libxcursor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4882{T} pkg [bitchx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4883{T} pkg [nethack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4884{T} pkg [urwid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4885{T} pkg [ghostscript_gpl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4886{T} pkg [lmdbxx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4887{T} pkg [msgpack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4888{T} pkg [aiohttp_socks_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4889{T} pkg [sdl_sound_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4890{T} pkg [helpviewer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4891{T} pkg [bochs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4892{T} pkg [tesseracttranslator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4893{T} pkg [makeobj_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4894{T} pkg [gmic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4895{T} pkg [scriptureguide_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4896{T} pkg [tagainijisho_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4897{T} pkg [qhttpengine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4898{T} pkg [avr_gcc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4899{T} pkg [libksba_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4900{T} pkg [gst_plugins_base_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4901{T} pkg [jdreplace] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4902{T} pkg [nyancat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4903{T} pkg [kig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4904{T} pkg [opus_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4905{T} pkg [lmarbles_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4906{T} pkg [bencode_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4907{T} pkg [lbreakout2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4908{T} pkg [libvorbis_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4909{T} pkg [libp8_platform_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4910{T} pkg [libmwaw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4911{T} pkg [sdllopan_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4912{T} pkg [libxt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4913{T} pkg [libpcap_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4914{T} pkg [qdirstat_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4915{T} pkg [dulwich_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4916{T} pkg [html2text_python_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4917{T} pkg [libopenmpt_modplug_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4918{T} pkg [snes9x_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4919{T} pkg [file_next_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4920{T} pkg [wavpack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4921{T} pkg [3dengine_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4922{T} pkg [lnlauncher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4923{T} pkg [pipepanic_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4924{T} pkg [harfbuzz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4925{T} pkg [libopenmpt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4926{T} pkg [monoid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4927{T} pkg [markdown_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4928{T} pkg [pigz_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4929{T} pkg [blis060_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4930{T} pkg [featherpad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4931{T} pkg [swig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4932{T} pkg [libreoffice_brx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4933{T} pkg [testdisk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4934{T} pkg [libpsl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4935{T} pkg [setuptools_scm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4936{T} pkg [libreoffice_da] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4937{T} pkg [emacs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4938{T} pkg [libaacs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4939{T} pkg [nomacs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4940{T} pkg [md4c] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4941{T} pkg [libreoffice_cs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4942{T} pkg [texmacs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4943{T} pkg [docbook_xml_dtd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4944{T} pkg [bdirectconnect] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4945{T} pkg [libplist] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4946{T} pkg [libreoffice_de] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4947{T} pkg [npth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4948{T} pkg [libtommath] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4949{T} pkg [libreoffice_cy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4950{T} pkg [wireshark_gui] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4951{T} pkg [mbedtls_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4952{T} pkg [libreoffice_el] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4953{T} pkg [libmodbus_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4954{T} pkg [khtml_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4955{T} pkg [harfbuzz_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4956{T} pkg [nghttp2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4957{T} pkg [libx11_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4958{T} pkg [libguess_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4959{T} pkg [raptor_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4960{T} pkg [libopenmpt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4961{T} pkg [libreplaygain_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4962{T} pkg [libebur128_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4963{T} pkg [libidn2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4964{T} pkg [libedit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4965{T} pkg [opencascade_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4966{T} pkg [graphviz_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4967{T} pkg [libxtst_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4968{T} pkg [partio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4969{T} pkg [tox_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4970{T} pkg [ncurses6_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4971{T} pkg [libwebp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4972{T} pkg [nettle_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4973{T} pkg [libsigrok_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4974{T} pkg [kproperty_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4975{T} pkg [ruby_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4976{T} pkg [libvorbis_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4977{T} pkg [libreoffice_eo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4978{T} pkg [libreoffice_fa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4979{T} pkg [sdl_mixer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4980{T} pkg [libpagemaker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4981{T} pkg [myspell_fur] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4982{T} pkg [taskmanager] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4983{T} pkg [rawaes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4984{T} pkg [libreoffice_es] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4985{T} pkg [pyaes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4986{T} pkg [libreoffice_et] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4987{T} pkg [kbreakout] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4988{T} pkg [karchive] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4989{T} pkg [libreoffice_eu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4990{T} pkg [lightsoff] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4991{T} pkg [libreoffice_fi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4992{T} pkg [bochs_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4993{T} pkg [libcdio1_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4994{T} pkg [cal3d_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4995{T} pkg [krusader_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4996{T} pkg [arpack_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4997{T} pkg [cppcheck_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4998{T} pkg [opusfile_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
4999{T} pkg [cairo_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5000{T} pkg [bison_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5001{T} pkg [libreoffice_ga] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5002{T} pkg [libreoffice_fr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5003{T} pkg [libreoffice_gd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5004{T} pkg [libreoffice_fy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5005{T} pkg [crypto++] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5006{T} pkg [libreoffice_gl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5007{T} pkg [libreoffice_he] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5008{T} pkg [libreoffice_hi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5009{T} pkg [libreoffice_hr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5010{T} pkg [libreoffice_id] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5011{T} pkg [libreoffice_hu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5012{T} pkg [libvpx_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5013{T} pkg [mp3gain] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5014{T} pkg [openimageio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5015{T} pkg [libreoffice_ja] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5016{T} pkg [sais] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5017{T} pkg [libreoffice_is] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5018{T} pkg [libreoffice_it] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5019{T} pkg [noto_serif_cjk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5020{T} pkg [libyajl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5021{T} pkg [tesseract_data_dzo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5022{T} pkg [libreoffice_ka] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5023{T} pkg [editor_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5024{T} pkg [jsonrpcclient_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5025{T} pkg [pyopengl_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5026{T} pkg [lxml_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5027{T} pkg [babel_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5028{T} pkg [networkx_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5029{T} pkg [toml_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5030{T} pkg [cmake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5031{T} pkg [make] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5032{T} pkg [premake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5033{T} pkg [bmake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5034{T} pkg [smake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5035{T} pkg [libreoffice_kk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5036{T} pkg [libreoffice_ko] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5037{T} pkg [mako] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5038{T} pkg [libreoffice_lb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5039{T} pkg [bdhcalc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5040{T} pkg [calc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5041{T} pkg [kcalc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5042{T} pkg [synergy_haiku] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5043{T} pkg [binwalk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5044{T} pkg [tesseract_data_ell] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5045{T} pkg [flif_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5046{T} pkg [libreoffice_lt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5047{T} pkg [mame] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5048{T} pkg [libquicktime] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5049{T} pkg [pygame] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5050{T} pkg [libreoffice_lv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5051{T} pkg [libreoffice_mk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5052{T} pkg [libyaml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5053{T} pkg [pyyaml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5054{T} pkg [ocaml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5055{T} pkg [libreoffice_mn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5056{T} pkg [openjdk11] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5057{T} pkg [libreoffice_nb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5058{T} pkg [openjdk12] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5059{T} pkg [openjdk13] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5060{T} pkg [openjdk14] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5061{T} pkg [libreoffice_ne] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5062{T} pkg [libeditline] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5063{T} pkg [tesseract_data_eng] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5064{T} pkg [libreoffice_nl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5065{T} pkg [tesseract_data_enm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5066{T} pkg [libreoffice_nn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5067{T} pkg [libevent21] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5068{T} pkg [attrs_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5069{T} pkg [ecdsa_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5070{T} pkg [mm_common] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5071{T} pkg [nanosvgtranslator] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5072{T} pkg [eduke32] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5073{T} pkg [catkeyseditor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5074{T} pkg [pathtools_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5075{T} pkg [html2text_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5076{T} pkg [chardet_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5077{T} pkg [chardet_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5078{T} pkg [html2text_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5079{T} pkg [pathtools_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5080{T} pkg [maps] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5081{T} pkg [qt5] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5082{T} pkg [libid3tag] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5083{T} pkg [global] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5084{T} pkg [alivejournal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5085{T} pkg [fifechan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5086{T} pkg [libao] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5087{T} pkg [calligra] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5088{T} pkg [re2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5089{T} pkg [unrar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5090{T} pkg [kio_extras] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5091{T} pkg [picard] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5092{T} pkg [noto_chroscore] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5093{T} pkg [libraw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5094{T} pkg [amoebax] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5095{T} pkg [povray] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5096{T} pkg [cmark] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5097{T} pkg [yarl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5098{T} pkg [opera_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5099{T} pkg [svt_av1] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5100{T} pkg [cryptography_vectors] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5101{T} pkg [boswars] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5102{T} pkg [quazip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5103{T} pkg [luajit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5104{T} pkg [keychain_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5105{T} pkg [lm4tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5106{T} pkg [llvm9_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5107{T} pkg [lzip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5108{T} pkg [unibilium_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5109{T} pkg [libgpg_error_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5110{T} pkg [devil_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5111{T} pkg [libzip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5112{T} pkg [avr_libc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5113{T} pkg [daa2iso_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5114{T} pkg [kinit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5115{T} pkg [mozc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5116{T} pkg [llvm6_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5117{T} pkg [ktextwidgets_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5118{T} pkg [llvm8_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5119{T} pkg [libdiscid_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5120{T} pkg [sqlitebrowser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5121{T} pkg [llvm7_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5122{T} pkg [qvim_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5123{T} pkg [cavepacker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5124{T} pkg [m4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5125{T} pkg [pip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5126{T} pkg [radare2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5127{T} pkg [netsurf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5128{T} pkg [fontboy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5129{T} pkg [cssselect_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5130{T} pkg [tuxcards_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5131{T} pkg [jinja_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5132{T} pkg [partio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5133{T} pkg [zip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5134{T} pkg [capitalbe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5135{T} pkg [fotowall_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5136{T} pkg [ltris_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5137{T} pkg [p7zip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5138{T} pkg [plotutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5139{T} pkg [unzip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5140{T} pkg [mupen64plus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5141{T} pkg [redis_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5142{T} pkg [becasso_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5143{T} pkg [peaclock_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5144{T} pkg [hermes_game_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5145{T} pkg [poezio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5146{T} pkg [becheckers_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5147{T} pkg [mkdepend_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5148{T} pkg [resourcer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5149{T} pkg [nim_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5150{T} pkg [instead_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5151{T} pkg [flatstyle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5152{T} pkg [im_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5153{T} pkg [lrzip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5154{T} pkg [qsystray_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5155{T} pkg [joystickutilizer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5156{T} pkg [calcurse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5157{T} pkg [libcdio0_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5158{T} pkg [lis_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5159{T} pkg [lugaru] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5160{T} pkg [vim_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5161{T} pkg [edfbrowser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5162{T} pkg [blaze_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5163{T} pkg [gobject_introspection_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5164{T} pkg [elixir_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5165{T} pkg [libburn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5166{T} pkg [gzip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5167{T} pkg [gyp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5168{T} pkg [gnuplot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5169{T} pkg [szip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5170{T} pkg [usbdeskbar_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5171{T} pkg [uif2iso_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5172{T} pkg [colobot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5173{T} pkg [qtkeychain_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5174{T} pkg [libcdio1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5175{T} pkg [libtimidity_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5176{T} pkg [blis_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5177{T} pkg [ccd2iso_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5178{T} pkg [ninja_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5179{T} pkg [cpio_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5180{T} pkg [randrproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5181{T} pkg [aspell_de_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5182{T} pkg [wonderbrush] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5183{T} pkg [qmmp_plugin_pack] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5184{T} pkg [gsasl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5185{T} pkg [iasl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5186{T} pkg [yasm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5187{T} pkg [freedroidrpg_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5188{T} pkg [ayat_tafasir_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5189{T} pkg [ncompress] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5190{T} pkg [libdvdcss] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5191{T} pkg [libsass] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5192{T} pkg [icecast] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5193{T} pkg [kate] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5194{T} pkg [liblrdf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5195{T} pkg [tuxmath] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5196{T} pkg [python_markdown_math] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5197{T} pkg [amath] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5198{T} pkg [cubeb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5199{T} pkg [biniax2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5200{T} pkg [tree] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5201{T} pkg [embree] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5202{T} pkg [libdv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5203{T} pkg [libsigsegv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5204{T} pkg [ebook_tools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5205{T} pkg [mlt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5206{T} pkg [grantlee_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5207{T} pkg [libunistring_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5208{T} pkg [libxdmcp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5209{T} pkg [ykclient_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5210{T} pkg [sdl2_mixer_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5211{T} pkg [lua52_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5212{T} pkg [sonnet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5213{T} pkg [lzo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5214{T} pkg [sqlcipher_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5215{T} pkg [kcoreaddons_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5216{T} pkg [liblayout_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5217{T} pkg [libdmtx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5218{T} pkg [libu2f_server_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5219{T} pkg [schroedinger_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5220{T} pkg [lua51_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5221{T} pkg [libtheora_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5222{T} pkg [babel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5223{T} pkg [libmng_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5224{T} pkg [libmtp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5225{T} pkg [mpc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5226{T} pkg [kconfigwidgets_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5227{T} pkg [libmkv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5228{T} pkg [tinyxml2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5229{T} pkg [capstone_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5230{T} pkg [libmms_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5231{T} pkg [mpv_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5232{T} pkg [luckybackup] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5233{T} pkg [haikutwitter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5234{T} pkg [randomizer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5235{T} pkg [android_file_transfer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5236{T} pkg [avisynthplus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5237{T} pkg [kwave] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5238{T} pkg [recursive] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5239{T} pkg [autoconf_archive] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5240{T} pkg [libev] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5241{T} pkg [libfm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5242{T} pkg [brie_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5243{T} pkg [gdbm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5244{T} pkg [opencv_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5245{T} pkg [gdal_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5246{T} pkg [euae_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5247{T} pkg [grep_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5248{T} pkg [fftw_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5249{T} pkg [gawk_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5250{T} pkg [file_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5251{T} pkg [hstr_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5252{T} pkg [mpg123_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5253{T} pkg [dash_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5254{T} pkg [dlib_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5255{T} pkg [curl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5256{T} pkg [libconfig_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5257{T} pkg [graphviz_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5258{T} pkg [dbus_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5259{T} pkg [colm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5260{T} pkg [coin_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5261{T} pkg [glog_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5262{T} pkg [ripgrep_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5263{T} pkg [calc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5264{T} pkg [voxophone_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5265{T} pkg [blis_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5266{T} pkg [cgal_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5267{T} pkg [gcab_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5268{T} pkg [libxdamage] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5269{T} pkg [gawk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5270{T} pkg [mawk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5271{T} pkg [minisign] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5272{T} pkg [libqxp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5273{T} pkg [alembic] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5274{T} pkg [brie] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5275{T} pkg [tesseract_data_chi_sim] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5276{T} pkg [lighttpd_mod_geoip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5277{T} pkg [ltris] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5278{T} pkg [gambit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5279{T} pkg [paramiko_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5280{T} pkg [apsw_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5281{T} pkg [httplib2_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5282{T} pkg [bottle_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5283{T} pkg [html5lib_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5284{T} pkg [future_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5285{T} pkg [paramiko] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5286{T} pkg [dooble] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5287{T} pkg [liblo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5288{T} pkg [iso8601] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5289{T} pkg [plotutils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5290{T} pkg [leptonica_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5291{T} pkg [libmd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5292{T} pkg [libebml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5293{T} pkg [glibmm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5294{T} pkg [nxengine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5295{T} pkg [breeze_icons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5296{T} pkg [lcdproc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5297{T} pkg [tuxpaint] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5298{T} pkg [proj] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5299{T} pkg [t4k_common] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5300{T} pkg [cython_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5301{T} pkg [pillow_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5302{T} pkg [editor_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5303{T} pkg [util_macros] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5304{T} pkg [colobot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5305{T} pkg [mesa_swpipe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5306{T} pkg [twisted_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5307{T} pkg [dosbox] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5308{T} pkg [twisted_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5309{T} pkg [gcab] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5310{T} pkg [qcad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5311{T} pkg [gcal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5312{T} pkg [tzlocal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5313{T} pkg [libical] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5314{T} pkg [libassuan] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5315{T} pkg [bsap] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5316{T} pkg [glucas] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5317{T} pkg [sbc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5318{T} pkg [imgcat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5319{T} pkg [calibre] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5320{T} pkg [nekop2_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5321{T} pkg [librsb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5322{T} pkg [unicorn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5323{T} pkg [tzlocal_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5324{T} pkg [libxscrnsaver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5325{T} pkg [fdk_aac_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5326{T} pkg [redoflacs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5327{T} pkg [gambit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5328{T} pkg [range_v3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5329{T} pkg [dvdbackup_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5330{T} pkg [qmdnsengine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5331{T} pkg [fontsproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5332{T} pkg [dave_gnukem_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5333{T} pkg [kristall_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5334{T} pkg [command_not_found_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5335{T} pkg [apitrace_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5336{T} pkg [gst_plugins_bad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5337{T} pkg [bcunit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5338{T} pkg [puckman_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5339{T} pkg [clazy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5340{T} pkg [snowman_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5341{T} pkg [qrencode_kdl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5342{T} pkg [kirigami_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5343{T} pkg [craft_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5344{T} pkg [x265_179_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5345{T} pkg [libmatrix_client_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5346{T} pkg [editorconfig_core_py_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5347{T} pkg [videoproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5348{T} pkg [cutemarked_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5349{T} pkg [nxengine_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5350{T} pkg [json_c4_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5351{T} pkg [jq_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5352{T} pkg [txt2man_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5353{T} pkg [requests_futures_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5354{T} pkg [qthaikuplugins_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5355{T} pkg [dvda_author_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5356{T} pkg [parallel_n64_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5357{T} pkg [kcontacts_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5358{T} pkg [b43_fwcutter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5359{T} pkg [qtstyleplugins_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5360{T} pkg [freealut_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5361{T} pkg [luarocks_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5362{T} pkg [libical_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5363{T} pkg [libsm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5364{T} pkg [timezone_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5365{T} pkg [libmaxminddb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5366{T} pkg [unrtf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5367{T} pkg [libsdl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5368{T} pkg [videoproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5369{T} pkg [retroarch_assets] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5370{T} pkg [lib3ds] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5371{T} pkg [xmlsec] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5372{T} pkg [sed] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5373{T} pkg [gpxsee] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5374{T} pkg [zsdx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5375{T} pkg [libsecp256k1_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5376{T} pkg [ode_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5377{T} pkg [kdoctools_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5378{T} pkg [libogg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5379{T} pkg [netcdf_fortran_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5380{T} pkg [libopusenc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5381{T} pkg [boca_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5382{T} pkg [libxscrnsaver_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5383{T} pkg [postgresql12_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5384{T} pkg [x265_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5385{T} pkg [libnpupnp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5386{T} pkg [podofo_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5387{T} pkg [hwloc2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5388{T} pkg [iec16022_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5389{T} pkg [postgresql11_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5390{T} pkg [x264_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5391{T} pkg [openblas_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5392{T} pkg [xmlroff_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5393{T} pkg [libimagequant_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5394{T} pkg [nss_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5395{T} pkg [subversion_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5396{T} pkg [kactivities_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5397{T} pkg [libmspack_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5398{T} pkg [netsurf_buildsystem] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5399{T} pkg [cavepacker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5400{T} pkg [libblkmaker] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5401{T} pkg [kiconthemes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5402{T} pkg [scribus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5403{T} pkg [libuv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5404{T} pkg [yasm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5405{T} pkg [nasm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5406{T} pkg [mutt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5407{T} pkg [msgpack_c_cpp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5408{T} pkg [mame_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5409{T} pkg [gdal302_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5410{T} pkg [shared_mime_info] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5411{T} pkg [lcms_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5412{T} pkg [crypto++_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5413{T} pkg [p11_kit_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5414{T} pkg [mesa_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5415{T} pkg [argtable2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5416{T} pkg [neon_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5417{T} pkg [libtxc_dxtn_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5418{T} pkg [x264_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5419{T} pkg [vala_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5420{T} pkg [mpfr_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5421{T} pkg [poppler_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5422{T} pkg [kyua_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5423{T} pkg [starfighter_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5424{T} pkg [mxml_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5425{T} pkg [make_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5426{T} pkg [wxqt_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5427{T} pkg [proj_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5428{T} pkg [imagemagick_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5429{T} pkg [kona_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5430{T} pkg [qgit_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5431{T} pkg [ruby_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5432{T} pkg [sge] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5433{T} pkg [funcsigs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5434{T} pkg [shc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5435{T} pkg [kobodeluxe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5436{T} pkg [ccache] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5437{T} pkg [pachi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5438{T} pkg [libxi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5439{T} pkg [bochs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5440{T} pkg [libxt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5441{T} pkg [discid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5442{T} pkg [git_email] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5443{T} pkg [cfitsio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5444{T} pkg [sip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5445{T} pkg [mtafsir] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5446{T} pkg [kholidays] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5447{T} pkg [freeciv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5448{T} pkg [six] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5449{T} pkg [becjk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5450{T} pkg [cmocka] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5451{T} pkg [markups_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5452{T} pkg [pycrypto_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5453{T} pkg [pillow_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5454{T} pkg [async_timeout_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5455{T} pkg [kblocks] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5456{T} pkg [muscle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5457{T} pkg [pax_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5458{T} pkg [setuptools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5459{T} pkg [openvdb_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5460{T} pkg [tiff4_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5461{T} pkg [libxslt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5462{T} pkg [acme] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5463{T} pkg [libsmf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5464{T} pkg [libslz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5465{T} pkg [game_music_emu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5466{T} pkg [noteshrink] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5467{T} pkg [libicns] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5468{T} pkg [kemoticons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5469{T} pkg [artpaint] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5470{T} pkg [minicom] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5471{T} pkg [coverage_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5472{T} pkg [libbson] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5473{T} pkg [flacon] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5474{T} pkg [timecop] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5475{T} pkg [fheroes2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5476{T} pkg [musicpc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5477{T} pkg [dovecot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5478{T} pkg [openshot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5479{T} pkg [future_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5480{T} pkg [sox] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5481{T} pkg [future_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5482{T} pkg [ucpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5483{T} pkg [nspr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5484{T} pkg [tuxpaint_stamps] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5485{T} pkg [cvsps] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5486{T} pkg [gdal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5487{T} pkg [robin_map] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5488{T} pkg [tesseract_data_chi_tra] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5489{T} pkg [tbb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5490{T} pkg [al_anvar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5491{T} pkg [tar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5492{T} pkg [libtar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5493{T} pkg [argtable2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5494{T} pkg [tbe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5495{T} pkg [libbluray] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5496{T} pkg [gdbm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5497{T} pkg [srm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5498{T} pkg [picodrive_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5499{T} pkg [sdcc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5500{T} pkg [kdnssd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5501{T} pkg [automake113_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5502{T} pkg [tworld_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5503{T} pkg [liblockfile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5504{T} pkg [digikam_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5505{T} pkg [aspell_en_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5506{T} pkg [jdreplace_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5507{T} pkg [speedcrunch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5508{T} pkg [kjobwidgets_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5509{T} pkg [fairtrade_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5510{T} pkg [libmatroska_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5511{T} pkg [voxophone_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5512{T} pkg [rhapsody_irc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5513{T} pkg [nestopia_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5514{T} pkg [ncurses6_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5515{T} pkg [bottle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5516{T} pkg [marble_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5517{T} pkg [einsteinium_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5518{T} pkg [easyrpg_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5519{T} pkg [opendune_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5520{T} pkg [squirrel_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5521{T} pkg [freetype_bootstrap_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5522{T} pkg [documentviewer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5523{T} pkg [sdl2_image_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5524{T} pkg [urllib3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5525{T} pkg [nettle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5526{T} pkg [vorbis_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5527{T} pkg [dooble_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5528{T} pkg [libmaxminddb_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5529{T} pkg [makeheaders_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5530{T} pkg [vlc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5531{T} pkg [zopfli_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5532{T} pkg [app2png_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5533{T} pkg [conky_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5534{T} pkg [aspell_be_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5535{T} pkg [lcdproc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5536{T} pkg [libupnp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5537{T} pkg [fitspng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5538{T} pkg [kcmutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5539{T} pkg [pngquant_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5540{T} pkg [brotli_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5541{T} pkg [links_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5542{T} pkg [aspell_bg_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5543{T} pkg [aspell_eo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5544{T} pkg [gwenview_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5545{T} pkg [wolle_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5546{T} pkg [libu2f_host_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5547{T} pkg [libinstpatch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5548{T} pkg [openssh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5549{T} pkg [libssh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5550{T} pkg [irssi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5551{T} pkg [tcl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5552{T} pkg [openssl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5553{T} pkg [flare_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5554{T} pkg [libcddb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5555{T} pkg [zstd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5556{T} pkg [libftdi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5557{T} pkg [tesseract_data_srp_latn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5558{T} pkg [resourceproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5559{T} pkg [caladea] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5560{T} pkg [ifaddr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5561{T} pkg [hstr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5562{T} pkg [mdds] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5563{T} pkg [dcadec] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5564{T} pkg [kded] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5565{T} pkg [olm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5566{T} pkg [openpam_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5567{T} pkg [libart_lgpl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5568{T} pkg [graphicsmagick_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5569{T} pkg [osl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5570{T} pkg [libxrandr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5571{T} pkg [love_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5572{T} pkg [libbs2b_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5573{T} pkg [fluidsynth_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5574{T} pkg [gdal302_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5575{T} pkg [kreport_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5576{T} pkg [gcc_syslibs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5577{T} pkg [netcdf_cxx_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5578{T} pkg [kross_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5579{T} pkg [netpbm_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5580{T} pkg [libsidplayfp_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5581{T} pkg [libotr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5582{T} pkg [popt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5583{T} pkg [libpgf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5584{T} pkg [expat_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5585{T} pkg [libkmahjongg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5586{T} pkg [c_blosc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5587{T} pkg [orc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5588{T} pkg [gloox_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5589{T} pkg [zeromq_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5590{T} pkg [luafilesystem] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5591{T} pkg [primegen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5592{T} pkg [bookmarkconverter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5593{T} pkg [haikuporter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5594{T} pkg [koder] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5595{T} pkg [cutter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5596{T} pkg [libkdegames] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5597{T} pkg [gottet] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5598{T} pkg [librsvg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5599{T} pkg [ptex] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5600{T} pkg [libsvm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5601{T} pkg [libsoundtouch_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5602{T} pkg [confuse_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5603{T} pkg [fontconfig_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5604{T} pkg [libunistring_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5605{T} pkg [imlib2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5606{T} pkg [iec16022_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5607{T} pkg [ncmpcpp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5608{T} pkg [openblas_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5609{T} pkg [cmocka_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5610{T} pkg [game_music_emu_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5611{T} pkg [git_cvs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5612{T} pkg [freeimage] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5613{T} pkg [sdl2_gfx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5614{T} pkg [ftgl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5615{T} pkg [edk2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5616{T} pkg [zsxd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5617{T} pkg [libsdl2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5618{T} pkg [libnsgif] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5619{T} pkg [fontconfig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5620{T} pkg [tig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5621{T} pkg [paladin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5622{T} pkg [partio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5623{T} pkg [libcdio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5624{T} pkg [libvorbis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5625{T} pkg [redis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5626{T} pkg [libedit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5627{T} pkg [trackgit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5628{T} pkg [hexedit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5629{T} pkg [graphviz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5630{T} pkg [libidn2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5631{T} pkg [llvm9_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5632{T} pkg [pychart_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5633{T} pkg [cffi_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5634{T} pkg [pytest_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5635{T} pkg [harfbuzz] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5636{T} pkg [kumoworks] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5637{T} pkg [nettle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5638{T} pkg [bottle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5639{T} pkg [mlpack_cli] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5640{T} pkg [nghttp2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5641{T} pkg [speech_tools_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5642{T} pkg [mbedtls] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5643{T} pkg [khtml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5644{T} pkg [libx11] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5645{T} pkg [idna] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5646{T} pkg [nsgenbind] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5647{T} pkg [llvm7_clang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5648{T} pkg [python_imaging] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5649{T} pkg [llvm8_clang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5650{T} pkg [llvm9_clang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5651{T} pkg [llvm6_clang] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5652{T} pkg [qtstyleplugins] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5653{T} pkg [aiodns] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5654{T} pkg [nim_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5655{T} pkg [qthaikuplugins] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5656{T} pkg [zsh_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5657{T} pkg [gtk_doc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5658{T} pkg [timgmsoundfont] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5659{T} pkg [tnt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5660{T} pkg [libebur128] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5661{T} pkg [libsigrok] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5662{T} pkg [idna_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5663{T} pkg [cryptography_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5664{T} pkg [lxml_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5665{T} pkg [pyzmq_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5666{T} pkg [iso8601_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5667{T} pkg [transmission] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5668{T} pkg [html2text_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5669{T} pkg [raptor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5670{T} pkg [tor] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5671{T} pkg [godot] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5672{T} pkg [ncurses6] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5673{T} pkg [markupsafe_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5674{T} pkg [tox] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5675{T} pkg [markupsafe_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5676{T} pkg [libopenmpt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5677{T} pkg [gengetopt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5678{T} pkg [smtube] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5679{T} pkg [libwebm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5680{T} pkg [mupen64plus_next_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5681{T} pkg [scummvm_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5682{T} pkg [libwebp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5683{T} pkg [ecdsa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5684{T} pkg [attrs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5685{T} pkg [treecc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5686{T} pkg [xash3d] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5687{T} pkg [libmd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5688{T} pkg [chromaprint_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5689{T} pkg [ply_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5690{T} pkg [libmysqlclient_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5691{T} pkg [libsigc++_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5692{T} pkg [liblo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5693{T} pkg [gtk_doc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5694{T} pkg [aspell_ca_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5695{T} pkg [findutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5696{T} pkg [sawteeth_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5697{T} pkg [libzmf_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5698{T} pkg [lightsoff_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5699{T} pkg [qt_creator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5700{T} pkg [buildbot_slave_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5701{T} pkg [libtommath_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5702{T} pkg [libbdplus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5703{T} pkg [gst_plugins_good_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5704{T} pkg [optipng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5705{T} pkg [colobot_data_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5706{T} pkg [funcsigs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5707{T} pkg [requests_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5708{T} pkg [htmldoc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5709{T} pkg [openexr25_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5710{T} pkg [mc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5711{T} pkg [kolourpaint_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5712{T} pkg [hdialog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5713{T} pkg [libpipeline_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5714{T} pkg [minimizeall_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5715{T} pkg [libmodbus_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5716{T} pkg [mrboom_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5717{T} pkg [pylzma_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5718{T} pkg [atomicwrites_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5719{T} pkg [hello_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5720{T} pkg [suitesparse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5721{T} pkg [tuxtype2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5722{T} pkg [atari800_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5723{T} pkg [xlreader_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5724{T} pkg [libtasn1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5725{T} pkg [dmd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5726{T} pkg [hatari_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5727{T} pkg [gnutls_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5728{T} pkg [quicklaunch] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5729{T} pkg [pngcrush] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5730{T} pkg [ruby] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5731{T} pkg [gmp_ecm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5732{T} pkg [libguess] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5733{T} pkg [openttd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5734{T} pkg [libxtst] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5735{T} pkg [pjdfstest] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5736{T} pkg [multidict] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5737{T} pkg [avrdude] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5738{T} pkg [opencascade] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5739{T} pkg [sawteeth] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5740{T} pkg [medo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5741{T} pkg [aiohttp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5742{T} pkg [kproperty] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5743{T} pkg [klickety] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5744{T} pkg [gertty] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5745{T} pkg [libp8_platform_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5746{T} pkg [qtwebkit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5747{T} pkg [libxcursor_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5748{T} pkg [fdk_aac_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5749{T} pkg [libtommath_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5750{T} pkg [libgpg_error_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5751{T} pkg [libmysqlclient_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5752{T} pkg [libpagemaker_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5753{T} pkg [chromaprint_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5754{T} pkg [npth_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5755{T} pkg [fuel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5756{T} pkg [faad2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5757{T} pkg [sdl_mixer_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5758{T} pkg [libpsl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5759{T} pkg [libxdg_basedir_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5760{T} pkg [libaacs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5761{T} pkg [sg3_utils_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5762{T} pkg [karchive_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5763{T} pkg [libpipeline_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5764{T} pkg [crypto++_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5765{T} pkg [musicbrainz_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5766{T} pkg [libplist_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5767{T} pkg [md4c_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5768{T} pkg [openimageio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5769{T} pkg [libmetalink_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5770{T} pkg [libpng_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5771{T} pkg [glpng_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5772{T} pkg [qca_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5773{T} pkg [libcaca_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5774{T} pkg [libspiro_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5775{T} pkg [liblockfile_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5776{T} pkg [libmodbus] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5777{T} pkg [lsdvd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5778{T} pkg [libsodium_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5779{T} pkg [jansson_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5780{T} pkg [audiofile_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5781{T} pkg [gnutls_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5782{T} pkg [algol68g_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5783{T} pkg [openldap_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5784{T} pkg [util_linux_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5785{T} pkg [cantata_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5786{T} pkg [libstaroffice_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5787{T} pkg [tesseract_data_afr] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5788{T} pkg [gnugo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5789{T} pkg [keepassxc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5790{T} pkg [odt2txt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5791{T} pkg [pkgconfig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5792{T} pkg [libreplaygain] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5793{T} pkg [six_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5794{T} pkg [regex_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5795{T} pkg [cryptography_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5796{T} pkg [docutils_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5797{T} pkg [scintilla] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5798{T} pkg [armadillo9] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5799{T} pkg [dumb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5800{T} pkg [allegro_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5801{T} pkg [dmtx_utils] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5802{T} pkg [libjpeg_turbo_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5803{T} pkg [jigit_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5804{T} pkg [tesseract_data_amh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5805{T} pkg [tcpdump] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5806{T} pkg [fortuna] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5807{T} pkg [elforkane] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5808{T} pkg [clucene] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5809{T} pkg [qemu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5810{T} pkg [aqemu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5811{T} pkg [bchunk] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5812{T} pkg [fantasque_sans] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5813{T} pkg [scheherazade_font] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5814{T} pkg [qbittorrent] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5815{T} pkg [tweeny] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5816{T} pkg [css_parser_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5817{T} pkg [markupsafe_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5818{T} pkg [geos] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5819{T} pkg [lighttpd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5820{T} pkg [gnupg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5821{T} pkg [httplib2_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5822{T} pkg [httplib2_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5823{T} pkg [frei0r] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5824{T} pkg [mrpeeps] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5825{T} pkg [xmlsec_gcrypt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5826{T} pkg [connect4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5827{T} pkg [openmortal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5828{T} pkg [mercurial] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5829{T} pkg [util_linux_cal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5830{T} pkg [uqm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5831{T} pkg [connectagram] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5832{T} pkg [befar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5833{T} pkg [yamagi_quake2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5834{T} pkg [testdisk_qt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5835{T} pkg [pcmanfm_qt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5836{T} pkg [screenkeyboard] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5837{T} pkg [future] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5838{T} pkg [serf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5839{T} pkg [tidy57] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5840{T} pkg [readline7] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5841{T} pkg [uri] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5842{T} pkg [puri] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5843{T} pkg [libburn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5844{T} pkg [bluemsx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5845{T} pkg [gambatte_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5846{T} pkg [meteor_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5847{T} pkg [flycast_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5848{T} pkg [mesa] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5849{T} pkg [libusb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5850{T} pkg [libmp4v2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5851{T} pkg [llvm8_libs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5852{T} pkg [kdiff3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5853{T} pkg [llvm9_libs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5854{T} pkg [llvm6_libs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5855{T} pkg [llvm7_libs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5856{T} pkg [vangers] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5857{T} pkg [llvm_libs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5858{T} pkg [tiff4] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5859{T} pkg [cython_python_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5860{T} pkg [lxml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5861{T} pkg [libsoundtouch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5862{T} pkg [mxml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5863{T} pkg [openmw_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5864{T} pkg [cryptography_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5865{T} pkg [quicklaunch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5866{T} pkg [libpng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5867{T} pkg [pyzmq_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5868{T} pkg [bsnes_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5869{T} pkg [libxmp_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5870{T} pkg [convmv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5871{T} pkg [webwatch_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5872{T} pkg [librevenge_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5873{T} pkg [cppcheck_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5874{T} pkg [idna_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5875{T} pkg [libwapcaplet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5876{T} pkg [xmlbmessage_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5877{T} pkg [aria2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5878{T} pkg [opusfile_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5879{T} pkg [util_macros_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5880{T} pkg [html2text_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5881{T} pkg [nghttp2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5882{T} pkg [libp11_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5883{T} pkg [jsonrpcclient_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5884{T} pkg [fuse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5885{T} pkg [beohms_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5886{T} pkg [testdisk_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5887{T} pkg [ubertuber_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5888{T} pkg [canna_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5889{T} pkg [confuse] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5890{T} pkg [libfmt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5891{T} pkg [libarchive_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5892{T} pkg [zesarux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5893{T} pkg [glpng_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5894{T} pkg [irrxml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5895{T} pkg [squashfs_tools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5896{T} pkg [iso8601_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5897{T} pkg [libx11_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5898{T} pkg [cap32_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5899{T} pkg [openxcom_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5900{T} pkg [fceumm_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5901{T} pkg [libatomic_ops_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5902{T} pkg [gphoto2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5903{T} pkg [fluidsynth2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5904{T} pkg [sane_backends_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5905{T} pkg [qr_code_generator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5906{T} pkg [unixodbc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5907{T} pkg [mbedtls_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5908{T} pkg [superlu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5909{T} pkg [remember_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5910{T} pkg [glibmm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5911{T} pkg [bitstring_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5912{T} pkg [boehm_gc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5913{T} pkg [libxmu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5914{T} pkg [symetrie_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5915{T} pkg [khtml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5916{T} pkg [admesh] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5917{T} pkg [pinentry] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5918{T} pkg [importlib_metadata] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5919{T} pkg [openvdb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5920{T} pkg [interface_elements] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5921{T} pkg [ddrescue] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5922{T} pkg [libmodplug] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5923{T} pkg [ccfits_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5924{T} pkg [sqlite_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5925{T} pkg [libsamplerate_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5926{T} pkg [xerces_c_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5927{T} pkg [ixion_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5928{T} pkg [libnumbertext_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5929{T} pkg [flite_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5930{T} pkg [file_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5931{T} pkg [benchmark_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5932{T} pkg [libfilezilla_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5933{T} pkg [bzip2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5934{T} pkg [libmpdclient_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5935{T} pkg [isl_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5936{T} pkg [exiv2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5937{T} pkg [pnglite_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5938{T} pkg [kpackage_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5939{T} pkg [routino_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5940{T} pkg [libetonyek_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5941{T} pkg [wakeup] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5942{T} pkg [pdfwriter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5943{T} pkg [bespider] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5944{T} pkg [djvuviewer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5945{T} pkg [fbreader] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5946{T} pkg [dfu_programmer] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5947{T} pkg [ghostwriter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5948{T} pkg [lbreakout2_themes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5949{T} pkg [extra_cmake_modules] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5950{T} pkg [libxfixes] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5951{T} pkg [libreoffice_galleries] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5952{T} pkg [msieve] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5953{T} pkg [caffe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5954{T} pkg [supertux] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5955{T} pkg [cffi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5956{T} pkg [libfontenc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5957{T} pkg [gitqlient_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5958{T} pkg [alglib_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5959{T} pkg [glibmm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5960{T} pkg [ja2_stracciatella_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5961{T} pkg [ocl_icd_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5962{T} pkg [duktape_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5963{T} pkg [libexecinfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5964{T} pkg [curlftpfs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5965{T} pkg [kitemviews] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5966{T} pkg [kexi] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5967{T} pkg [iniconfig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5968{T} pkg [vim] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5969{T} pkg [llvm6] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5970{T} pkg [llvm7] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5971{T} pkg [llvm8] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5972{T} pkg [llvm9] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5973{T} pkg [gitpython_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5974{T} pkg [imutils_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5975{T} pkg [pyaes_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5976{T} pkg [brotli_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5977{T} pkg [vlc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5978{T} pkg [unshield] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5979{T} pkg [bebattle] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5980{T} pkg [squashfs_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5981{T} pkg [sbc_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5982{T} pkg [plotutils_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5983{T} pkg [rtmpdump] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5984{T} pkg [rubberband] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5985{T} pkg [opendune] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5986{T} pkg [convmv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5987{T} pkg [kdbusaddons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5988{T} pkg [asciidoc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5989{T} pkg [kolourpaint] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5990{T} pkg [wpa_supplicant] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5991{T} pkg [peg_e] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5992{T} pkg [urllib3_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5993{T} pkg [brotli_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5994{T} pkg [bottle_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5995{T} pkg [iso8601_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5996{T} pkg [zope_interface_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5997{T} pkg [watchdog_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5998{T} pkg [multidict_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
5999{T} pkg [multidict_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6000{T} pkg [watchdog_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6001{T} pkg [zope_interface_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6002{T} pkg [msgpack_c_cpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6003{T} pkg [yaml_cpp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6004{T} pkg [featherpad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6005{T} pkg [libvpx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6006{T} pkg [cgal] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6007{T} pkg [freetype_bootstrap] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6008{T} pkg [mgba] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6009{T} pkg [libiodbc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6010{T} pkg [unixodbc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6011{T} pkg [fuse_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6012{T} pkg [o2em_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6013{T} pkg [81_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6014{T} pkg [gme_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6015{T} pkg [mgba_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6016{T} pkg [gw_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6017{T} pkg [leptonica] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6018{T} pkg [avr_gcc] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6019{T} pkg [kdiamond_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6020{T} pkg [fonttools_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6021{T} pkg [virtualjaguar_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6022{T} pkg [handy_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6023{T} pkg [knotifyconfig_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6024{T} pkg [ponscripter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6025{T} pkg [cdplayer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6026{T} pkg [pugixml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6027{T} pkg [sdl2_net_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6028{T} pkg [css_parser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6029{T} pkg [libimagequant_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6030{T} pkg [nlohmann_json_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6031{T} pkg [gst_plugins_ugly_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6032{T} pkg [imlib2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6033{T} pkg [markupsafe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6034{T} pkg [json_glib_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6035{T} pkg [bonnie++_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6036{T} pkg [dialog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6037{T} pkg [autotrace_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6038{T} pkg [uriparser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6039{T} pkg [qtpbfimageplugin_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6040{T} pkg [joe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6041{T} pkg [kbreakout_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6042{T} pkg [aiodns_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6043{T} pkg [aspell_hu_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6044{T} pkg [breeze_icons_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6045{T} pkg [nnn_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6046{T} pkg [libfm_extra_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6047{T} pkg [aspell_hr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6048{T} pkg [devilutionx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6049{T} pkg [granatier_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6050{T} pkg [libxrender_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6051{T} pkg [gsl25_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6052{T} pkg [hwloc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6053{T} pkg [peg_e_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6054{T} pkg [libblkmaker_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6055{T} pkg [pciutils_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6056{T} pkg [glog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6057{T} pkg [dumb2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6058{T} pkg [libwebsockets_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6059{T} pkg [shredder_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6060{T} pkg [setuptools_scm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6061{T} pkg [vcdimager_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6062{T} pkg [spdlog_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6063{T} pkg [tnt_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6064{T} pkg [t4k_common_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6065{T} pkg [glib2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6066{T} pkg [mpfr3_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6067{T} pkg [ktechlab_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6068{T} pkg [leptonica_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6069{T} pkg [tinyxml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6070{T} pkg [keepassxc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6071{T} pkg [libsecp256k1_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6072{T} pkg [libebml_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6073{T} pkg [libodfgen_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6074{T} pkg [wallpaper_unsplash] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6075{T} pkg [colobot_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6076{T} pkg [tesseract] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6077{T} pkg [fluidlite] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6078{T} pkg [jigdo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6079{T} pkg [grafx2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6080{T} pkg [cutemarked] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6081{T} pkg [openjpeg_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6082{T} pkg [pngquant_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6083{T} pkg [libmatroska_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6084{T} pkg [libfm_qt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6085{T} pkg [double_conversion_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6086{T} pkg [libksane_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6087{T} pkg [libepoxy_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6088{T} pkg [minizip_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6089{T} pkg [qtdropbox_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6090{T} pkg [libshout_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6091{T} pkg [sundials_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6092{T} pkg [szip_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6093{T} pkg [kdb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6094{T} pkg [kdelibs4support_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6095{T} pkg [polyclipping_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6096{T} pkg [quazip_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6097{T} pkg [kirigami_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6098{T} pkg [libiptcdata_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6099{T} pkg [ragel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6100{T} pkg [sane_backends_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6101{T} pkg [pwgen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6102{T} pkg [doxygen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6103{T} pkg [lensfun] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6104{T} pkg [mutagen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6105{T} pkg [eigen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6106{T} pkg [krusader] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6107{T} pkg [xlreader] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6108{T} pkg [hefur] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6109{T} pkg [requests_futures] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6110{T} pkg [wget] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6111{T} pkg [vwget] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6112{T} pkg [libsmdev] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6113{T} pkg [regex] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6114{T} pkg [embree_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6115{T} pkg [fluidsynth2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6116{T} pkg [vcdimager_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6117{T} pkg [mlpack_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6118{T} pkg [vvvvvv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6119{T} pkg [sdl_gfx] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6120{T} pkg [slack++] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6121{T} pkg [sdl_pango] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6122{T} pkg [e2fsprogs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6123{T} pkg [pluggy] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6124{T} pkg [moleinvasion_music] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6125{T} pkg [urwid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6126{T} pkg [sigil] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6127{T} pkg [openjdk7_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6128{T} pkg [gnutls_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6129{T} pkg [filwip] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6130{T} pkg [jigit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6131{T} pkg [uploadit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6132{T} pkg [qgit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6133{T} pkg [certifi_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6134{T} pkg [bitstring_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6135{T} pkg [webencodings_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6136{T} pkg [pygments_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6137{T} pkg [gitdb_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6138{T} pkg [pythonzeroconf_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6139{T} pkg [pyopenssl_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6140{T} pkg [colormake] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6141{T} pkg [libraw_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6142{T} pkg [qt5_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6143{T} pkg [openarena] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6144{T} pkg [autoconf213] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6145{T} pkg [opensound] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6146{T} pkg [libertine] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6147{T} pkg [glib_networking] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6148{T} pkg [kplotting] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6149{T} pkg [vmware_addons] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6150{T} pkg [simutrans] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6151{T} pkg [libfprint] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6152{T} pkg [dejagnu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6153{T} pkg [pylzma_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6154{T} pkg [ply_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6155{T} pkg [funcsigs_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6156{T} pkg [requests_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6157{T} pkg [libwpd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6158{T} pkg [bottle_python36] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6159{T} pkg [libwpg] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6160{T} pkg [burnitnow] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6161{T} pkg [unrardll_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6162{T} pkg [urllib3_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6163{T} pkg [msgpack_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6164{T} pkg [pyrfc3339] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6165{T} pkg [msgpack_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6166{T} pkg [urllib3_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6167{T} pkg [unrardll_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6168{T} pkg [libwps] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6169{T} pkg [cutycapt] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6170{T} pkg [librecad] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6171{T} pkg [xar] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6172{T} pkg [weechat] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6173{T} pkg [libxau] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6174{T} pkg [libxaw] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6175{T} pkg [libjpeg_turbo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6176{T} pkg [allegro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6177{T} pkg [mednafen_supergrafx_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6178{T} pkg [gnurobbo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6179{T} pkg [libxcb] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6180{T} pkg [dopewars] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6181{T} pkg [blobwars] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6182{T} pkg [autoconf264] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6183{T} pkg [lutok_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6184{T} pkg [aspell_fi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6185{T} pkg [shared_mime_info_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6186{T} pkg [tox_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6187{T} pkg [python_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6188{T} pkg [lzop_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6189{T} pkg [tesseract_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6190{T} pkg [algol68g_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6191{T} pkg [pe_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6192{T} pkg [miniupnpc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6193{T} pkg [aspell_es_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6194{T} pkg [mandoc_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6195{T} pkg [hexedit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6196{T} pkg [tor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6197{T} pkg [trackergrep_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6198{T} pkg [librsync_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6199{T} pkg [libidn2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6200{T} pkg [proj_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6201{T} pkg [kapow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6202{T} pkg [circuslinux_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6203{T} pkg [armyknife_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6204{T} pkg [qtox_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6205{T} pkg [aalibtranslator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6206{T} pkg [libdom_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6207{T} pkg [pyopengl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6208{T} pkg [cppunit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6209{T} pkg [libdvbpsi_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6210{T} pkg [e2fsprogs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6211{T} pkg [gstreamer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6212{T} pkg [raptor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6213{T} pkg [sdlpop_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6214{T} pkg [libpng16_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6215{T} pkg [2pow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6216{T} pkg [sortsave_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6217{T} pkg [hwloc2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6218{T} pkg [phonon_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6219{T} pkg [editor_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6220{T} pkg [yaddns_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6221{T} pkg [intltool_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6222{T} pkg [gitpython_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6223{T} pkg [multidict_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6224{T} pkg [libksane_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6225{T} pkg [pillow_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6226{T} pkg [dosbox_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6227{T} pkg [libstaroffice_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6228{T} pkg [residualvm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6229{T} pkg [godot_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6230{T} pkg [roadfighter_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6231{T} pkg [ksyntax_highlighting_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6232{T} pkg [libxcm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6233{T} pkg [pari_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6234{T} pkg [libsigrokdecode] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6235{T} pkg [pegtl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6236{T} pkg [xineramaproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6237{T} pkg [bigreqsproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6238{T} pkg [randrproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6239{T} pkg [protobuf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6240{T} pkg [mygui] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6241{T} pkg [cegui] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6242{T} pkg [boost163_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6243{T} pkg [libunibreak_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6244{T} pkg [bullet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6245{T} pkg [libsigc++3_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6246{T} pkg [libopenshot_audio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6247{T} pkg [djvulibre_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6248{T} pkg [dlib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6249{T} pkg [libgcrypt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6250{T} pkg [kjs_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6251{T} pkg [gdk_pixbuf_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6252{T} pkg [boost165_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6253{T} pkg [flif_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6254{T} pkg [libcroco_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6255{T} pkg [poppler_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6256{T} pkg [libmcrypt_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6257{T} pkg [giflib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6258{T} pkg [kwallet_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6259{T} pkg [kbookmarks_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6260{T} pkg [libsquish_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6261{T} pkg [flac_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6262{T} pkg [boost169_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6263{T} pkg [libburndevice_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6264{T} pkg [zziplib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6265{T} pkg [pkcs11_helper_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6266{T} pkg [boost170_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6267{T} pkg [boost164_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6268{T} pkg [haikuwebkit_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6269{T} pkg [kio_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6270{T} pkg [zlib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6271{T} pkg [boost166_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6272{T} pkg [libmikmod_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6273{T} pkg [ahem] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6274{T} pkg [thememanager] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6275{T} pkg [muparser] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6276{T} pkg [keymapswitcher] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6277{T} pkg [jdtranslationhelper] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6278{T} pkg [sox_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6279{T} pkg [gcc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6280{T} pkg [mpd_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6281{T} pkg [tbb_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6282{T} pkg [jam_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6283{T} pkg [iat_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6284{T} pkg [osl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6285{T} pkg [gmp_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6286{T} pkg [m4_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6287{T} pkg [tor_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6288{T} pkg [mpc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6289{T} pkg [es_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6290{T} pkg [sed_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6291{T} pkg [gsl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6292{T} pkg [tar_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6293{T} pkg [bat_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6294{T} pkg [libopenmpt_modplug_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6295{T} pkg [lis_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6296{T} pkg [devilutionx_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6297{T} pkg [libusbmuxd_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6298{T} pkg [libxscrnsaver_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6299{T} pkg [atk_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6300{T} pkg [dtc_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6301{T} pkg [glu_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6302{T} pkg [isl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6303{T} pkg [re2_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6304{T} pkg [netcdf_fortran_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6305{T} pkg [xsv_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6306{T} pkg [tcl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6307{T} pkg [qt5_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6308{T} pkg [atf_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6309{T} pkg [olm_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6310{T} pkg [sqlcipher_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6311{T} pkg [libxft] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6312{T} pkg [qemu_m68k] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6313{T} pkg [whid] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6314{T} pkg [irrlicht] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6315{T} pkg [libconfig] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6316{T} pkg [softhsm2] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6317{T} pkg [llvm8_clang_analysis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6318{T} pkg [llvm6_clang_analysis] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6319{T} pkg [lohit] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6320{T} pkg [multidict_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6321{T} pkg [pyparsing_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6322{T} pkg [html2text_python3] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6323{T} pkg [luarocks] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6324{T} pkg [vcardpeople] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6325{T} pkg [libxinerama] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6326{T} pkg [speech_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6327{T} pkg [mbedtls_tools] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6328{T} pkg [hermes_game] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6329{T} pkg [kidletime] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6330{T} pkg [irrxml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6331{T} pkg [lxml] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6332{T} pkg [libxmp] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6333{T} pkg [beohms] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6334{T} pkg [libxmu] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6335{T} pkg [knotifications] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6336{T} pkg [gsl25] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6337{T} pkg [cssselect_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6338{T} pkg [pip_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6339{T} pkg [jinja_python] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6340{T} pkg [setuptools_scm_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6341{T} pkg [rdflib_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6342{T} pkg [pytest_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6343{T} pkg [pypeg2_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6344{T} pkg [pyparsing_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6345{T} pkg [requests_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6346{T} pkg [aiodns_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6347{T} pkg [pyyaml_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6348{T} pkg [importlib_metadata_python38] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6349{T} pkg [pypeg2_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6350{T} pkg [pyparsing_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6351{T} pkg [aiodns_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6352{T} pkg [setuptools_scm_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6353{T} pkg [pyyaml_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6354{T} pkg [requests_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6355{T} pkg [rdflib_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6356{T} pkg [importlib_metadata_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6357{T} pkg [pytest_python39] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6358{T} pkg [libxpm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6359{T} pkg [yab] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6360{T} pkg [geogebra] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6361{T} pkg [babybe] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6362{T} pkg [libdwarf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6363{T} pkg [qsystray] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6364{T} pkg [qemu_arm] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6365{T} pkg [fbneo_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6366{T} pkg [bsnes_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6367{T} pkg [handy_libretro] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6368{T} pkg [libpthread_stubs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6369{T} pkg [ocl_icd] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6370{T} pkg [cal3d] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6371{T} pkg [aaaa_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6372{T} pkg [presentproto_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6373{T} pkg [youtube_dl_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6374{T} pkg [beae_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6375{T} pkg [super_transball_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6376{T} pkg [qcad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6377{T} pkg [coverage_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6378{T} pkg [nekop2_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6379{T} pkg [pv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6380{T} pkg [nightandday_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6381{T} pkg [libvpx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6382{T} pkg [sdl_pango_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6383{T} pkg [sdl_mixer_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6384{T} pkg [hippo_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6385{T} pkg [faac_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6386{T} pkg [kdiagram_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6387{T} pkg [freac_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6388{T} pkg [aspell_fr_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6389{T} pkg [ducksaver_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6390{T} pkg [mednafen_pce_fast_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6391{T} pkg [gcab_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6392{T} pkg [euae_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6393{T} pkg [libpthread_stubs_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6394{T} pkg [fbneo_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6395{T} pkg [uchardet_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6396{T} pkg [libmspack_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6397{T} pkg [py_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6398{T} pkg [ktorrent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6399{T} pkg [libktorrent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6400{T} pkg [2048_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6401{T} pkg [libfpx_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6402{T} pkg [fs_uae_launcher_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6403{T} pkg [libevent_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6404{T} pkg [libmad_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6405{T} pkg [gst_plugins_base] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6406{T} pkg [libxdg_basedir_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6407{T} pkg [pdftranslator_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6408{T} pkg [libedit_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6409{T} pkg [mac_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6410{T} pkg [waitress_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6411{T} pkg [dav1d_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6412{T} pkg [libxfont_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6413{T} pkg [sshfs_fuse_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6414{T} pkg [libiconv_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6415{T} pkg [audacious_plugins_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6416{T} pkg [yab_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6417{T} pkg [kimageformats_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6418{T} pkg [uncrustify_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6419{T} pkg [libusbmuxd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6420{T} pkg [kactivities_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6421{T} pkg [qutebrowser_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6422{T} pkg [faad2_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6423{T} pkg [snappy_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6424{T} pkg [fs_uae_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6425{T} pkg [mupen64plus_next_libretro_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6426{T} pkg [apng2gif_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6427{T} pkg [zope_interface] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6428{T} pkg [lcab_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6429{T} pkg [minizip_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6430{T} pkg [netcdf_fortran_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6431{T} pkg [digiclock_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6432{T} pkg [frame3dd_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6433{T} pkg [libxpm_source] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6434{T} pkg [dulwich] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6435{T} pkg [digiclock] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6436{T} pkg [libgsasl] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6437{T} pkg [poppler_data] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6438{T} pkg [redoflacs] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6439{T} pkg [yab_ide] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6440{T} pkg [xsv] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6441{T} pkg [terminus_ttf] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6442{T} pkg [libreoffice_sr_latn] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6443{T} pkg [mosquitto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6444{T} pkg [presentproto] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6445{T} pkg [croscorefonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6446{T} pkg [kacst_fonts] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6447{T} pkg [knights] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6448{T} pkg [libebook_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6449{T} pkg [lis_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6450{T} pkg [lz4_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6451{T} pkg [mac_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6452{T} pkg [blis_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6453{T} pkg [libxml2_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6454{T} pkg [sdl_sound_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6455{T} pkg [libp11_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6456{T} pkg [lmdb_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6457{T} pkg [libmad_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6458{T} pkg [boehm_gc_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6459{T} pkg [squirrel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6460{T} pkg [spdlog_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6461{T} pkg [libxfont_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6462{T} pkg [gobject_introspection_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6463{T} pkg [ktextwidgets_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6464{T} pkg [json_glib_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6465{T} pkg [pixman_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6466{T} pkg [libktorrent_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6467{T} pkg [qr_code_generator_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6468{T} pkg [liblqr_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6469{T} pkg [lua_devel] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6470{T} pkg [libodfgen] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6471{T} pkg [remember] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6472{T} pkg [ponscripter] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6473{T} pkg [dotsies] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6474{T} pkg [libarchive] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6475{T} pkg [sortsave] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6476{T} pkg [libxdamage_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6477{T} pkg [openimageio_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6478{T} pkg [projectconceptor_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6479{T} pkg [openmortal_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6480{T} pkg [libatomic_ops_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6481{T} pkg [flickcurl_debuginfo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6482{T} pkg [kigo] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6483{T} pkg [algol68g] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6484{T} pkg [symetrie] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6485{T} pkg [rust_bin] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6486{T} pkg [libaubio] assigned to [HaikuPorts]
6487{T} pkg [yaml_cpp] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6488{T} pkg [scintilla] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6489{T} pkg [koder] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6490{T} pkg [yaml_cpp_source] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6491{T} pkg [koder_source] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6492{T} pkg [scintilla_source] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6493{T} pkg [scintilla_devel] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6494{T} pkg [yaml_cpp_devel] assigned to [KapiX's Depot]
6495{D} did refresh the package list
6496{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
6497{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
6498{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
6499{I} [Node<ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>] initiating
6500{I} [Node<ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>] starting process
6501{I} [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] will fetch data
6502{I} [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkgicon/all.tar.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileHJHFlA]
6503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/0ad/icon.hvif]
6504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/0ad_x86/icon.hvif]
6505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/15_meses_j_es/16.png]
6506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/15_meses_j_es/32.png]
6507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/15_meses_j_es/64.png]
6508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/18thcenturykurrentfont/icon.hvif]
6509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/191colors/16.png]
6510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/191colors/32.png]
6511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/191colors/64.png]
6512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/256/16.png]
6513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/256/32.png]
6514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/256/64.png]
6515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/2pnotes/icon.hvif]
6516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/2pow/icon.hvif]
6517{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/2prongtreefont/icon.hvif]
6518{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/32768nofont/icon.hvif]
6519{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/36daysagofont/icon.hvif]
6520{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/3dthirteenpixelfont/icon.hvif]
6521{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/3prongtreefont/icon.hvif]
6522{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors/16.png]
6523{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors/32.png]
6524{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors/64.png]
6525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors_j/icon.hvif]
6526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4kstnclfont/icon.hvif]
6527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4wins/16.png]
6528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4wins/32.png]
6529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4wins/64.png]
6530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/5by7font/icon.hvif]
6531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/5thgradecursivefont/icon.hvif]
6532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8bitlimitfont/icon.hvif]
6533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8dock/16.png]
6534{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8dock/32.png]
6535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8dock/64.png]
6536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aaaa/icon.hvif]
6537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aaaa_x86/icon.hvif]
6538{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aardwolf/16.png]
6539{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aardwolf/32.png]
6540{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aardwolf/64.png]
6541{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aarni_x86/16.png]
6542{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aarni_x86/32.png]
6543{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aarni_x86/64.png]
6544{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abbeyofcrimeextensum_j/icon.hvif]
6545{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abe/16.png]
6546{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abe/32.png]
6547{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abe/64.png]
6548{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abombniball/16.png]
6549{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abombniball/32.png]
6550{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abombniball/64.png]
6551{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/a_book/16.png]
6552{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/a_book/32.png]
6553{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/absinthefont/icon.hvif]
6554{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abuse2demo/16.png]
6555{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abuse2demo/32.png]
6556{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abuse2demo/64.png]
6557{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/accanthisfont/icon.hvif]
6558{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento/16.png]
6559{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento/32.png]
6560{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento/64.png]
6561{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento_j/icon.hvif]
6562{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acharmingfont/icon.hvif]
6563{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acrimsonspring/16.png]
6564{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acrimsonspring/32.png]
6565{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acrimsonspring/64.png]
6566{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/actualsize/16.png]
6567{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/actualsize/32.png]
6568{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/actualsize/64.png]
6569{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/add/icon.hvif]
6570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addbordertoimage/icon.hvif]
6571{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addorremoveextension/16.png]
6572{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addorremoveextension/32.png]
6573{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addorremoveextension/64.png]
6574{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addraisedbordertoimage/icon.hvif]
6575{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addsunkenbordertoimage/icon.hvif]
6576{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adom/16.png]
6577{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adom/32.png]
6578{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adom/64.png]
6579{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adventprofont/icon.hvif]
6580{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt/16.png]
6581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt/32.png]
6582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt/64.png]
6583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt_j/icon.hvif]
6584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/agmsscriptocron/icon.hvif]
6585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ahem/icon.hvif]
6586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aiee/16.png]
6587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aiee/32.png]
6588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aiee/64.png]
6589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airbrushfont/icon.hvif]
6590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airport/16.png]
6591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airport/32.png]
6592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airport/64.png]
6593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/akronnbpfont/icon.hvif]
6594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/al_anvar/icon.hvif]
6595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/al_anvar_x86/icon.hvif]
6596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/album/icon.hvif]
6597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ale/icon.hvif]
6598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alegreyafont/icon.hvif]
6599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alephone/16.png]
6600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alephone/32.png]
6601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alephone/64.png]
6602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alex4/icon.hvif]
6603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alex4color/icon.hvif]
6604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alex4customs/icon.hvif]
6605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alivejournal/16.png]
6606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alivejournal/32.png]
6607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alivejournal/64.png]
6608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allerfont/icon.hvif]
6609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allpossibleimages/16.png]
6610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allpossibleimages/32.png]
6611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allpossibleimages/64.png]
6612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/almendrafont/icon.hvif]
6613{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alongdrink/16.png]
6614{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alongdrink/32.png]
6615{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alongdrink/64.png]
6616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alsee/16.png]
6617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alsee/32.png]
6618{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alsee/64.png]
6619{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/americanthighs/16.png]
6620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/americanthighs/32.png]
6621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/americanthighs/64.png]
6622{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/amphetamine/16.png]
6623{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/amphetamine/32.png]
6624{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/amphetamine/64.png]
6625{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anagramarama/16.png]
6626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anagramarama/32.png]
6627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anagramarama/64.png]
6628{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogclock/icon.hvif]
6629{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogpulse/16.png]
6630{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogpulse/32.png]
6631{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogpulse/64.png]
6632{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anateus6/16.png]
6633{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anateus6/32.png]
6634{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anateus6/64.png]
6635{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ancestris_j/16.png]
6636{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ancestris_j/32.png]
6637{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ancestris_j/64.png]
6638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/andadafont/icon.hvif]
6639{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/android_file_transfer/icon.hvif]
6640{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/android_file_transfer_x86/icon.hvif]
6641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/animaxo/icon.hvif]
6642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anime/16.png]
6643{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anime/32.png]
6644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anime/64.png]
6645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/annoy2/16.png]
6646{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/annoy2/32.png]
6647{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/annoy2/64.png]
6648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anonymous_pro/icon.hvif]
6649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anonymousprofont/icon.hvif]
6650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aobook/icon.hvif]
6651{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aobook_x86/icon.hvif]
6652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache/16.png]
6653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache/32.png]
6654{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache/64.png]
6655{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache_x86/16.png]
6656{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache_x86/32.png]
6657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache_x86/64.png]
6658{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apexlakefont/icon.hvif]
6659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aplayer/16.png]
6660{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aplayer/32.png]
6661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aplayer/64.png]
6662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apus/16.png]
6663{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apus/32.png]
6664{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apus/64.png]
6665{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aqemu/icon.hvif]
6666{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aqemu_x86/icon.hvif]
6667{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aquaria/icon.hvif]
6668{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aquaria_x86/icon.hvif]
6669{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aquiferfont/icon.hvif]
6670{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arabeyes_fonts/icon.hvif]
6671{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aracher/16.png]
6672{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aracher/32.png]
6673{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aracher/64.png]
6674{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia/16.png]
6675{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia/32.png]
6676{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia/64.png]
6677{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia_j/icon.hvif]
6678{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archiver/16.png]
6679{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archiver/32.png]
6680{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archivoblackfont/icon.hvif]
6681{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archivonarrowfont/icon.hvif]
6682{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arduino/icon.hvif]
6683{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arduino_x86/icon.hvif]
6684{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/areawatch/16.png]
6685{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/areawatch/32.png]
6686{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/areawatch/64.png]
6687{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aristarcojfont/icon.hvif]
6688{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/armagetronad/icon.hvif]
6689{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/armagetronad_x86/icon.hvif]
6690{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/armyknife/icon.hvif]
6691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arora/icon.hvif]
6692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arora_64/icon.hvif]
6693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arora_x86/icon.hvif]
6694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arrowsfont/icon.hvif]
6695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arthursnightout/16.png]
6696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arthursnightout/32.png]
6697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arthursnightout/64.png]
6698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/artpaint/icon.hvif]
6699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arx_libertatis/icon.hvif]
6700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arx_libertatis_x86/icon.hvif]
6701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asc/16.png]
6702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asc/32.png]
6703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asc/64.png]
6704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asciidesign_x86/icon.hvif]
6705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ashbyfont/icon.hvif]
6706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/astroblast/16.png]
6707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/astroblast/32.png]
6708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/astroblast/64.png]
6709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atoms/16.png]
6710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atoms/32.png]
6711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atoms/64.png]
6712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atsignfont/icon.hvif]
6713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attraction/16.png]
6714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attraction/32.png]
6715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attraction/64.png]
6716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attribexplorer/icon.hvif]
6717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious/icon.hvif]
6718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_devel/icon.hvif]
6719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_plugins/icon.hvif]
6720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_plugins_x86/icon.hvif]
6721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_x86/icon.hvif]
6722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
6723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurelisadffont/icon.hvif]
6724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurora/16.png]
6725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurora/32.png]
6726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurora/64.png]
6727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/autoshutdown/16.png]
6728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/autoshutdown/32.png]
6729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/autoshutdown/64.png]
6730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/averiasansfont/icon.hvif]
6731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/averiaseriffont/icon.hvif]
6732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/avidemux/icon.hvif]
6733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/avidemux_x86/icon.hvif]
6734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/avondalefont/icon.hvif]
6735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/azoftsansfont/icon.hvif]
6736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe/16.png]
6737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe/32.png]
6738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe/64.png]
6739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe_64/16.png]
6740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe_64/32.png]
6741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backslash_n/16.png]
6742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backslash_n/32.png]
6743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backslash_n/64.png]
6744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backup/icon.hvif]
6745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ball_lang/icon.hvif]
6746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi/16.png]
6747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi/32.png]
6748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi/64.png]
6749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi_j/icon.hvif]
6750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/banksiafont/icon.hvif]
6751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/barrage/16.png]
6752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/barrage/32.png]
6753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/barrage/64.png]
6754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bartlauncher/16.png]
6755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bartlauncher/32.png]
6756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bartlauncher/64.png]
6757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/baskervaldfont/icon.hvif]
6758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/basqet_x86/16.png]
6759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/basqet_x86/32.png]
6760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/basqet_x86/64.png]
6761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bazaronitefont/icon.hvif]
6762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bdhcalc/16.png]
6763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bdhcalc/32.png]
6764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bdhcalc/64.png]
6765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beaccessible/16.png]
6766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beaccessible/32.png]
6767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beaccessible/64.png]
6768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beae/icon.hvif]
6769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beam/icon.hvif]
6770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beapple2/16.png]
6771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beapple2/32.png]
6772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beapple2/64.png]
6773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebase/16.png]
6774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebase/32.png]
6775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebase/64.png]
6776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_basics/16.png]
6777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_basics/32.png]
6778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_basics/64.png]
6779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebattle/16.png]
6780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebattle/32.png]
6781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebattle/64.png]
6782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebin_es/16.png]
6783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebin_es/32.png]
6784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebin_es/64.png]
6785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_book/icon.hvif]
6786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebuilder/16.png]
6787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebuilder/32.png]
6788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becasso/icon.hvif]
6789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beccy/16.png]
6790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beccy/32.png]
6791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beccy/64.png]
6792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckers/icon.hvif]
6793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckpoint/16.png]
6794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckpoint/32.png]
6795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckpoint/64.png]
6796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beearth/16.png]
6797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beearth/32.png]
6798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beearth/64.png]
6799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beediff/icon.hvif]
6800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beelements/icon.hvif]
6801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beexit/16.png]
6802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beexit/32.png]
6803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beexit/64.png]
6804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beeyes/16.png]
6805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beeyes/32.png]
6806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beeyes/64.png]
6807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beezer/icon.hvif]
6808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befar/icon.hvif]
6809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befilegrep/16.png]
6810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befilegrep/32.png]
6811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befilegrep/64.png]
6812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/begadu/16.png]
6813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/begadu/32.png]
6814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/begadu/64.png]
6815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beget/icon.hvif]
6816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behalma/16.png]
6817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behalma/32.png]
6818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behalma/64.png]
6819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behappy/icon.hvif]
6820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belief/16.png]
6821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belief/32.png]
6822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belief/64.png]
6823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belife/16.png]
6824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belife/32.png]
6825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belines/16.png]
6826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belines/32.png]
6827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belines/64.png]
6828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beltanefont/icon.hvif]
6829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemailtombox/16.png]
6830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemailtombox/32.png]
6831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemailtombox/64.png]
6832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemines/icon.hvif]
6833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benegraphicfont/icon.hvif]
6834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benes/16.png]
6835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benes/32.png]
6836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benes/64.png]
6837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benibblix/16.png]
6838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benibblix/32.png]
6839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benibblix/64.png]
6840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beohms/16.png]
6841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beohms/32.png]
6842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beohms/64.png]
6843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beonfont/icon.hvif]
6844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepatience/16.png]
6845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepatience/32.png]
6846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepatience/64.png]
6847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepdf/icon.hvif]
6848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepdf_x86/icon.hvif]
6849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepexeso/16.png]
6850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepexeso/32.png]
6851{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepexeso/64.png]
6852{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephonebook/16.png]
6853{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephonebook/32.png]
6854{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephonebook/64.png]
6855{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephotomagic/16.png]
6856{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephotomagic/32.png]
6857{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepodder/icon.hvif]
6858{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bereset/16.png]
6859{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bereset/32.png]
6860{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bereset/64.png]
6861{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_en/16.png]
6862{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_en/32.png]
6863{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_en/64.png]
6864{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_pl/16.png]
6865{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_pl/32.png]
6866{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_pl/64.png]
6867{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_ru/16.png]
6868{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_ru/32.png]
6869{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_ru/64.png]
6870{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berlinemailfont/icon.hvif]
6871{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bernardomodafont/icon.hvif]
6872{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beryliumfont/icon.hvif]
6873{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bes9x/icon.hvif]
6874{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besafe/16.png]
6875{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besafe/32.png]
6876{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besam/16.png]
6877{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besam/32.png]
6878{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besam/64.png]
6879{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besame/icon.hvif]
6880{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bescreencapture/icon.hvif]
6881{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bescreencapture/16.png]
6882{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bescreencapture/32.png]
6883{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare/icon.hvif]
6884{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare_info/icon.hvif]
6885{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare_server/icon.hvif]
6886{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare_x86/icon.hvif]
6887{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beslysystemanalysistool/icon.hvif]
6888{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besokoban/16.png]
6889{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besokoban/32.png]
6890{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besokoban/64.png]
6891{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bespider/icon.hvif]
6892{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betasks/16.png]
6893{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betasks/32.png]
6894{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betasks/64.png]
6895{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betree/16.png]
6896{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betree/32.png]
6897{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betree/64.png]
6898{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevacik_pl/16.png]
6899{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevacik_pl/32.png]
6900{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevacik_pl/64.png]
6901{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevexed/icon.hvif]
6902{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevice/16.png]
6903{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevice/32.png]
6904{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevice/64.png]
6905{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bexplorer/16.png]
6906{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bexplorer/32.png]
6907{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bexplorer/64.png]
6908{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezilla/icon.hvif]
6909{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezilla_devel/icon.hvif]
6910{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezx/16.png]
6911{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezx/32.png]
6912{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezx/64.png]
6913{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bfrunner_x86/16.png]
6914{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bfrunner_x86/32.png]
6915{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bfrunner_x86/64.png]
6916{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview/16.png]
6917{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview/32.png]
6918{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview/64.png]
6919{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview_x86/16.png]
6920{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview_x86/32.png]
6921{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview_x86/64.png]
6922{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bibleverse/16.png]
6923{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bibleverse/32.png]
6924{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bibleverse/64.png]
6925{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biew/16.png]
6926{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biew/32.png]
6927{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biew/64.png]
6928{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/billardgl/icon.hvif]
6929{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/billardgl_x86/icon.hvif]
6930{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bing/icon.hvif]
6931{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biniax/16.png]
6932{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biniax/32.png]
6933{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biniax/64.png]
6934{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitcal/16.png]
6935{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitcal/32.png]
6936{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitcal/64.png]
6937{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmap2rsrc/16.png]
6938{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmap2rsrc/32.png]
6939{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmap2rsrc/64.png]
6940{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmapripper/icon.hvif]
6941{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmaptest/16.png]
6942{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmaptest/32.png]
6943{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmaptest/64.png]
6944{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bjongg/16.png]
6945{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bjongg/32.png]
6946{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bjongg/64.png]
6947{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blackchanceryfont/icon.hvif]
6948{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blackmonster/icon.hvif]
6949{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blackoutfont/icon.hvif]
6950{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blender/icon.hvif]
6951{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blender_x86/icon.hvif]
6952{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blinken/icon.hvif]
6953{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blinken_x86/icon.hvif]
6954{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blobwars/16.png]
6955{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blobwars/32.png]
6956{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/block/16.png]
6957{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/block/32.png]
6958{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/block/64.png]
6959{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blockit/16.png]
6960{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blockit/32.png]
6961{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blockit/64.png]
6962{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blogpositive/icon.hvif]
6963{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_64/16.png]
6964{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_64/32.png]
6965{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_x86/16.png]
6966{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_x86/32.png]
6967{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_x86/64.png]
6968{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blowfont/icon.hvif]
6969{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_64/16.png]
6970{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_64/32.png]
6971{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_x86/16.png]
6972{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_x86/32.png]
6973{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_x86/64.png]
6974{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluecube/16.png]
6975{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluecube/32.png]
6976{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluecube/64.png]
6977{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluej_j/16.png]
6978{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluej_j/32.png]
6979{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluej_j/64.png]
6980{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bolonewtfont/icon.hvif]
6981{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bomberinstinct/16.png]
6982{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bomberinstinct/32.png]
6983{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bomberinstinct/64.png]
6984{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bong/icon.hvif]
6985{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bookmarker/icon.hvif]
6986{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/booksorg/icon.hvif]
6987{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/booksorg_x86/icon.hvif]
6988{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg/16.png]
6989{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg/32.png]
6990{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg/64.png]
6991{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg_j/16.png]
6992{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg_j/32.png]
6993{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg_j/64.png]
6994{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bovo/icon.hvif]
6995{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bovo_x86/icon.hvif]
6996{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bradleygratisfont/icon.hvif]
6997{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi/16.png]
6998{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi/32.png]
6999{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi/64.png]
7000{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi_j/icon.hvif]
7001{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/breakomatic/16.png]
7002{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/breakomatic/32.png]
7003{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/breakomatic/64.png]
7004{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brickshooter/16.png]
7005{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brickshooter/32.png]
7006{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brickshooter/64.png]
7007{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brie/16.png]
7008{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brie/32.png]
7009{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brokenglassfont/icon.hvif]
7010{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brominefont/icon.hvif]
7011{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bshisen/16.png]
7012{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bshisen/32.png]
7013{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bshisen/64.png]
7014{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bsnow/16.png]
7015{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bsnow/32.png]
7016{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bsnow/64.png]
7017{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buckmuck/16.png]
7018{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buckmuck/32.png]
7019{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buckmuck/64.png]
7020{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi/16.png]
7021{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi/32.png]
7022{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi/64.png]
7023{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi_j/icon.hvif]
7024{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugged/16.png]
7025{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugged/32.png]
7026{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugged/64.png]
7027{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugsquish/16.png]
7028{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugsquish/32.png]
7029{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugsquish/64.png]
7030{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/burnitnow/icon.hvif]
7031{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/burnitnow_x86/icon.hvif]
7032{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/butterfly/16.png]
7033{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/butterfly/32.png]
7034{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/butterfly/64.png]
7035{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/byzantineempirefont/icon.hvif]
7036{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag/16.png]
7037{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag/32.png]
7038{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag/64.png]
7039{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag_x86/16.png]
7040{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag_x86/32.png]
7041{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag_x86/64.png]
7042{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzr/icon.hvif]
7043{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/caduntu/icon.hvif]
7044{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cal/icon.hvif]
7045{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/caladea/icon.hvif]
7046{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcc/16.png]
7047{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcc/32.png]
7048{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcc/64.png]
7049{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange/16.png]
7050{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange/32.png]
7051{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange/64.png]
7052{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange_j/icon.hvif]
7053{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calculator/16.png]
7054{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calculator/32.png]
7055{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calculator/64.png]
7056{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendar/icon.hvif]
7057{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendare/16.png]
7058{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendare/32.png]
7059{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendare/64.png]
7060{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendarj/16.png]
7061{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendarj/32.png]
7062{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendarj/64.png]
7063{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendar_x86/icon.hvif]
7064{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calibre/icon.hvif]
7065{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligra/icon.hvif]
7066{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligraplan/icon.hvif]
7067{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligraplan_x86/icon.hvif]
7068{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligraseriffont/icon.hvif]
7069{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligra_x86/icon.hvif]
7070{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cantarell/icon.hvif]
7071{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cantata/icon.hvif]
7072{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cantata_x86/icon.hvif]
7073{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/capitalbe/icon.hvif]
7074{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cardo/icon.hvif]
7075{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cardofonts/icon.hvif]
7076{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carlito/icon.hvif]
7077{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carma/16.png]
7078{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carma/32.png]
7079{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carma/64.png]
7080{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cars/16.png]
7081{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cars/32.png]
7082{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cars/64.png]
7083{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/casperfont/icon.hvif]
7084{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catchamonster_j/16.png]
7085{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catchamonster_j/32.png]
7086{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catchamonster_j/64.png]
7087{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catharsisrequiemfont/icon.hvif]
7088{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catkeyseditor/icon.hvif]
7089{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/caya/icon.hvif]
7090{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cc/16.png]
7091{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cc/32.png]
7092{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cc/64.png]
7093{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdogssdl/16.png]
7094{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdogssdl/32.png]
7095{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdogssdl/64.png]
7096{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdtomp3ripper/icon.hvif]
7097{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdtomp3ripper/16.png]
7098{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdtomp3ripper/32.png]
7099{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdvst/16.png]
7100{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdvst/32.png]
7101{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdvst/64.png]
7102{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/celestia/icon.hvif]
7103{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/celestia_x86/icon.hvif]
7104{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chalklinefont/icon.hvif]
7105{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/characters/16.png]
7106{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/characters/32.png]
7107{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/characters/64.png]
7108{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charcoalsketchimage/16.png]
7109{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charcoalsketchimage/32.png]
7110{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charcoalsketchimage/64.png]
7111{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charliefont/icon.hvif]
7112{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chasing/16.png]
7113{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chasing/32.png]
7114{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chasing/64.png]
7115{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chat/icon.hvif]
7116{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cheesedoff/16.png]
7117{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cheesedoff/32.png]
7118{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cheesedoff/64.png]
7119{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chemicalreactionfont/icon.hvif]
7120{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chessx/icon.hvif]
7121{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chessx_x86/icon.hvif]
7122{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chlorophyll/16.png]
7123{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chlorophyll/32.png]
7124{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chlorophyll/64.png]
7125{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chocolate_doom/icon.hvif]
7126{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chocolate_doom_x86/icon.hvif]
7127{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/christmasoncrackfont/icon.hvif]
7128{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chrysler/16.png]
7129{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chrysler/32.png]
7130{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chrysler/64.png]
7131{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chunkfont/icon.hvif]
7132{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/circuslinux/16.png]
7133{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/circuslinux/32.png]
7134{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/circuslinux/64.png]
7135{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clamp/icon.hvif]
7136{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets/16.png]
7137{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets/32.png]
7138{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets/64.png]
7139{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets_j/icon.hvif]
7140{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clear_sans/icon.hvif]
7141{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clementine/icon.hvif]
7142{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clementine_x86/icon.hvif]
7143{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clickomanie/16.png]
7144{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clickomanie/32.png]
7145{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clickomanie/64.png]
7146{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clientdatabase_x86/16.png]
7147{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clientdatabase_x86/32.png]
7148{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clientdatabase_x86/64.png]
7149{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_matrix/16.png]
7150{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_matrix/32.png]
7151{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_matrix/64.png]
7152{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_othello/16.png]
7153{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_othello/32.png]
7154{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_othello/64.png]
7155{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipdinger/icon.hvif]
7156{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipgrab_x86/icon.hvif]
7157{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_64/16.png]
7158{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_64/32.png]
7159{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_64/64.png]
7160{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_x86/16.png]
7161{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_x86/32.png]
7162{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_x86/64.png]
7163{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipup/16.png]
7164{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipup/32.png]
7165{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipup/64.png]
7166{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockwerk/icon.hvif]
7167{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockworkboy/16.png]
7168{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockworkboy/32.png]
7169{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockworkboy/64.png]
7170{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/closet/16.png]
7171{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/closet/32.png]
7172{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/closet/64.png]
7173{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cocoview/icon.hvif]
7174{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codepositive/16.png]
7175{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codepositive/32.png]
7176{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codepositive/64.png]
7177{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill/16.png]
7178{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill/32.png]
7179{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill/64.png]
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7181{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codewalker/16.png]
7182{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codewalker/32.png]
7183{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codewalker/64.png]
7184{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codonfont/icon.hvif]
7185{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colobot/icon.hvif]
7186{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colobot_x86/icon.hvif]
7187{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorcode/icon.hvif]
7188{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorcode_x86/icon.hvif]
7189{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor/16.png]
7190{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor/32.png]
7191{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor/64.png]
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7193{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor_j/32.png]
7194{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor_j/64.png]
7195{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorme/icon.hvif]
7196{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors/icon.hvif]
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7198{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors16/32.png]
7199{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors16/64.png]
7200{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors21/16.png]
7201{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors21/32.png]
7202{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors21/64.png]
7203{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorsequence/icon.hvif]
7204{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors_x86/icon.hvif]
7205{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colortool_x86/16.png]
7206{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colortool_x86/32.png]
7207{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colortool_x86/64.png]
7208{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colossalcave/16.png]
7209{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colossalcave/32.png]
7210{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colossalcave/64.png]
7211{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/comic_neue/icon.hvif]
7212{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/commandtimer/icon.hvif]
7213{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram/16.png]
7214{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram/32.png]
7215{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram/64.png]
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7217{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_64/32.png]
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7219{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_x86/32.png]
7220{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_x86/64.png]
7221{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/controlpanel/16.png]
7222{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/controlpanel/32.png]
7223{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/controlpanel/64.png]
7224{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/converttolf/16.png]
7225{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/converttolf/32.png]
7226{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/converttolf/64.png]
7227{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/conway/16.png]
7228{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/conway/32.png]
