Ticket #16904: WebPositive-78974-debug-09-04-2021-18-01-35.report

File WebPositive-78974-debug-09-04-2021-18-01-35.report, 30.6 KB (added by pamen, 3 years ago)

additional debug log from another crash

1Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/WebPositive (78974):
2CPU(s): 4x Intel Core i5
3Memory: 7.80 GiB total, 710.88 MiB used
4Haiku revision: hrev55030 Apr 8 2021 06:17:55 (BePC)
6Active Threads:
7 thread 78977: WebCore: IconDatabase
8 thread 78979: w>Downloads
9 thread 78981: w>Settings
10 thread 78986: sort_thread
11 thread 78989: w>WebPositive: Save
12 thread 78997: w>Google - WebPositive
13 thread 79015: LocalStorage
14 thread 79017: DataURLDecoder
15 thread 79024: CryptoQueue
16 thread 79036: team 78974 debug task
17 thread 78974: WebPositive (main)
18 state: Exception (Segment violation)
20 Frame IP Function Name
21 -----------------------------------------------
22 0x723805e8 0x5448967 JSC::SlotVisitor::drain(WTF::MonotonicTime) + 0x107
23 Disassembly:
24 JSC::SlotVisitor::drain(WTF::MonotonicTime):
25 0x05448860: 55 push %ebp
26 0x05448861: 89e5 mov %esp, %ebp
27 0x05448863: 57 push %edi
28 0x05448864: 56 push %esi
29 0x05448865: 53 push %ebx
30 0x05448866: e82cf3e7ff call 0x52c7b97
31 0x0544886b: 81c369ac6500 add $0x65ac69, %ebx
32 0x05448871: 83ec4c sub $0x4c, %esp
33 0x05448874: 8b7508 mov 0x8(%ebp), %esi
34 0x05448877: 807e3400 cmp $0x0, 0x34(%esi)
35 0x0544887b: 0f84ebb5e7ff jz 0x52c3e6c
36 0x05448881: 8d7e4f lea 0x4f(%esi), %edi
37 0x05448884: 31c0 xor %eax, %eax
38 0x05448886: 897dcc mov %edi, -0x34(%ebp)
39 0x05448889: b201 mov $0x1, %dl
40 0x0544888b: 897dd8 mov %edi, -0x28(%ebp)
41 0x0544888e: f00fb017 lock cmpxchg %dl, (%edi)
42 0x05448892: 0f85d8030000 jnz 0x5448c70
43 0x05448898: 8d45dc lea -0x24(%ebp), %eax
44 0x0544889b: 8945d0 mov %eax, -0x30(%ebp)
45 0x0544889e: 8b8370810000 mov 0x8170(%ebx), %eax
46 0x054488a4: 8945c4 mov %eax, -0x3c(%ebp)
47 0x054488a7: 8945c8 mov %eax, -0x38(%ebp)
48 0x054488aa: 8db600000000 lea (%esi), %esi
49 0x054488b0: f20f10450c movsd 0xc(%ebp), %xmm0
50 0x054488b5: c745e401000000 mov $0x1, -0x1c(%ebp)
51 0x054488bc: 8b45d0 mov -0x30(%ebp), %eax
52 0x054488bf: f20f1145dc movsd %xmm0, -0x24(%ebp)
53 0x054488c4: 890424 mov %eax, (%esp)
54 0x054488c7: e8643ee6ff call 0x52ac730
55 0x054488cc: 84c0 test %al, %al
56 0x054488ce: 0f85ac020000 jnz 0x5448b80
57 0x054488d4: 893424 mov %esi, (%esp)
58 0x054488d7: 8d45d8 lea -0x28(%ebp), %eax
59 0x054488da: 89442404 mov %eax, 0x4(%esp)
60 0x054488de: e85d5de7ff call 0x52be640
61 0x054488e3: 8b4608 mov 0x8(%esi), %eax
62 0x054488e6: 85c0 test %eax, %eax
63 0x054488e8: 0f85b2020000 jnz 0x5448ba0
64 0x054488ee: 8b06 mov (%esi), %eax
65 0x054488f0: 8b5004 mov 0x4(%eax), %edx
66 0x054488f3: 85d2 test %edx, %edx
67 0x054488f5: 0f8437010000 jz 0x5448a32
68 0x054488fb: 8b08 mov (%eax), %ecx
69 0x054488fd: 85c9 test %ecx, %ecx
70 0x054488ff: 0f842b030000 jz 0x5448c30
71 0x05448905: 895104 mov %edx, 0x4(%ecx)
72 0x05448908: 8b5004 mov 0x4(%eax), %edx
73 0x0544890b: 8b08 mov (%eax), %ecx
74 0x0544890d: 85d2 test %edx, %edx
75 0x0544890f: 0f840b030000 jz 0x5448c20
76 0x05448915: 890a mov %ecx, (%edx)
77 0x05448917: 890424 mov %eax, (%esp)
78 0x0544891a: e841fee5ff call 0x52a8760
79 0x0544891f: 8b45c8 mov -0x38(%ebp), %eax
80 0x05448922: ff4e0c dec 0xc(%esi)
81 0x05448925: c74608fe030000 mov $0x3fe, 0x8(%esi)
82 0x0544892c: c6464c01 mov $0x1, 0x4c(%esi)
83 0x05448930: 8b9030050000 mov 0x530(%eax), %edx
84 0x05448936: b8fe030000 mov $0x3fe, %eax
85 0x0544893b: 8d7aff lea -0x1(%edx), %edi
86 0x0544893e: 85d2 test %edx, %edx
