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97 | <h1><a href="/ticket/7530">Ticket #7530</a>:
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101 | <th scope="col">
102 | File screenshot-new.png, <span title="283308 bytes">276.7 KB</span>
103 | (added by <span class="trac-author-user">bitigchi</span>, <a class="timeline" href="/timeline?from=2021-07-09T19%3A01%3A57%2B03%3A00&precision=second" title="See timeline at 07/09/21 19:01:57">3 days ago</a>) </th>
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114 | <div class="image-file"><img alt="screenshot-new.png" src="/raw-attachment/ticket/7530/screenshot-new.png"></div>
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126 | <h3>Download in other formats:</h3>
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