7229{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/conway/64.png]
7230{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/coolreader3/icon.hvif]
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7232{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/copynametoclipboard/icon.hvif]
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7234{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/corovapioneer/32.png]
7235{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/corovapioneer/64.png]
7236{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/correctextension/16.png]
7237{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/correctextension/32.png]
7238{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/correctextension/64.png]
7239{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/count/16.png]
7240{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/count/32.png]
7241{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/count/64.png]
7242{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createacursor/16.png]
7243{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createacursor/32.png]
7244{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createacursor/64.png]
7245{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createdeviceimage/16.png]
7246{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createdeviceimage/32.png]
7247{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createdeviceimage/64.png]
7248{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/criticalmass/icon.hvif]
7249{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/croscorefonts/icon.hvif]
7250{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp/16.png]
7251{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp/32.png]
7252{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp/64.png]
7253{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp_j/16.png]
7254{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp_j/32.png]
7255{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp_j/64.png]
7256{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cubicrubic/16.png]
7257{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cubicrubic/32.png]
7258{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cubicrubic/64.png]
7259{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cuewavextract_x86/16.png]
7260{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cuewavextract_x86/32.png]
7261{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cuewavextract_x86/64.png]
7262{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_64/16.png]
7263{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_64/32.png]
7264{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_x86/16.png]
7265{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_x86/32.png]
7266{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_x86/64.png]
7267{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemarked/icon.hvif]
7268{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemarked_x86/icon.hvif]
7269{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_64/16.png]
7270{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_64/32.png]
7271{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_x86/16.png]
7272{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_x86/32.png]
7273{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_x86/64.png]
7274{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutter/icon.hvif]
7275{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutter_x86/icon.hvif]
7276{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cygnusx1/16.png]
7277{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cygnusx1/32.png]
7278{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cygnusx1/64.png]
7279{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed/16.png]
7280{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed/32.png]
7281{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed/64.png]
7282{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed_j/16.png]
7283{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed_j/32.png]
7284{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed_j/64.png]
7285{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dad_de/16.png]
7286{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dad_de/32.png]
7287{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dad_de/64.png]
7288{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/daleks/16.png]
7289{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/daleks/32.png]
7290{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/daleks/64.png]
7291{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/damasefont/icon.hvif]
7292{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/datereplicant/16.png]
7293{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/datereplicant/32.png]
7294{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/datereplicant/64.png]
7295{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/davegnukem/16.png]
7296{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/davegnukem/32.png]
7297{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/davegnukem/64.png]
7298{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dd2/icon.hvif]
7299{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration/16.png]
7300{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration/32.png]
7301{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration/64.png]
7302{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration_j/16.png]
7303{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration_j/32.png]
7304{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration_j/64.png]
7305{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deepcount/16.png]
7306{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deepcount/32.png]
7307{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deepcount/64.png]
7308{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deeperpeople/16.png]
7309{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deeperpeople/32.png]
7310{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/defendguin/16.png]
7311{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/defendguin/32.png]
7312{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/defendguin/64.png]
7313{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dejavu/icon.hvif]
7314{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter/16.png]
7315{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter/32.png]
7316{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter/64.png]
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7319{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deltahex_j/32.png]
7320{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deltahex_j/64.png]
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7322{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dengon/icon.hvif]
7323{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deskbareyes/16.png]
7324{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deskbareyes/32.png]
7325{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deskbareyes/64.png]
7326{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/desknotes/icon.hvif]
7327{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/desktopdrawer/16.png]
7328{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/desktopdrawer/32.png]
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7398{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhammapadaverse/32.png]
7399{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhammapadaverse/64.png]
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7404{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digger/64.png]
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7454{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/down_game/64.png]
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7461{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava/32.png]
7462{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava/64.png]
7463{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava_j/16.png]
7464{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava_j/32.png]
7465{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava_j/64.png]
7466{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/droid/icon.hvif]
7467{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dtpicview/16.png]
7468{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dtpicview/32.png]
7469{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dtpicview/64.png]
7470{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ducksaver/16.png]
7471{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ducksaver/32.png]
7472{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dynamate/16.png]
7473{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dynamate/32.png]
7474{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dynamate/64.png]
7475{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eaddressbook/16.png]
7476{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eaddressbook/32.png]
7477{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eaddressbook/64.png]
7478{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eaddressbook_j/16.png]
7479{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eaddressbook_j/32.png]
7480{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eaddressbook_j/64.png]
7481{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc/16.png]
7482{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc/32.png]
7483{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc/64.png]
7484{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc_j/16.png]
7485{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc_j/32.png]
7486{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc_j/64.png]
7487{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easypaint/icon.hvif]
7488{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_astounding_1930/icon.hvif]
7489{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_astounding_1931/icon.hvif]
7490{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_detective_leblanc_collection/icon.hvif]
7491{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_detective_sax_rohmer_collection/icon.hvif]
7492{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_cy/icon.hvif]
7493{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_de/icon.hvif]
7494{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_en/icon.hvif]
7495{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_enm/icon.hvif]
7496{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_eo/icon.hvif]
7497{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_fr/icon.hvif]
7498{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_nl/icon.hvif]
7499{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_pt/icon.hvif]
7500{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_fantasy_dunsany_collection/icon.hvif]
7501{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_fantasy_howard_collection/icon.hvif]
7502{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_fantasy_mercedes_lackey_collection/icon.hvif]
7503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_eleventh_century/icon.hvif]
7504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_fifth_century/icon.hvif]
7505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_first_century/icon.hvif]
7506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_fourth_century/icon.hvif]
7507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_ninth_century/icon.hvif]
7508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_prechristian/icon.hvif]
7509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_second_century/icon.hvif]
7510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_seventh_century/icon.hvif]
7511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_third_century/icon.hvif]
7512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_twelfth_century/icon.hvif]
7513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_horror_poe_collection/icon.hvif]
7514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_horror_stoker_collection/icon.hvif]
7515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_bellamy/icon.hvif]
7516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_a/icon.hvif]
7517{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_b/icon.hvif]
7518{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_c/icon.hvif]
7519{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_d/icon.hvif]
7520{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_e/icon.hvif]
7521{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_f/icon.hvif]
7522{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_g/icon.hvif]
7523{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_h/icon.hvif]
7524{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_i/icon.hvif]
7525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_j/icon.hvif]
7526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_k/icon.hvif]
7527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_l/icon.hvif]
7528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_presidential_addresses/icon.hvif]
7529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_1632_collection/icon.hvif]
7530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_abernathy_collection/icon.hvif]
7531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_belisarius_en/icon.hvif]
7532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_bradley_collection/icon.hvif]
7533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_brown_collection/icon.hvif]
7534{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_budrys_collection/icon.hvif]
7535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_burroughs_collection/icon.hvif]
7536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_campbell_collection/icon.hvif]
7537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_cory_doctorow_collection/icon.hvif]
7538{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_delrey_collection/icon.hvif]
7539{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_fontenay_collection/icon.hvif]
7540{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_fyfe_collection/icon.hvif]
7541{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_garrett_collection/icon.hvif]
7542{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_harrison_collection/icon.hvif]
7543{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_honorverse_en/icon.hvif]
7544{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_kornbluth_collection/icon.hvif]
7545{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_lafferty_collection/icon.hvif]
7546{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_laumer_collection/icon.hvif]
7547{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_leiber_collection/icon.hvif]
7548{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_leinster_collection/icon.hvif]
7549{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_philip_k_dick_collection/icon.hvif]
7550{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_poul_anderson_collection/icon.hvif]
7551{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_ray_bradbury_collection/icon.hvif]
7552{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_roger_dee_collection/icon.hvif]
7553{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_sherlock_holmes_collection/icon.hvif]
7554{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_tarzan_collection/icon.hvif]
7555{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_tom_sawyer_collection/icon.hvif]
7556{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_tom_swift_collection/icon.hvif]
7557{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edbindiansfont/icon.hvif]
7558{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edbwildthingsfont/icon.hvif]
7559{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eddie/16.png]
7560{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eddie/32.png]
7561{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eddie/64.png]
7562{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edfbrowser/icon.hvif]
7563{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edfbrowser_x86/icon.hvif]
7564{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eggscontrol/16.png]
7565{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eggscontrol/32.png]
7566{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eggscontrol/64.png]
7567{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/egsl/16.png]
7568{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/egsl/32.png]
7569{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/egsl/64.png]
7570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ehm_x86/16.png]
7571{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ehm_x86/32.png]
7572{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ehm_x86/64.png]
7573{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/einsteinium/icon.hvif]
7574{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eiskaltdcpp/icon.hvif]
7575{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eiskaltdcpp_x86/icon.hvif]
7576{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_br/16.png]
7577{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_br/32.png]
7578{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_br/64.png]
7579{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_cn/16.png]
7580{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_cn/32.png]
7581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_cn/64.png]
7582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_de/16.png]
7583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_de/32.png]
7584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_de/64.png]
7585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_es/16.png]
7586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_es/32.png]
7587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_es/64.png]
7588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_fi/16.png]
7589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_fi/32.png]
7590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_fi/64.png]
7591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_hu/16.png]
7592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_hu/32.png]
7593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_hu/64.png]
7594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_it/16.png]
7595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_it/32.png]
7596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_it/64.png]
7597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_j/16.png]
7598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_j/32.png]
7599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_j/64.png]
7600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_nl/16.png]
7601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_nl/32.png]
7602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_nl/64.png]
7603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_no/16.png]
7604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_no/32.png]
7605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_no/64.png]
7606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pl/16.png]
7607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pl/32.png]
7608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pl/64.png]
7609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pt/16.png]
7610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pt/32.png]
7611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pt/64.png]
7612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_ru/16.png]
7613{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_ru/32.png]
7614{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_ru/64.png]
7615{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_se/16.png]
7616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_se/32.png]
7617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_se/64.png]
7618{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_tr/16.png]
7619{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_tr/32.png]
7620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_tr/64.png]
7621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_uk/16.png]
7622{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_uk/32.png]
7623{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_uk/64.png]
7624{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_us/16.png]
7625{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_us/32.png]
7626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_us/64.png]
7627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eliza/16.png]
7628{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eliza/32.png]
7629{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eliza/64.png]
7630{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eltercerhombrefont/icon.hvif]
7631{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/elvenedit/icon.hvif]
7632{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/embossimage/16.png]
7633{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/embossimage/32.png]
7634{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/embossimage/64.png]
7635{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/emptytrash/16.png]
7636{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/emptytrash/32.png]
7637{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/emptytrash/64.png]
7638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes/16.png]
7639{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes/32.png]
7640{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes/64.png]
7641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes_j/16.png]
7642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes_j/32.png]
7643{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes_j/64.png]
7644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/escherwebsketch_j/16.png]
7645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/escherwebsketch_j/32.png]
7646{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/escherwebsketch_j/64.png]
7647{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/essays1743/icon.hvif]
7648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eternal_lands/icon.hvif]
7649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eternal_lands_x86/icon.hvif]
7650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ethopoolfont/icon.hvif]
7651{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eventual/icon.hvif]
7652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/executor/16.png]
7653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/executor/32.png]
7654{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/executor/64.png]
7655{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/extreme_tuxracer/icon.hvif]
7656{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/extreme_tuxracer_x86/icon.hvif]
7657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/faccp/16.png]
7658{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/faccp/32.png]
7659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/faccp/64.png]
7660{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fallleaves/icon.hvif]
7661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/falsoyd/16.png]
7662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/falsoyd/32.png]
7663{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/falsoyd/64.png]
7664{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fanwor/16.png]
7665{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fanwor/32.png]
7666{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fanwor/64.png]
7667{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/farsi_fonts/icon.hvif]
7668{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fastcounter/icon.hvif]
7669{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fbreader/icon.hvif]
7670{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fbreader_x86/icon.hvif]
7671{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fedb/16.png]
7672{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fedb/32.png]
7673{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fedb/64.png]
7674{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/felix/16.png]
7675{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/felix/32.png]
7676{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/felix/64.png]
7677{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fidocadj_j/16.png]
7678{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fidocadj_j/32.png]
7679{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fidocadj_j/64.png]
7680{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filer/icon.hvif]
7681{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fileshredder/icon.hvif]
7682{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filesynq_x86/icon.hvif]
7683{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filler/16.png]
7684{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filler/32.png]
7685{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filler/64.png]
7686{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filwip/icon.hvif]
7687{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/finance/icon.hvif]
7688{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/finance/16.png]
7689{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/finance/32.png]
7690{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/firacode/icon.hvif]
7691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fira_fonts/icon.hvif]
7692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fishshark/16.png]
7693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fishshark/32.png]
7694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fishshark/64.png]
7695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fixlink/16.png]
7696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fixlink/32.png]
7697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fixlink/64.png]
7698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flameshot/icon.hvif]
7699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flameshot_x86/icon.hvif]
7700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flamestation/16.png]
7701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flamestation/32.png]
7702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flamestation/64.png]
7703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flare/icon.hvif]
7704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flare_x86/icon.hvif]
7705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flare_x86_data/icon.hvif]
7706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fleetingpm_x86/icon.hvif]
7707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipimage/icon.hvif]
7708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fliplayer/16.png]
7709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fliplayer/32.png]
7710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fliplayer/64.png]
7711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipull/16.png]
7712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipull/32.png]
7713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipull/64.png]
7714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flopimage/icon.hvif]
7715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flyingtroll/16.png]
7716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flyingtroll/32.png]
7717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flyingtroll/64.png]
7718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flytex_base/16.png]
7719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flytex_base/32.png]
7720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flytex_base/64.png]
7721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foldershaper/16.png]
7722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foldershaper/32.png]
7723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foldershaper/64.png]
7724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontawesome/icon.hvif]
7725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontboy/icon.hvif]
7726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforerinfont/icon.hvif]
7727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge/16.png]
7728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge/32.png]
7729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_devel/16.png]
7730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_devel/32.png]
7731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86/16.png]
7732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86/32.png]
7733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86_devel/16.png]
7734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86_devel/32.png]
7735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontinspector/16.png]
7736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontinspector/32.png]
7737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontinspector/64.png]
7738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontmanager/icon.hvif]
7739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontmonkey/icon.hvif]
7740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontview/16.png]
7741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontview/32.png]
7742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontview/64.png]
7743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foobillardplus/icon.hvif]
7744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foobillardplus_x86/icon.hvif]
7745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/formido/16.png]
7746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/formido/32.png]
7747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/formido/64.png]
7748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna/16.png]
7749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna/32.png]
7750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna/64.png]
7751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna_64/16.png]
7752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna_64/32.png]
7753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fotowall/icon.hvif]
7754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fotowall_x86/icon.hvif]
7755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freac/icon.hvif]
7756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freac_x86/icon.hvif]
7757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeciv/icon.hvif]
7758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeciv_x86/icon.hvif]
7759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freedroidrpg/icon.hvif]
7760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freedroidrpg_x86/icon.hvif]
7761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freegish/16.png]
7762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freegish/32.png]
7763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freemind_j/icon.hvif]
7764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeplane_j/icon.hvif]
7765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp/icon.hvif]
7766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp_devel/icon.hvif]
7767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp_x86/icon.hvif]
7768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
7769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeverse/icon.hvif]
7770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/friss/icon.hvif]
7771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fritzing/icon.hvif]
7772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fritzing_x86/icon.hvif]
7773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fruitninja_j/16.png]
7774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fruitninja_j/32.png]
7775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fruitninja_j/64.png]
7776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ftppositive/icon.hvif]
7777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/functionalcalculator_j/16.png]
7778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/functionalcalculator_j/32.png]
7779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/functionalcalculator_j/64.png]
7780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fundamentalrushfont/icon.hvif]
7781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fuse/icon.hvif]
7782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fusesmb_haiku/icon.hvif]
7783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fuse_x86/icon.hvif]
7784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/futureboy/16.png]
7785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/futureboy/32.png]
7786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/futureboy/64.png]
7787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fuzzytime/icon.hvif]
7788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fx702p_j/16.png]
7789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fx702p_j/32.png]
7790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fx702p_j/64.png]
7791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/galaxy/16.png]
7792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/galaxy/32.png]
7793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/galaxy/64.png]
7794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gambit/icon.hvif]
7795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gambit_x86/icon.hvif]
7796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gameoflife_j/16.png]
7797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gameoflife_j/32.png]
7798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gameoflife_j/64.png]
7799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ganttproject_j/16.png]
7800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ganttproject_j/32.png]
7801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ganttproject_j/64.png]
7802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gauges/16.png]
7803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gauges/32.png]
7804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gauges/64.png]
7805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gaussjordanfont/icon.hvif]
7806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gav/16.png]
7807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gav/32.png]
7808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gav/64.png]
7809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemdropx/16.png]
7810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemdropx/32.png]
7811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemdropx/64.png]
7812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemz/16.png]
7813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemz/32.png]
7814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemz/64.png]
7815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/genesiscommander/icon.hvif]
7816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/genesis_commander/icon.hvif]
7817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getinfo/16.png]
7818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getinfo/32.png]
7819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getinfo/64.png]
7820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getit/icon.hvif]
7821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ghastlypanicfont/icon.hvif]
7822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ghostwriter/icon.hvif]
7823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ghostwriter_x86/icon.hvif]
7824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/giddy3/icon.hvif]
7825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gigocalc/16.png]
7826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gigocalc/32.png]
7827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gigocalc/64.png]
7828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gish/icon.hvif]
7829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gish_x86/icon.hvif]
7830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git/icon.hvif]
7831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_arch/icon.hvif]
7832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_cvs/icon.hvif]
7833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_daemon/icon.hvif]
7834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_email/icon.hvif]
7835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gitqlient/icon.hvif]
7836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gitqlient_x86/icon.hvif]
7837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_remote_helpers/icon.hvif]
7838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_svn/icon.hvif]
7839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gjkreminder_x86/icon.hvif]
7840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glipsgraffiti_j/icon.hvif]
7841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globalclock_j/16.png]
7842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globalclock_j/32.png]
7843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globalclock_j/64.png]
7844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globe/16.png]
7845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globe/32.png]
7846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glspball/16.png]
7847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glspball/32.png]
7848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glspball/64.png]
7849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gmic/icon.hvif]
7850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gmic_x86/icon.hvif]
7851{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gnufreefonts/icon.hvif]
7852{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gobeproductive_full/icon.hvif]
7853{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogogadget/16.png]
7854{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogogadget/32.png]
7855{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogogadget/64.png]
7856{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogrinder_j/16.png]
7857{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogrinder_j/32.png]
7858{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogrinder_j/64.png]
7859{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogui_j/16.png]
7860{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogui_j/32.png]
7861{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogui_j/64.png]
7862{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/goldendict/icon.hvif]
7863{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/goldendict_x86/icon.hvif]
7864{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/goldplatedfont/icon.hvif]
7865{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/googlemaps/icon.hvif]
7866{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gottet/icon.hvif]
7867{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gottet_x86/icon.hvif]
7868{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gprop/16.png]
7869{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gprop/32.png]
7870{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gprop/64.png]
7871{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxlab/icon.hvif]
7872{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxlab_x86/icon.hvif]
7873{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxsee/icon.hvif]
7874{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxsee_x86/icon.hvif]
7875{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grabit/16.png]
7876{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grabit/32.png]
7877{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grabit/64.png]
7878{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grafipaintfont/icon.hvif]
7879{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grafx2/icon.hvif]
7880{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grafx2_x86/icon.hvif]
7881{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/granatier/icon.hvif]
7882{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/granatier_x86/icon.hvif]
7883{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/greed/icon.hvif]
7884{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep/16.png]
7885{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep/32.png]
7886{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_debuginfo/16.png]
7887{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_debuginfo/32.png]
7888{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_x86/16.png]
7889{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_x86/32.png]
7890{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grungehandwritingfont/icon.hvif]
7891{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guber_j/16.png]
7892{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guber_j/32.png]
7893{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guber_j/64.png]
7894{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guido/16.png]
7895{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guido/32.png]
7896{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guido/64.png]
7897{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guilty/16.png]
7898{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guilty/32.png]
7899{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guilty/64.png]
7900{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guitar/icon.hvif]
7901{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guitar_x86/icon.hvif]
7902{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gwenview/icon.hvif]
7903{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gwenview_x86/icon.hvif]
7904{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gypsymoonfont/icon.hvif]
7905{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gzdoom/icon.hvif]
7906{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hack/icon.hvif]
7907{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuplot/icon.hvif]
7908{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuporter/icon.hvif]
7909{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikutwitter/icon.hvif]
7910{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikutwitter_x86/icon.hvif]
7911{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit/icon.hvif]
7912{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit_devel/icon.hvif]
7913{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit_x86/icon.hvif]
7914{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
7915{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogen/16.png]
7916{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogen/32.png]
7917{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogen/64.png]
7918{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogenfont/icon.hvif]
7919{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi/16.png]
7920{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi/32.png]
7921{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi/64.png]
7922{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi4hugo/16.png]
7923{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi4hugo/32.png]
7924{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi4hugo/64.png]
7925{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake/16.png]
7926{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake/32.png]
7927{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake_x86/16.png]
7928{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake_x86/32.png]
7929{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handmedownfont/icon.hvif]
7930{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hanukkah/16.png]
7931{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hanukkah/32.png]
7932{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hanukkah/64.png]
7933{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hatari/16.png]
7934{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hatari/32.png]
7935{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hatari/64.png]
7936{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hebgb/16.png]
7937{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hebgb/32.png]
7938{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/heimer/icon.hvif]
7939{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/heimer_x86/icon.hvif]
7940{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/helpviewer/icon.hvif]
7941{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermes/icon.hvif]
7942{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermes_game/icon.hvif]
7943{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermes_game_x86/icon.hvif]
7944{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermet_de/16.png]
7945{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermet_de/32.png]
7946{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/heroes/icon.hvif]
7947{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexalate/icon.hvif]
7948{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexalate_64/icon.hvif]
7949{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexalate_x86/icon.hvif]
7950{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_64/16.png]
7951{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_64/32.png]
7952{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_x86/16.png]
7953{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_x86/32.png]
7954{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_x86/64.png]
7955{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexkeycodefinder/16.png]
7956{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexkeycodefinder/32.png]
7957{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexvexed/icon.hvif]
7958{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hippo/icon.hvif]
7959{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hippo_x86/icon.hvif]
7960{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hnb/16.png]
7961{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hnb/32.png]
7962{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hnb/64.png]
7963{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hoffmanhandfont/icon.hvif]
7964{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hollywoodmurders/16.png]
7965{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hollywoodmurders/32.png]
7966{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hollywoodmurders/64.png]
7967{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/homeworld_sdl/icon.hvif]
7968{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/homeworld_sdl_x86/icon.hvif]
7969{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hor/16.png]
7970{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hor/32.png]
7971{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hor/64.png]
7972{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hotedit/16.png]
7973{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hotedit/32.png]
7974{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hotedit/64.png]
7975{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hpkgcreator/icon.hvif]
7976{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/httraqt/icon.hvif]
7977{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/httraqt_x86/icon.hvif]
7978{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugoclock/16.png]
7979{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugoclock/32.png]
7980{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugoclock/64.png]
7981{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugotetris/16.png]
7982{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugotetris/32.png]
7983{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugotetris/64.png]
7984{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ibm_plex/icon.hvif]
7985{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/icebreaker/icon.hvif]
7986{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit/16.png]
7987{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit/32.png]
7988{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit/64.png]
7989{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit_j/16.png]
7990{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit_j/32.png]
7991{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit_j/64.png]
7992{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ideam/icon.hvif]
7993{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ideam_x86/icon.hvif]
7994{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/idx3d/16.png]
7995{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/idx3d/32.png]
7996{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/idx3d/64.png]
7997{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagegrinder/16.png]
7998{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagegrinder/32.png]
7999{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagegrinder/64.png]
8000{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x/16.png]
8001{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x/32.png]
8002{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x/64.png]
8003{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x_j/16.png]
8004{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x_j/32.png]
8005{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x_j/64.png]
8006{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagemagickgui/icon.hvif]
8007{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageplay/icon.hvif]
8008{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageplay_x86/icon.hvif]
8009{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagepro/16.png]
8010{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagepro/32.png]
8011{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageresizer/icon.hvif]
8012{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagesplitter/16.png]
8013{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagesplitter/32.png]
8014{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagesplitter/64.png]
8015{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageviewer/32.png]
8016{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageviewer/64.png]
8017{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/impro_visor_j/icon.hvif]
8018{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/inconsolata/icon.hvif]
8019{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/index/16.png]
8020{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/index/32.png]
8021{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/index/64.png]
8022{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/infopopper/16.png]
8023{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/infopopper/32.png]
8024{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/infopopper/64.png]
8025{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/initialfont/icon.hvif]
8026{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/inlinesfont/icon.hvif]
8027{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/instead/icon.hvif]
8028{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/instead_x86/icon.hvif]
8029{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/interlearn/16.png]
8030{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/interlearn/32.png]
8031{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/interlearn/64.png]
8032{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/internetsurfboard/icon.hvif]
8033{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ipresolve/16.png]
8034{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ipresolve/32.png]
8035{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ipresolve/64.png]
8036{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iptalk/16.png]
8037{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iptalk/32.png]
8038{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iptalk/64.png]
8039{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_64/16.png]
8040{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_64/32.png]
8041{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/16.png]
8042{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/32.png]
8043{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/64.png]
8044{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/irrepfont/icon.hvif]
8045{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ish/16.png]
8046{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ish/32.png]
8047{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ish/64.png]
8048{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ishido_de/16.png]
8049{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ishido_de/32.png]
8050{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ishido_de/64.png]
8051{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/isolato/16.png]
8052{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/isolato/32.png]
8053{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/isolato/64.png]
8054{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ivan/16.png]
8055{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ivan/32.png]
8056{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ivan/64.png]
8057{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ixalance_demos/16.png]
8058{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ixalance_demos/32.png]
8059{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ixalance_demos/64.png]
8060{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ja2_stracciatella/icon.hvif]
8061{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jabber4haiku/icon.hvif]
8062{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jamal_j/16.png]
8063{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jamal_j/32.png]
8064{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jamal_j/64.png]
8065{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/janitorfont/icon.hvif]
8066{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jarexplorer_j/icon.hvif]
8067{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jasymca/16.png]
8068{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jasymca/32.png]
8069{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jasymca/64.png]
8070{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/javatexteditor_j/icon.hvif]
8071{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jave_j/16.png]
8072{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jave_j/32.png]
8073{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jave_j/64.png]
8074{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jcards_j/16.png]
8075{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jcards_j/32.png]
8076{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jcards_j/64.png]
8077{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert/16.png]
8078{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert/32.png]
8079{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert/64.png]
8080{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert_j/icon.hvif]
8081{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw/16.png]
8082{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw/32.png]
8083{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw/64.png]
8084{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdrawingpanel_j/icon.hvif]
8085{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw_j/16.png]
8086{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw_j/32.png]
8087{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw_j/64.png]
8088{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jedit_j/icon.hvif]
8089{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jeks_j/16.png]
8090{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jeks_j/32.png]
8091{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jeks_j/64.png]
8092{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jellikit/16.png]
8093{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jellikit/32.png]
8094{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jellikit/64.png]
8095{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jenny_thinks/16.png]
8096{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jenny_thinks/32.png]
8097{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jenny_thinks/64.png]
8098{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jetris_j/icon.hvif]
8099{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jewelbox/16.png]
8100{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jewelbox/32.png]
8101{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jewelbox/64.png]
8102{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfamily_j/16.png]
8103{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfamily_j/32.png]
8104{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfamily_j/64.png]
8105{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfig_j/16.png]
8106{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfig_j/32.png]
8107{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfig_j/64.png]
8108{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfilesplitter/icon.hvif]
8109{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfontchooser_j/icon.hvif]
8110{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfontviewer_j/icon.hvif]
8111{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jiconmaker_j/icon.hvif]
8112{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jim_j/16.png]
8113{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jim_j/32.png]
8114{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jim_j/64.png]
8115{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jipe_j/16.png]
8116{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jipe_j/32.png]
8117{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jipe_j/64.png]
8118{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jisho/icon.hvif]
8119{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui/16.png]
8120{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui/32.png]
8121{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui/64.png]
8122{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui_j/icon.hvif]
8123{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jmemorize_j/icon.hvif]
8124{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jmines_j/icon.hvif]
8125{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnote_j/16.png]
8126{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnote_j/32.png]
8127{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnote_j/64.png]
8128{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnpad_j/16.png]
8129{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnpad_j/32.png]
8130{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnpad_j/64.png]
8131{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jomic_j/16.png]
8132{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jomic_j/32.png]
8133{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jomic_j/64.png]
8134{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpad_j/icon.hvif]
8135{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpass_j/icon.hvif]
8136{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpassword_j/16.png]
8137{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpassword_j/32.png]
8138{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpassword_j/64.png]
8139{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpc_j/icon.hvif]
8140{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdftweak_j/16.png]
8141{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdftweak_j/32.png]
8142{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdftweak_j/64.png]
8143{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdfviewer_j/16.png]
8144{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdfviewer_j/32.png]
8145{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdfviewer_j/64.png]
8146{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpeces_j/icon.hvif]
8147{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpe_demo/16.png]
8148{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpe_demo/32.png]
8149{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpe_demo/64.png]
8150{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpicedt_j/icon.hvif]
8151{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpuzzle_j/16.png]
8152{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpuzzle_j/32.png]
8153{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpuzzle_j/64.png]
8154{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2/16.png]
8155{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2/32.png]
8156{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2/64.png]
8157{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2_j/16.png]
8158{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2_j/32.png]
8159{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2_j/64.png]
8160{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsignpdf_j/16.png]
8161{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsignpdf_j/32.png]
8162{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsignpdf_j/64.png]
8163{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo/16.png]
8164{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo/32.png]
8165{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo/64.png]
8166{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo_j/icon.hvif]
8167{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsoko_j/16.png]
8168{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsoko_j/32.png]
8169{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsoko_j/64.png]
8170{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jstickynotes_j/icon.hvif]
8171{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jstock_j/icon.hvif]
8172{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/judo_j/16.png]
8173{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/judo_j/32.png]
8174{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/judo_j/64.png]
8175{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/juffed/icon.hvif]
8176{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julie/16.png]
8177{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julie/32.png]
8178{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julie/64.png]
8179{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julius/icon.hvif]
8180{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julius_x86/icon.hvif]
8181{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/justshow/16.png]
8182{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/justshow/32.png]
8183{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/justshow/64.png]
8184{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jworksheet_j/16.png]
8185{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jworksheet_j/32.png]
8186{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jworksheet_j/64.png]
8187{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kacst_fonts/icon.hvif]
8188{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kapman/icon.hvif]
8189{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kapman_x86/icon.hvif]
8190{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kate/icon.hvif]
8191{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kate_x86/icon.hvif]
8192{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/katomic/icon.hvif]
8193{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/katomic_x86/icon.hvif]
8194{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kblocks/icon.hvif]
8195{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kblocks_x86/icon.hvif]
8196{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kbreakout/icon.hvif]
8197{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kbreakout_x86/icon.hvif]
8198{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcalc/icon.hvif]
8199{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcalc_x86/icon.hvif]
8200{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kchmviewer/icon.hvif]
8201{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kchmviewer_x86/icon.hvif]
8202{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcolor/16.png]
8203{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcolor/32.png]
8204{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcolor/64.png]
8205{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdevelop/icon.hvif]
8206{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdevelop_x86/icon.hvif]
8207{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiamond/icon.hvif]
8208{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiamond_x86/icon.hvif]
8209{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3/16.png]
8210{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3/32.png]
8211{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3/64.png]
8212{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3_x86/16.png]
8213{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3_x86/32.png]
8214{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3_x86/64.png]
8215{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepalive/16.png]
8216{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepalive/32.png]
8217{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepalive/64.png]
8218{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepassx/icon.hvif]
8219{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepassxc/icon.hvif]
8220{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepassxc_x86/icon.hvif]
8221{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keplerey_x86/16.png]
8222{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keplerey_x86/32.png]
8223{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keplerey_x86/64.png]
8224{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kexi/icon.hvif]
8225{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kexi_x86/icon.hvif]
8226{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keymapswitcher/icon.hvif]
8227{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keymapswitcher_x86/icon.hvif]
8228{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kgoldrunner/icon.hvif]
8229{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kgoldrunner_x86/icon.hvif]
8230{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kicker/16.png]
8231{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kicker/32.png]
8232{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kicker/64.png]
8233{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kickflipbrkfont/icon.hvif]
8234{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kig/icon.hvif]
8235{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kigo/icon.hvif]
8236{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kigo_x86/icon.hvif]
8237{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kig_x86/icon.hvif]
8238{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kitchengardenaid_j/icon.hvif]
8239{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kjumpingcube/icon.hvif]
8240{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kjumpingcube_x86/icon.hvif]
8241{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klickety/icon.hvif]
8242{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klickety_x86/icon.hvif]
8243{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klines/icon.hvif]
8244{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klines_x86/icon.hvif]
8245{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kmahjongg/icon.hvif]
8246{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kmahjongg_x86/icon.hvif]
8247{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knavalbattle/icon.hvif]
8248{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knavalbattle_x86/icon.hvif]
8249{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knewavefont/icon.hvif]
8250{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knights/icon.hvif]
8251{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knights_x86/icon.hvif]
8252{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kobo/icon.hvif]
8253{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kobodeluxe/icon.hvif]
8254{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/koder/icon.hvif]
8255{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/koder_x86/icon.hvif]
8256{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kolourpaint/icon.hvif]
8257{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kolourpaint_x86/icon.hvif]
8258{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/komi/16.png]
8259{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/komi/32.png]
8260{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/komi/64.png]
8261{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/konsole/icon.hvif]
8262{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/konsole_x86/icon.hvif]
8263{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kreversi/icon.hvif]
8264{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kreversi_x86/icon.hvif]
8265{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krita/icon.hvif]
8266{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krita_x86/icon.hvif]
8267{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krusader/icon.hvif]
8268{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krusader_x86/icon.hvif]
8269{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kshisen/icon.hvif]
8270{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kshisen_x86/icon.hvif]
8271{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kstars/icon.hvif]
8272{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kstars_x86/icon.hvif]
8273{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ksudoku/icon.hvif]
8274{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ksudoku_x86/icon.hvif]
8275{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktechlab/icon.hvif]
8276{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktechlab_x86/icon.hvif]
8277{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktorrent/icon.hvif]
8278{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktorrent_x86/icon.hvif]
8279{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktuberling/icon.hvif]
8280{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktuberling_x86/icon.hvif]
8281{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwave/icon.hvif]
8282{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwave_x86/icon.hvif]
8283{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwrite/icon.hvif]
8284{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwrite_x86/icon.hvif]
8285{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lateef_font/icon.hvif]
8286{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latexdraw_j/16.png]
8287{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latexdraw_j/32.png]
8288{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latexdraw_j/64.png]
8289{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latofonts/icon.hvif]
8290{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lato_fonts/icon.hvif]
8291{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/launchbar/16.png]
8292{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/launchbar/32.png]
8293{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/launchbar/64.png]
8294{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lava/icon.hvif]
8295{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lbackup/icon.hvif]
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8297{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaguegothicfont/icon.hvif]
8298{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaguescriptnr1font/icon.hvif]
8299{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaves/16.png]
8300{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaves/32.png]
8301{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaves/64.png]
8302{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leibomber/16.png]
8303{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leibomber/32.png]
8304{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leibomber/64.png]
8305{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lemontuesdayfont/icon.hvif]
8306{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lesserpasswords/16.png]
8307{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lesserpasswords/32.png]
8308{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lesserpasswords/64.png]
8309{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liberationfonts/icon.hvif]
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8311{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libertine/icon.hvif]
8312{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4/icon.hvif]
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8314{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4_x86/icon.hvif]
8315{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
8316{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librecad/icon.hvif]
8317{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librecad_x86/icon.hvif]
8318{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libreoffice/icon.hvif]
8319{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libreoffice_x86/icon.hvif]
8320{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librepcb/icon.hvif]
8321{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librepcb_x86/icon.hvif]
8322{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liftoff/icon.hvif]
8323{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightsoff/16.png]
8324{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightsoff/32.png]
8325{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightsoff/64.png]
8326{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_64/16.png]
8327{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_64/32.png]
8328{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_x86/16.png]
8329{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_x86/32.png]
8330{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_x86/64.png]
8331{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lingua/16.png]
8332{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lingua/32.png]
8333{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lingua/64.png]
8334{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/links/icon.hvif]
8335{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/links_x86/icon.hvif]
8336{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/linuxlibertinefonts/icon.hvif]
8337{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liny/16.png]
8338{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liny/32.png]
8339{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liny/64.png]
8340{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/littleshell/16.png]
8341{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/littleshell/32.png]
8342{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/littleshell/64.png]
8343{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm/icon.hvif]
8344{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_clang/icon.hvif]
8345{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_clang_analysis/icon.hvif]
8346{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_libs/icon.hvif]
8347{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86/icon.hvif]
8348{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86_clang/icon.hvif]
8349{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86_clang_analysis/icon.hvif]
8350{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86_libs/icon.hvif]
8351{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lmarbles/icon.hvif]
8352{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lmms/icon.hvif]
8353{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lmms_x86/icon.hvif]
8354{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lnlauncher/16.png]
8355{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lnlauncher/32.png]
8356{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockdown/icon.hvif]
8357{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation/16.png]
8358{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation/32.png]
8359{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation/64.png]
8360{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation_old/16.png]
8361{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation_old/32.png]
8362{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation_old/64.png]
8363{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lohit/icon.hvif]
8364{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lomtfonts/icon.hvif]
8365{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/loopdloop/icon.hvif]
8366{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lskat/icon.hvif]
8367{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lskat_x86/icon.hvif]
8368{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ltris/icon.hvif]
8369{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lugaru/icon.hvif]
8370{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lugaru_x86/icon.hvif]
8371{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lunasanctorum/16.png]
8372{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lunasanctorum/32.png]
8373{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lunasanctorum/64.png]
8374{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/luxofont/icon.hvif]
8375{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyapunovia/16.png]
8376{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyapunovia/32.png]
8377{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyapunovia/64.png]
8378{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyx/icon.hvif]
8379{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyx_x86/icon.hvif]
8380{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/madbomber/16.png]
8381{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/madbomber/32.png]
8382{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/madbomber/64.png]
8383{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelfont/icon.hvif]
8384{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom/16.png]
8385{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom/32.png]
8386{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom/64.png]
8387{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom_x86/16.png]
8388{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom_x86/32.png]
8389{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom_x86/64.png]
8390{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/magnifyextreme/16.png]
8391{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/magnifyextreme/32.png]
8392{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/magnifyextreme/64.png]
8393{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mahjongg/16.png]
8394{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mahjongg/32.png]
8395{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mahjongg/64.png]
8396{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mailnews/icon.hvif]
8397{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mailnews_devel/icon.hvif]
8398{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/majob_j/icon.hvif]
8399{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makagiga_j/16.png]
8400{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makagiga_j/32.png]
8401{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makem3u/16.png]
8402{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makem3u/32.png]
8403{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makem3u/64.png]
8404{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makingalistfont/icon.hvif]
8405{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maps/icon.hvif]
8406{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/marble/icon.hvif]
8407{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/marble_x86/icon.hvif]
8408{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mario_j/16.png]
8409{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mario_j/32.png]
8410{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mario_j/64.png]
8411{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/martianmemory/16.png]
8412{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/martianmemory/32.png]
8413{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/martianmemory/64.png]
8414{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/massfilerenamer/icon.hvif]
8415{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/masspictureconverter/icon.hvif]
8416{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/matchingcolumns/icon.hvif]
8417{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/matching_columns/icon.hvif]
8418{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mathomatic/16.png]
8419{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mathomatic/32.png]
8420{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mathomatic/64.png]
8421{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maze/16.png]
8422{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maze/32.png]
8423{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maze/64.png]
8424{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mean/16.png]
8425{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mean/32.png]
8426{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mean/64.png]
8427{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/medo/icon.hvif]
8428{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/meltdown/16.png]
8429{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/meltdown/32.png]
8430{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/meltdown/64.png]
8431{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memochip/16.png]
8432{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memochip/32.png]
8433{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memochip/64.png]
8434{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory/16.png]
8435{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory/32.png]
8436{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory/64.png]
8437{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory_monitor/16.png]
8438{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory_monitor/32.png]
8439{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory_monitor/64.png]
8440{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mercurial/16.png]
8441{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mercurial/32.png]
8442{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mev/icon.hvif]
8443{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mfg_j/16.png]
8444{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mfg_j/32.png]
8445{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mfg_j/64.png]
8446{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midikeyboard/16.png]
8447{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midikeyboard/32.png]
8448{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midikeyboard/64.png]
8449{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midisynth/icon.hvif]
8450{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midisynth_x86/icon.hvif]
8451{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midnightcommander/16.png]
8452{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midnightcommander/32.png]
8453{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midnightcommander/64.png]
8454{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milkytracker/icon.hvif]
8455{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milo/16.png]
8456{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milo/32.png]
8457{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milo/64.png]
8458{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minefield_x86/16.png]
8459{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minefield_x86/32.png]
8460{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minefield_x86/64.png]
8461{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minesweeper/icon.hvif]
8462{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minetest/icon.hvif]
8463{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minetest_x86/icon.hvif]
8464{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minimizeall/16.png]
8465{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minimizeall/32.png]
8466{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minimizeall/64.png]
8467{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minipulse/16.png]
8468{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minipulse/32.png]
8469{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minipulse/64.png]
8470{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miracle/16.png]
8471{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miracle/32.png]
8472{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miracle/64.png]
8473{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrordraw_j/16.png]
8474{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrordraw_j/32.png]
8475{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrordraw_j/64.png]
8476{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrormagic/icon.hvif]
8477{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miscdemos/16.png]
8478{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miscdemos/32.png]
8479{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miscdemos/64.png]
8480{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/missilecommand/icon.hvif]
8481{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moe/16.png]
8482{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moe/32.png]
8483{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moleinvasion/16.png]
8484{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moleinvasion/32.png]
8485{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monkeystudio/icon.hvif]
8486{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monkeystudio_x86/icon.hvif]
8487{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monoglyceridefont/icon.hvif]
8488{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monoid/icon.hvif]
8489{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moonlander/16.png]
8490{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moonlander/32.png]
8491{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moonlander/64.png]
8492{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moriacitadelfont/icon.hvif]
8493{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motherearth/16.png]
8494{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motherearth/32.png]
8495{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motherearth/64.png]
8496{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motivatormaker/icon.hvif]
8497{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/movetoparentfolder/16.png]
8498{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/movetoparentfolder/32.png]
8499{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/movetoparentfolder/64.png]
8500{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_en/16.png]
8501{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_en/32.png]
8502{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_en/64.png]
8503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_fr/16.png]
8504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_fr/32.png]
8505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_fr/64.png]
8506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpd/icon.hvif]
8507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpd_x86/icon.hvif]
8508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mplayer/icon.hvif]
8509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mplayer_x86/icon.hvif]
8510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mplus/icon.hvif]
8511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mrpeeps/16.png]
8512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mrpeeps/32.png]
8513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mrpeeps/64.png]
8514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mstorage_j/16.png]
8515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mstorage_j/32.png]
8516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mstorage_j/64.png]
8517{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/msttcorefonts/icon.hvif]
8518{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mucommander_j/16.png]
8519{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mucommander_j/32.png]
8520{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mucommander_j/64.png]
8521{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/multidocument_j/icon.hvif]
8522{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/munchman/16.png]
8523{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/munchman/32.png]
8524{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/munchman/64.png]
8525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mupen64plus/icon.hvif]
8526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mupen64plus_x86/icon.hvif]
8527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/musescore/icon.hvif]
8528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/musescore_x86/icon.hvif]
8529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mustsee2be/16.png]
8530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mustsee2be/32.png]
8531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mycinema_64/16.png]
8532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mycinema_64/32.png]
8533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mycinema_x86/icon.hvif]
8534{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/my_pdfs/16.png]
8535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/my_pdfs/32.png]
8536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/my_pdfs/64.png]
8537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nafees_nastaleeq/icon.hvif]
8538{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nafees_riqa/icon.hvif]
8539{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanolink/16.png]
8540{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanolink/32.png]
8541{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanolink/64.png]
8542{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanosvgtranslator/icon.hvif]
8543{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanosvgtranslator_x86/icon.hvif]
8544{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanumfont/icon.hvif]
8545{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/natrixcalc_x86/16.png]
8546{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/natrixcalc_x86/32.png]
8547{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/natrixcalc_x86/64.png]
8548{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nazghul/16.png]
8549{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nazghul/32.png]
8550{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nazghul/64.png]
8551{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nc_j/icon.hvif]
8552{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne/16.png]
8553{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne/32.png]
8554{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne/64.png]
8555{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/negateimage/16.png]
8556{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/negateimage/32.png]
8557{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/negateimage/64.png]
8558{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nekrokidsfont/icon.hvif]
8559{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nerdkill/16.png]
8560{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nerdkill/32.png]
8561{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nerdkill/64.png]
8562{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nervetonicfont/icon.hvif]
8563{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netbeans_j/16.png]
8564{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netbeans_j/32.png]
8565{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netbeans_j/64.png]
8566{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netfs_control/icon.hvif]
8567{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netoptimist/16.png]
8568{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netoptimist/32.png]
8569{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netoptimist/64.png]
8570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netpenguin/icon.hvif]
8571{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netpulse/icon.hvif]
8572{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netsurf/icon.hvif]
8573{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netsurf_x86/icon.hvif]
8574{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/networktime/16.png]
8575{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/networktime/32.png]
8576{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/networktime/64.png]
8577{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/neverball/icon.hvif]
8578{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/neverball_x86/icon.hvif]
8579{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne_x86/16.png]
8580{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne_x86/32.png]
8581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne_x86/64.png]
8582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nightandday/icon.hvif]
8583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ninjanarutofont/icon.hvif]
8584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/njam/16.png]
8585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/njam/32.png]
8586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/njam/64.png]
8587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nodeinspector/16.png]
8588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nodeinspector/32.png]
8589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nodeinspector/64.png]
8590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nomacs/icon.hvif]
8591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nomacs_x86/icon.hvif]
8592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noose/icon.hvif]
8593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notanothertetrisgame/icon.hvif]
8594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notanothertetrisgame_j/icon.hvif]
8595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notepadqq/icon.hvif]
8596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notepadqq_x86/icon.hvif]
8597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto/icon.hvif]
8598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_chroscore/icon.hvif]
8599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_condensed/icon.hvif]
8600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_regional/icon.hvif]
8601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk/icon.hvif]
8602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_jp/icon.hvif]
8603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_kr/icon.hvif]
8604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_sc/icon.hvif]
8605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_tc/icon.hvif]
8606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noughtsandcrosses/16.png]
8607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noughtsandcrosses/32.png]
8608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noughtsandcrosses/64.png]
8609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nplay/16.png]
8610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nplay/32.png]
8611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nplay/64.png]
8612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nullpointerfont/icon.hvif]
8613{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/number1ichirofont/icon.hvif]
8614{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/numptyphysics/icon.hvif]
8615{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvj_j/16.png]
8616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvj_j/32.png]
8617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvj_j/64.png]
8618{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvu/icon.hvif]
8619{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nxengine/icon.hvif]
8620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nxengine_x86/icon.hvif]
8621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml/16.png]
8622{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml/32.png]
8623{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml_x86/16.png]
8624{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml_x86/32.png]
8625{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/octaviofont/icon.hvif]
8626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/octicityfont/icon.hvif]
8627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/officejunkfont/icon.hvif]
8628{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ogapp/icon.hvif]
8629{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ogapp_64/icon.hvif]
8630{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/okular/icon.hvif]
8631{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/okular_devel/icon.hvif]
8632{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/okular_x86/icon.hvif]
8633{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/oneconstantfont/icon.hvif]
8634{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openal_tools/icon.hvif]
8635{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openal_x86_tools/icon.hvif]
8636{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openarena/icon.hvif]
8637{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openarena_x86/icon.hvif]
8638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openbaskervillefont/icon.hvif]
8639{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclaw/icon.hvif]
8640{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclaw_x86/icon.hvif]
8641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclonk/icon.hvif]
8642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclonk_x86/icon.hvif]
8643{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk/icon.hvif]
8644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk8_jre/icon.hvif]
8645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk_x86/icon.hvif]
8646{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
8647{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_academy/icon.hvif]
8648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_academy_x86/icon.hvif]
8649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_outcast/icon.hvif]
8650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_outcast_x86/icon.hvif]
8651{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openmw/icon.hvif]
8652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openmw_x86/icon.hvif]
8653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openoriginpackage/icon.hvif]
8654{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_64/16.png]
8655{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_64/32.png]
8656{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_x86/16.png]
8657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_x86/32.png]
8658{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_x86/64.png]
8659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/open_sans/icon.hvif]
8660{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opensansfont/icon.hvif]
8661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openshot/icon.hvif]
8662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opensyobonaction/icon.hvif]
8663{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opensyobonaction_x86/icon.hvif]
8664{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openttd/icon.hvif]
8665{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openttd_x86/icon.hvif]
8666{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opera/16.png]
8667{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opera/32.png]
8668{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opera/64.png]
8669{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/orbitronfont/icon.hvif]
8670{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ordrumbox_j/icon.hvif]
8671{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/organizer/16.png]
8672{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/organizer/32.png]
8673{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ostrichsansfont/icon.hvif]
8674{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/otter_browser/icon.hvif]
8675{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/otter_browser_x86/icon.hvif]
8676{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ottofont/icon.hvif]
8677{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/outersiderfont/icon.hvif]
8678{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/overhaulfont/icon.hvif]
8679{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/overpass/icon.hvif]
8680{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/oxo/icon.hvif]
8681{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pac/16.png]
8682{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pac/32.png]
8683{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pac/64.png]
8684{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pachi/16.png]
8685{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pachi/32.png]
8686{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pachi/64.png]
8687{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packagebuilder/icon.hvif]
8688{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packomatics/16.png]
8689{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packomatics/32.png]
8690{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packomatics/64.png]
8691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pager/16.png]
8692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pager/32.png]
8693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pager/64.png]
8694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_64/16.png]
8695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_64/32.png]
8696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_x86/16.png]
8697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_x86/32.png]
8698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_x86/64.png]
8699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/palaceofshadows_j/16.png]
8700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/palaceofshadows_j/32.png]
8701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/palaceofshadows_j/64.png]
8702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paladin/icon.hvif]
8703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paladin_x86/icon.hvif]
8704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paledit/icon.hvif]
8705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/panodemo/16.png]
8706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/panodemo/32.png]
8707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/panodemo/64.png]
8708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/papercutfont/icon.hvif]
8709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paratype/icon.hvif]
8710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/party/16.png]
8711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/party/32.png]
8712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/party/64.png]
8713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/patience_x86/16.png]
8714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/patience_x86/32.png]
8715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/patience_x86/64.png]
8716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pauker_j/16.png]
8717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pauker_j/32.png]
8718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pauker_j/64.png]
8719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcmanfm_qt/icon.hvif]
8720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcsecrets_j/16.png]
8721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcsecrets_j/32.png]
8722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcsecrets_j/64.png]
8723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pdftranslator/icon.hvif]
8724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pdftranslator_x86/icon.hvif]
8725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pe/icon.hvif]
8726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecobeat/16.png]
8727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecobeat/32.png]
8728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecobeat/64.png]
8729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecorename/icon.hvif]
8730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege/icon.hvif]
8731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peg_e/icon.hvif]
8732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_64/16.png]
8733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_64/32.png]
8734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_x86/16.png]
8735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_x86/32.png]
8736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_x86/64.png]
8737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peg_e_x86/icon.hvif]
8738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peki_j/16.png]
8739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peki_j/32.png]
8740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peki_j/64.png]
8741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pellespatience/16.png]
8742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pellespatience/32.png]
8743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pellespatience/64.png]
8744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pencil/icon.hvif]
8745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pencil_x86/icon.hvif]
8746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincards_j/icon.hvif]
8747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincommand/16.png]
8748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincommand/32.png]
8749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincommand/64.png]
8750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguin_command/16.png]
8751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguin_command/32.png]
8752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/perl/16.png]
8753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/perl/32.png]
8754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peterbuiltfont/icon.hvif]
8755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photivo/icon.hvif]
8756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photivo_x86/icon.hvif]
8757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photograbber/icon.hvif]
8758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/16.png]
8759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/32.png]
8760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/64.png]
8761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/phototonic/icon.hvif]
8762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/phototonic_x86/icon.hvif]
8763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picard/icon.hvif]
8764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picard_x86/icon.hvif]
8765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picky/16.png]
8766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picky/32.png]
8767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pingus/icon.hvif]
8768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pingus_x86/icon.hvif]
8769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pipepanic/icon.hvif]
8770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pirate/16.png]
8771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pirate/32.png]
8772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pirate/64.png]
8773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixelitor_j/16.png]
8774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixelitor_j/32.png]
8775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixelitor_j/64.png]
8776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixie/16.png]
8777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixie/32.png]
8778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixie/64.png]
8779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playdoughfont/icon.hvif]
8780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlister/16.png]
8781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlister/32.png]
8782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlister/64.png]
8783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlistmaker/16.png]
8784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlistmaker/32.png]
8785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlistmaker/64.png]
8786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/plumecreator_x86/16.png]
8787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/plumecreator_x86/32.png]
8788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/plumecreator_x86/64.png]
8789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pmmp/16.png]
8790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pmmp/32.png]
8791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pmmp/64.png]
8792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pocketcalculator_j/icon.hvif]
8793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/polaroidimage/icon.hvif]
8794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ponpokodiff/icon.hvif]
8795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka/16.png]
8796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka/32.png]
8797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka/64.png]
8798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka_j/icon.hvif]
8799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql/icon.hvif]
8800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql_devel/icon.hvif]
8801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql_x86/icon.hvif]
8802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
8803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/powermanga/16.png]
8804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/powermanga/32.png]
8805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/powermanga/64.png]
8806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsee_j/16.png]
8807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsee_j/32.png]
8808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsee_j/64.png]
8809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsspp/icon.hvif]
8810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsspp_x86/icon.hvif]
8811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/preflaunch/16.png]
8812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/preflaunch/32.png]
8813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/preflaunch/64.png]
8814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretendo/16.png]
8815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretendo/32.png]
8816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretendo/64.png]
8817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretzelfont/icon.hvif]
8818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/procload/16.png]
8819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/procload/32.png]
8820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/procload/64.png]
8821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectconceptor/16.png]
8822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectconceptor/32.png]
8823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectlibre_j/16.png]
8824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectlibre_j/32.png]
8825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectlibre_j/64.png]
8826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/protrekkr_x86/16.png]
8827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/protrekkr_x86/32.png]
8828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/psi_plus/icon.hvif]
8829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/psi_plus_x86/icon.hvif]
8830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puggle_j/16.png]
8831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puggle_j/32.png]
8832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puggle_j/64.png]
8833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_en/16.png]
8834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_en/32.png]
8835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_en/64.png]
8836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_fr/16.png]
8837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_fr/32.png]
8838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_fr/64.png]
8839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puri/icon.hvif]
8840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puri_x86/icon.hvif]
8841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puzzle15/16.png]
8842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puzzle15/32.png]
8843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puzzle15/64.png]
8844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/python/icon.hvif]
8845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/q/icon.hvif]
8846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qaceedit_x86/16.png]
8847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qaceedit_x86/32.png]
8848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qaceedit_x86/64.png]
8849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbittorrent/icon.hvif]
8850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbittorrent_x86/icon.hvif]
8851{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbrows_x86/16.png]
8852{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbrows_x86/32.png]
8853{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbrows_x86/64.png]
8854{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcad/icon.hvif]
8855{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcad_x86/icon.hvif]
8856{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcodecs_x86/16.png]
8857{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcodecs_x86/32.png]
8858{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcodecs_x86/64.png]
8859{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qelectrotech/icon.hvif]
8860{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qelectrotech_x86/icon.hvif]
8861{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemacs/icon.hvif]
8862{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu/icon.hvif]
8863{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_arm/icon.hvif]
8864{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_m68k/icon.hvif]
8865{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_mips/icon.hvif]
8866{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_ppc/icon.hvif]
8867{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_sparc/icon.hvif]
8868{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86/icon.hvif]
8869{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86/16.png]
8870{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86/32.png]
8871{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_arm/icon.hvif]
8872{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_m68k/icon.hvif]
8873{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_mips/icon.hvif]
8874{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_ppc/icon.hvif]
8875{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_sparc/icon.hvif]
8876{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_x86/icon.hvif]
8877{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_x86/16.png]
8878{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_x86/32.png]
8879{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qeodart_x86/16.png]
8880{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qeodart_x86/32.png]
8881{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qeodart_x86/64.png]
8882{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_64/16.png]
8883{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_64/32.png]
8884{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_x86/16.png]
8885{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_x86/32.png]
8886{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_x86/64.png]
8887{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/16.png]
8888{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/32.png]
8889{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/64.png]
8890{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/16.png]
8891{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/32.png]
8892{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/64.png]
8893{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_64/16.png]
8894{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_64/32.png]
8895{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_x86/16.png]
8896{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_x86/32.png]
8897{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_x86/64.png]
8898{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmediainfo_x86/icon.hvif]
8899{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmetro_x86/16.png]
8900{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmetro_x86/32.png]
8901{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmetro_x86/64.png]
8902{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp/icon.hvif]
8903{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp_devel/icon.hvif]
8904{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp_x86/icon.hvif]
8905{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
8906{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmplay2/icon.hvif]
8907{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmplay2_x86/icon.hvif]
8908{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qorganizer/icon.hvif]
8909{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_64/16.png]
8910{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_64/32.png]
8911{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpassgen_64/icon.hvif]
8912{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpassgen_x86/icon.hvif]
8913{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_x86/16.png]
8914{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_x86/32.png]
8915{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_x86/64.png]
8916{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpdfview/icon.hvif]
8917{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpdfview_x86/icon.hvif]
8918{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_64/16.png]
8919{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_64/32.png]
8920{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_x86/16.png]
8921{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_x86/32.png]
8922{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_x86/64.png]
8923{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qputty/icon.hvif]
8924{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qputty_x86/icon.hvif]
8925{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qscope/16.png]
8926{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qscope/32.png]
8927{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_64/16.png]
8928{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_64/32.png]
8929{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/16.png]
8930{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/32.png]
8931{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/64.png]
8932{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards/icon.hvif]
8933{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards_64/16.png]
8934{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards_64/32.png]
8935{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards_x86/icon.hvif]
8936{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5/icon.hvif]
8937{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_devel/icon.hvif]
8938{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_docs/icon.hvif]
8939{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_examples/icon.hvif]
8940{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_tools/icon.hvif]
8941{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86/icon.hvif]
8942{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
8943{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_docs/icon.hvif]
8944{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_examples/icon.hvif]
8945{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_tools/icon.hvif]
8946{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt_creator/icon.hvif]
8947{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt_creator_x86/icon.hvif]
8948{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qthaikuplugins/icon.hvif]
8949{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qthaikuplugins_x86/icon.hvif]
8950{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtox/icon.hvif]
8951{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtox_x86/icon.hvif]
8952{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtrehber_x86/16.png]
8953{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtrehber_x86/32.png]
8954{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtrehber_x86/64.png]
8955{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtwister_x86/16.png]
8956{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtwister_x86/32.png]
8957{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtwister_x86/64.png]
8958{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quadro/16.png]
8959{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quadro/32.png]
8960{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quadro/64.png]
8961{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quassel/icon.hvif]
8962{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quassel_x86/icon.hvif]
8963{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quaternion/icon.hvif]
8964{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quaternion_x86/icon.hvif]
8965{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickasciiconverter/16.png]
8966{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickasciiconverter/32.png]
8967{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickasciiconverter/64.png]
8968{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicklaunch/icon.hvif]
8969{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickres/icon.hvif]
8970{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickshutdown/16.png]
8971{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickshutdown/32.png]
8972{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickshutdown/64.png]
8973{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicktour/icon.hvif]
8974{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicky/icon.hvif]
8975{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicky_64/icon.hvif]
8976{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicky_x86/icon.hvif]
8977{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quimup/icon.hvif]
8978{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quimup_x86/icon.hvif]
8979{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quiterss/icon.hvif]
8980{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quiterss_x86/icon.hvif]
8981{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qupzilla/icon.hvif]
8982{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qupzilla_x86/icon.hvif]
8983{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutebrowser/icon.hvif]
8984{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutebrowser_x86/icon.hvif]
8985{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutim/icon.hvif]
8986{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutim_x86/icon.hvif]
8987{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qvim/icon.hvif]
8988{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qvim_x86/icon.hvif]
8989{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qwinff/icon.hvif]
8990{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qwinff_x86/icon.hvif]
8991{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/randomizer/icon.hvif]
8992{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rawaes/icon.hvif]
8993{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rdesktop/icon.hvif]
8994{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/realplayer/16.png]
8995{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/realplayer/32.png]
8996{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/realplayer/64.png]
8997{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rebeccafont/icon.hvif]
8998{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/recibe/16.png]
8999{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/recibe/32.png]
9000{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/recibe/64.png]
9001{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reflexio/16.png]
9002{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reflexio/32.png]
9003{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reflexio/64.png]
9004{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/remember/icon.hvif]
9005{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/remember_x86/icon.hvif]
9006{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reminiscence/16.png]
9007{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reminiscence/32.png]
9008{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reminiscence/64.png]
9009{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/remixfont/icon.hvif]
9010{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rename/icon.hvif]
9011{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/replicat/16.png]
9012{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/replicat/32.png]
9013{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/replicat/64.png]
9014{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/repliman/16.png]
9015{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/repliman/32.png]
9016{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/repliman/64.png]
9017{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/residualvm/icon.hvif]
9018{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/residualvm_x86/icon.hvif]
9019{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/resourcer/16.png]
9020{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/resourcer/32.png]
9021{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/restorizer_gcc2/icon.hvif]
9022{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retawq/16.png]
9023{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retawq/32.png]
9024{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retawq/64.png]
9025{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext/16.png]
9026{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext/32.png]
9027{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext_x86/16.png]
9028{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext_x86/32.png]
9029{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroarch/icon.hvif]
9030{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroarch_x86/icon.hvif]
9031{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroarch_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
9032{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroshare/icon.hvif]
9033{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reverzi/16.png]
9034{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reverzi/32.png]
9035{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reverzi/64.png]
9036{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rgbblur/16.png]
9037{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rgbblur/32.png]
9038{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rgbblur/64.png]
9039{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ringarochkryss/16.png]
9040{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ringarochkryss/32.png]
9041{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ringarochkryss/64.png]
9042{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rmsquarial3dfont/icon.hvif]
9043{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/roboto/icon.hvif]
9044{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/robotofont/icon.hvif]
9045{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rocksndiamonds/icon.hvif]
9046{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rocksndiamonds_x86/icon.hvif]
9047{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rollemup/16.png]
9048{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rollemup/32.png]
9049{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rollemup/64.png]
9050{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rommt/16.png]
9051{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rommt/32.png]
9052{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rommt/64.png]
9053{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rondel/icon.hvif]
9054{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rotateimage/icon.hvif]
9055{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rpg/16.png]
9056{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rpg/32.png]
9057{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rpg/64.png]
9058{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rtext_j/icon.hvif]
9059{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rudimentfont/icon.hvif]
9060{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/running/16.png]
9061{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/running/32.png]
9062{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/running/64.png]
9063{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/runprogram/16.png]
9064{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/runprogram/32.png]
9065{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sambaisdeadfont/icon.hvif]
9066{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/samegame_x86/icon.hvif]
9067{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sanctuaryfont/icon.hvif]
9068{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sanity/icon.hvif]
9069{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sanity_x86/icon.hvif]
9070{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sardoria/16.png]
9071{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sardoria/32.png]
9072{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sardoria/64.png]
9073{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sasteroids/16.png]
9074{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sasteroids/32.png]
9075{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sasteroids/64.png]
9076{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sawteeth/icon.hvif]
9077{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scheherazade_font/icon.hvif]
9078{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_64/16.png]
9079{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_64/32.png]
9080{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_64/64.png]
9081{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_x86/16.png]
9082{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_x86/32.png]
9083{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_x86/64.png]
9084{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scim/16.png]
9085{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scim/32.png]
9086{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scim/64.png]
9087{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scons/icon.hvif]
9088{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scratchedlettersfont/icon.hvif]
9089{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scribus/icon.hvif]
9090{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scribus_devel/icon.hvif]
9091{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scribus_x86/icon.hvif]
9092{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptassistant/icon.hvif]
9093{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide/16.png]
9094{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide/32.png]
9095{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide/64.png]
9096{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide_x86/16.png]
9097{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide_x86/32.png]
9098{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide_x86/64.png]
9099{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptworld/16.png]
9100{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptworld/32.png]
9101{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptworld/64.png]
9102{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scummvm/icon.hvif]
9103{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scummvm_x86/icon.hvif]
9104{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdllopan/icon.hvif]
9105{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlpop/icon.hvif]
9106{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlpop_x86/icon.hvif]
9107{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlscavenger/16.png]
9108{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlscavenger/32.png]
9109{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seamonkey/16.png]
9110{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seamonkey/32.png]
9111{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seamonkey/64.png]
9112{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seattleavenuefont/icon.hvif]
9113{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seeker/16.png]
9114{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seeker/32.png]
9115{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sequitur/icon.hvif]
9116{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/serious_sam/icon.hvif]
9117{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/serious_sam_x86/icon.hvif]
9118{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/setpermissions/icon.hvif]
9119{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sevenhoursfont/icon.hvif]
9120{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sharptools/icon.hvif]
9121{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ships/icon.hvif]
9122{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/showpeople/16.png]
9123{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/showpeople/32.png]
9124{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/showpeople/64.png]
9125{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shredder/16.png]
9126{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shredder/32.png]
9127{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shredder/64.png]
9128{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflenumbers/icon.hvif]
9129{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepicture/icon.hvif]
9130{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepuzzle/16.png]
9131{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepuzzle/32.png]
9132{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepuzzle/64.png]
9133{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sidplayer/16.png]
9134{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sidplayer/32.png]
9135{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sidplayer/64.png]
9136{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sierranevadaroadfont/icon.hvif]
9137{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sigil/icon.hvif]
9138{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sigil_x86/icon.hvif]
9139{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/silunicodefonts/icon.hvif]
9140{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simian_j/icon.hvif]
9141{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplebackup/16.png]
9142{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplebackup/32.png]
9143{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplebackup/64.png]
9144{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleslides/16.png]
9145{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleslides/32.png]
9146{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleslides/64.png]
9147{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpletimer/16.png]
9148{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpletimer/32.png]
9149{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleview/16.png]
9150{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleview/32.png]
9151{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleview/64.png]
9152{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_gcc2/16.png]
9153{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_gcc2/32.png]
9154{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_gcc2/64.png]
9155{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_j/icon.hvif]
9156{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu/icon.hvif]
9157{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu_64/16.png]
9158{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu_64/32.png]
9159{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu_x86/icon.hvif]
9160{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simulide/icon.hvif]
9161{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simulide_x86/icon.hvif]
9162{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans/16.png]
9163{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans/32.png]
9164{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans/64.png]
9165{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans_x86/16.png]
9166{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans_x86/32.png]
9167{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans_x86/64.png]
9168{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sintegrialtexteditor/icon.hvif]
9169{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sisong/16.png]
9170{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sisong/32.png]
9171{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sisong/64.png]
9172{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sketchel_j/16.png]
9173{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sketchel_j/32.png]
9174{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sketchel_j/64.png]
9175{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skympc/icon.hvif]
9176{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skympc_x86/icon.hvif]
9177{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skyorb/16.png]
9178{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skyorb/32.png]
9179{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slavemind/16.png]
9180{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slavemind/32.png]
9181{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slavemind/64.png]
9182{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slayer/icon.hvif]
9183{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slidey/16.png]
9184{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slidey/32.png]
9185{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slidey/64.png]
9186{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slimevolley/icon.hvif]
9187{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smalltextpad_j/16.png]
9188{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smalltextpad_j/32.png]
9189{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smalltextpad_j/64.png]
9190{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smartcopy/16.png]
9191{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smartcopy/32.png]
9192{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smartcopy/64.png]
9193{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smplayer/icon.hvif]
9194{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smplayer_x86/icon.hvif]
9195{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snapshot/16.png]
9196{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snapshot/32.png]
9197{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snapshot/64.png]
9198{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snigletfont/icon.hvif]
9199{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snowfall/icon.hvif]
9200{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sokobe/icon.hvif]
9201{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitair/icon.hvif]
9202{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire/16.png]
9203{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire/32.png]
9204{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire/64.png]
9205{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire_mahjong/icon.hvif]
9206{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire_mahjong_x86/icon.hvif]
9207{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sortsave/icon.hvif]
9208{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/soundplay/icon.hvif]
9209{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/source_pro/icon.hvif]
9210{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/speedcrunch/icon.hvif]
9211{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/speedcrunch_x86/icon.hvif]
9212{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/speedwayfont/icon.hvif]
9213{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/spirograph/16.png]
9214{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/spirograph/32.png]
9215{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/spirograph/64.png]
9216{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite/16.png]
9217{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite/32.png]
9218{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlitebrowser/icon.hvif]
9219{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlitebrowser_x86/icon.hvif]
9220{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_devel/16.png]
9221{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_devel/32.png]
9222{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86/16.png]
9223{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86/32.png]
9224{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_devel/16.png]
9225{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_devel/32.png]
9226{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2/16.png]
9227{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2/32.png]
9228{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2_devel/16.png]
9229{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2_devel/32.png]
9230{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/squash_x86/icon.hvif]
9231{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stardate_j/16.png]
9232{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stardate_j/32.png]
9233{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stardate_j/64.png]
9234{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/starter/16.png]
9235{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/starter/32.png]
9236{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/starter/64.png]
9237{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/step/icon.hvif]
9238{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/step_x86/icon.hvif]
9239{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stercus/16.png]
9240{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stercus/32.png]
9241{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stickit/16.png]
9242{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stickit/32.png]
9243{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stlover/icon.hvif]
9244{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stlover_x86/icon.hvif]
9245{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stone/16.png]
9246{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stone/32.png]
9247{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stone/64.png]
9248{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stopwatch/icon.hvif]
9249{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/streamradio/icon.hvif]
9250{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/study/16.png]
9251{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/study/32.png]
9252{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/study/64.png]
9253{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stylededitplus/icon.hvif]
9254{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/subnamer_x86/16.png]
9255{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/subnamer_x86/32.png]
9256{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/subnamer_x86/64.png]
9257{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sudokuki_j/icon.hvif]
9258{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sujetafont/icon.hvif]
9259{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sum_it/icon.hvif]
9260{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sunbird/16.png]
9261{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sunbird/32.png]
9262{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sunbird/64.png]
9263{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/superfreecell/icon.hvif]
9264{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/superfreecell_x86/icon.hvif]
9265{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/superprefs/icon.hvif]
9266{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux/16.png]
9267{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux/32.png]
9268{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertuxkart/icon.hvif]
9269{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertuxkart_x86/icon.hvif]
9270{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux_x86/16.png]
9271{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux_x86/32.png]
9272{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_64/16.png]
9273{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_64/32.png]
9274{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_x86/16.png]
9275{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_x86/32.png]
9276{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_x86/64.png]
9277{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/survivantfont/icon.hvif]
9278{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/svm/16.png]
9279{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/svm/32.png]
9280{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/svm/64.png]
9281{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/symbola/icon.hvif]
9282{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/symetrie/icon.hvif]
9283{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sync_modular/icon.hvif]
9284{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/synkron_x86/16.png]
9285{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/synkron_x86/32.png]
9286{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/synkron_x86/64.png]
9287{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemanalysistool/icon.hvif]
9288{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systeminfo/16.png]
9289{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systeminfo/32.png]
9290{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systeminfo/64.png]
9291{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmixers/16.png]
9292{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmixers/32.png]
9293{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmixers/64.png]
9294{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmonitor/16.png]
9295{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmonitor/32.png]
9296{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmonitor/64.png]
9297{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tab2sp/16.png]
9298{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tab2sp/32.png]
9299{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tab2sp/64.png]
9300{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/takenotes/icon.hvif]
9301{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tallymarkfont/icon.hvif]
9302{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tanked/icon.hvif]
9303{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tankgame/16.png]
9304{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tankgame/32.png]
9305{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tankgame/64.png]
9306{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taotechingverse/16.png]
9307{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taotechingverse/32.png]
9308{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taotechingverse/64.png]
9309{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tarbackup_x86/16.png]
9310{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tarbackup_x86/32.png]
9311{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tarbackup_x86/64.png]
9312{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taresizer/icon.hvif]
9313{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taskmanager/16.png]
9314{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taskmanager/32.png]
9315{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taskmanager/64.png]
9316{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tbe/icon.hvif]
9317{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tbe_x86/icon.hvif]
9318{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tea_64/icon.hvif]
9319{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/technetiumfont/icon.hvif]
9320{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/technooverloadfont/icon.hvif]
9321{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/teeii/16.png]
9322{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/teeii/32.png]
9323{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/teeii/64.png]
9324{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/telegram_desktop/icon.hvif]
9325{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/telegram_desktop_x86/icon.hvif]
9326{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/terminus_ttf/icon.hvif]
9327{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tetris/16.png]
9328{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tetris/32.png]
9329{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tetris/64.png]
9330{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texgyrefonts/icon.hvif]
9331{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmacs/icon.hvif]
9332{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmacs_x86/icon.hvif]
9333{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmaker/icon.hvif]
9334{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmaker_x86/icon.hvif]
9335{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texstudio/icon.hvif]
9336{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texstudio_x86/icon.hvif]
9337{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/16.png]
9338{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/32.png]
9339{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/64.png]
9340{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/textlab/icon.hvif]
9341{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/textsaver/icon.hvif]
9342{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tgttos/16.png]
9343{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tgttos/32.png]
9344{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tgttos/64.png]
9345{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thad/16.png]
9346{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thad/32.png]
9347{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thegurufont/icon.hvif]
9348{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thememanager/icon.hvif]
9349{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thumb/icon.hvif]
9350{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thumbnail/icon.hvif]
9351{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe/16.png]
9352{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe/32.png]
9353{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe_sdl/16.png]
9354{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe_sdl/32.png]
9355{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe_sdl/64.png]
9356{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/16.png]
9357{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/32.png]
9358{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/64.png]
9359{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide/16.png]
9360{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide/32.png]
9361{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide/64.png]
9362{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide_j/16.png]
9363{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide_j/32.png]
9364{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide_j/64.png]
9365{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tile/16.png]
9366{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tile/32.png]
9367{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tile/64.png]
9368{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timecop/16.png]
9369{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timecop/32.png]
9370{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timecop/64.png]
9371{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timeslottracker_j/16.png]
9372{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timeslottracker_j/32.png]
9373{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timeslottracker_j/64.png]
9374{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timetracker/16.png]
9375{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timetracker/32.png]
9376{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timetracker/64.png]
9377{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tinput/icon.hvif]
9378{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tinytim/icon.hvif]
9379{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tipster/icon.hvif]
9380{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toab/16.png]
9381{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toab/32.png]
9382{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toab/64.png]
9383{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tolmach/16.png]
9384{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tolmach/32.png]
9385{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tolmach/64.png]
9386{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toner/16.png]
9387{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toner/32.png]
9388{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tongits/16.png]
9389{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tongits/32.png]
9390{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tongits/64.png]
9391{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/topekafont/icon.hvif]
9392{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toppler/icon.hvif]
9393{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tournamentmaker_j/16.png]
9394{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tournamentmaker_j/32.png]
9395{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tournamentmaker_j/64.png]
9396{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tr2nfont/icon.hvif]
9397{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tracerelay/16.png]
9398{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tracerelay/32.png]
9399{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tracerelay/64.png]
9400{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackergrep/16.png]
9401{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackergrep/32.png]
9402{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackergrep/64.png]
9403{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackgit/icon.hvif]
9404{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/transmission/icon.hvif]
9405{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/transmission_x86/icon.hvif]
9406{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/transuraniumfont/icon.hvif]
9407{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trax/16.png]
9408{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trax/32.png]
9409{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trax/64.png]
9410{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/triangulorfont/icon.hvif]
9411{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trimines/16.png]
9412{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trimines/32.png]
9413{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trimines/64.png]
9414{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trojita/icon.hvif]
9415{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trojita_x86/icon.hvif]
9416{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trope/icon.hvif]
9417{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_64/16.png]
9418{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_64/32.png]
9419{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_x86/16.png]
9420{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_x86/32.png]
9421{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_x86/64.png]
9422{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_64/16.png]
9423{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_64/32.png]
9424{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_x86/16.png]
9425{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_x86/32.png]
9426{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_x86/64.png]
9427{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/turnoffthelight/16.png]
9428{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/turnoffthelight/32.png]
9429{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/turnoffthelight/64.png]
9430{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tutorialfinder/icon.hvif]
9431{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxcards/icon.hvif]
9432{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxcards_x86/icon.hvif]
9433{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxmath/icon.hvif]
9434{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxmath_x86/icon.hvif]
9435{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpaint/icon.hvif]
9436{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpaint_x86/icon.hvif]
9437{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpuck/16.png]
9438{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpuck/32.png]
9439{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpuck/64.png]
9440{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtype2/icon.hvif]
9441{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtype2_x86/icon.hvif]
9442{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtyping/16.png]
9443{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtyping/32.png]
9444{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtyping/64.png]
9445{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tworld/icon.hvif]
9446{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txt2regex/16.png]
9447{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txt2regex/32.png]
9448{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txt2regex/64.png]
9449{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txtreader_x86/16.png]
9450{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txtreader_x86/32.png]
9451{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txtreader_x86/64.png]
9452{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubertuber/icon.hvif]
9453{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubiquityfont/icon.hvif]
9454{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubuntufont/icon.hvif]
9455{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubuntu_font_family/icon.hvif]
9456{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/uhexen2/icon.hvif]
9457{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ukijorgfonts/icon.hvif]
9458{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ultimatecalc_j/icon.hvif]
9459{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ultradv/16.png]
9460{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ultradv/32.png]
9461{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/umbrello/icon.hvif]
9462{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/umbrello_x86/icon.hvif]
9463{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unanimousfont/icon.hvif]
9464{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn/icon.hvif]
9465{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn_debuginfo/icon.hvif]
9466{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn_devel/icon.hvif]
9467{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn_python/icon.hvif]
9468{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unifont/icon.hvif]
9469{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unrar/icon.hvif]
9470{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unrar_devel/icon.hvif]
9471{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unrar_x86/icon.hvif]
9472{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/uploadit/icon.hvif]
9473{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/usbdeskbar/icon.hvif]
9474{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/userdocs_imagemagick_en/icon.hvif]
9475{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/userdocs_lyx_en/icon.hvif]
9476{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/userdocs_multitalk_en/icon.hvif]
9477{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vacuum/icon.hvif]
9478{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vacuum_x86/icon.hvif]
9479{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/valentina/icon.hvif]
9480{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/valentina_x86/icon.hvif]
9481{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/valkyrofont/icon.hvif]
9482{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vandelay/16.png]
9483{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vandelay/32.png]
9484{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vandelay/64.png]
9485{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vangers/icon.hvif]
9486{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vangers_x86/icon.hvif]
9487{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vectoroids/16.png]
9488{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vectoroids/32.png]
9489{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vectoroids/64.png]
9490{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/videopro/16.png]
9491{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/videopro/32.png]
9492{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/videopro/64.png]
9493{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vietpad_j/icon.hvif]
9494{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/viewit/16.png]
9495{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/viewit/32.png]
9496{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/viewit/64.png]
9497{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vifm/icon.hvif]
9498{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vifm_x86/icon.hvif]
9499{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vignetteimage/icon.hvif]
9500{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vim/icon.hvif]
9501{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vim_x86/icon.hvif]
9502{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/virtualbox_guest_additions/icon.hvif]
9503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vision/icon.hvif]
9504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc/icon.hvif]
9505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc_devel/icon.hvif]
9506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc_x86/icon.hvif]
9507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
9508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vl_gothic/icon.hvif]
9509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vmware_addons/icon.hvif]
9510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vmware_addons_x86/icon.hvif]
9511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vncserver/icon.hvif]
9512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vncserver_beos/icon.hvif]
9513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vollkorn/icon.hvif]
9514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/voptop/icon.hvif]
9515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vstm/icon.hvif]
9516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vvvvvv/icon.hvif]
9517{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vvvvvv_x86/icon.hvif]
9518{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vwget/16.png]
9519{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vwget/32.png]
9520{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vwget/64.png]
9521{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wakeup/16.png]
9522{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wakeup/32.png]
9523{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wallman/icon.hvif]
9524{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/watertorturefont/icon.hvif]
9525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weather/icon.hvif]
9526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webeditor/16.png]
9527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webeditor/32.png]
9528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webeditor/64.png]
9529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webwatch/icon.hvif]
9530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weeklydiary/16.png]
9531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weeklydiary/32.png]
9532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weeklydiary/64.png]
9533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wesnoth/icon.hvif]
9534{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wesnoth_x86/icon.hvif]
9535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/whereismymouse/icon.hvif]
9536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/whisper/icon.hvif]
9537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wireshark/icon.hvif]
9538{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wireshark_x86/icon.hvif]
9539{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolf3d/16.png]
9540{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolf3d/32.png]
9541{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolf3d/64.png]
9542{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolle/16.png]
9543{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolle/32.png]
9544{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wonderbrush/icon.hvif]
9545{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wonderbrush_x86_gcc2/icon.hvif]
9546{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wordclock/icon.hvif]
9547{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbar/16.png]
9548{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbar/32.png]
9549{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbar/64.png]
9550{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbetter/16.png]
9551{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbetter/32.png]
9552{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbetter/64.png]
9553{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceid/16.png]
9554{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceid/32.png]
9555{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceid/64.png]
9556{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceswitcher/16.png]
9557{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceswitcher/32.png]
9558{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceswitcher/64.png]
9559{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldfactbook/16.png]
9560{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldfactbook/32.png]
9561{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldfactbook/64.png]
9562{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldsvoyage_j/16.png]
9563{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldsvoyage_j/32.png]
9564{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldsvoyage_j/64.png]
9565{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldtourfont/icon.hvif]
9566{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wqy_microhei/icon.hvif]
9567{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wqy_zenhei/icon.hvif]
9568{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wsnote/16.png]
9569{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wsnote/32.png]
9570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wsnote/64.png]
9571{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xamp/icon.hvif]
9572{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xaos/16.png]
9573{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xaos/32.png]
9574{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xaos/64.png]
9575{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xash3d/icon.hvif]
9576{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xash3d_x86/icon.hvif]
9577{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xcrillion/icon.hvif]
9578{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xdm_j/icon.hvif]
9579{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xgalaga/16.png]
9580{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xgalaga/32.png]
9581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xgalaga/64.png]
9582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xmoto/icon.hvif]
9583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xmoto_x86/icon.hvif]
9584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xrick/icon.hvif]
9585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/x_series_fonts/icon.hvif]
9586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xtract1/icon.hvif]
9587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xtrusionfont/icon.hvif]
9588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xu4/icon.hvif]
9589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yab/icon.hvif]
9590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabadabbadoo/icon.hvif]
9591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yab_devel/icon.hvif]
9592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdevelopmentstudio/icon.hvif]
9593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdialog/16.png]
9594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdialog/32.png]
9595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdialog/64.png]
9596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yab_ide/icon.hvif]
9597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabze/icon.hvif]
9598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yacreader/icon.hvif]
9599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yacreader_x86/icon.hvif]
9600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_64/16.png]
9601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_64/32.png]
9602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_x86/16.png]
9603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_x86/32.png]
9604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_x86/64.png]
9605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yaiv_j/icon.hvif]
9606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yamagi_quake2/icon.hvif]
9607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yamagi_quake2_x86/icon.hvif]
9608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yapbam_j/icon.hvif]
9609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yate/16.png]
9610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yate/32.png]
9611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yate/64.png]
9612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yed_j/icon.hvif]
9613{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yodownet/icon.hvif]
9614{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yodownet_x86/icon.hvif]
9615{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yoshi/icon.hvif]
9616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ytdl_gui/icon.hvif]
9617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ytdl_gui_x86/icon.hvif]
9618{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zaz/16.png]
9619{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zaz/32.png]
9620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zday/16.png]
9621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zday/32.png]
9622{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zday/64.png]
9623{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeal/icon.hvif]
9624{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeal_x86/icon.hvif]
9625{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeroone/16.png]
9626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeroone/32.png]
9627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeroone/64.png]
9628{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zincboomerangfont/icon.hvif]
9629{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipcreator_j/16.png]
9630{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipcreator_j/32.png]
9631{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipcreator_j/64.png]
9632{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipdropper/icon.hvif]
9633{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipexplorer_j/16.png]
9634{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipexplorer_j/32.png]
9635{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipexplorer_j/64.png]
9636{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/znotes_64/16.png]
9637{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/znotes_64/32.png]
9638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_64/16.png]
9639{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_64/32.png]
9640{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_x86/16.png]
9641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_x86/32.png]
9642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_x86/64.png]
9643{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoidsquest/16.png]
9644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoidsquest/32.png]
9645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoidsquest/64.png]
9646{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zookeeper/16.png]
9647{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zookeeper/32.png]
9648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zookeeper/64.png]
9649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork/16.png]
9650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork/32.png]
9651{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork/64.png]
9652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork4hugo/16.png]
9653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork4hugo/32.png]
9654{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork4hugo/64.png]
9655{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsdx/16.png]
9656{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsdx/32.png]
9657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsxd/16.png]
9658{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsxd/32.png]
9659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zviewer/16.png]
9660{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zviewer/32.png]
9661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zviewer/64.png]
9662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/info.json]
9663{I} [InfoJsonExtractEntryListener] did extract [hicn/info.json]
9664{I} did list 3160 tar items
9665{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Resolving https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkgicon/all.tar.gz
9666{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Hostname resolved to:
9667{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Connection to depot.haiku-os.org on port 443.