87 0x05448940: 897dd4 mov %edi, -0x2c(%ebp)
88 0x05448943: 7543 jnz 0x5448988
89 0x05448945: e971020000 jmp 0x5448bbb
90 0x0544894a: 8db600000000 lea (%esi), %esi
91 0x05448950: feca dec %dl
92 0x05448952: 0f84c9000000 jz 0x5448a21
93 0x05448958: 8b17 mov (%edi), %edx
94 0x0544895a: 83e2fe and $0xfffffffe, %edx
95 0x0544895d: 8b5220 mov 0x20(%edx), %edx
96 0x05448960: 89742404 mov %esi, 0x4(%esp)
97 0x05448964: 893c24 mov %edi, (%esp)
98 0x05448967: ff5214 call 0x14(%edx) <--
100 Frame memory:
101 [0x72380590] ....8.%.~4....". 90 cb fc 18 38 ba 25 18 7e 34 01 00 00 00 22 18
102 [0x723805a0] .D>.(.8r>....@.. a8 44 3e 18 28 06 38 72 3e 1b 05 00 00 40 ab 05
103 [0x723805b0] .@....%...8r.... 00 40 ab 05 87 ba 25 18 c4 05 38 72 13 00 00 00
104 [0x723805c0] ..%............. 87 ba 25 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 7f 01 00 00 00
105 [0x723805d0] 8.%...8rk.D..4.. 38 ba 25 18 1c 06 38 72 6b 88 44 05 d4 34 aa 05
106 [0x723805e0] 8.%.8.%. 38 ba 25 18 38 ba 25 18
107 0x72380608 0x5449470 JSC::SlotVisitor::donateAndDrain(WTF::MonotonicTime) + 0x30
108 0x72380628 0x54494a8 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainInParallel(WTF::MonotonicTime) + 0x28
109 0x72380768 0x5425bd8 JSC::Heap::runFixpointPhase(JSC::GCConductor) + 0xe8
110 0x723807a8 0x5426651 JSC::Heap::runCurrentPhase(JSC::GCConductor, JSC::CurrentThreadState*) + 0x141
111 0x723807c8 0x5428558 _ZN3WTF19ScopedLambdaFunctorIFvRN3JSC18CurrentThreadStateEEZNS1_4Heap22collectInMutatorThreadEvEUlS3_E_E12implFunctionEPvS3_ + 0x28
112 0x72380828 0x54366ab JSC::callWithCurrentThreadState(WTF::ScopedLambda<void ()(JSC::CurrentThreadState&)> const&) + 0x6b
113 0x72380868 0x5426766 JSC::Heap::collectInMutatorThread() + 0x66
114 0x72380898 0x54267dd JSC::Heap::stopIfNecessarySlow(unsigned int) + 0x5d
115 0x723808c8 0x5426ec9 JSC::Heap::stopIfNecessarySlow() + 0x29
116 0x72380908 0x542749e JSC::Heap::collectIfNecessaryOrDefer(JSC::GCDeferralContext*) + 0xde
117 0x72380928 0x542769f JSC::Heap::decrementDeferralDepthAndGCIfNeededSlow() + 0x2f
118 0x723809a8 0x5899c07 JSC::Structure::toDictionaryTransition(JSC::VM&, JSC::Structure*, JSC::Structure::DictionaryKind, JSC::DeferredStructureTransitionWatchpointFire*) + 0x1f7
119 0x723809c8 0x5899eff JSC::Structure::toCacheableDictionaryTransition(JSC::VM&, JSC::Structure*, JSC::DeferredStructureTransitionWatchpointFire*) + 0x2f
120 0x72380a38 0x57b2c1d JSC::JSObject::convertToDictionary(JSC::VM&) + 0x4d
121 0x72380a98 0x44798ef WebCore::JSMessageEventPrototype::finishCreation(JSC::VM&) + 0x18f
122 0x72380b18 0x4479aa2 WebCore::JSMessageEvent::createPrototype(JSC::VM&, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject&) + 0x192
123 0x72380b98 0x417d157 std::enable_if<!std::is_same<WebCore::MessageEvent, WebCore::Event>::value, WebCore::JSDOMWrapperConverterTraits<WebCore::MessageEvent>::WrapperClass*>::type WebCore::createWrapper<WebCore::MessageEvent, WebCore::Event>(WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WTF::Ref<WebCore::Event, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::Event> >&&) + 0x1c7
124 0x72380c38 0x41805f7 WebCore::toJSNewlyCreated(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WTF::Ref<WebCore::Event, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::Event> >&&) + 0xda7
125 0x72380c78 0x3506f0b WebCore::toJS(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WebCore::Event&) + 0x9b
126 0x72380db8 0x3509afe WebCore::JSEventListener::handleEvent(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&, WebCore::Event&) + 0x4de
