Ticket #17744: PANIC

File PANIC, 1.9 KB (added by madmason, 2 years ago)

syslog panic

1KERN: PANIC: calculated irq routing doesn't match bios for PCI 2:0:0
2KERN: Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
3KERN: Thread 1 "idle thread 1" running on CPU 0
4KERN: stack trace for thread 1 "idle thread 1"
5KERN: kernel stack: 0xffffffff81001000 to 0xffffffff81005000
6KERN: frame caller <image>:function + offset
7KERN: 0 ffffffff810049b8 (+ 24) ffffffff8014510c <kernel_x86_64> arch_debug_call_with_fault_handler() + 0x16
8KERN: 1 ffffffff810049d0 (+ 80) ffffffff800a9108 <kernel_x86_64> debug_call_with_fault_handler() + 0x88
9KERN: 2 ffffffff81004a20 (+ 96) ffffffff800aaa91 <kernel_x86_64> _ZL20kernel_debugger_loopPKcS0_P13__va_list_tagi() + 0xf1
10KERN: 3 ffffffff81004a80 (+ 80) ffffffff800aad8e <kernel_x86_64> _ZL24kernel_debugger_internalPKcS0_P13__va_list_tagi() + 0x6e
11KERN: 4 ffffffff81004ad0 (+ 240) ffffffff800ab0f7 <kernel_x86_64> panic() + 0xb7
12KERN: 5 ffffffff81004bc0 (+ 208) ffffffff80156713 <kernel_x86_64> _ZL28ensure_all_functions_matchedP15pci_module_infohR6VectorI17irq_routing_entryES4_RS1_I11pci_addressE() + 0x4f3
13KERN: 6 ffffffff81004c90 (+ 208) ffffffff801565d5 <kernel_x86_64> _ZL28ensure_all_functions_matchedP15pci_module_infohR6VectorI17irq_routing_entryES4_RS1_I11pci_addressE() + 0x3b5
14KERN: 7 ffffffff81004d60 (+ 400) ffffffff801568ec <kernel_x86_64> _ZL22read_irq_routing_tableP16acpi_module_infoR6VectorI17irq_routing_entryEPFbiE() + 0x1ac
15KERN: 8 ffffffff81004ef0 (+ 48) ffffffff801573db <kernel_x86_64> _Z19prepare_irq_routingP16acpi_module_infoR6VectorI17irq_routing_entryEPFbiE() + 0x1b
16KERN: 9 ffffffff81004f20 (+ 144) ffffffff80155147 <kernel_x86_64> _Z11ioapic_initP11kernel_args() + 0x177
17KERN: 10 ffffffff81004fb0 (+ 32) ffffffff80150119 <kernel_x86_64> arch_int_init_io() + 0x19
18KERN: 11 ffffffff81004fd0 (+ 32) ffffffff80062b44 <kernel_x86_64> _start() + 0x244
19KERN: 12 ffffffff81004ff0 (+2130685968) 0000000000016eea