9668{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Connection opened, sending request.
9669{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; GET /__pkgicon/all.tar.gz HTTP/1.1
9671{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Host: depot.haiku-os.org
9672{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Accept: */*
9673{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Accept-Encoding: gzip
9674{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Connection: close
9675{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; User-Agent: HaikuDepot/0.0.4
9676{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; If-Modified-Since: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 04:51:31 GMT
9677{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Request sent.
9678{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Status line received: Code 304 (Not Modified)
9679{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:29:02 GMT
9680{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Server: Jetty(9.4.34.v20201102)
9681{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
9682{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
9683{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
9684{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
9685{T} url->file <ServerIconExportUpdateProcess>; Connection: close
9686{I} [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Thu, 18 Mar 2021 04:51:31 GMT]
9687{I} [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] did fetch data
9688{I} [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] will process data
9689{I} will init icon model from tar [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/pkgicon-all.tar]
9690{I} will read [/boot/home/config/cache/HaikuDepot/pkgicon-all.tar] and collect the tar pointers
9691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/0ad/icon.hvif]
9692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/0ad_x86/icon.hvif]
9693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/15_meses_j_es/16.png]
9694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/15_meses_j_es/32.png]
9695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/15_meses_j_es/64.png]
9696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/18thcenturykurrentfont/icon.hvif]
9697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/191colors/16.png]
9698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/191colors/32.png]
9699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/191colors/64.png]
9700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/256/16.png]
9701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/256/32.png]
9702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/256/64.png]
9703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/2pnotes/icon.hvif]
9704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/2pow/icon.hvif]
9705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/2prongtreefont/icon.hvif]
9706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/32768nofont/icon.hvif]
9707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/36daysagofont/icon.hvif]
9708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/3dthirteenpixelfont/icon.hvif]
9709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/3prongtreefont/icon.hvif]
9710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors/16.png]
9711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors/32.png]
9712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors/64.png]
9713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4colors_j/icon.hvif]
9714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4kstnclfont/icon.hvif]
9715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4wins/16.png]
9716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4wins/32.png]
9717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/4wins/64.png]
9718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/5by7font/icon.hvif]
9719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/5thgradecursivefont/icon.hvif]
9720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8bitlimitfont/icon.hvif]
9721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8dock/16.png]
9722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8dock/32.png]
9723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/8dock/64.png]
9724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aaaa/icon.hvif]
9725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aaaa_x86/icon.hvif]
9726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aardwolf/16.png]
9727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aardwolf/32.png]
9728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aardwolf/64.png]
9729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aarni_x86/16.png]
9730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aarni_x86/32.png]
9731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aarni_x86/64.png]
9732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abbeyofcrimeextensum_j/icon.hvif]
9733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abe/16.png]
9734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abe/32.png]
9735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abe/64.png]
9736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abombniball/16.png]
9737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abombniball/32.png]
9738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abombniball/64.png]
9739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/a_book/16.png]
9740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/a_book/32.png]
9741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/absinthefont/icon.hvif]
9742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abuse2demo/16.png]
9743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abuse2demo/32.png]
9744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/abuse2demo/64.png]
9745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/accanthisfont/icon.hvif]
9746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento/16.png]
9747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento/32.png]
9748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento/64.png]
9749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acento_j/icon.hvif]
9750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acharmingfont/icon.hvif]
9751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acrimsonspring/16.png]
9752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acrimsonspring/32.png]
9753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/acrimsonspring/64.png]
9754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/actualsize/16.png]
9755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/actualsize/32.png]
9756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/actualsize/64.png]
9757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/add/icon.hvif]
9758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addbordertoimage/icon.hvif]
9759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addorremoveextension/16.png]
9760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addorremoveextension/32.png]
9761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addorremoveextension/64.png]
9762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addraisedbordertoimage/icon.hvif]
9763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/addsunkenbordertoimage/icon.hvif]
9764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adom/16.png]
9765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adom/32.png]
9766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adom/64.png]
9767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/adventprofont/icon.hvif]
9768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt/16.png]
9769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt/32.png]
9770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt/64.png]
9771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aestextcrypt_j/icon.hvif]
9772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/agmsscriptocron/icon.hvif]
9773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ahem/icon.hvif]
9774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aiee/16.png]
9775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aiee/32.png]
9776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aiee/64.png]
9777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airbrushfont/icon.hvif]
9778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airport/16.png]
9779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airport/32.png]
9780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/airport/64.png]
9781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/akronnbpfont/icon.hvif]
9782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/al_anvar/icon.hvif]
9783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/al_anvar_x86/icon.hvif]
9784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/album/icon.hvif]
9785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ale/icon.hvif]
9786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alegreyafont/icon.hvif]
9787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alephone/16.png]
9788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alephone/32.png]
9789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alephone/64.png]
9790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alex4/icon.hvif]
9791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alex4color/icon.hvif]
9792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alex4customs/icon.hvif]
9793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alivejournal/16.png]
9794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alivejournal/32.png]
9795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alivejournal/64.png]
9796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allerfont/icon.hvif]
9797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allpossibleimages/16.png]
9798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allpossibleimages/32.png]
9799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/allpossibleimages/64.png]
9800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/almendrafont/icon.hvif]
9801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alongdrink/16.png]
9802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alongdrink/32.png]
9803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alongdrink/64.png]
9804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alsee/16.png]
9805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alsee/32.png]
9806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/alsee/64.png]
9807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/americanthighs/16.png]
9808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/americanthighs/32.png]
9809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/americanthighs/64.png]
9810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/amphetamine/16.png]
9811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/amphetamine/32.png]
9812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/amphetamine/64.png]
9813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anagramarama/16.png]
9814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anagramarama/32.png]
9815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anagramarama/64.png]
9816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogclock/icon.hvif]
9817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogpulse/16.png]
9818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogpulse/32.png]
9819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/analogpulse/64.png]
9820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anateus6/16.png]
9821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anateus6/32.png]
9822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anateus6/64.png]
9823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ancestris_j/16.png]
9824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ancestris_j/32.png]
9825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ancestris_j/64.png]
9826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/andadafont/icon.hvif]
9827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/android_file_transfer/icon.hvif]
9828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/android_file_transfer_x86/icon.hvif]
9829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/animaxo/icon.hvif]
9830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anime/16.png]
9831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anime/32.png]
9832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anime/64.png]
9833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/annoy2/16.png]
9834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/annoy2/32.png]
9835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/annoy2/64.png]
9836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anonymous_pro/icon.hvif]
9837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/anonymousprofont/icon.hvif]
9838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aobook/icon.hvif]
9839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aobook_x86/icon.hvif]
9840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache/16.png]
9841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache/32.png]
9842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache/64.png]
9843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache_x86/16.png]
9844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache_x86/32.png]
9845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apache_x86/64.png]
9846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apexlakefont/icon.hvif]
9847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aplayer/16.png]
9848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aplayer/32.png]
9849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aplayer/64.png]
9850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apus/16.png]
9851{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apus/32.png]
9852{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/apus/64.png]
9853{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aqemu/icon.hvif]
9854{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aqemu_x86/icon.hvif]
9855{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aquaria/icon.hvif]
9856{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aquaria_x86/icon.hvif]
9857{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aquiferfont/icon.hvif]
9858{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arabeyes_fonts/icon.hvif]
9859{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aracher/16.png]
9860{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aracher/32.png]
9861{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aracher/64.png]
9862{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia/16.png]
9863{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia/32.png]
9864{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia/64.png]
9865{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arachnophilia_j/icon.hvif]
9866{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archiver/16.png]
9867{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archiver/32.png]
9868{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archivoblackfont/icon.hvif]
9869{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/archivonarrowfont/icon.hvif]
9870{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arduino/icon.hvif]
9871{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arduino_x86/icon.hvif]
9872{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/areawatch/16.png]
9873{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/areawatch/32.png]
9874{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/areawatch/64.png]
9875{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aristarcojfont/icon.hvif]
9876{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/armagetronad/icon.hvif]
9877{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/armagetronad_x86/icon.hvif]
9878{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/armyknife/icon.hvif]
9879{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arora/icon.hvif]
9880{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arora_64/icon.hvif]
9881{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arora_x86/icon.hvif]
9882{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arrowsfont/icon.hvif]
9883{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arthursnightout/16.png]
9884{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arthursnightout/32.png]
9885{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arthursnightout/64.png]
9886{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/artpaint/icon.hvif]
9887{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arx_libertatis/icon.hvif]
9888{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/arx_libertatis_x86/icon.hvif]
9889{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asc/16.png]
9890{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asc/32.png]
9891{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asc/64.png]
9892{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/asciidesign_x86/icon.hvif]
9893{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ashbyfont/icon.hvif]
9894{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/astroblast/16.png]
9895{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/astroblast/32.png]
9896{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/astroblast/64.png]
9897{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atoms/16.png]
9898{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atoms/32.png]
9899{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atoms/64.png]
9900{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/atsignfont/icon.hvif]
9901{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attraction/16.png]
9902{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attraction/32.png]
9903{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attraction/64.png]
9904{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/attribexplorer/icon.hvif]
9905{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious/icon.hvif]
9906{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_devel/icon.hvif]
9907{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_plugins/icon.hvif]
9908{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_plugins_x86/icon.hvif]
9909{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_x86/icon.hvif]
9910{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/audacious_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
9911{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurelisadffont/icon.hvif]
9912{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurora/16.png]
9913{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurora/32.png]
9914{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/aurora/64.png]
9915{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/autoshutdown/16.png]
9916{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/autoshutdown/32.png]
9917{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/autoshutdown/64.png]
9918{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/averiasansfont/icon.hvif]
9919{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/averiaseriffont/icon.hvif]
9920{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/avidemux/icon.hvif]
9921{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/avidemux_x86/icon.hvif]
9922{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/avondalefont/icon.hvif]
9923{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/azoftsansfont/icon.hvif]
9924{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe/16.png]
9925{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe/32.png]
9926{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe/64.png]
9927{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe_64/16.png]
9928{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/babybe_64/32.png]
9929{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backslash_n/16.png]
9930{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backslash_n/32.png]
9931{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backslash_n/64.png]
9932{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/backup/icon.hvif]
9933{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ball_lang/icon.hvif]
9934{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi/16.png]
9935{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi/32.png]
9936{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi/64.png]
9937{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bambi_j/icon.hvif]
9938{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/banksiafont/icon.hvif]
9939{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/barrage/16.png]
9940{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/barrage/32.png]
9941{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/barrage/64.png]
9942{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bartlauncher/16.png]
9943{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bartlauncher/32.png]
9944{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bartlauncher/64.png]
9945{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/baskervaldfont/icon.hvif]
9946{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/basqet_x86/16.png]
9947{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/basqet_x86/32.png]
9948{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/basqet_x86/64.png]
9949{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bazaronitefont/icon.hvif]
9950{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bdhcalc/16.png]
9951{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bdhcalc/32.png]
9952{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bdhcalc/64.png]
9953{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beaccessible/16.png]
9954{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beaccessible/32.png]
9955{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beaccessible/64.png]
9956{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beae/icon.hvif]
9957{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beam/icon.hvif]
9958{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beapple2/16.png]
9959{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beapple2/32.png]
9960{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beapple2/64.png]
9961{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebase/16.png]
9962{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebase/32.png]
9963{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebase/64.png]
9964{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_basics/16.png]
9965{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_basics/32.png]
9966{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_basics/64.png]
9967{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebattle/16.png]
9968{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebattle/32.png]
9969{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebattle/64.png]
9970{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebin_es/16.png]
9971{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebin_es/32.png]
9972{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebin_es/64.png]
9973{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/be_book/icon.hvif]
9974{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebuilder/16.png]
9975{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bebuilder/32.png]
9976{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becasso/icon.hvif]
9977{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beccy/16.png]
9978{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beccy/32.png]
9979{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beccy/64.png]
9980{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckers/icon.hvif]
9981{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckpoint/16.png]
9982{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckpoint/32.png]
9983{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/becheckpoint/64.png]
9984{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beearth/16.png]
9985{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beearth/32.png]
9986{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beearth/64.png]
9987{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beediff/icon.hvif]
9988{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beelements/icon.hvif]
9989{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beexit/16.png]
9990{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beexit/32.png]
9991{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beexit/64.png]
9992{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beeyes/16.png]
9993{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beeyes/32.png]
9994{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beeyes/64.png]
9995{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beezer/icon.hvif]
9996{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befar/icon.hvif]
9997{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befilegrep/16.png]
9998{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befilegrep/32.png]
9999{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/befilegrep/64.png]
10000{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/begadu/16.png]
10001{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/begadu/32.png]
10002{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/begadu/64.png]
10003{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beget/icon.hvif]
10004{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behalma/16.png]
10005{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behalma/32.png]
10006{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behalma/64.png]
10007{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/behappy/icon.hvif]
10008{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belief/16.png]
10009{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belief/32.png]
10010{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belief/64.png]
10011{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belife/16.png]
10012{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belife/32.png]
10013{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belines/16.png]
10014{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belines/32.png]
10015{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/belines/64.png]
10016{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beltanefont/icon.hvif]
10017{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemailtombox/16.png]
10018{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemailtombox/32.png]
10019{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemailtombox/64.png]
10020{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bemines/icon.hvif]
10021{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benegraphicfont/icon.hvif]
10022{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benes/16.png]
10023{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benes/32.png]
10024{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benes/64.png]
10025{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benibblix/16.png]
10026{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benibblix/32.png]
10027{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/benibblix/64.png]
10028{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beohms/16.png]
10029{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beohms/32.png]
10030{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beohms/64.png]
10031{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beonfont/icon.hvif]
10032{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepatience/16.png]
10033{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepatience/32.png]
10034{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepatience/64.png]
10035{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepdf/icon.hvif]
10036{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepdf_x86/icon.hvif]
10037{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepexeso/16.png]
10038{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepexeso/32.png]
10039{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepexeso/64.png]
10040{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephonebook/16.png]
10041{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephonebook/32.png]
10042{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephonebook/64.png]
10043{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephotomagic/16.png]
10044{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bephotomagic/32.png]
10045{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bepodder/icon.hvif]
10046{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bereset/16.png]
10047{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bereset/32.png]
10048{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bereset/64.png]
10049{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_en/16.png]
10050{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_en/32.png]
10051{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_en/64.png]
10052{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_pl/16.png]
10053{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_pl/32.png]
10054{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_pl/64.png]
10055{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_ru/16.png]
10056{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_ru/32.png]
10057{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berestart_ru/64.png]
10058{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/berlinemailfont/icon.hvif]
10059{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bernardomodafont/icon.hvif]
10060{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beryliumfont/icon.hvif]
10061{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bes9x/icon.hvif]
10062{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besafe/16.png]
10063{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besafe/32.png]
10064{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besam/16.png]
10065{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besam/32.png]
10066{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besam/64.png]
10067{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besame/icon.hvif]
10068{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bescreencapture/icon.hvif]
10069{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bescreencapture/16.png]
10070{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bescreencapture/32.png]
10071{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare/icon.hvif]
10072{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare_info/icon.hvif]
10073{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare_server/icon.hvif]
10074{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beshare_x86/icon.hvif]
10075{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/beslysystemanalysistool/icon.hvif]
10076{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besokoban/16.png]
10077{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besokoban/32.png]
10078{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/besokoban/64.png]
10079{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bespider/icon.hvif]
10080{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betasks/16.png]
10081{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betasks/32.png]
10082{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betasks/64.png]
10083{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betree/16.png]
10084{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betree/32.png]
10085{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/betree/64.png]
10086{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevacik_pl/16.png]
10087{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevacik_pl/32.png]
10088{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevacik_pl/64.png]
10089{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevexed/icon.hvif]
10090{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevice/16.png]
10091{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevice/32.png]
10092{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bevice/64.png]
10093{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bexplorer/16.png]
10094{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bexplorer/32.png]
10095{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bexplorer/64.png]
10096{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezilla/icon.hvif]
10097{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezilla_devel/icon.hvif]
10098{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezx/16.png]
10099{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezx/32.png]
10100{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bezx/64.png]
10101{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bfrunner_x86/16.png]
10102{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bfrunner_x86/32.png]
10103{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bfrunner_x86/64.png]
10104{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview/16.png]
10105{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview/32.png]
10106{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview/64.png]
10107{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview_x86/16.png]
10108{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview_x86/32.png]
10109{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bghostview_x86/64.png]
10110{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bibleverse/16.png]
10111{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bibleverse/32.png]
10112{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bibleverse/64.png]
10113{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biew/16.png]
10114{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biew/32.png]
10115{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biew/64.png]
10116{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/billardgl/icon.hvif]
10117{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/billardgl_x86/icon.hvif]
10118{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bing/icon.hvif]
10119{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biniax/16.png]
10120{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biniax/32.png]
10121{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/biniax/64.png]
10122{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitcal/16.png]
10123{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitcal/32.png]
10124{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitcal/64.png]
10125{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmap2rsrc/16.png]
10126{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmap2rsrc/32.png]
10127{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmap2rsrc/64.png]
10128{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmapripper/icon.hvif]
10129{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmaptest/16.png]
10130{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmaptest/32.png]
10131{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bitmaptest/64.png]
10132{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bjongg/16.png]
10133{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bjongg/32.png]
10134{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bjongg/64.png]
10135{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blackchanceryfont/icon.hvif]
10136{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blackmonster/icon.hvif]
10137{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blackoutfont/icon.hvif]
10138{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blender/icon.hvif]
10139{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blender_x86/icon.hvif]
10140{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blinken/icon.hvif]
10141{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blinken_x86/icon.hvif]
10142{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blobwars/16.png]
10143{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blobwars/32.png]
10144{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/block/16.png]
10145{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/block/32.png]
10146{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/block/64.png]
10147{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blockit/16.png]
10148{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blockit/32.png]
10149{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blockit/64.png]
10150{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blogpositive/icon.hvif]
10151{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_64/16.png]
10152{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_64/32.png]
10153{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_x86/16.png]
10154{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_x86/32.png]
10155{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bloqus_x86/64.png]
10156{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blowfont/icon.hvif]
10157{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_64/16.png]
10158{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_64/32.png]
10159{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_x86/16.png]
10160{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_x86/32.png]
10161{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/blubbels_x86/64.png]
10162{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluecube/16.png]
10163{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluecube/32.png]
10164{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluecube/64.png]
10165{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluej_j/16.png]
10166{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluej_j/32.png]
10167{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bluej_j/64.png]
10168{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bolonewtfont/icon.hvif]
10169{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bomberinstinct/16.png]
10170{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bomberinstinct/32.png]
10171{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bomberinstinct/64.png]
10172{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bong/icon.hvif]
10173{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bookmarker/icon.hvif]
10174{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/booksorg/icon.hvif]
10175{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/booksorg_x86/icon.hvif]
10176{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg/16.png]
10177{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg/32.png]
10178{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg/64.png]
10179{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg_j/16.png]
10180{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg_j/32.png]
10181{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/borg_j/64.png]
10182{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bovo/icon.hvif]
10183{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bovo_x86/icon.hvif]
10184{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bradleygratisfont/icon.hvif]
10185{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi/16.png]
10186{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi/32.png]
10187{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi/64.png]
10188{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brahmi_j/icon.hvif]
10189{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/breakomatic/16.png]
10190{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/breakomatic/32.png]
10191{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/breakomatic/64.png]
10192{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brickshooter/16.png]
10193{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brickshooter/32.png]
10194{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brickshooter/64.png]
10195{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brie/16.png]
10196{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brie/32.png]
10197{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brokenglassfont/icon.hvif]
10198{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/brominefont/icon.hvif]
10199{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bshisen/16.png]
10200{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bshisen/32.png]
10201{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bshisen/64.png]
10202{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bsnow/16.png]
10203{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bsnow/32.png]
10204{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bsnow/64.png]
10205{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buckmuck/16.png]
10206{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buckmuck/32.png]
10207{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buckmuck/64.png]
10208{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi/16.png]
10209{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi/32.png]
10210{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi/64.png]
10211{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/buddi_j/icon.hvif]
10212{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugged/16.png]
10213{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugged/32.png]
10214{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugged/64.png]
10215{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugsquish/16.png]
10216{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugsquish/32.png]
10217{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bugsquish/64.png]
10218{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/burnitnow/icon.hvif]
10219{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/burnitnow_x86/icon.hvif]
10220{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/butterfly/16.png]
10221{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/butterfly/32.png]
10222{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/butterfly/64.png]
10223{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/byzantineempirefont/icon.hvif]
10224{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag/16.png]
10225{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag/32.png]
10226{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag/64.png]
10227{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag_x86/16.png]
10228{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag_x86/32.png]
10229{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzflag_x86/64.png]
10230{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/bzr/icon.hvif]
10231{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/caduntu/icon.hvif]
10232{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cal/icon.hvif]
10233{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/caladea/icon.hvif]
10234{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcc/16.png]
10235{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcc/32.png]
10236{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcc/64.png]
10237{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange/16.png]
10238{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange/32.png]
10239{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange/64.png]
10240{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calcorange_j/icon.hvif]
10241{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calculator/16.png]
10242{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calculator/32.png]
10243{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calculator/64.png]
10244{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendar/icon.hvif]
10245{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendare/16.png]
10246{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendare/32.png]
10247{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendare/64.png]
10248{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendarj/16.png]
10249{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendarj/32.png]
10250{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendarj/64.png]
10251{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calendar_x86/icon.hvif]
10252{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calibre/icon.hvif]
10253{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligra/icon.hvif]
10254{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligraplan/icon.hvif]
10255{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligraplan_x86/icon.hvif]
10256{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligraseriffont/icon.hvif]
10257{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/calligra_x86/icon.hvif]
10258{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cantarell/icon.hvif]
10259{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cantata/icon.hvif]
10260{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cantata_x86/icon.hvif]
10261{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/capitalbe/icon.hvif]
10262{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cardo/icon.hvif]
10263{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cardofonts/icon.hvif]
10264{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carlito/icon.hvif]
10265{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carma/16.png]
10266{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carma/32.png]
10267{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/carma/64.png]
10268{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cars/16.png]
10269{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cars/32.png]
10270{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cars/64.png]
10271{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/casperfont/icon.hvif]
10272{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catchamonster_j/16.png]
10273{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catchamonster_j/32.png]
10274{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catchamonster_j/64.png]
10275{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catharsisrequiemfont/icon.hvif]
10276{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/catkeyseditor/icon.hvif]
10277{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/caya/icon.hvif]
10278{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cc/16.png]
10279{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cc/32.png]
10280{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cc/64.png]
10281{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdogssdl/16.png]
10282{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdogssdl/32.png]
10283{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdogssdl/64.png]
10284{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdtomp3ripper/icon.hvif]
10285{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdtomp3ripper/16.png]
10286{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdtomp3ripper/32.png]
10287{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdvst/16.png]
10288{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdvst/32.png]
10289{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cdvst/64.png]
10290{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/celestia/icon.hvif]
10291{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/celestia_x86/icon.hvif]
10292{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chalklinefont/icon.hvif]
10293{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/characters/16.png]
10294{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/characters/32.png]
10295{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/characters/64.png]
10296{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charcoalsketchimage/16.png]
10297{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charcoalsketchimage/32.png]
10298{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charcoalsketchimage/64.png]
10299{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/charliefont/icon.hvif]
10300{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chasing/16.png]
10301{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chasing/32.png]
10302{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chasing/64.png]
10303{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chat/icon.hvif]
10304{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cheesedoff/16.png]
10305{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cheesedoff/32.png]
10306{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cheesedoff/64.png]
10307{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chemicalreactionfont/icon.hvif]
10308{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chessx/icon.hvif]
10309{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chessx_x86/icon.hvif]
10310{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chlorophyll/16.png]
10311{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chlorophyll/32.png]
10312{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chlorophyll/64.png]
10313{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chocolate_doom/icon.hvif]
10314{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chocolate_doom_x86/icon.hvif]
10315{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/christmasoncrackfont/icon.hvif]
10316{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chrysler/16.png]
10317{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chrysler/32.png]
10318{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chrysler/64.png]
10319{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/chunkfont/icon.hvif]
10320{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/circuslinux/16.png]
10321{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/circuslinux/32.png]
10322{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/circuslinux/64.png]
10323{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clamp/icon.hvif]
10324{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets/16.png]
10325{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets/32.png]
10326{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets/64.png]
10327{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cleansheets_j/icon.hvif]
10328{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clear_sans/icon.hvif]
10329{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clementine/icon.hvif]
10330{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clementine_x86/icon.hvif]
10331{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clickomanie/16.png]
10332{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clickomanie/32.png]
10333{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clickomanie/64.png]
10334{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clientdatabase_x86/16.png]
10335{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clientdatabase_x86/32.png]
10336{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clientdatabase_x86/64.png]
10337{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_matrix/16.png]
10338{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_matrix/32.png]
10339{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_matrix/64.png]
10340{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_othello/16.png]
10341{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_othello/32.png]
10342{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cli_othello/64.png]
10343{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipdinger/icon.hvif]
10344{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipgrab_x86/icon.hvif]
10345{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_64/16.png]
10346{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_64/32.png]
10347{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_64/64.png]
10348{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_x86/16.png]
10349{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_x86/32.png]
10350{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cliphist2_x86/64.png]
10351{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipup/16.png]
10352{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipup/32.png]
10353{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clipup/64.png]
10354{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockwerk/icon.hvif]
10355{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockworkboy/16.png]
10356{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockworkboy/32.png]
10357{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/clockworkboy/64.png]
10358{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/closet/16.png]
10359{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/closet/32.png]
10360{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/closet/64.png]
10361{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cocoview/icon.hvif]
10362{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codepositive/16.png]
10363{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codepositive/32.png]
10364{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codepositive/64.png]
10365{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill/16.png]
10366{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill/32.png]
10367{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill/64.png]
10368{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codequill_j/icon.hvif]
10369{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codewalker/16.png]
10370{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codewalker/32.png]
10371{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codewalker/64.png]
10372{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/codonfont/icon.hvif]
10373{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colobot/icon.hvif]
10374{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colobot_x86/icon.hvif]
10375{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorcode/icon.hvif]
10376{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorcode_x86/icon.hvif]
10377{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor/16.png]
10378{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor/32.png]
10379{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor/64.png]
10380{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor_j/16.png]
10381{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor_j/32.png]
10382{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorextractor_j/64.png]
10383{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorme/icon.hvif]
10384{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors/icon.hvif]
10385{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors16/16.png]
10386{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors16/32.png]
10387{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors16/64.png]
10388{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors21/16.png]
10389{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors21/32.png]
10390{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors21/64.png]
10391{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colorsequence/icon.hvif]
10392{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colors_x86/icon.hvif]
10393{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colortool_x86/16.png]
10394{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colortool_x86/32.png]
10395{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colortool_x86/64.png]
10396{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colossalcave/16.png]
10397{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colossalcave/32.png]
10398{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/colossalcave/64.png]
10399{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/comic_neue/icon.hvif]
10400{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/commandtimer/icon.hvif]
10401{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram/16.png]
10402{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram/32.png]
10403{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram/64.png]
10404{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_64/16.png]
10405{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_64/32.png]
10406{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_x86/16.png]
10407{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_x86/32.png]
10408{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/connectagram_x86/64.png]
10409{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/controlpanel/16.png]
10410{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/controlpanel/32.png]
10411{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/controlpanel/64.png]
10412{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/converttolf/16.png]
10413{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/converttolf/32.png]
10414{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/converttolf/64.png]
10415{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/conway/16.png]
10416{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/conway/32.png]
10417{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/conway/64.png]
10418{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/coolreader3/icon.hvif]
10419{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/coolreader3_x86/icon.hvif]
10420{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/copynametoclipboard/icon.hvif]
10421{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/corovapioneer/16.png]
10422{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/corovapioneer/32.png]
10423{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/corovapioneer/64.png]
10424{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/correctextension/16.png]
10425{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/correctextension/32.png]
10426{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/correctextension/64.png]
10427{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/count/16.png]
10428{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/count/32.png]
10429{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/count/64.png]
10430{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createacursor/16.png]
10431{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createacursor/32.png]
10432{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createacursor/64.png]
10433{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createdeviceimage/16.png]
10434{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createdeviceimage/32.png]
10435{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/createdeviceimage/64.png]
10436{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/criticalmass/icon.hvif]
10437{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/croscorefonts/icon.hvif]
10438{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp/16.png]
10439{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp/32.png]
10440{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp/64.png]
10441{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp_j/16.png]
10442{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp_j/32.png]
10443{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/crossftp_j/64.png]
10444{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cubicrubic/16.png]
10445{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cubicrubic/32.png]
10446{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cubicrubic/64.png]
10447{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cuewavextract_x86/16.png]
10448{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cuewavextract_x86/32.png]
10449{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cuewavextract_x86/64.png]
10450{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_64/16.png]
10451{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_64/32.png]
10452{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_x86/16.png]
10453{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_x86/32.png]
10454{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutegomoku_x86/64.png]
10455{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemarked/icon.hvif]
10456{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemarked_x86/icon.hvif]
10457{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_64/16.png]
10458{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_64/32.png]
10459{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_x86/16.png]
10460{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_x86/32.png]
10461{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutemaze_x86/64.png]
10462{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutter/icon.hvif]
10463{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cutter_x86/icon.hvif]
10464{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cygnusx1/16.png]
10465{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cygnusx1/32.png]
10466{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cygnusx1/64.png]
10467{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed/16.png]
10468{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed/32.png]
10469{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed/64.png]
10470{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed_j/16.png]
10471{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed_j/32.png]
10472{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/cynoed_j/64.png]
10473{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dad_de/16.png]
10474{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dad_de/32.png]
10475{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dad_de/64.png]
10476{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/daleks/16.png]
10477{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/daleks/32.png]
10478{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/daleks/64.png]
10479{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/damasefont/icon.hvif]
10480{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/datereplicant/16.png]
10481{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/datereplicant/32.png]
10482{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/datereplicant/64.png]
10483{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/davegnukem/16.png]
10484{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/davegnukem/32.png]
10485{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/davegnukem/64.png]
10486{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dd2/icon.hvif]
10487{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration/16.png]
10488{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration/32.png]
10489{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration/64.png]
10490{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration_j/16.png]
10491{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration_j/32.png]
10492{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/decoration_j/64.png]
10493{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deepcount/16.png]
10494{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deepcount/32.png]
10495{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deepcount/64.png]
10496{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deeperpeople/16.png]
10497{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deeperpeople/32.png]
10498{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/defendguin/16.png]
10499{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/defendguin/32.png]
10500{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/defendguin/64.png]
10501{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dejavu/icon.hvif]
10502{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter/16.png]
10503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter/32.png]
10504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter/64.png]
10505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deleter_j/icon.hvif]
10506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deltahex_j/16.png]
10507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deltahex_j/32.png]
10508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deltahex_j/64.png]
10509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deluxepaintcomicfont/icon.hvif]
10510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dengon/icon.hvif]
10511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deskbareyes/16.png]
10512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deskbareyes/32.png]
10513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/deskbareyes/64.png]
10514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/desknotes/icon.hvif]
10515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/desktopdrawer/16.png]
10516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/desktopdrawer/32.png]
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10525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus12_en/icon.hvif]
10526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus13_en/icon.hvif]
10527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus14_en/icon.hvif]
10528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus15_en/icon.hvif]
10529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus1_en/icon.hvif]
10530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus2_en/icon.hvif]
10531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus3_en/icon.hvif]
10532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus4_en/icon.hvif]
10533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus5_en/icon.hvif]
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10535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus7_en/icon.hvif]
10536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus8_en/icon.hvif]
10537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_cplusplus9_en/icon.hvif]
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10570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devdocs_perl2_en/icon.hvif]
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10581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devet/32.png]
10582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devet/64.png]
10583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devilutionx/icon.hvif]
10584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/devilutionx_x86/icon.hvif]
10585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhammapadaverse/16.png]
10586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhammapadaverse/32.png]
10587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhammapadaverse/64.png]
10588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhewm3/icon.hvif]
10589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dhewm3_x86/icon.hvif]
10590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digger/16.png]
10591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digger/32.png]
10592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digger/64.png]
10593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digiclock/icon.hvif]
10594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digikam/icon.hvif]
10595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digikam_devel/icon.hvif]
10596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digikam_x86/icon.hvif]
10597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digitalclock/16.png]
10598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digitalclock/32.png]
10599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/digitalclock/64.png]
10600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dinnertime/16.png]
10601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dinnertime/32.png]
10602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dinnertime/64.png]
10603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dirlister/16.png]
10604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dirlister/32.png]
10605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dirlister/64.png]
10606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/disco/16.png]
10607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/disco/32.png]
10608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/disco/64.png]
10609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/discotheek/16.png]
10610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/discotheek/32.png]
10611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/discotheek/64.png]
10612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/djvutranslator/icon.hvif]
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10616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/docear/32.png]
10617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/docear/64.png]
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10620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/docear_j/64.png]
10621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dockbert/icon.hvif]
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10626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dogwhistle/64.png]
10627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dooble/icon.hvif]
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10638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dosbox_svn/64.png]
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10641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/down_game/32.png]
10642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/down_game/64.png]
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10644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dragandscrap/32.png]
10645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dragandscrap/64.png]
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10648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava/16.png]
10649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava/32.png]
10650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava/64.png]
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10652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava_j/32.png]
10653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/drjava_j/64.png]
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10657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dtpicview/64.png]
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10659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ducksaver/32.png]
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10661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dynamate/32.png]
10662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/dynamate/64.png]
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10671{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc/64.png]
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10673{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc_j/32.png]
10674{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/easycalc_j/64.png]
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10681{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_de/icon.hvif]
10682{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_en/icon.hvif]
10683{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_enm/icon.hvif]
10684{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_eo/icon.hvif]
10685{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_fr/icon.hvif]
10686{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_nl/icon.hvif]
10687{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_dictionaries_pt/icon.hvif]
10688{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_fantasy_dunsany_collection/icon.hvif]
10689{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_fantasy_howard_collection/icon.hvif]
10690{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_fantasy_mercedes_lackey_collection/icon.hvif]
10691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_eleventh_century/icon.hvif]
10692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_fifth_century/icon.hvif]
10693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_first_century/icon.hvif]
10694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_fourth_century/icon.hvif]
10695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_ninth_century/icon.hvif]
10696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_prechristian/icon.hvif]
10697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_second_century/icon.hvif]
10698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_seventh_century/icon.hvif]
10699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_third_century/icon.hvif]
10700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_histfic_twelfth_century/icon.hvif]
10701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_horror_poe_collection/icon.hvif]
10702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_horror_stoker_collection/icon.hvif]
10703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_bellamy/icon.hvif]
10704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_a/icon.hvif]
10705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_b/icon.hvif]
10706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_c/icon.hvif]
10707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_d/icon.hvif]
10708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_e/icon.hvif]
10709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_f/icon.hvif]
10710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_g/icon.hvif]
10711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_h/icon.hvif]
10712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_i/icon.hvif]
10713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_j/icon.hvif]
10714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_k/icon.hvif]
10715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_misc_scifi_l/icon.hvif]
10716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_presidential_addresses/icon.hvif]
10717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_1632_collection/icon.hvif]
10718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_abernathy_collection/icon.hvif]
10719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_belisarius_en/icon.hvif]
10720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_bradley_collection/icon.hvif]
10721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_brown_collection/icon.hvif]
10722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_budrys_collection/icon.hvif]
10723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_burroughs_collection/icon.hvif]
10724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_campbell_collection/icon.hvif]
10725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_cory_doctorow_collection/icon.hvif]
10726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_delrey_collection/icon.hvif]
10727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_fontenay_collection/icon.hvif]
10728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_fyfe_collection/icon.hvif]
10729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_garrett_collection/icon.hvif]
10730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_harrison_collection/icon.hvif]
10731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_honorverse_en/icon.hvif]
10732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_kornbluth_collection/icon.hvif]
10733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_lafferty_collection/icon.hvif]
10734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_laumer_collection/icon.hvif]
10735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_leiber_collection/icon.hvif]
10736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_leinster_collection/icon.hvif]
10737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_philip_k_dick_collection/icon.hvif]
10738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_poul_anderson_collection/icon.hvif]
10739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_ray_bradbury_collection/icon.hvif]
10740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_scifi_roger_dee_collection/icon.hvif]
10741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_sherlock_holmes_collection/icon.hvif]
10742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_tarzan_collection/icon.hvif]
10743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_tom_sawyer_collection/icon.hvif]
10744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ebooks_tom_swift_collection/icon.hvif]
10745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edbindiansfont/icon.hvif]
10746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edbwildthingsfont/icon.hvif]
10747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eddie/16.png]
10748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eddie/32.png]
10749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eddie/64.png]
10750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edfbrowser/icon.hvif]
10751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/edfbrowser_x86/icon.hvif]
10752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eggscontrol/16.png]
10753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eggscontrol/32.png]
10754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eggscontrol/64.png]
10755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/egsl/16.png]
10756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/egsl/32.png]
10757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/egsl/64.png]
10758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ehm_x86/16.png]
10759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ehm_x86/32.png]
10760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ehm_x86/64.png]
10761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/einsteinium/icon.hvif]
10762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eiskaltdcpp/icon.hvif]
10763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eiskaltdcpp_x86/icon.hvif]
10764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_br/16.png]
10765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_br/32.png]
10766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_br/64.png]
10767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_cn/16.png]
10768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_cn/32.png]
10769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_cn/64.png]
10770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_de/16.png]
10771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_de/32.png]
10772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_de/64.png]
10773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_es/16.png]
10774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_es/32.png]
10775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_es/64.png]
10776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_fi/16.png]
10777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_fi/32.png]
10778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_fi/64.png]
10779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_hu/16.png]
10780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_hu/32.png]
10781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_hu/64.png]
10782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_it/16.png]
10783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_it/32.png]
10784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_it/64.png]
10785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_j/16.png]
10786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_j/32.png]
10787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_j/64.png]
10788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_nl/16.png]
10789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_nl/32.png]
10790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_nl/64.png]
10791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_no/16.png]
10792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_no/32.png]
10793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_no/64.png]
10794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pl/16.png]
10795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pl/32.png]
10796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pl/64.png]
10797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pt/16.png]
10798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pt/32.png]
10799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_pt/64.png]
10800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_ru/16.png]
10801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_ru/32.png]
10802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_ru/64.png]
10803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_se/16.png]
10804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_se/32.png]
10805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_se/64.png]
10806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_tr/16.png]
10807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_tr/32.png]
10808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_tr/64.png]
10809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_uk/16.png]
10810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_uk/32.png]
10811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_uk/64.png]
10812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_us/16.png]
10813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_us/32.png]
10814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ekit_us/64.png]
10815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eliza/16.png]
10816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eliza/32.png]
10817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eliza/64.png]
10818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eltercerhombrefont/icon.hvif]
10819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/elvenedit/icon.hvif]
10820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/embossimage/16.png]
10821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/embossimage/32.png]
10822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/embossimage/64.png]
10823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/emptytrash/16.png]
10824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/emptytrash/32.png]
10825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/emptytrash/64.png]
10826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes/16.png]
10827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes/32.png]
10828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes/64.png]
10829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes_j/16.png]
10830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes_j/32.png]
10831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/enotes_j/64.png]
10832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/escherwebsketch_j/16.png]
10833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/escherwebsketch_j/32.png]
10834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/escherwebsketch_j/64.png]
10835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/essays1743/icon.hvif]
10836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eternal_lands/icon.hvif]
10837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eternal_lands_x86/icon.hvif]
10838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ethopoolfont/icon.hvif]
10839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/eventual/icon.hvif]
10840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/executor/16.png]
10841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/executor/32.png]
10842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/executor/64.png]
10843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/extreme_tuxracer/icon.hvif]
10844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/extreme_tuxracer_x86/icon.hvif]
10845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/faccp/16.png]
10846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/faccp/32.png]
10847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/faccp/64.png]
10848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fallleaves/icon.hvif]
10849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/falsoyd/16.png]
10850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/falsoyd/32.png]
10851{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/falsoyd/64.png]
10852{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fanwor/16.png]
10853{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fanwor/32.png]
10854{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fanwor/64.png]
10855{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/farsi_fonts/icon.hvif]
10856{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fastcounter/icon.hvif]
10857{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fbreader/icon.hvif]
10858{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fbreader_x86/icon.hvif]
10859{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fedb/16.png]
10860{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fedb/32.png]
10861{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fedb/64.png]
10862{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/felix/16.png]
10863{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/felix/32.png]
10864{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/felix/64.png]
10865{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fidocadj_j/16.png]
10866{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fidocadj_j/32.png]
10867{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fidocadj_j/64.png]
10868{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filer/icon.hvif]
10869{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fileshredder/icon.hvif]
10870{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filesynq_x86/icon.hvif]
10871{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filler/16.png]
10872{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filler/32.png]
10873{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filler/64.png]
10874{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/filwip/icon.hvif]
10875{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/finance/icon.hvif]
10876{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/finance/16.png]
10877{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/finance/32.png]
10878{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/firacode/icon.hvif]
10879{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fira_fonts/icon.hvif]
10880{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fishshark/16.png]
10881{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fishshark/32.png]
10882{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fishshark/64.png]
10883{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fixlink/16.png]
10884{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fixlink/32.png]
10885{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fixlink/64.png]
10886{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flameshot/icon.hvif]
10887{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flameshot_x86/icon.hvif]
10888{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flamestation/16.png]
10889{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flamestation/32.png]
10890{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flamestation/64.png]
10891{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flare/icon.hvif]
10892{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flare_x86/icon.hvif]
10893{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flare_x86_data/icon.hvif]
10894{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fleetingpm_x86/icon.hvif]
10895{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipimage/icon.hvif]
10896{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fliplayer/16.png]
10897{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fliplayer/32.png]
10898{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fliplayer/64.png]
10899{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipull/16.png]
10900{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipull/32.png]
10901{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flipull/64.png]
10902{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flopimage/icon.hvif]
10903{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flyingtroll/16.png]
10904{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flyingtroll/32.png]
10905{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flyingtroll/64.png]
10906{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flytex_base/16.png]
10907{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flytex_base/32.png]
10908{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/flytex_base/64.png]
10909{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foldershaper/16.png]
10910{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foldershaper/32.png]
10911{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foldershaper/64.png]
10912{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontawesome/icon.hvif]
10913{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontboy/icon.hvif]
10914{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforerinfont/icon.hvif]
10915{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge/16.png]
10916{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge/32.png]
10917{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_devel/16.png]
10918{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_devel/32.png]
10919{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86/16.png]
10920{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86/32.png]
10921{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86_devel/16.png]
10922{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontforge_x86_devel/32.png]
10923{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontinspector/16.png]
10924{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontinspector/32.png]
10925{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontinspector/64.png]
10926{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontmanager/icon.hvif]
10927{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontmonkey/icon.hvif]
10928{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontview/16.png]
10929{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontview/32.png]
10930{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fontview/64.png]
10931{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foobillardplus/icon.hvif]
10932{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/foobillardplus_x86/icon.hvif]
10933{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/formido/16.png]
10934{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/formido/32.png]
10935{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/formido/64.png]
10936{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna/16.png]
10937{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna/32.png]
10938{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna/64.png]
10939{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna_64/16.png]
10940{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fortuna_64/32.png]
10941{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fotowall/icon.hvif]
10942{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fotowall_x86/icon.hvif]
10943{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freac/icon.hvif]
10944{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freac_x86/icon.hvif]
10945{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeciv/icon.hvif]
10946{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeciv_x86/icon.hvif]
10947{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freedroidrpg/icon.hvif]
10948{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freedroidrpg_x86/icon.hvif]
10949{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freegish/16.png]
10950{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freegish/32.png]
10951{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freemind_j/icon.hvif]
10952{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeplane_j/icon.hvif]
10953{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp/icon.hvif]
10954{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp_devel/icon.hvif]
10955{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp_x86/icon.hvif]
10956{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freerdp_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
10957{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/freeverse/icon.hvif]
10958{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/friss/icon.hvif]
10959{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fritzing/icon.hvif]
10960{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fritzing_x86/icon.hvif]
10961{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fruitninja_j/16.png]
10962{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fruitninja_j/32.png]
10963{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fruitninja_j/64.png]
10964{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ftppositive/icon.hvif]
10965{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/functionalcalculator_j/16.png]
10966{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/functionalcalculator_j/32.png]
10967{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/functionalcalculator_j/64.png]
10968{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fundamentalrushfont/icon.hvif]
10969{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fuse/icon.hvif]
10970{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fusesmb_haiku/icon.hvif]
10971{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fuse_x86/icon.hvif]
10972{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/futureboy/16.png]
10973{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/futureboy/32.png]
10974{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/futureboy/64.png]
10975{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fuzzytime/icon.hvif]
10976{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fx702p_j/16.png]
10977{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fx702p_j/32.png]
10978{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/fx702p_j/64.png]
10979{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/galaxy/16.png]
10980{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/galaxy/32.png]
10981{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/galaxy/64.png]
10982{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gambit/icon.hvif]
10983{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gambit_x86/icon.hvif]
10984{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gameoflife_j/16.png]
10985{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gameoflife_j/32.png]
10986{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gameoflife_j/64.png]
10987{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ganttproject_j/16.png]
10988{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ganttproject_j/32.png]
10989{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ganttproject_j/64.png]
10990{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gauges/16.png]
10991{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gauges/32.png]
10992{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gauges/64.png]
10993{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gaussjordanfont/icon.hvif]
10994{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gav/16.png]
10995{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gav/32.png]
10996{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gav/64.png]
10997{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemdropx/16.png]
10998{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemdropx/32.png]
10999{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemdropx/64.png]
11000{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemz/16.png]
11001{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemz/32.png]
11002{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gemz/64.png]
11003{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/genesiscommander/icon.hvif]
11004{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/genesis_commander/icon.hvif]
11005{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getinfo/16.png]
11006{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getinfo/32.png]
11007{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getinfo/64.png]
11008{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/getit/icon.hvif]
11009{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ghastlypanicfont/icon.hvif]
11010{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ghostwriter/icon.hvif]
11011{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ghostwriter_x86/icon.hvif]
11012{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/giddy3/icon.hvif]
11013{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gigocalc/16.png]
11014{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gigocalc/32.png]
11015{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gigocalc/64.png]
11016{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gish/icon.hvif]
11017{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gish_x86/icon.hvif]
11018{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git/icon.hvif]
11019{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_arch/icon.hvif]
11020{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_cvs/icon.hvif]
11021{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_daemon/icon.hvif]
11022{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_email/icon.hvif]
11023{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gitqlient/icon.hvif]
11024{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gitqlient_x86/icon.hvif]
11025{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_remote_helpers/icon.hvif]
11026{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/git_svn/icon.hvif]
11027{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gjkreminder_x86/icon.hvif]
11028{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glipsgraffiti_j/icon.hvif]
11029{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globalclock_j/16.png]
11030{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globalclock_j/32.png]
11031{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globalclock_j/64.png]
11032{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globe/16.png]
11033{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/globe/32.png]
11034{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glspball/16.png]
11035{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glspball/32.png]
11036{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/glspball/64.png]
11037{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gmic/icon.hvif]
11038{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gmic_x86/icon.hvif]
11039{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gnufreefonts/icon.hvif]
11040{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gobeproductive_full/icon.hvif]
11041{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogogadget/16.png]
11042{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogogadget/32.png]
11043{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogogadget/64.png]
11044{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogrinder_j/16.png]
11045{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogrinder_j/32.png]
11046{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogrinder_j/64.png]
11047{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogui_j/16.png]
11048{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogui_j/32.png]
11049{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gogui_j/64.png]
11050{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/goldendict/icon.hvif]
11051{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/goldendict_x86/icon.hvif]
11052{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/goldplatedfont/icon.hvif]
11053{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/googlemaps/icon.hvif]
11054{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gottet/icon.hvif]
11055{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gottet_x86/icon.hvif]
11056{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gprop/16.png]
11057{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gprop/32.png]
11058{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gprop/64.png]
11059{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxlab/icon.hvif]
11060{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxlab_x86/icon.hvif]
11061{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxsee/icon.hvif]
11062{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gpxsee_x86/icon.hvif]
11063{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grabit/16.png]
11064{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grabit/32.png]
11065{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grabit/64.png]
11066{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grafipaintfont/icon.hvif]
11067{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grafx2/icon.hvif]
11068{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grafx2_x86/icon.hvif]
11069{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/granatier/icon.hvif]
11070{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/granatier_x86/icon.hvif]
11071{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/greed/icon.hvif]
11072{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep/16.png]
11073{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep/32.png]
11074{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_debuginfo/16.png]
11075{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_debuginfo/32.png]
11076{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_x86/16.png]
11077{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grep_x86/32.png]
11078{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/grungehandwritingfont/icon.hvif]
11079{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guber_j/16.png]
11080{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guber_j/32.png]
11081{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guber_j/64.png]
11082{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guido/16.png]
11083{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guido/32.png]
11084{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guido/64.png]
11085{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guilty/16.png]
11086{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guilty/32.png]
11087{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guilty/64.png]
11088{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guitar/icon.hvif]
11089{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/guitar_x86/icon.hvif]
11090{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gwenview/icon.hvif]
11091{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gwenview_x86/icon.hvif]
11092{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gypsymoonfont/icon.hvif]
11093{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/gzdoom/icon.hvif]
11094{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hack/icon.hvif]
11095{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuplot/icon.hvif]
11096{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuporter/icon.hvif]
11097{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikutwitter/icon.hvif]
11098{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikutwitter_x86/icon.hvif]
11099{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit/icon.hvif]
11100{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit_devel/icon.hvif]
11101{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit_x86/icon.hvif]
11102{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/haikuwebkit_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
11103{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogen/16.png]
11104{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogen/32.png]
11105{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogen/64.png]
11106{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/halogenfont/icon.hvif]
11107{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi/16.png]
11108{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi/32.png]
11109{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi/64.png]
11110{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi4hugo/16.png]
11111{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi4hugo/32.png]
11112{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hammurabi4hugo/64.png]
11113{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake/16.png]
11114{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake/32.png]
11115{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake_x86/16.png]
11116{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handbrake_x86/32.png]
11117{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/handmedownfont/icon.hvif]
11118{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hanukkah/16.png]
11119{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hanukkah/32.png]
11120{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hanukkah/64.png]
11121{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hatari/16.png]
11122{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hatari/32.png]
11123{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hatari/64.png]
11124{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hebgb/16.png]
11125{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hebgb/32.png]
11126{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/heimer/icon.hvif]
11127{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/heimer_x86/icon.hvif]
11128{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/helpviewer/icon.hvif]
11129{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermes/icon.hvif]
11130{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermes_game/icon.hvif]
11131{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermes_game_x86/icon.hvif]
11132{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermet_de/16.png]
11133{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hermet_de/32.png]
11134{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/heroes/icon.hvif]
11135{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexalate/icon.hvif]
11136{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexalate_64/icon.hvif]
11137{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexalate_x86/icon.hvif]
11138{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_64/16.png]
11139{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_64/32.png]
11140{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_x86/16.png]
11141{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_x86/32.png]
11142{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexglass_x86/64.png]
11143{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexkeycodefinder/16.png]
11144{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexkeycodefinder/32.png]
11145{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hexvexed/icon.hvif]
11146{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hippo/icon.hvif]
11147{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hippo_x86/icon.hvif]
11148{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hnb/16.png]
11149{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hnb/32.png]
11150{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hnb/64.png]
11151{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hoffmanhandfont/icon.hvif]
11152{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hollywoodmurders/16.png]
11153{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hollywoodmurders/32.png]
11154{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hollywoodmurders/64.png]
11155{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/homeworld_sdl/icon.hvif]
11156{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/homeworld_sdl_x86/icon.hvif]
11157{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hor/16.png]
11158{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hor/32.png]
11159{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hor/64.png]
11160{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hotedit/16.png]
11161{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hotedit/32.png]
11162{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hotedit/64.png]
11163{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hpkgcreator/icon.hvif]
11164{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/httraqt/icon.hvif]
11165{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/httraqt_x86/icon.hvif]
11166{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugoclock/16.png]
11167{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugoclock/32.png]
11168{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugoclock/64.png]
11169{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugotetris/16.png]
11170{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugotetris/32.png]
11171{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/hugotetris/64.png]
11172{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ibm_plex/icon.hvif]
11173{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/icebreaker/icon.hvif]
11174{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit/16.png]
11175{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit/32.png]
11176{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit/64.png]
11177{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit_j/16.png]
11178{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit_j/32.png]
11179{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iconedit_j/64.png]
11180{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ideam/icon.hvif]
11181{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ideam_x86/icon.hvif]
11182{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/idx3d/16.png]
11183{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/idx3d/32.png]
11184{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/idx3d/64.png]
11185{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagegrinder/16.png]
11186{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagegrinder/32.png]
11187{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagegrinder/64.png]
11188{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x/16.png]
11189{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x/32.png]
11190{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x/64.png]
11191{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x_j/16.png]
11192{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x_j/32.png]
11193{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagej2x_j/64.png]
11194{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagemagickgui/icon.hvif]
11195{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageplay/icon.hvif]
11196{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageplay_x86/icon.hvif]
11197{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagepro/16.png]
11198{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagepro/32.png]
11199{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageresizer/icon.hvif]
11200{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagesplitter/16.png]
11201{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagesplitter/32.png]
11202{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imagesplitter/64.png]
11203{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageviewer/32.png]
11204{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/imageviewer/64.png]
11205{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/impro_visor_j/icon.hvif]
11206{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/inconsolata/icon.hvif]
11207{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/index/16.png]
11208{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/index/32.png]
11209{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/index/64.png]
11210{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/infopopper/16.png]
11211{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/infopopper/32.png]
11212{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/infopopper/64.png]
11213{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/initialfont/icon.hvif]
11214{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/inlinesfont/icon.hvif]
11215{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/instead/icon.hvif]
11216{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/instead_x86/icon.hvif]
11217{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/interlearn/16.png]
11218{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/interlearn/32.png]
11219{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/interlearn/64.png]
11220{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/internetsurfboard/icon.hvif]
11221{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ipresolve/16.png]
11222{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ipresolve/32.png]
11223{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ipresolve/64.png]
11224{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iptalk/16.png]
11225{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iptalk/32.png]
11226{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iptalk/64.png]
11227{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_64/16.png]
11228{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_64/32.png]
11229{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/16.png]
11230{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/32.png]
11231{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/iqpuzzle_x86/64.png]
11232{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/irrepfont/icon.hvif]
11233{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ish/16.png]
11234{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ish/32.png]
11235{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ish/64.png]
11236{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ishido_de/16.png]
11237{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ishido_de/32.png]
11238{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ishido_de/64.png]
11239{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/isolato/16.png]
11240{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/isolato/32.png]
11241{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/isolato/64.png]
11242{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ivan/16.png]
11243{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ivan/32.png]
11244{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ivan/64.png]
11245{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ixalance_demos/16.png]
11246{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ixalance_demos/32.png]
11247{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ixalance_demos/64.png]
11248{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ja2_stracciatella/icon.hvif]
11249{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jabber4haiku/icon.hvif]
11250{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jamal_j/16.png]
11251{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jamal_j/32.png]
11252{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jamal_j/64.png]
11253{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/janitorfont/icon.hvif]
11254{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jarexplorer_j/icon.hvif]
11255{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jasymca/16.png]
11256{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jasymca/32.png]
11257{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jasymca/64.png]
11258{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/javatexteditor_j/icon.hvif]
11259{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jave_j/16.png]
11260{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jave_j/32.png]
11261{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jave_j/64.png]
11262{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jcards_j/16.png]
11263{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jcards_j/32.png]
11264{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jcards_j/64.png]
11265{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert/16.png]
11266{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert/32.png]
11267{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert/64.png]
11268{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jconvert_j/icon.hvif]
11269{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw/16.png]
11270{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw/32.png]
11271{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw/64.png]
11272{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdrawingpanel_j/icon.hvif]
11273{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw_j/16.png]
11274{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw_j/32.png]
11275{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jdraw_j/64.png]
11276{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jedit_j/icon.hvif]
11277{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jeks_j/16.png]
11278{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jeks_j/32.png]
11279{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jeks_j/64.png]
11280{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jellikit/16.png]
11281{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jellikit/32.png]
11282{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jellikit/64.png]
11283{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jenny_thinks/16.png]
11284{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jenny_thinks/32.png]
11285{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jenny_thinks/64.png]
11286{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jetris_j/icon.hvif]
11287{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jewelbox/16.png]
11288{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jewelbox/32.png]
11289{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jewelbox/64.png]
11290{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfamily_j/16.png]
11291{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfamily_j/32.png]
11292{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfamily_j/64.png]
11293{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfig_j/16.png]
11294{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfig_j/32.png]
11295{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfig_j/64.png]
11296{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfilesplitter/icon.hvif]
11297{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfontchooser_j/icon.hvif]
11298{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jfontviewer_j/icon.hvif]
11299{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jiconmaker_j/icon.hvif]
11300{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jim_j/16.png]
11301{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jim_j/32.png]
11302{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jim_j/64.png]
11303{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jipe_j/16.png]
11304{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jipe_j/32.png]
11305{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jipe_j/64.png]
11306{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jisho/icon.hvif]
11307{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui/16.png]
11308{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui/32.png]
11309{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui/64.png]
11310{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jlgui_j/icon.hvif]
11311{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jmemorize_j/icon.hvif]
11312{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jmines_j/icon.hvif]
11313{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnote_j/16.png]
11314{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnote_j/32.png]
11315{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnote_j/64.png]
11316{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnpad_j/16.png]
11317{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnpad_j/32.png]
11318{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jnpad_j/64.png]
11319{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jomic_j/16.png]
11320{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jomic_j/32.png]
11321{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jomic_j/64.png]
11322{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpad_j/icon.hvif]
11323{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpass_j/icon.hvif]
11324{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpassword_j/16.png]
11325{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpassword_j/32.png]
11326{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpassword_j/64.png]
11327{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpc_j/icon.hvif]
11328{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdftweak_j/16.png]
11329{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdftweak_j/32.png]
11330{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdftweak_j/64.png]
11331{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdfviewer_j/16.png]
11332{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdfviewer_j/32.png]
11333{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpdfviewer_j/64.png]
11334{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpeces_j/icon.hvif]
11335{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpe_demo/16.png]
11336{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpe_demo/32.png]
11337{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpe_demo/64.png]
11338{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpicedt_j/icon.hvif]
11339{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpuzzle_j/16.png]
11340{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpuzzle_j/32.png]
11341{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jpuzzle_j/64.png]
11342{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2/16.png]
11343{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2/32.png]
11344{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2/64.png]
11345{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2_j/16.png]
11346{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2_j/32.png]
11347{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jscicalc2_j/64.png]
11348{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsignpdf_j/16.png]
11349{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsignpdf_j/32.png]
11350{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsignpdf_j/64.png]
11351{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo/16.png]
11352{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo/32.png]
11353{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo/64.png]
11354{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jslovo_j/icon.hvif]
11355{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsoko_j/16.png]
11356{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsoko_j/32.png]
11357{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jsoko_j/64.png]
11358{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jstickynotes_j/icon.hvif]
11359{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jstock_j/icon.hvif]
11360{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/judo_j/16.png]
11361{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/judo_j/32.png]
11362{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/judo_j/64.png]
11363{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/juffed/icon.hvif]
11364{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julie/16.png]
11365{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julie/32.png]
11366{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julie/64.png]
11367{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julius/icon.hvif]
11368{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/julius_x86/icon.hvif]
11369{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/justshow/16.png]
11370{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/justshow/32.png]
11371{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/justshow/64.png]
11372{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jworksheet_j/16.png]
11373{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jworksheet_j/32.png]
11374{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/jworksheet_j/64.png]
11375{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kacst_fonts/icon.hvif]
11376{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kapman/icon.hvif]
11377{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kapman_x86/icon.hvif]
11378{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kate/icon.hvif]
11379{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kate_x86/icon.hvif]
11380{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/katomic/icon.hvif]
11381{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/katomic_x86/icon.hvif]
11382{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kblocks/icon.hvif]
11383{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kblocks_x86/icon.hvif]
11384{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kbreakout/icon.hvif]
11385{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kbreakout_x86/icon.hvif]
11386{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcalc/icon.hvif]
11387{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcalc_x86/icon.hvif]
11388{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kchmviewer/icon.hvif]
11389{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kchmviewer_x86/icon.hvif]
11390{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcolor/16.png]
11391{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcolor/32.png]
11392{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kcolor/64.png]
11393{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdevelop/icon.hvif]
11394{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdevelop_x86/icon.hvif]
11395{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiamond/icon.hvif]
11396{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiamond_x86/icon.hvif]
11397{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3/16.png]
11398{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3/32.png]
11399{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3/64.png]
11400{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3_x86/16.png]
11401{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3_x86/32.png]
11402{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kdiff3_x86/64.png]
11403{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepalive/16.png]
11404{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepalive/32.png]
11405{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepalive/64.png]
11406{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepassx/icon.hvif]