127 0x72380e38 0x36943eb WebCore::EventTarget::innerInvokeEventListeners(WebCore::Event&, WTF::Vector<WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener> >, (unsigned long)1, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, (unsigned long)16, WTF::FastMalloc>, WebCore::EventTarget::EventInvokePhase) + 0x14b
128 0x72380ea8 0x36948cf WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners(WebCore::Event&, WebCore::EventTarget::EventInvokePhase) + 0x26f
129 0x72380ee8 0x3694beb WebCore::EventTarget::dispatchEvent(WebCore::Event&) + 0x8b
130 0x72380f08 0x36a31f5 non-virtual thunk to WebCore::MessagePort::dispatchEvent(WebCore::Event&) + 0x45
131 0x72380f28 0x360e3e8 WebCore::ActiveDOMObjectEventDispatchTask::execute() + 0x18
132 0x72380fa8 0x368ff48 WebCore::EventLoop::run() + 0x2c8
133 0x72380fc8 0x3704950 WebCore::WindowEventLoop::didReachTimeToRun() + 0x20
134 0x72381018 0x3bc6dac WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() + 0x7c
135 0x72381038 0x3bc6ecd _ZN3WTF6Detail15CallableWrapperIZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers14setSharedTimerEPNS2_11SharedTimerEEUlvE_vJEE4callEv + 0x1d
136 0x72381240 0xad78b2 BApplication::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x1f2
137 0x72381290 0xadfbac BLooper::task_looper() + 0x26c
138 0x723812b0 0xad4438 BApplication::Run() + 0x28
139 0x72381300 0x1100b32 main + 0x42
140 0x72381318 0x1100d39 _start + 0x39
141 0x72381358 0x23208d6 runtime_loader + 0x132
142 00000000 0x609f6258 commpage_thread_exit + 0
144 Registers:
145 eip: 0x05448967
146 esp: 0x72380590
147 ebp: 0x723805e8
148 eax: 0x0000030a
149 ebx: 0x05aa34d4
150 ecx: 0x00000014
151 edx: 0xfffa0000
152 esi: 0x1825ba38
153 edi: 0x18fccb90
154 cs: 0x001b
155 ds: 0x0023
156 es: 0x0023
157 fs: 0x0063
158 gs: 0x0023
159 ss: 0x0023
160 st0: 1.16e+03
161 st1: 0
162 st2: 0
163 st3: 5
164 st4: 908
165 st5: 0.99
166 st6: 1.8e+308
167 st7: 1.62e+09
168 mm0: {0, 0, 0, 0x90e0}
169 mm1: {0, 0, 0, 0}
170 mm2: {0, 0, 0, 0}
171 mm3: {0, 0, 0, 0xa000}
172 mm4: {0, 0, 0, 0xe300}
173 mm5: {0, 0, 0xa400, 0xfd70}
174 mm6: {0xf800, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff}
175 mm7: {0x8800, 0xa7aa, 0x2cf3, 0xc0e1}
176 xmm0: {0, 0x4000, 0xdf03, 0x401e, 0, 0, 0, 0}
177 xmm1: {0, 0, 0, 0x4014, 0, 0, 0, 0}
178 xmm2: {0xc000, 0x78c6, 0x1ed1, 0x1, 0, 0, 0, 0}
179 xmm3: {0, 0x4a80, 0xb385, 0x5f, 0, 0, 0, 0}
180 xmm4: {0x2f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
181 xmm5: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
182 xmm6: {0, 0x6000, 0x3941, 0x89f9, 0, 0, 0x4000, 0x9a42}
183 xmm7: {0xfb1f, 0xf4fd, 0, 0, 0xd9a6, 0xd472, 0, 0}
185Loaded Images:
186 ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name
187 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 1022467 0x003c5000 0x00587000 0x00587000 0x005a3000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libcrypto.so.1.1
189 1022470 0x005a3000 0x005b4000 0x005b4000 0x005b5000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libroot-addon-icu.so
190 1022458 0x005c1000 0x005c7000 0x005c7000 0x005c8000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libbsd.so
191 1022437 0x009d3000 0x00cce000 0x00cce000 0x00ce9000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libbe.so
192 1022457 0x00cec000 0x00cfc000 0x00cfc000 0x00cfe000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libtasn1.so.6.6.0
193 1022454 0x00cff000 0x00d02000 0x00d02000 0x00d03000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libwebpdemux.so.2.0.6
194 1022441 0x00d09000 0x00d1d000 0x00d1d000 0x00d1e000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libtranslation.so