11407{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepassxc/icon.hvif]
11408{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keepassxc_x86/icon.hvif]
11409{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keplerey_x86/16.png]
11410{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keplerey_x86/32.png]
11411{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keplerey_x86/64.png]
11412{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kexi/icon.hvif]
11413{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kexi_x86/icon.hvif]
11414{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keymapswitcher/icon.hvif]
11415{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/keymapswitcher_x86/icon.hvif]
11416{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kgoldrunner/icon.hvif]
11417{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kgoldrunner_x86/icon.hvif]
11418{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kicker/16.png]
11419{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kicker/32.png]
11420{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kicker/64.png]
11421{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kickflipbrkfont/icon.hvif]
11422{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kig/icon.hvif]
11423{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kigo/icon.hvif]
11424{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kigo_x86/icon.hvif]
11425{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kig_x86/icon.hvif]
11426{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kitchengardenaid_j/icon.hvif]
11427{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kjumpingcube/icon.hvif]
11428{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kjumpingcube_x86/icon.hvif]
11429{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klickety/icon.hvif]
11430{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klickety_x86/icon.hvif]
11431{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klines/icon.hvif]
11432{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/klines_x86/icon.hvif]
11433{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kmahjongg/icon.hvif]
11434{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kmahjongg_x86/icon.hvif]
11435{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knavalbattle/icon.hvif]
11436{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knavalbattle_x86/icon.hvif]
11437{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knewavefont/icon.hvif]
11438{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knights/icon.hvif]
11439{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/knights_x86/icon.hvif]
11440{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kobo/icon.hvif]
11441{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kobodeluxe/icon.hvif]
11442{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/koder/icon.hvif]
11443{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/koder_x86/icon.hvif]
11444{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kolourpaint/icon.hvif]
11445{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kolourpaint_x86/icon.hvif]
11446{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/komi/16.png]
11447{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/komi/32.png]
11448{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/komi/64.png]
11449{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/konsole/icon.hvif]
11450{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/konsole_x86/icon.hvif]
11451{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kreversi/icon.hvif]
11452{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kreversi_x86/icon.hvif]
11453{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krita/icon.hvif]
11454{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krita_x86/icon.hvif]
11455{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krusader/icon.hvif]
11456{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/krusader_x86/icon.hvif]
11457{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kshisen/icon.hvif]
11458{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kshisen_x86/icon.hvif]
11459{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kstars/icon.hvif]
11460{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kstars_x86/icon.hvif]
11461{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ksudoku/icon.hvif]
11462{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ksudoku_x86/icon.hvif]
11463{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktechlab/icon.hvif]
11464{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktechlab_x86/icon.hvif]
11465{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktorrent/icon.hvif]
11466{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktorrent_x86/icon.hvif]
11467{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktuberling/icon.hvif]
11468{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ktuberling_x86/icon.hvif]
11469{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwave/icon.hvif]
11470{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwave_x86/icon.hvif]
11471{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwrite/icon.hvif]
11472{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/kwrite_x86/icon.hvif]
11473{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lateef_font/icon.hvif]
11474{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latexdraw_j/16.png]
11475{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latexdraw_j/32.png]
11476{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latexdraw_j/64.png]
11477{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/latofonts/icon.hvif]
11478{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lato_fonts/icon.hvif]
11479{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/launchbar/16.png]
11480{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/launchbar/32.png]
11481{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/launchbar/64.png]
11482{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lava/icon.hvif]
11483{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lbackup/icon.hvif]
11484{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lbreakout2/icon.hvif]
11485{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaguegothicfont/icon.hvif]
11486{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaguescriptnr1font/icon.hvif]
11487{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaves/16.png]
11488{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaves/32.png]
11489{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leaves/64.png]
11490{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leibomber/16.png]
11491{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leibomber/32.png]
11492{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/leibomber/64.png]
11493{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lemontuesdayfont/icon.hvif]
11494{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lesserpasswords/16.png]
11495{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lesserpasswords/32.png]
11496{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lesserpasswords/64.png]
11497{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liberationfonts/icon.hvif]
11498{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liberation_fonts/icon.hvif]
11499{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libertine/icon.hvif]
11500{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4/icon.hvif]
11501{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4_devel/icon.hvif]
11502{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4_x86/icon.hvif]
11503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libqt4_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
11504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librecad/icon.hvif]
11505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librecad_x86/icon.hvif]
11506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libreoffice/icon.hvif]
11507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/libreoffice_x86/icon.hvif]
11508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librepcb/icon.hvif]
11509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/librepcb_x86/icon.hvif]
11510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liftoff/icon.hvif]
11511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightsoff/16.png]
11512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightsoff/32.png]
11513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightsoff/64.png]
11514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_64/16.png]
11515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_64/32.png]
11516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_x86/16.png]
11517{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_x86/32.png]
11518{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lightweight2_x86/64.png]
11519{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lingua/16.png]
11520{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lingua/32.png]
11521{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lingua/64.png]
11522{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/links/icon.hvif]
11523{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/links_x86/icon.hvif]
11524{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/linuxlibertinefonts/icon.hvif]
11525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liny/16.png]
11526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liny/32.png]
11527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/liny/64.png]
11528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/littleshell/16.png]
11529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/littleshell/32.png]
11530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/littleshell/64.png]
11531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm/icon.hvif]
11532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_clang/icon.hvif]
11533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_clang_analysis/icon.hvif]
11534{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_libs/icon.hvif]
11535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86/icon.hvif]
11536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86_clang/icon.hvif]
11537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86_clang_analysis/icon.hvif]
11538{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/llvm_x86_libs/icon.hvif]
11539{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lmarbles/icon.hvif]
11540{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lmms/icon.hvif]
11541{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lmms_x86/icon.hvif]
11542{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lnlauncher/16.png]
11543{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lnlauncher/32.png]
11544{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockdown/icon.hvif]
11545{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation/16.png]
11546{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation/32.png]
11547{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation/64.png]
11548{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation_old/16.png]
11549{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation_old/32.png]
11550{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lockworkstation_old/64.png]
11551{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lohit/icon.hvif]
11552{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lomtfonts/icon.hvif]
11553{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/loopdloop/icon.hvif]
11554{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lskat/icon.hvif]
11555{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lskat_x86/icon.hvif]
11556{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ltris/icon.hvif]
11557{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lugaru/icon.hvif]
11558{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lugaru_x86/icon.hvif]
11559{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lunasanctorum/16.png]
11560{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lunasanctorum/32.png]
11561{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lunasanctorum/64.png]
11562{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/luxofont/icon.hvif]
11563{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyapunovia/16.png]
11564{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyapunovia/32.png]
11565{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyapunovia/64.png]
11566{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyx/icon.hvif]
11567{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/lyx_x86/icon.hvif]
11568{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/madbomber/16.png]
11569{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/madbomber/32.png]
11570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/madbomber/64.png]
11571{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelfont/icon.hvif]
11572{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom/16.png]
11573{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom/32.png]
11574{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom/64.png]
11575{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom_x86/16.png]
11576{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom_x86/32.png]
11577{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maelstrom_x86/64.png]
11578{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/magnifyextreme/16.png]
11579{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/magnifyextreme/32.png]
11580{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/magnifyextreme/64.png]
11581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mahjongg/16.png]
11582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mahjongg/32.png]
11583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mahjongg/64.png]
11584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mailnews/icon.hvif]
11585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mailnews_devel/icon.hvif]
11586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/majob_j/icon.hvif]
11587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makagiga_j/16.png]
11588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makagiga_j/32.png]
11589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makem3u/16.png]
11590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makem3u/32.png]
11591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makem3u/64.png]
11592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/makingalistfont/icon.hvif]
11593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maps/icon.hvif]
11594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/marble/icon.hvif]
11595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/marble_x86/icon.hvif]
11596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mario_j/16.png]
11597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mario_j/32.png]
11598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mario_j/64.png]
11599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/martianmemory/16.png]
11600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/martianmemory/32.png]
11601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/martianmemory/64.png]
11602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/massfilerenamer/icon.hvif]
11603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/masspictureconverter/icon.hvif]
11604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/matchingcolumns/icon.hvif]
11605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/matching_columns/icon.hvif]
11606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mathomatic/16.png]
11607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mathomatic/32.png]
11608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mathomatic/64.png]
11609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maze/16.png]
11610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maze/32.png]
11611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/maze/64.png]
11612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mean/16.png]
11613{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mean/32.png]
11614{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mean/64.png]
11615{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/medo/icon.hvif]
11616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/meltdown/16.png]
11617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/meltdown/32.png]
11618{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/meltdown/64.png]
11619{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memochip/16.png]
11620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memochip/32.png]
11621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memochip/64.png]
11622{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory/16.png]
11623{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory/32.png]
11624{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory/64.png]
11625{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory_monitor/16.png]
11626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory_monitor/32.png]
11627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/memory_monitor/64.png]
11628{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mercurial/16.png]
11629{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mercurial/32.png]
11630{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mev/icon.hvif]
11631{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mfg_j/16.png]
11632{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mfg_j/32.png]
11633{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mfg_j/64.png]
11634{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midikeyboard/16.png]
11635{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midikeyboard/32.png]
11636{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midikeyboard/64.png]
11637{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midisynth/icon.hvif]
11638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midisynth_x86/icon.hvif]
11639{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midnightcommander/16.png]
11640{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midnightcommander/32.png]
11641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/midnightcommander/64.png]
11642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milkytracker/icon.hvif]
11643{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milo/16.png]
11644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milo/32.png]
11645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/milo/64.png]
11646{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minefield_x86/16.png]
11647{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minefield_x86/32.png]
11648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minefield_x86/64.png]
11649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minesweeper/icon.hvif]
11650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minetest/icon.hvif]
11651{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minetest_x86/icon.hvif]
11652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minimizeall/16.png]
11653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minimizeall/32.png]
11654{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minimizeall/64.png]
11655{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minipulse/16.png]
11656{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minipulse/32.png]
11657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/minipulse/64.png]
11658{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miracle/16.png]
11659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miracle/32.png]
11660{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miracle/64.png]
11661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrordraw_j/16.png]
11662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrordraw_j/32.png]
11663{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrordraw_j/64.png]
11664{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mirrormagic/icon.hvif]
11665{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miscdemos/16.png]
11666{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miscdemos/32.png]
11667{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/miscdemos/64.png]
11668{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/missilecommand/icon.hvif]
11669{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moe/16.png]
11670{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moe/32.png]
11671{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moleinvasion/16.png]
11672{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moleinvasion/32.png]
11673{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monkeystudio/icon.hvif]
11674{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monkeystudio_x86/icon.hvif]
11675{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monoglyceridefont/icon.hvif]
11676{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/monoid/icon.hvif]
11677{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moonlander/16.png]
11678{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moonlander/32.png]
11679{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moonlander/64.png]
11680{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/moriacitadelfont/icon.hvif]
11681{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motherearth/16.png]
11682{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motherearth/32.png]
11683{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motherearth/64.png]
11684{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/motivatormaker/icon.hvif]
11685{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/movetoparentfolder/16.png]
11686{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/movetoparentfolder/32.png]
11687{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/movetoparentfolder/64.png]
11688{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_en/16.png]
11689{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_en/32.png]
11690{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_en/64.png]
11691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_fr/16.png]
11692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_fr/32.png]
11693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpconvert_fr/64.png]
11694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpd/icon.hvif]
11695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mpd_x86/icon.hvif]
11696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mplayer/icon.hvif]
11697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mplayer_x86/icon.hvif]
11698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mplus/icon.hvif]
11699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mrpeeps/16.png]
11700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mrpeeps/32.png]
11701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mrpeeps/64.png]
11702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mstorage_j/16.png]
11703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mstorage_j/32.png]
11704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mstorage_j/64.png]
11705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/msttcorefonts/icon.hvif]
11706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mucommander_j/16.png]
11707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mucommander_j/32.png]
11708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mucommander_j/64.png]
11709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/multidocument_j/icon.hvif]
11710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/munchman/16.png]
11711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/munchman/32.png]
11712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/munchman/64.png]
11713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mupen64plus/icon.hvif]
11714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mupen64plus_x86/icon.hvif]
11715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/musescore/icon.hvif]
11716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/musescore_x86/icon.hvif]
11717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mustsee2be/16.png]
11718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mustsee2be/32.png]
11719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mycinema_64/16.png]
11720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mycinema_64/32.png]
11721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/mycinema_x86/icon.hvif]
11722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/my_pdfs/16.png]
11723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/my_pdfs/32.png]
11724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/my_pdfs/64.png]
11725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nafees_nastaleeq/icon.hvif]
11726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nafees_riqa/icon.hvif]
11727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanolink/16.png]
11728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanolink/32.png]
11729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanolink/64.png]
11730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanosvgtranslator/icon.hvif]
11731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanosvgtranslator_x86/icon.hvif]
11732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nanumfont/icon.hvif]
11733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/natrixcalc_x86/16.png]
11734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/natrixcalc_x86/32.png]
11735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/natrixcalc_x86/64.png]
11736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nazghul/16.png]
11737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nazghul/32.png]
11738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nazghul/64.png]
11739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nc_j/icon.hvif]
11740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne/16.png]
11741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne/32.png]
11742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne/64.png]
11743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/negateimage/16.png]
11744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/negateimage/32.png]
11745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/negateimage/64.png]
11746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nekrokidsfont/icon.hvif]
11747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nerdkill/16.png]
11748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nerdkill/32.png]
11749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nerdkill/64.png]
11750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nervetonicfont/icon.hvif]
11751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netbeans_j/16.png]
11752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netbeans_j/32.png]
11753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netbeans_j/64.png]
11754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netfs_control/icon.hvif]
11755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netoptimist/16.png]
11756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netoptimist/32.png]
11757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netoptimist/64.png]
11758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netpenguin/icon.hvif]
11759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netpulse/icon.hvif]
11760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netsurf/icon.hvif]
11761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/netsurf_x86/icon.hvif]
11762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/networktime/16.png]
11763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/networktime/32.png]
11764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/networktime/64.png]
11765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/neverball/icon.hvif]
11766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/neverball_x86/icon.hvif]
11767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne_x86/16.png]
11768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne_x86/32.png]
11769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ne_x86/64.png]
11770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nightandday/icon.hvif]
11771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ninjanarutofont/icon.hvif]
11772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/njam/16.png]
11773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/njam/32.png]
11774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/njam/64.png]
11775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nodeinspector/16.png]
11776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nodeinspector/32.png]
11777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nodeinspector/64.png]
11778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nomacs/icon.hvif]
11779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nomacs_x86/icon.hvif]
11780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noose/icon.hvif]
11781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notanothertetrisgame/icon.hvif]
11782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notanothertetrisgame_j/icon.hvif]
11783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notepadqq/icon.hvif]
11784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/notepadqq_x86/icon.hvif]
11785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto/icon.hvif]
11786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_chroscore/icon.hvif]
11787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_condensed/icon.hvif]
11788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_regional/icon.hvif]
11789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk/icon.hvif]
11790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_jp/icon.hvif]
11791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_kr/icon.hvif]
11792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_sc/icon.hvif]
11793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noto_sans_cjk_tc/icon.hvif]
11794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noughtsandcrosses/16.png]
11795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noughtsandcrosses/32.png]
11796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/noughtsandcrosses/64.png]
11797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nplay/16.png]
11798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nplay/32.png]
11799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nplay/64.png]
11800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nullpointerfont/icon.hvif]
11801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/number1ichirofont/icon.hvif]
11802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/numptyphysics/icon.hvif]
11803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvj_j/16.png]
11804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvj_j/32.png]
11805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvj_j/64.png]
11806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nvu/icon.hvif]
11807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nxengine/icon.hvif]
11808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/nxengine_x86/icon.hvif]
11809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml/16.png]
11810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml/32.png]
11811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml_x86/16.png]
11812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ocaml_x86/32.png]
11813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/octaviofont/icon.hvif]
11814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/octicityfont/icon.hvif]
11815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/officejunkfont/icon.hvif]
11816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ogapp/icon.hvif]
11817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ogapp_64/icon.hvif]
11818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/okular/icon.hvif]
11819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/okular_devel/icon.hvif]
11820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/okular_x86/icon.hvif]
11821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/oneconstantfont/icon.hvif]
11822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openal_tools/icon.hvif]
11823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openal_x86_tools/icon.hvif]
11824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openarena/icon.hvif]
11825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openarena_x86/icon.hvif]
11826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openbaskervillefont/icon.hvif]
11827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclaw/icon.hvif]
11828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclaw_x86/icon.hvif]
11829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclonk/icon.hvif]
11830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openclonk_x86/icon.hvif]
11831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk/icon.hvif]
11832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk8_jre/icon.hvif]
11833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk_x86/icon.hvif]
11834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjdk_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
11835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_academy/icon.hvif]
11836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_academy_x86/icon.hvif]
11837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_outcast/icon.hvif]
11838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openjk_outcast_x86/icon.hvif]
11839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openmw/icon.hvif]
11840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openmw_x86/icon.hvif]
11841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openoriginpackage/icon.hvif]
11842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_64/16.png]
11843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_64/32.png]
11844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_x86/16.png]
11845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_x86/32.png]
11846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openpref_x86/64.png]
11847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/open_sans/icon.hvif]
11848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opensansfont/icon.hvif]
11849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openshot/icon.hvif]
11850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opensyobonaction/icon.hvif]
11851{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opensyobonaction_x86/icon.hvif]
11852{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openttd/icon.hvif]
11853{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/openttd_x86/icon.hvif]
11854{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opera/16.png]
11855{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opera/32.png]
11856{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/opera/64.png]
11857{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/orbitronfont/icon.hvif]
11858{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ordrumbox_j/icon.hvif]
11859{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/organizer/16.png]
11860{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/organizer/32.png]
11861{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ostrichsansfont/icon.hvif]
11862{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/otter_browser/icon.hvif]
11863{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/otter_browser_x86/icon.hvif]
11864{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ottofont/icon.hvif]
11865{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/outersiderfont/icon.hvif]
11866{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/overhaulfont/icon.hvif]
11867{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/overpass/icon.hvif]
11868{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/oxo/icon.hvif]
11869{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pac/16.png]
11870{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pac/32.png]
11871{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pac/64.png]
11872{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pachi/16.png]
11873{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pachi/32.png]
11874{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pachi/64.png]
11875{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packagebuilder/icon.hvif]
11876{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packomatics/16.png]
11877{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packomatics/32.png]
11878{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/packomatics/64.png]
11879{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pager/16.png]
11880{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pager/32.png]
11881{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pager/64.png]
11882{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_64/16.png]
11883{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_64/32.png]
11884{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_x86/16.png]
11885{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_x86/32.png]
11886{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/painter_pl_x86/64.png]
11887{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/palaceofshadows_j/16.png]
11888{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/palaceofshadows_j/32.png]
11889{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/palaceofshadows_j/64.png]
11890{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paladin/icon.hvif]
11891{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paladin_x86/icon.hvif]
11892{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paledit/icon.hvif]
11893{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/panodemo/16.png]
11894{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/panodemo/32.png]
11895{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/panodemo/64.png]
11896{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/papercutfont/icon.hvif]
11897{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/paratype/icon.hvif]
11898{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/party/16.png]
11899{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/party/32.png]
11900{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/party/64.png]
11901{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/patience_x86/16.png]
11902{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/patience_x86/32.png]
11903{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/patience_x86/64.png]
11904{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pauker_j/16.png]
11905{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pauker_j/32.png]
11906{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pauker_j/64.png]
11907{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcmanfm_qt/icon.hvif]
11908{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcsecrets_j/16.png]
11909{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcsecrets_j/32.png]
11910{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pcsecrets_j/64.png]
11911{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pdftranslator/icon.hvif]
11912{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pdftranslator_x86/icon.hvif]
11913{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pe/icon.hvif]
11914{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecobeat/16.png]
11915{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecobeat/32.png]
11916{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecobeat/64.png]
11917{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pecorename/icon.hvif]
11918{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege/icon.hvif]
11919{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peg_e/icon.hvif]
11920{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_64/16.png]
11921{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_64/32.png]
11922{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_x86/16.png]
11923{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_x86/32.png]
11924{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pege5_x86/64.png]
11925{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peg_e_x86/icon.hvif]
11926{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peki_j/16.png]
11927{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peki_j/32.png]
11928{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peki_j/64.png]
11929{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pellespatience/16.png]
11930{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pellespatience/32.png]
11931{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pellespatience/64.png]
11932{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pencil/icon.hvif]
11933{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pencil_x86/icon.hvif]
11934{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincards_j/icon.hvif]
11935{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincommand/16.png]
11936{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincommand/32.png]
11937{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguincommand/64.png]
11938{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguin_command/16.png]
11939{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/penguin_command/32.png]
11940{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/perl/16.png]
11941{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/perl/32.png]
11942{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/peterbuiltfont/icon.hvif]
11943{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photivo/icon.hvif]
11944{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photivo_x86/icon.hvif]
11945{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photograbber/icon.hvif]
11946{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/16.png]
11947{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/32.png]
11948{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/photoresizerqt_x86/64.png]
11949{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/phototonic/icon.hvif]
11950{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/phototonic_x86/icon.hvif]
11951{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picard/icon.hvif]
11952{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picard_x86/icon.hvif]
11953{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picky/16.png]
11954{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/picky/32.png]
11955{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pingus/icon.hvif]
11956{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pingus_x86/icon.hvif]
11957{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pipepanic/icon.hvif]
11958{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pirate/16.png]
11959{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pirate/32.png]
11960{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pirate/64.png]
11961{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixelitor_j/16.png]
11962{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixelitor_j/32.png]
11963{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixelitor_j/64.png]
11964{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixie/16.png]
11965{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixie/32.png]
11966{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pixie/64.png]
11967{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playdoughfont/icon.hvif]
11968{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlister/16.png]
11969{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlister/32.png]
11970{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlister/64.png]
11971{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlistmaker/16.png]
11972{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlistmaker/32.png]
11973{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/playlistmaker/64.png]
11974{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/plumecreator_x86/16.png]
11975{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/plumecreator_x86/32.png]
11976{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/plumecreator_x86/64.png]
11977{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pmmp/16.png]
11978{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pmmp/32.png]
11979{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pmmp/64.png]
11980{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pocketcalculator_j/icon.hvif]
11981{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/polaroidimage/icon.hvif]
11982{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ponpokodiff/icon.hvif]
11983{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka/16.png]
11984{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka/32.png]
11985{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka/64.png]
11986{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pooka_j/icon.hvif]
11987{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql/icon.hvif]
11988{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql_devel/icon.hvif]
11989{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql_x86/icon.hvif]
11990{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/postgresql_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
11991{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/powermanga/16.png]
11992{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/powermanga/32.png]
11993{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/powermanga/64.png]
11994{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsee_j/16.png]
11995{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsee_j/32.png]
11996{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsee_j/64.png]
11997{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsspp/icon.hvif]
11998{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ppsspp_x86/icon.hvif]
11999{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/preflaunch/16.png]
12000{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/preflaunch/32.png]
12001{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/preflaunch/64.png]
12002{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretendo/16.png]
12003{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretendo/32.png]
12004{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretendo/64.png]
12005{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/pretzelfont/icon.hvif]
12006{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/procload/16.png]
12007{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/procload/32.png]
12008{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/procload/64.png]
12009{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectconceptor/16.png]
12010{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectconceptor/32.png]
12011{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectlibre_j/16.png]
12012{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectlibre_j/32.png]
12013{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/projectlibre_j/64.png]
12014{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/protrekkr_x86/16.png]
12015{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/protrekkr_x86/32.png]
12016{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/psi_plus/icon.hvif]
12017{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/psi_plus_x86/icon.hvif]
12018{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puggle_j/16.png]
12019{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puggle_j/32.png]
12020{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puggle_j/64.png]
12021{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_en/16.png]
12022{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_en/32.png]
12023{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_en/64.png]
12024{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_fr/16.png]
12025{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_fr/32.png]
12026{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puissance4_fr/64.png]
12027{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puri/icon.hvif]
12028{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puri_x86/icon.hvif]
12029{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puzzle15/16.png]
12030{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puzzle15/32.png]
12031{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/puzzle15/64.png]
12032{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/python/icon.hvif]
12033{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/q/icon.hvif]
12034{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qaceedit_x86/16.png]
12035{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qaceedit_x86/32.png]
12036{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qaceedit_x86/64.png]
12037{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbittorrent/icon.hvif]
12038{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbittorrent_x86/icon.hvif]
12039{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbrows_x86/16.png]
12040{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbrows_x86/32.png]
12041{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qbrows_x86/64.png]
12042{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcad/icon.hvif]
12043{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcad_x86/icon.hvif]
12044{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcodecs_x86/16.png]
12045{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcodecs_x86/32.png]
12046{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qcodecs_x86/64.png]
12047{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qelectrotech/icon.hvif]
12048{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qelectrotech_x86/icon.hvif]
12049{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemacs/icon.hvif]
12050{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu/icon.hvif]
12051{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_arm/icon.hvif]
12052{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_m68k/icon.hvif]
12053{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_mips/icon.hvif]
12054{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_ppc/icon.hvif]
12055{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_sparc/icon.hvif]
12056{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86/icon.hvif]
12057{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86/16.png]
12058{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86/32.png]
12059{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_arm/icon.hvif]
12060{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_m68k/icon.hvif]
12061{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_mips/icon.hvif]
12062{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_ppc/icon.hvif]
12063{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_sparc/icon.hvif]
12064{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_x86/icon.hvif]
12065{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_x86/16.png]
12066{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qemu_x86_x86/32.png]
12067{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qeodart_x86/16.png]
12068{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qeodart_x86/32.png]
12069{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qeodart_x86/64.png]
12070{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_64/16.png]
12071{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_64/32.png]
12072{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_x86/16.png]
12073{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_x86/32.png]
12074{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgameoflife_x86/64.png]
12075{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/16.png]
12076{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/32.png]
12077{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstatzenta_x86/64.png]
12078{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/16.png]
12079{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/32.png]
12080{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qgreatstweightcalculator_x86/64.png]
12081{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_64/16.png]
12082{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_64/32.png]
12083{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_x86/16.png]
12084{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_x86/32.png]
12085{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qiviewer_x86/64.png]
12086{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmediainfo_x86/icon.hvif]
12087{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmetro_x86/16.png]
12088{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmetro_x86/32.png]
12089{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmetro_x86/64.png]
12090{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp/icon.hvif]
12091{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp_devel/icon.hvif]
12092{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp_x86/icon.hvif]
12093{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmmp_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
12094{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmplay2/icon.hvif]
12095{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qmplay2_x86/icon.hvif]
12096{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qorganizer/icon.hvif]
12097{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_64/16.png]
12098{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_64/32.png]
12099{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpassgen_64/icon.hvif]
12100{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpassgen_x86/icon.hvif]
12101{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_x86/16.png]
12102{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_x86/32.png]
12103{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpass_x86/64.png]
12104{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpdfview/icon.hvif]
12105{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qpdfview_x86/icon.hvif]
12106{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_64/16.png]
12107{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_64/32.png]
12108{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_x86/16.png]
12109{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_x86/32.png]
12110{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qperiodictable_x86/64.png]
12111{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qputty/icon.hvif]
12112{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qputty_x86/icon.hvif]
12113{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qscope/16.png]
12114{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qscope/32.png]
12115{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_64/16.png]
12116{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_64/32.png]
12117{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/16.png]
12118{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/32.png]
12119{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsimplesheet_x86/64.png]
12120{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards/icon.hvif]
12121{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards_64/16.png]
12122{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards_64/32.png]
12123{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qsolocards_x86/icon.hvif]
12124{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5/icon.hvif]
12125{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_devel/icon.hvif]
12126{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_docs/icon.hvif]
12127{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_examples/icon.hvif]
12128{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_tools/icon.hvif]
12129{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86/icon.hvif]
12130{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
12131{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_docs/icon.hvif]
12132{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_examples/icon.hvif]
12133{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt5_x86_tools/icon.hvif]
12134{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt_creator/icon.hvif]
12135{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qt_creator_x86/icon.hvif]
12136{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qthaikuplugins/icon.hvif]
12137{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qthaikuplugins_x86/icon.hvif]
12138{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtox/icon.hvif]
12139{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtox_x86/icon.hvif]
12140{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtrehber_x86/16.png]
12141{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtrehber_x86/32.png]
12142{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtrehber_x86/64.png]
12143{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtwister_x86/16.png]
12144{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtwister_x86/32.png]
12145{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qtwister_x86/64.png]
12146{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quadro/16.png]
12147{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quadro/32.png]
12148{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quadro/64.png]
12149{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quassel/icon.hvif]
12150{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quassel_x86/icon.hvif]
12151{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quaternion/icon.hvif]
12152{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quaternion_x86/icon.hvif]
12153{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickasciiconverter/16.png]
12154{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickasciiconverter/32.png]
12155{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickasciiconverter/64.png]
12156{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicklaunch/icon.hvif]
12157{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickres/icon.hvif]
12158{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickshutdown/16.png]
12159{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickshutdown/32.png]
12160{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quickshutdown/64.png]
12161{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicktour/icon.hvif]
12162{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicky/icon.hvif]
12163{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicky_64/icon.hvif]
12164{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quicky_x86/icon.hvif]
12165{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quimup/icon.hvif]
12166{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quimup_x86/icon.hvif]
12167{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quiterss/icon.hvif]
12168{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/quiterss_x86/icon.hvif]
12169{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qupzilla/icon.hvif]
12170{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qupzilla_x86/icon.hvif]
12171{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutebrowser/icon.hvif]
12172{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutebrowser_x86/icon.hvif]
12173{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutim/icon.hvif]
12174{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qutim_x86/icon.hvif]
12175{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qvim/icon.hvif]
12176{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qvim_x86/icon.hvif]
12177{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qwinff/icon.hvif]
12178{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/qwinff_x86/icon.hvif]
12179{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/randomizer/icon.hvif]
12180{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rawaes/icon.hvif]
12181{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rdesktop/icon.hvif]
12182{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/realplayer/16.png]
12183{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/realplayer/32.png]
12184{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/realplayer/64.png]
12185{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rebeccafont/icon.hvif]
12186{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/recibe/16.png]
12187{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/recibe/32.png]
12188{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/recibe/64.png]
12189{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reflexio/16.png]
12190{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reflexio/32.png]
12191{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reflexio/64.png]
12192{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/remember/icon.hvif]
12193{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/remember_x86/icon.hvif]
12194{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reminiscence/16.png]
12195{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reminiscence/32.png]
12196{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reminiscence/64.png]
12197{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/remixfont/icon.hvif]
12198{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rename/icon.hvif]
12199{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/replicat/16.png]
12200{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/replicat/32.png]
12201{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/replicat/64.png]
12202{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/repliman/16.png]
12203{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/repliman/32.png]
12204{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/repliman/64.png]
12205{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/residualvm/icon.hvif]
12206{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/residualvm_x86/icon.hvif]
12207{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/resourcer/16.png]
12208{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/resourcer/32.png]
12209{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/restorizer_gcc2/icon.hvif]
12210{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retawq/16.png]
12211{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retawq/32.png]
12212{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retawq/64.png]
12213{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext/16.png]
12214{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext/32.png]
12215{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext_x86/16.png]
12216{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retext_x86/32.png]
12217{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroarch/icon.hvif]
12218{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroarch_x86/icon.hvif]
12219{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroarch_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
12220{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/retroshare/icon.hvif]
12221{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reverzi/16.png]
12222{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reverzi/32.png]
12223{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/reverzi/64.png]
12224{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rgbblur/16.png]
12225{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rgbblur/32.png]
12226{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rgbblur/64.png]
12227{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ringarochkryss/16.png]
12228{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ringarochkryss/32.png]
12229{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ringarochkryss/64.png]
12230{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rmsquarial3dfont/icon.hvif]
12231{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/roboto/icon.hvif]
12232{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/robotofont/icon.hvif]
12233{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rocksndiamonds/icon.hvif]
12234{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rocksndiamonds_x86/icon.hvif]
12235{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rollemup/16.png]
12236{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rollemup/32.png]
12237{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rollemup/64.png]
12238{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rommt/16.png]
12239{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rommt/32.png]
12240{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rommt/64.png]
12241{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rondel/icon.hvif]
12242{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rotateimage/icon.hvif]
12243{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rpg/16.png]
12244{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rpg/32.png]
12245{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rpg/64.png]
12246{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rtext_j/icon.hvif]
12247{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/rudimentfont/icon.hvif]
12248{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/running/16.png]
12249{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/running/32.png]
12250{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/running/64.png]
12251{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/runprogram/16.png]
12252{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/runprogram/32.png]
12253{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sambaisdeadfont/icon.hvif]
12254{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/samegame_x86/icon.hvif]
12255{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sanctuaryfont/icon.hvif]
12256{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sanity/icon.hvif]
12257{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sanity_x86/icon.hvif]
12258{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sardoria/16.png]
12259{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sardoria/32.png]
12260{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sardoria/64.png]
12261{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sasteroids/16.png]
12262{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sasteroids/32.png]
12263{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sasteroids/64.png]
12264{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sawteeth/icon.hvif]
12265{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scheherazade_font/icon.hvif]
12266{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_64/16.png]
12267{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_64/32.png]
12268{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_64/64.png]
12269{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_x86/16.png]
12270{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_x86/32.png]
12271{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/schismtracker_x86/64.png]
12272{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scim/16.png]
12273{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scim/32.png]
12274{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scim/64.png]
12275{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scons/icon.hvif]
12276{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scratchedlettersfont/icon.hvif]
12277{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scribus/icon.hvif]
12278{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scribus_devel/icon.hvif]
12279{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scribus_x86/icon.hvif]
12280{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptassistant/icon.hvif]
12281{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide/16.png]
12282{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide/32.png]
12283{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide/64.png]
12284{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide_x86/16.png]
12285{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide_x86/32.png]
12286{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptureguide_x86/64.png]
12287{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptworld/16.png]
12288{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptworld/32.png]
12289{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scriptworld/64.png]
12290{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scummvm/icon.hvif]
12291{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/scummvm_x86/icon.hvif]
12292{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdllopan/icon.hvif]
12293{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlpop/icon.hvif]
12294{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlpop_x86/icon.hvif]
12295{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlscavenger/16.png]
12296{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sdlscavenger/32.png]
12297{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seamonkey/16.png]
12298{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seamonkey/32.png]
12299{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seamonkey/64.png]
12300{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seattleavenuefont/icon.hvif]
12301{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seeker/16.png]
12302{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/seeker/32.png]
12303{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sequitur/icon.hvif]
12304{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/serious_sam/icon.hvif]
12305{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/serious_sam_x86/icon.hvif]
12306{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/setpermissions/icon.hvif]
12307{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sevenhoursfont/icon.hvif]
12308{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sharptools/icon.hvif]
12309{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ships/icon.hvif]
12310{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/showpeople/16.png]
12311{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/showpeople/32.png]
12312{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/showpeople/64.png]
12313{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shredder/16.png]
12314{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shredder/32.png]
12315{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shredder/64.png]
12316{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflenumbers/icon.hvif]
12317{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepicture/icon.hvif]
12318{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepuzzle/16.png]
12319{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepuzzle/32.png]
12320{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/shufflepuzzle/64.png]
12321{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sidplayer/16.png]
12322{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sidplayer/32.png]
12323{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sidplayer/64.png]
12324{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sierranevadaroadfont/icon.hvif]
12325{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sigil/icon.hvif]
12326{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sigil_x86/icon.hvif]
12327{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/silunicodefonts/icon.hvif]
12328{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simian_j/icon.hvif]
12329{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplebackup/16.png]
12330{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplebackup/32.png]
12331{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplebackup/64.png]
12332{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleslides/16.png]
12333{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleslides/32.png]
12334{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleslides/64.png]
12335{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpletimer/16.png]
12336{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpletimer/32.png]
12337{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleview/16.png]
12338{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleview/32.png]
12339{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simpleview/64.png]
12340{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_gcc2/16.png]
12341{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_gcc2/32.png]
12342{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_gcc2/64.png]
12343{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simplyhtml_j/icon.hvif]
12344{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu/icon.hvif]
12345{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu_64/16.png]
12346{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu_64/32.png]
12347{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simsu_x86/icon.hvif]
12348{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simulide/icon.hvif]
12349{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simulide_x86/icon.hvif]
12350{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans/16.png]
12351{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans/32.png]
12352{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans/64.png]
12353{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans_x86/16.png]
12354{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans_x86/32.png]
12355{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/simutrans_x86/64.png]
12356{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sintegrialtexteditor/icon.hvif]
12357{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sisong/16.png]
12358{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sisong/32.png]
12359{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sisong/64.png]
12360{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sketchel_j/16.png]
12361{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sketchel_j/32.png]
12362{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sketchel_j/64.png]
12363{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skympc/icon.hvif]
12364{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skympc_x86/icon.hvif]
12365{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skyorb/16.png]
12366{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/skyorb/32.png]
12367{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slavemind/16.png]
12368{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slavemind/32.png]
12369{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slavemind/64.png]
12370{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slayer/icon.hvif]
12371{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slidey/16.png]
12372{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slidey/32.png]
12373{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slidey/64.png]
12374{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/slimevolley/icon.hvif]
12375{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smalltextpad_j/16.png]
12376{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smalltextpad_j/32.png]
12377{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smalltextpad_j/64.png]
12378{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smartcopy/16.png]
12379{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smartcopy/32.png]
12380{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smartcopy/64.png]
12381{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smplayer/icon.hvif]
12382{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/smplayer_x86/icon.hvif]
12383{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snapshot/16.png]
12384{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snapshot/32.png]
12385{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snapshot/64.png]
12386{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snigletfont/icon.hvif]
12387{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/snowfall/icon.hvif]
12388{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sokobe/icon.hvif]
12389{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitair/icon.hvif]
12390{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire/16.png]
12391{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire/32.png]
12392{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire/64.png]
12393{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire_mahjong/icon.hvif]
12394{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/solitaire_mahjong_x86/icon.hvif]
12395{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sortsave/icon.hvif]
12396{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/soundplay/icon.hvif]
12397{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/source_pro/icon.hvif]
12398{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/speedcrunch/icon.hvif]
12399{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/speedcrunch_x86/icon.hvif]
12400{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/speedwayfont/icon.hvif]
12401{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/spirograph/16.png]
12402{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/spirograph/32.png]
12403{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/spirograph/64.png]
12404{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite/16.png]
12405{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite/32.png]
12406{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlitebrowser/icon.hvif]
12407{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlitebrowser_x86/icon.hvif]
12408{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_devel/16.png]
12409{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_devel/32.png]
12410{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86/16.png]
12411{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86/32.png]
12412{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_devel/16.png]
12413{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_devel/32.png]
12414{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2/16.png]
12415{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2/32.png]
12416{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2_devel/16.png]
12417{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sqlite_x86_gcc2_devel/32.png]
12418{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/squash_x86/icon.hvif]
12419{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stardate_j/16.png]
12420{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stardate_j/32.png]
12421{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stardate_j/64.png]
12422{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/starter/16.png]
12423{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/starter/32.png]
12424{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/starter/64.png]
12425{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/step/icon.hvif]
12426{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/step_x86/icon.hvif]
12427{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stercus/16.png]
12428{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stercus/32.png]
12429{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stickit/16.png]
12430{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stickit/32.png]
12431{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stlover/icon.hvif]
12432{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stlover_x86/icon.hvif]
12433{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stone/16.png]
12434{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stone/32.png]
12435{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stone/64.png]
12436{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stopwatch/icon.hvif]
12437{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/streamradio/icon.hvif]
12438{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/study/16.png]
12439{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/study/32.png]
12440{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/study/64.png]
12441{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/stylededitplus/icon.hvif]
12442{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/subnamer_x86/16.png]
12443{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/subnamer_x86/32.png]
12444{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/subnamer_x86/64.png]
12445{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sudokuki_j/icon.hvif]
12446{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sujetafont/icon.hvif]
12447{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sum_it/icon.hvif]
12448{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sunbird/16.png]
12449{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sunbird/32.png]
12450{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sunbird/64.png]
12451{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/superfreecell/icon.hvif]
12452{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/superfreecell_x86/icon.hvif]
12453{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/superprefs/icon.hvif]
12454{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux/16.png]
12455{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux/32.png]
12456{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertuxkart/icon.hvif]
12457{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertuxkart_x86/icon.hvif]
12458{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux_x86/16.png]
12459{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/supertux_x86/32.png]
12460{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_64/16.png]
12461{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_64/32.png]
12462{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_x86/16.png]
12463{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_x86/32.png]
12464{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/suqoku_x86/64.png]
12465{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/survivantfont/icon.hvif]
12466{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/svm/16.png]
12467{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/svm/32.png]
12468{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/svm/64.png]
12469{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/symbola/icon.hvif]
12470{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/symetrie/icon.hvif]
12471{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/sync_modular/icon.hvif]
12472{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/synkron_x86/16.png]
12473{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/synkron_x86/32.png]
12474{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/synkron_x86/64.png]
12475{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemanalysistool/icon.hvif]
12476{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systeminfo/16.png]
12477{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systeminfo/32.png]
12478{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systeminfo/64.png]
12479{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmixers/16.png]
12480{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmixers/32.png]
12481{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmixers/64.png]
12482{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmonitor/16.png]
12483{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmonitor/32.png]
12484{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/systemmonitor/64.png]
12485{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tab2sp/16.png]
12486{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tab2sp/32.png]
12487{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tab2sp/64.png]
12488{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/takenotes/icon.hvif]
12489{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tallymarkfont/icon.hvif]
12490{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tanked/icon.hvif]
12491{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tankgame/16.png]
12492{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tankgame/32.png]
12493{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tankgame/64.png]
12494{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taotechingverse/16.png]
12495{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taotechingverse/32.png]
12496{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taotechingverse/64.png]
12497{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tarbackup_x86/16.png]
12498{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tarbackup_x86/32.png]
12499{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tarbackup_x86/64.png]
12500{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taresizer/icon.hvif]
12501{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taskmanager/16.png]
12502{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taskmanager/32.png]
12503{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/taskmanager/64.png]
12504{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tbe/icon.hvif]
12505{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tbe_x86/icon.hvif]
12506{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tea_64/icon.hvif]
12507{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/technetiumfont/icon.hvif]
12508{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/technooverloadfont/icon.hvif]
12509{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/teeii/16.png]
12510{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/teeii/32.png]
12511{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/teeii/64.png]
12512{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/telegram_desktop/icon.hvif]
12513{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/telegram_desktop_x86/icon.hvif]
12514{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/terminus_ttf/icon.hvif]
12515{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tetris/16.png]
12516{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tetris/32.png]
12517{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tetris/64.png]
12518{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texgyrefonts/icon.hvif]
12519{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmacs/icon.hvif]
12520{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmacs_x86/icon.hvif]
12521{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmaker/icon.hvif]
12522{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texmaker_x86/icon.hvif]
12523{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texstudio/icon.hvif]
12524{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texstudio_x86/icon.hvif]
12525{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/16.png]
12526{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/32.png]
12527{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/texteditorplusplus_j/64.png]
12528{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/textlab/icon.hvif]
12529{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/textsaver/icon.hvif]
12530{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tgttos/16.png]
12531{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tgttos/32.png]
12532{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tgttos/64.png]
12533{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thad/16.png]
12534{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thad/32.png]
12535{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thegurufont/icon.hvif]
12536{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thememanager/icon.hvif]
12537{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thumb/icon.hvif]
12538{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/thumbnail/icon.hvif]
12539{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe/16.png]
12540{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe/32.png]
12541{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe_sdl/16.png]
12542{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe_sdl/32.png]
12543{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tictactoe_sdl/64.png]
12544{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/16.png]
12545{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/32.png]
12546{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ticworkspaceindicator/64.png]
12547{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide/16.png]
12548{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide/32.png]
12549{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide/64.png]
12550{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide_j/16.png]
12551{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide_j/32.png]
12552{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tide_j/64.png]
12553{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tile/16.png]
12554{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tile/32.png]
12555{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tile/64.png]
12556{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timecop/16.png]
12557{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timecop/32.png]
12558{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timecop/64.png]
12559{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timeslottracker_j/16.png]
12560{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timeslottracker_j/32.png]
12561{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timeslottracker_j/64.png]
12562{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timetracker/16.png]
12563{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timetracker/32.png]
12564{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/timetracker/64.png]
12565{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tinput/icon.hvif]
12566{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tinytim/icon.hvif]
12567{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tipster/icon.hvif]
12568{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toab/16.png]
12569{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toab/32.png]
12570{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toab/64.png]
12571{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tolmach/16.png]
12572{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tolmach/32.png]
12573{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tolmach/64.png]
12574{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toner/16.png]
12575{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toner/32.png]
12576{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tongits/16.png]
12577{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tongits/32.png]
12578{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tongits/64.png]
12579{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/topekafont/icon.hvif]
12580{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/toppler/icon.hvif]
12581{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tournamentmaker_j/16.png]
12582{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tournamentmaker_j/32.png]
12583{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tournamentmaker_j/64.png]
12584{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tr2nfont/icon.hvif]
12585{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tracerelay/16.png]
12586{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tracerelay/32.png]
12587{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tracerelay/64.png]
12588{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackergrep/16.png]
12589{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackergrep/32.png]
12590{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackergrep/64.png]
12591{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trackgit/icon.hvif]
12592{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/transmission/icon.hvif]
12593{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/transmission_x86/icon.hvif]
12594{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/transuraniumfont/icon.hvif]
12595{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trax/16.png]
12596{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trax/32.png]
12597{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trax/64.png]
12598{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/triangulorfont/icon.hvif]
12599{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trimines/16.png]
12600{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trimines/32.png]
12601{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trimines/64.png]
12602{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trojita/icon.hvif]
12603{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trojita_x86/icon.hvif]
12604{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/trope/icon.hvif]
12605{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_64/16.png]
12606{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_64/32.png]
12607{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_x86/16.png]
12608{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_x86/32.png]
12609{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tttfh_x86/64.png]
12610{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_64/16.png]
12611{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_64/32.png]
12612{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_x86/16.png]
12613{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_x86/32.png]
12614{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tubularix_x86/64.png]
12615{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/turnoffthelight/16.png]
12616{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/turnoffthelight/32.png]
12617{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/turnoffthelight/64.png]
12618{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tutorialfinder/icon.hvif]
12619{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxcards/icon.hvif]
12620{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxcards_x86/icon.hvif]
12621{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxmath/icon.hvif]
12622{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxmath_x86/icon.hvif]
12623{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpaint/icon.hvif]
12624{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpaint_x86/icon.hvif]
12625{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpuck/16.png]
12626{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpuck/32.png]
12627{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxpuck/64.png]
12628{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtype2/icon.hvif]
12629{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtype2_x86/icon.hvif]
12630{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtyping/16.png]
12631{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtyping/32.png]
12632{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tuxtyping/64.png]
12633{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/tworld/icon.hvif]
12634{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txt2regex/16.png]
12635{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txt2regex/32.png]
12636{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txt2regex/64.png]
12637{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txtreader_x86/16.png]
12638{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txtreader_x86/32.png]
12639{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/txtreader_x86/64.png]
12640{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubertuber/icon.hvif]
12641{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubiquityfont/icon.hvif]
12642{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubuntufont/icon.hvif]
12643{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ubuntu_font_family/icon.hvif]
12644{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/uhexen2/icon.hvif]
12645{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ukijorgfonts/icon.hvif]
12646{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ultimatecalc_j/icon.hvif]
12647{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ultradv/16.png]
12648{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ultradv/32.png]
12649{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/umbrello/icon.hvif]
12650{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/umbrello_x86/icon.hvif]
12651{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unanimousfont/icon.hvif]
12652{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn/icon.hvif]
12653{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn_debuginfo/icon.hvif]
12654{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn_devel/icon.hvif]
12655{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unicorn_python/icon.hvif]
12656{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unifont/icon.hvif]
12657{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unrar/icon.hvif]
12658{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unrar_devel/icon.hvif]
12659{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/unrar_x86/icon.hvif]
12660{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/uploadit/icon.hvif]
12661{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/usbdeskbar/icon.hvif]
12662{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/userdocs_imagemagick_en/icon.hvif]
12663{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/userdocs_lyx_en/icon.hvif]
12664{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/userdocs_multitalk_en/icon.hvif]
12665{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vacuum/icon.hvif]
12666{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vacuum_x86/icon.hvif]
12667{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/valentina/icon.hvif]
12668{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/valentina_x86/icon.hvif]
12669{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/valkyrofont/icon.hvif]
12670{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vandelay/16.png]
12671{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vandelay/32.png]
12672{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vandelay/64.png]
12673{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vangers/icon.hvif]
12674{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vangers_x86/icon.hvif]
12675{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vectoroids/16.png]
12676{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vectoroids/32.png]
12677{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vectoroids/64.png]
12678{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/videopro/16.png]
12679{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/videopro/32.png]
12680{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/videopro/64.png]
12681{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vietpad_j/icon.hvif]
12682{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/viewit/16.png]
12683{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/viewit/32.png]
12684{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/viewit/64.png]
12685{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vifm/icon.hvif]
12686{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vifm_x86/icon.hvif]
12687{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vignetteimage/icon.hvif]
12688{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vim/icon.hvif]
12689{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vim_x86/icon.hvif]
12690{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/virtualbox_guest_additions/icon.hvif]
12691{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vision/icon.hvif]
12692{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc/icon.hvif]
12693{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc_devel/icon.hvif]
12694{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc_x86/icon.hvif]
12695{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vlc_x86_devel/icon.hvif]
12696{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vl_gothic/icon.hvif]
12697{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vmware_addons/icon.hvif]
12698{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vmware_addons_x86/icon.hvif]
12699{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vncserver/icon.hvif]
12700{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vncserver_beos/icon.hvif]
12701{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vollkorn/icon.hvif]
12702{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/voptop/icon.hvif]
12703{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vstm/icon.hvif]
12704{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vvvvvv/icon.hvif]
12705{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vvvvvv_x86/icon.hvif]
12706{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vwget/16.png]
12707{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vwget/32.png]
12708{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/vwget/64.png]
12709{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wakeup/16.png]
12710{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wakeup/32.png]
12711{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wallman/icon.hvif]
12712{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/watertorturefont/icon.hvif]
12713{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weather/icon.hvif]
12714{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webeditor/16.png]
12715{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webeditor/32.png]
12716{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webeditor/64.png]
12717{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/webwatch/icon.hvif]
12718{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weeklydiary/16.png]
12719{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weeklydiary/32.png]
12720{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/weeklydiary/64.png]
12721{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wesnoth/icon.hvif]
12722{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wesnoth_x86/icon.hvif]
12723{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/whereismymouse/icon.hvif]
12724{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/whisper/icon.hvif]
12725{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wireshark/icon.hvif]
12726{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wireshark_x86/icon.hvif]
12727{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolf3d/16.png]
12728{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolf3d/32.png]
12729{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolf3d/64.png]
12730{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolle/16.png]
12731{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wolle/32.png]
12732{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wonderbrush/icon.hvif]
12733{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wonderbrush_x86_gcc2/icon.hvif]
12734{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wordclock/icon.hvif]
12735{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbar/16.png]
12736{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbar/32.png]
12737{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbar/64.png]
12738{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbetter/16.png]
12739{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbetter/32.png]
12740{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workbetter/64.png]
12741{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceid/16.png]
12742{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceid/32.png]
12743{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceid/64.png]
12744{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceswitcher/16.png]
12745{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceswitcher/32.png]
12746{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/workspaceswitcher/64.png]
12747{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldfactbook/16.png]
12748{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldfactbook/32.png]
12749{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldfactbook/64.png]
12750{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldsvoyage_j/16.png]
12751{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldsvoyage_j/32.png]
12752{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldsvoyage_j/64.png]
12753{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/worldtourfont/icon.hvif]
12754{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wqy_microhei/icon.hvif]
12755{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wqy_zenhei/icon.hvif]
12756{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wsnote/16.png]
12757{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wsnote/32.png]
12758{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/wsnote/64.png]
12759{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xamp/icon.hvif]
12760{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xaos/16.png]
12761{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xaos/32.png]
12762{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xaos/64.png]
12763{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xash3d/icon.hvif]
12764{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xash3d_x86/icon.hvif]
12765{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xcrillion/icon.hvif]
12766{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xdm_j/icon.hvif]
12767{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xgalaga/16.png]
12768{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xgalaga/32.png]
12769{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xgalaga/64.png]
12770{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xmoto/icon.hvif]
12771{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xmoto_x86/icon.hvif]
12772{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xrick/icon.hvif]
12773{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/x_series_fonts/icon.hvif]
12774{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xtract1/icon.hvif]
12775{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xtrusionfont/icon.hvif]
12776{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/xu4/icon.hvif]
12777{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yab/icon.hvif]
12778{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabadabbadoo/icon.hvif]
12779{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yab_devel/icon.hvif]
12780{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdevelopmentstudio/icon.hvif]
12781{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdialog/16.png]
12782{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdialog/32.png]
12783{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabdialog/64.png]
12784{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yab_ide/icon.hvif]
12785{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yabze/icon.hvif]
12786{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yacreader/icon.hvif]
12787{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yacreader_x86/icon.hvif]
12788{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_64/16.png]
12789{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_64/32.png]
12790{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_x86/16.png]
12791{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_x86/32.png]
12792{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yagodu_x86/64.png]
12793{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yaiv_j/icon.hvif]
12794{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yamagi_quake2/icon.hvif]
12795{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yamagi_quake2_x86/icon.hvif]
12796{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yapbam_j/icon.hvif]
12797{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yate/16.png]
12798{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yate/32.png]
12799{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yate/64.png]
12800{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yed_j/icon.hvif]
12801{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yodownet/icon.hvif]
12802{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yodownet_x86/icon.hvif]
12803{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/yoshi/icon.hvif]
12804{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ytdl_gui/icon.hvif]
12805{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/ytdl_gui_x86/icon.hvif]
12806{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zaz/16.png]
12807{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zaz/32.png]
12808{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zday/16.png]
12809{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zday/32.png]
12810{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zday/64.png]
12811{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeal/icon.hvif]
12812{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeal_x86/icon.hvif]
12813{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeroone/16.png]
12814{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeroone/32.png]
12815{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zeroone/64.png]
12816{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zincboomerangfont/icon.hvif]
12817{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipcreator_j/16.png]
12818{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipcreator_j/32.png]
12819{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipcreator_j/64.png]
12820{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipdropper/icon.hvif]
12821{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipexplorer_j/16.png]
12822{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipexplorer_j/32.png]
12823{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zipexplorer_j/64.png]
12824{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/znotes_64/16.png]
12825{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/znotes_64/32.png]
12826{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_64/16.png]
12827{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_64/32.png]
12828{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_x86/16.png]
12829{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_x86/32.png]
12830{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoclock_x86/64.png]
12831{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoidsquest/16.png]
12832{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoidsquest/32.png]
12833{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zoidsquest/64.png]
12834{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zookeeper/16.png]
12835{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zookeeper/32.png]
12836{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zookeeper/64.png]
12837{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork/16.png]
12838{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork/32.png]
12839{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork/64.png]
12840{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork4hugo/16.png]
12841{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork4hugo/32.png]
12842{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zork4hugo/64.png]
12843{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsdx/16.png]
12844{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsdx/32.png]
12845{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsxd/16.png]
12846{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zsxd/32.png]
12847{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zviewer/16.png]
12848{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zviewer/32.png]
12849{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/zviewer/64.png]
12850{T} did read tar entry header for [hicn/info.json]
12851{D} detected end of tar-ball after 3160 items
12852{I} did collect 1885 tar pointers (0.0239 secs)
12853{I} [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] did process data
12854{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
12855{I} [Node<ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>] initiating
12856{I} [Node<ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>] starting process
12857{I} [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data
12858{I} [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__repository/all-de.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileYkIyMe]
12859{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Resolving https://depot.haiku-os.org/__repository/all-de.json.gz
12860{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Hostname resolved to:
12861{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Connection to depot.haiku-os.org on port 443.
12862{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Connection opened, sending request.
12863{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; GET /__repository/all-de.json.gz HTTP/1.1
12865{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Host: depot.haiku-os.org
12866{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Accept: */*
12867{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Accept-Encoding: gzip
12868{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Connection: close
12869{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; User-Agent: HaikuDepot/0.0.4
12870{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; If-Modified-Since: Sat, 27 Feb 2021 20:17:14 GMT
12871{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Request sent.
12872{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Status line received: Code 304 (Not Modified)
12873{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:29:03 GMT
12874{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Server: Jetty(9.4.34.v20201102)
12875{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
12876{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
12877{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
12878{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
12879{T} url->file <ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess>; Connection: close
12880{I} [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] remote data has not changed since [Sat, 27 Feb 2021 20:17:14 GMT]
12881{I} [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] did fetch data
12882{I} [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] will process data
12883{D} [DepotMatchingRepositoryListener] associated depot [BeSly Software Solutions] (tag:besly.de,2020:happy) with server repository source [besly_x86_gcc2] (tag:besly.de,2020:happy)
12884{D} [DepotMatchingRepositoryListener] associated depot [HaikuPorts] (https://hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/x86_64/current) with server repository source [haikuports_x86_64] (https://hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/x86_64/current)
12885{I} [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] did process data
12886{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
12887{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
12888{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>] initiating
12889{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>] starting process
12890{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] will fetch data
12891{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkg/all-besly_x86_gcc2-de.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileFRdCic]
12892{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Resolving https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkg/all-besly_x86_gcc2-de.json.gz
12893{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Hostname resolved to:
12894{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Connection to depot.haiku-os.org on port 443.
12895{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Connection opened, sending request.
12896{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; GET /__pkg/all-besly_x86_gcc2-de.json.gz HTTP/1.1
12898{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Host: depot.haiku-os.org
12899{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Accept: */*
12900{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Accept-Encoding: gzip
12901{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Connection: close
12902{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; User-Agent: HaikuDepot/0.0.4
12903{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; If-Modified-Since: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 16:42:01 GMT
12904{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Request sent.
12905{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Status line received: Code 304 (Not Modified)
12906{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:29:03 GMT
12907{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Server: Jetty(9.4.34.v20201102)
12908{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
12909{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
12910{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
12911{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
12912{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>>; Connection: close
12913{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] remote data has not changed since [Fri, 19 Mar 2021 16:42:01 GMT]
12914{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] did fetch data
12915{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] will process data
12916{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [dosboxgui]
12917{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [beslyscreencapture]
12918{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [lhagui]
12919{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [webconceptcreator]
12920{D} did populate data for [bashhistoryswitcher] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12921{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [ghostscriptgui]
12922{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [slidey]
12923{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [targui]
12924{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [clickomanie]
12925{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [gccfastcompile]
12926{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [mahjongg]
12927{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [diamondgirl]
12928{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [metapixel]
12929{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [bubblechain]
12930{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [alex4color]
12931{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [isofilecreator]
12932{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [moleinvasion]
12933{D} did populate data for [hermes] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12934{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [fontinstaller]
12935{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [list_shell_tool_help]
12936{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [imagesplitter]
12937{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [lbreakout]
12938{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [be_canny_or_be_donkey]
12939{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [syasokoban]
12940{D} did populate data for [colorme] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12941{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [menusorter]
12942{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [santacatchthem]
12943{D} did populate data for [oxo] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12944{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [scenedemos]
12945{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [buildlog]
12946{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [electricancalculator]
12947{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [freesci]
12948{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [egsl_ide]
12949{D} did populate data for [repomaker] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12950{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [shisensho]
12951{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [bluecube]
12952{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [quake]
12953{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [lua52]
12954{D} did populate data for [masspictureconverter] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12955{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [1945]
12956{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [bshisen]
12957{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [spriteed]
12958{D} did populate data for [hpkgcreator] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12959{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [imagemagick_trackeraddons]
12960{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [vevent]
12961{D} did populate data for [tutorialfinder] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12962{D} did populate data for [dateimeister] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12963{D} did populate data for [systemanalysistool] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12964{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [astrorocks]
12965{D} did populate data for [colorsequence] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12966{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [yabdevelopmentstudio]
12967{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [hakilo_hakicdedecor]
12968{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [singlelineeditor]
12969{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [brickmaster]
12970{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [scanbirthday]
12971{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [goingdeep]
12972{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [plain2be]
12973{D} did populate data for [lbackup] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12974{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [colorballs]
12975{D} did populate data for [shufflepicture] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12976{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [zipgui]
12977{D} did populate data for [yabze] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12978{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [egsl]
12979{D} did populate data for [imagemagickgui] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12980{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [missilecommand]
12981{D} did populate data for [shufflenumbers] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12982{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [xu4]
12983{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [developmentcolorlist]
12984{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [fpc]
12985{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [alex4customs]
12986{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [tictactoe]
12987{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [alex4]
12988{D} did populate data for [hiqdock] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12989{D} did populate data for [kids] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12990{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [libqt4_x86]
12991{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [wallman]
12992{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [blackmonster]
12993{D} did populate data for [officetemplates] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12994{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [quickres]
12995{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [keendoeskopp]
12996{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [toppler]
12997{D} did populate data for [ink] (BeSly Software Solutions)
12998{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [barwlin]
12999{D} did populate data for [solitair] (BeSly Software Solutions)
13000{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [exult]
13001{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [metos]
13002{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [blobwars]
13003{D} did populate data for [firststeps] (BeSly Software Solutions)
13004{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [beshare_3.01]
13005{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [spaceshooter]
13006{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [colorfont2html]
13007{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [hakilo_hakidecorator]
13008{I} [PackageFillingPkgListener] unable to find the pkg [artpaint]
13009{D} did populate data for [listlib] (BeSly Software Solutions)
13010{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] did process 23 packages' data in (0.0281 secs)
13011{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] did process data
13012{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
13013{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>>] initiating
13014{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>>] starting process
13015{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] am not updating data for depot [Haiku] as there is no web app repository source code available
13016{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
13017{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>] initiating
13018{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>] starting process
13019{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] will fetch data
13020{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] will stream 'https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkg/all-haikuports_x86_64-de.json.gz' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/file7ywSeB]
13021{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Resolving https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkg/all-haikuports_x86_64-de.json.gz
13022{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Hostname resolved to:
13023{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Connection to depot.haiku-os.org on port 443.
13024{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Connection opened, sending request.
13025{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; GET /__pkg/all-haikuports_x86_64-de.json.gz HTTP/1.1
13027{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Host: depot.haiku-os.org
13028{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Accept: */*
13029{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Accept-Encoding: gzip
13030{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Connection: close
13031{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; User-Agent: HaikuDepot/0.0.4
13032{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; If-Modified-Since: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:51:41 GMT
13033{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Request sent.
13034{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Status line received: Code 304 (Not Modified)
13035{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:29:03 GMT
13036{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Server: Jetty(9.4.34.v20201102)
13037{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
13038{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
13039{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
13040{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
13041{T} url->file <ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>>; Connection: close
13042{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] remote data has not changed since [Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:51:41 GMT]
13043{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] did fetch data
13044{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] will process data
13045{D} did populate data for [burnitnow] (HaikuPorts)
13046{D} did populate data for [sanity] (HaikuPorts)
13047{D} did populate data for [kwrite] (HaikuPorts)
13048{D} did populate data for [kolourpaint] (HaikuPorts)
13049{D} did populate data for [ktorrent] (HaikuPorts)
13050{D} did populate data for [avidemux] (HaikuPorts)
13051{D} did populate data for [keymapswitcher] (HaikuPorts)
13052{D} did populate data for [aqemu] (HaikuPorts)
13053{D} did populate data for [krusader] (HaikuPorts)
13054{D} did populate data for [beezer] (HaikuPorts)
13055{D} did populate data for [desknotes] (HaikuPorts)
13056{D} did populate data for [wonderbrush] (HaikuPorts)
13057{D} did populate data for [libreoffice] (HaikuPorts)
13058{D} did populate data for [keepassxc] (HaikuPorts)
13059{D} did populate data for [koder] (HaikuPorts)
13060{D} did populate data for [filwip] (HaikuPorts)
13061{D} did populate data for [coolreader3] (HaikuPorts)
13062{D} did populate data for [vmware_addons] (HaikuPorts)
13063{D} did populate data for [librepcb] (HaikuPorts)
13064{D} did populate data for [djvuviewer] (HaikuPorts)
13065{D} did populate data for [telegram_desktop] (HaikuPorts)
13066{D} did populate data for [colors] (HaikuPorts)
13067{D} did populate data for [notepadqq] (HaikuPorts)
13068{D} did populate data for [librecad] (HaikuPorts)
13069{D} did populate data for [arduino] (HaikuPorts)
13070{D} did populate data for [copynametoclipboard] (HaikuPorts)
13071{D} did populate data for [handbrake] (HaikuPorts)
13072{D} did populate data for [cutemarked] (HaikuPorts)
13073{D} did populate data for [bepdf] (HaikuPorts)
13074{D} did populate data for [quicklaunch] (HaikuPorts)
13075{D} did populate data for [befar] (HaikuPorts)
13076{D} did populate data for [fbreader] (HaikuPorts)
13077{D} did populate data for [okular] (HaikuPorts)
13078{D} did populate data for [dooble] (HaikuPorts)
13079{D} did populate data for [bescreencapture] (HaikuPorts)
13080{D} did populate data for [calibre] (HaikuPorts)
13081{D} did populate data for [vlc] (HaikuPorts)
13082{D} did populate data for [genesis_commander] (HaikuPorts)
13083{D} did populate data for [milkytracker] (HaikuPorts)
13084{D} did populate data for [fontboy] (HaikuPorts)
13085{D} did populate data for [dosbox] (HaikuPorts)
13086{D} did populate data for [kate] (HaikuPorts)
13087{D} did populate data for [openjdk8_jre] (HaikuPorts)
13088{D} did populate data for [heimer] (HaikuPorts)
13089{D} did populate data for [beshare] (HaikuPorts)
13090{D} did populate data for [streamradio] (HaikuPorts)
13091{D} did populate data for [beam] (HaikuPorts)
13092{D} did populate data for [clipdinger] (HaikuPorts)
13093{D} did populate data for [kdevelop] (HaikuPorts)
13094{D} did populate data for [gish] (HaikuPorts)
13095{D} did populate data for [beae] (HaikuPorts)
13096{D} did populate data for [lyx] (HaikuPorts)
13097{D} did populate data for [superprefs] (HaikuPorts)
13098{D} did populate data for [taskmanager] (HaikuPorts)
13099{D} did populate data for [becasso] (HaikuPorts)
13100{D} did populate data for [calligra] (HaikuPorts)
13101{D} did populate data for [mc] (HaikuPorts)
13102{D} did populate data for [nanosvgtranslator] (HaikuPorts)
13103{D} did populate data for [lnlauncher] (HaikuPorts)
13104{D} did populate data for [criticalmass] (HaikuPorts)
13105{D} did populate data for [minetest] (HaikuPorts)
13106{D} did populate data for [bemines] (HaikuPorts)
13107{D} did populate data for [gmic] (HaikuPorts)
13108{D} did populate data for [takenotes] (HaikuPorts)
13109{D} did populate data for [marble] (HaikuPorts)
13110{D} did populate data for [vision] (HaikuPorts)
13111{D} did populate data for [dockbert] (HaikuPorts)
13112{D} did populate data for [ftppositive] (HaikuPorts)
13113{D} did populate data for [gzdoom] (HaikuPorts)
13114{D} did populate data for [android_file_transfer] (HaikuPorts)
13115{D} did populate data for [ducksaver] (HaikuPorts)
13116{D} did populate data for [ltris] (HaikuPorts)
13117{D} did populate data for [openshot] (HaikuPorts)
13118{D} did populate data for [pdftranslator] (HaikuPorts)
13119{D} did populate data for [clockwerk] (HaikuPorts)
13120{D} did populate data for [nxengine] (HaikuPorts)
13121{D} did populate data for [mplayer] (HaikuPorts)
13122{D} did populate data for [lbreakout2] (HaikuPorts)
13123{D} did populate data for [lmms] (HaikuPorts)
13124{D} did populate data for [mupen64plus] (HaikuPorts)
13125{D} did populate data for [krita] (HaikuPorts)
13126{D} did populate data for [bepodder] (HaikuPorts)
13127{D} did populate data for [fusesmb_haiku] (HaikuPorts)
13128{D} did populate data for [gitqlient] (HaikuPorts)
13129{D} did populate data for [armyknife] (HaikuPorts)
13130{D} did populate data for [audacious] (HaikuPorts)
13131{D} did populate data for [clementine] (HaikuPorts)
13132{D} did populate data for [flameshot] (HaikuPorts)
13133{D} did populate data for [lmarbles] (HaikuPorts)
13134{D} did populate data for [netsurf] (HaikuPorts)
13135{D} did populate data for [fontforge] (HaikuPorts)
13136{D} did populate data for [otter_browser] (HaikuPorts)
13137{D} did populate data for [netpulse] (HaikuPorts)
13138{D} did populate data for [pe] (HaikuPorts)
13139{D} did populate data for [kstars] (HaikuPorts)
13140{D} did populate data for [artpaint] (HaikuPorts)
13141{D} did populate data for [vncserver] (HaikuPorts)
13142{D} did populate data for [paladin] (HaikuPorts)
13143{D} did populate data for [kwave] (HaikuPorts)
13144{D} did populate data for [nightandday] (HaikuPorts)
13145{D} did populate data for [ktechlab] (HaikuPorts)
13146{D} did populate data for [moe] (HaikuPorts)
13147{D} did populate data for [mog] (HaikuPorts)
13148{D} did populate data for [wireshark] (HaikuPorts)
13149{D} did populate data for [moleinvasion] (HaikuPorts)
13150{D} did populate data for [uhexen2] (HaikuPorts)
13151{D} did populate data for [vim] (HaikuPorts)
13152{D} did populate data for [slimevolley] (HaikuPorts)
13153{D} did populate data for [fotowall] (HaikuPorts)
13154{D} did populate data for [ppsspp] (HaikuPorts)
13155{D} did populate data for [qmplay2] (HaikuPorts)
13156{D} did populate data for [git_svn] (HaikuPorts)
13157{D} did populate data for [peg_e] (HaikuPorts)
13158{D} did populate data for [canna] (HaikuPorts)
13159{D} did populate data for [flatstyle] (HaikuPorts)
13160{D} did populate data for [lynx] (HaikuPorts)
13161{D} did populate data for [ocaml] (HaikuPorts)
13162{D} did populate data for [yamagi_quake2] (HaikuPorts)
13163{D} did populate data for [git_cvs] (HaikuPorts)
13164{D} did populate data for [openjk_outcast] (HaikuPorts)
13165{D} did populate data for [djvulibre] (HaikuPorts)
13166{D} did populate data for [trojita] (HaikuPorts)
13167{D} did populate data for [djvutranslator] (HaikuPorts)
13168{D} did populate data for [openssl] (HaikuPorts)
13169{D} did populate data for [sawteeth] (HaikuPorts)
13170{D} did populate data for [grafx2] (HaikuPorts)
13171{D} did populate data for [pipepanic] (HaikuPorts)
13172{D} did populate data for [pachi] (HaikuPorts)
13173{D} did populate data for [opensound] (HaikuPorts)
13174{D} did populate data for [bespider] (HaikuPorts)
13175{D} did populate data for [ghostwriter] (HaikuPorts)
13176{D} did populate data for [scribus] (HaikuPorts)
13177{D} did populate data for [pcmanfm_qt] (HaikuPorts)
13178{D} did populate data for [dejavu] (HaikuPorts)
13179{D} did populate data for [hermes_game] (HaikuPorts)
13180{D} did populate data for [vvvvvv] (HaikuPorts)
13181{D} did populate data for [0ad] (HaikuPorts)
13182{D} did populate data for [becjk] (HaikuPorts)
13183{D} did populate data for [supertuxkart] (HaikuPorts)
13184{D} did populate data for [billardgl] (HaikuPorts)
13185{D} did populate data for [chocolate_doom] (HaikuPorts)
13186{D} did populate data for [qt_creator] (HaikuPorts)
13187{D} did populate data for [cvs] (HaikuPorts)
13188{D} did populate data for [photivo] (HaikuPorts)
13189{D} did populate data for [opensyobonaction] (HaikuPorts)
13190{D} did populate data for [caladea] (HaikuPorts)
13191{D} did populate data for [cdrtools] (HaikuPorts)
13192{D} did populate data for [flacon] (HaikuPorts)
13193{D} did populate data for [grep_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13194{D} did populate data for [rdesktop] (HaikuPorts)
13195{D} did populate data for [qcad] (HaikuPorts)
13196{D} did populate data for [catkeyseditor] (HaikuPorts)
13197{D} did populate data for [goldendict] (HaikuPorts)
13198{D} did populate data for [arx_libertatis] (HaikuPorts)
13199{D} did populate data for [gwenview] (HaikuPorts)
13200{D} did populate data for [giddy3] (HaikuPorts)
13201{D} did populate data for [mirrormagic] (HaikuPorts)
13202{D} did populate data for [qmmp] (HaikuPorts)
13203{D} did populate data for [bevexed] (HaikuPorts)
13204{D} did populate data for [dhewm3] (HaikuPorts)
13205{D} did populate data for [transmission] (HaikuPorts)
13206{D} did populate data for [photograbber] (HaikuPorts)
13207{D} did populate data for [picard] (HaikuPorts)
13208{D} did populate data for [speedcrunch] (HaikuPorts)
13209{D} did populate data for [yab_ide] (HaikuPorts)
13210{D} did populate data for [einsteinium] (HaikuPorts)
13211{D} did populate data for [drawpile] (HaikuPorts)
13212{D} did populate data for [cantata] (HaikuPorts)
13213{D} did populate data for [git_arch] (HaikuPorts)
13214{D} did populate data for [ubertuber] (HaikuPorts)
13215{D} did populate data for [puri] (HaikuPorts)
13216{D} did populate data for [openssh] (HaikuPorts)
13217{D} did populate data for [pecorename] (HaikuPorts)
13218{D} did populate data for [berdp] (HaikuPorts)
13219{D} did populate data for [git_daemon] (HaikuPorts)
13220{D} did populate data for [git] (HaikuPorts)
13221{D} did populate data for [flyingtroll] (HaikuPorts)
13222{D} did populate data for [thememanager] (HaikuPorts)
13223{D} did populate data for [slayer] (HaikuPorts)
13224{D} did populate data for [kobodeluxe] (HaikuPorts)
13225{D} did populate data for [album] (HaikuPorts)
13226{D} did populate data for [bzflag] (HaikuPorts)
13227{D} did populate data for [freeciv] (HaikuPorts)
13228{D} did populate data for [grep] (HaikuPorts)
13229{D} did populate data for [a_book] (HaikuPorts)
13230{D} did populate data for [blogpositive] (HaikuPorts)
13231{D} did populate data for [capitalbe] (HaikuPorts)
13232{D} did populate data for [goonies] (HaikuPorts)
13233{D} did populate data for [instead] (HaikuPorts)
13234{D} did populate data for [pencil] (HaikuPorts)
13235{D} did populate data for [jasper] (HaikuPorts)
13236{D} did populate data for [eduke32] (HaikuPorts)
13237{D} did populate data for [qbittorrent] (HaikuPorts)
13238{D} did populate data for [git_email] (HaikuPorts)
13239{D} did populate data for [fs_uae_launcher] (HaikuPorts)
13240{D} did populate data for [scummvm] (HaikuPorts)
13241{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>>] initiating
13242{I} [Node<ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>>] starting process
13243{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] am not updating data for depot [KapiX's Depot] as there is no web app repository source code available
13244{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
13245{D} did populate data for [2pow] (HaikuPorts)
13246{D} did populate data for [psi_plus] (HaikuPorts)
13247{D} did populate data for [supertux] (HaikuPorts)
13248{D} did populate data for [2048_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13249{D} did populate data for [aiksaurus] (HaikuPorts)
13250{D} did populate data for [aiodns] (HaikuPorts)
13251{D} did populate data for [aalibtranslator] (HaikuPorts)
13252{D} did populate data for [tipster] (HaikuPorts)
13253{D} did populate data for [a52dec] (HaikuPorts)
13254{D} did populate data for [aalib_source] (HaikuPorts)
13255{D} did populate data for [acme] (HaikuPorts)
13256{D} did populate data for [aiorpcx_python36] (HaikuPorts)
13257{D} did populate data for [3dmov] (HaikuPorts)
13258{D} did populate data for [2048_source] (HaikuPorts)
13259{D} did populate data for [ahem] (HaikuPorts)
13260{D} did populate data for [python] (HaikuPorts)
13261{D} did populate data for [ultradv] (HaikuPorts)
13262{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_socks_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13263{D} did populate data for [81_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13264{D} did populate data for [solitaire_mahjong] (HaikuPorts)
13265{D} did populate data for [0ad_source] (HaikuPorts)
13266{D} did populate data for [8dock] (HaikuPorts)
13267{D} did populate data for [quaternion] (HaikuPorts)
13268{D} did populate data for [admesh_source] (HaikuPorts)
13269{D} did populate data for [qputty] (HaikuPorts)
13270{D} did populate data for [timecop] (HaikuPorts)
13271{D} did populate data for [aiorpcx] (HaikuPorts)
13272{D} did populate data for [vwget] (HaikuPorts)
13273{D} did populate data for [aaaa_source] (HaikuPorts)
13274{D} did populate data for [aiksaurus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13275{D} did populate data for [wget] (HaikuPorts)
13276{D} did populate data for [unrar] (HaikuPorts)
13277{D} did populate data for [zsh] (HaikuPorts)
13278{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_socks_python36] (HaikuPorts)
13279{D} did populate data for [remember] (HaikuPorts)
13280{D} did populate data for [abstrakt] (HaikuPorts)
13281{D} did populate data for [abstrakt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13282{D} did populate data for [2048] (HaikuPorts)
13283{D} did populate data for [sdllopan] (HaikuPorts)
13284{D} did populate data for [qwinff] (HaikuPorts)
13285{D} did populate data for [81_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13286{D} did populate data for [qsolocards] (HaikuPorts)
13287{D} did populate data for [abe] (HaikuPorts)
13288{D} did populate data for [aiksaurus_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13289{D} did populate data for [a52dec_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13290{D} did populate data for [admesh_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13291{D} did populate data for [aaaa] (HaikuPorts)
13292{D} did populate data for [trackergrep] (HaikuPorts)
13293{D} did populate data for [aiodns_python38] (HaikuPorts)
13294{D} did populate data for [64tass] (HaikuPorts)
13295{D} did populate data for [aiodns_python39] (HaikuPorts)
13296{D} did populate data for [qelectrotech] (HaikuPorts)
13297{D} did populate data for [wqy_microhei] (HaikuPorts)
13298{D} did populate data for [aiorpcx_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13299{D} did populate data for [2048_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13300{D} did populate data for [advancemame] (HaikuPorts)
13301{D} did populate data for [rocksndiamonds] (HaikuPorts)
13302{D} did populate data for [shredder] (HaikuPorts)
13303{D} did populate data for [aalib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13304{D} did populate data for [ack] (HaikuPorts)
13305{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_source] (HaikuPorts)
13306{D} did populate data for [vectoroids] (HaikuPorts)
13307{D} did populate data for [abe_source] (HaikuPorts)
13308{D} did populate data for [quassel] (HaikuPorts)
13309{D} did populate data for [acr] (HaikuPorts)
13310{D} did populate data for [qpdfview] (HaikuPorts)
13311{D} did populate data for [a_book_source] (HaikuPorts)
13312{D} did populate data for [aiodns_source] (HaikuPorts)
13313{D} did populate data for [0ad_data] (HaikuPorts)
13314{D} did populate data for [abstrakt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13315{D} did populate data for [64tass_source] (HaikuPorts)
13316{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13317{D} did populate data for [sqlite] (HaikuPorts)
13318{D} did populate data for [scons] (HaikuPorts)
13319{D} did populate data for [wpa_supplicant] (HaikuPorts)
13320{D} did populate data for [qutebrowser] (HaikuPorts)
13321{D} did populate data for [admesh] (HaikuPorts)
13322{D} did populate data for [qemu_x86] (HaikuPorts)
13323{D} did populate data for [aalibtranslator_source] (HaikuPorts)
13324{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_python38] (HaikuPorts)
13325{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_python39] (HaikuPorts)
13326{D} did populate data for [quiterss] (HaikuPorts)
13327{D} did populate data for [roadfighter] (HaikuPorts)
13328{D} did populate data for [acme_source] (HaikuPorts)
13329{D} did populate data for [super_transball] (HaikuPorts)
13330{D} did populate data for [aiorpcx_source] (HaikuPorts)
13331{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_socks] (HaikuPorts)
13332{D} did populate data for [aiohttp_socks_source] (HaikuPorts)
13333{D} did populate data for [seeker] (HaikuPorts)
13334{D} did populate data for [samba] (HaikuPorts)
13335{D} did populate data for [aiodns_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13336{D} did populate data for [3dengine_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13337{D} did populate data for [3dengine_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13338{D} did populate data for [aalib] (HaikuPorts)
13339{D} did populate data for [a52dec_source] (HaikuPorts)
13340{D} did populate data for [valentina] (HaikuPorts)
13341{D} did populate data for [advancemame_source] (HaikuPorts)
13342{D} did populate data for [umbrello] (HaikuPorts)
13343{D} did populate data for [subversion] (HaikuPorts)
13344{D} did populate data for [ack_source] (HaikuPorts)
13345{D} did populate data for [aiohttp] (HaikuPorts)
13346{D} did populate data for [tuxpaint] (HaikuPorts)
13347{D} did populate data for [simsu] (HaikuPorts)
13348{D} did populate data for [app2png_source] (HaikuPorts)
13349{D} did populate data for [armadillo_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13350{D} did populate data for [argon2_source] (HaikuPorts)
13351{D} did populate data for [aria2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13352{D} did populate data for [allegro_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13353{D} did populate data for [armadillo_source] (HaikuPorts)
13354{D} did populate data for [apitrace_source] (HaikuPorts)
13355{D} did populate data for [android_file_transfer_source] (HaikuPorts)
13356{D} did populate data for [alglib_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13357{D} did populate data for [apngopt] (HaikuPorts)
13358{D} did populate data for [apr_util_source] (HaikuPorts)
13359{D} did populate data for [algol68g_source] (HaikuPorts)
13360{D} did populate data for [aria2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13361{D} did populate data for [armadillo] (HaikuPorts)
13362{D} did populate data for [armagetronad] (HaikuPorts)
13363{D} did populate data for [apr_util] (HaikuPorts)
13364{D} did populate data for [aobook_source] (HaikuPorts)
13365{D} did populate data for [apngopt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13366{D} did populate data for [alien_svn_source] (HaikuPorts)
13367{D} did populate data for [ale] (HaikuPorts)
13368{D} did populate data for [alembic_source] (HaikuPorts)
13369{D} did populate data for [alien_svn] (HaikuPorts)
13370{D} did populate data for [alembic_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13371{D} did populate data for [algol68g_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13372{D} did populate data for [allegro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13373{D} did populate data for [armadillo9_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13374{D} did populate data for [argon2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13375{D} did populate data for [apr] (HaikuPorts)
13376{D} did populate data for [apr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13377{D} did populate data for [alembic_py_source] (HaikuPorts)
13378{D} did populate data for [alglib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13379{D} did populate data for [allegro] (HaikuPorts)
13380{D} did populate data for [apr_util_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13381{D} did populate data for [argtable2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13382{D} did populate data for [an] (HaikuPorts)
13383{D} did populate data for [amoebax_source] (HaikuPorts)
13384{D} did populate data for [ancestris] (HaikuPorts)
13385{D} did populate data for [alex4_source] (HaikuPorts)
13386{D} did populate data for [apsw_source] (HaikuPorts)
13387{D} did populate data for [aqemu_source] (HaikuPorts)
13388{D} did populate data for [ant_core_source] (HaikuPorts)
13389{D} did populate data for [argtable2] (HaikuPorts)
13390{D} did populate data for [arabeyes_fonts] (HaikuPorts)
13391{D} did populate data for [apitrace] (HaikuPorts)
13392{D} did populate data for [alembic_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13393{D} did populate data for [argon2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13394{D} did populate data for [allegro_tools] (HaikuPorts)
13395{D} did populate data for [apr_source] (HaikuPorts)
13396{D} did populate data for [alembic_py] (HaikuPorts)
13397{D} did populate data for [alglib] (HaikuPorts)
13398{D} did populate data for [al_anvar_source] (HaikuPorts)
13399{D} did populate data for [an_source] (HaikuPorts)
13400{D} did populate data for [alembic] (HaikuPorts)
13401{D} did populate data for [angband] (HaikuPorts)
13402{D} did populate data for [app2png] (HaikuPorts)
13403{D} did populate data for [aria2] (HaikuPorts)
13404{D} did populate data for [angband_source] (HaikuPorts)
13405{D} did populate data for [aobook] (HaikuPorts)
13406{D} did populate data for [algol68g] (HaikuPorts)
13407{D} did populate data for [aranym] (HaikuPorts)
13408{D} did populate data for [apngopt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13409{D} did populate data for [arc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13410{D} did populate data for [armagetronad_source] (HaikuPorts)
13411{D} did populate data for [arpack] (HaikuPorts)
13412{D} did populate data for [amd_microcode] (HaikuPorts)
13413{D} did populate data for [arc] (HaikuPorts)
13414{D} did populate data for [armadillo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13415{D} did populate data for [alembic_py_python36] (HaikuPorts)
13416{D} did populate data for [alienblaster] (HaikuPorts)
13417{D} did populate data for [arj] (HaikuPorts)
13418{D} did populate data for [al_anvar] (HaikuPorts)
13419{D} did populate data for [antiword] (HaikuPorts)
13420{D} did populate data for [alex4] (HaikuPorts)
13421{D} did populate data for [amoebax] (HaikuPorts)
13422{D} did populate data for [armadillo9_source] (HaikuPorts)
13423{D} did populate data for [amath] (HaikuPorts)
13424{D} did populate data for [aquaria] (HaikuPorts)
13425{D} did populate data for [argon2] (HaikuPorts)
13426{D} did populate data for [aquaria_source] (HaikuPorts)
13427{D} did populate data for [alembic_py_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13428{D} did populate data for [argtable2_source] (HaikuPorts)
13429{D} did populate data for [apsw_python] (HaikuPorts)
13430{D} did populate data for [apsw_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13431{D} did populate data for [alglib_source] (HaikuPorts)
13432{D} did populate data for [ant_core] (HaikuPorts)
13433{D} did populate data for [aquaskk_source] (HaikuPorts)
13434{D} did populate data for [apsw_python38] (HaikuPorts)
13435{D} did populate data for [alembic_py_python] (HaikuPorts)
13436{D} did populate data for [apsw_python39] (HaikuPorts)
13437{D} did populate data for [aranym_source] (HaikuPorts)
13438{D} did populate data for [aquaskk] (HaikuPorts)
13439{D} did populate data for [alivejournal] (HaikuPorts)
13440{D} did populate data for [armadillo9] (HaikuPorts)
13441{D} did populate data for [apng2gif] (HaikuPorts)
13442{D} did populate data for [apsw] (HaikuPorts)
13443{D} did populate data for [argtable2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13444{D} did populate data for [aria2_source] (HaikuPorts)
13445{D} did populate data for [autoconf213_source] (HaikuPorts)
13446{D} did populate data for [atari800_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13447{D} did populate data for [arpack_source] (HaikuPorts)
13448{D} did populate data for [asylum] (HaikuPorts)
13449{D} did populate data for [aspell_de_source] (HaikuPorts)
13450{D} did populate data for [aspell_sk_source] (HaikuPorts)
13451{D} did populate data for [aspell_sl_source] (HaikuPorts)
13452{D} did populate data for [automake113_source] (HaikuPorts)
13453{D} did populate data for [aspell_de] (HaikuPorts)
13454{D} did populate data for [audacious_plugins_source] (HaikuPorts)
13455{D} did populate data for [asciinema] (HaikuPorts)
13456{D} did populate data for [astromenace_source] (HaikuPorts)
13457{D} did populate data for [aspell_ru_source] (HaikuPorts)
13458{D} did populate data for [aspell_uk] (HaikuPorts)
13459{D} did populate data for [attica_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13460{D} did populate data for [arpack_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13461{D} did populate data for [arx_libertatis_source] (HaikuPorts)
13462{D} did populate data for [autoconf213] (HaikuPorts)
13463{D} did populate data for [aspell_lt] (HaikuPorts)
13464{D} did populate data for [atari800_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13465{D} did populate data for [aspell_nl_source] (HaikuPorts)
13466{D} did populate data for [audiofile_source] (HaikuPorts)
13467{D} did populate data for [aspell_hu_source] (HaikuPorts)
13468{D} did populate data for [aspell_ca_source] (HaikuPorts)
13469{D} did populate data for [aspell_hr_source] (HaikuPorts)
13470{D} did populate data for [audacious_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13471{D} did populate data for [aspell_it] (HaikuPorts)
13472{D} did populate data for [aspell_bg] (HaikuPorts)
13473{D} did populate data for [aspell_be] (HaikuPorts)
13474{D} did populate data for [aspell_ru] (HaikuPorts)
13475{D} did populate data for [atk_source] (HaikuPorts)
13476{D} did populate data for [aspell_ro] (HaikuPorts)
13477{D} did populate data for [aspell_pt_br] (HaikuPorts)
13478{D} did populate data for [aspell_pt_pt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13479{D} did populate data for [aspell_sv_source] (HaikuPorts)
13480{D} did populate data for [attica] (HaikuPorts)
13481{D} did populate data for [aspell_sr_source] (HaikuPorts)
13482{D} did populate data for [aspell_en_source] (HaikuPorts)
13483{D} did populate data for [aspell] (HaikuPorts)
13484{D} did populate data for [astromenace] (HaikuPorts)
13485{D} did populate data for [atf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13486{D} did populate data for [assimp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13487{D} did populate data for [audiofile] (HaikuPorts)
13488{D} did populate data for [aspell_bg_source] (HaikuPorts)
13489{D} did populate data for [aspell_sv] (HaikuPorts)
13490{D} did populate data for [aspell_sr] (HaikuPorts)
13491{D} did populate data for [aspell_ca] (HaikuPorts)
13492{D} did populate data for [aspell_sl] (HaikuPorts)
13493{D} did populate data for [aspell_sk] (HaikuPorts)
13494{D} did populate data for [aspell_it_source] (HaikuPorts)
13495{D} did populate data for [audacious_plugins] (HaikuPorts)
13496{D} did populate data for [aspell_pt_pt] (HaikuPorts)
13497{D} did populate data for [assimp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13498{D} did populate data for [aspell_pt_br_source] (HaikuPorts)
13499{D} did populate data for [aspell_es_source] (HaikuPorts)
13500{D} did populate data for [atf] (HaikuPorts)
13501{D} did populate data for [arpack_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13502{D} did populate data for [aspell_eo_source] (HaikuPorts)
13503{D} did populate data for [aspell_pl] (HaikuPorts)
13504{D} did populate data for [atk] (HaikuPorts)
13505{D} did populate data for [attica_source] (HaikuPorts)
13506{D} did populate data for [audiofile_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13507{D} did populate data for [autoconf] (HaikuPorts)
13508{D} did populate data for [aspell_hu] (HaikuPorts)
13509{D} did populate data for [automake113] (HaikuPorts)
13510{D} did populate data for [aspell_source] (HaikuPorts)
13511{D} did populate data for [aspell_uk_source] (HaikuPorts)
13512{D} did populate data for [atk_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13513{D} did populate data for [aspell_hr] (HaikuPorts)
13514{D} did populate data for [atf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13515{D} did populate data for [autoconf264] (HaikuPorts)
13516{D} did populate data for [asciinema_source] (HaikuPorts)
13517{D} did populate data for [assimp] (HaikuPorts)
13518{D} did populate data for [aspell_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13519{D} did populate data for [autoconf_source] (HaikuPorts)
13520{D} did populate data for [atf_source] (HaikuPorts)
13521{D} did populate data for [astyle_source] (HaikuPorts)
13522{D} did populate data for [aspell_es] (HaikuPorts)
13523{D} did populate data for [aspell_pl_source] (HaikuPorts)
13524{D} did populate data for [aspell_en] (HaikuPorts)
13525{D} did populate data for [aspell_eo] (HaikuPorts)
13526{D} did populate data for [automake] (HaikuPorts)
13527{D} did populate data for [atool_source] (HaikuPorts)
13528{D} did populate data for [aspell_fi] (HaikuPorts)
13529{D} did populate data for [assimp_source] (HaikuPorts)
13530{D} did populate data for [autotrace] (HaikuPorts)
13531{D} did populate data for [aspell_nl] (HaikuPorts)
13532{D} did populate data for [aspell_fr_source] (HaikuPorts)
13533{D} did populate data for [aspell_ro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13534{D} did populate data for [asciidoc] (HaikuPorts)
13535{D} did populate data for [astyle] (HaikuPorts)
13536{D} did populate data for [aspell_fi_source] (HaikuPorts)
13537{D} did populate data for [audiofile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13538{D} did populate data for [aspell_fr] (HaikuPorts)
13539{D} did populate data for [atk_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13540{D} did populate data for [atool] (HaikuPorts)
13541{D} did populate data for [automake_source] (HaikuPorts)
13542{D} did populate data for [aspell_be_source] (HaikuPorts)
13543{D} did populate data for [aspell_lt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13544{D} did populate data for [audacious_source] (HaikuPorts)
13545{D} did populate data for [beautifulsoup_python39] (HaikuPorts)
13546{D} did populate data for [beautifulsoup_python38] (HaikuPorts)
13547{D} did populate data for [avra] (HaikuPorts)
13548{D} did populate data for [bcrypt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13549{D} did populate data for [bam] (HaikuPorts)
13550{D} did populate data for [bakefile] (HaikuPorts)
13551{D} did populate data for [autotrace_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13552{D} did populate data for [bakefile_source] (HaikuPorts)
13553{D} did populate data for [bat] (HaikuPorts)
13554{D} did populate data for [bdhcalc] (HaikuPorts)
13555{D} did populate data for [ayat_tafasir_data] (HaikuPorts)
13556{D} did populate data for [becheckers] (HaikuPorts)
13557{D} did populate data for [b43_fwcutter] (HaikuPorts)
13558{D} did populate data for [avr_libc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13559{D} did populate data for [avrdude] (HaikuPorts)
13560{D} did populate data for [beecrypt] (HaikuPorts)
13561{D} did populate data for [avrdude_source] (HaikuPorts)
13562{D} did populate data for [benchmark] (HaikuPorts)
13563{D} did populate data for [benchmark_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13564{D} did populate data for [axel] (HaikuPorts)
13565{D} did populate data for [bebuilder] (HaikuPorts)
13566{D} did populate data for [bebuilder_source] (HaikuPorts)
13567{D} did populate data for [bc] (HaikuPorts)
13568{D} did populate data for [avr_binutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
13569{D} did populate data for [babybe_source] (HaikuPorts)
13570{D} did populate data for [bat_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13571{D} did populate data for [billardgl_source] (HaikuPorts)
13572{D} did populate data for [bdirectconnect] (HaikuPorts)
13573{D} did populate data for [benettris] (HaikuPorts)
13574{D} did populate data for [beshare_source] (HaikuPorts)
13575{D} did populate data for [axel_source] (HaikuPorts)
13576{D} did populate data for [becjk_source] (HaikuPorts)
13577{D} did populate data for [avisynthplus] (HaikuPorts)
13578{D} did populate data for [benchmark_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13579{D} did populate data for [beautifulsoup] (HaikuPorts)
13580{D} did populate data for [babybe] (HaikuPorts)
13581{D} did populate data for [bcunit_source] (HaikuPorts)
13582{D} did populate data for [becheckers_source] (HaikuPorts)
13583{D} did populate data for [bebattle] (HaikuPorts)
13584{D} did populate data for [biniax2_source] (HaikuPorts)
13585{D} did populate data for [beohms_source] (HaikuPorts)
13586{D} did populate data for [avr_gcc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13587{D} did populate data for [befar_source] (HaikuPorts)
13588{D} did populate data for [beecrypt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13589{D} did populate data for [avisynthplus_source] (HaikuPorts)
13590{D} did populate data for [ayat_tafasir_data_source] (HaikuPorts)
13591{D} did populate data for [bison] (HaikuPorts)
13592{D} did populate data for [bafx] (HaikuPorts)
13593{D} did populate data for [bin86_source] (HaikuPorts)
13594{D} did populate data for [bdirectconnect_source] (HaikuPorts)
13595{D} did populate data for [bam_source] (HaikuPorts)
13596{D} did populate data for [bebattle_source] (HaikuPorts)
13597{D} did populate data for [bash_completion] (HaikuPorts)
13598{D} did populate data for [beautifulsoup_source] (HaikuPorts)
13599{D} did populate data for [bat_source] (HaikuPorts)
13600{D} did populate data for [beindexed] (HaikuPorts)
13601{D} did populate data for [bchunk] (HaikuPorts)
13602{D} did populate data for [bear] (HaikuPorts)
13603{D} did populate data for [bigreqsproto] (HaikuPorts)
13604{D} did populate data for [bc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13605{D} did populate data for [bcunit] (HaikuPorts)
13606{D} did populate data for [bcrypt_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13607{D} did populate data for [avidemux_source] (HaikuPorts)
13608{D} did populate data for [avr_gcc] (HaikuPorts)
13609{D} did populate data for [bcrypt] (HaikuPorts)
13610{D} did populate data for [bison_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13611{D} did populate data for [bear_source] (HaikuPorts)
13612{D} did populate data for [becasso_source] (HaikuPorts)
13613{D} did populate data for [bencode_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13614{D} did populate data for [bitchx] (HaikuPorts)
13615{D} did populate data for [bencode_tools] (HaikuPorts)
13616{D} did populate data for [bemines_source] (HaikuPorts)
13617{D} did populate data for [binwalk] (HaikuPorts)
13618{D} did populate data for [avr_libc] (HaikuPorts)
13619{D} did populate data for [binutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
13620{D} did populate data for [bdirectconnect_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13621{D} did populate data for [benchmark_source] (HaikuPorts)
13622{D} did populate data for [bencode_tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
13623{D} did populate data for [autotrace_source] (HaikuPorts)
13624{D} did populate data for [bitchx_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13625{D} did populate data for [bin86] (HaikuPorts)
13626{D} did populate data for [bison_source] (HaikuPorts)
13627{D} did populate data for [biniax2] (HaikuPorts)
13628{D} did populate data for [beautifulsoup_python] (HaikuPorts)
13629{D} did populate data for [avisynthplus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13630{D} did populate data for [avra_source] (HaikuPorts)
13631{D} did populate data for [bcunit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13632{D} did populate data for [beecrypt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13633{D} did populate data for [bescreencapture_inputfilter] (HaikuPorts)
13634{D} did populate data for [bitstring] (HaikuPorts)
13635{D} did populate data for [bevexed_source] (HaikuPorts)
13636{D} did populate data for [beautifulsoup_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13637{D} did populate data for [binwalk_source] (HaikuPorts)
13638{D} did populate data for [binutils] (HaikuPorts)
13639{D} did populate data for [bafx_source] (HaikuPorts)
13640{D} did populate data for [bash] (HaikuPorts)
13641{D} did populate data for [beohms] (HaikuPorts)
13642{D} did populate data for [avr_binutils] (HaikuPorts)
13643{D} did populate data for [bcrypt_python] (HaikuPorts)
13644{D} did populate data for [beam_source] (HaikuPorts)
13645{D} did populate data for [bsap_source] (HaikuPorts)
13646{D} did populate data for [blis_source] (HaikuPorts)
13647{D} did populate data for [brotli_python] (HaikuPorts)
13648{D} did populate data for [box2d_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13649{D} did populate data for [blis060] (HaikuPorts)
13650{D} did populate data for [bovo_source] (HaikuPorts)
13651{D} did populate data for [boost166_source] (HaikuPorts)
13652{D} did populate data for [boost164_source] (HaikuPorts)
13653{D} did populate data for [buildbot_slave] (HaikuPorts)
13654{D} did populate data for [blis060_source] (HaikuPorts)
13655{D} did populate data for [bonnie++] (HaikuPorts)
13656{D} did populate data for [boost169_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13657{D} did populate data for [bochs_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13658{D} did populate data for [boost165_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13659{D} did populate data for [boca_source] (HaikuPorts)
13660{D} did populate data for [boost164_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13661{D} did populate data for [brie] (HaikuPorts)
13662{D} did populate data for [blender_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13663{D} did populate data for [boca] (HaikuPorts)
13664{D} did populate data for [brotli_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13665{D} did populate data for [boswars] (HaikuPorts)
13666{D} did populate data for [bottle] (HaikuPorts)
13667{D} did populate data for [bitstring_python38] (HaikuPorts)
13668{D} did populate data for [bmake_source] (HaikuPorts)
13669{D} did populate data for [bitstring_python39] (HaikuPorts)
13670{D} did populate data for [bottle_python] (HaikuPorts)
13671{D} did populate data for [boca_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13672{D} did populate data for [boehm_gc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13673{D} did populate data for [blaze] (HaikuPorts)
13674{D} did populate data for [blinken_source] (HaikuPorts)
13675{D} did populate data for [bochs_source] (HaikuPorts)
13676{D} did populate data for [bluemsx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13677{D} did populate data for [brie_source] (HaikuPorts)
13678{D} did populate data for [bitstring_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13679{D} did populate data for [blinken] (HaikuPorts)
13680{D} did populate data for [blis060_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13681{D} did populate data for [boost163_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13682{D} did populate data for [boost163_source] (HaikuPorts)
13683{D} did populate data for [bsap] (HaikuPorts)
13684{D} did populate data for [booksorg] (HaikuPorts)
13685{D} did populate data for [boost170_source] (HaikuPorts)
13686{D} did populate data for [bottle_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13687{D} did populate data for [bottle_source] (HaikuPorts)
13688{D} did populate data for [boswars_source] (HaikuPorts)
13689{D} did populate data for [boehm_gc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13690{D} did populate data for [brotli_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13691{D} did populate data for [boost169_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13692{D} did populate data for [blobbyvolley2_source] (HaikuPorts)
13693{D} did populate data for [buildbot_slave_source] (HaikuPorts)
13694{D} did populate data for [blender] (HaikuPorts)
13695{D} did populate data for [bottle_python36] (HaikuPorts)
13696{D} did populate data for [boehm_gc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13697{D} did populate data for [boost166_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13698{D} did populate data for [blobbyvolley2] (HaikuPorts)
13699{D} did populate data for [bsnes_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13700{D} did populate data for [breeze_icons_source] (HaikuPorts)
13701{D} did populate data for [bullet_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13702{D} did populate data for [blobbyvolley2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13703{D} did populate data for [botan_source] (HaikuPorts)
13704{D} did populate data for [bullet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13705{D} did populate data for [botan] (HaikuPorts)
13706{D} did populate data for [bsnes_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13707{D} did populate data for [bonnie++_source] (HaikuPorts)
13708{D} did populate data for [blis_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13709{D} did populate data for [blobwars_source] (HaikuPorts)
13710{D} did populate data for [boost170_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13711{D} did populate data for [bitstring_source] (HaikuPorts)
13712{D} did populate data for [boost170] (HaikuPorts)
13713{D} did populate data for [brie_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13714{D} did populate data for [botan_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13715{D} did populate data for [blender_source] (HaikuPorts)
13716{D} did populate data for [brotli] (HaikuPorts)
13717{D} did populate data for [bmake] (HaikuPorts)
13718{D} did populate data for [boost169] (HaikuPorts)
13719{D} did populate data for [bookmarkconverter] (HaikuPorts)
13720{D} did populate data for [bong_source] (HaikuPorts)
13721{D} did populate data for [boost163] (HaikuPorts)
13722{D} did populate data for [boehm_gc] (HaikuPorts)
13723{D} did populate data for [boost166] (HaikuPorts)
13724{D} did populate data for [boost164] (HaikuPorts)
13725{D} did populate data for [boost165] (HaikuPorts)
13726{D} did populate data for [bochs] (HaikuPorts)
13727{D} did populate data for [blis] (HaikuPorts)
13728{D} did populate data for [bullet] (HaikuPorts)
13729{D} did populate data for [blis_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13730{D} did populate data for [booksorg_source] (HaikuPorts)
13731{D} did populate data for [boost169_source] (HaikuPorts)
13732{D} did populate data for [boost170_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13733{D} did populate data for [box2d] (HaikuPorts)
13734{D} did populate data for [bong] (HaikuPorts)
13735{D} did populate data for [bovo] (HaikuPorts)
13736{D} did populate data for [boost165_source] (HaikuPorts)
13737{D} did populate data for [blobwars] (HaikuPorts)
13738{D} did populate data for [bluemsx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13739{D} did populate data for [boswars_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13740{D} did populate data for [box2d_source] (HaikuPorts)
13741{D} did populate data for [bookmarkconverter_source] (HaikuPorts)
13742{D} did populate data for [blaze_source] (HaikuPorts)
13743{D} did populate data for [breeze_icons] (HaikuPorts)
13744{D} did populate data for [certifi_source] (HaikuPorts)
13745{D} did populate data for [ccextractor] (HaikuPorts)
13746{D} did populate data for [c_blosc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13747{D} did populate data for [bzip2] (HaikuPorts)
13748{D} did populate data for [cairo_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13749{D} did populate data for [calc_data] (HaikuPorts)
13750{D} did populate data for [cffi_python] (HaikuPorts)
13751{D} did populate data for [cantata_source] (HaikuPorts)
13752{D} did populate data for [bzr] (HaikuPorts)
13753{D} did populate data for [butterfly_source] (HaikuPorts)
13754{D} did populate data for [calligraplan_source] (HaikuPorts)
13755{D} did populate data for [bullet_source] (HaikuPorts)
13756{D} did populate data for [cavepacker_source] (HaikuPorts)
13757{D} did populate data for [c_blosc] (HaikuPorts)
13758{D} did populate data for [capstone_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13759{D} did populate data for [caffe] (HaikuPorts)
13760{D} did populate data for [caffe_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13761{D} did populate data for [capstone] (HaikuPorts)
13762{D} did populate data for [cdrtools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13763{D} did populate data for [bzip2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13764{D} did populate data for [calc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13765{D} did populate data for [cegui] (HaikuPorts)
13766{D} did populate data for [ccd2iso_source] (HaikuPorts)
13767{D} did populate data for [cadaver_source] (HaikuPorts)
13768{D} did populate data for [cffi] (HaikuPorts)
13769{D} did populate data for [byacc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13770{D} did populate data for [ccache_source] (HaikuPorts)
13771{D} did populate data for [certifi_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13772{D} did populate data for [bzip2_source] (HaikuPorts)
13773{D} did populate data for [cegui_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13774{D} did populate data for [calc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13775{D} did populate data for [calendar_source] (HaikuPorts)
13776{D} did populate data for [butterfly] (HaikuPorts)
13777{D} did populate data for [cadaver] (HaikuPorts)
13778{D} did populate data for [byacc] (HaikuPorts)
13779{D} did populate data for [calendar] (HaikuPorts)
13780{D} did populate data for [cd] (HaikuPorts)
13781{D} did populate data for [cairo_source] (HaikuPorts)
13782{D} did populate data for [ccfits_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13783{D} did populate data for [caffe_source] (HaikuPorts)
13784{D} did populate data for [ccache] (HaikuPorts)
13785{D} did populate data for [ccfits] (HaikuPorts)
13786{D} did populate data for [calligra_okular_plugins] (HaikuPorts)
13787{D} did populate data for [ccfits_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13788{D} did populate data for [caveexpress_source] (HaikuPorts)
13789{D} did populate data for [calc] (HaikuPorts)
13790{D} did populate data for [cal3d_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13791{D} did populate data for [calc_source] (HaikuPorts)
13792{D} did populate data for [cal3d] (HaikuPorts)
13793{D} did populate data for [cffi_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13794{D} did populate data for [cantarell] (HaikuPorts)
13795{D} did populate data for [certifi_python36] (HaikuPorts)
13796{D} did populate data for [bzflag_source] (HaikuPorts)
13797{D} did populate data for [ccd2iso] (HaikuPorts)
13798{D} did populate data for [cabextract] (HaikuPorts)
13799{D} did populate data for [cap32_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13800{D} did populate data for [calligraplan] (HaikuPorts)
13801{D} did populate data for [cal3d_source] (HaikuPorts)
13802{D} did populate data for [certifi] (HaikuPorts)
13803{D} did populate data for [calcurse_source] (HaikuPorts)
13804{D} did populate data for [cblas_reference_source] (HaikuPorts)
13805{D} did populate data for [catkeyseditor_source] (HaikuPorts)
13806{D} did populate data for [cegui_source] (HaikuPorts)
13807{D} did populate data for [bzip2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13808{D} did populate data for [cap32_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
13809{D} did populate data for [c_blosc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13810{D} did populate data for [cal3d_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13811{D} did populate data for [ccextractor_source] (HaikuPorts)
13812{D} did populate data for [c_ares] (HaikuPorts)
13813{D} did populate data for [c_blosc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13814{D} did populate data for [cereal] (HaikuPorts)
13815{D} did populate data for [calibre_source] (HaikuPorts)
13816{D} did populate data for [celestia_source] (HaikuPorts)
13817{D} did populate data for [cereal_source] (HaikuPorts)
13818{D} did populate data for [capstone_source] (HaikuPorts)
13819{D} did populate data for [c_ares_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13820{D} did populate data for [cdplayer] (HaikuPorts)
13821{D} did populate data for [calcurse] (HaikuPorts)
13822{D} did populate data for [c_ares_source] (HaikuPorts)
13823{D} did populate data for [cavepacker] (HaikuPorts)
13824{D} did populate data for [cd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13825{D} did populate data for [cal] (HaikuPorts)
13826{D} did populate data for [certifi_python] (HaikuPorts)
13827{D} did populate data for [catchchallenger_source] (HaikuPorts)
13828{D} did populate data for [cabextract_source] (HaikuPorts)
13829{D} did populate data for [c_ares_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13830{D} did populate data for [cblas_reference] (HaikuPorts)
13831{D} did populate data for [ccfits_source] (HaikuPorts)
13832{D} did populate data for [bzr_source] (HaikuPorts)
13833{D} did populate data for [caveexpress] (HaikuPorts)
13834{D} did populate data for [cairo] (HaikuPorts)
13835{D} did populate data for [cadaver_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13836{D} did populate data for [calligra_source] (HaikuPorts)
13837{D} did populate data for [cantata_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13838{D} did populate data for [celestia] (HaikuPorts)
13839{D} did populate data for [canna_source] (HaikuPorts)
13840{D} did populate data for [cairo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13841{D} did populate data for [cal_source] (HaikuPorts)
13842{D} did populate data for [catchchallenger] (HaikuPorts)
13843{D} did populate data for [cardo] (HaikuPorts)
13844{D} did populate data for [chmlib] (HaikuPorts)
13845{D} did populate data for [colobot_data_source] (HaikuPorts)
13846{D} did populate data for [clazy_source] (HaikuPorts)
13847{D} did populate data for [cgal_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13848{D} did populate data for [cmake_source] (HaikuPorts)
13849{D} did populate data for [clear_sans] (HaikuPorts)
13850{D} did populate data for [clementine_source] (HaikuPorts)
13851{D} did populate data for [cmark] (HaikuPorts)
13852{D} did populate data for [check_source] (HaikuPorts)
13853{D} did populate data for [chessx_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13854{D} did populate data for [cgal_source] (HaikuPorts)
13855{D} did populate data for [color_lines_source] (HaikuPorts)
13856{D} did populate data for [click_python] (HaikuPorts)
13857{D} did populate data for [cfitsio_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13858{D} did populate data for [cln] (HaikuPorts)
13859{D} did populate data for [colordiff_source] (HaikuPorts)
13860{D} did populate data for [commandtimer_source] (HaikuPorts)
13861{D} did populate data for [cmake_gui] (HaikuPorts)
13862{D} did populate data for [corsix_th] (HaikuPorts)
13863{D} did populate data for [click] (HaikuPorts)
13864{D} did populate data for [clucene_source] (HaikuPorts)
13865{D} did populate data for [clucene] (HaikuPorts)
13866{D} did populate data for [courier_prime] (HaikuPorts)
13867{D} did populate data for [cffi_source] (HaikuPorts)
13868{D} did populate data for [colobot_source] (HaikuPorts)
13869{D} did populate data for [colm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13870{D} did populate data for [click_source] (HaikuPorts)
13871{D} did populate data for [connect4] (HaikuPorts)
13872{D} did populate data for [confuse] (HaikuPorts)
13873{D} did populate data for [cfitsio] (HaikuPorts)
13874{D} did populate data for [codecrypt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13875{D} did populate data for [coin_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13876{D} did populate data for [commandtimer] (HaikuPorts)
13877{D} did populate data for [coin_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13878{D} did populate data for [confuse_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13879{D} did populate data for [cloud_init_source] (HaikuPorts)
13880{D} did populate data for [clucene_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13881{D} did populate data for [coreutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
13882{D} did populate data for [cln_source] (HaikuPorts)
13883{D} did populate data for [cmake] (HaikuPorts)
13884{D} did populate data for [compositeproto] (HaikuPorts)
13885{D} did populate data for [cfitsio_utils] (HaikuPorts)
13886{D} did populate data for [clips] (HaikuPorts)
13887{D} did populate data for [colorcode_source] (HaikuPorts)
13888{D} did populate data for [chmlib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13889{D} did populate data for [chromaprint_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13890{D} did populate data for [coin_source] (HaikuPorts)
13891{D} did populate data for [cmus_source] (HaikuPorts)
13892{D} did populate data for [chessx_source] (HaikuPorts)
13893{D} did populate data for [cmocka_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13894{D} did populate data for [corsix_th_source] (HaikuPorts)
13895{D} did populate data for [cmocka_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13896{D} did populate data for [coverage_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13897{D} did populate data for [chessx] (HaikuPorts)
13898{D} did populate data for [cgal] (HaikuPorts)
13899{D} did populate data for [colm_source] (HaikuPorts)
13900{D} did populate data for [connectagram] (HaikuPorts)
13901{D} did populate data for [cfitsio_source] (HaikuPorts)
13902{D} did populate data for [cmus] (HaikuPorts)
13903{D} did populate data for [circuslinux] (HaikuPorts)
13904{D} did populate data for [check] (HaikuPorts)
13905{D} did populate data for [codecrypt] (HaikuPorts)
13906{D} did populate data for [click_python36] (HaikuPorts)
13907{D} did populate data for [chocolate_doom_source] (HaikuPorts)
13908{D} did populate data for [color_lines] (HaikuPorts)
13909{D} did populate data for [connectagram_source] (HaikuPorts)
13910{D} did populate data for [chromaprint_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13911{D} did populate data for [cmocka] (HaikuPorts)
13912{D} did populate data for [chromaprint] (HaikuPorts)
13913{D} did populate data for [coolreader3_source] (HaikuPorts)
13914{D} did populate data for [conky_source] (HaikuPorts)
13915{D} did populate data for [coin] (HaikuPorts)
13916{D} did populate data for [colm] (HaikuPorts)
13917{D} did populate data for [copynametoclipboard_source] (HaikuPorts)
13918{D} did populate data for [colorcode] (HaikuPorts)
13919{D} did populate data for [cfitsio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13920{D} did populate data for [chmlib_source] (HaikuPorts)
13921{D} did populate data for [colm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13922{D} did populate data for [cln_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13923{D} did populate data for [coreutils] (HaikuPorts)
13924{D} did populate data for [conky] (HaikuPorts)
13925{D} did populate data for [coverage_source] (HaikuPorts)
13926{D} did populate data for [confuse_source] (HaikuPorts)
13927{D} did populate data for [chromaprint_source] (HaikuPorts)
13928{D} did populate data for [confuse_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13929{D} did populate data for [cmark_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13930{D} did populate data for [colobot] (HaikuPorts)
13931{D} did populate data for [coverage] (HaikuPorts)
13932{D} did populate data for [cgal_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13933{D} did populate data for [click_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13934{D} did populate data for [colormake_source] (HaikuPorts)
13935{D} did populate data for [check_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13936{D} did populate data for [cloud_init] (HaikuPorts)
13937{D} did populate data for [coverage_python] (HaikuPorts)
13938{D} did populate data for [cmocka_source] (HaikuPorts)
13939{D} did populate data for [colordiff] (HaikuPorts)
13940{D} did populate data for [clazy] (HaikuPorts)
13941{D} did populate data for [cmark_source] (HaikuPorts)
13942{D} did populate data for [coreutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13943{D} did populate data for [colobot_data] (HaikuPorts)
13944{D} did populate data for [cyrus_sasl] (HaikuPorts)
13945{D} did populate data for [cppunit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13946{D} did populate data for [daa2iso_source] (HaikuPorts)
13947{D} did populate data for [csound_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13948{D} did populate data for [curl] (HaikuPorts)
13949{D} did populate data for [dav1d] (HaikuPorts)
13950{D} did populate data for [cyrus_sasl_source] (HaikuPorts)
13951{D} did populate data for [curlftpfs] (HaikuPorts)
13952{D} did populate data for [cutter] (HaikuPorts)
13953{D} did populate data for [cppcheck_source] (HaikuPorts)
13954{D} did populate data for [dash_source] (HaikuPorts)
13955{D} did populate data for [cram_source] (HaikuPorts)
13956{D} did populate data for [cyrus_sasl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13957{D} did populate data for [cssselect_source] (HaikuPorts)
13958{D} did populate data for [damageproto] (HaikuPorts)
13959{D} did populate data for [croscorefonts] (HaikuPorts)
13960{D} did populate data for [css_parser_source] (HaikuPorts)
13961{D} did populate data for [cppunit] (HaikuPorts)
13962{D} did populate data for [craft_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
13963{D} did populate data for [db61_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13964{D} did populate data for [crypto++_source] (HaikuPorts)
13965{D} did populate data for [cronie] (HaikuPorts)
13966{D} did populate data for [cubeb_source] (HaikuPorts)
13967{D} did populate data for [cvsps_source] (HaikuPorts)
13968{D} did populate data for [curl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13969{D} did populate data for [cppunit_source] (HaikuPorts)
13970{D} did populate data for [ctags_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13971{D} did populate data for [ctags] (HaikuPorts)
13972{D} did populate data for [cryptography_python] (HaikuPorts)
13973{D} did populate data for [cyrus_sasl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13974{D} did populate data for [dav1d_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13975{D} did populate data for [cssselect_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13976{D} did populate data for [dash_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13977{D} did populate data for [cubeb] (HaikuPorts)
13978{D} did populate data for [curaengine] (HaikuPorts)
13979{D} did populate data for [ctags_source] (HaikuPorts)
13980{D} did populate data for [cryptography_vectors_source] (HaikuPorts)
13981{D} did populate data for [cubeb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13982{D} did populate data for [cython_python39] (HaikuPorts)
13983{D} did populate data for [daa2iso] (HaikuPorts)
13984{D} did populate data for [cython_python38] (HaikuPorts)
13985{D} did populate data for [cpio] (HaikuPorts)
13986{D} did populate data for [db] (HaikuPorts)
13987{D} did populate data for [cryptography_vectors_python] (HaikuPorts)
13988{D} did populate data for [css_parser_python] (HaikuPorts)
13989{D} did populate data for [cutycapt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13990{D} did populate data for [cython_python39_source] (HaikuPorts)
13991{D} did populate data for [cutycapt_source] (HaikuPorts)
13992{D} did populate data for [cython_python38_source] (HaikuPorts)
13993{D} did populate data for [css_parser_python3] (HaikuPorts)
13994{D} did populate data for [crypto++] (HaikuPorts)
13995{D} did populate data for [db61] (HaikuPorts)
13996{D} did populate data for [curl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
13997{D} did populate data for [db61_source] (HaikuPorts)
13998{D} did populate data for [db_devel] (HaikuPorts)
13999{D} did populate data for [cram_python] (HaikuPorts)
14000{D} did populate data for [cscope] (HaikuPorts)
14001{D} did populate data for [dav1d_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14002{D} did populate data for [csound_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14003{D} did populate data for [cryptography] (HaikuPorts)
14004{D} did populate data for [cram_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14005{D} did populate data for [crypto++_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14006{D} did populate data for [cryptography_source] (HaikuPorts)
14007{D} did populate data for [craft_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14008{D} did populate data for [cutemarked_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14009{D} did populate data for [css_parser_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14010{D} did populate data for [cutter_source] (HaikuPorts)
14011{D} did populate data for [css_parser_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14012{D} did populate data for [cssselect_python] (HaikuPorts)
14013{D} did populate data for [curaengine_source] (HaikuPorts)
14014{D} did populate data for [cssselect] (HaikuPorts)
14015{D} did populate data for [dash] (HaikuPorts)
14016{D} did populate data for [css_parser] (HaikuPorts)
14017{D} did populate data for [csound_source] (HaikuPorts)
14018{D} did populate data for [cssselect_python36] (HaikuPorts)
14019{D} did populate data for [cscope_source] (HaikuPorts)
14020{D} did populate data for [cpio_source] (HaikuPorts)
14021{D} did populate data for [cvs_source] (HaikuPorts)
14022{D} did populate data for [cppunit_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14023{D} did populate data for [cvsps] (HaikuPorts)
14024{D} did populate data for [cutycapt] (HaikuPorts)
14025{D} did populate data for [cryptography_vectors_python36] (HaikuPorts)
14026{D} did populate data for [cython_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14027{D} did populate data for [criticalmass_source] (HaikuPorts)
14028{D} did populate data for [cppcheck] (HaikuPorts)
14029{D} did populate data for [cython_python_source] (HaikuPorts)
14030{D} did populate data for [dave_gnukem] (HaikuPorts)
14031{D} did populate data for [cython_python3_source] (HaikuPorts)
14032{D} did populate data for [cython_python] (HaikuPorts)
14033{D} did populate data for [cryptography_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14034{D} did populate data for [cutemarked_source] (HaikuPorts)
14035{D} did populate data for [cryptography_vectors_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14036{D} did populate data for [cppcheck_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14037{D} did populate data for [cryptography_vectors] (HaikuPorts)
14038{D} did populate data for [csound] (HaikuPorts)
14039{D} did populate data for [curl_source] (HaikuPorts)
14040{D} did populate data for [cram] (HaikuPorts)
14041{D} did populate data for [dav1d_source] (HaikuPorts)
14042{D} did populate data for [dave_gnukem_source] (HaikuPorts)
14043{D} did populate data for [crypto++_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14044{D} did populate data for [dialog_source] (HaikuPorts)
14045{D} did populate data for [dovecot_source] (HaikuPorts)
14046{D} did populate data for [discount] (HaikuPorts)
14047{D} did populate data for [docbook_xml_dtd_source] (HaikuPorts)
14048{D} did populate data for [db_source] (HaikuPorts)
14049{D} did populate data for [diffutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14050{D} did populate data for [devilutionx] (HaikuPorts)
14051{D} did populate data for [dmd_source] (HaikuPorts)
14052{D} did populate data for [dbuspython_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14053{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
14054{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
14055{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] running or complete
14056{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14057{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14058{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] running or complete
14059{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] running or complete
14060{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] running or complete
14061{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] running or complete
14062{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
14063{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
14064{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] running or complete
14065{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14066{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14067{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] running or complete
14068{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] running or complete
14069{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] running or complete
14070{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] running or complete
14071{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
14072{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
14073{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] running or complete
14074{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14075{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14076{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] running or complete
14077{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] running or complete
14078{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] running or complete
14079{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] running or complete
14080{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
14081{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
14082{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] running or complete
14083{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14084{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14085{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] running or complete
14086{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] running or complete
14087{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] running or complete
14088{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] running or complete
14089{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
14090{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
14091{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] running or complete
14092{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14093{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
14094{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] running or complete
14095{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] running or complete
14096{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] running or complete
14097{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] running or complete
14098{D} did populate data for [devilutionx_source] (HaikuPorts)
14099{D} did populate data for [dbus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14100{D} did populate data for [dosbox_source] (HaikuPorts)
14101{D} did populate data for [dbus_glib_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14102{D} did populate data for [ddrescue] (HaikuPorts)
14103{D} did populate data for [digikam_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14104{D} did populate data for [distcc] (HaikuPorts)
14105{D} did populate data for [doxygen] (HaikuPorts)
14106{D} did populate data for [dhewm3_source] (HaikuPorts)
14107{D} did populate data for [dialog_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14108{D} did populate data for [dmtx_utils] (HaikuPorts)
14109{D} did populate data for [diskus_source] (HaikuPorts)
14110{D} did populate data for [defendguin_source] (HaikuPorts)
14111{D} did populate data for [dcadec] (HaikuPorts)
14112{D} did populate data for [dfu_util] (HaikuPorts)
14113{D} did populate data for [devil] (HaikuPorts)
14114{D} did populate data for [devilutionx_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14115{D} did populate data for [diffutils] (HaikuPorts)
14116{D} did populate data for [dht_source] (HaikuPorts)
14117{D} did populate data for [dbuspython] (HaikuPorts)
14118{D} did populate data for [dbus_glib] (HaikuPorts)
14119{D} did populate data for [devil_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14120{D} did populate data for [dfu_util_source] (HaikuPorts)
14121{D} did populate data for [diskus] (HaikuPorts)
14122{D} did populate data for [discount_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14123{D} did populate data for [deeperpeople_source] (HaikuPorts)
14124{D} did populate data for [djvuviewer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14125{D} did populate data for [dmd_data] (HaikuPorts)
14126{D} did populate data for [dmg2img_source] (HaikuPorts)
14127{D} did populate data for [dcadec_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14128{D} did populate data for [diffutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14129{D} did populate data for [distcc_source] (HaikuPorts)
14130{D} did populate data for [dht] (HaikuPorts)
14131{D} did populate data for [deskbareyes] (HaikuPorts)
14132{D} did populate data for [dcadec_source] (HaikuPorts)
14133{D} did populate data for [dosfstools_source] (HaikuPorts)
14134{D} did populate data for [dmidecode] (HaikuPorts)
14135{D} did populate data for [double_conversion_source] (HaikuPorts)
14136{D} did populate data for [deskbareyes_source] (HaikuPorts)
14137{D} did populate data for [dopewars_source] (HaikuPorts)
14138{D} did populate data for [dlib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14139{D} did populate data for [double_conversion] (HaikuPorts)
14140{D} did populate data for [double_conversion_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14141{D} did populate data for [dbuspython_source] (HaikuPorts)
14142{D} did populate data for [dlib] (HaikuPorts)
14143{D} did populate data for [dos2unix] (HaikuPorts)
14144{D} did populate data for [diffstat] (HaikuPorts)
14145{D} did populate data for [digiclock_source] (HaikuPorts)
14146{D} did populate data for [deeperpeople] (HaikuPorts)
14147{D} did populate data for [dosbox_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14148{D} did populate data for [documentviewer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14149{D} did populate data for [digikam] (HaikuPorts)
14150{D} did populate data for [doxygen_source] (HaikuPorts)
14151{D} did populate data for [dos2unix_source] (HaikuPorts)
14152{D} did populate data for [desknotes_source] (HaikuPorts)
14153{D} did populate data for [dbus_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14154{D} did populate data for [dlib_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14155{D} did populate data for [dbus] (HaikuPorts)
14156{D} did populate data for [dht_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14157{D} did populate data for [dfu_programmer] (HaikuPorts)
14158{D} did populate data for [documentviewer] (HaikuPorts)
14159{D} did populate data for [discount_source] (HaikuPorts)
14160{D} did populate data for [djvutranslator_source] (HaikuPorts)
14161{D} did populate data for [docbook_xsl_stylesheets_source] (HaikuPorts)
14162{D} did populate data for [digikam_source] (HaikuPorts)
14163{D} did populate data for [djvulibre_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14164{D} did populate data for [devil_source] (HaikuPorts)
14165{D} did populate data for [dovecot] (HaikuPorts)
14166{D} did populate data for [digiclock] (HaikuPorts)
14167{D} did populate data for [dosbox_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14168{D} did populate data for [ddrescue_source] (HaikuPorts)
14169{D} did populate data for [dialog] (HaikuPorts)
14170{D} did populate data for [dbus_glib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14171{D} did populate data for [diffstat_source] (HaikuPorts)
14172{D} did populate data for [dopewars] (HaikuPorts)
14173{D} did populate data for [dcraw] (HaikuPorts)
14174{D} did populate data for [docbook_xsl_stylesheets] (HaikuPorts)
14175{D} did populate data for [debugmonitor] (HaikuPorts)
14176{D} did populate data for [defendguin] (HaikuPorts)
14177{D} did populate data for [dfu_programmer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14178{D} did populate data for [dlib_source] (HaikuPorts)
14179{D} did populate data for [dooble_source] (HaikuPorts)
14180{D} did populate data for [dmidecode_source] (HaikuPorts)
14181{D} did populate data for [dmtx_utils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14182{D} did populate data for [dcraw_source] (HaikuPorts)
14183{D} did populate data for [dosfstools] (HaikuPorts)
14184{D} did populate data for [deathchase3d] (HaikuPorts)
14185{D} did populate data for [diskus_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14186{D} did populate data for [dbus_glib_source] (HaikuPorts)
14187{D} did populate data for [dmd] (HaikuPorts)
14188{D} did populate data for [dmg2img] (HaikuPorts)
14189{D} did populate data for [ebook_tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
14190{D} did populate data for [enca_source] (HaikuPorts)
14191{D} did populate data for [e2fsprogs_source] (HaikuPorts)
14192{D} did populate data for [eduke32_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14193{D} did populate data for [enchant_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14194{D} did populate data for [dumb2_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14195{D} did populate data for [ebook_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14196{D} did populate data for [eternal_lands] (HaikuPorts)
14197{D} did populate data for [ecdsa_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14198{D} did populate data for [eternal_lands_source] (HaikuPorts)
14199{D} did populate data for [elforkane_source] (HaikuPorts)
14200{D} did populate data for [dulwich_source] (HaikuPorts)
14201{D} did populate data for [embree] (HaikuPorts)
14202{D} did populate data for [ecdsa_source] (HaikuPorts)
14203{D} did populate data for [eiskaltdcpp] (HaikuPorts)
14204{D} did populate data for [dumb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14205{D} did populate data for [emacs_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14206{D} did populate data for [edk2] (HaikuPorts)
14207{D} did populate data for [emacs] (HaikuPorts)
14208{D} did populate data for [editor_source] (HaikuPorts)
14209{D} did populate data for [dukpy] (HaikuPorts)
14210{D} did populate data for [enet] (HaikuPorts)
14211{D} did populate data for [eiskaltdcpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
14212{D} did populate data for [editor_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14213{D} did populate data for [edfbrowser_source] (HaikuPorts)
14214{D} did populate data for [editor_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14215{D} did populate data for [dreamchess] (HaikuPorts)
14216{D} did populate data for [dvdbackup_source] (HaikuPorts)
14217{D} did populate data for [easyrpg_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14218{D} did populate data for [dukto] (HaikuPorts)
14219{D} did populate data for [duktape_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14220{D} did populate data for [dukpy_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14221{D} did populate data for [dukpy_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14222{D} did populate data for [ducksaver_source] (HaikuPorts)
14223{D} did populate data for [dvdbackup] (HaikuPorts)
14224{D} did populate data for [editor] (HaikuPorts)
14225{D} did populate data for [editor_python] (HaikuPorts)
14226{D} did populate data for [eduke32_source] (HaikuPorts)
14227{D} did populate data for [edgar] (HaikuPorts)
14228{D} did populate data for [dvda_author_source] (HaikuPorts)
14229{D} did populate data for [edgar_source] (HaikuPorts)
14230{D} did populate data for [enchant_source] (HaikuPorts)
14231{D} did populate data for [espeak] (HaikuPorts)
14232{D} did populate data for [dukpy_python] (HaikuPorts)
14233{D} did populate data for [ecdsa_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14234{D} did populate data for [ecdsa_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14235{D} did populate data for [enchant] (HaikuPorts)
14236{D} did populate data for [enca_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14237{D} did populate data for [es_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14238{D} did populate data for [dvdauthor_source] (HaikuPorts)
14239{D} did populate data for [dumb2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14240{D} did populate data for [dtc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14241{D} did populate data for [dtc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14242{D} did populate data for [dulwich] (HaikuPorts)
14243{D} did populate data for [drawpile_source] (HaikuPorts)
14244{D} did populate data for [ecdsa_python] (HaikuPorts)
14245{D} did populate data for [dreamchess_source] (HaikuPorts)
14246{D} did populate data for [embree_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14247{D} did populate data for [embree_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14248{D} did populate data for [duktape_source] (HaikuPorts)
14249{D} did populate data for [ed] (HaikuPorts)
14250{D} did populate data for [espeak_source] (HaikuPorts)
14251{D} did populate data for [erlang_source] (HaikuPorts)
14252{D} did populate data for [easyrpg_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14253{D} did populate data for [dumb_source] (HaikuPorts)
14254{D} did populate data for [dukpy_source] (HaikuPorts)
14255{D} did populate data for [duktape] (HaikuPorts)
14256{D} did populate data for [elixir_source] (HaikuPorts)
14257{D} did populate data for [es] (HaikuPorts)
14258{D} did populate data for [dumb2] (HaikuPorts)
14259{D} did populate data for [essays1743] (HaikuPorts)
14260{D} did populate data for [enum34] (HaikuPorts)
14261{D} did populate data for [dragengine_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14262{D} did populate data for [ebook_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14263{D} did populate data for [dvdauthor] (HaikuPorts)
14264{D} did populate data for [eigen_source] (HaikuPorts)
14265{D} did populate data for [dtc_source] (HaikuPorts)
14266{D} did populate data for [dragengine] (HaikuPorts)
14267{D} did populate data for [elixir] (HaikuPorts)
14268{D} did populate data for [duktape_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14269{D} did populate data for [dumb] (HaikuPorts)
14270{D} did populate data for [erlang] (HaikuPorts)
14271{D} did populate data for [e2fsprogs] (HaikuPorts)
14272{D} did populate data for [edfbrowser] (HaikuPorts)
14273{D} did populate data for [enet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14274{D} did populate data for [embree_source] (HaikuPorts)
14275{D} did populate data for [editor_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14276{D} did populate data for [dtc] (HaikuPorts)
14277{D} did populate data for [elforkane] (HaikuPorts)
14278{D} did populate data for [emacs_source] (HaikuPorts)
14279{D} did populate data for [dukpy_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14280{D} did populate data for [dvda_author] (HaikuPorts)
14281{D} did populate data for [dukto_source] (HaikuPorts)
14282{D} did populate data for [enca] (HaikuPorts)
14283{D} did populate data for [ecdsa] (HaikuPorts)
14284{D} did populate data for [enum34_source] (HaikuPorts)
14285{D} did populate data for [es_source] (HaikuPorts)
14286{D} did populate data for [eigen] (HaikuPorts)
14287{D} did populate data for [dumb2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14288{D} did populate data for [enet_source] (HaikuPorts)
14289{D} did populate data for [farmhash_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14290{D} did populate data for [fdk_aac] (HaikuPorts)
14291{D} did populate data for [fifechan_source] (HaikuPorts)
14292{D} did populate data for [file_next_source] (HaikuPorts)
14293{D} did populate data for [exiv2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14294{D} did populate data for [fceumm_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14295{D} did populate data for [file_data] (HaikuPorts)
14296{D} did populate data for [file_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14297{D} did populate data for [farmhash_source] (HaikuPorts)
14298{D} did populate data for [fixesproto] (HaikuPorts)
14299{D} did populate data for [fastjar_source] (HaikuPorts)
14300{D} did populate data for [ffsb_source] (HaikuPorts)
14301{D} did populate data for [faad2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14302{D} did populate data for [farsi_fonts] (HaikuPorts)
14303{D} did populate data for [faad2] (HaikuPorts)
14304{D} did populate data for [festival_source] (HaikuPorts)
14305{D} did populate data for [ffsb] (HaikuPorts)
14306{D} did populate data for [filwip_source] (HaikuPorts)
14307{D} did populate data for [featherpad_source] (HaikuPorts)
14308{D} did populate data for [fbneo_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14309{D} did populate data for [festival] (HaikuPorts)
14310{D} did populate data for [fdk_aac_source] (HaikuPorts)
14311{D} did populate data for [ffmpeg_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14312{D} did populate data for [flam3_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14313{D} did populate data for [findutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14314{D} did populate data for [faac] (HaikuPorts)
14315{D} did populate data for [featherpad] (HaikuPorts)
14316{D} did populate data for [findutils] (HaikuPorts)
14317{D} did populate data for [flac123] (HaikuPorts)
14318{D} did populate data for [ffmpeg_source] (HaikuPorts)
14319{D} did populate data for [exiv2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14320{D} did populate data for [filecropper] (HaikuPorts)
14321{D} did populate data for [flac] (HaikuPorts)
14322{D} did populate data for [expat_source] (HaikuPorts)
14323{D} did populate data for [file] (HaikuPorts)
14324{D} did populate data for [expat_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14325{D} did populate data for [fcrm_source] (HaikuPorts)
14326{D} did populate data for [file_next] (HaikuPorts)
14327{D} did populate data for [fftw_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14328{D} did populate data for [ffmpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14329{D} did populate data for [fife_source] (HaikuPorts)
14330{D} did populate data for [exiftool] (HaikuPorts)
14331{D} did populate data for [fftw] (HaikuPorts)
14332{D} did populate data for [extra_cmake_modules] (HaikuPorts)
14333{D} did populate data for [expect] (HaikuPorts)
14334{D} did populate data for [fdupes_source] (HaikuPorts)
14335{D} did populate data for [euae_source] (HaikuPorts)
14336{D} did populate data for [fdupes] (HaikuPorts)
14337{D} did populate data for [faac_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14338{D} did populate data for [expat_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14339{D} did populate data for [faac_source] (HaikuPorts)
14340{D} did populate data for [expect_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14341{D} did populate data for [fitspng_source] (HaikuPorts)
14342{D} did populate data for [figlet] (HaikuPorts)
14343{D} did populate data for [fceumm_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14344{D} did populate data for [fcrm] (HaikuPorts)
14345{D} did populate data for [extra_cmake_modules_source] (HaikuPorts)
14346{D} did populate data for [ffmpeg] (HaikuPorts)
14347{D} did populate data for [festival_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14348{D} did populate data for [flac123_source] (HaikuPorts)
14349{D} did populate data for [extreme_tuxracer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14350{D} did populate data for [exiftool_source] (HaikuPorts)
14351{D} did populate data for [fdk_aac_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14352{D} did populate data for [flac_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14353{D} did populate data for [euae_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14354{D} did populate data for [flacon_source] (HaikuPorts)
14355{D} did populate data for [extreme_tuxracer] (HaikuPorts)
14356{D} did populate data for [filer] (HaikuPorts)
14357{D} did populate data for [fatsort_source] (HaikuPorts)
14358{D} did populate data for [fbreader_source] (HaikuPorts)
14359{D} did populate data for [expect_source] (HaikuPorts)
14360{D} did populate data for [fdk_aac_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14361{D} did populate data for [file_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14362{D} did populate data for [findutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14363{D} did populate data for [faad2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14364{D} did populate data for [file_source] (HaikuPorts)
14365{D} did populate data for [fbneo_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14366{D} did populate data for [flam3] (HaikuPorts)
14367{D} did populate data for [fifechan_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14368{D} did populate data for [flac_source] (HaikuPorts)
14369{D} did populate data for [ffmpeg_avdevice] (HaikuPorts)
14370{D} did populate data for [exiv2] (HaikuPorts)
14371{D} did populate data for [finance_source] (HaikuPorts)
14372{D} did populate data for [expat] (HaikuPorts)
14373{D} did populate data for [figlet_source] (HaikuPorts)
14374{D} did populate data for [fftw_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14375{D} did populate data for [fairtrade] (HaikuPorts)
14376{D} did populate data for [fifechan] (HaikuPorts)
14377{D} did populate data for [fitspng] (HaikuPorts)
14378{D} did populate data for [ffmpeg_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14379{D} did populate data for [farmhash] (HaikuPorts)
14380{D} did populate data for [fatsort] (HaikuPorts)
14381{D} did populate data for [fife] (HaikuPorts)
14382{D} did populate data for [fastjar] (HaikuPorts)
14383{D} did populate data for [fheroes2] (HaikuPorts)
14384{D} did populate data for [fheroes2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14385{D} did populate data for [euae] (HaikuPorts)
14386{D} did populate data for [finance] (HaikuPorts)
14387{D} did populate data for [fastdep] (HaikuPorts)
14388{D} did populate data for [flare] (HaikuPorts)
14389{D} did populate data for [flickcurl] (HaikuPorts)
14390{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth2] (HaikuPorts)
14391{D} did populate data for [focuswriter] (HaikuPorts)
14392{D} did populate data for [flickcurl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14393{D} did populate data for [fontutil_source] (HaikuPorts)
14394{D} did populate data for [fontutil] (HaikuPorts)
14395{D} did populate data for [flickcurl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14396{D} did populate data for [frame3dd_source] (HaikuPorts)
14397{D} did populate data for [flif_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14398{D} did populate data for [fontconfig] (HaikuPorts)
14399{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth] (HaikuPorts)
14400{D} did populate data for [fribidi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14401{D} did populate data for [fontboy_source] (HaikuPorts)
14402{D} did populate data for [freealut] (HaikuPorts)
14403{D} did populate data for [fluidlite] (HaikuPorts)
14404{D} did populate data for [fribidi_source] (HaikuPorts)
14405{D} did populate data for [fmsx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14406{D} did populate data for [freac] (HaikuPorts)
14407{D} did populate data for [freedroidrpg] (HaikuPorts)
14408{D} did populate data for [freeintv_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14409{D} did populate data for [fontforge_source] (HaikuPorts)
14410{D} did populate data for [fritzing_source] (HaikuPorts)
14411{D} did populate data for [flameshot_source] (HaikuPorts)
14412{D} did populate data for [flatbuffers] (HaikuPorts)
14413{D} did populate data for [frei0r] (HaikuPorts)
14414{D} did populate data for [foobillardplus] (HaikuPorts)
14415{D} did populate data for [frotz] (HaikuPorts)
14416{D} did populate data for [fluidlite_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14417{D} did populate data for [freac_source] (HaikuPorts)
14418{D} did populate data for [flite_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14419{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14420{D} did populate data for [foldershaper_source] (HaikuPorts)
14421{D} did populate data for [fontconfig_source] (HaikuPorts)
14422{D} did populate data for [fotowall_source] (HaikuPorts)
14423{D} did populate data for [flif] (HaikuPorts)
14424{D} did populate data for [fluidlite_source] (HaikuPorts)
14425{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14426{D} did populate data for [fontconfig_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14427{D} did populate data for [fortuna_source] (HaikuPorts)
14428{D} did populate data for [freetype_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14429{D} did populate data for [fontconfig_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14430{D} did populate data for [flatbuffers_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14431{D} did populate data for [flycast_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14432{D} did populate data for [flatbuffers_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14433{D} did populate data for [flex_source] (HaikuPorts)
14434{D} did populate data for [frei0r_source] (HaikuPorts)
14435{D} did populate data for [flatstyle_source] (HaikuPorts)
14436{D} did populate data for [freerdp] (HaikuPorts)
14437{D} did populate data for [fribidi] (HaikuPorts)
14438{D} did populate data for [flif_source] (HaikuPorts)
14439{D} did populate data for [freerdp_source] (HaikuPorts)
14440{D} did populate data for [freetype_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14441{D} did populate data for [frame3dd] (HaikuPorts)
14442{D} did populate data for [freeimage_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14443{D} did populate data for [frei0r_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14444{D} did populate data for [fribidi_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14445{D} did populate data for [fritzing] (HaikuPorts)
14446{D} did populate data for [flite_source] (HaikuPorts)
14447{D} did populate data for [freeciv_source] (HaikuPorts)
14448{D} did populate data for [freeimage_source] (HaikuPorts)
14449{D} did populate data for [fortuna] (HaikuPorts)
14450{D} did populate data for [flycast_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14451{D} did populate data for [flatbuffers_source] (HaikuPorts)
14452{D} did populate data for [flif_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14453{D} did populate data for [fossil] (HaikuPorts)
14454{D} did populate data for [fonttools] (HaikuPorts)
14455{D} did populate data for [fmsx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14456{D} did populate data for [freealut_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14457{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14458{D} did populate data for [freetype_bootstrap] (HaikuPorts)
14459{D} did populate data for [fonttools_source] (HaikuPorts)
14460{D} did populate data for [freetype_source] (HaikuPorts)
14461{D} did populate data for [flite] (HaikuPorts)
14462{D} did populate data for [fontsproto] (HaikuPorts)
14463{D} did populate data for [flare_data] (HaikuPorts)
14464{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14465{D} did populate data for [freetype_bootstrap_source] (HaikuPorts)
14466{D} did populate data for [flare_source] (HaikuPorts)
14467{D} did populate data for [fontsproto_source] (HaikuPorts)
14468{D} did populate data for [fonttools_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14469{D} did populate data for [flex] (HaikuPorts)
14470{D} did populate data for [freeimage] (HaikuPorts)
14471{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth2_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14472{D} did populate data for [fluidsynth_source] (HaikuPorts)
14473{D} did populate data for [freeintv_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14474{D} did populate data for [freedroidrpg_source] (HaikuPorts)
14475{D} did populate data for [foobillardplus_source] (HaikuPorts)
14476{D} did populate data for [fossil_source] (HaikuPorts)
14477{D} did populate data for [freealut_source] (HaikuPorts)
14478{D} did populate data for [flyingtroll_source] (HaikuPorts)
14479{D} did populate data for [foldershaper] (HaikuPorts)
14480{D} did populate data for [freerdp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14481{D} did populate data for [flite_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14482{D} did populate data for [focuswriter_source] (HaikuPorts)
14483{D} did populate data for [frotz_source] (HaikuPorts)
14484{D} did populate data for [fontforge_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14485{D} did populate data for [freetype] (HaikuPorts)
14486{D} did populate data for [frozendict] (HaikuPorts)
14487{D} did populate data for [freedroidrpg_data] (HaikuPorts)
14488{D} did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14489{D} did populate data for [ftgl] (HaikuPorts)
14490{D} did populate data for [frozendict_python] (HaikuPorts)
14491{D} did populate data for [gcc] (HaikuPorts)
14492{D} did populate data for [gcal_source] (HaikuPorts)
14493{D} did populate data for [gdb_source] (HaikuPorts)
14494{D} did populate data for [gcab_source] (HaikuPorts)
14495{D} did populate data for [gcc_syslibs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14496{D} did populate data for [gambit] (HaikuPorts)
14497{D} did populate data for [fuse_utils] (HaikuPorts)
14498{D} did populate data for [gcc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14499{D} did populate data for [gawk] (HaikuPorts)