195 1022507 0x00dbd000 0x00dc5000 0x00dc5000 0x00dc7000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libintl.so.8.1.5
196 1022465 0x00dd5000 0x00e00000 0x00e00000 0x00e33000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicutu.so.57.2
197 1022510 0x00e57000 0x00e7d000 0x00e7d000 0x00e7f000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libgraphite2.so.3.2.1
198 1022439 0x00ff7000 0x0105c000 0x0105c000 0x01060000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libbnetapi.so
199 1022438 0x01064000 0x0109b000 0x0109b000 0x010a3000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libnetwork.so
200 1022434 0x010c7000 0x01151000 0x01151000 0x01157000 app /boot/system/apps/WebPositive
201 1022449 0x01170000 0x0145a000 0x0145a000 0x01467000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicui18n.so.66.1
202 1022442 0x014c9000 0x015b6000 0x015b6000 0x015f6000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libroot.so
203 1022480 0x015f6000 0x01606000 0x01606000 0x01608000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libbz2.so.1.0.8
204 1022453 0x0168b000 0x016a3000 0x016a3000 0x016a4000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libz.so.1.2.11
205 1022452 0x01728000 0x0175c000 0x0175c000 0x0175e000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libxslt.so.1.1.34
206 1022440 0x017af000 0x01955000 0x01955000 0x01963000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libtracker.so
207 1022448 0x019ba000 0x019bb000 0x019bb000 0x019bc000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicudata.so.66.1
208 1022446 0x01a3d000 0x01ac9000 0x01ac9000 0x01acb000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libjpeg.so.62.3.0
209 1022469 0x01acf000 0x01ae9000 0x01ae9000 0x01aea000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libgpg-error.so.0.27.0
210 1022436 0x01b20000 0x01c74000 0x01c74000 0x01c82000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libstdc++.so.6.0.25
211 1022460 0x01cbc000 0x01cc6000 0x01cc6000 0x01cc7000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libexecinfo.so
212 1022450 0x01cd3000 0x01e8f000 0x01e8f000 0x01e9d000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicuuc.so.66.1
213 1022444 0x01eed000 0x02011000 0x02011000 0x02019000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libxml2.so.2.9.10
214 1022464 0x0204e000 0x02057000 0x02057000 0x02059000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicuio.so.57.2
215 1022445 0x0206b000 0x02096000 0x02096000 0x02097000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libpng16.so.16.37.0
216 1022443 0x0209c000 0x020b4000 0x020b4000 0x020b5000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libgcc_s.so.1
217 1022468 0x020b8000 0x02124000 0x02124000 0x0212d000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libssl.so.1.1
218 1022451 0x02155000 0x0224e000 0x0224e000 0x02253000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6
219 1022455 0x02297000 0x022fe000 0x022fe000 0x02301000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libwebp.so.7.1.0
220 1022433 0x0230e000 0x0232d000 0x0232d000 0x02331000 lib /boot/system/runtime_loader
221 1022461 0x02365000 0x0240d000 0x0240d000 0x02414000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libmedia.so
222 1022511 0x0241e000 0x02464000 0x02464000 0x02465000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libpcre.so.1.2.12
223 1022459 0x02466000 0x0255c000 0x0255c000 0x0255e000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libtextencoding.so
224 1022466 0x025d6000 0x02756000 0x02756000 0x02762000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicuuc.so.57.2