14500{D} did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_source] (HaikuPorts)
14501{D} did populate data for [geoip_source] (HaikuPorts)
14502{D} did populate data for [fzy] (HaikuPorts)
14503{D} did populate data for [gdb] (HaikuPorts)
14504{D} did populate data for [gdbm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14505{D} did populate data for [fusesmb_haiku_source] (HaikuPorts)
14506{D} did populate data for [gcc_fortran] (HaikuPorts)
14507{D} did populate data for [gdata_python] (HaikuPorts)
14508{D} did populate data for [gerbera_source] (HaikuPorts)
14509{D} did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14510{D} did populate data for [gawk_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14511{D} did populate data for [gdal302_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14512{D} did populate data for [gcal] (HaikuPorts)
14513{D} did populate data for [gengetopt] (HaikuPorts)
14514{D} did populate data for [geoip_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14515{D} did populate data for [fzy_source] (HaikuPorts)
14516{D} did populate data for [gemrb_source] (HaikuPorts)
14517{D} did populate data for [gambit_source] (HaikuPorts)
14518{D} did populate data for [fs_uae_source] (HaikuPorts)
14519{D} did populate data for [frozendict_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14520{D} did populate data for [gdal302_source] (HaikuPorts)
14521{D} did populate data for [frozendict_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14522{D} did populate data for [gcc_source] (HaikuPorts)
14523{D} did populate data for [gdata] (HaikuPorts)
14524{D} did populate data for [fuse] (HaikuPorts)
14525{D} did populate data for [gdk_pixbuf] (HaikuPorts)
14526{D} did populate data for [gearboy_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14527{D} did populate data for [frozendict_source] (HaikuPorts)
14528{D} did populate data for [geos_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14529{D} did populate data for [gdal302] (HaikuPorts)
14530{D} did populate data for [gengetopt_source] (HaikuPorts)
14531{D} did populate data for [gemrb] (HaikuPorts)
14532{D} did populate data for [gdal_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14533{D} did populate data for [fs_uae] (HaikuPorts)
14534{D} did populate data for [geos_source] (HaikuPorts)
14535{D} did populate data for [gerbera] (HaikuPorts)
14536{D} did populate data for [fuel_source] (HaikuPorts)
14537{D} did populate data for [fuse_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14538{D} did populate data for [gearboy_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14539{D} did populate data for [geogebra] (HaikuPorts)
14540{D} did populate data for [geos] (HaikuPorts)
14541{D} did populate data for [fswatch_source] (HaikuPorts)
14542{D} did populate data for [funcsigs_python] (HaikuPorts)
14543{D} did populate data for [gcc_syslibs] (HaikuPorts)
14544{D} did populate data for [gdata_source] (HaikuPorts)
14545{D} did populate data for [geoipupdate_source] (HaikuPorts)
14546{D} did populate data for [geos372] (HaikuPorts)
14547{D} did populate data for [gcab_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14548{D} did populate data for [fuel] (HaikuPorts)
14549{D} did populate data for [fuse_utils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14550{D} did populate data for [gawk_source] (HaikuPorts)
14551{D} did populate data for [fstools_source] (HaikuPorts)
14552{D} did populate data for [game_music_emu_source] (HaikuPorts)
14553{D} did populate data for [fswatch_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14554{D} did populate data for [fswatch] (HaikuPorts)
14555{D} did populate data for [gdbm_source] (HaikuPorts)
14556{D} did populate data for [gambatte_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14557{D} did populate data for [fstools] (HaikuPorts)
14558{D} did populate data for [funcsigs_source] (HaikuPorts)
14559{D} did populate data for [game_music_emu_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14560{D} did populate data for [gdbm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14561{D} did populate data for [game_music_emu_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14562{D} did populate data for [gemrb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14563{D} did populate data for [frozendict_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14564{D} did populate data for [ftgl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14565{D} did populate data for [geoipupdate] (HaikuPorts)
14566{D} did populate data for [gd_source] (HaikuPorts)
14567{D} did populate data for [geoip_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14568{D} did populate data for [funcsigs] (HaikuPorts)
14569{D} did populate data for [fuse_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14570{D} did populate data for [gcab] (HaikuPorts)
14571{D} did populate data for [gdal_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14572{D} did populate data for [genesis_commander_source] (HaikuPorts)
14573{D} did populate data for [gd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14574{D} did populate data for [gdal_source] (HaikuPorts)
14575{D} did populate data for [gdbm] (HaikuPorts)
14576{D} did populate data for [gd] (HaikuPorts)
14577{D} did populate data for [game_music_emu] (HaikuPorts)
14578{D} did populate data for [geoip] (HaikuPorts)
14579{D} did populate data for [gambatte_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14580{D} did populate data for [geos372_source] (HaikuPorts)
14581{D} did populate data for [fs_uae_launcher_source] (HaikuPorts)
14582{D} did populate data for [gdal] (HaikuPorts)
14583{D} did populate data for [gdal302_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14584{D} did populate data for [genesis_plus_gx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14585{D} did populate data for [fuse_source] (HaikuPorts)
14586{D} did populate data for [genesis_plus_gx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14587{D} did populate data for [gcab_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14588{D} did populate data for [gitdb_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14589{D} did populate data for [glibmm_source] (HaikuPorts)
14590{D} did populate data for [gitdb] (HaikuPorts)
14591{D} did populate data for [glib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14592{D} did populate data for [gmp_ecm_source] (HaikuPorts)
14593{D} did populate data for [gitpython_source] (HaikuPorts)
14594{D} did populate data for [gif2apng] (HaikuPorts)
14595{D} did populate data for [gflags] (HaikuPorts)
14596{D} did populate data for [gifsicle_source] (HaikuPorts)
14597{D} did populate data for [getopt] (HaikuPorts)
14598{D} did populate data for [gettext] (HaikuPorts)
14599{D} did populate data for [gitdb_source] (HaikuPorts)
14600{D} did populate data for [gitpython] (HaikuPorts)
14601{D} did populate data for [git_flow] (HaikuPorts)
14602{D} did populate data for [glibmm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14603{D} did populate data for [glu_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14604{D} did populate data for [glproto_source] (HaikuPorts)
14605{D} did populate data for [gertty_source] (HaikuPorts)
14606{D} did populate data for [glm] (HaikuPorts)
14607{D} did populate data for [giflib_source] (HaikuPorts)
14608{D} did populate data for [gmp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14609{D} did populate data for [ghostscript_gpl_source] (HaikuPorts)
14610{D} did populate data for [glu] (HaikuPorts)
14611{D} did populate data for [ginac] (HaikuPorts)
14612{D} did populate data for [glew21] (HaikuPorts)
14613{D} did populate data for [globe] (HaikuPorts)
14614{D} did populate data for [glew_util] (HaikuPorts)
14615{D} did populate data for [glibmm] (HaikuPorts)
14616{D} did populate data for [glog_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14617{D} did populate data for [gn1731_source] (HaikuPorts)
14618{D} did populate data for [gn_source] (HaikuPorts)
14619{D} did populate data for [glew1_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14620{D} did populate data for [glib_networking_source] (HaikuPorts)
14621{D} did populate data for [gloox_source] (HaikuPorts)
14622{D} did populate data for [glog_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14623{D} did populate data for [giflib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14624{D} did populate data for [global] (HaikuPorts)
14625{D} did populate data for [gitpython_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14626{D} did populate data for [gmp] (HaikuPorts)
14627{D} did populate data for [glog] (HaikuPorts)
14628{D} did populate data for [gloox] (HaikuPorts)
14629{D} did populate data for [glucas] (HaikuPorts)
14630{D} did populate data for [ginac_source] (HaikuPorts)
14631{D} did populate data for [glogg] (HaikuPorts)
14632{D} did populate data for [gitdb_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14633{D} did populate data for [gitdb_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14634{D} did populate data for [ginac_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14635{D} did populate data for [glog_source] (HaikuPorts)
14636{D} did populate data for [gnuchess_source] (HaikuPorts)
14637{D} did populate data for [ghostwriter_source] (HaikuPorts)
14638{D} did populate data for [gifsicle] (HaikuPorts)
14639{D} did populate data for [glu_source] (HaikuPorts)
14640{D} did populate data for [glew1] (HaikuPorts)
14641{D} did populate data for [gettext_libintl] (HaikuPorts)
14642{D} did populate data for [glew] (HaikuPorts)
14643{D} did populate data for [glproto] (HaikuPorts)
14644{D} did populate data for [gme_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14645{D} did populate data for [gitqlient_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14646{D} did populate data for [globe_source] (HaikuPorts)
14647{D} did populate data for [glew_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14648{D} did populate data for [glpng_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14649{D} did populate data for [gmp_source] (HaikuPorts)
14650{D} did populate data for [gn1731] (HaikuPorts)
14651{D} did populate data for [gnuchess] (HaikuPorts)
14652{D} did populate data for [gmp_ecm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14653{D} did populate data for [ghostscript_gpl] (HaikuPorts)
14654{D} did populate data for [gloox_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14655{D} did populate data for [glib2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14656{D} did populate data for [git_source] (HaikuPorts)
14657{D} did populate data for [glib] (HaikuPorts)
14658{D} did populate data for [gif2apng_source] (HaikuPorts)
14659{D} did populate data for [glu_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14660{D} did populate data for [ghostscript_gpl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14661{D} did populate data for [glogg_source] (HaikuPorts)
14662{D} did populate data for [git_flow_source] (HaikuPorts)
14663{D} did populate data for [gitqlient_source] (HaikuPorts)
14664{D} did populate data for [gflags_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14665{D} did populate data for [glew_source] (HaikuPorts)
14666{D} did populate data for [gmp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14667{D} did populate data for [gertty] (HaikuPorts)
14668{D} did populate data for [giddy3_source] (HaikuPorts)
14669{D} did populate data for [glib2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14670{D} did populate data for [getopt_source] (HaikuPorts)
14671{D} did populate data for [glibmm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14672{D} did populate data for [gflags_source] (HaikuPorts)
14673{D} did populate data for [glib2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14674{D} did populate data for [gmic_source] (HaikuPorts)
14675{D} did populate data for [gloox_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14676{D} did populate data for [ghostscript_gpl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14677{D} did populate data for [gme_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14678{D} did populate data for [glew21_source] (HaikuPorts)
14679{D} did populate data for [glib_networking] (HaikuPorts)
14680{D} did populate data for [gmp_ecm] (HaikuPorts)
14681{D} did populate data for [gn] (HaikuPorts)
14682{D} did populate data for [glib2] (HaikuPorts)
14683{D} did populate data for [global_source] (HaikuPorts)
14684{D} did populate data for [getconf] (HaikuPorts)
14685{D} did populate data for [gish_source] (HaikuPorts)
14686{D} did populate data for [glpng] (HaikuPorts)
14687{D} did populate data for [giflib] (HaikuPorts)
14688{D} did populate data for [gnutls_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14689{D} did populate data for [gsl] (HaikuPorts)
14690{D} did populate data for [gobject_introspection_source] (HaikuPorts)
14691{D} did populate data for [gottet] (HaikuPorts)
14692{D} did populate data for [gnugo] (HaikuPorts)
14693{D} did populate data for [gpxsee_source] (HaikuPorts)
14694{D} did populate data for [gperf] (HaikuPorts)
14695{D} did populate data for [gputils] (HaikuPorts)
14696{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_ugly] (HaikuPorts)
14697{D} did populate data for [goonies_source] (HaikuPorts)
14698{D} did populate data for [gnu_efi_kernel] (HaikuPorts)
14699{D} did populate data for [graphviz] (HaikuPorts)
14700{D} did populate data for [graphicsmagick_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14701{D} did populate data for [gphoto2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14702{D} did populate data for [grantlee_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14703{D} did populate data for [granatier] (HaikuPorts)
14704{D} did populate data for [googlemaps_mini_source] (HaikuPorts)
14705{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_bad_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14706{D} did populate data for [gptfdisk] (HaikuPorts)
14707{D} did populate data for [graphite2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14708{D} did populate data for [gnutls_source] (HaikuPorts)
14709{D} did populate data for [gsl25_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14710{D} did populate data for [graphite2] (HaikuPorts)
14711{D} did populate data for [groff_source] (HaikuPorts)
14712{D} did populate data for [gnupg] (HaikuPorts)
14713{D} did populate data for [gpxlab_source] (HaikuPorts)
14714{D} did populate data for [grafx2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14715{D} did populate data for [groff] (HaikuPorts)
14716{D} did populate data for [gstreamer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14717{D} did populate data for [graphicsmagick] (HaikuPorts)
14718{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_good] (HaikuPorts)
14719{D} did populate data for [graphicsmagick_source] (HaikuPorts)
14720{D} did populate data for [gnutls_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14721{D} did populate data for [gputils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14722{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_bad_source] (HaikuPorts)
14723{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_good_source] (HaikuPorts)
14724{D} did populate data for [gpxlab] (HaikuPorts)
14725{D} did populate data for [gtest_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14726{D} did populate data for [gobject_introspection_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14727{D} did populate data for [gnulib] (HaikuPorts)
14728{D} did populate data for [gpxsee] (HaikuPorts)
14729{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_base_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14730{D} did populate data for [gsoap_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14731{D} did populate data for [gnutls_bin] (HaikuPorts)
14732{D} did populate data for [gpgme] (HaikuPorts)
14733{D} did populate data for [gnupg_source] (HaikuPorts)
14734{D} did populate data for [gnuplot_source] (HaikuPorts)
14735{D} did populate data for [gsl_source] (HaikuPorts)
14736{D} did populate data for [gsl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14737{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_base] (HaikuPorts)
14738{D} did populate data for [granatier_source] (HaikuPorts)
14739{D} did populate data for [gnurobbo] (HaikuPorts)
14740{D} did populate data for [gpgme_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14741{D} did populate data for [gpsp_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14742{D} did populate data for [graphviz_source] (HaikuPorts)
14743{D} did populate data for [gsoap] (HaikuPorts)
14744{D} did populate data for [grep_source] (HaikuPorts)
14745{D} did populate data for [gtest] (HaikuPorts)
14746{D} did populate data for [grantlee] (HaikuPorts)
14747{D} did populate data for [gsl25] (HaikuPorts)
14748{D} did populate data for [gst_libav_source] (HaikuPorts)
14749{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_ugly_source] (HaikuPorts)
14750{D} did populate data for [gpsp_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14751{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_base_source] (HaikuPorts)
14752{D} did populate data for [gpp] (HaikuPorts)
14753{D} did populate data for [gphoto2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14754{D} did populate data for [graphite2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14755{D} did populate data for [golang_source] (HaikuPorts)
14756{D} did populate data for [gsasl_source] (HaikuPorts)
14757{D} did populate data for [gstreamer_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14758{D} did populate data for [godot_source] (HaikuPorts)
14759{D} did populate data for [gpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
14760{D} did populate data for [gnuplot] (HaikuPorts)
14761{D} did populate data for [grantlee_source] (HaikuPorts)
14762{D} did populate data for [graphviz_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14763{D} did populate data for [gsl25_source] (HaikuPorts)
14764{D} did populate data for [godot] (HaikuPorts)
14765{D} did populate data for [gsasl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14766{D} did populate data for [gst_libav] (HaikuPorts)
14767{D} did populate data for [gnutls] (HaikuPorts)
14768{D} did populate data for [golang] (HaikuPorts)
14769{D} did populate data for [graphicsmagick_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14770{D} did populate data for [gphoto2] (HaikuPorts)
14771{D} did populate data for [gpgme_source] (HaikuPorts)
14772{D} did populate data for [gptfdisk_source] (HaikuPorts)
14773{D} did populate data for [graphite2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14774{D} did populate data for [gobject_introspection] (HaikuPorts)
14775{D} did populate data for [gperf_source] (HaikuPorts)
14776{D} did populate data for [gstreamer] (HaikuPorts)
14777{D} did populate data for [goldendict_source] (HaikuPorts)
14778{D} did populate data for [gnugo_source] (HaikuPorts)
14779{D} did populate data for [graphviz_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14780{D} did populate data for [gsl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14781{D} did populate data for [gsoap_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14782{D} did populate data for [gobject_introspection_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14783{D} did populate data for [googlemaps_mini] (HaikuPorts)
14784{D} did populate data for [gottet_source] (HaikuPorts)
14785{D} did populate data for [gst_plugins_bad] (HaikuPorts)
14786{D} did populate data for [gsasl] (HaikuPorts)
14787{D} did populate data for [gsoap_source] (HaikuPorts)
14788{D} did populate data for [hippo_source] (HaikuPorts)
14789{D} did populate data for [gw_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14790{D} did populate data for [html5_parser_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14791{D} did populate data for [guitarmaster_source] (HaikuPorts)
14792{D} did populate data for [hdf5_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14793{D} did populate data for [hatari_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14794{D} did populate data for [hexedit] (HaikuPorts)
14795{D} did populate data for [hexvexed] (HaikuPorts)
14796{D} did populate data for [hack] (HaikuPorts)
14797{D} did populate data for [guile_source] (HaikuPorts)
14798{D} did populate data for [guile] (HaikuPorts)
14799{D} did populate data for [guile1_source] (HaikuPorts)
14800{D} did populate data for [gwenview_source] (HaikuPorts)
14801{D} did populate data for [hefur_source] (HaikuPorts)
14802{D} did populate data for [hatari_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14803{D} did populate data for [hippo] (HaikuPorts)
14804{D} did populate data for [haikuwebkit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14805{D} did populate data for [hqx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14806{D} did populate data for [hblock] (HaikuPorts)
14807{D} did populate data for [hermes_game_source] (HaikuPorts)
14808{D} did populate data for [hidapi_source] (HaikuPorts)
14809{D} did populate data for [haproxy_source] (HaikuPorts)
14810{D} did populate data for [gtk_doc] (HaikuPorts)
14811{D} did populate data for [hdf5_source] (HaikuPorts)
14812{D} did populate data for [guile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14813{D} did populate data for [gzip_source] (HaikuPorts)
14814{D} did populate data for [hello] (HaikuPorts)
14815{D} did populate data for [haikutwitter_source] (HaikuPorts)
14816{D} did populate data for [guile1_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14817{D} did populate data for [guitar_source] (HaikuPorts)
14818{D} did populate data for [gutenprint9_source] (HaikuPorts)
14819{D} did populate data for [handy_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
14820{D} did populate data for [harfbuzz] (HaikuPorts)
14821{D} did populate data for [helpviewer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14822{D} did populate data for [hstr_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14823{D} did populate data for [hblock_source] (HaikuPorts)
14824{D} did populate data for [hqx_source] (HaikuPorts)
14825{D} did populate data for [handbrake_source] (HaikuPorts)
14826{D} did populate data for [gzip] (HaikuPorts)
14827{D} did populate data for [hamlib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14828{D} did populate data for [helpviewer] (HaikuPorts)
14829{D} did populate data for [html5_parser_python] (HaikuPorts)
14830{D} did populate data for [hamlib] (HaikuPorts)
14831{D} did populate data for [help2man] (HaikuPorts)
14832{D} did populate data for [haproxy] (HaikuPorts)
14833{D} did populate data for [gtest_source] (HaikuPorts)
14834{D} did populate data for [hstr_source] (HaikuPorts)
14835{D} did populate data for [gws] (HaikuPorts)
14836{D} did populate data for [hamlib_source] (HaikuPorts)
14837{D} did populate data for [homeworld_sdl] (HaikuPorts)
14838{D} did populate data for [gzdoom_source] (HaikuPorts)
14839{D} did populate data for [hdialog_source] (HaikuPorts)
14840{D} did populate data for [heimer_source] (HaikuPorts)
14841{D} did populate data for [haikuwebkit] (HaikuPorts)
14842{D} did populate data for [harfbuzz_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14843{D} did populate data for [hqx] (HaikuPorts)
14844{D} did populate data for [hefur] (HaikuPorts)
14845{D} did populate data for [hdialog] (HaikuPorts)
14846{D} did populate data for [haikuporter_source] (HaikuPorts)
14847{D} did populate data for [html5_parser_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14848{D} did populate data for [hidapi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14849{D} did populate data for [gtest_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14850{D} did populate data for [hdf5_103_source] (HaikuPorts)
14851{D} did populate data for [gw_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14852{D} did populate data for [html2text_python_source] (HaikuPorts)
14853{D} did populate data for [harfbuzz_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14854{D} did populate data for [gutenprint9] (HaikuPorts)
14855{D} did populate data for [gutenprint8] (HaikuPorts)
14856{D} did populate data for [harfbuzz_source] (HaikuPorts)
14857{D} did populate data for [hdf5] (HaikuPorts)
14858{D} did populate data for [html5_parser] (HaikuPorts)
14859{D} did populate data for [gyp] (HaikuPorts)
14860{D} did populate data for [haikuwebsearch_source] (HaikuPorts)
14861{D} did populate data for [haikuwebsearch] (HaikuPorts)
14862{D} did populate data for [guile1_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14863{D} did populate data for [hdf5_103] (HaikuPorts)
14864{D} did populate data for [gutenprint8_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14865{D} did populate data for [hexalate] (HaikuPorts)
14866{D} did populate data for [gws_source] (HaikuPorts)
14867{D} did populate data for [guile1] (HaikuPorts)
14868{D} did populate data for [hidapi] (HaikuPorts)
14869{D} did populate data for [html2text_python] (HaikuPorts)
14870{D} did populate data for [haikuwebkit_source] (HaikuPorts)
14871{D} did populate data for [hexedit_source] (HaikuPorts)
14872{D} did populate data for [guitar_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14873{D} did populate data for [gtk_doc_source] (HaikuPorts)
14874{D} did populate data for [hexalate_source] (HaikuPorts)
14875{D} did populate data for [guitarmaster] (HaikuPorts)
14876{D} did populate data for [haikutwitter] (HaikuPorts)
14877{D} did populate data for [guitar] (HaikuPorts)
14878{D} did populate data for [handy_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
14879{D} did populate data for [guile1_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14880{D} did populate data for [homeworld_sdl_source] (HaikuPorts)
14881{D} did populate data for [gutenprint9_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14882{D} did populate data for [hstr] (HaikuPorts)
14883{D} did populate data for [gutenprint8_source] (HaikuPorts)
14884{D} did populate data for [haikuporter] (HaikuPorts)
14885{D} did populate data for [guile_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14886{D} did populate data for [htmldoc] (HaikuPorts)
14887{D} did populate data for [imagemagick7] (HaikuPorts)
14888{D} did populate data for [imutils_python3] (HaikuPorts)
14889{D} did populate data for [icu66_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14890{D} did populate data for [hwloc2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14891{D} did populate data for [html5_parser_source] (HaikuPorts)
14892{D} did populate data for [hunspell_source] (HaikuPorts)
14893{D} did populate data for [imutils] (HaikuPorts)
14894{D} did populate data for [hyperfine_source] (HaikuPorts)
14895{D} did populate data for [hunspell_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14896{D} did populate data for [hyphen_source] (HaikuPorts)
14897{D} did populate data for [hwloc] (HaikuPorts)
14898{D} did populate data for [im] (HaikuPorts)
14899{D} did populate data for [icu_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14900{D} did populate data for [iec16022] (HaikuPorts)
14901{D} did populate data for [instead_source] (HaikuPorts)
14902{D} did populate data for [interface_elements] (HaikuPorts)
14903{D} did populate data for [imlib2] (HaikuPorts)
14904{D} did populate data for [iperf] (HaikuPorts)
14905{D} did populate data for [hubbub_source] (HaikuPorts)
14906{D} did populate data for [icecast_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14907{D} did populate data for [id3lib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14908{D} did populate data for [imageplay_source] (HaikuPorts)
14909{D} did populate data for [imutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14910{D} did populate data for [hunspell] (HaikuPorts)
14911{D} did populate data for [hwloc2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14912{D} did populate data for [iperf_source] (HaikuPorts)
14913{D} did populate data for [iasl] (HaikuPorts)
14914{D} did populate data for [iat_source] (HaikuPorts)
14915{D} did populate data for [hugs98_source] (HaikuPorts)
14916{D} did populate data for [icoutils] (HaikuPorts)
14917{D} did populate data for [hyperfine_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14918{D} did populate data for [hubbub] (HaikuPorts)
14919{D} did populate data for [icoutils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14920{D} did populate data for [interface_elements_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14921{D} did populate data for [iozone] (HaikuPorts)
14922{D} did populate data for [icecast] (HaikuPorts)
14923{D} did populate data for [html_parser_source] (HaikuPorts)
14924{D} did populate data for [iat] (HaikuPorts)
14925{D} did populate data for [html_parser] (HaikuPorts)
14926{D} did populate data for [intel_microcode] (HaikuPorts)
14927{D} did populate data for [httraqt_source] (HaikuPorts)
14928{D} did populate data for [imgcat_source] (HaikuPorts)
14929{D} did populate data for [hyphen] (HaikuPorts)
14930{D} did populate data for [httraqt] (HaikuPorts)
14931{D} did populate data for [imlib2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14932{D} did populate data for [icu66] (HaikuPorts)
14933{D} did populate data for [imgcat] (HaikuPorts)
14934{D} did populate data for [iec16022_source] (HaikuPorts)
14935{D} did populate data for [iec16022_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14936{D} did populate data for [iat_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14937{D} did populate data for [hwloc2_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14938{D} did populate data for [hwloc_source] (HaikuPorts)
14939{D} did populate data for [icu66_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14940{D} did populate data for [imlib2_source] (HaikuPorts)
14941{D} did populate data for [hugs98] (HaikuPorts)
14942{D} did populate data for [iniparse] (HaikuPorts)
14943{D} did populate data for [innoextract] (HaikuPorts)
14944{D} did populate data for [interface_elements_source] (HaikuPorts)
14945{D} did populate data for [innoextract_source] (HaikuPorts)
14946{D} did populate data for [imlib2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14947{D} did populate data for [hubbub_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14948{D} did populate data for [im_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14949{D} did populate data for [imagemagick] (HaikuPorts)
14950{D} did populate data for [inconsolata] (HaikuPorts)
14951{D} did populate data for [imagemagick7_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14952{D} did populate data for [icu] (HaikuPorts)
14953{D} did populate data for [html5_parser_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14954{D} did populate data for [ideam] (HaikuPorts)
14955{D} did populate data for [httrack_source] (HaikuPorts)
14956{D} did populate data for [hwloc_tools] (HaikuPorts)
14957{D} did populate data for [imagemagick7_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14958{D} did populate data for [httrack] (HaikuPorts)
14959{D} did populate data for [httpflow] (HaikuPorts)
14960{D} did populate data for [iec16022_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14961{D} did populate data for [hwloc2] (HaikuPorts)
14962{D} did populate data for [iniparse_source] (HaikuPorts)
14963{D} did populate data for [imageplay] (HaikuPorts)
14964{D} did populate data for [icu_source] (HaikuPorts)
14965{D} did populate data for [hwloc2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14966{D} did populate data for [indent] (HaikuPorts)
14967{D} did populate data for [imagemagick7_source] (HaikuPorts)
14968{D} did populate data for [id3lib] (HaikuPorts)
14969{D} did populate data for [inputproto] (HaikuPorts)
14970{D} did populate data for [imutils_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14971{D} did populate data for [indent_source] (HaikuPorts)
14972{D} did populate data for [imagemagick_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14973{D} did populate data for [ideam_source] (HaikuPorts)
14974{D} did populate data for [imutils_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14975{D} did populate data for [hyperfine] (HaikuPorts)
14976{D} did populate data for [httrack_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14977{D} did populate data for [hwloc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
14978{D} did populate data for [imagemagick_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14979{D} did populate data for [httpflow_source] (HaikuPorts)
14980{D} did populate data for [hyphen_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14981{D} did populate data for [hwloc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14982{D} did populate data for [iozone_source] (HaikuPorts)
14983{D} did populate data for [icu66_source] (HaikuPorts)
14984{D} did populate data for [icoutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
14985{D} did populate data for [iasl_source] (HaikuPorts)
14986{D} did populate data for [jigdo_source] (HaikuPorts)
14987{D} did populate data for [janet] (HaikuPorts)
14988{D} did populate data for [jdtranslationhelper_python38] (HaikuPorts)
14989{D} did populate data for [json_c4] (HaikuPorts)
14990{D} did populate data for [jdtranslationhelper_python39] (HaikuPorts)
14991{D} did populate data for [jam] (HaikuPorts)
14992{D} did populate data for [johntheripper_source] (HaikuPorts)
14993{D} did populate data for [irrlicht_devel] (HaikuPorts)
14994{D} did populate data for [json_c4_source] (HaikuPorts)
14995{D} did populate data for [julius] (HaikuPorts)
14996{D} did populate data for [jdreplace_source] (HaikuPorts)
14997{D} did populate data for [kactivities] (HaikuPorts)
14998{D} did populate data for [irrxml_source] (HaikuPorts)
14999{D} did populate data for [irssi_source] (HaikuPorts)
15000{D} did populate data for [jigit] (HaikuPorts)
15001{D} did populate data for [jsoncpp22_source] (HaikuPorts)
15002{D} did populate data for [kacst_fonts] (HaikuPorts)
15003{D} did populate data for [ixion_source] (HaikuPorts)
15004{D} did populate data for [joyce] (HaikuPorts)
15005{D} did populate data for [jansson_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15006{D} did populate data for [irrxml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15007{D} did populate data for [jpegoptim_source] (HaikuPorts)
15008{D} did populate data for [jetbrains_mono] (HaikuPorts)
15009{D} did populate data for [ja2_stracciatella_source] (HaikuPorts)
15010{D} did populate data for [jigdo_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15011{D} did populate data for [jbigkit] (HaikuPorts)
15012{D} did populate data for [jq] (HaikuPorts)
15013{D} did populate data for [json_glib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15014{D} did populate data for [iso8601_python] (HaikuPorts)
15015{D} did populate data for [ixion_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15016{D} did populate data for [jamvm] (HaikuPorts)
15017{D} did populate data for [jansson_source] (HaikuPorts)
15018{D} did populate data for [jsonrpcclient_python3] (HaikuPorts)
15019{D} did populate data for [isl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15020{D} did populate data for [jpeg] (HaikuPorts)
15021{D} did populate data for [jsoncpp] (HaikuPorts)
15022{D} did populate data for [ja2_stracciatella_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15023{D} did populate data for [iso8601] (HaikuPorts)
15024{D} did populate data for [jsonrpcclient_source] (HaikuPorts)
15025{D} did populate data for [jpegoptim] (HaikuPorts)
15026{D} did populate data for [jasper_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15027{D} did populate data for [jigit_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15028{D} did populate data for [iso8601_source] (HaikuPorts)
15029{D} did populate data for [isl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15030{D} did populate data for [json_glib_source] (HaikuPorts)
15031{D} did populate data for [jbig2dec_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15032{D} did populate data for [jansson_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15033{D} did populate data for [ja2_stracciatella] (HaikuPorts)
15034{D} did populate data for [isl] (HaikuPorts)
15035{D} did populate data for [ixion] (HaikuPorts)
15036{D} did populate data for [jdtranslationhelper_python3] (HaikuPorts)
15037{D} did populate data for [jed] (HaikuPorts)
15038{D} did populate data for [json_c_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15039{D} did populate data for [jbigkit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15040{D} did populate data for [jigdo] (HaikuPorts)
15041{D} did populate data for [joe_source] (HaikuPorts)
15042{D} did populate data for [jsoncpp22] (HaikuPorts)
15043{D} did populate data for [jumpnbump] (HaikuPorts)
15044{D} did populate data for [ixion_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15045{D} did populate data for [iso8601_python3] (HaikuPorts)
15046{D} did populate data for [jdtranslationhelper_source] (HaikuPorts)
15047{D} did populate data for [isl_source] (HaikuPorts)
15048{D} did populate data for [jigit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15049{D} did populate data for [jigit_source] (HaikuPorts)
15050{D} did populate data for [irrxml] (HaikuPorts)
15051{D} did populate data for [iso8601_python36] (HaikuPorts)
15052{D} did populate data for [json_c] (HaikuPorts)
15053{D} did populate data for [jq_source] (HaikuPorts)
15054{D} did populate data for [jasper_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15055{D} did populate data for [jbig2dec] (HaikuPorts)
15056{D} did populate data for [jamvm_source] (HaikuPorts)
15057{D} did populate data for [itstool] (HaikuPorts)
15058{D} did populate data for [json_c_source] (HaikuPorts)
15059{D} did populate data for [julius_source] (HaikuPorts)
15060{D} did populate data for [itstool_source] (HaikuPorts)
15061{D} did populate data for [jdreplace] (HaikuPorts)
15062{D} did populate data for [janet_source] (HaikuPorts)
15063{D} did populate data for [json_c_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15064{D} did populate data for [irssi] (HaikuPorts)
15065{D} did populate data for [jpeg_source] (HaikuPorts)
15066{D} did populate data for [jsoncpp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15067{D} did populate data for [joe] (HaikuPorts)
15068{D} did populate data for [irrlicht] (HaikuPorts)
15069{D} did populate data for [json_glib] (HaikuPorts)
15070{D} did populate data for [irrlicht_source] (HaikuPorts)
15071{D} did populate data for [jsoncpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
15072{D} did populate data for [jansson] (HaikuPorts)
15073{D} did populate data for [jumpnbump_source] (HaikuPorts)
15074{D} did populate data for [jed_source] (HaikuPorts)
15075{D} did populate data for [joystickutilizer] (HaikuPorts)
15076{D} did populate data for [jsonrpcclient] (HaikuPorts)
15077{D} did populate data for [jdtranslationhelper] (HaikuPorts)
15078{D} did populate data for [jbigkit_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15079{D} did populate data for [janet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15080{D} did populate data for [janet_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15081{D} did populate data for [irssi_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15082{D} did populate data for [jam_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15083{D} did populate data for [joyce_source] (HaikuPorts)
15084{D} did populate data for [jbig2dec_source] (HaikuPorts)
15085{D} did populate data for [johntheripper] (HaikuPorts)
15086{D} did populate data for [katomic] (HaikuPorts)
15087{D} did populate data for [kdelibs4support] (HaikuPorts)
15088{D} did populate data for [kcoreaddons_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15089{D} did populate data for [kdiff3] (HaikuPorts)
15090{D} did populate data for [karchive_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15091{D} did populate data for [kdesignerplugin_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15092{D} did populate data for [kexi_source] (HaikuPorts)
15093{D} did populate data for [kglobalaccel_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15094{D} did populate data for [kconfig] (HaikuPorts)
15095{D} did populate data for [kconfig_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15096{D} did populate data for [kdiagram_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15097{D} did populate data for [kfilemetadata] (HaikuPorts)
15098{D} did populate data for [kconfigwidgets_source] (HaikuPorts)
15099{D} did populate data for [keepassxc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15100{D} did populate data for [kcmutils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15101{D} did populate data for [kcrash] (HaikuPorts)
15102{D} did populate data for [kdb] (HaikuPorts)
15103{D} did populate data for [kdnssd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15104{D} did populate data for [kblocks] (HaikuPorts)
15105{D} did populate data for [kbbi_qt] (HaikuPorts)
15106{D} did populate data for [kdoctools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15107{D} did populate data for [kdesignerplugin] (HaikuPorts)
15108{D} did populate data for [kded_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15109{D} did populate data for [kcompletion_source] (HaikuPorts)
15110{D} did populate data for [kdevelop_source] (HaikuPorts)
15111{D} did populate data for [kdelibs4support_source] (HaikuPorts)
15112{D} did populate data for [kcodecs] (HaikuPorts)
15113{D} did populate data for [kdeclarative_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15114{D} did populate data for [katomic_source] (HaikuPorts)
15115{D} did populate data for [kcrash_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15116{D} did populate data for [kfilemetadata_source] (HaikuPorts)
15117{D} did populate data for [kdiamond] (HaikuPorts)
15118{D} did populate data for [kchmviewer_source] (HaikuPorts)
15119{D} did populate data for [kate_source] (HaikuPorts)
15120{D} did populate data for [kdb_source] (HaikuPorts)
15121{D} did populate data for [kcalc] (HaikuPorts)
15122{D} did populate data for [kchmviewer] (HaikuPorts)
15123{D} did populate data for [kapow] (HaikuPorts)
15124{D} did populate data for [karchive_source] (HaikuPorts)
15125{D} did populate data for [kdbusaddons_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15126{D} did populate data for [kcodecs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15127{D} did populate data for [kdbusaddons_source] (HaikuPorts)
15128{D} did populate data for [kdeclarative_source] (HaikuPorts)
15129{D} did populate data for [keychain_source] (HaikuPorts)
15130{D} did populate data for [kactivities_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15131{D} did populate data for [kapman] (HaikuPorts)
15132{D} did populate data for [kdoctools_source] (HaikuPorts)
15133{D} did populate data for [kdiamond_source] (HaikuPorts)
15134{D} did populate data for [kbreakout] (HaikuPorts)
15135{D} did populate data for [kemoticons_source] (HaikuPorts)
15136{D} did populate data for [karchive] (HaikuPorts)
15137{D} did populate data for [kcmutils] (HaikuPorts)
15138{D} did populate data for [kdesignerplugin_source] (HaikuPorts)
15139{D} did populate data for [kblocks_source] (HaikuPorts)
15140{D} did populate data for [kcontacts_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15141{D} did populate data for [kcontacts] (HaikuPorts)
15142{D} did populate data for [kdbusaddons] (HaikuPorts)
15143{D} did populate data for [kauth] (HaikuPorts)
15144{D} did populate data for [kcalc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15145{D} did populate data for [kfilemetadata_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15146{D} did populate data for [kded] (HaikuPorts)
15147{D} did populate data for [kconfigwidgets_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15148{D} did populate data for [kdb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15149{D} did populate data for [kbookmarks_source] (HaikuPorts)
15150{D} did populate data for [kcodecs_source] (HaikuPorts)
15151{D} did populate data for [kdeclarative] (HaikuPorts)
15152{D} did populate data for [kauth_source] (HaikuPorts)
15153{D} did populate data for [kconfig_source] (HaikuPorts)
15154{D} did populate data for [kdnssd_source] (HaikuPorts)
15155{D} did populate data for [kcoreaddons_source] (HaikuPorts)
15156{D} did populate data for [kcontacts_source] (HaikuPorts)
15157{D} did populate data for [kded_source] (HaikuPorts)
15158{D} did populate data for [kemoticons_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15159{D} did populate data for [kbbi_qt_source] (HaikuPorts)
15160{D} did populate data for [kcrash_source] (HaikuPorts)
15161{D} did populate data for [kcmutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
15162{D} did populate data for [kcoreaddons] (HaikuPorts)
15163{D} did populate data for [kbuild_source] (HaikuPorts)
15164{D} did populate data for [kdiagram] (HaikuPorts)
15165{D} did populate data for [kdelibs4support_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15166{D} did populate data for [kdiff3_source] (HaikuPorts)
15167{D} did populate data for [kbuild] (HaikuPorts)
15168{D} did populate data for [kcompletion] (HaikuPorts)
15169{D} did populate data for [keychain] (HaikuPorts)
15170{D} did populate data for [kapow_source] (HaikuPorts)
15171{D} did populate data for [kbreakout_source] (HaikuPorts)
15172{D} did populate data for [kconfigwidgets] (HaikuPorts)
15173{D} did populate data for [kbookmarks_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15174{D} did populate data for [kauth_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15175{D} did populate data for [kdiagram_source] (HaikuPorts)
15176{D} did populate data for [kdnssd] (HaikuPorts)
15177{D} did populate data for [kdoctools] (HaikuPorts)
15178{D} did populate data for [kcompletion_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15179{D} did populate data for [kapman_source] (HaikuPorts)
15180{D} did populate data for [kemoticons] (HaikuPorts)
15181{D} did populate data for [kbookmarks] (HaikuPorts)
15182{D} did populate data for [kactivities_source] (HaikuPorts)
15183{D} did populate data for [kglobalaccel] (HaikuPorts)
15184{D} did populate data for [kbuild_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15185{D} did populate data for [kexi] (HaikuPorts)
15186{D} did populate data for [kguiaddons_source] (HaikuPorts)
15187{D} did populate data for [kitemmodels] (HaikuPorts)
15188{D} did populate data for [klickety] (HaikuPorts)
15189{D} did populate data for [kig_source] (HaikuPorts)
15190{D} did populate data for [ki18n_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15191{D} did populate data for [kolourpaint_source] (HaikuPorts)
15192{D} did populate data for [knights_source] (HaikuPorts)
15193{D} did populate data for [knavalbattle_source] (HaikuPorts)
15194{D} did populate data for [kio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15195{D} did populate data for [kio_extras_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15196{D} did populate data for [kpackage_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15197{D} did populate data for [ki18n] (HaikuPorts)
15198{D} did populate data for [kidletime_source] (HaikuPorts)
15199{D} did populate data for [kitemviews_source] (HaikuPorts)
15200{D} did populate data for [kovel_source] (HaikuPorts)
15201{D} did populate data for [kona] (HaikuPorts)
15202{D} did populate data for [kholidays_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15203{D} did populate data for [kproperty] (HaikuPorts)
15204{D} did populate data for [kmahjongg_source] (HaikuPorts)
15205{D} did populate data for [knewstuff_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15206{D} did populate data for [kio_extras_source] (HaikuPorts)
15207{D} did populate data for [kio_source] (HaikuPorts)
15208{D} did populate data for [koder_source] (HaikuPorts)
15209{D} did populate data for [kguiaddons_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15210{D} did populate data for [kirigami_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15211{D} did populate data for [kmahjongg] (HaikuPorts)
15212{D} did populate data for [knewstuff_source] (HaikuPorts)
15213{D} did populate data for [kjobwidgets] (HaikuPorts)
15214{D} did populate data for [kparts_source] (HaikuPorts)
15215{D} did populate data for [kpmcore_source] (HaikuPorts)
15216{D} did populate data for [kpmcore_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15217{D} did populate data for [kigo_source] (HaikuPorts)
15218{D} did populate data for [klickety_source] (HaikuPorts)
15219{D} did populate data for [kitemmodels_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15220{D} did populate data for [kproperty_source] (HaikuPorts)
15221{D} did populate data for [kimageformats] (HaikuPorts)
15222{D} did populate data for [kitemviews] (HaikuPorts)
15223{D} did populate data for [kjs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15224{D} did populate data for [knights] (HaikuPorts)
15225{D} did populate data for [knavalbattle] (HaikuPorts)
15226{D} did populate data for [kglobalaccel_source] (HaikuPorts)
15227{D} did populate data for [knotifications_source] (HaikuPorts)
15228{D} did populate data for [kinit_source] (HaikuPorts)
15229{D} did populate data for [kidletime_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15230{D} did populate data for [kona_source] (HaikuPorts)
15231{D} did populate data for [konfetti_source] (HaikuPorts)
15232{D} did populate data for [kjobwidgets_source] (HaikuPorts)
15233{D} did populate data for [knewstuff] (HaikuPorts)
15234{D} did populate data for [khtml_source] (HaikuPorts)
15235{D} did populate data for [kirigami_source] (HaikuPorts)
15236{D} did populate data for [kpackage] (HaikuPorts)
15237{D} did populate data for [klines_source] (HaikuPorts)
15238{D} did populate data for [khtml] (HaikuPorts)
15239{D} did populate data for [kplotting_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15240{D} did populate data for [kirigami] (HaikuPorts)
15241{D} did populate data for [kio_extras] (HaikuPorts)
15242{D} did populate data for [kiconthemes_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15243{D} did populate data for [kitemviews_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15244{D} did populate data for [kpty] (HaikuPorts)
15245{D} did populate data for [kona_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15246{D} did populate data for [kinit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15247{D} did populate data for [kovel] (HaikuPorts)
15248{D} did populate data for [kholidays] (HaikuPorts)
15249{D} did populate data for [khtml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15250{D} did populate data for [knotifications_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15251{D} did populate data for [kiconthemes] (HaikuPorts)
15252{D} did populate data for [kitemmodels_source] (HaikuPorts)
15253{D} did populate data for [kobodeluxe_source] (HaikuPorts)
15254{D} did populate data for [konsole] (HaikuPorts)
15255{D} did populate data for [kjumpingcube_source] (HaikuPorts)
15256{D} did populate data for [kparts] (HaikuPorts)
15257{D} did populate data for [kpackage_source] (HaikuPorts)
15258{D} did populate data for [ki18n_source] (HaikuPorts)
15259{D} did populate data for [kimageformats_source] (HaikuPorts)
15260{D} did populate data for [kig] (HaikuPorts)
15261{D} did populate data for [knotifyconfig_source] (HaikuPorts)
15262{D} did populate data for [klines] (HaikuPorts)
15263{D} did populate data for [kparts_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15264{D} did populate data for [kpmcore] (HaikuPorts)
15265{D} did populate data for [kio] (HaikuPorts)
15266{D} did populate data for [kgoldrunner] (HaikuPorts)
15267{D} did populate data for [knotifyconfig] (HaikuPorts)
15268{D} did populate data for [knotifications] (HaikuPorts)
15269{D} did populate data for [kplotting_source] (HaikuPorts)
15270{D} did populate data for [knotifyconfig_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15271{D} did populate data for [konsole_source] (HaikuPorts)
15272{D} did populate data for [kiconthemes_source] (HaikuPorts)
15273{D} did populate data for [kjobwidgets_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15274{D} did populate data for [kholidays_source] (HaikuPorts)
15275{D} did populate data for [kjs_source] (HaikuPorts)
15276{D} did populate data for [kguiaddons] (HaikuPorts)
15277{D} did populate data for [kinit] (HaikuPorts)
15278{D} did populate data for [konfetti] (HaikuPorts)
15279{D} did populate data for [kigo] (HaikuPorts)
15280{D} did populate data for [kjs] (HaikuPorts)
15281{D} did populate data for [kgoldrunner_source] (HaikuPorts)
15282{D} did populate data for [kidletime] (HaikuPorts)
15283{D} did populate data for [kjumpingcube] (HaikuPorts)
15284{D} did populate data for [kplotting] (HaikuPorts)
15285{D} did populate data for [kproperty_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15286{D} did populate data for [krita_source] (HaikuPorts)
15287{D} did populate data for [kstars_source] (HaikuPorts)
15288{D} did populate data for [krusader_source] (HaikuPorts)
15289{D} did populate data for [kunitconversion_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15290{D} did populate data for [lato_fonts] (HaikuPorts)
15291{D} did populate data for [kxmlgui_source] (HaikuPorts)
15292{D} did populate data for [kunitconversion_source] (HaikuPorts)
15293{D} did populate data for [lcms_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15294{D} did populate data for [lcms_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15295{D} did populate data for [kyua_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15296{D} did populate data for [leveldb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15297{D} did populate data for [lcms_source] (HaikuPorts)
15298{D} did populate data for [kwidgetsaddons] (HaikuPorts)
15299{D} did populate data for [kwave_source] (HaikuPorts)
15300{D} did populate data for [lcdproc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15301{D} did populate data for [krdc] (HaikuPorts)
15302{D} did populate data for [ktextwidgets_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15303{D} did populate data for [ladspa_sdk_source] (HaikuPorts)
15304{D} did populate data for [leptonica_source] (HaikuPorts)
15305{D} did populate data for [kross_source] (HaikuPorts)
15306{D} did populate data for [leveldb] (HaikuPorts)
15307{D} did populate data for [kristall_source] (HaikuPorts)
15308{D} did populate data for [kshisen] (HaikuPorts)
15309{D} did populate data for [ktorrent_source] (HaikuPorts)
15310{D} did populate data for [lemon_source] (HaikuPorts)
15311{D} did populate data for [kwindowsystem] (HaikuPorts)
15312{D} did populate data for [kxmlgui_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15313{D} did populate data for [kwrite_source] (HaikuPorts)
15314{D} did populate data for [ktextwidgets_source] (HaikuPorts)
15315{D} did populate data for [kyua] (HaikuPorts)
15316{D} did populate data for [ksudoku_source] (HaikuPorts)
15317{D} did populate data for [ksyntax_highlighting_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15318{D} did populate data for [ktexteditor] (HaikuPorts)
15319{D} did populate data for [ktextwidgets] (HaikuPorts)
15320{D} did populate data for [krdc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15321{D} did populate data for [kqlives] (HaikuPorts)
15322{D} did populate data for [kross] (HaikuPorts)
15323{D} did populate data for [ksyntax_highlighting] (HaikuPorts)
15324{D} did populate data for [ladspa_sdk] (HaikuPorts)
15325{D} did populate data for [lapack_source] (HaikuPorts)
15326{D} did populate data for [lcab_source] (HaikuPorts)
15327{D} did populate data for [kunitconversion] (HaikuPorts)
15328{D} did populate data for [lcdproc] (HaikuPorts)
15329{D} did populate data for [kyua_source] (HaikuPorts)
15330{D} did populate data for [kwindowsystem_source] (HaikuPorts)
15331{D} did populate data for [lcms] (HaikuPorts)
15332{D} did populate data for [kreport_source] (HaikuPorts)
15333{D} did populate data for [ktuberling_source] (HaikuPorts)
15334{D} did populate data for [kwallet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15335{D} did populate data for [leptonica_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15336{D} did populate data for [kpty_source] (HaikuPorts)
15337{D} did populate data for [leveldb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15338{D} did populate data for [lensfun] (HaikuPorts)
15339{D} did populate data for [kwidgetsaddons_source] (HaikuPorts)
15340{D} did populate data for [lame_source] (HaikuPorts)
15341{D} did populate data for [lcov_source] (HaikuPorts)
15342{D} did populate data for [kservice] (HaikuPorts)
15343{D} did populate data for [lapack_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15344{D} did populate data for [lcms_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15345{D} did populate data for [leptonica] (HaikuPorts)
15346{D} did populate data for [kross_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15347{D} did populate data for [lbreakout2_levels] (HaikuPorts)
15348{D} did populate data for [leptonica_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15349{D} did populate data for [kristall] (HaikuPorts)
15350{D} did populate data for [ladspa_sdk_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15351{D} did populate data for [ksyntax_highlighting_source] (HaikuPorts)
15352{D} did populate data for [kreversi_source] (HaikuPorts)
15353{D} did populate data for [less] (HaikuPorts)
15354{D} did populate data for [lcov] (HaikuPorts)
15355{D} did populate data for [lateef_font] (HaikuPorts)
15356{D} did populate data for [kumoworks_source] (HaikuPorts)
15357{D} did populate data for [kreversi] (HaikuPorts)
15358{D} did populate data for [kwindowsystem_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15359{D} did populate data for [ktexteditor_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15360{D} did populate data for [kumoworks] (HaikuPorts)
15361{D} did populate data for [kshisen_source] (HaikuPorts)
15362{D} did populate data for [lensfun_source] (HaikuPorts)
15363{D} did populate data for [ktuberling] (HaikuPorts)
15364{D} did populate data for [lapack_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15365{D} did populate data for [kreport_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15366{D} did populate data for [ktechlab_source] (HaikuPorts)
15367{D} did populate data for [lemon] (HaikuPorts)
15368{D} did populate data for [ksudoku] (HaikuPorts)
15369{D} did populate data for [kreport] (HaikuPorts)
15370{D} did populate data for [lapack] (HaikuPorts)
15371{D} did populate data for [less_source] (HaikuPorts)
15372{D} did populate data for [kxmlgui] (HaikuPorts)
15373{D} did populate data for [ktexteditor_source] (HaikuPorts)
15374{D} did populate data for [lame_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15375{D} did populate data for [lcab] (HaikuPorts)
15376{D} did populate data for [kservice_source] (HaikuPorts)
15377{D} did populate data for [kpty_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15378{D} did populate data for [krusader_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15379{D} did populate data for [kqlives_source] (HaikuPorts)
15380{D} did populate data for [kwallet] (HaikuPorts)
15381{D} did populate data for [kwidgetsaddons_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15382{D} did populate data for [lensfun_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15383{D} did populate data for [kservice_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15384{D} did populate data for [kwallet_source] (HaikuPorts)
15385{D} did populate data for [lame] (HaikuPorts)
15386{D} did populate data for [libburndevice_source] (HaikuPorts)
15387{D} did populate data for [libarchive_source] (HaikuPorts)
15388{D} did populate data for [libaubio_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15389{D} did populate data for [libcdio_paranoia_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15390{D} did populate data for [libcdio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15391{D} did populate data for [libbluray_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15392{D} did populate data for [lib3ds_source] (HaikuPorts)
15393{D} did populate data for [libburndevice_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15394{D} did populate data for [libao_source] (HaikuPorts)
15395{D} did populate data for [libatomic_ops_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15396{D} did populate data for [libassuan_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15397{D} did populate data for [libbdplus_source] (HaikuPorts)
15398{D} did populate data for [libbson] (HaikuPorts)
15399{D} did populate data for [libbluray_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15400{D} did populate data for [lib3ds] (HaikuPorts)
15401{D} did populate data for [libatomic_ops] (HaikuPorts)
15402{D} did populate data for [libcdio1_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15403{D} did populate data for [libart_lgpl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15404{D} did populate data for [libabw_source] (HaikuPorts)
15405{D} did populate data for [libbase58_source] (HaikuPorts)
15406{D} did populate data for [libcdio0] (HaikuPorts)
15407{D} did populate data for [libcdio1] (HaikuPorts)
15408{D} did populate data for [libaubio_source] (HaikuPorts)
15409{D} did populate data for [libarchive] (HaikuPorts)
15410{D} did populate data for [libburn] (HaikuPorts)
15411{D} did populate data for [libbluray_source] (HaikuPorts)
15412{D} did populate data for [libavif_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15413{D} did populate data for [lftp_source] (HaikuPorts)
15414{D} did populate data for [lftp] (HaikuPorts)
15415{D} did populate data for [libburn_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15416{D} did populate data for [libcddb] (HaikuPorts)
15417{D} did populate data for [libcdio_source] (HaikuPorts)
15418{D} did populate data for [libabw_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15419{D} did populate data for [libburn_source] (HaikuPorts)
15420{D} did populate data for [libao] (HaikuPorts)
15421{D} did populate data for [libcdio_paranoia] (HaikuPorts)
15422{D} did populate data for [libbson_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15423{D} did populate data for [libasr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15424{D} did populate data for [libabw_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15425{D} did populate data for [lgrep] (HaikuPorts)
15426{D} did populate data for [lha] (HaikuPorts)
15427{D} did populate data for [libbluray] (HaikuPorts)
15428{D} did populate data for [libblkmaker_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15429{D} did populate data for [libbs2b] (HaikuPorts)
15430{D} did populate data for [libavif_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15431{D} did populate data for [libassuan] (HaikuPorts)
15432{D} did populate data for [libaacs_source] (HaikuPorts)
15433{D} did populate data for [libao_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15434{D} did populate data for [libass_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15435{D} did populate data for [libaacs] (HaikuPorts)
15436{D} did populate data for [libbdplus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15437{D} did populate data for [libcddb_source] (HaikuPorts)
15438{D} did populate data for [libatomic_ops_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15439{D} did populate data for [libcaca_source] (HaikuPorts)
15440{D} did populate data for [libabw] (HaikuPorts)
15441{D} did populate data for [libaacs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15442{D} did populate data for [lgrep_source] (HaikuPorts)
15443{D} did populate data for [libbase58_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15444{D} did populate data for [libcddb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15445{D} did populate data for [libblkmaker_source] (HaikuPorts)
15446{D} did populate data for [libburndevice] (HaikuPorts)
15447{D} did populate data for [libart_lgpl_source] (HaikuPorts)
15448{D} did populate data for [libasr] (HaikuPorts)
15449{D} did populate data for [libaubio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15450{D} did populate data for [libbdplus_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15451{D} did populate data for [libart_lgpl] (HaikuPorts)
15452{D} did populate data for [libass] (HaikuPorts)
15453{D} did populate data for [libbs2b_source] (HaikuPorts)
15454{D} did populate data for [libcaca] (HaikuPorts)
15455{D} did populate data for [libcdio_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15456{D} did populate data for [libavif_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15457{D} did populate data for [libcdio1_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15458{D} did populate data for [libassuan_source] (HaikuPorts)
15459{D} did populate data for [libcdio1_source] (HaikuPorts)
15460{D} did populate data for [libcaca_doc] (HaikuPorts)
15461{D} did populate data for [libarchive_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15462{D} did populate data for [libassuan_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15463{D} did populate data for [libcdio] (HaikuPorts)
15464{D} did populate data for [libatomic_ops_source] (HaikuPorts)
15465{D} did populate data for [leveldb_source] (HaikuPorts)
15466{D} did populate data for [lib3ds_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15467{D} did populate data for [libass_source] (HaikuPorts)
15468{D} did populate data for [lftp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15469{D} did populate data for [libass_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15470{D} did populate data for [libcdr] (HaikuPorts)
15471{D} did populate data for [libavif_source] (HaikuPorts)
15472{D} did populate data for [libaubio] (HaikuPorts)
15473{D} did populate data for [libcaca_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15474{D} did populate data for [libbase58] (HaikuPorts)
15475{D} did populate data for [libbase58_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15476{D} did populate data for [libcdio0_source] (HaikuPorts)
15477{D} did populate data for [libcdio_paranoia_source] (HaikuPorts)
15478{D} did populate data for [libbdplus] (HaikuPorts)
15479{D} did populate data for [libblkmaker] (HaikuPorts)
15480{D} did populate data for [libbson_source] (HaikuPorts)
15481{D} did populate data for [libcdio_paranoia_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15482{D} did populate data for [libbs2b_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15483{D} did populate data for [libavif] (HaikuPorts)
15484{D} did populate data for [libcdio0_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15485{D} did populate data for [libbs2b_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15486{D} did populate data for [libclaw_source] (HaikuPorts)
15487{D} did populate data for [libconfig_source] (HaikuPorts)
15488{D} did populate data for [libdaemon_source] (HaikuPorts)
15489{D} did populate data for [libebook] (HaikuPorts)
15490{D} did populate data for [libeditline_source] (HaikuPorts)
15491{D} did populate data for [libdom_source] (HaikuPorts)
15492{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi12_source] (HaikuPorts)
15493{D} did populate data for [libebml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15494{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi_source] (HaikuPorts)
15495{D} did populate data for [libcec_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15496{D} did populate data for [libcmis_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15497{D} did populate data for [libdwarf] (HaikuPorts)
15498{D} did populate data for [libedit_source] (HaikuPorts)
15499{D} did populate data for [libcss] (HaikuPorts)
15500{D} did populate data for [libdsk_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15501{D} did populate data for [libdsk_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15502{D} did populate data for [libdatrie_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15503{D} did populate data for [libdvdcss_source] (HaikuPorts)
15504{D} did populate data for [libdvdread_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15505{D} did populate data for [libebur128] (HaikuPorts)
15506{D} did populate data for [libdmtx] (HaikuPorts)
15507{D} did populate data for [libcec_source] (HaikuPorts)
15508{D} did populate data for [libcdr_source] (HaikuPorts)
15509{D} did populate data for [libebml4] (HaikuPorts)
15510{D} did populate data for [libdvdnav] (HaikuPorts)
15511{D} did populate data for [libcmis_source] (HaikuPorts)
15512{D} did populate data for [libelf_source] (HaikuPorts)
15513{D} did populate data for [libdvdnav_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15514{D} did populate data for [libdiscid_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15515{D} did populate data for [libebook_source] (HaikuPorts)
15516{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15517{D} did populate data for [libepoxy_source] (HaikuPorts)
15518{D} did populate data for [libdatrie] (HaikuPorts)
15519{D} did populate data for [libdmtx_source] (HaikuPorts)
15520{D} did populate data for [libdca_source] (HaikuPorts)
15521{D} did populate data for [libdom_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15522{D} did populate data for [libdsk] (HaikuPorts)
15523{D} did populate data for [libdvdread_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15524{D} did populate data for [libdca] (HaikuPorts)
15525{D} did populate data for [libcroco_source] (HaikuPorts)
15526{D} did populate data for [libepubgen] (HaikuPorts)
15527{D} did populate data for [libepubgen_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15528{D} did populate data for [libepubgen_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15529{D} did populate data for [libeditline_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15530{D} did populate data for [libconfig_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15531{D} did populate data for [libconfig_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15532{D} did populate data for [libdca_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15533{D} did populate data for [libedit_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15534{D} did populate data for [libcuefile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15535{D} did populate data for [libdvdcss_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15536{D} did populate data for [libetonyek] (HaikuPorts)
15537{D} did populate data for [libepubgen_source] (HaikuPorts)
15538{D} did populate data for [libclaw] (HaikuPorts)
15539{D} did populate data for [libdmtx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15540{D} did populate data for [libepoxy_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15541{D} did populate data for [libetonyek_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15542{D} did populate data for [libdsk_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15543{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15544{D} did populate data for [libelf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15545{D} did populate data for [libcdr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15546{D} did populate data for [libconfig] (HaikuPorts)
15547{D} did populate data for [libdatrie_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15548{D} did populate data for [libdiscid_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15549{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi12] (HaikuPorts)
15550{D} did populate data for [libcuefile] (HaikuPorts)
15551{D} did populate data for [libertine_source] (HaikuPorts)
15552{D} did populate data for [libedit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15553{D} did populate data for [libepoxy] (HaikuPorts)
15554{D} did populate data for [libebml4_source] (HaikuPorts)
15555{D} did populate data for [libcroco] (HaikuPorts)
15556{D} did populate data for [libepoxy_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15557{D} did populate data for [libdv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15558{D} did populate data for [libelf] (HaikuPorts)
15559{D} did populate data for [libdwarf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15560{D} did populate data for [libdiscid_source] (HaikuPorts)
15561{D} did populate data for [libdaemon] (HaikuPorts)
15562{D} did populate data for [libdvdread] (HaikuPorts)
15563{D} did populate data for [libdvdread_source] (HaikuPorts)
15564{D} did populate data for [libdiscid] (HaikuPorts)
15565{D} did populate data for [libebur128_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15566{D} did populate data for [libebml_source] (HaikuPorts)
15567{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi] (HaikuPorts)
15568{D} did populate data for [libeditline] (HaikuPorts)
15569{D} did populate data for [libdvbpsi12_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15570{D} did populate data for [libebook_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15571{D} did populate data for [libdvdcss] (HaikuPorts)
15572{D} did populate data for [libeditline_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15573{D} did populate data for [libdom] (HaikuPorts)
15574{D} did populate data for [libcec] (HaikuPorts)
15575{D} did populate data for [libcss_source] (HaikuPorts)
15576{D} did populate data for [libdv_source] (HaikuPorts)
15577{D} did populate data for [libebml] (HaikuPorts)
15578{D} did populate data for [libdvdread7] (HaikuPorts)
15579{D} did populate data for [libedit] (HaikuPorts)
15580{D} did populate data for [libertine] (HaikuPorts)
15581{D} did populate data for [libcss_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15582{D} did populate data for [libcroco_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15583{D} did populate data for [libdv] (HaikuPorts)
15584{D} did populate data for [libcmis] (HaikuPorts)
15585{D} did populate data for [libclaw_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15586{D} did populate data for [libevent21] (HaikuPorts)
15587{D} did populate data for [libfm_extra_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15588{D} did populate data for [libfprint] (HaikuPorts)
15589{D} did populate data for [libgsasl_source] (HaikuPorts)
15590{D} did populate data for [libgsf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15591{D} did populate data for [libguess_source] (HaikuPorts)
15592{D} did populate data for [libfpx] (HaikuPorts)
15593{D} did populate data for [libexif_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15594{D} did populate data for [libexecinfo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15595{D} did populate data for [libgit2_25_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15596{D} did populate data for [libfm_qt_source] (HaikuPorts)
15597{D} did populate data for [libgsf] (HaikuPorts)
15598{D} did populate data for [libevent21_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15599{D} did populate data for [libfreehand_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15600{D} did populate data for [libgsasl] (HaikuPorts)
15601{D} did populate data for [libev_source] (HaikuPorts)
15602{D} did populate data for [libffi_source] (HaikuPorts)
15603{D} did populate data for [libetonyek_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15604{D} did populate data for [libgpg_error] (HaikuPorts)
15605{D} did populate data for [libguess_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15606{D} did populate data for [libfprint_source] (HaikuPorts)
15607{D} did populate data for [libical] (HaikuPorts)
15608{D} did populate data for [libfm] (HaikuPorts)
15609{D} did populate data for [libfontenc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15610{D} did populate data for [libgeotiff] (HaikuPorts)
15611{D} did populate data for [libgsasl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15612{D} did populate data for [libexttextcat_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15613{D} did populate data for [libgphoto2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15614{D} did populate data for [libftdi] (HaikuPorts)
15615{D} did populate data for [libgpg_error_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15616{D} did populate data for [libical_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15617{D} did populate data for [libical_source] (HaikuPorts)
15618{D} did populate data for [libexif_source] (HaikuPorts)
15619{D} did populate data for [libffi] (HaikuPorts)
15620{D} did populate data for [libfmt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15621{D} did populate data for [libfreehand] (HaikuPorts)
15622{D} did populate data for [libgit2] (HaikuPorts)
15623{D} did populate data for [libice_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15624{D} did populate data for [libexttextcat_source] (HaikuPorts)
15625{D} did populate data for [libfmt_source] (HaikuPorts)
15626{D} did populate data for [libfm_qt] (HaikuPorts)
15627{D} did populate data for [libfm_extra_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15628{D} did populate data for [libgeotiff_source] (HaikuPorts)
15629{D} did populate data for [libevent] (HaikuPorts)
15630{D} did populate data for [libfpx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15631{D} did populate data for [libfm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15632{D} did populate data for [libgeotiff_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15633{D} did populate data for [libfstrcmp_source] (HaikuPorts)
15634{D} did populate data for [libgpg_error_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15635{D} did populate data for [libfontenc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15636{D} did populate data for [libev_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15637{D} did populate data for [libfprint_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15638{D} did populate data for [libfilezilla_source] (HaikuPorts)
15639{D} did populate data for [libfm_extra] (HaikuPorts)
15640{D} did populate data for [libexif_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15641{D} did populate data for [libftdi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15642{D} did populate data for [libgit2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15643{D} did populate data for [libgit2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15644{D} did populate data for [libicns] (HaikuPorts)
15645{D} did populate data for [libfstrcmp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15646{D} did populate data for [libice_source] (HaikuPorts)
15647{D} did populate data for [libfmt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15648{D} did populate data for [libgsf_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15649{D} did populate data for [libgit2_25] (HaikuPorts)
15650{D} did populate data for [libffi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15651{D} did populate data for [libfstrcmp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15652{D} did populate data for [libgsf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15653{D} did populate data for [libgit2_25_source] (HaikuPorts)
15654{D} did populate data for [libicns_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15655{D} did populate data for [libice] (HaikuPorts)
15656{D} did populate data for [libfmt] (HaikuPorts)
15657{D} did populate data for [libfontenc] (HaikuPorts)
15658{D} did populate data for [libgphoto2] (HaikuPorts)
15659{D} did populate data for [libfm_qt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15660{D} did populate data for [libfilezilla] (HaikuPorts)
15661{D} did populate data for [libfm_source] (HaikuPorts)
15662{D} did populate data for [libftdi_source] (HaikuPorts)
15663{D} did populate data for [libfm_qt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15664{D} did populate data for [libevent_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15665{D} did populate data for [libgphoto2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15666{D} did populate data for [libexecinfo] (HaikuPorts)
15667{D} did populate data for [libexttextcat] (HaikuPorts)
15668{D} did populate data for [libfontenc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15669{D} did populate data for [libfm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15670{D} did populate data for [libev] (HaikuPorts)
15671{D} did populate data for [libgcrypt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15672{D} did populate data for [libgcrypt] (HaikuPorts)
15673{D} did populate data for [libgcrypt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15674{D} did populate data for [libfstrcmp] (HaikuPorts)
15675{D} did populate data for [libgcrypt_source] (HaikuPorts)
15676{D} did populate data for [libetonyek_source] (HaikuPorts)
15677{D} did populate data for [libgphoto2_source] (HaikuPorts)
15678{D} did populate data for [libexif] (HaikuPorts)
15679{D} did populate data for [libgsf_source] (HaikuPorts)
15680{D} did populate data for [libguess] (HaikuPorts)
15681{D} did populate data for [libfreehand_source] (HaikuPorts)
15682{D} did populate data for [libice_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15683{D} did populate data for [libevent21_source] (HaikuPorts)
15684{D} did populate data for [libfilezilla_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15685{D} did populate data for [libevent_source] (HaikuPorts)
15686{D} did populate data for [libidn2] (HaikuPorts)
15687{D} did populate data for [libjpeg_turbo_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15688{D} did populate data for [libiodbc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15689{D} did populate data for [libkmahjongg] (HaikuPorts)
15690{D} did populate data for [libksane_source] (HaikuPorts)
15691{D} did populate data for [liblockfile] (HaikuPorts)
15692{D} did populate data for [liblqr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15693{D} did populate data for [libkdegames_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15694{D} did populate data for [libmetalink_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15695{D} did populate data for [libiconv] (HaikuPorts)
15696{D} did populate data for [libmicrohttpd] (HaikuPorts)
15697{D} did populate data for [liblo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15698{D} did populate data for [libmatroska_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15699{D} did populate data for [liblo_source] (HaikuPorts)
15700{D} did populate data for [libmd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15701{D} did populate data for [libkomparediff2] (HaikuPorts)
15702{D} did populate data for [liblockfile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15703{D} did populate data for [libmkv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15704{D} did populate data for [libktorrent_source] (HaikuPorts)
15705{D} did populate data for [libicns_source] (HaikuPorts)
15706{D} did populate data for [libkomparediff2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15707{D} did populate data for [libksba] (HaikuPorts)
15708{D} did populate data for [liblangtag_source] (HaikuPorts)
15709{D} did populate data for [libidl] (HaikuPorts)
15710{D} did populate data for [libmatrix_client_source] (HaikuPorts)
15711{D} did populate data for [libidn] (HaikuPorts)
15712{D} did populate data for [libmikmod] (HaikuPorts)
15713{D} did populate data for [libmcrypt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15714{D} did populate data for [libidl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15715{D} did populate data for [libmatrix_client] (HaikuPorts)
15716{D} did populate data for [libmatroska_source] (HaikuPorts)
15717{D} did populate data for [libiconv_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15718{D} did populate data for [libksba_source] (HaikuPorts)
15719{D} did populate data for [liblrdf] (HaikuPorts)
15720{D} did populate data for [libid3tag_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15721{D} did populate data for [libidn2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15722{D} did populate data for [libkmahjongg_source] (HaikuPorts)
15723{D} did populate data for [libiptcdata] (HaikuPorts)
15724{D} did populate data for [libksba_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15725{D} did populate data for [libjpeg_turbo_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15726{D} did populate data for [libksane_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15727{D} did populate data for [libimagequant_source] (HaikuPorts)
15728{D} did populate data for [libid3tag_source] (HaikuPorts)
15729{D} did populate data for [libmaxminddb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15730{D} did populate data for [libmatroska] (HaikuPorts)
15731{D} did populate data for [libidl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15732{D} did populate data for [libircclient] (HaikuPorts)
15733{D} did populate data for [libjpeg_turbo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15734{D} did populate data for [libkomparediff2_source] (HaikuPorts)
15735{D} did populate data for [libidn_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15736{D} did populate data for [libmcrypt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15737{D} did populate data for [libircclient_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15738{D} did populate data for [libkdegames] (HaikuPorts)
15739{D} did populate data for [libinstpatch_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15740{D} did populate data for [liblayout_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15741{D} did populate data for [liblockfile_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15742{D} did populate data for [libmaxminddb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15743{D} did populate data for [liblangtag_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15744{D} did populate data for [libimagequant] (HaikuPorts)
15745{D} did populate data for [libiptcdata_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15746{D} did populate data for [libkmahjongg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15747{D} did populate data for [liblockfile_source] (HaikuPorts)
15748{D} did populate data for [liblqr] (HaikuPorts)
15749{D} did populate data for [libmatroska6_source] (HaikuPorts)
15750{D} did populate data for [libmikmod_source] (HaikuPorts)
15751{D} did populate data for [libmkv] (HaikuPorts)
15752{D} did populate data for [libinstpatch] (HaikuPorts)
15753{D} did populate data for [libmatrix_client_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15754{D} did populate data for [libidn_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15755{D} did populate data for [libmikmod_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15756{D} did populate data for [libid3tag] (HaikuPorts)
15757{D} did populate data for [libkdegames_source] (HaikuPorts)
15758{D} did populate data for [libktorrent_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15759{D} did populate data for [libksane] (HaikuPorts)
15760{D} did populate data for [libinstpatch_source] (HaikuPorts)
15761{D} did populate data for [liblayout] (HaikuPorts)
15762{D} did populate data for [liblangtag] (HaikuPorts)
15763{D} did populate data for [libimagequant_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15764{D} did populate data for [libmcrypt] (HaikuPorts)
15765{D} did populate data for [libiptcdata_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15766{D} did populate data for [libidn2_source] (HaikuPorts)
15767{D} did populate data for [libmad_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15768{D} did populate data for [libmcrypt_source] (HaikuPorts)
15769{D} did populate data for [libktorrent] (HaikuPorts)
15770{D} did populate data for [liblrdf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15771{D} did populate data for [libmad] (HaikuPorts)
15772{D} did populate data for [libiconv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15773{D} did populate data for [liblo] (HaikuPorts)
15774{D} did populate data for [libiodbc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15775{D} did populate data for [libmicrohttpd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15776{D} did populate data for [libmad_source] (HaikuPorts)
15777{D} did populate data for [libmaxminddb_source] (HaikuPorts)
15778{D} did populate data for [libmaxminddb] (HaikuPorts)
15779{D} did populate data for [libiodbc] (HaikuPorts)
15780{D} did populate data for [libidn2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15781{D} did populate data for [libmatroska6] (HaikuPorts)
15782{D} did populate data for [libmetalink] (HaikuPorts)
15783{D} did populate data for [libjpeg_turbo] (HaikuPorts)
15784{D} did populate data for [libmd_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15785{D} did populate data for [libmd] (HaikuPorts)
15786{D} did populate data for [libmng] (HaikuPorts)
15787{D} did populate data for [libopusenc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15788{D} did populate data for [libmp4v2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15789{D} did populate data for [libnslog_source] (HaikuPorts)
15790{D} did populate data for [libmodplug] (HaikuPorts)
15791{D} did populate data for [libmtp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15792{D} did populate data for [libopenshot] (HaikuPorts)
15793{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15794{D} did populate data for [libmspub_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15795{D} did populate data for [libmp4v2] (HaikuPorts)
15796{D} did populate data for [libnslog] (HaikuPorts)
15797{D} did populate data for [libnatpmp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15798{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_audio_source] (HaikuPorts)
15799{D} did populate data for [libnumbertext_source] (HaikuPorts)
15800{D} did populate data for [libnspsl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15801{D} did populate data for [libmysqlclient_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15802{D} did populate data for [libmms_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15803{D} did populate data for [libodfgen] (HaikuPorts)
15804{D} did populate data for [libmpeg2] (HaikuPorts)
15805{D} did populate data for [libopusenc_source] (HaikuPorts)
15806{D} did populate data for [libmtp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15807{D} did populate data for [libmysqlclient_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15808{D} did populate data for [libmspack_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15809{D} did populate data for [libmtp] (HaikuPorts)
15810{D} did populate data for [libmodplug_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15811{D} did populate data for [libmpeg2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15812{D} did populate data for [libmspack_source] (HaikuPorts)
15813{D} did populate data for [libnsbmp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15814{D} did populate data for [libnumbertext_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15815{D} did populate data for [libnpupnp] (HaikuPorts)
15816{D} did populate data for [libmspub_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15817{D} did populate data for [libnice_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15818{D} did populate data for [libmwaw_source] (HaikuPorts)
15819{D} did populate data for [libmpdclient_source] (HaikuPorts)
15820{D} did populate data for [libmspack_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15821{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_audio] (HaikuPorts)
15822{D} did populate data for [libmspack] (HaikuPorts)
15823{D} did populate data for [libmpdclient_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15824{D} did populate data for [libmspub_source] (HaikuPorts)
15825{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15826{D} did populate data for [libnumbertext] (HaikuPorts)
15827{D} did populate data for [libmodplug_source] (HaikuPorts)
15828{D} did populate data for [libodfgen_source] (HaikuPorts)
15829{D} did populate data for [libmpdclient_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15830{D} did populate data for [libmms] (HaikuPorts)
15831{D} did populate data for [libmms_source] (HaikuPorts)
15832{D} did populate data for [libnslog_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15833{D} did populate data for [libogg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15834{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt] (HaikuPorts)
15835{D} did populate data for [libnspsl_source] (HaikuPorts)
15836{D} did populate data for [libnpupnp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15837{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_modplug_source] (HaikuPorts)
15838{D} did populate data for [libmwaw] (HaikuPorts)
15839{D} did populate data for [libnice] (HaikuPorts)
15840{D} did populate data for [libnsutils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15841{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_modplug_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15842{D} did populate data for [libnatpmp] (HaikuPorts)
15843{D} did populate data for [libnsgif_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15844{D} did populate data for [libnpupnp_source] (HaikuPorts)
15845{D} did populate data for [libnspsl] (HaikuPorts)
15846{D} did populate data for [libnsgif] (HaikuPorts)
15847{D} did populate data for [libnice_source] (HaikuPorts)
15848{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_python38] (HaikuPorts)
15849{D} did populate data for [libmp4v2_source] (HaikuPorts)
15850{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_modplug] (HaikuPorts)
15851{D} did populate data for [libmodbus] (HaikuPorts)
15852{D} did populate data for [libodfgen_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15853{D} did populate data for [libogg] (HaikuPorts)
15854{D} did populate data for [libmpeg2_source] (HaikuPorts)
15855{D} did populate data for [libogg_source] (HaikuPorts)
15856{D} did populate data for [libmkv_source] (HaikuPorts)
15857{D} did populate data for [libmysqlclient_source] (HaikuPorts)
15858{D} did populate data for [liboauth] (HaikuPorts)
15859{D} did populate data for [libmpdclient] (HaikuPorts)
15860{D} did populate data for [libmodbus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15861{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_modplug_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15862{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_audio_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15863{D} did populate data for [libotr] (HaikuPorts)
15864{D} did populate data for [libmwaw_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15865{D} did populate data for [libopusenc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15866{D} did populate data for [libmtp_source] (HaikuPorts)