225 1022456 0x02763000 0x0281b000 0x0281b000 0x02820000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libgcrypt.so.20.2.5
226 1022484 0x02825000 0x02903000 0x02903000 0x02904000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libiconv.so.2.6.1
227 1022435 0x02914000 0x04a21000 0x04a21000 0x04b43000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libWebKitLegacy.so.1.7.0
228 1022463 0x04c96000 0x04f10000 0x04f10000 0x04f1c000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicui18n.so.57.2
229 1022447 0x050e2000 0x05a8a000 0x05a8a000 0x05ab6000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libJavaScriptCore.so.18.7.4
230 1022462 0x05c18000 0x07498000 0x07498000 0x07499000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libicudata.so.57.2
231 1022503 0x1187e000 0x11919000 0x11919000 0x1191e000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libfreetype.so.6.17.4
232 1022506 0x11b8f000 0x11c97000 0x11c97000 0x11c99000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libharfbuzz.so.0.20704.0
233 1022509 0x11eb7000 0x11fb0000 0x11fb0000 0x11fb2000 lib /boot/system/lib/x86/libglib-2.0.so.0.6200.0
234 1022432 0x609f6000 0x609fe000 0x00000000 0x00000000 system commpage
237 ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name
238 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 4077151 0x003c5000 0x00587000 1800 r-x none libcrypto.so.1.1_seg0ro
240 4077152 0x00587000 0x005a1000 104 rw- none libcrypto.so.1.1_seg1rw
241 4077153 0x005a1000 0x005a3000 8 rw- none libcrypto.so.1.1_seg2rw
242 4077247 0x005a3000 0x005b4000 68 r-x none libroot-addon-icu.so_seg0ro
243 4077248 0x005b4000 0x005b5000 4 rw- none libroot-addon-icu.so_seg1rw
244 4077131 0x005c1000 0x005c7000 24 r-x none libbsd.so_seg0ro
245 4077132 0x005c7000 0x005c8000 4 rw- none libbsd.so_seg1rw
246 4077071 0x005ec000 0x005fc000 64 rw- none rld heap
247 4077081 0x009d3000 0x00cce000 3052 r-x none libbe.so_seg0ro
248 4077082 0x00cce000 0x00ce8000 104 rw- none libbe.so_seg1rw
249 4077083 0x00ce8000 0x00ce9000 4 rw- none libbe.so_seg2rw
250 4077128 0x00cec000 0x00cfc000 64 r-x none libtasn1.so.6.6.0_seg0ro
251 4077129 0x00cfc000 0x00cfd000 4 rw- none libtasn1.so.6.6.0_seg1rw
252 4077130 0x00cfd000 0x00cfe000 4 rw- none libtasn1.so.6.6.0_seg2rw
253 4077121 0x00cff000 0x00d02000 12 r-x none libwebpdemux.so.2.0.6_seg0ro
254 4077122 0x00d02000 0x00d03000 4 rw- none libwebpdemux.so.2.0.6_seg1rw
255 4077091 0x00d09000 0x00d1d000 80 r-x none libtranslation.so_seg0ro
256 4077092 0x00d1d000 0x00d1e000 4 rw- none libtranslation.so_seg1rw
257 4077072 0x00d73000 0x00d74000 4 rw-cS none _rld_debug_
258 4077158 0x00db0000 0x00db8000 32 rw- none rld heap
259 4077359 0x00dbd000 0x00dc5000 32 r-x none libintl.so.8.1.5_seg0ro
260 4077360 0x00dc5000 0x00dc7000 8 rw- none libintl.so.8.1.5_seg1rw
261 4077159 0x00dca000 0x00dd2000 32 rw- none rld heap
262 4077146 0x00dd5000 0x00e00000 172 r-x none libicutu.so.57.2_seg0ro
263 4077147 0x00e00000 0x00e01000 4 rw- none libicutu.so.57.2_seg1rw
264 4077148 0x00e01000 0x00e33000 200 rw- none libicutu.so.57.2_seg2rw
265 4077366 0x00e57000 0x00e7d000 152 r-x none libgraphite2.so.3.2.1_seg0ro
266 4077367 0x00e7d000 0x00e7f000 8 rw- none libgraphite2.so.3.2.1_seg1rw
267 4077160 0x00f21000 0x00f31000 64 rw- none rld heap
268 4077161 0x00fde000 0x00fee000 64 rw- none rld heap
269 4077087 0x00ff7000 0x0105c000 404 r-x none libbnetapi.so_seg0ro
270 4077088 0x0105c000 0x01060000 16 rw- none libbnetapi.so_seg1rw
271 4077084 0x01064000 0x0109b000 220 r-x none libnetwork.so_seg0ro
272 4077085 0x0109b000 0x0109e000 12 rw- none libnetwork.so_seg1rw
273 4077086 0x0109e000 0x010a3000 20 rw- none libnetwork.so_seg2rw
274 4077073 0x010c7000 0x01151000 552 r-x none WebPositive_seg0ro
275 4077074 0x01151000 0x01157000 24 rw- none WebPositive_seg1rw
276 4077110 0x01170000 0x0145a000 2984 r-x none libicui18n.so.66.1_seg0ro
277 4077111 0x0145a000 0x01467000 52 rw- none libicui18n.so.66.1_seg1rw
278 4077162 0x01470000 0x014c8000 352 rw- none rld heap
279 4077093 0x014c9000 0x015b6000 948 r-x none libroot.so_seg0ro
280 4077094 0x015b6000 0x015c0000 40 rw- none libroot.so_seg1rw
281 4077095 0x015c0000 0x015f6000 216 rw- none libroot.so_seg2rw
282 4077299 0x015f6000 0x01606000 64 r-x none libbz2.so.1.0.8_seg0ro
283 4077300 0x01606000 0x01608000 8 rw- none libbz2.so.1.0.8_seg1rw
284 4077163 0x0160b000 0x01663000 352 rw- none rld heap
285 4077172 0x01673000 0x01677000 16 rw- none libgcrypt.so.20 mmap area
286 4077201 0x0167d000 0x01685000 32 rw-S none libsqlite3.so.0 mmap area
287 4077119 0x0168b000 0x016a3000 96 r-x none libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
288 4077120 0x016a3000 0x016a4000 4 rw- none libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
289 4077117 0x01728000 0x0175c000 208 r-x none libxslt.so.1.1.34_seg0ro
290 4077118 0x0175c000 0x0175e000 8 rw- none libxslt.so.1.1.34_seg1rw
291 4077089 0x017af000 0x01955000 1688 r-x none libtracker.so_seg0ro
292 4077090 0x01955000 0x01963000 56 rw- none libtracker.so_seg1rw
293 4077108 0x019ba000 0x019bb000 4 r-x none libicudata.so.66.1_seg0ro
294 4077109 0x019bb000 0x019bc000 4 rw- none libicudata.so.66.1_seg1rw
295 4077103 0x01a3d000 0x01ac9000 560 r-x none libjpeg.so.62.3.0_seg0ro
296 4077104 0x01ac9000 0x01acb000 8 rw- none libjpeg.so.62.3.0_seg1rw
297 4077156 0x01acf000 0x01ae9000 104 r-x none libgpg-error.so.0.27.0_seg0ro
298 4077157 0x01ae9000 0x01aea000 4 rw- none libgpg-error.so.0.27.0_seg1rw
299 4077078 0x01b20000 0x01c74000 1360 r-x none libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg0ro
300 4077079 0x01c74000 0x01c7b000 28 rw- none libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg1rw
301 4077080 0x01c7b000 0x01c82000 28 rw- none libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg2rw
302 4077135 0x01cbc000 0x01cc6000 40 r-x none libexecinfo.so_seg0ro
303 4077136 0x01cc6000 0x01cc7000 4 rw- none libexecinfo.so_seg1rw
304 4077112 0x01cd3000 0x01e8f000 1776 r-x none libicuuc.so.66.1_seg0ro
305 4077113 0x01e8f000 0x01e9c000 52 rw- none libicuuc.so.66.1_seg1rw
306 4077114 0x01e9c000 0x01e9d000 4 rw- none libicuuc.so.66.1_seg2rw
307 4077098 0x01eed000 0x02011000 1168 r-x none libxml2.so.2.9.10_seg0ro
308 4077099 0x02011000 0x02018000 28 rw- none libxml2.so.2.9.10_seg1rw
309 4077100 0x02018000 0x02019000 4 rw- none libxml2.so.2.9.10_seg2rw
310 4077144 0x0204e000 0x02057000 36 r-x none libicuio.so.57.2_seg0ro
311 4077145 0x02057000 0x02059000 8 rw- none libicuio.so.57.2_seg1rw
312 4077101 0x0206b000 0x02096000 172 r-x none libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg0ro
313 4077102 0x02096000 0x02097000 4 rw- none libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg1rw
314 4077096 0x0209c000 0x020b4000 96 r-x none libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
315 4077097 0x020b4000 0x020b5000 4 rw- none libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
316 4077154 0x020b8000 0x02124000 432 r-x none libssl.so.1.1_seg0ro
317 4077155 0x02124000 0x0212d000 36 rw- none libssl.so.1.1_seg1rw
318 4077115 0x02155000 0x0224e000 996 r-x none libsqlite3.so.0.8.6_seg0ro