15867{D} did populate data for [libmng_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15868{D} did populate data for [libopusenc] (HaikuPorts)
15869{D} did populate data for [libnpupnp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15870{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_audio_doc] (HaikuPorts)
15871{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_source] (HaikuPorts)
15872{D} did populate data for [libnsbmp] (HaikuPorts)
15873{D} did populate data for [libodfgen_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15874{D} did populate data for [liboauth_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15875{D} did populate data for [libotr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15876{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_source] (HaikuPorts)
15877{D} did populate data for [libmspub] (HaikuPorts)
15878{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_python38_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15879{D} did populate data for [libmysqlclient] (HaikuPorts)
15880{D} did populate data for [libnsutils] (HaikuPorts)
15881{D} did populate data for [libmodbus_source] (HaikuPorts)
15882{D} did populate data for [libmysqlclient_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15883{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15884{D} did populate data for [libopenmpt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15885{D} did populate data for [libopenshot_audio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15886{D} did populate data for [libpcap] (HaikuPorts)
15887{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_af] (HaikuPorts)
15888{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_el] (HaikuPorts)
15889{D} did populate data for [libqxp_source] (HaikuPorts)
15890{D} did populate data for [libpcap_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15891{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_eo] (HaikuPorts)
15892{D} did populate data for [libraqm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15893{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_en_za] (HaikuPorts)
15894{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_es] (HaikuPorts)
15895{D} did populate data for [libpng16_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15896{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_et] (HaikuPorts)
15897{D} did populate data for [libpurple_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15898{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_eu] (HaikuPorts)
15899{D} did populate data for [libpcre] (HaikuPorts)
15900{D} did populate data for [libprefs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15901{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ar] (HaikuPorts)
15902{D} did populate data for [libpng_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15903{D} did populate data for [libqxp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15904{D} did populate data for [libpsl_source] (HaikuPorts)
15905{D} did populate data for [libpcre_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15906{D} did populate data for [libparserutils] (HaikuPorts)
15907{D} did populate data for [libpurple] (HaikuPorts)
15908{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_bg] (HaikuPorts)
15909{D} did populate data for [libpurple_finch] (HaikuPorts)
15910{D} did populate data for [libpng16_source] (HaikuPorts)
15911{D} did populate data for [libpsl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15912{D} did populate data for [libpcre0] (HaikuPorts)
15913{D} did populate data for [libqxp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15914{D} did populate data for [libraw_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15915{D} did populate data for [libpcre2] (HaikuPorts)
15916{D} did populate data for [libquicktime] (HaikuPorts)
15917{D} did populate data for [libpaper] (HaikuPorts)
15918{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_bn] (HaikuPorts)
15919{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_fr] (HaikuPorts)
15920{D} did populate data for [libpaper_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15921{D} did populate data for [libraw_source] (HaikuPorts)
15922{D} did populate data for [libp11] (HaikuPorts)
15923{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_br] (HaikuPorts)
15924{D} did populate data for [libplist] (HaikuPorts)
15925{D} did populate data for [libpng16] (HaikuPorts)
15926{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_bs] (HaikuPorts)
15927{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_fy] (HaikuPorts)
15928{D} did populate data for [libp11_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15929{D} did populate data for [libpipeline_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15930{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_fa] (HaikuPorts)
15931{D} did populate data for [libpipeline] (HaikuPorts)
15932{D} did populate data for [libpurple_source] (HaikuPorts)
15933{D} did populate data for [libquicktime_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15934{D} did populate data for [libraqm_source] (HaikuPorts)
15935{D} did populate data for [libraw_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15936{D} did populate data for [libplist_source] (HaikuPorts)
15937{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_galleries] (HaikuPorts)
15938{D} did populate data for [libpcre2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15939{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_be] (HaikuPorts)
15940{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_fi] (HaikuPorts)
15941{D} did populate data for [libpagemaker_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15942{D} did populate data for [libpgf_source] (HaikuPorts)
15943{D} did populate data for [libpipeline_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15944{D} did populate data for [libraw] (HaikuPorts)
15945{D} did populate data for [libpsl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15946{D} did populate data for [libpcap_source] (HaikuPorts)
15947{D} did populate data for [libpng] (HaikuPorts)
15948{D} did populate data for [libqxp] (HaikuPorts)
15949{D} did populate data for [libpgf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15950{D} did populate data for [libpaper_source] (HaikuPorts)
15951{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_cs] (HaikuPorts)
15952{D} did populate data for [libprefs] (HaikuPorts)
15953{D} did populate data for [libpurple_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15954{D} did populate data for [libp8_platform_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15955{D} did populate data for [libpcre_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15956{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_en_gb] (HaikuPorts)
15957{D} did populate data for [libplist_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15958{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ga] (HaikuPorts)
15959{D} did populate data for [libparserutils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15960{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ca] (HaikuPorts)
15961{D} did populate data for [libpthread_stubs] (HaikuPorts)
15962{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_dsb] (HaikuPorts)
15963{D} did populate data for [libotr_source] (HaikuPorts)
15964{D} did populate data for [libpng_source] (HaikuPorts)
15965{D} did populate data for [libpsl] (HaikuPorts)
15966{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_brx] (HaikuPorts)
15967{D} did populate data for [libpagemaker_source] (HaikuPorts)
15968{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ca_valencia] (HaikuPorts)
15969{D} did populate data for [libpgf] (HaikuPorts)
15970{D} did populate data for [libp11_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15971{D} did populate data for [libpagemaker_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15972{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_cy] (HaikuPorts)
15973{D} did populate data for [libp8_platform] (HaikuPorts)
15974{D} did populate data for [libp8_platform_source] (HaikuPorts)
15975{D} did populate data for [libpagemaker] (HaikuPorts)
15976{D} did populate data for [libpgf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15977{D} did populate data for [libraqm] (HaikuPorts)
15978{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_da] (HaikuPorts)
15979{D} did populate data for [libpng_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15980{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_de] (HaikuPorts)
15981{D} did populate data for [librecad_source] (HaikuPorts)
15982{D} did populate data for [libraw_tools] (HaikuPorts)
15983{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_uz] (HaikuPorts)
15984{D} did populate data for [librsvg_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15985{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_is] (HaikuPorts)
15986{D} did populate data for [librsb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
15987{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_it] (HaikuPorts)
15988{D} did populate data for [libsecp256k1] (HaikuPorts)
15989{D} did populate data for [libsamplerate] (HaikuPorts)
15990{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_zh_cn] (HaikuPorts)
15991{D} did populate data for [librevenge] (HaikuPorts)
15992{D} did populate data for [librsync] (HaikuPorts)
15993{D} did populate data for [libsass_devel] (HaikuPorts)
15994{D} did populate data for [libsdl_source] (HaikuPorts)
15995{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_vi] (HaikuPorts)
15996{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_nb] (HaikuPorts)
15997{D} did populate data for [libsecp256k1_source] (HaikuPorts)
15998{D} did populate data for [libsigc++3] (HaikuPorts)
15999{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_uk] (HaikuPorts)
16000{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sr_latn] (HaikuPorts)
16001{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_id] (HaikuPorts)
16002{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_mk] (HaikuPorts)
16003{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_mn] (HaikuPorts)
16004{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sa_in] (HaikuPorts)
16005{D} did populate data for [libshout_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16006{D} did populate data for [libsidplayfp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16007{D} did populate data for [librsvg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16008{D} did populate data for [librevenge_source] (HaikuPorts)
16009{D} did populate data for [librsync_source] (HaikuPorts)
16010{D} did populate data for [libsecp256k1_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16011{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sd] (HaikuPorts)
16012{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_szl] (HaikuPorts)
16013{D} did populate data for [libsamplerate_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16014{D} did populate data for [librsync_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16015{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ja] (HaikuPorts)
16016{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ne] (HaikuPorts)
16017{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_zh_tw] (HaikuPorts)
16018{D} did populate data for [libsass_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16019{D} did populate data for [libsdl2] (HaikuPorts)
16020{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ro] (HaikuPorts)
16021{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_nl] (HaikuPorts)
16022{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_galleries] (HaikuPorts)
16023{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_nn] (HaikuPorts)
16024{D} did populate data for [libsanta_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16025{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ru] (HaikuPorts)
16026{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_gl] (HaikuPorts)
16027{D} did populate data for [libsidplayfp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16028{D} did populate data for [libsanta] (HaikuPorts)
16029{D} did populate data for [libreplaygain] (HaikuPorts)
16030{D} did populate data for [libsidplayfp] (HaikuPorts)
16031{D} did populate data for [libsigc++] (HaikuPorts)
16032{D} did populate data for [libsdl2_source] (HaikuPorts)
16033{D} did populate data for [libshout_source] (HaikuPorts)
16034{D} did populate data for [librsb_source] (HaikuPorts)
16035{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_tg] (HaikuPorts)
16036{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_th] (HaikuPorts)
16037{D} did populate data for [librepcb_source] (HaikuPorts)
16038{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ka] (HaikuPorts)
16039{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sk] (HaikuPorts)
16040{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sl] (HaikuPorts)
16041{D} did populate data for [librevenge_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16042{D} did populate data for [libsdl] (HaikuPorts)
16043{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_gd] (HaikuPorts)
16044{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_kmr_latn] (HaikuPorts)
16045{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sq] (HaikuPorts)
16046{D} did populate data for [libshout] (HaikuPorts)
16047{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sr] (HaikuPorts)
16048{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_kk] (HaikuPorts)
16049{D} did populate data for [libsanta_source] (HaikuPorts)
16050{D} did populate data for [libsass] (HaikuPorts)
16051{D} did populate data for [librsb] (HaikuPorts)
16052{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_sv] (HaikuPorts)
16053{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ko] (HaikuPorts)
16054{D} did populate data for [librsvg] (HaikuPorts)
16055{D} did populate data for [libsamplerate_source] (HaikuPorts)
16056{D} did populate data for [libsass_source] (HaikuPorts)
16057{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_lt] (HaikuPorts)
16058{D} did populate data for [libreplaygain_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16059{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_hr] (HaikuPorts)
16060{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_lv] (HaikuPorts)
16061{D} did populate data for [librevenge_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16062{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_hu] (HaikuPorts)
16063{D} did populate data for [librsvg_source] (HaikuPorts)
16064{D} did populate data for [libshout_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16065{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_ug] (HaikuPorts)
16066{D} did populate data for [libsdl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16067{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_source] (HaikuPorts)
16068{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_lb] (HaikuPorts)
16069{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_pt_br] (HaikuPorts)
16070{D} did populate data for [librsb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16071{D} did populate data for [libsdl2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16072{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_pl] (HaikuPorts)
16073{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_he] (HaikuPorts)
16074{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_tr] (HaikuPorts)
16075{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_tt] (HaikuPorts)
16076{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_hi] (HaikuPorts)
16077{D} did populate data for [libsecp256k1_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16078{D} did populate data for [libreoffice_pt] (HaikuPorts)
16079{D} did populate data for [libsigrokdecode] (HaikuPorts)
16080{D} did populate data for [libsolv] (HaikuPorts)
16081{D} did populate data for [libsigsegv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16082{D} did populate data for [libsquish] (HaikuPorts)
16083{D} did populate data for [libtommath] (HaikuPorts)
16084{D} did populate data for [libsquish_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16085{D} did populate data for [libslz_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16086{D} did populate data for [libsoundtouch_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16087{D} did populate data for [libsigc++_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16088{D} did populate data for [libsoup_source] (HaikuPorts)
16089{D} did populate data for [libtar_source] (HaikuPorts)
16090{D} did populate data for [libsm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16091{D} did populate data for [libsoup] (HaikuPorts)
16092{D} did populate data for [libsigrokdecode_source] (HaikuPorts)
16093{D} did populate data for [libsodium] (HaikuPorts)
16094{D} did populate data for [libtasn1_source] (HaikuPorts)
16095{D} did populate data for [libssh] (HaikuPorts)
16096{D} did populate data for [libspectrum_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16097{D} did populate data for [libspiro_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16098{D} did populate data for [libsrtp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16099{D} did populate data for [libslz_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16100{D} did populate data for [libtommath_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16101{D} did populate data for [libsmdev] (HaikuPorts)
16102{D} did populate data for [libsndfile_source] (HaikuPorts)
16103{D} did populate data for [libsmf_source] (HaikuPorts)
16104{D} did populate data for [libsquish_source] (HaikuPorts)
16105{D} did populate data for [libsmdev_source] (HaikuPorts)
16106{D} did populate data for [libstaroffice_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16107{D} did populate data for [libtar] (HaikuPorts)
16108{D} did populate data for [libsndfile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16109{D} did populate data for [libsodium_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16110{D} did populate data for [libsndfile] (HaikuPorts)
16111{D} did populate data for [libstaroffice_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16112{D} did populate data for [libsigsegv] (HaikuPorts)
16113{D} did populate data for [libsrtp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16114{D} did populate data for [libsolv_source] (HaikuPorts)
16115{D} did populate data for [libtimidity_source] (HaikuPorts)
16116{D} did populate data for [libtorrent_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16117{D} did populate data for [libstaroffice] (HaikuPorts)
16118{D} did populate data for [libsolv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16119{D} did populate data for [libsigrok_source] (HaikuPorts)
16120{D} did populate data for [libstaroffice_source] (HaikuPorts)
16121{D} did populate data for [libtool] (HaikuPorts)
16122{D} did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16123{D} did populate data for [libtommath_source] (HaikuPorts)
16124{D} did populate data for [libtasn1] (HaikuPorts)
16125{D} did populate data for [libtheora_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16126{D} did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16127{D} did populate data for [libsvm] (HaikuPorts)
16128{D} did populate data for [libsvgtiny_source] (HaikuPorts)
16129{D} did populate data for [libsigc++3_source] (HaikuPorts)
16130{D} did populate data for [libtool_source] (HaikuPorts)
16131{D} did populate data for [libssh_doc] (HaikuPorts)
16132{D} did populate data for [libsoundtouch_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16133{D} did populate data for [libtimidity_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16134{D} did populate data for [libssh_source] (HaikuPorts)
16135{D} did populate data for [libsodium_source] (HaikuPorts)
16136{D} did populate data for [libtorrent] (HaikuPorts)
16137{D} did populate data for [libsvgtiny_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16138{D} did populate data for [libtimidity] (HaikuPorts)
16139{D} did populate data for [libspiro_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16140{D} did populate data for [libtheora] (HaikuPorts)
16141{D} did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar] (HaikuPorts)
16142{D} did populate data for [libsigc++3_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16143{D} did populate data for [libspectrum_source] (HaikuPorts)
16144{D} did populate data for [libsigrok] (HaikuPorts)
16145{D} did populate data for [libtasn1_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16146{D} did populate data for [libsigsegv_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16147{D} did populate data for [libsoup_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16148{D} did populate data for [libspiro] (HaikuPorts)
16149{D} did populate data for [libsigc++3_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16150{D} did populate data for [libsm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16151{D} did populate data for [libssh_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16152{D} did populate data for [libsoundtouch] (HaikuPorts)
16153{D} did populate data for [libsoundtouch_source] (HaikuPorts)
16154{D} did populate data for [libsvm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16155{D} did populate data for [libsm] (HaikuPorts)
16156{D} did populate data for [libtheora_source] (HaikuPorts)
16157{D} did populate data for [libsm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16158{D} did populate data for [libslz_source] (HaikuPorts)
16159{D} did populate data for [libsmdev_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16160{D} did populate data for [libssh2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16161{D} did populate data for [libssh2] (HaikuPorts)
16162{D} did populate data for [libsrtp] (HaikuPorts)
16163{D} did populate data for [libsvgtiny] (HaikuPorts)
16164{D} did populate data for [libsodium_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16165{D} did populate data for [libslz] (HaikuPorts)
16166{D} did populate data for [libssh_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16167{D} did populate data for [libsigrok_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16168{D} did populate data for [libtasn1_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16169{D} did populate data for [libsmf] (HaikuPorts)
16170{D} did populate data for [libsigc++_source] (HaikuPorts)
16171{D} did populate data for [libsmf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16172{D} did populate data for [libspectrum] (HaikuPorts)
16173{D} did populate data for [libtorrent_rasterbar_source] (HaikuPorts)
16174{D} did populate data for [libsigsegv_source] (HaikuPorts)
16175{D} did populate data for [libtool_libltdl] (HaikuPorts)
16176{D} did populate data for [libsigrokdecode_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16177{D} did populate data for [libtar_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16178{D} did populate data for [libsvm_tools] (HaikuPorts)
16179{D} did populate data for [libwebm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16180{D} did populate data for [libusb_compat] (HaikuPorts)
16181{D} did populate data for [libusb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16182{D} did populate data for [libvisio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16183{D} did populate data for [libxau_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16184{D} did populate data for [libxcb_source] (HaikuPorts)
16185{D} did populate data for [libupnp15_source] (HaikuPorts)
16186{D} did populate data for [libu2f_server] (HaikuPorts)
16187{D} did populate data for [libuuid_source] (HaikuPorts)
16188{D} did populate data for [libunibreak_source] (HaikuPorts)
16189{D} did populate data for [libvpx] (HaikuPorts)
16190{D} did populate data for [libvncserver_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16191{D} did populate data for [libutf8proc2_source] (HaikuPorts)
16192{D} did populate data for [libusb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16193{D} did populate data for [libupnp15] (HaikuPorts)
16194{D} did populate data for [libxcb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16195{D} did populate data for [libwebsockets_source] (HaikuPorts)
16196{D} did populate data for [libuuid] (HaikuPorts)
16197{D} did populate data for [libu2f_host] (HaikuPorts)
16198{D} did populate data for [libvisio_source] (HaikuPorts)
16199{D} did populate data for [libx11_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16200{D} did populate data for [libutf8proc2] (HaikuPorts)
16201{D} did populate data for [libunistring] (HaikuPorts)
16202{D} did populate data for [libxaw_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16203{D} did populate data for [libwapcaplet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16204{D} did populate data for [libuv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16205{D} did populate data for [libwebm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16206{D} did populate data for [libvorbis_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16207{D} did populate data for [libxau] (HaikuPorts)
16208{D} did populate data for [libwpd] (HaikuPorts)
16209{D} did populate data for [libwpg] (HaikuPorts)
16210{D} did populate data for [libxaw] (HaikuPorts)
16211{D} did populate data for [libtxc_dxtn_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16212{D} did populate data for [libusb_source] (HaikuPorts)
16213{D} did populate data for [libupnp] (HaikuPorts)
16214{D} did populate data for [libwebp] (HaikuPorts)
16215{D} did populate data for [libwpg_source] (HaikuPorts)
16216{D} did populate data for [libvorbis] (HaikuPorts)
16217{D} did populate data for [libwebsockets] (HaikuPorts)
16218{D} did populate data for [libwps] (HaikuPorts)
16219{D} did populate data for [libusbmuxd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16220{D} did populate data for [libwpg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16221{D} did populate data for [libu2f_server_source] (HaikuPorts)
16222{D} did populate data for [libunistring_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16223{D} did populate data for [libxau_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16224{D} did populate data for [libunistring_source] (HaikuPorts)
16225{D} did populate data for [libvpx_bin] (HaikuPorts)
16226{D} did populate data for [libtxc_dxtn] (HaikuPorts)
16227{D} did populate data for [libu2f_server_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16228{D} did populate data for [libwps_source] (HaikuPorts)
16229{D} did populate data for [libxcb] (HaikuPorts)
16230{D} did populate data for [libwebm] (HaikuPorts)
16231{D} did populate data for [libwebm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16232{D} did populate data for [libuv_source] (HaikuPorts)
16233{D} did populate data for [libxcm] (HaikuPorts)
16234{D} did populate data for [libutf8proc2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16235{D} did populate data for [libunistring_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16236{D} did populate data for [libunibreak_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16237{D} did populate data for [libwps_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16238{D} did populate data for [libu2f_host_source] (HaikuPorts)
16239{D} did populate data for [libusb] (HaikuPorts)
16240{D} did populate data for [libu2f_host_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16241{D} did populate data for [libvncserver_source] (HaikuPorts)
16242{D} did populate data for [libuuid_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16243{D} did populate data for [libxaw_source] (HaikuPorts)
16244{D} did populate data for [libxau_source] (HaikuPorts)
16245{D} did populate data for [libwebp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16246{D} did populate data for [libuv_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16247{D} did populate data for [libusbmuxd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16248{D} did populate data for [libvpx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16249{D} did populate data for [libx11] (HaikuPorts)
16250{D} did populate data for [libwapcaplet_source] (HaikuPorts)
16251{D} did populate data for [libx11_source] (HaikuPorts)
16252{D} did populate data for [libusb_compat_source] (HaikuPorts)
16253{D} did populate data for [libvisio] (HaikuPorts)
16254{D} did populate data for [libwapcaplet] (HaikuPorts)
16255{D} did populate data for [libupnp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16256{D} did populate data for [libusbmuxd_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16257{D} did populate data for [libwps_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16258{D} did populate data for [libusbmuxd] (HaikuPorts)
16259{D} did populate data for [libwebsockets_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16260{D} did populate data for [libuv] (HaikuPorts)
16261{D} did populate data for [libtorrent_source] (HaikuPorts)
16262{D} did populate data for [libvpx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16263{D} did populate data for [libutf8proc2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16264{D} did populate data for [libwpd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16265{D} did populate data for [libtxc_dxtn_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16266{D} did populate data for [libwebp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16267{D} did populate data for [libxaw_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16268{D} did populate data for [libx11_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16269{D} did populate data for [libxcb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16270{D} did populate data for [libusb_compat_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16271{D} did populate data for [libunibreak_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16272{D} did populate data for [libupnp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16273{D} did populate data for [libtxc_dxtn_source] (HaikuPorts)
16274{D} did populate data for [libvorbis_source] (HaikuPorts)
16275{D} did populate data for [libvorbis_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16276{D} did populate data for [libwpd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16277{D} did populate data for [libvncserver] (HaikuPorts)
16278{D} did populate data for [libunibreak] (HaikuPorts)
16279{D} did populate data for [libxrender_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16280{D} did populate data for [libxdmcp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16281{D} did populate data for [libxpm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16282{D} did populate data for [libxscrnsaver_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16283{D} did populate data for [libxi_source] (HaikuPorts)
16284{D} did populate data for [libxtst_source] (HaikuPorts)
16285{D} did populate data for [libxfont_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16286{D} did populate data for [libyaml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16287{D} did populate data for [libxft_source] (HaikuPorts)
16288{D} did populate data for [libxfont] (HaikuPorts)
16289{D} did populate data for [libxt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16290{D} did populate data for [libxfixes_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16291{D} did populate data for [libxi] (HaikuPorts)
16292{D} did populate data for [libxslt_source] (HaikuPorts)
16293{D} did populate data for [libxcursor_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16294{D} did populate data for [libxt_source] (HaikuPorts)
16295{D} did populate data for [libyaml_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16296{D} did populate data for [libxfixes] (HaikuPorts)
16297{D} did populate data for [libxinerama_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16298{D} did populate data for [libxcursor_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16299{D} did populate data for [libxcm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16300{D} did populate data for [libxslt] (HaikuPorts)
16301{D} did populate data for [libxmp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16302{D} did populate data for [libxcm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16303{D} did populate data for [libxrender_source] (HaikuPorts)
16304{D} did populate data for [libxinerama_source] (HaikuPorts)
16305{D} did populate data for [libxdg_basedir_source] (HaikuPorts)
16306{D} did populate data for [libxscrnsaver_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16307{D} did populate data for [libxmp] (HaikuPorts)
16308{D} did populate data for [libxtst_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16309{D} did populate data for [libxmu] (HaikuPorts)
16310{D} did populate data for [libzip] (HaikuPorts)
16311{D} did populate data for [libxkbfile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16312{D} did populate data for [libyubikey_source] (HaikuPorts)
16313{D} did populate data for [libxext] (HaikuPorts)
16314{D} did populate data for [libxdamage_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16315{D} did populate data for [libyaml] (HaikuPorts)
16316{D} did populate data for [libxdg_basedir] (HaikuPorts)
16317{D} did populate data for [libxext_source] (HaikuPorts)
16318{D} did populate data for [libxcomposite_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16319{D} did populate data for [libxtst_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16320{D} did populate data for [libxfont_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16321{D} did populate data for [libxext_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16322{D} did populate data for [libxt] (HaikuPorts)
16323{D} did populate data for [libxrandr_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16324{D} did populate data for [libxrandr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16325{D} did populate data for [libxcursor_source] (HaikuPorts)
16326{D} did populate data for [libxfixes_source] (HaikuPorts)
16327{D} did populate data for [libxcursor] (HaikuPorts)
16328{D} did populate data for [libxinerama_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16329{D} did populate data for [libxmu_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16330{D} did populate data for [libxkbfile_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16331{D} did populate data for [libxdmcp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16332{D} did populate data for [libxmu_source] (HaikuPorts)
16333{D} did populate data for [libxcomposite_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16334{D} did populate data for [libxml2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16335{D} did populate data for [libzip_source] (HaikuPorts)
16336{D} did populate data for [libyubikey_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16337{D} did populate data for [libxscrnsaver_source] (HaikuPorts)
16338{D} did populate data for [libxpm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16339{D} did populate data for [libxt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16340{D} did populate data for [libxi_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16341{D} did populate data for [libxtst] (HaikuPorts)
16342{D} did populate data for [libxpm] (HaikuPorts)
16343{D} did populate data for [libxft_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16344{D} did populate data for [libxcm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16345{D} did populate data for [libxdamage] (HaikuPorts)
16346{D} did populate data for [libyajl_source] (HaikuPorts)
16347{D} did populate data for [libxrender] (HaikuPorts)
16348{D} did populate data for [libxrender_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16349{D} did populate data for [libzip_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16350{D} did populate data for [libyajl] (HaikuPorts)
16351{D} did populate data for [libxi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16352{D} did populate data for [libxrandr] (HaikuPorts)
16353{D} did populate data for [libzmf] (HaikuPorts)
16354{D} did populate data for [libxinerama] (HaikuPorts)
16355{D} did populate data for [libxext_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16356{D} did populate data for [libyubikey] (HaikuPorts)
16357{D} did populate data for [libxdg_basedir_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16358{D} did populate data for [libxdmcp] (HaikuPorts)
16359{D} did populate data for [libxdamage_source] (HaikuPorts)
16360{D} did populate data for [libxslt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16361{D} did populate data for [libxpm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16362{D} did populate data for [libxmp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16363{D} did populate data for [libxmu_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16364{D} did populate data for [libxfont_source] (HaikuPorts)
16365{D} did populate data for [libxcomposite_source] (HaikuPorts)
16366{D} did populate data for [libxdmcp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16367{D} did populate data for [libxft_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16368{D} did populate data for [libxft] (HaikuPorts)
16369{D} did populate data for [libxdamage_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16370{D} did populate data for [libxfixes_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16371{D} did populate data for [libxml2] (HaikuPorts)
16372{D} did populate data for [libxml2_python] (HaikuPorts)
16373{D} did populate data for [libxrandr_source] (HaikuPorts)
16374{D} did populate data for [libxkbfile] (HaikuPorts)
16375{D} did populate data for [libyajl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16376{D} did populate data for [libxkbfile_source] (HaikuPorts)
16377{D} did populate data for [libxcomposite] (HaikuPorts)
16378{D} did populate data for [libxscrnsaver] (HaikuPorts)
16379{D} did populate data for [llvm] (HaikuPorts)
16380{D} did populate data for [llvm9_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16381{D} did populate data for [libzmf_source] (HaikuPorts)
16382{D} did populate data for [libzmf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16383{D} did populate data for [lsdvd] (HaikuPorts)
16384{D} did populate data for [lua52_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16385{D} did populate data for [lpeg] (HaikuPorts)
16386{D} did populate data for [lohit] (HaikuPorts)
16387{D} did populate data for [live555_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16388{D} did populate data for [links_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16389{D} did populate data for [lmdb_source] (HaikuPorts)
16390{D} did populate data for [lskat_source] (HaikuPorts)
16391{D} did populate data for [llvm7_clang_analysis] (HaikuPorts)
16392{D} did populate data for [lrzip_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16393{D} did populate data for [llvm8_clang_analysis] (HaikuPorts)
16394{D} did populate data for [linaro_qemu] (HaikuPorts)
16395{D} did populate data for [lightsoff_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16396{D} did populate data for [lizard_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16397{D} did populate data for [lrzsz] (HaikuPorts)
16398{D} did populate data for [love_source] (HaikuPorts)
16399{D} did populate data for [love] (HaikuPorts)
16400{D} did populate data for [lis_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16401{D} did populate data for [lingua] (HaikuPorts)
16402{D} did populate data for [llvm6_clang] (HaikuPorts)
16403{D} did populate data for [llvm9_lld] (HaikuPorts)
16404{D} did populate data for [lpairs] (HaikuPorts)
16405{D} did populate data for [lincity_ng_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16406{D} did populate data for [llvm_clang_analysis] (HaikuPorts)
16407{D} did populate data for [lighttpd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16408{D} did populate data for [lingua_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16409{D} did populate data for [lmarbles_source] (HaikuPorts)
16410{D} did populate data for [lpeg_source] (HaikuPorts)
16411{D} did populate data for [lighttpd_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16412{D} did populate data for [lua51_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16413{D} did populate data for [lrzsz_source] (HaikuPorts)
16414{D} did populate data for [linaro_qemu_source] (HaikuPorts)
16415{D} did populate data for [lnlauncher_source] (HaikuPorts)
16416{D} did populate data for [links_source] (HaikuPorts)
16417{D} did populate data for [lsdvd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16418{D} did populate data for [lm4tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
16419{D} did populate data for [luacheck] (HaikuPorts)
16420{D} did populate data for [lua52_source] (HaikuPorts)
16421{D} did populate data for [lmms_source] (HaikuPorts)
16422{D} did populate data for [llvm7_libs] (HaikuPorts)
16423{D} did populate data for [love_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16424{D} did populate data for [log4cxx] (HaikuPorts)
16425{D} did populate data for [lincity_ng_source] (HaikuPorts)
16426{D} did populate data for [llvm8_libs] (HaikuPorts)
16427{D} did populate data for [lmdbxx] (HaikuPorts)
16428{D} did populate data for [llvm6_clang_analysis] (HaikuPorts)
16429{D} did populate data for [lizard_source] (HaikuPorts)
16430{D} did populate data for [log4cxx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16431{D} did populate data for [lmdb] (HaikuPorts)
16432{D} did populate data for [llvm6_source] (HaikuPorts)
16433{D} did populate data for [llvm7_source] (HaikuPorts)
16434{D} did populate data for [llvm8_source] (HaikuPorts)
16435{D} did populate data for [llvm9_libs] (HaikuPorts)
16436{D} did populate data for [llvm9_source] (HaikuPorts)
16437{D} did populate data for [lis] (HaikuPorts)
16438{D} did populate data for [live555_source] (HaikuPorts)
16439{D} did populate data for [links] (HaikuPorts)
16440{D} did populate data for [lrzip_source] (HaikuPorts)
16441{D} did populate data for [llvm9_clang_analysis] (HaikuPorts)
16442{D} did populate data for [lmdbxx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16443{D} did populate data for [ltris_source] (HaikuPorts)
16444{D} did populate data for [llvm_clang] (HaikuPorts)
16445{D} did populate data for [lpsolve_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16446{D} did populate data for [lpsolve_source] (HaikuPorts)
16447{D} did populate data for [llvm7_clang] (HaikuPorts)
16448{D} did populate data for [lighttpd_mod_geoip] (HaikuPorts)
16449{D} did populate data for [log4cxx_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16450{D} did populate data for [lm4tools] (HaikuPorts)
16451{D} did populate data for [lighttpd] (HaikuPorts)
16452{D} did populate data for [lighttpd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16453{D} did populate data for [lrzip_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16454{D} did populate data for [lua51] (HaikuPorts)
16455{D} did populate data for [lua52] (HaikuPorts)
16456{D} did populate data for [llvm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16457{D} did populate data for [lincity_ng] (HaikuPorts)
16458{D} did populate data for [llvm7] (HaikuPorts)
16459{D} did populate data for [llvm8] (HaikuPorts)
16460{D} did populate data for [lightsoff_source] (HaikuPorts)
16461{D} did populate data for [llvm9] (HaikuPorts)
16462{D} did populate data for [lpairs_source] (HaikuPorts)
16463{D} did populate data for [lis_source] (HaikuPorts)
16464{D} did populate data for [lskat] (HaikuPorts)
16465{D} did populate data for [llvm6_libs] (HaikuPorts)
16466{D} did populate data for [live555] (HaikuPorts)
16467{D} did populate data for [llvm9_clang] (HaikuPorts)
16468{D} did populate data for [lizard] (HaikuPorts)
16469{D} did populate data for [lightsoff] (HaikuPorts)
16470{D} did populate data for [lis_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16471{D} did populate data for [log4cxx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16472{D} did populate data for [llvm8_clang] (HaikuPorts)
16473{D} did populate data for [lpsolve] (HaikuPorts)
16474{D} did populate data for [lmdb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16475{D} did populate data for [lua] (HaikuPorts)
16476{D} did populate data for [llvm6] (HaikuPorts)
16477{D} did populate data for [llvm_libs] (HaikuPorts)
16478{D} did populate data for [lrzip] (HaikuPorts)
16479{D} did populate data for [mednafen_lynx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16480{D} did populate data for [lzip] (HaikuPorts)
16481{D} did populate data for [makeobj_source] (HaikuPorts)
16482{D} did populate data for [lxml_python] (HaikuPorts)
16483{D} did populate data for [lutok_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16484{D} did populate data for [maeparser_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16485{D} did populate data for [markupsafe] (HaikuPorts)
16486{D} did populate data for [lutok] (HaikuPorts)
16487{D} did populate data for [md4c_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16488{D} did populate data for [markupsafe_python39] (HaikuPorts)
16489{D} did populate data for [markupsafe_python] (HaikuPorts)
16490{D} did populate data for [mandoc_source] (HaikuPorts)
16491{D} did populate data for [mandoc] (HaikuPorts)
16492{D} did populate data for [markupsafe_python38] (HaikuPorts)
16493{D} did populate data for [lxml] (HaikuPorts)
16494{D} did populate data for [mame] (HaikuPorts)
16495{D} did populate data for [mednafen_ngp_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16496{D} did populate data for [manaplus_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16497{D} did populate data for [mednafen_gba_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16498{D} did populate data for [mako_source] (HaikuPorts)
16499{D} did populate data for [manaplus_source] (HaikuPorts)
16500{D} did populate data for [man_pages_posix] (HaikuPorts)
16501{D} did populate data for [mbedtls_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16502{D} did populate data for [m4_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16503{D} did populate data for [manaplus] (HaikuPorts)
16504{D} did populate data for [lz4_source] (HaikuPorts)
16505{D} did populate data for [lzo_source] (HaikuPorts)
16506{D} did populate data for [maeparser] (HaikuPorts)
16507{D} did populate data for [mame_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16508{D} did populate data for [mdds14_source] (HaikuPorts)
16509{D} did populate data for [lugaru] (HaikuPorts)
16510{D} did populate data for [mac_source] (HaikuPorts)
16511{D} did populate data for [mac] (HaikuPorts)
16512{D} did populate data for [mednafen_lynx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16513{D} did populate data for [lxml_python39] (HaikuPorts)
16514{D} did populate data for [makedepend] (HaikuPorts)
16515{D} did populate data for [maelstrom] (HaikuPorts)
16516{D} did populate data for [mdds] (HaikuPorts)
16517{D} did populate data for [lxml_python38] (HaikuPorts)
16518{D} did populate data for [makedepend_source] (HaikuPorts)
16519{D} did populate data for [mawk] (HaikuPorts)
16520{D} did populate data for [lxqt_build_tools] (HaikuPorts)
16521{D} did populate data for [lxml_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16522{D} did populate data for [lugaru_source] (HaikuPorts)
16523{D} did populate data for [lz4] (HaikuPorts)
16524{D} did populate data for [m4] (HaikuPorts)
16525{D} did populate data for [makeheaders_source] (HaikuPorts)
16526{D} did populate data for [mda_vst] (HaikuPorts)
16527{D} did populate data for [lzip_source] (HaikuPorts)
16528{D} did populate data for [make_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16529{D} did populate data for [mbedtls_source] (HaikuPorts)
16530{D} did populate data for [mako_python36] (HaikuPorts)
16531{D} did populate data for [mbedtls] (HaikuPorts)
16532{D} did populate data for [mcrypt] (HaikuPorts)
16533{D} did populate data for [luarocks] (HaikuPorts)
16534{D} did populate data for [lzo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16535{D} did populate data for [mako_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16536{D} did populate data for [luacheck_source] (HaikuPorts)
16537{D} did populate data for [lxqt_build_tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
16538{D} did populate data for [luckybackup] (HaikuPorts)
16539{D} did populate data for [marble_source] (HaikuPorts)
16540{D} did populate data for [lzo] (HaikuPorts)
16541{D} did populate data for [mame_source] (HaikuPorts)
16542{D} did populate data for [maps] (HaikuPorts)
16543{D} did populate data for [lua_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16544{D} did populate data for [markupsafe_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16545{D} did populate data for [mednafen_gba_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16546{D} did populate data for [mednafen_pce_fast_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16547{D} did populate data for [lyx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16548{D} did populate data for [md4c] (HaikuPorts)
16549{D} did populate data for [mdate] (HaikuPorts)
16550{D} did populate data for [mednafen_pce_fast_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16551{D} did populate data for [mdds14] (HaikuPorts)
16552{D} did populate data for [lutok_source] (HaikuPorts)
16553{D} did populate data for [luarocks_source] (HaikuPorts)
16554{D} did populate data for [luajit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16555{D} did populate data for [luafilesystem] (HaikuPorts)
16556{D} did populate data for [mac_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16557{D} did populate data for [mako] (HaikuPorts)
16558{D} did populate data for [makeheaders] (HaikuPorts)
16559{D} did populate data for [mda_vst_source] (HaikuPorts)
16560{D} did populate data for [lua_source] (HaikuPorts)
16561{D} did populate data for [luckybackup_source] (HaikuPorts)
16562{D} did populate data for [lutok_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16563{D} did populate data for [lz4_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16564{D} did populate data for [mako_python] (HaikuPorts)
16565{D} did populate data for [mc_source] (HaikuPorts)
16566{D} did populate data for [lzop] (HaikuPorts)
16567{D} did populate data for [make] (HaikuPorts)
16568{D} did populate data for [luajit_source] (HaikuPorts)
16569{D} did populate data for [mdds_source] (HaikuPorts)
16570{D} did populate data for [makeobj] (HaikuPorts)
16571{D} did populate data for [maelstrom_source] (HaikuPorts)
16572{D} did populate data for [luajit] (HaikuPorts)
16573{D} did populate data for [mbedtls_tools] (HaikuPorts)
16574{D} did populate data for [maeparser_source] (HaikuPorts)
16575{D} did populate data for [mcrypt_source] (HaikuPorts)
16576{D} did populate data for [mednafen_ngp_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16577{D} did populate data for [md4c_source] (HaikuPorts)
16578{D} did populate data for [medo_source] (HaikuPorts)
16579{D} did populate data for [mednafen_psx_hw_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16580{D} did populate data for [module_build_source] (HaikuPorts)
16581{D} did populate data for [meteor_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16582{D} did populate data for [mednafen_pcfx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16583{D} did populate data for [mednafen_psx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16584{D} did populate data for [mock_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16585{D} did populate data for [milkytracker_source] (HaikuPorts)
16586{D} did populate data for [mkdepend] (HaikuPorts)
16587{D} did populate data for [mock_python] (HaikuPorts)
16588{D} did populate data for [medo] (HaikuPorts)
16589{D} did populate data for [midikeyboard_source] (HaikuPorts)
16590{D} did populate data for [minizip] (HaikuPorts)
16591{D} did populate data for [minesweeper] (HaikuPorts)
16592{D} did populate data for [miniupnpc_source] (HaikuPorts)
16593{D} did populate data for [minetest_source] (HaikuPorts)
16594{D} did populate data for [minimizeall] (HaikuPorts)
16595{D} did populate data for [mlpack] (HaikuPorts)
16596{D} did populate data for [moe_source] (HaikuPorts)
16597{D} did populate data for [mpc] (HaikuPorts)
16598{D} did populate data for [mlpack_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16599{D} did populate data for [mednafen_supergrafx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16600{D} did populate data for [midikeyboard] (HaikuPorts)
16601{D} did populate data for [mlpack_source] (HaikuPorts)
16602{D} did populate data for [mlt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16603{D} did populate data for [mp3gain_source] (HaikuPorts)
16604{D} did populate data for [menu_cache_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16605{D} did populate data for [mksh] (HaikuPorts)
16606{D} did populate data for [mosh] (HaikuPorts)
16607{D} did populate data for [mednafen_wswan_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16608{D} did populate data for [mhash_source] (HaikuPorts)
16609{D} did populate data for [meson_source] (HaikuPorts)
16610{D} did populate data for [mp3gain] (HaikuPorts)
16611{D} did populate data for [miniupnpc] (HaikuPorts)
16612{D} did populate data for [mesa_swpipe] (HaikuPorts)
16613{D} did populate data for [mimetic_source] (HaikuPorts)
16614{D} did populate data for [miniupnpc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16615{D} did populate data for [menu_cache] (HaikuPorts)
16616{D} did populate data for [mozc_source] (HaikuPorts)
16617{D} did populate data for [mesa_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16618{D} did populate data for [mednafen_pce_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16619{D} did populate data for [mgba] (HaikuPorts)
16620{D} did populate data for [monoid] (HaikuPorts)
16621{D} did populate data for [melonds_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16622{D} did populate data for [minicom_source] (HaikuPorts)
16623{D} did populate data for [midisynth_source] (HaikuPorts)
16624{D} did populate data for [minizip_source] (HaikuPorts)
16625{D} did populate data for [mercurial] (HaikuPorts)
16626{D} did populate data for [mgba_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16627{D} did populate data for [mozc] (HaikuPorts)
16628{D} did populate data for [mlpack_cli] (HaikuPorts)
16629{D} did populate data for [melonds_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16630{D} did populate data for [module_build] (HaikuPorts)
16631{D} did populate data for [mosh_source] (HaikuPorts)
16632{D} did populate data for [minisign] (HaikuPorts)
16633{D} did populate data for [mesa_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16634{D} did populate data for [mhash_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16635{D} did populate data for [midisynth] (HaikuPorts)
16636{D} did populate data for [mednafen_wswan_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16637{D} did populate data for [minimizeall_source] (HaikuPorts)
16638{D} did populate data for [mikmod_source] (HaikuPorts)
16639{D} did populate data for [mikmod] (HaikuPorts)
16640{D} did populate data for [mednafen_psx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16641{D} did populate data for [meteor_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16642{D} did populate data for [mgba_source] (HaikuPorts)
16643{D} did populate data for [mednafen_saturn_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16644{D} did populate data for [mlt] (HaikuPorts)
16645{D} did populate data for [mosquitto_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16646{D} did populate data for [mednafen_saturn_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16647{D} did populate data for [mimetic] (HaikuPorts)
16648{D} did populate data for [minicom] (HaikuPorts)
16649{D} did populate data for [mkdepend_source] (HaikuPorts)
16650{D} did populate data for [mock] (HaikuPorts)
16651{D} did populate data for [mock_source] (HaikuPorts)
16652{D} did populate data for [monoid_source] (HaikuPorts)
16653{D} did populate data for [mlt_source] (HaikuPorts)
16654{D} did populate data for [mhash] (HaikuPorts)
16655{D} did populate data for [microbe_source] (HaikuPorts)
16656{D} did populate data for [mgba_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16657{D} did populate data for [mednafen_vb_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16658{D} did populate data for [menu_cache_source] (HaikuPorts)
16659{D} did populate data for [mesa] (HaikuPorts)
16660{D} did populate data for [meson] (HaikuPorts)
16661{D} did populate data for [mirrormagic_source] (HaikuPorts)
16662{D} did populate data for [mm_common] (HaikuPorts)
16663{D} did populate data for [mock_python36] (HaikuPorts)
16664{D} did populate data for [microbe] (HaikuPorts)
16665{D} did populate data for [minesweeper_source] (HaikuPorts)
16666{D} did populate data for [mednafen_supergrafx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16667{D} did populate data for [mosquitto_source] (HaikuPorts)
16668{D} did populate data for [mednafen_pce_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16669{D} did populate data for [mimetic_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16670{D} did populate data for [mednafen_psx_hw_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16671{D} did populate data for [mednafen_pcfx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16672{D} did populate data for [minizip_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16673{D} did populate data for [mednafen_vb_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16674{D} did populate data for [mosquitto] (HaikuPorts)
16675{D} did populate data for [mesa_source] (HaikuPorts)
16676{D} did populate data for [mlpack_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16677{D} did populate data for [muparser] (HaikuPorts)
16678{D} did populate data for [mplayer_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16679{D} did populate data for [mupen64plus_next_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16680{D} did populate data for [muscle_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16681{D} did populate data for [muparser_source] (HaikuPorts)
16682{D} did populate data for [mupdf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16683{D} did populate data for [mtools] (HaikuPorts)
16684{D} did populate data for [multidict_python39] (HaikuPorts)
16685{D} did populate data for [multidict_python38] (HaikuPorts)
16686{D} did populate data for [mutt] (HaikuPorts)
16687{D} did populate data for [mpfr3_source] (HaikuPorts)
16688{D} did populate data for [mpd] (HaikuPorts)
16689{D} did populate data for [mrpeeps_source] (HaikuPorts)
16690{D} did populate data for [mpg123_source] (HaikuPorts)
16691{D} did populate data for [mpfr_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16692{D} did populate data for [mudlet_source] (HaikuPorts)
16693{D} did populate data for [mpv] (HaikuPorts)
16694{D} did populate data for [mpg123_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16695{D} did populate data for [musicpc_source] (HaikuPorts)
16696{D} did populate data for [mygui] (HaikuPorts)
16697{D} did populate data for [mujs_source] (HaikuPorts)
16698{D} did populate data for [muparser_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16699{D} did populate data for [mpc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16700{D} did populate data for [mpc_source] (HaikuPorts)
16701{D} did populate data for [mpfr3] (HaikuPorts)
16702{D} did populate data for [musicbrainz_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16703{D} did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16704{D} did populate data for [mpg321] (HaikuPorts)
16705{D} did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16706{D} did populate data for [mpfr3_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16707{D} did populate data for [mudlet_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16708{D} did populate data for [myspell_da] (HaikuPorts)
16709{D} did populate data for [mrpeeps] (HaikuPorts)
16710{D} did populate data for [msieve_source] (HaikuPorts)
16711{D} did populate data for [musicbrainz] (HaikuPorts)
16712{D} did populate data for [myspell_cs] (HaikuPorts)
16713{D} did populate data for [mpg123_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16714{D} did populate data for [mtafsir_source] (HaikuPorts)
16715{D} did populate data for [multitalk] (HaikuPorts)
16716{D} did populate data for [multidict] (HaikuPorts)
16717{D} did populate data for [muscle_source] (HaikuPorts)
16718{D} did populate data for [mupdf] (HaikuPorts)
16719{D} did populate data for [myspell_ca] (HaikuPorts)
16720{D} did populate data for [mxml_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16721{D} did populate data for [mudlet] (HaikuPorts)
16722{D} did populate data for [musescore_source] (HaikuPorts)
16723{D} did populate data for [mygui_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16724{D} did populate data for [myspell_bs] (HaikuPorts)
16725{D} did populate data for [myspell_bo] (HaikuPorts)
16726{D} did populate data for [mupen64plus_source] (HaikuPorts)
16727{D} did populate data for [musescore] (HaikuPorts)
16728{D} did populate data for [myspell_br] (HaikuPorts)
16729{D} did populate data for [myspell_bn] (HaikuPorts)
16730{D} did populate data for [myspell_bg] (HaikuPorts)
16731{D} did populate data for [msttcorefonts] (HaikuPorts)
16732{D} did populate data for [myspell_be] (HaikuPorts)
16733{D} did populate data for [mpfr] (HaikuPorts)
16734{D} did populate data for [mxml_source] (HaikuPorts)
16735{D} did populate data for [mxml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16736{D} did populate data for [mygui_source] (HaikuPorts)
16737{D} did populate data for [mtr_source] (HaikuPorts)
16738{D} did populate data for [mpfr_source] (HaikuPorts)
16739{D} did populate data for [mpv_source] (HaikuPorts)
16740{D} did populate data for [myspell_ar] (HaikuPorts)
16741{D} did populate data for [mtr] (HaikuPorts)
16742{D} did populate data for [mujs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16743{D} did populate data for [myspell_an] (HaikuPorts)
16744{D} did populate data for [mpfr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16745{D} did populate data for [multimarkdown] (HaikuPorts)
16746{D} did populate data for [mrboom_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16747{D} did populate data for [mpd_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16748{D} did populate data for [mplus] (HaikuPorts)
16749{D} did populate data for [myspell_af] (HaikuPorts)
16750{D} did populate data for [mtools_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16751{D} did populate data for [multidict_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16752{D} did populate data for [mxml] (HaikuPorts)
16753{D} did populate data for [mplayer_source] (HaikuPorts)
16754{D} did populate data for [musicbrainz_source] (HaikuPorts)
16755{D} did populate data for [mutt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16756{D} did populate data for [msieve_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16757{D} did populate data for [mujs] (HaikuPorts)
16758{D} did populate data for [musepack_tools] (HaikuPorts)
16759{D} did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16760{D} did populate data for [multidict_source] (HaikuPorts)
16761{D} did populate data for [mtafsir] (HaikuPorts)
16762{D} did populate data for [mpd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16763{D} did populate data for [mupen64plus_next_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16764{D} did populate data for [mpg123] (HaikuPorts)
16765{D} did populate data for [msgpack_c_cpp] (HaikuPorts)
16766{D} did populate data for [muscle] (HaikuPorts)
16767{D} did populate data for [mrboom_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16768{D} did populate data for [mpc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16769{D} did populate data for [mpv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16770{D} did populate data for [mutt_source] (HaikuPorts)
16771{D} did populate data for [musicpc] (HaikuPorts)
16772{D} did populate data for [mpg321_source] (HaikuPorts)
16773{D} did populate data for [myspell] (HaikuPorts)
16774{D} did populate data for [msieve] (HaikuPorts)
16775{D} did populate data for [musepack_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16776{D} did populate data for [multimarkdown_source] (HaikuPorts)
16777{D} did populate data for [neon_source] (HaikuPorts)
16778{D} did populate data for [myspell_oc] (HaikuPorts)
16779{D} did populate data for [ncmpcpp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16780{D} did populate data for [neofetch_source] (HaikuPorts)
16781{D} did populate data for [netcdf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16782{D} did populate data for [netcdf_source] (HaikuPorts)
16783{D} did populate data for [mythes] (HaikuPorts)
16784{D} did populate data for [neonlights] (HaikuPorts)
16785{D} did populate data for [netcdf] (HaikuPorts)
16786{D} did populate data for [myspell_fr] (HaikuPorts)
16787{D} did populate data for [neocd_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16788{D} did populate data for [myspell_no] (HaikuPorts)
16789{D} did populate data for [myspell_kmr] (HaikuPorts)
16790{D} did populate data for [myspell_nl] (HaikuPorts)
16791{D} did populate data for [nekop2_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16792{D} did populate data for [netcdf_cxx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16793{D} did populate data for [ncdu_source] (HaikuPorts)
16794{D} did populate data for [nano_source] (HaikuPorts)
16795{D} did populate data for [myspell_ne] (HaikuPorts)
16796{D} did populate data for [netcdf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16797{D} did populate data for [myspell_vi] (HaikuPorts)
16798{D} did populate data for [mythes_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16799{D} did populate data for [myspell_es] (HaikuPorts)
16800{D} did populate data for [myspell_et] (HaikuPorts)
16801{D} did populate data for [nafees_riqa] (HaikuPorts)
16802{D} did populate data for [ncdu] (HaikuPorts)
16803{D} did populate data for [myspell_el] (HaikuPorts)
16804{D} did populate data for [neon_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16805{D} did populate data for [nesalizer_source] (HaikuPorts)
16806{D} did populate data for [netcdf_cxx] (HaikuPorts)
16807{D} did populate data for [myspell_uk] (HaikuPorts)
16808{D} did populate data for [neonlights_source] (HaikuPorts)
16809{D} did populate data for [myspell_kv_source] (HaikuPorts)
16810{D} did populate data for [myspell_lv] (HaikuPorts)
16811{D} did populate data for [myspell_pt_br] (HaikuPorts)
16812{D} did populate data for [myspell_fur] (HaikuPorts)
16813{D} did populate data for [myspell_lt] (HaikuPorts)
16814{D} did populate data for [myspell_de] (HaikuPorts)
16815{D} did populate data for [myspell_lo] (HaikuPorts)
16816{D} did populate data for [myspell_tr] (HaikuPorts)
16817{D} did populate data for [neocd_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16818{D} did populate data for [netcat] (HaikuPorts)
16819{D} did populate data for [myspell_te] (HaikuPorts)
16820{D} did populate data for [myspell_th] (HaikuPorts)
16821{D} did populate data for [myspell_udm] (HaikuPorts)
16822{D} did populate data for [myspell_udm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16823{D} did populate data for [myspell_kv] (HaikuPorts)
16824{D} did populate data for [netcdf_fortran_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16825{D} did populate data for [myspell_sv] (HaikuPorts)
16826{D} did populate data for [myspell_sw] (HaikuPorts)
16827{D} did populate data for [myspell_sq] (HaikuPorts)
16828{D} did populate data for [myspell_sr] (HaikuPorts)
16829{D} did populate data for [nasm] (HaikuPorts)
16830{D} did populate data for [ncompress] (HaikuPorts)
16831{D} did populate data for [myspell_sl] (HaikuPorts)
16832{D} did populate data for [myspell_si] (HaikuPorts)
16833{D} did populate data for [myspell_sk] (HaikuPorts)
16834{D} did populate data for [nano] (HaikuPorts)
16835{D} did populate data for [nanosvgtranslator_source] (HaikuPorts)
16836{D} did populate data for [netcdf_fortran] (HaikuPorts)
16837{D} did populate data for [nasm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16838{D} did populate data for [naspro_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16839{D} did populate data for [myspell_ru] (HaikuPorts)
16840{D} did populate data for [ncmpcpp] (HaikuPorts)
16841{D} did populate data for [naspro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16842{D} did populate data for [neon_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16843{D} did populate data for [netcdf_fortran_source] (HaikuPorts)
16844{D} did populate data for [myspell_ro] (HaikuPorts)
16845{D} did populate data for [netcdf_fortran_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16846{D} did populate data for [nekop2_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16847{D} did populate data for [nestopia_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16848{D} did populate data for [myspell_source] (HaikuPorts)
16849{D} did populate data for [ncurses6_source] (HaikuPorts)
16850{D} did populate data for [netcdf_cxx_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16851{D} did populate data for [myspell_is] (HaikuPorts)
16852{D} did populate data for [nesalizer] (HaikuPorts)
16853{D} did populate data for [myspell_it] (HaikuPorts)
16854{D} did populate data for [myspell_id] (HaikuPorts)
16855{D} did populate data for [nafees_nastaleeq] (HaikuPorts)
16856{D} did populate data for [ncurses6_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16857{D} did populate data for [ncmpcpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16858{D} did populate data for [myspell_hu] (HaikuPorts)
16859{D} did populate data for [naspro] (HaikuPorts)
16860{D} did populate data for [naspro_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16861{D} did populate data for [myspell_hr] (HaikuPorts)
16862{D} did populate data for [myspell_hi] (HaikuPorts)
16863{D} did populate data for [myspell_pt] (HaikuPorts)
16864{D} did populate data for [myspell_he] (HaikuPorts)
16865{D} did populate data for [myspell_gug] (HaikuPorts)
16866{D} did populate data for [nestopia_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16867{D} did populate data for [myspell_pl] (HaikuPorts)
16868{D} did populate data for [neon] (HaikuPorts)
16869{D} did populate data for [ncurses6] (HaikuPorts)
16870{D} did populate data for [myspell_gu] (HaikuPorts)
16871{D} did populate data for [neofetch] (HaikuPorts)
16872{D} did populate data for [mythes_source] (HaikuPorts)
16873{D} did populate data for [myspell_gl] (HaikuPorts)
16874{D} did populate data for [netcdf_cxx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16875{D} did populate data for [nasm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16876{D} did populate data for [myspell_gd] (HaikuPorts)
16877{D} did populate data for [ocl_icd] (HaikuPorts)
16878{D} did populate data for [ocl_icd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16879{D} did populate data for [networkx_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16880{D} did populate data for [openal_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16881{D} did populate data for [numpy_python3] (HaikuPorts)
16882{D} did populate data for [nettle_source] (HaikuPorts)
16883{D} did populate data for [ocl_icd_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16884{D} did populate data for [nginx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16885{D} did populate data for [nghttp2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16886{D} did populate data for [nim] (HaikuPorts)
16887{D} did populate data for [okular_source] (HaikuPorts)
16888{D} did populate data for [nightandday_source] (HaikuPorts)
16889{D} did populate data for [ocp] (HaikuPorts)
16890{D} did populate data for [ocaml_source] (HaikuPorts)
16891{D} did populate data for [npth_source] (HaikuPorts)
16892{D} did populate data for [ninja_source] (HaikuPorts)
16893{D} did populate data for [nodejs_source] (HaikuPorts)
16894{D} did populate data for [oniguruma_source] (HaikuPorts)
16895{D} did populate data for [networkx_source] (HaikuPorts)
16896{D} did populate data for [nghttp2] (HaikuPorts)
16897{D} did populate data for [ode] (HaikuPorts)
16898{D} did populate data for [olm] (HaikuPorts)
16899{D} did populate data for [netpbm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16900{D} did populate data for [numpy_source] (HaikuPorts)
16901{D} did populate data for [nuspell_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16902{D} did populate data for [openal] (HaikuPorts)
16903{D} did populate data for [octave_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16904{D} did populate data for [numptyphysics] (HaikuPorts)
16905{D} did populate data for [odt2txt_source] (HaikuPorts)
16906{D} did populate data for [oniguruma_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16907{D} did populate data for [noteshrink] (HaikuPorts)
16908{D} did populate data for [numpy_python38] (HaikuPorts)
16909{D} did populate data for [nomacs] (HaikuPorts)
16910{D} did populate data for [networkx] (HaikuPorts)
16911{D} did populate data for [numpy_python39] (HaikuPorts)
16912{D} did populate data for [netpbm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16913{D} did populate data for [nettle] (HaikuPorts)
16914{D} did populate data for [numpy] (HaikuPorts)
16915{D} did populate data for [networkx_python36] (HaikuPorts)
16916{D} did populate data for [ocp_source] (HaikuPorts)
16917{D} did populate data for [odt2txt] (HaikuPorts)
16918{D} did populate data for [nss] (HaikuPorts)
16919{D} did populate data for [nss_source] (HaikuPorts)
16920{D} did populate data for [netsurf_source] (HaikuPorts)
16921{D} did populate data for [nim_source] (HaikuPorts)
16922{D} did populate data for [netpulse_source] (HaikuPorts)
16923{D} did populate data for [nyancat] (HaikuPorts)
16924{D} did populate data for [nlohmann_json_source] (HaikuPorts)
16925{D} did populate data for [npth_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16926{D} did populate data for [nomacs_source] (HaikuPorts)
16927{D} did populate data for [notepadqq_source] (HaikuPorts)
16928{D} did populate data for [nnn_source] (HaikuPorts)
16929{D} did populate data for [nlohmann_json] (HaikuPorts)
16930{D} did populate data for [nss_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16931{D} did populate data for [netpbm] (HaikuPorts)
16932{D} did populate data for [npth] (HaikuPorts)
16933{D} did populate data for [nxengine_source] (HaikuPorts)
16934{D} did populate data for [nghttp2_source] (HaikuPorts)
16935{D} did populate data for [openal_tools] (HaikuPorts)
16936{D} did populate data for [numpy_python_source] (HaikuPorts)
16937{D} did populate data for [nsgenbind_source] (HaikuPorts)
16938{D} did populate data for [openal_source] (HaikuPorts)
16939{D} did populate data for [olm_source] (HaikuPorts)
16940{D} did populate data for [neverball] (HaikuPorts)
16941{D} did populate data for [octave] (HaikuPorts)
16942{D} did populate data for [nginx] (HaikuPorts)
16943{D} did populate data for [olm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16944{D} did populate data for [nspr_source] (HaikuPorts)
16945{D} did populate data for [oniguruma] (HaikuPorts)
16946{D} did populate data for [nfd] (HaikuPorts)
16947{D} did populate data for [nodejs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16948{D} did populate data for [nnn] (HaikuPorts)
16949{D} did populate data for [nspr] (HaikuPorts)
16950{D} did populate data for [ninja] (HaikuPorts)
16951{D} did populate data for [noto_emoji] (HaikuPorts)
16952{D} did populate data for [nethack_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16953{D} did populate data for [nuspell_source] (HaikuPorts)
16954{D} did populate data for [netsurf_buildsystem] (HaikuPorts)
16955{D} did populate data for [ocl_icd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16956{D} did populate data for [nfd_source] (HaikuPorts)
16957{D} did populate data for [neverball_source] (HaikuPorts)
16958{D} did populate data for [nodejs] (HaikuPorts)
16959{D} did populate data for [nim_doc] (HaikuPorts)
16960{D} did populate data for [o2em_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
16961{D} did populate data for [olm_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16962{D} did populate data for [octave_source] (HaikuPorts)
16963{D} did populate data for [okular_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16964{D} did populate data for [nettle_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16965{D} did populate data for [nghttp2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16966{D} did populate data for [numptyphysics_source] (HaikuPorts)
16967{D} did populate data for [nuspell] (HaikuPorts)
16968{D} did populate data for [numpy_python] (HaikuPorts)
16969{D} did populate data for [nethack] (HaikuPorts)
16970{D} did populate data for [nspr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16971{D} did populate data for [o2em_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
16972{D} did populate data for [ode_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16973{D} did populate data for [nsgenbind] (HaikuPorts)
16974{D} did populate data for [nyancat_source] (HaikuPorts)
16975{D} did populate data for [nethack_source] (HaikuPorts)
16976{D} did populate data for [noteshrink_source] (HaikuPorts)
16977{D} did populate data for [opencv_tools] (HaikuPorts)
16978{D} did populate data for [openoriginpackage] (HaikuPorts)
16979{D} did populate data for [openjdk11_sources] (HaikuPorts)
16980{D} did populate data for [openldap] (HaikuPorts)
16981{D} did populate data for [openimageio_source] (HaikuPorts)
16982{D} did populate data for [opencollada] (HaikuPorts)
16983{D} did populate data for [openjdk8_sources] (HaikuPorts)
16984{D} did populate data for [openjdk8_default] (HaikuPorts)
16985{D} did populate data for [openshot_source] (HaikuPorts)
16986{D} did populate data for [openjdk11_default] (HaikuPorts)
16987{D} did populate data for [openjdk7_bin] (HaikuPorts)
16988{D} did populate data for [openexr25] (HaikuPorts)
16989{D} did populate data for [openimageio_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
16990{D} did populate data for [opencv_python] (HaikuPorts)
16991{D} did populate data for [openexr] (HaikuPorts)
16992{D} did populate data for [openpam_source] (HaikuPorts)
16993{D} did populate data for [openblas_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16994{D} did populate data for [opencv3] (HaikuPorts)
16995{D} did populate data for [openjk_academy_source] (HaikuPorts)
16996{D} did populate data for [opensubdiv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
16997{D} did populate data for [openexr_source] (HaikuPorts)
16998{D} did populate data for [opencascade] (HaikuPorts)
16999{D} did populate data for [openimageio] (HaikuPorts)
17000{D} did populate data for [openclonk] (HaikuPorts)
17001{D} did populate data for [opencl_headers_source] (HaikuPorts)
17002{D} did populate data for [opencv3_source] (HaikuPorts)
17003{D} did populate data for [open_sans] (HaikuPorts)
17004{D} did populate data for [openjpeg] (HaikuPorts)
17005{D} did populate data for [openclaw_source] (HaikuPorts)
17006{D} did populate data for [opencollada_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17007{D} did populate data for [openldap_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17008{D} did populate data for [openjdk14_sources] (HaikuPorts)
17009{D} did populate data for [openclonk_source] (HaikuPorts)
17010{D} did populate data for [openjdk13_jre] (HaikuPorts)
17011{D} did populate data for [openclaw] (HaikuPorts)
17012{D} did populate data for [openssl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17013{D} did populate data for [opencv_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17014{D} did populate data for [openexr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17015{D} did populate data for [opencolorio_source] (HaikuPorts)
17016{D} did populate data for [openjdk14_default] (HaikuPorts)
17017{D} did populate data for [openmw_source] (HaikuPorts)
17018{D} did populate data for [openpam_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17019{D} did populate data for [opencl_headers] (HaikuPorts)
17020{D} did populate data for [openjdk11_jre] (HaikuPorts)
17021{D} did populate data for [opensubdiv] (HaikuPorts)
17022{D} did populate data for [openarena_data] (HaikuPorts)
17023{D} did populate data for [openarena_source] (HaikuPorts)
17024{D} did populate data for [openmortal] (HaikuPorts)
17025{D} did populate data for [openjdk13_sources] (HaikuPorts)
17026{D} did populate data for [opencv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17027{D} did populate data for [openimageio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17028{D} did populate data for [openjk_outcast_source] (HaikuPorts)
17029{D} did populate data for [opencolorio] (HaikuPorts)
17030{D} did populate data for [opendune] (HaikuPorts)
17031{D} did populate data for [opencascade_source] (HaikuPorts)
17032{D} did populate data for [openjk_academy] (HaikuPorts)
17033{D} did populate data for [openexr25_source] (HaikuPorts)
17034{D} did populate data for [openpam] (HaikuPorts)
17035{D} did populate data for [opencolorio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17036{D} did populate data for [openjdk13_default] (HaikuPorts)
17037{D} did populate data for [openlara_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17038{D} did populate data for [openblas] (HaikuPorts)
17039{D} did populate data for [openmw] (HaikuPorts)
17040{D} did populate data for [opensubdiv_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17041{D} did populate data for [openarena] (HaikuPorts)
17042{D} did populate data for [opencascade_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17043{D} did populate data for [openlara_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17044{D} did populate data for [openjdk12_jre] (HaikuPorts)
17045{D} did populate data for [openjdk8] (HaikuPorts)
17046{D} did populate data for [opensubdiv_source] (HaikuPorts)
17047{D} did populate data for [openldap_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17048{D} did populate data for [openjdk10_bin] (HaikuPorts)
17049{D} did populate data for [openssl_man] (HaikuPorts)
17050{D} did populate data for [openjdk12_sources] (HaikuPorts)
17051{D} did populate data for [opencv_source] (HaikuPorts)
17052{D} did populate data for [openexr25_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17053{D} did populate data for [openblas_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17054{D} did populate data for [opencv3_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17055{D} did populate data for [openjdk14_jre] (HaikuPorts)
17056{D} did populate data for [openjpeg_source] (HaikuPorts)
17057{D} did populate data for [openjpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17058{D} did populate data for [opencollada_source] (HaikuPorts)
17059{D} did populate data for [opencascade_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17060{D} did populate data for [openexr25_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17061{D} did populate data for [openjdk12_default] (HaikuPorts)
17062{D} did populate data for [openssl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17063{D} did populate data for [opencollada_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17064{D} did populate data for [openssl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17065{D} did populate data for [openssh_source] (HaikuPorts)
17066{D} did populate data for [openmortal_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17067{D} did populate data for [openmortal_source] (HaikuPorts)
17068{D} did populate data for [opencv3_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17069{D} did populate data for [openjazz] (HaikuPorts)
17070{D} did populate data for [openjdk14] (HaikuPorts)
17071{D} did populate data for [openjdk13] (HaikuPorts)
17072{D} did populate data for [openjdk12] (HaikuPorts)
17073{D} did populate data for [openjdk11] (HaikuPorts)
17074{D} did populate data for [openblas_source] (HaikuPorts)
17075{D} did populate data for [opencv] (HaikuPorts)
17076{D} did populate data for [opendune_source] (HaikuPorts)
17077{D} did populate data for [orcus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17078{D} did populate data for [partio_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17079{D} did populate data for [otter_browser_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17080{D} did populate data for [osl] (HaikuPorts)
17081{D} did populate data for [opus_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17082{D} did populate data for [opus] (HaikuPorts)
17083{D} did populate data for [patch] (HaikuPorts)
17084{D} did populate data for [opusfile_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17085{D} did populate data for [pango] (HaikuPorts)
17086{D} did populate data for [parallel_n64_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17087{D} did populate data for [openvdb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17088{D} did populate data for [pcsx_rearmed_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17089{D} did populate data for [opentyrian] (HaikuPorts)
17090{D} did populate data for [orcus] (HaikuPorts)
17091{D} did populate data for [otter_browser_source] (HaikuPorts)
17092{D} did populate data for [pandas_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17093{D} did populate data for [paramiko] (HaikuPorts)
17094{D} did populate data for [pbr_python] (HaikuPorts)
17095{D} did populate data for [opentyrian_source] (HaikuPorts)
17096{D} did populate data for [paramiko_source] (HaikuPorts)
17097{D} did populate data for [orc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17098{D} did populate data for [osl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17099{D} did populate data for [optipngtranslator] (HaikuPorts)
17100{D} did populate data for [patchutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
17101{D} did populate data for [openvdb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17102{D} did populate data for [opera_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17103{D} did populate data for [opentyrian_data] (HaikuPorts)
17104{D} did populate data for [orcus_source] (HaikuPorts)
17105{D} did populate data for [pango_source] (HaikuPorts)
17106{D} did populate data for [opusfile_source] (HaikuPorts)
17107{D} did populate data for [patchutils] (HaikuPorts)
17108{D} did populate data for [openvdb] (HaikuPorts)
17109{D} did populate data for [pcmanfm_qt_source] (HaikuPorts)
17110{D} did populate data for [pam_yubico] (HaikuPorts)
17111{D} did populate data for [patch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17112{D} did populate data for [optipng_source] (HaikuPorts)
17113{D} did populate data for [p7zip_source] (HaikuPorts)
17114{D} did populate data for [pandas] (HaikuPorts)
17115{D} did populate data for [pbr_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17116{D} did populate data for [pbr_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17117{D} did populate data for [p11_kit_source] (HaikuPorts)
17118{D} did populate data for [parallel_source] (HaikuPorts)
17119{D} did populate data for [pciutils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17120{D} did populate data for [pax_utils_source] (HaikuPorts)
17121{D} did populate data for [pango_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17122{D} did populate data for [partio_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17123{D} did populate data for [pdflib_source] (HaikuPorts)
17124{D} did populate data for [p11_kit] (HaikuPorts)
17125{D} did populate data for [pad] (HaikuPorts)
17126{D} did populate data for [p11_kit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17127{D} did populate data for [orc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17128{D} did populate data for [opus_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17129{D} did populate data for [osl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17130{D} did populate data for [optipngtranslator_source] (HaikuPorts)
17131{D} did populate data for [pdflib] (HaikuPorts)
17132{D} did populate data for [opus_source] (HaikuPorts)
17133{D} did populate data for [pbr_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17134{D} did populate data for [pdftranslator_source] (HaikuPorts)
17135{D} did populate data for [osl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17136{D} did populate data for [openxcom] (HaikuPorts)
17137{D} did populate data for [p11_kit_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17138{D} did populate data for [openvdb_source] (HaikuPorts)
17139{D} did populate data for [partio_source] (HaikuPorts)
17140{D} did populate data for [opensyobonaction_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17141{D} did populate data for [openttd_source] (HaikuPorts)
17142{D} did populate data for [opensyobonaction_source] (HaikuPorts)
17143{D} did populate data for [padblocker] (HaikuPorts)
17144{D} did populate data for [padblocker_source] (HaikuPorts)
17145{D} did populate data for [opusfile] (HaikuPorts)
17146{D} did populate data for [p7zip] (HaikuPorts)
17147{D} did populate data for [pbr] (HaikuPorts)
17148{D} did populate data for [pcsx_rearmed_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17149{D} did populate data for [paratype] (HaikuPorts)
17150{D} did populate data for [pdfwriter] (HaikuPorts)
17151{D} did populate data for [openttd_msx] (HaikuPorts)
17152{D} did populate data for [opensubdiv_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17153{D} did populate data for [optipng] (HaikuPorts)
17154{D} did populate data for [parallel] (HaikuPorts)
17155{D} did populate data for [pam_yubico_source] (HaikuPorts)
17156{D} did populate data for [pari] (HaikuPorts)
17157{D} did populate data for [openxcom_source] (HaikuPorts)
17158{D} did populate data for [pbr_source] (HaikuPorts)
17159{D} did populate data for [openvdb_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17160{D} did populate data for [orc] (HaikuPorts)
17161{D} did populate data for [pari_source] (HaikuPorts)
17162{D} did populate data for [opera_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17163{D} did populate data for [pax_utils] (HaikuPorts)
17164{D} did populate data for [pandas_source] (HaikuPorts)
17165{D} did populate data for [openttd] (HaikuPorts)
17166{D} did populate data for [paperkey] (HaikuPorts)
17167{D} did populate data for [opusfile_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17168{D} did populate data for [partio] (HaikuPorts)
17169{D} did populate data for [pari_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17170{D} did populate data for [pdfwriter_source] (HaikuPorts)
17171{D} did populate data for [orcus_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17172{D} did populate data for [pciutils] (HaikuPorts)
17173{D} did populate data for [paramiko_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17174{D} did populate data for [parallel_n64_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17175{D} did populate data for [pari_data] (HaikuPorts)
17176{D} did populate data for [poppler062_glib] (HaikuPorts)
17177{D} did populate data for [ponscripter] (HaikuPorts)
17178{D} did populate data for [peaclock] (HaikuPorts)
17179{D} did populate data for [pigz_source] (HaikuPorts)
17180{D} did populate data for [pipepanic_source] (HaikuPorts)
17181{D} did populate data for [pkcs11_helper_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17182{D} did populate data for [plotutils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17183{D} did populate data for [pngquant] (HaikuPorts)
17184{D} did populate data for [pnglite] (HaikuPorts)
17185{D} did populate data for [ponscripter_source] (HaikuPorts)
17186{D} did populate data for [peaclock_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17187{D} did populate data for [plib] (HaikuPorts)
17188{D} did populate data for [phonon_source] (HaikuPorts)
17189{D} did populate data for [pixman_source] (HaikuPorts)
17190{D} did populate data for [plotutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
17191{D} did populate data for [poppler062] (HaikuPorts)
17192{D} did populate data for [plotutils] (HaikuPorts)
17193{D} did populate data for [poppler066] (HaikuPorts)
17194{D} did populate data for [polyclipping_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17195{D} did populate data for [poppler062_source] (HaikuPorts)
17196{D} did populate data for [pfetch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17197{D} did populate data for [pnglite_source] (HaikuPorts)
17198{D} did populate data for [pixman] (HaikuPorts)
17199{D} did populate data for [pillow_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17200{D} did populate data for [physfs] (HaikuPorts)
17201{D} did populate data for [photograbber_source] (HaikuPorts)
17202{D} did populate data for [poppler076] (HaikuPorts)
17203{D} did populate data for [pinentry_source] (HaikuPorts)
17204{D} did populate data for [pegtl] (HaikuPorts)
17205{D} did populate data for [picodrive_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17206{D} did populate data for [piozone_source] (HaikuPorts)
17207{D} did populate data for [poppler066_glib] (HaikuPorts)
17208{D} did populate data for [png2ico_source] (HaikuPorts)
17209{D} did populate data for [phototonic] (HaikuPorts)
17210{D} did populate data for [ponpokodiff_source] (HaikuPorts)
17211{D} did populate data for [poezio] (HaikuPorts)
17212{D} did populate data for [pegtl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17213{D} did populate data for [picard_source] (HaikuPorts)
17214{D} did populate data for [pngquant_source] (HaikuPorts)
17215{D} did populate data for [peg_e_source] (HaikuPorts)
17216{D} did populate data for [picodrive_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17217{D} did populate data for [podofo] (HaikuPorts)
17218{D} did populate data for [polyclipping] (HaikuPorts)
17219{D} did populate data for [plasma] (HaikuPorts)
17220{D} did populate data for [phototonic_source] (HaikuPorts)
17221{D} did populate data for [piozone] (HaikuPorts)
17222{D} did populate data for [photivo_source] (HaikuPorts)
17223{D} did populate data for [podofo_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17224{D} did populate data for [pingus] (HaikuPorts)
17225{D} did populate data for [plasma_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17226{D} did populate data for [phonon_gstreamer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17227{D} did populate data for [pillow_python] (HaikuPorts)
17228{D} did populate data for [pngquant_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17229{D} did populate data for [pinentry] (HaikuPorts)