319 4077116 0x0224e000 0x02253000 20 rw- none libsqlite3.so.0.8.6_seg1rw
320 4077123 0x02297000 0x022fe000 412 r-x none libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg0ro
321 4077124 0x022fe000 0x022ff000 4 rw- none libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg1rw
322 4077125 0x022ff000 0x02301000 8 rw- none libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg2rw
323 4077068 0x0230e000 0x0232d000 124 r-x none runtime_loader_seg0ro
324 4077069 0x0232d000 0x0232f000 8 rw- none runtime_loader_seg1rw
325 4077070 0x0232f000 0x02331000 8 rw- none runtime_loader_bss1
326 4077137 0x02365000 0x0240d000 672 r-x none libmedia.so_seg0ro
327 4077138 0x0240d000 0x02414000 28 rw- none libmedia.so_seg1rw
328 4077368 0x0241e000 0x02464000 280 r-x none libpcre.so.1.2.12_seg0ro
329 4077369 0x02464000 0x02465000 4 rw- none libpcre.so.1.2.12_seg1rw
330 4077133 0x02466000 0x0255c000 984 r-x none libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
331 4077134 0x0255c000 0x0255e000 8 rw- none libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
332 4077149 0x025d6000 0x02756000 1536 r-x none libicuuc.so.57.2_seg0ro
333 4077150 0x02756000 0x02762000 48 rw- none libicuuc.so.57.2_seg1rw
334 4077126 0x02763000 0x0281b000 736 r-x none libgcrypt.so.20.2.5_seg0ro
335 4077127 0x0281b000 0x02820000 20 rw- none libgcrypt.so.20.2.5_seg1rw
336 4077308 0x02825000 0x02903000 888 r-x none libiconv.so.2.6.1_seg0ro
337 4077309 0x02903000 0x02904000 4 rw- none libiconv.so.2.6.1_seg1rw
338 4077075 0x02914000 0x04a21000 33844 r-x none libWebKitLegacy.so.1.7.0_seg0ro
339 4077076 0x04a21000 0x04b33000 1096 rw- none libWebKitLegacy.so.1.7.0_seg1rw
340 4077077 0x04b33000 0x04b43000 64 rw- none libWebKitLegacy.so.1.7.0_seg2rw
341 4077141 0x04c96000 0x04f10000 2536 r-x none libicui18n.so.57.2_seg0ro
342 4077142 0x04f10000 0x04f1b000 44 rw- none libicui18n.so.57.2_seg1rw
343 4077143 0x04f1b000 0x04f1c000 4 rw- none libicui18n.so.57.2_seg2rw
344 4077105 0x050e2000 0x05a8a000 9888 r-x none libJavaScriptCore.so.18.7.4_seg
345 4077106 0x05a8a000 0x05ab1000 156 rw- none libJavaScriptCore.so.18.7.4_seg
346 4077107 0x05ab1000 0x05ab6000 20 rw- none libJavaScriptCore.so.18.7.4_seg
347 4077139 0x05c18000 0x07498000 25088 r-x none libicudata.so.57.2_seg0ro
348 4077140 0x07498000 0x07499000 4 rw- none libicudata.so.57.2_seg1rw
349 4077212 0x07764000 0x07c64000 5120 rw- rw- none libJavaScriptCore.so.18 mmap ar
350 4077226 0x07c64000 0x07fb3000 3388 rw-cS none server_memory
351 4077257 0x0fdba000 0x11877000 27380 r--S none libicuuc.so.66 mmap area
352 4077350 0x1187e000 0x11919000 620 r-x none libfreetype.so.6.17.4_seg0ro
353 4077351 0x11919000 0x1191e000 20 rw- none libfreetype.so.6.17.4_seg1rw
354 4077357 0x11b8f000 0x11c97000 1056 r-x none libharfbuzz.so.0.20704.0_seg0ro
355 4077358 0x11c97000 0x11c99000 8 rw- none libharfbuzz.so.0.20704.0_seg1rw
356 4077260 0x11dbc000 0x11dbd000 4 rw- none libJavaScriptCore.so.18 mmap ar
357 4077363 0x11eb7000 0x11fb0000 996 r-x none libglib-2.0.so.0.6200.0_seg0ro
358 4077364 0x11fb0000 0x11fb1000 4 rw- none libglib-2.0.so.0.6200.0_seg1rw
359 4077365 0x11fb1000 0x11fb2000 4 rw- none libglib-2.0.so.0.6200.0_seg2rw
360 4077261 0x12290000 0x12298000 32 rw-S none libsqlite3.so.0 mmap area
361 4077164 0x18220000 0x1a810000 38848 rw-c none heap
362 4077067 0x609f6000 0x609fe000 32 r-xSk full commpage
363 4077064 0x60ea5000 0x60ea9000 16 rw-k full user area
364 4077169 0x60f25000 0x60f26000 4 rw-cS none server_memory
365 4077171 0x68f25000 0x68fa1000 496 rw-cS none server_memory
366 4077259 0x70f2a000 0x70f6f000 276 rw-s none pthread func_79015_stack