17230{D} did populate data for [plotutils_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17231{D} did populate data for [pigz] (HaikuPorts)
17232{D} did populate data for [polyclipping_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17233{D} did populate data for [physfs_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17234{D} did populate data for [polyclipping_source] (HaikuPorts)
17235{D} did populate data for [pkgconf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17236{D} did populate data for [pngcrush_source] (HaikuPorts)
17237{D} did populate data for [pfetch] (HaikuPorts)
17238{D} did populate data for [pjdfstest_source] (HaikuPorts)
17239{D} did populate data for [pencil_source] (HaikuPorts)
17240{D} did populate data for [poezio_source] (HaikuPorts)
17241{D} did populate data for [podofo_source] (HaikuPorts)
17242{D} did populate data for [pkcs11_helper_source] (HaikuPorts)
17243{D} did populate data for [pixman_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17244{D} did populate data for [pjdfstest] (HaikuPorts)
17245{D} did populate data for [pkcs11_helper] (HaikuPorts)
17246{D} did populate data for [phantomlimb_source] (HaikuPorts)
17247{D} did populate data for [penguin_command] (HaikuPorts)
17248{D} did populate data for [poppler066_qt5] (HaikuPorts)
17249{D} did populate data for [poppler066_source] (HaikuPorts)
17250{D} did populate data for [pingus_source] (HaikuPorts)
17251{D} did populate data for [pillow_source] (HaikuPorts)
17252{D} did populate data for [peaclock_source] (HaikuPorts)
17253{D} did populate data for [podofo_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17254{D} did populate data for [pillow_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17255{D} did populate data for [poppler066_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17256{D} did populate data for [phonon_gstreamer] (HaikuPorts)
17257{D} did populate data for [phonon_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17258{D} did populate data for [pkgconf] (HaikuPorts)
17259{D} did populate data for [perl] (HaikuPorts)
17260{D} did populate data for [phantomlimb] (HaikuPorts)
17261{D} did populate data for [pkgconf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17262{D} did populate data for [pkgconfig] (HaikuPorts)
17263{D} did populate data for [pkgconf_source] (HaikuPorts)
17264{D} did populate data for [plasma_source] (HaikuPorts)
17265{D} did populate data for [perl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17266{D} did populate data for [pngcrush] (HaikuPorts)
17267{D} did populate data for [pnglite_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17268{D} did populate data for [ponpokodiff] (HaikuPorts)
17269{D} did populate data for [pillow_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17270{D} did populate data for [pillow] (HaikuPorts)
17271{D} did populate data for [poppler] (HaikuPorts)
17272{D} did populate data for [phonon] (HaikuPorts)
17273{D} did populate data for [physfs_source] (HaikuPorts)
17274{D} did populate data for [poppler062_qt5] (HaikuPorts)
17275{D} did populate data for [png2ico] (HaikuPorts)
17276{D} did populate data for [povray] (HaikuPorts)
17277{D} did populate data for [prison_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17278{D} did populate data for [pugixml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17279{D} did populate data for [pycares_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17280{D} did populate data for [pv] (HaikuPorts)
17281{D} did populate data for [protobuf21_source] (HaikuPorts)
17282{D} did populate data for [poppler076_glib] (HaikuPorts)
17283{D} did populate data for [puckman] (HaikuPorts)
17284{D} did populate data for [pybind11_source] (HaikuPorts)
17285{D} did populate data for [premake] (HaikuPorts)
17286{D} did populate data for [premake_source] (HaikuPorts)
17287{D} did populate data for [primegen] (HaikuPorts)
17288{D} did populate data for [psiconv] (HaikuPorts)
17289{D} did populate data for [protobuf_source] (HaikuPorts)
17290{D} did populate data for [pyasn1_modules_python36] (HaikuPorts)
17291{D} did populate data for [potrace] (HaikuPorts)
17292{D} did populate data for [prison] (HaikuPorts)
17293{D} did populate data for [pyaes_python36] (HaikuPorts)
17294{D} did populate data for [projectconceptor] (HaikuPorts)
17295{D} did populate data for [pugixml_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17296{D} did populate data for [pyaes_python] (HaikuPorts)
17297{D} did populate data for [pugixml] (HaikuPorts)
17298{D} did populate data for [pycares_source] (HaikuPorts)
17299{D} did populate data for [projectconceptor_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17300{D} did populate data for [poppler076_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17301{D} did populate data for [postgresql11_server] (HaikuPorts)
17302{D} did populate data for [ptex_source] (HaikuPorts)
17303{D} did populate data for [primesieve] (HaikuPorts)
17304{D} did populate data for [pycurl] (HaikuPorts)
17305{D} did populate data for [pyaes] (HaikuPorts)
17306{D} did populate data for [proj_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17307{D} did populate data for [ptex_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17308{D} did populate data for [popt_source] (HaikuPorts)
17309{D} did populate data for [pycrypto_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17310{D} did populate data for [protobuf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17311{D} did populate data for [pycrypto_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17312{D} did populate data for [presentproto] (HaikuPorts)
17313{D} did populate data for [pyasn1_modules_source] (HaikuPorts)
17314{D} did populate data for [pycrypto_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17315{D} did populate data for [pycrypto_python] (HaikuPorts)
17316{D} did populate data for [psiconv_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17317{D} did populate data for [poppler_source] (HaikuPorts)
17318{D} did populate data for [pwgen_source] (HaikuPorts)
17319{D} did populate data for [pyasn1_modules] (HaikuPorts)
17320{D} did populate data for [poppler_qt5] (HaikuPorts)
17321{D} did populate data for [proxychains_ng] (HaikuPorts)
17322{D} did populate data for [proj] (HaikuPorts)
17323{D} did populate data for [popt] (HaikuPorts)
17324{D} did populate data for [primesieve_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17325{D} did populate data for [postgresql12_server] (HaikuPorts)
17326{D} did populate data for [poppler076_source] (HaikuPorts)
17327{D} did populate data for [protobuf] (HaikuPorts)
17328{D} did populate data for [ppviewer] (HaikuPorts)
17329{D} did populate data for [poppler076_qt5] (HaikuPorts)
17330{D} did populate data for [ptex] (HaikuPorts)
17331{D} did populate data for [potrace_source] (HaikuPorts)
17332{D} did populate data for [pwgen] (HaikuPorts)
17333{D} did populate data for [pycrypto_source] (HaikuPorts)
17334{D} did populate data for [proj_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17335{D} did populate data for [proxychains_ng_source] (HaikuPorts)
17336{D} did populate data for [postgresql11] (HaikuPorts)
17337{D} did populate data for [postgresql12] (HaikuPorts)
17338{D} did populate data for [proj_source] (HaikuPorts)
17339{D} did populate data for [powermanga_source] (HaikuPorts)
17340{D} did populate data for [pyaes_source] (HaikuPorts)
17341{D} did populate data for [postgresql11_source] (HaikuPorts)
17342{D} did populate data for [primegen_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17343{D} did populate data for [protobuf21] (HaikuPorts)
17344{D} did populate data for [pybind11_python36] (HaikuPorts)
17345{D} did populate data for [psi_plus_source] (HaikuPorts)
17346{D} did populate data for [puckman_source] (HaikuPorts)
17347{D} did populate data for [pybind11_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17348{D} did populate data for [povray_source] (HaikuPorts)
17349{D} did populate data for [putty] (HaikuPorts)
17350{D} did populate data for [poppler_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17351{D} did populate data for [projectconceptor_source] (HaikuPorts)
17352{D} did populate data for [pybind11_python] (HaikuPorts)
17353{D} did populate data for [pyaes_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17354{D} did populate data for [poppler_data_source] (HaikuPorts)
17355{D} did populate data for [powermanga] (HaikuPorts)
17356{D} did populate data for [puri_source] (HaikuPorts)
17357{D} did populate data for [pycares] (HaikuPorts)
17358{D} did populate data for [postgresql12_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17359{D} did populate data for [pycrypto] (HaikuPorts)
17360{D} did populate data for [pv_source] (HaikuPorts)
17361{D} did populate data for [poppler_glib] (HaikuPorts)
17362{D} did populate data for [primesieve_source] (HaikuPorts)
17363{D} did populate data for [privoxy] (HaikuPorts)
17364{D} did populate data for [pyasn1_modules_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17365{D} did populate data for [ppsspp_source] (HaikuPorts)
17366{D} did populate data for [poppler_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17367{D} did populate data for [postgresql12_source] (HaikuPorts)
17368{D} did populate data for [postgresql11_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17369{D} did populate data for [prison_source] (HaikuPorts)
17370{D} did populate data for [pugixml_source] (HaikuPorts)
17371{D} did populate data for [pybind11] (HaikuPorts)
17372{D} did populate data for [potrace_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17373{D} did populate data for [popt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17374{D} did populate data for [protobuf_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17375{D} did populate data for [poppler_data] (HaikuPorts)
17376{D} did populate data for [pyrsistent_source] (HaikuPorts)
17377{D} did populate data for [pygame] (HaikuPorts)
17378{D} did populate data for [qbs] (HaikuPorts)
17379{D} did populate data for [qhttpengine_source] (HaikuPorts)
17380{D} did populate data for [pyopenssl_python] (HaikuPorts)
17381{D} did populate data for [qemu_source] (HaikuPorts)
17382{D} did populate data for [qhttpengine_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17383{D} did populate data for [qemu] (HaikuPorts)
17384{D} did populate data for [pygments_python] (HaikuPorts)
17385{D} did populate data for [python36] (HaikuPorts)
17386{D} did populate data for [pyqt5_source] (HaikuPorts)
17387{D} did populate data for [pyyaml_python] (HaikuPorts)
17388{D} did populate data for [qca] (HaikuPorts)
17389{D} did populate data for [qemu_arm] (HaikuPorts)
17390{D} did populate data for [python3] (HaikuPorts)
17391{D} did populate data for [pycurl_python] (HaikuPorts)
17392{D} did populate data for [pycurl_python36] (HaikuPorts)
17393{D} did populate data for [pylzma_source] (HaikuPorts)
17394{D} did populate data for [pyzmq_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17395{D} did populate data for [pyenchant_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17396{D} did populate data for [pyzmq] (HaikuPorts)
17397{D} did populate data for [qgit_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17398{D} did populate data for [pyenchant_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17399{D} did populate data for [python_markdown_math_source] (HaikuPorts)
17400{D} did populate data for [qmdnsengine_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17401{D} did populate data for [pynacl] (HaikuPorts)
17402{D} did populate data for [qmdnsengine_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17403{D} did populate data for [qca_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17404{D} did populate data for [python38_source] (HaikuPorts)
17405{D} did populate data for [pyzmq_python] (HaikuPorts)
17406{D} did populate data for [python_markdown_math_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17407{D} did populate data for [qml_box2d] (HaikuPorts)
17408{D} did populate data for [python_markdown_math_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17409{D} did populate data for [pyqt5_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17410{D} did populate data for [pyqt5] (HaikuPorts)
17411{D} did populate data for [python36_source] (HaikuPorts)
17412{D} did populate data for [qdirstat] (HaikuPorts)
17413{D} did populate data for [pynacl_python] (HaikuPorts)
17414{D} did populate data for [pyrsistent_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17415{D} did populate data for [pyyaml] (HaikuPorts)
17416{D} did populate data for [pylzma_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17417{D} did populate data for [pyrsistent_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17418{D} did populate data for [qmdnsengine] (HaikuPorts)
17419{D} did populate data for [qelectrotech_source] (HaikuPorts)
17420{D} did populate data for [qemu_ppc] (HaikuPorts)
17421{D} did populate data for [pyenchant_source] (HaikuPorts)
17422{D} did populate data for [pypandoc] (HaikuPorts)
17423{D} did populate data for [qdirstat_source] (HaikuPorts)
17424{D} did populate data for [qemu_sparc] (HaikuPorts)
17425{D} did populate data for [qbs_source] (HaikuPorts)
17426{D} did populate data for [pyenchant] (HaikuPorts)
17427{D} did populate data for [qgit_source] (HaikuPorts)
17428{D} did populate data for [pygame_source] (HaikuPorts)
17429{D} did populate data for [python_markdown_math] (HaikuPorts)
17430{D} did populate data for [python_markdown_math_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17431{D} did populate data for [pyenchant_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17432{D} did populate data for [pyrsistent] (HaikuPorts)
17433{D} did populate data for [pyzmq_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17434{D} did populate data for [qmdnsengine_source] (HaikuPorts)
17435{D} did populate data for [pygments_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17436{D} did populate data for [pylzma] (HaikuPorts)
17437{D} did populate data for [pyqt5_sip_source] (HaikuPorts)
17438{D} did populate data for [pygments_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17439{D} did populate data for [pycurl_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17440{D} did populate data for [pyrsistent_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17441{D} did populate data for [qemu_riscv] (HaikuPorts)
17442{D} did populate data for [pyenet] (HaikuPorts)
17443{D} did populate data for [python_imaging] (HaikuPorts)
17444{D} did populate data for [pylzma_python] (HaikuPorts)
17445{D} did populate data for [pyyaml_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17446{D} did populate data for [qcad_source] (HaikuPorts)
17447{D} did populate data for [qemu_m68k] (HaikuPorts)
17448{D} did populate data for [pypandoc_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17449{D} did populate data for [pypandoc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17450{D} did populate data for [qhttpengine] (HaikuPorts)
17451{D} did populate data for [pygments] (HaikuPorts)
17452{D} did populate data for [qhttpengine_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17453{D} did populate data for [pyenet_source] (HaikuPorts)
17454{D} did populate data for [python39_source] (HaikuPorts)
17455{D} did populate data for [pygments_source] (HaikuPorts)
17456{D} did populate data for [qemu_mips] (HaikuPorts)
17457{D} did populate data for [pygments_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17458{D} did populate data for [pyqt5_sip] (HaikuPorts)
17459{D} did populate data for [pynacl_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17460{D} did populate data for [pynacl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17461{D} did populate data for [pyqt5_sip_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17462{D} did populate data for [pyqt5_sip_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17463{D} did populate data for [python38] (HaikuPorts)
17464{D} did populate data for [qgit] (HaikuPorts)
17465{D} did populate data for [pyyaml_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17466{D} did populate data for [python39] (HaikuPorts)
17467{D} did populate data for [pyyaml_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17468{D} did populate data for [python3_source] (HaikuPorts)
17469{D} did populate data for [pyzmq_source] (HaikuPorts)
17470{D} did populate data for [qbittorrent_source] (HaikuPorts)
17471{D} did populate data for [qca_source] (HaikuPorts)
17472{D} did populate data for [rasqal_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17473{D} did populate data for [qtwebkit_source] (HaikuPorts)
17474{D} did populate data for [ragel_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17475{D} did populate data for [ranger_source] (HaikuPorts)
17476{D} did populate data for [qmmp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17477{D} did populate data for [radare2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17478{D} did populate data for [randomizer] (HaikuPorts)
17479{D} did populate data for [qmplay2_source] (HaikuPorts)
17480{D} did populate data for [quimup_source] (HaikuPorts)
17481{D} did populate data for [qtdropbox_source] (HaikuPorts)
17482{D} did populate data for [qscintilla_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17483{D} did populate data for [querywatcher] (HaikuPorts)
17484{D} did populate data for [qputty_source] (HaikuPorts)
17485{D} did populate data for [qrencode_kdl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17486{D} did populate data for [qtdropbox_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17487{D} did populate data for [qtox_source] (HaikuPorts)
17488{D} did populate data for [randrproto] (HaikuPorts)
17489{D} did populate data for [qsystray] (HaikuPorts)
17490{D} did populate data for [qr_code_generator] (HaikuPorts)
17491{D} did populate data for [quazip_source] (HaikuPorts)
17492{D} did populate data for [quazip] (HaikuPorts)
17493{D} did populate data for [qvim] (HaikuPorts)
17494{D} did populate data for [qtpbfimageplugin_source] (HaikuPorts)
17495{D} did populate data for [rasqal_source] (HaikuPorts)
17496{D} did populate data for [qmmp_source] (HaikuPorts)
17497{D} did populate data for [radare2] (HaikuPorts)
17498{D} did populate data for [raptor_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17499{D} did populate data for [qtav_source] (HaikuPorts)
17500{D} did populate data for [qscintilla] (HaikuPorts)
17501{D} did populate data for [qt5_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17502{D} did populate data for [qt5_examples] (HaikuPorts)
17503{D} did populate data for [quiterss_source] (HaikuPorts)
17504{D} did populate data for [quicklaunch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17505{D} did populate data for [qr_code_generator_source] (HaikuPorts)
17506{D} did populate data for [qtwebkit] (HaikuPorts)
17507{D} did populate data for [qmmp_plugin_pack_source] (HaikuPorts)
17508{D} did populate data for [quilt] (HaikuPorts)
17509{D} did populate data for [qthaikuplugins_source] (HaikuPorts)
17510{D} did populate data for [qthaikuplugins] (HaikuPorts)
17511{D} did populate data for [qutebrowser_source] (HaikuPorts)
17512{D} did populate data for [r] (HaikuPorts)
17513{D} did populate data for [qt5] (HaikuPorts)
17514{D} did populate data for [qrencode_kdl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17515{D} did populate data for [qtox] (HaikuPorts)
17516{D} did populate data for [qpdfview_source] (HaikuPorts)
17517{D} did populate data for [qt5_docs] (HaikuPorts)
17518{D} did populate data for [quilt_source] (HaikuPorts)
17519{D} did populate data for [qview_source] (HaikuPorts)
17520{D} did populate data for [qr_code_generator_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17521{D} did populate data for [qrencode_kdl] (HaikuPorts)
17522{D} did populate data for [ragel_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17523{D} did populate data for [rapidjson] (HaikuPorts)
17524{D} did populate data for [quazip_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17525{D} did populate data for [raptor] (HaikuPorts)
17526{D} did populate data for [qt5_source] (HaikuPorts)
17527{D} did populate data for [qtpbfimageplugin] (HaikuPorts)
17528{D} did populate data for [quimup] (HaikuPorts)
17529{D} did populate data for [qtkeychain] (HaikuPorts)
17530{D} did populate data for [qrencode_source] (HaikuPorts)
17531{D} did populate data for [qtstyleplugins_source] (HaikuPorts)
17532{D} did populate data for [quassel_source] (HaikuPorts)
17533{D} did populate data for [rdflib] (HaikuPorts)
17534{D} did populate data for [ranger_python] (HaikuPorts)
17535{D} did populate data for [qtav] (HaikuPorts)
17536{D} did populate data for [range_v3] (HaikuPorts)
17537{D} did populate data for [rasqal] (HaikuPorts)
17538{D} did populate data for [qvim_source] (HaikuPorts)
17539{D} did populate data for [qsolocards_source] (HaikuPorts)
17540{D} did populate data for [rawaes] (HaikuPorts)
17541{D} did populate data for [rapidjson_source] (HaikuPorts)
17542{D} did populate data for [qtstyleplugins] (HaikuPorts)
17543{D} did populate data for [quiterss_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17544{D} did populate data for [quaternion_source] (HaikuPorts)
17545{D} did populate data for [qtav_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17546{D} did populate data for [qt_creator_source] (HaikuPorts)
17547{D} did populate data for [rdflib_python] (HaikuPorts)
17548{D} did populate data for [radare2_source] (HaikuPorts)
17549{D} did populate data for [qml_box2d_source] (HaikuPorts)
17550{D} did populate data for [ranger] (HaikuPorts)
17551{D} did populate data for [qtdropbox_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17552{D} did populate data for [ragel] (HaikuPorts)
17553{D} did populate data for [qscintilla_source] (HaikuPorts)
17554{D} did populate data for [qwinff_source] (HaikuPorts)
17555{D} did populate data for [qtkeychain_source] (HaikuPorts)
17556{D} did populate data for [quazip_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17557{D} did populate data for [qscintilla_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17558{D} did populate data for [qt5_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17559{D} did populate data for [qtkeychain_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17560{D} did populate data for [ragel_source] (HaikuPorts)
17561{D} did populate data for [radare2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17562{D} did populate data for [qt5_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17563{D} did populate data for [qmmp_plugin_pack] (HaikuPorts)
17564{D} did populate data for [qsystray_source] (HaikuPorts)
17565{D} did populate data for [ranger_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17566{D} did populate data for [qtwebkit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17567{D} did populate data for [qrencode_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17568{D} did populate data for [range_v3_source] (HaikuPorts)
17569{D} did populate data for [qrencode] (HaikuPorts)
17570{D} did populate data for [qview] (HaikuPorts)
17571{D} did populate data for [qtdropbox] (HaikuPorts)
17572{D} did populate data for [rtmpdump_source] (HaikuPorts)
17573{D} did populate data for [regex_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17574{D} did populate data for [regex_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17575{D} did populate data for [regex_python] (HaikuPorts)
17576{D} did populate data for [readline_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17577{D} did populate data for [regex_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17578{D} did populate data for [redasm] (HaikuPorts)
17579{D} did populate data for [redis] (HaikuPorts)
17580{D} did populate data for [ruby_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17581{D} did populate data for [ripgrep_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17582{D} did populate data for [retroarch_assets] (HaikuPorts)
17583{D} did populate data for [requests_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17584{D} did populate data for [rtorrent] (HaikuPorts)
17585{D} did populate data for [routino_source] (HaikuPorts)
17586{D} did populate data for [requests_futures] (HaikuPorts)
17587{D} did populate data for [requests_futures_source] (HaikuPorts)
17588{D} did populate data for [rtmpdump] (HaikuPorts)
17589{D} did populate data for [rdflib_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17590{D} did populate data for [routino_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17591{D} did populate data for [re2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17592{D} did populate data for [regex] (HaikuPorts)
17593{D} did populate data for [rdflib_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17594{D} did populate data for [redland_source] (HaikuPorts)
17595{D} did populate data for [resourcer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17596{D} did populate data for [readline_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17597{D} did populate data for [recordproto] (HaikuPorts)
17598{D} did populate data for [requests_futures_python] (HaikuPorts)
17599{D} did populate data for [requests] (HaikuPorts)
17600{D} did populate data for [requests_futures_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17601{D} did populate data for [recursive] (HaikuPorts)
17602{D} did populate data for [romannumbers] (HaikuPorts)
17603{D} did populate data for [re2_source] (HaikuPorts)
17604{D} did populate data for [redland_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17605{D} did populate data for [residualvm_source] (HaikuPorts)
17606{D} did populate data for [routino] (HaikuPorts)
17607{D} did populate data for [renga_source] (HaikuPorts)
17608{D} did populate data for [re2] (HaikuPorts)
17609{D} did populate data for [redis_source] (HaikuPorts)
17610{D} did populate data for [redoflacs_source] (HaikuPorts)
17611{D} did populate data for [remotecontrol] (HaikuPorts)
17612{D} did populate data for [rubberband_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17613{D} did populate data for [ripgrep] (HaikuPorts)
17614{D} did populate data for [rubberband_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17615{D} did populate data for [ruby_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17616{D} did populate data for [requests_source] (HaikuPorts)
17617{D} did populate data for [routino_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17618{D} did populate data for [redland] (HaikuPorts)
17619{D} did populate data for [ri_li_source] (HaikuPorts)
17620{D} did populate data for [rsync] (HaikuPorts)
17621{D} did populate data for [retroarch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17622{D} did populate data for [rename] (HaikuPorts)
17623{D} did populate data for [rubberband_source] (HaikuPorts)
17624{D} did populate data for [regex_source] (HaikuPorts)
17625{D} did populate data for [requests_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17626{D} did populate data for [retext_source] (HaikuPorts)
17627{D} did populate data for [requests_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17628{D} did populate data for [retroarch_assets_source] (HaikuPorts)
17629{D} did populate data for [rtorrent_source] (HaikuPorts)
17630{D} did populate data for [retroarch] (HaikuPorts)
17631{D} did populate data for [redasm_source] (HaikuPorts)
17632{D} did populate data for [rsync_source] (HaikuPorts)
17633{D} did populate data for [re2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17634{D} did populate data for [rocksndiamonds_source] (HaikuPorts)
17635{D} did populate data for [rdflib_source] (HaikuPorts)
17636{D} did populate data for [re2c_source] (HaikuPorts)
17637{D} did populate data for [rhapsody_irc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17638{D} did populate data for [roboto] (HaikuPorts)
17639{D} did populate data for [ripgrep_source] (HaikuPorts)
17640{D} did populate data for [remotecontrol_source] (HaikuPorts)
17641{D} did populate data for [rtmpdump_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17642{D} did populate data for [rhash_source] (HaikuPorts)
17643{D} did populate data for [retext] (HaikuPorts)
17644{D} did populate data for [residualvm] (HaikuPorts)
17645{D} did populate data for [redoflacs] (HaikuPorts)
17646{D} did populate data for [robin_map_source] (HaikuPorts)
17647{D} did populate data for [readline7] (HaikuPorts)
17648{D} did populate data for [requests_python] (HaikuPorts)
17649{D} did populate data for [readline7_source] (HaikuPorts)
17650{D} did populate data for [ri_li_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17651{D} did populate data for [renga] (HaikuPorts)
17652{D} did populate data for [resourceproto] (HaikuPorts)
17653{D} did populate data for [r_source] (HaikuPorts)
17654{D} did populate data for [rhapsody_irc] (HaikuPorts)
17655{D} did populate data for [re2c] (HaikuPorts)
17656{D} did populate data for [remember_source] (HaikuPorts)
17657{D} did populate data for [readline] (HaikuPorts)
17658{D} did populate data for [robin_map] (HaikuPorts)
17659{D} did populate data for [readline7_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17660{D} did populate data for [rhash_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17661{D} did populate data for [reminiscence_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17662{D} did populate data for [resourcer] (HaikuPorts)
17663{D} did populate data for [ruby] (HaikuPorts)
17664{D} did populate data for [ri_li] (HaikuPorts)
17665{D} did populate data for [rdflib_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17666{D} did populate data for [readline7_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17667{D} did populate data for [reminiscence_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17668{D} did populate data for [rhash] (HaikuPorts)
17669{D} did populate data for [rubberband] (HaikuPorts)
17670{D} did populate data for [renderproto] (HaikuPorts)
17671{D} did populate data for [screenfetch] (HaikuPorts)
17672{D} did populate data for [sdl_mixer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17673{D} did populate data for [scummvm_tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
17674{D} did populate data for [sdl_pango] (HaikuPorts)
17675{D} did populate data for [sdl_net_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17676{D} did populate data for [sdl_pango_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17677{D} did populate data for [sed_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17678{D} did populate data for [sdl2_mixer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17679{D} did populate data for [sdllopan_source] (HaikuPorts)
17680{D} did populate data for [scriptureguide_source] (HaikuPorts)
17681{D} did populate data for [scotch_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17682{D} did populate data for [scintilla_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17683{D} did populate data for [sdl_mixer] (HaikuPorts)
17684{D} did populate data for [ruby_source] (HaikuPorts)
17685{D} did populate data for [scummvm_source] (HaikuPorts)
17686{D} did populate data for [scons_source] (HaikuPorts)
17687{D} did populate data for [serf] (HaikuPorts)
17688{D} did populate data for [sdl_image_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17689{D} did populate data for [scourge_data_source] (HaikuPorts)
17690{D} did populate data for [se_source] (HaikuPorts)
17691{D} did populate data for [sdl2_image_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17692{D} did populate data for [scribus_source] (HaikuPorts)
17693{D} did populate data for [scummvm_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17694{D} did populate data for [serious_sam] (HaikuPorts)
17695{D} did populate data for [sdcc] (HaikuPorts)
17696{D} did populate data for [sdl2_net_source] (HaikuPorts)
17697{D} did populate data for [sdlpop_source] (HaikuPorts)
17698{D} did populate data for [schroedinger_source] (HaikuPorts)
17699{D} did populate data for [sdl_ttf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17700{D} did populate data for [seeker_source] (HaikuPorts)
17701{D} did populate data for [scotch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17702{D} did populate data for [sdcc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17703{D} did populate data for [se] (HaikuPorts)
17704{D} did populate data for [sed] (HaikuPorts)
17705{D} did populate data for [scheherazade_font] (HaikuPorts)
17706{D} did populate data for [screenkeyboard] (HaikuPorts)
17707{D} did populate data for [scriptureguide] (HaikuPorts)
17708{D} did populate data for [sdl_gfx] (HaikuPorts)
17709{D} did populate data for [sed_source] (HaikuPorts)
17710{D} did populate data for [sdl_pango_source] (HaikuPorts)
17711{D} did populate data for [sablotron] (HaikuPorts)
17712{D} did populate data for [rust_bin] (HaikuPorts)
17713{D} did populate data for [screenfetch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17714{D} did populate data for [sdl2_ttf_source] (HaikuPorts)
17715{D} did populate data for [sdl_sound] (HaikuPorts)
17716{D} did populate data for [screenkeyboard_source] (HaikuPorts)
17717{D} did populate data for [sbc_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17718{D} did populate data for [scintilla_source] (HaikuPorts)
17719{D} did populate data for [schroedinger] (HaikuPorts)
17720{D} did populate data for [scintilla] (HaikuPorts)
17721{D} did populate data for [sdl2_net_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17722{D} did populate data for [sbc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17723{D} did populate data for [sdlscavenger] (HaikuPorts)
17724{D} did populate data for [sais_source] (HaikuPorts)
17725{D} did populate data for [scintilla_lexers] (HaikuPorts)
17726{D} did populate data for [sdl2_gfx_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17727{D} did populate data for [schroedinger_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17728{D} did populate data for [sane_backends] (HaikuPorts)
17729{D} did populate data for [sdl_sound_source] (HaikuPorts)
17730{D} did populate data for [sablotron_source] (HaikuPorts)
17731{D} did populate data for [samba_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17732{D} did populate data for [sanity_source] (HaikuPorts)
17733{D} did populate data for [sdl2_ttf] (HaikuPorts)
17734{D} did populate data for [sdl2_image] (HaikuPorts)
17735{D} did populate data for [sbc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17736{D} did populate data for [sdl_net] (HaikuPorts)
17737{D} did populate data for [sdl_net_source] (HaikuPorts)
17738{D} did populate data for [sdl2_ttf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17739{D} did populate data for [sdl_ttf_source] (HaikuPorts)
17740{D} did populate data for [sane_backends_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17741{D} did populate data for [sdl_image] (HaikuPorts)
17742{D} did populate data for [scotch] (HaikuPorts)
17743{D} did populate data for [sdl_gfx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17744{D} did populate data for [sdlpop] (HaikuPorts)
17745{D} did populate data for [sablotron_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17746{D} did populate data for [sais] (HaikuPorts)
17747{D} did populate data for [serf_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17748{D} did populate data for [sdl2_mixer_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17749{D} did populate data for [runprogram] (HaikuPorts)
17750{D} did populate data for [sdl_ttf] (HaikuPorts)
17751{D} did populate data for [scotch_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17752{D} did populate data for [scummvm_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17753{D} did populate data for [sdl_gfx_source] (HaikuPorts)
17754{D} did populate data for [sdl2_mixer] (HaikuPorts)
17755{D} did populate data for [scotch_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17756{D} did populate data for [scrnsaverproto] (HaikuPorts)
17757{D} did populate data for [sdl2_gfx] (HaikuPorts)
17758{D} did populate data for [sdl_image_source] (HaikuPorts)
17759{D} did populate data for [sdl_bomber] (HaikuPorts)
17760{D} did populate data for [scipy_python_source] (HaikuPorts)
17761{D} did populate data for [scummvm_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17762{D} did populate data for [sdl_mixer_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17763{D} did populate data for [scourge_data] (HaikuPorts)
17764{D} did populate data for [sdl2_gfx_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17765{D} did populate data for [serious_sam_source] (HaikuPorts)
17766{D} did populate data for [scipy_python] (HaikuPorts)
17767{D} did populate data for [sbc] (HaikuPorts)
17768{D} did populate data for [sane_backends_source] (HaikuPorts)
17769{D} did populate data for [sdl_sound_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17770{D} did populate data for [sdl2_net] (HaikuPorts)
17771{D} did populate data for [sortsave] (HaikuPorts)
17772{D} did populate data for [sox_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17773{D} did populate data for [simulide] (HaikuPorts)
17774{D} did populate data for [skympc] (HaikuPorts)
17775{D} did populate data for [slixmpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
17776{D} did populate data for [snes9x_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17777{D} did populate data for [sox_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17778{D} did populate data for [shc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17779{D} did populate data for [soupsieve_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17780{D} did populate data for [solarus_source] (HaikuPorts)
17781{D} did populate data for [soupsieve_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17782{D} did populate data for [soupsieve] (HaikuPorts)
17783{D} did populate data for [smpeg2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17784{D} did populate data for [solid] (HaikuPorts)
17785{D} did populate data for [slang_source] (HaikuPorts)
17786{D} did populate data for [softhsm2_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17787{D} did populate data for [simsu_source] (HaikuPorts)
17788{D} did populate data for [smtube_source] (HaikuPorts)
17789{D} did populate data for [sg3_utils] (HaikuPorts)
17790{D} did populate data for [sox_source] (HaikuPorts)
17791{D} did populate data for [smpeg_source] (HaikuPorts)
17792{D} did populate data for [snappy] (HaikuPorts)
17793{D} did populate data for [sigil] (HaikuPorts)
17794{D} did populate data for [sigil_source] (HaikuPorts)
17795{D} did populate data for [smooth_source] (HaikuPorts)
17796{D} did populate data for [soundpipe] (HaikuPorts)
17797{D} did populate data for [sortsave_source] (HaikuPorts)
17798{D} did populate data for [shredder_source] (HaikuPorts)
17799{D} did populate data for [smmap] (HaikuPorts)
17800{D} did populate data for [softhsm2] (HaikuPorts)
17801{D} did populate data for [sonnet] (HaikuPorts)
17802{D} did populate data for [slang_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17803{D} did populate data for [soupsieve_python] (HaikuPorts)
17804{D} did populate data for [source_pro] (HaikuPorts)
17805{D} did populate data for [sourcetrail_source] (HaikuPorts)
17806{D} did populate data for [sip_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17807{D} did populate data for [softhsm2_source] (HaikuPorts)
17808{D} did populate data for [sl] (HaikuPorts)
17809{D} did populate data for [snowman_source] (HaikuPorts)
17810{D} did populate data for [solid_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17811{D} did populate data for [shanty] (HaikuPorts)
17812{D} did populate data for [soupsieve_source] (HaikuPorts)
17813{D} did populate data for [soxr] (HaikuPorts)
17814{D} did populate data for [sg3_utils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17815{D} did populate data for [slang] (HaikuPorts)
17816{D} did populate data for [smake] (HaikuPorts)
17817{D} did populate data for [snappy_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17818{D} did populate data for [smmap_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17819{D} did populate data for [smmap_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17820{D} did populate data for [sg3_utils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17821{D} did populate data for [shared_mime_info] (HaikuPorts)
17822{D} did populate data for [sl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17823{D} did populate data for [sigrok_cli_source] (HaikuPorts)
17824{D} did populate data for [snowman] (HaikuPorts)
17825{D} did populate data for [skympc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17826{D} did populate data for [space] (HaikuPorts)
17827{D} did populate data for [sharutils] (HaikuPorts)
17828{D} did populate data for [sge] (HaikuPorts)
17829{D} did populate data for [shared_mime_info_source] (HaikuPorts)
17830{D} did populate data for [sigrok_cli] (HaikuPorts)
17831{D} did populate data for [sox] (HaikuPorts)
17832{D} did populate data for [simutrans_source] (HaikuPorts)
17833{D} did populate data for [smmap_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17834{D} did populate data for [sparsehash_source] (HaikuPorts)
17835{D} did populate data for [smooth_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17836{D} did populate data for [sharutils_source] (HaikuPorts)
17837{D} did populate data for [smtube] (HaikuPorts)
17838{D} did populate data for [shc] (HaikuPorts)
17839{D} did populate data for [sidreloc] (HaikuPorts)
17840{D} did populate data for [sonnet_source] (HaikuPorts)
17841{D} did populate data for [sip_source] (HaikuPorts)
17842{D} did populate data for [simutrans] (HaikuPorts)
17843{D} did populate data for [sge_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17844{D} did populate data for [shanty_source] (HaikuPorts)
17845{D} did populate data for [soupsieve_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17846{D} did populate data for [smpeg_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17847{D} did populate data for [soxr_source] (HaikuPorts)
17848{D} did populate data for [smpeg2] (HaikuPorts)
17849{D} did populate data for [slack++] (HaikuPorts)
17850{D} did populate data for [simulide_source] (HaikuPorts)
17851{D} did populate data for [slayer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17852{D} did populate data for [solitaire_mahjong_source] (HaikuPorts)
17853{D} did populate data for [sourcetrail] (HaikuPorts)
17854{D} did populate data for [solid_source] (HaikuPorts)
17855{D} did populate data for [smplayer] (HaikuPorts)
17856{D} did populate data for [soxr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17857{D} did populate data for [sip] (HaikuPorts)
17858{D} did populate data for [smmap_source] (HaikuPorts)
17859{D} did populate data for [sg3_utils_source] (HaikuPorts)
17860{D} did populate data for [snes9x_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17861{D} did populate data for [snappy_source] (HaikuPorts)
17862{D} did populate data for [smooth] (HaikuPorts)
17863{D} did populate data for [slack++_source] (HaikuPorts)
17864{D} did populate data for [solarus] (HaikuPorts)
17865{D} did populate data for [sparsehash] (HaikuPorts)
17866{D} did populate data for [sonnet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17867{D} did populate data for [soundpipe_source] (HaikuPorts)
17868{D} did populate data for [sidreloc_source] (HaikuPorts)
17869{D} did populate data for [smplayer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17870{D} did populate data for [smpeg] (HaikuPorts)
17871{D} did populate data for [sundials_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17872{D} did populate data for [squirrel_source] (HaikuPorts)
17873{D} did populate data for [systeminfo] (HaikuPorts)
17874{D} did populate data for [stlink] (HaikuPorts)
17875{D} did populate data for [supermariowar_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17876{D} did populate data for [suitesparse_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17877{D} did populate data for [synergy_haiku_source] (HaikuPorts)
17878{D} did populate data for [sshfs_fuse] (HaikuPorts)
17879{D} did populate data for [stress_ng] (HaikuPorts)
17880{D} did populate data for [speech_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17881{D} did populate data for [synergy_haiku] (HaikuPorts)
17882{D} did populate data for [symetrie_source] (HaikuPorts)
17883{D} did populate data for [sqlitebrowser] (HaikuPorts)
17884{D} did populate data for [symetrie] (HaikuPorts)
17885{D} did populate data for [starfighter_source] (HaikuPorts)
17886{D} did populate data for [superlu] (HaikuPorts)
17887{D} did populate data for [steghide] (HaikuPorts)
17888{D} did populate data for [sundials_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17889{D} did populate data for [sqlalchemy] (HaikuPorts)
17890{D} did populate data for [squirrel] (HaikuPorts)
17891{D} did populate data for [speech_tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
17892{D} did populate data for [stfl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17893{D} did populate data for [sword_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17894{D} did populate data for [strigi_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17895{D} did populate data for [sqlcipher_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17896{D} did populate data for [superprefs_source] (HaikuPorts)
17897{D} did populate data for [superlu_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17898{D} did populate data for [suitesparse_source] (HaikuPorts)
17899{D} did populate data for [starfighter_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17900{D} did populate data for [svt_av1_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17901{D} did populate data for [stella2014_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
17902{D} did populate data for [speedcrunch_source] (HaikuPorts)
17903{D} did populate data for [subversion_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17904{D} did populate data for [sqlcipher_source] (HaikuPorts)
17905{D} did populate data for [sundials_source] (HaikuPorts)
17906{D} did populate data for [step_source] (HaikuPorts)
17907{D} did populate data for [stegsnow_source] (HaikuPorts)
17908{D} did populate data for [svt_av1_source] (HaikuPorts)
17909{D} did populate data for [sword] (HaikuPorts)
17910{D} did populate data for [speexdsp_source] (HaikuPorts)
17911{D} did populate data for [stegsnow] (HaikuPorts)
17912{D} did populate data for [subtitlecomposer_source] (HaikuPorts)
17913{D} did populate data for [stockfish_source] (HaikuPorts)
17914{D} did populate data for [swift_lang_source] (HaikuPorts)
17915{D} did populate data for [spdlog_source] (HaikuPorts)
17916{D} did populate data for [sqlcipher] (HaikuPorts)
17917{D} did populate data for [speexdsp_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17918{D} did populate data for [speech_tools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17919{D} did populate data for [squirrel_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17920{D} did populate data for [stfl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17921{D} did populate data for [stlink_source] (HaikuPorts)
17922{D} did populate data for [superlu_source] (HaikuPorts)
17923{D} did populate data for [spdlog_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17924{D} did populate data for [speexdsp] (HaikuPorts)
17925{D} did populate data for [substrate_source] (HaikuPorts)
17926{D} did populate data for [suitesparse_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17927{D} did populate data for [speexdsp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17928{D} did populate data for [svt_av1] (HaikuPorts)
17929{D} did populate data for [substrate] (HaikuPorts)
17930{D} did populate data for [stress_ng_source] (HaikuPorts)
17931{D} did populate data for [superfreecell] (HaikuPorts)
17932{D} did populate data for [spdlog] (HaikuPorts)
17933{D} did populate data for [sqlcipher_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17934{D} did populate data for [stella2014_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
17935{D} did populate data for [swig] (HaikuPorts)
17936{D} did populate data for [supertux_source] (HaikuPorts)
17937{D} did populate data for [sqlalchemy_python38] (HaikuPorts)
17938{D} did populate data for [supertuxkart_source] (HaikuPorts)
17939{D} did populate data for [sqlalchemy_python39] (HaikuPorts)
17940{D} did populate data for [speech_tools_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17941{D} did populate data for [sqlitebrowser_source] (HaikuPorts)
17942{D} did populate data for [suitesparse] (HaikuPorts)
17943{D} did populate data for [sqlalchemy_python3] (HaikuPorts)
17944{D} did populate data for [stfl] (HaikuPorts)
17945{D} did populate data for [speex] (HaikuPorts)
17946{D} did populate data for [starfighter] (HaikuPorts)
17947{D} did populate data for [swift_lang] (HaikuPorts)
17948{D} did populate data for [squashfs_tools] (HaikuPorts)
17949{D} did populate data for [srm_source] (HaikuPorts)
17950{D} did populate data for [sqlalchemy_source] (HaikuPorts)
17951{D} did populate data for [stlover_source] (HaikuPorts)
17952{D} did populate data for [subversion_source] (HaikuPorts)
17953{D} did populate data for [sqlite_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
17954{D} did populate data for [subtitlecomposer] (HaikuPorts)
17955{D} did populate data for [srm] (HaikuPorts)
17956{D} did populate data for [strigi] (HaikuPorts)
17957{D} did populate data for [sundials] (HaikuPorts)
17958{D} did populate data for [supermariowar_source] (HaikuPorts)
17959{D} did populate data for [sqlite_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17960{D} did populate data for [supermariowar] (HaikuPorts)
17961{D} did populate data for [swig_source] (HaikuPorts)
17962{D} did populate data for [stockfish] (HaikuPorts)
17963{D} did populate data for [speex_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17964{D} did populate data for [strigi_source] (HaikuPorts)
17965{D} did populate data for [step] (HaikuPorts)
17966{D} did populate data for [stlover] (HaikuPorts)
17967{D} did populate data for [svt_av1_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17968{D} did populate data for [sword_source] (HaikuPorts)
17969{D} did populate data for [tcl_source] (HaikuPorts)
17970{D} did populate data for [t1utils] (HaikuPorts)
17971{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ceb] (HaikuPorts)
17972{D} did populate data for [tbb_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17973{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_guj] (HaikuPorts)
17974{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kur] (HaikuPorts)
17975{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_equ] (HaikuPorts)
17976{D} did populate data for [t4k_common_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17977{D} did populate data for [taskmanager_source] (HaikuPorts)
17978{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_fin] (HaikuPorts)
17979{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_fas] (HaikuPorts)
17980{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_deu] (HaikuPorts)
17981{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_fra] (HaikuPorts)
17982{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_frk] (HaikuPorts)
17983{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_jav] (HaikuPorts)
17984{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_gle] (HaikuPorts)
17985{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_frm] (HaikuPorts)
17986{D} did populate data for [tcpdump_source] (HaikuPorts)
17987{D} did populate data for [teckit] (HaikuPorts)
17988{D} did populate data for [taglib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17989{D} did populate data for [teckit_devel] (HaikuPorts)
17990{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_glg] (HaikuPorts)
17991{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_epo] (HaikuPorts)
17992{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_bul] (HaikuPorts)
17993{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_dan_frak] (HaikuPorts)
17994{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_chi_sim] (HaikuPorts)
17995{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_asm] (HaikuPorts)
17996{D} did populate data for [tagainijisho_source] (HaikuPorts)
17997{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_est] (HaikuPorts)
17998{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_bel] (HaikuPorts)
17999{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_isl] (HaikuPorts)
18000{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ara] (HaikuPorts)
18001{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ces] (HaikuPorts)
18002{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_aze] (HaikuPorts)
18003{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_aze_cyrl] (HaikuPorts)
18004{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_deu_frak] (HaikuPorts)
18005{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_khm] (HaikuPorts)
18006{D} did populate data for [teckit_source] (HaikuPorts)
18007{D} did populate data for [t4k_common] (HaikuPorts)
18008{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_hrv] (HaikuPorts)
18009{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_chr] (HaikuPorts)
18010{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_bod] (HaikuPorts)
18011{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_cym] (HaikuPorts)
18012{D} did populate data for [taresizer] (HaikuPorts)
18013{D} did populate data for [tar_source] (HaikuPorts)
18014{D} did populate data for [tesseract] (HaikuPorts)
18015{D} did populate data for [terminus_ttf] (HaikuPorts)
18016{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_amh] (HaikuPorts)
18017{D} did populate data for [tar_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18018{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_bos] (HaikuPorts)
18019{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_chi_tra] (HaikuPorts)
18020{D} did populate data for [tcl_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18021{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_eus] (HaikuPorts)
18022{D} did populate data for [tcl_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18023{D} did populate data for [tagainijisho] (HaikuPorts)
18024{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kor] (HaikuPorts)
18025{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ita_old] (HaikuPorts)
18026{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_dan] (HaikuPorts)
18027{D} did populate data for [tar] (HaikuPorts)
18028{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ben] (HaikuPorts)
18029{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_hin] (HaikuPorts)
18030{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ita] (HaikuPorts)
18031{D} did populate data for [telegram_desktop_source] (HaikuPorts)
18032{D} did populate data for [tbb_source] (HaikuPorts)
18033{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_dzo] (HaikuPorts)
18034{D} did populate data for [t1utils_source] (HaikuPorts)
18035{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_iku] (HaikuPorts)
18036{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_lat] (HaikuPorts)
18037{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_lav] (HaikuPorts)
18038{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_lao] (HaikuPorts)
18039{D} did populate data for [tbb] (HaikuPorts)
18040{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_hat] (HaikuPorts)
18041{D} did populate data for [szip_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18042{D} did populate data for [tbe] (HaikuPorts)
18043{D} did populate data for [t4k_common_source] (HaikuPorts)
18044{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ell] (HaikuPorts)
18045{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_afr] (HaikuPorts)
18046{D} did populate data for [tcpdump] (HaikuPorts)
18047{D} did populate data for [tbb_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18048{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data] (HaikuPorts)
18049{D} did populate data for [taglib] (HaikuPorts)
18050{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_hun] (HaikuPorts)
18051{D} did populate data for [systeminfo_source] (HaikuPorts)
18052{D} did populate data for [taglib_source] (HaikuPorts)
18053{D} did populate data for [tcl] (HaikuPorts)
18054{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_heb] (HaikuPorts)
18055{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_cat] (HaikuPorts)
18056{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_grc] (HaikuPorts)
18057{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kan] (HaikuPorts)
18058{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kir] (HaikuPorts)
18059{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_eng] (HaikuPorts)
18060{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kat] (HaikuPorts)
18061{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ind] (HaikuPorts)
18062{D} did populate data for [tbe_source] (HaikuPorts)
18063{D} did populate data for [szip] (HaikuPorts)
18064{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_jpn] (HaikuPorts)
18065{D} did populate data for [szip_source] (HaikuPorts)
18066{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kat_old] (HaikuPorts)
18067{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_enm] (HaikuPorts)
18068{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_kaz] (HaikuPorts)
18069{D} did populate data for [themes_source] (HaikuPorts)
18070{D} did populate data for [tidy57] (HaikuPorts)
18071{D} did populate data for [tg_owt] (HaikuPorts)
18072{D} did populate data for [timetracker_source] (HaikuPorts)
18073{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_slk] (HaikuPorts)
18074{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_mya] (HaikuPorts)
18075{D} did populate data for [themes] (HaikuPorts)
18076{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_slv] (HaikuPorts)
18077{D} did populate data for [tidy57_source] (HaikuPorts)
18078{D} did populate data for [tg_owt_source] (HaikuPorts)
18079{D} did populate data for [themes_stargate] (HaikuPorts)
18080{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_pus] (HaikuPorts)
18081{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tur] (HaikuPorts)
18082{D} did populate data for [tinyxml2_source] (HaikuPorts)
18083{D} did populate data for [texstudio] (HaikuPorts)
18084{D} did populate data for [textsaver_source] (HaikuPorts)
18085{D} did populate data for [tidy_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18086{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_vie] (HaikuPorts)
18087{D} did populate data for [texinfo] (HaikuPorts)
18088{D} did populate data for [testdisk_qt] (HaikuPorts)
18089{D} did populate data for [tldr] (HaikuPorts)
18090{D} did populate data for [tesseracttranslator_source] (HaikuPorts)
18091{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tel] (HaikuPorts)
18092{D} did populate data for [threadweaver_source] (HaikuPorts)
18093{D} did populate data for [texstudio_source] (HaikuPorts)
18094{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tha] (HaikuPorts)
18095{D} did populate data for [tiff4_tools] (HaikuPorts)
18096{D} did populate data for [tiff4] (HaikuPorts)
18097{D} did populate data for [tinyxml_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18098{D} did populate data for [tiff4_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18099{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_swe] (HaikuPorts)
18100{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_msa] (HaikuPorts)
18101{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_swa] (HaikuPorts)
18102{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_mkd] (HaikuPorts)
18103{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_slk_frak] (HaikuPorts)
18104{D} did populate data for [tidy57_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18105{D} did populate data for [themes_tunetracker] (HaikuPorts)
18106{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_pol] (HaikuPorts)
18107{D} did populate data for [texmacs_source] (HaikuPorts)
18108{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tgl] (HaikuPorts)
18109{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_mal] (HaikuPorts)
18110{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tgk] (HaikuPorts)
18111{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_por] (HaikuPorts)
18112{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_uig] (HaikuPorts)
18113{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_uzb_cyrl] (HaikuPorts)
18114{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_yid] (HaikuPorts)
18115{D} did populate data for [tiff4_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18116{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_mar] (HaikuPorts)
18117{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_uzb] (HaikuPorts)
18118{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_urd] (HaikuPorts)
18119{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_nld] (HaikuPorts)
18120{D} did populate data for [tinyxml_source] (HaikuPorts)
18121{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_spa_old] (HaikuPorts)
18122{D} did populate data for [testdisk] (HaikuPorts)
18123{D} did populate data for [texmaker_source] (HaikuPorts)
18124{D} did populate data for [tesseract_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18125{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_mlt] (HaikuPorts)
18126{D} did populate data for [tesseract_source] (HaikuPorts)
18127{D} did populate data for [tig] (HaikuPorts)
18128{D} did populate data for [tig_source] (HaikuPorts)
18129{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_rus] (HaikuPorts)
18130{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_lit] (HaikuPorts)
18131{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_nep] (HaikuPorts)
18132{D} did populate data for [tesseracttranslator] (HaikuPorts)
18133{D} did populate data for [texmaker] (HaikuPorts)
18134{D} did populate data for [textsaver] (HaikuPorts)
18135{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tam] (HaikuPorts)
18136{D} did populate data for [testdisk_source] (HaikuPorts)
18137{D} did populate data for [timezone_data] (HaikuPorts)
18138{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_pan] (HaikuPorts)
18139{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_tir] (HaikuPorts)
18140{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ukr] (HaikuPorts)
18141{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_spa] (HaikuPorts)
18142{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_srp] (HaikuPorts)
18143{D} did populate data for [threadweaver_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18144{D} did populate data for [tinyxml2_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18145{D} did populate data for [the_silver_searcher_source] (HaikuPorts)
18146{D} did populate data for [threadweaver] (HaikuPorts)
18147{D} did populate data for [timetracker] (HaikuPorts)
18148{D} did populate data for [texmacs] (HaikuPorts)
18149{D} did populate data for [tinyxml] (HaikuPorts)
18150{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_osd] (HaikuPorts)
18151{D} did populate data for [tidy_source] (HaikuPorts)
18152{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_srp_latn] (HaikuPorts)
18153{D} did populate data for [texinfo4] (HaikuPorts)
18154{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_nor] (HaikuPorts)
18155{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ron] (HaikuPorts)
18156{D} did populate data for [the_silver_searcher] (HaikuPorts)
18157{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_sqi] (HaikuPorts)
18158{D} did populate data for [tidy57_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18159{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_syr] (HaikuPorts)
18160{D} did populate data for [tldr_source] (HaikuPorts)
18161{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_sin] (HaikuPorts)
18162{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_san] (HaikuPorts)
18163{D} did populate data for [tesseract_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18164{D} did populate data for [tinyxml2] (HaikuPorts)
18165{D} did populate data for [tesseract_data_ori] (HaikuPorts)
18166{D} did populate data for [texinfo_source] (HaikuPorts)
18167{D} did populate data for [tidy] (HaikuPorts)
18168{D} did populate data for [texinfo4_source] (HaikuPorts)
18169{D} did populate data for [tzlocal] (HaikuPorts)
18170{D} did populate data for [unicorn_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18171{D} did populate data for [tuxcards] (HaikuPorts)
18172{D} did populate data for [ucpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
18173{D} did populate data for [treecc] (HaikuPorts)
18174{D} did populate data for [ucpp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18175{D} did populate data for [umbrello_source] (HaikuPorts)
18176{D} did populate data for [unarr_source] (HaikuPorts)
18177{D} did populate data for [unicorn_python] (HaikuPorts)
18178{D} did populate data for [uncrustify_source] (HaikuPorts)
18179{D} did populate data for [unittest++_source] (HaikuPorts)
18180{D} did populate data for [trackgit] (HaikuPorts)
18181{D} did populate data for [uchardet] (HaikuPorts)
18182{D} did populate data for [tuxtype2] (HaikuPorts)
18183{D} did populate data for [twisted_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18184{D} did populate data for [uchardet_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18185{D} did populate data for [unibilium] (HaikuPorts)
18186{D} did populate data for [unicorn_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18187{D} did populate data for [unittest++_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18188{D} did populate data for [tuxcards_source] (HaikuPorts)
18189{D} did populate data for [udis86_source] (HaikuPorts)
18190{D} did populate data for [tworld] (HaikuPorts)
18191{D} did populate data for [tor_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18192{D} did populate data for [toilet] (HaikuPorts)
18193{D} did populate data for [ucpp] (HaikuPorts)
18194{D} did populate data for [uif2iso_source] (HaikuPorts)
18195{D} did populate data for [ultracopier] (HaikuPorts)
18196{D} did populate data for [tor_source] (HaikuPorts)
18197{D} did populate data for [tnftp] (HaikuPorts)
18198{D} did populate data for [unarr_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18199{D} did populate data for [udis86_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18200{D} did populate data for [transmission_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18201{D} did populate data for [tox_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18202{D} did populate data for [twisted_source] (HaikuPorts)
18203{D} did populate data for [uhexen2_source] (HaikuPorts)
18204{D} did populate data for [universalscroller] (HaikuPorts)
18205{D} did populate data for [tyrquake_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
18206{D} did populate data for [tor] (HaikuPorts)
18207{D} did populate data for [tolua++] (HaikuPorts)
18208{D} did populate data for [tuxmath] (HaikuPorts)
18209{D} did populate data for [tox] (HaikuPorts)
18210{D} did populate data for [twolame_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18211{D} did populate data for [tzlocal_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18212{D} did populate data for [tremor] (HaikuPorts)
18213{D} did populate data for [ugrep_source] (HaikuPorts)
18214{D} did populate data for [tmux_source] (HaikuPorts)
18215{D} did populate data for [twisted] (HaikuPorts)
18216{D} did populate data for [tzlocal_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18217{D} did populate data for [ugrep] (HaikuPorts)
18218{D} did populate data for [tuxtype2_source] (HaikuPorts)
18219{D} did populate data for [trojita_source] (HaikuPorts)
18220{D} did populate data for [tworld_source] (HaikuPorts)
18221{D} did populate data for [tzlocal_python] (HaikuPorts)
18222{D} did populate data for [unicorn] (HaikuPorts)
18223{D} did populate data for [uif2iso] (HaikuPorts)
18224{D} did populate data for [transplus] (HaikuPorts)
18225{D} did populate data for [unarr] (HaikuPorts)
18226{D} did populate data for [unarr_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18227{D} did populate data for [unixodbc] (HaikuPorts)
18228{D} did populate data for [tuxpaint_source] (HaikuPorts)
18229{D} did populate data for [trojita_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18230{D} did populate data for [ubuntu_font_family] (HaikuPorts)
18231{D} did populate data for [unibilium_source] (HaikuPorts)
18232{D} did populate data for [tyrquake_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
18233{D} did populate data for [tree] (HaikuPorts)
18234{D} did populate data for [unittest++] (HaikuPorts)
18235{D} did populate data for [unicorn_source] (HaikuPorts)
18236{D} did populate data for [tzlocal_source] (HaikuPorts)
18237{D} did populate data for [twolame] (HaikuPorts)
18238{D} did populate data for [uncrustify] (HaikuPorts)
18239{D} did populate data for [tremor_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18240{D} did populate data for [ultracopier_source] (HaikuPorts)
18241{D} did populate data for [twisted_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18242{D} did populate data for [twisted_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18243{D} did populate data for [twolame_source] (HaikuPorts)
18244{D} did populate data for [toilet_source] (HaikuPorts)
18245{D} did populate data for [tox_source] (HaikuPorts)
18246{D} did populate data for [unittest++_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18247{D} did populate data for [tweeny] (HaikuPorts)
18248{D} did populate data for [treecc_source] (HaikuPorts)
18249{D} did populate data for [tuxpaint_stamps] (HaikuPorts)
18250{D} did populate data for [txt2man] (HaikuPorts)
18251{D} did populate data for [transplus_source] (HaikuPorts)
18252{D} did populate data for [toner] (HaikuPorts)
18253{D} did populate data for [u_boot_tools] (HaikuPorts)
18254{D} did populate data for [tzlocal_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18255{D} did populate data for [transmission_source] (HaikuPorts)
18256{D} did populate data for [unibilium_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18257{D} did populate data for [tmux] (HaikuPorts)
18258{D} did populate data for [txt2man_source] (HaikuPorts)
18259{D} did populate data for [tuxmath_source] (HaikuPorts)
18260{D} did populate data for [ubertuber_source] (HaikuPorts)
18261{D} did populate data for [udis86] (HaikuPorts)
18262{D} did populate data for [universalscroller_source] (HaikuPorts)
18263{D} did populate data for [tree_source] (HaikuPorts)
18264{D} did populate data for [tweeny_source] (HaikuPorts)
18265{D} did populate data for [u_boot_tools_source] (HaikuPorts)
18266{D} did populate data for [trackergrep_source] (HaikuPorts)
18267{D} did populate data for [tremor_source] (HaikuPorts)
18268{D} did populate data for [tuxracer_data] (HaikuPorts)
18269{D} did populate data for [voluptuous_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18270{D} did populate data for [voluptuous_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18271{D} did populate data for [v8] (HaikuPorts)
18272{D} did populate data for [unshield_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18273{D} did populate data for [usbdeskbar] (HaikuPorts)
18274{D} did populate data for [v8_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18275{D} did populate data for [unixodbc_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18276{D} did populate data for [urllib3_source] (HaikuPorts)
18277{D} did populate data for [uriparser_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18278{D} did populate data for [vifm] (HaikuPorts)
18279{D} did populate data for [unshield_source] (HaikuPorts)
18280{D} did populate data for [vamp_plugin_sdk_source] (HaikuPorts)
18281{D} did populate data for [vba_next_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
18282{D} did populate data for [unrtf] (HaikuPorts)
18283{D} did populate data for [vala_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18284{D} did populate data for [vba_next_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
18285{D} did populate data for [vollkorn] (HaikuPorts)
18286{D} did populate data for [vvvvvv_source] (HaikuPorts)
18287{D} did populate data for [voxophone_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18288{D} did populate data for [voxophone] (HaikuPorts)
18289{D} did populate data for [urllib3_python] (HaikuPorts)
18290{D} did populate data for [vangers] (HaikuPorts)
18291{D} did populate data for [voxophone_source] (HaikuPorts)
18292{D} did populate data for [unixodbc_source] (HaikuPorts)
18293{D} did populate data for [vcdimager_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18294{D} did populate data for [uri_source] (HaikuPorts)
18295{D} did populate data for [vcardpeople_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18296{D} did populate data for [voluptuous_source] (HaikuPorts)
18297{D} did populate data for [vim_source] (HaikuPorts)
18298{D} did populate data for [uriparser] (HaikuPorts)
18299{D} did populate data for [vc] (HaikuPorts)
18300{D} did populate data for [vmware_addons_source] (HaikuPorts)
18301{D} did populate data for [uriparser_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18302{D} did populate data for [urwid] (HaikuPorts)
18303{D} did populate data for [v8_source] (HaikuPorts)
18304{D} did populate data for [vala_source] (HaikuPorts)
18305{D} did populate data for [urwid_source] (HaikuPorts)
18306{D} did populate data for [vvvvvv_data] (HaikuPorts)
18307{D} did populate data for [util_linux] (HaikuPorts)
18308{D} did populate data for [vacuum_source] (HaikuPorts)
18309{D} did populate data for [unshield] (HaikuPorts)
18310{D} did populate data for [vcmi] (HaikuPorts)
18311{D} did populate data for [uploadit_source] (HaikuPorts)
18312{D} did populate data for [vcmi_source] (HaikuPorts)
18313{D} did populate data for [virtualjaguar_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
18314{D} did populate data for [vorbis_tools] (HaikuPorts)
18315{D} did populate data for [vcardpeople] (HaikuPorts)
18316{D} did populate data for [util_linux_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18317{D} did populate data for [voluptuous] (HaikuPorts)
18318{D} did populate data for [voluptuous_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18319{D} did populate data for [urwid_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18320{D} did populate data for [unrtf_source] (HaikuPorts)
18321{D} did populate data for [unzip] (HaikuPorts)
18322{D} did populate data for [videoproto] (HaikuPorts)
18323{D} did populate data for [unrar_source] (HaikuPorts)
18324{D} did populate data for [urwid_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18325{D} did populate data for [uqm] (HaikuPorts)
18326{D} did populate data for [unrardll] (HaikuPorts)
18327{D} did populate data for [vcdimager_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18328{D} did populate data for [urwid_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18329{D} did populate data for [util_linux_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18330{D} did populate data for [unrar_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18331{D} did populate data for [uploadit] (HaikuPorts)
18332{D} did populate data for [vacuum] (HaikuPorts)
18333{D} did populate data for [util_macros] (HaikuPorts)
18334{D} did populate data for [vala] (HaikuPorts)
18335{D} did populate data for [unzip_source] (HaikuPorts)
18336{D} did populate data for [urllib3_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18337{D} did populate data for [uriparser_source] (HaikuPorts)
18338{D} did populate data for [urllib3] (HaikuPorts)
18339{D} did populate data for [util_macros_source] (HaikuPorts)
18340{D} did populate data for [urllib3_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18341{D} did populate data for [vlc_source] (HaikuPorts)
18342{D} did populate data for [vecx_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
18343{D} did populate data for [unrardll_source] (HaikuPorts)
18344{D} did populate data for [vcdimager] (HaikuPorts)
18345{D} did populate data for [util_linux_source] (HaikuPorts)
18346{D} did populate data for [vecx_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
18347{D} did populate data for [verilator] (HaikuPorts)
18348{D} did populate data for [vangers_source] (HaikuPorts)
18349{D} did populate data for [vamp_plugin_sdk_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18350{D} did populate data for [uri] (HaikuPorts)
18351{D} did populate data for [util_linux_cal] (HaikuPorts)
18352{D} did populate data for [vifm_source] (HaikuPorts)
18353{D} did populate data for [uqm_source] (HaikuPorts)
18354{D} did populate data for [vc_source] (HaikuPorts)
18355{D} did populate data for [vcardpeople_source] (HaikuPorts)
18356{D} did populate data for [virtualjaguar_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
18357{D} did populate data for [vcdimager_source] (HaikuPorts)
18358{D} did populate data for [valentina_source] (HaikuPorts)
18359{D} did populate data for [unrardll_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18360{D} did populate data for [unrardll_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18361{D} did populate data for [unixodbc_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18362{D} did populate data for [urllib3_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18363{D} did populate data for [vncserver_source] (HaikuPorts)
18364{D} did populate data for [vamp_plugin_sdk] (HaikuPorts)
18365{D} did populate data for [verilator_source] (HaikuPorts)
18366{D} did populate data for [wcstools_source] (HaikuPorts)
18367{D} did populate data for [wavpack_source] (HaikuPorts)
18368{D} did populate data for [wcstools_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18369{D} did populate data for [wordclock] (HaikuPorts)
18370{D} did populate data for [waitress_source] (HaikuPorts)
18371{D} did populate data for [xmlbmessage] (HaikuPorts)
18372{D} did populate data for [wavpack_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18373{D} did populate data for [webwatch] (HaikuPorts)
18374{D} did populate data for [x264_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18375{D} did populate data for [wput] (HaikuPorts)
18376{D} did populate data for [wxqt_source] (HaikuPorts)
18377{D} did populate data for [wesnoth_source] (HaikuPorts)
18378{D} did populate data for [wcslib_utils] (HaikuPorts)
18379{D} did populate data for [wizznic] (HaikuPorts)
18380{D} did populate data for [whid] (HaikuPorts)
18381{D} did populate data for [wcstools] (HaikuPorts)
18382{D} did populate data for [w6] (HaikuPorts)
18383{D} did populate data for [which] (HaikuPorts)
18384{D} did populate data for [xdelta_source] (HaikuPorts)
18385{D} did populate data for [whereismymouse] (HaikuPorts)
18386{D} did populate data for [whid_source] (HaikuPorts)
18387{D} did populate data for [wavpack_bin] (HaikuPorts)
18388{D} did populate data for [waitress_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18389{D} did populate data for [wrapt_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18390{D} did populate data for [xcmiscproto] (HaikuPorts)
18391{D} did populate data for [waitress_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18392{D} did populate data for [xmlbmessage_source] (HaikuPorts)
18393{D} did populate data for [wakeup] (HaikuPorts)
18394{D} did populate data for [wrapt] (HaikuPorts)
18395{D} did populate data for [wrapt_source] (HaikuPorts)
18396{D} did populate data for [xar] (HaikuPorts)
18397{D} did populate data for [wordgrinder_source] (HaikuPorts)
18398{D} did populate data for [x264_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18399{D} did populate data for [xash3d_source] (HaikuPorts)
18400{D} did populate data for [weechat_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18401{D} did populate data for [weechat] (HaikuPorts)
18402{D} did populate data for [which_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18403{D} did populate data for [weechat_source] (HaikuPorts)
18404{D} did populate data for [xaos] (HaikuPorts)
18405{D} did populate data for [warmux_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18406{D} did populate data for [xdelta] (HaikuPorts)
18407{D} did populate data for [x265_source] (HaikuPorts)
18408{D} did populate data for [xmlroff_source] (HaikuPorts)
18409{D} did populate data for [wavpack] (HaikuPorts)
18410{D} did populate data for [wesnoth] (HaikuPorts)
18411{D} did populate data for [xerces_c_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18412{D} did populate data for [wqy_zenhei] (HaikuPorts)
18413{D} did populate data for [wput_source] (HaikuPorts)
18414{D} did populate data for [webwatch_source] (HaikuPorts)
18415{D} did populate data for [xlreader] (HaikuPorts)
18416{D} did populate data for [wrapt_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18417{D} did populate data for [wcslib] (HaikuPorts)
18418{D} did populate data for [wrapt_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18419{D} did populate data for [xa65_source] (HaikuPorts)
18420{D} did populate data for [xcb_proto] (HaikuPorts)
18421{D} did populate data for [xmlroff] (HaikuPorts)
18422{D} did populate data for [xml_parser_source] (HaikuPorts)
18423{D} did populate data for [wolle] (HaikuPorts)
18424{D} did populate data for [wordgrinder] (HaikuPorts)
18425{D} did populate data for [x265_179] (HaikuPorts)
18426{D} did populate data for [wxqt_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18427{D} did populate data for [x265] (HaikuPorts)
18428{D} did populate data for [x264] (HaikuPorts)
18429{D} did populate data for [xar_source] (HaikuPorts)
18430{D} did populate data for [waitress_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18431{D} did populate data for [xerces_c_source] (HaikuPorts)
18432{D} did populate data for [wcslib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18433{D} did populate data for [x265_179_source] (HaikuPorts)
18434{D} did populate data for [wireshark_source] (HaikuPorts)
18435{D} did populate data for [xash3d] (HaikuPorts)
18436{D} did populate data for [wireshark_gui] (HaikuPorts)
18437{D} did populate data for [xa65] (HaikuPorts)
18438{D} did populate data for [xar_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18439{D} did populate data for [wolle_source] (HaikuPorts)
18440{D} did populate data for [vwget_source] (HaikuPorts)
18441{D} did populate data for [xineramaproto] (HaikuPorts)
18442{D} did populate data for [wcslib_source] (HaikuPorts)
18443{D} did populate data for [waitress] (HaikuPorts)
18444{D} did populate data for [wqy_zenhei_source] (HaikuPorts)
18445{D} did populate data for [wordgrinder_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18446{D} did populate data for [xml_parser] (HaikuPorts)
18447{D} did populate data for [wcslib_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18448{D} did populate data for [whereismymouse_source] (HaikuPorts)
18449{D} did populate data for [wxqt] (HaikuPorts)
18450{D} did populate data for [w6_source] (HaikuPorts)
18451{D} did populate data for [warmux] (HaikuPorts)
18452{D} did populate data for [wizznic_source] (HaikuPorts)
18453{D} did populate data for [x265_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18454{D} did populate data for [xcb_proto_source] (HaikuPorts)
18455{D} did populate data for [xextproto] (HaikuPorts)
18456{D} did populate data for [warmux_source] (HaikuPorts)
18457{D} did populate data for [x264_source] (HaikuPorts)
18458{D} did populate data for [xmlroff_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18459{D} did populate data for [wxqt_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18460{D} did populate data for [xerces_c] (HaikuPorts)
18461{D} did populate data for [wcstools_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18462{D} did populate data for [websocketpp] (HaikuPorts)
18463{D} did populate data for [ykclient_source] (HaikuPorts)
18464{D} did populate data for [zeal_source] (HaikuPorts)
18465{D} did populate data for [xsv_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18466{D} did populate data for [yoshi] (HaikuPorts)
18467{D} did populate data for [yodownet_source] (HaikuPorts)
18468{D} did populate data for [zipp_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18469{D} did populate data for [xsv_source] (HaikuPorts)
18470{D} did populate data for [zipp_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18471{D} did populate data for [yasm_source] (HaikuPorts)
18472{D} did populate data for [yaml_cpp_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18473{D} did populate data for [xz_utils_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18474{D} did populate data for [ytdl_gui_source] (HaikuPorts)
18475{D} did populate data for [xmlsec_gcrypt] (HaikuPorts)
18476{D} did populate data for [xmlto] (HaikuPorts)
18477{D} did populate data for [zope_interface_python] (HaikuPorts)
18478{D} did populate data for [zesarux_source] (HaikuPorts)
18479{D} did populate data for [zip] (HaikuPorts)
18480{D} did populate data for [xmlsec] (HaikuPorts)
18481{D} did populate data for [zlib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18482{D} did populate data for [xonsh] (HaikuPorts)
18483{D} did populate data for [zookeeper] (HaikuPorts)
18484{D} did populate data for [xorg_sgml_doctools] (HaikuPorts)
18485{D} did populate data for [yacreader] (HaikuPorts)
18486{D} did populate data for [xtrans_source] (HaikuPorts)
18487{D} did populate data for [yarl_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18488{D} did populate data for [yarl_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18489{D} did populate data for [x_series_fonts] (HaikuPorts)
18490{D} did populate data for [xz_utils] (HaikuPorts)
18491{D} did populate data for [yamagi_quake2_source] (HaikuPorts)
18492{D} did populate data for [xpdf] (HaikuPorts)
18493{D} did populate data for [xpdf_source] (HaikuPorts)
18494{D} did populate data for [zope_interface_source] (HaikuPorts)
18495{D} did populate data for [yaddns] (HaikuPorts)
18496{D} did populate data for [yarl_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18497{D} did populate data for [zipp] (HaikuPorts)
18498{D} did populate data for [zopfli_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18499{D} did populate data for [zeromq_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18500{D} did populate data for [yasm] (HaikuPorts)
18501{D} did populate data for [yab] (HaikuPorts)
18502{D} did populate data for [ytdl_gui] (HaikuPorts)
18503{D} did populate data for [xonsh_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18504{D} did populate data for [yodownet] (HaikuPorts)
18505{D} did populate data for [xmlsec_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18506{D} did populate data for [zip_source] (HaikuPorts)
18507{D} did populate data for [xtrans] (HaikuPorts)
18508{D} did populate data for [xmlto_source] (HaikuPorts)
18509{D} did populate data for [yabause_libretro_source] (HaikuPorts)
18510{D} did populate data for [yab_source] (HaikuPorts)
18511{D} did populate data for [yarl] (HaikuPorts)
18512{D} did populate data for [zipp_source] (HaikuPorts)
18513{D} did populate data for [yacreader_source] (HaikuPorts)
18514{D} did populate data for [yaddns_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18515{D} did populate data for [xorriso] (HaikuPorts)
18516{D} did populate data for [zope_interface] (HaikuPorts)
18517{D} did populate data for [zopfli_source] (HaikuPorts)
18518{D} did populate data for [zope_interface_python38] (HaikuPorts)
18519{D} did populate data for [zope_interface_python39] (HaikuPorts)
18520{D} did populate data for [ykpers] (HaikuPorts)
18521{D} did populate data for [xmlsec_nss] (HaikuPorts)
18522{D} did populate data for [xxhash] (HaikuPorts)
18523{D} did populate data for [yaddns_source] (HaikuPorts)
18524{D} did populate data for [yab_buildfactory] (HaikuPorts)
18525{D} did populate data for [xz_utils_source] (HaikuPorts)
18526{D} did populate data for [xmoto_source] (HaikuPorts)
18527{D} did populate data for [zesarux] (HaikuPorts)
18528{D} did populate data for [ykpers_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18529{D} did populate data for [zeal] (HaikuPorts)
18530{D} did populate data for [xxhash_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18531{D} did populate data for [yabause_libretro] (HaikuPorts)
18532{D} did populate data for [zsdx] (HaikuPorts)
18533{D} did populate data for [xxhash_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18534{D} did populate data for [zeromq] (HaikuPorts)
18535{D} did populate data for [xmlsec_source] (HaikuPorts)
18536{D} did populate data for [zope_interface_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18537{D} did populate data for [yaml_cpp] (HaikuPorts)
18538{D} did populate data for [yacreader_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18539{D} did populate data for [yasm_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18540{D} did populate data for [xxhash_source] (HaikuPorts)
18541{D} did populate data for [yab_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18542{D} did populate data for [zeromq_source] (HaikuPorts)
18543{D} did populate data for [zopfli] (HaikuPorts)
18544{D} did populate data for [zipp_python3] (HaikuPorts)
18545{D} did populate data for [xsv] (HaikuPorts)
18546{D} did populate data for [xz_utils_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18547{D} did populate data for [xmlsec_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18548{D} did populate data for [xmoto] (HaikuPorts)
18549{D} did populate data for [ykclient_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18550{D} did populate data for [yarl_source] (HaikuPorts)
18551{D} did populate data for [zpaq] (HaikuPorts)
18552{D} did populate data for [ykpers_source] (HaikuPorts)
18553{D} did populate data for [zpaq_source] (HaikuPorts)
18554{D} did populate data for [ykclient] (HaikuPorts)
18555{D} did populate data for [yab_documentation] (HaikuPorts)
18556{D} did populate data for [xorg_sgml_doctools_source] (HaikuPorts)
18557{D} did populate data for [zlib] (HaikuPorts)
18558{D} did populate data for [xorriso_source] (HaikuPorts)
18559{D} did populate data for [zeromq_debuginfo] (HaikuPorts)
18560{D} did populate data for [xonsh_source] (HaikuPorts)
18561{D} did populate data for [yaml_cpp_source] (HaikuPorts)
18562{D} did populate data for [zstd] (HaikuPorts)
18563{D} did populate data for [zstd_source] (HaikuPorts)
18564{D} did populate data for [zsh_doc] (HaikuPorts)
18565{D} did populate data for [zsh_source] (HaikuPorts)
18566{D} did populate data for [zziplib_source] (HaikuPorts)
18567{D} did populate data for [zstd_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18568{D} did populate data for [zziplib_devel] (HaikuPorts)
18569{D} did populate data for [zsxd] (HaikuPorts)
18570{D} did populate data for [zstd_bin] (HaikuPorts)
18571{D} did populate data for [zziplib] (HaikuPorts)
18572{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] did process 5478 packages' data in ( 1.38 secs)
18573{I} [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] did process data
18574{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
18575{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] running or complete
18576{T} [Coordinator] process [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] running or complete
18577{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerIconExportUpdateProcess] running or complete
18578{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
18579{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] running or complete
18580{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<BeSly Software Solutions>] running or complete
18581{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<Haiku>] running or complete
18582{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<HaikuPorts>] running or complete
18583{T} [Coordinator] process [ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess<KapiX's Depot>] running or complete
18584{I} process coordinator [BulkLoad] did complete
18585{I} starting next process coordinator [UserDetailVerifier]
18586{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
18587{I} [Node<UserDetailVerifierProcess>] initiating
18588{I} [Node<UserDetailVerifierProcess>] starting process
18589{D} jrpc; will make request to [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v1/user]
18590{T} jrpc request; {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"getUser","params":[{"nickname":"lorglas"}]}
18591{T} jrpc: Resolving https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v1/user
18592{T} jrpc: Hostname resolved to:
18593{T} jrpc: Connection to depot.haiku-os.org on port 443.
18594{T} adopting model to main window ui
18595{T} jrpc: Connection opened, sending request.
18596{T} jrpc: POST /__api/v1/user HTTP/1.1
18598{T} jrpc: Host: depot.haiku-os.org
18599{T} jrpc: Accept: application/json
18600{T} jrpc: Accept-Encoding: gzip
18601{T} jrpc: Connection: close
18602{T} jrpc: User-Agent: HaikuDepot/0.0.4
18603{T} jrpc: Authorization: Basic bG9yZ2xhczpIMTBMMDNnNzVA
18604{T} jrpc: Content-Length: 77
18605{T} jrpc: Content-Type: application/json
18606{T} jrpc: Request sent.
18607{T} jrpc: Status line received: Code 200 (OK)
18608{T} jrpc: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
18609{T} jrpc: Content-Length: 370
18610{T} jrpc: Content-Type: application/json
18611{T} jrpc: Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:29:05 GMT
18612{T} jrpc: Expires: 0
18613{T} jrpc: Pragma: no-cache
18614{T} jrpc: Server: Jetty(9.4.34.v20201102)
18615{T} jrpc: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
18616{T} jrpc: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
18617{T} jrpc: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
18618{T} jrpc: X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
18619{T} jrpc: Connection: close
18620{T} jrpc: 12 headers and 0 bytes of data remaining
18621{D} jrpc; did receive http-status [200] from [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v1/user]
18622{T} jrpc response; {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"nickname":"----","email":"----@besly.de","active":true,"isRoot":false,"createTimestamp":1433958712323,"modifyTimestamp":1616533799289,"naturalLanguageCode":"de","lastAuthenticationTimestamp":1616533799288,"userUsageConditionsAgreement":{"timestampAgreed":1616310700131,"userUsageConditionsCode":"UUC2021V01","isLatest":true}}}
18624{T} [Coordinator] will coordinate nodes
18625{I} process coordinator [UserDetailVerifier] did complete
18626{T} [Coordinator] process [UserDetailVerifierProcess] running or complete
18627{I} ! unknown process coordinator changed
18628{I} will stop all process coordinators
18629{I} will wait until the process coordinator has stopped
18630{I} did stop all process coordinators