367 4077182 0x70f7d000 0x70fc2000 276 rw-s none w>Settings_78981_stack
368 4077265 0x71063000 0x710a8000 276 rw-s none pthread func_79017_stack
369 4077178 0x712a1000 0x712e6000 276 rw-s none w>Downloads_78979_stack
370 4077192 0x71301000 0x71346000 276 rw-s none sort_thread_78986_stack
371 4077066 0x71382000 0x72383000 16388 rw-s none WebPositive_78974_stack
372 4077384 0x723f5000 0x7243a000 276 rw-s none pthread func_79024_stack
373 4077216 0x7251f000 0x72564000 276 rw-s none w>WebPositive_78997_stack
374 4077198 0x72713000 0x72758000 276 rw-s none w>TrackerWindow_78989_stack
375 4077174 0x729fa000 0x72a3f000 276 rw-s none pthread func_78977_stack
377Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel
380 ID Count Last Holder Name
381 ------------------------------------------------------------
382 3017266 0 78997 WebPositive
383 3017343 0 697 BMessageQueue Lock
384 3017357 0 -697 BMessageQueue Lock
385 3017363 0 654 virtual directory manager
386 3017365 0 697 offscreen bitmap
387 3017375 0 697 some BLocker
388 3017392 0 654 synchronized hash map
389 3017500 0 78979 Downloads
390 3017501 0 697 BMessageQueue Lock
391 3017517 0 654 BMessageQueue Lock
392 3017527 0 654 BMessageQueue Lock
393 3017528 0 -697 browsing history
394 3017531 0 654 synchronized hash map
395 3017541 0 697 offscreen bitmap
396 3077087 0 697 BMessageQueue Lock
397 3207165 0 -697 Tracker node icon cache
398 3207807 0 697 some BLocker
399 3207873 0 697 add-on manager
400 3207990 0 702 media plugin manager
401 3208540 0 697 some BLocker
402 3208715 0 697 some BLocker
403 3208836 0 697 font list
404 3208858 0 702 AppLooperPort
405 3208893 0 654 Script console
406 3208894 0 697 some BLocker
407 3208901 0 697 synchronized hash map
408 3208902 0 654 some BLocker
409 3208918 0 697 some BLocker
410 3208928 0 697 BMessageQueue Lock
411 3208930 0 654 port pool
412 3208931 0 697 shared buffer list
413 3208933 0 78979 BLooperList lock
414 3208935 0 697 BMessageQueue Lock
415 3208937 0 78974 BMessageQueue Lock
416 3208985 0 697 screen list
417 3208989 0 78989 TrackerWindow
418 3208991 0 697 media theme lock
419 3208993 0 697 persistent credential storage
420 3208994 0 654 Catalog
421 3209012 0 654 DNS cache
422 3209013 0 78997 AppServerLink_sLock
423 3209015 0 77944 clipboard
424 3209016 0 78974 token space
425 3209017 0 77941 synchronized hash map
426 3209020 0 704 Catalog
427 3209028 0 697 some BLocker
428 3209031 0 697 Settings
429 3209033 0 697 some BLocker
430 3209053 0 697 some BLocker
431 3209057 0 697 synchronized hash map
432 3209058 -1 697 Cookie manager
433 3209061 0 697 PeriodicUpdatePoses
434 3209066 0 78994 LocaleRosterData
435 3209067 0 77942 BMediaRoster::Roster locker
436 3209069 0 654 some BLocker
437 3209073 0 697 Catalog
438 3209078 0 697 some BLocker
439 3209083 0 697 undo
440 3209084 0 654 some BLocker
441 3209086 0 654 some BLocker
442 3209091 0 697 Light Lock
443 3209092 0 78981 some BBlockCache lock
444 3209094 0 697 Light Lock
445 3209096 0 704 credential storage
446 3209112 0 697 synchronized hash map
447 3209115 0 654 width buffer
448 3209172 0 697 Tracker shared icon cache
449 3209191 0 -654 BMessageQueue Lock
450 3209209 0 697 Catalog
451 3209218 0 697 tool tip manager
452 3209252 0 654 BMessageQueue Lock
453 3209273 0 78997 offscreen bitmap
454 3210387 0 697 format manager
455 3210412 0 697 anonymous looper
456 3210591 0 697 BMessageQueue Lock
457 3210598 0 697 anonymous looper
458 3210600 0 697 synchronized hash map
459 3210605 0 697 synchronized hash map
460 3210633 0 697 some BLocker
461 3210735 0 654 BMessageQueue Lock