Ticket #18439: remove-icon-ligatures.js

File remove-icon-ligatures.js, 3.6 KB (added by madmax, 11 months ago)

Gerrit js plugin to replace icon names with their corresponding characters

1Gerrit.install(plugin => {
2 const style = document.createElement('style');
3 style.innerHTML = `
4 @font-face {
5 font-family: 'Material Symbols Outlined';
6 font-style: normal;
7 src: url('https://haiku.movingborders.es/testbuild/test/material-icons.woff') format('woff');
8 }
9 `;
10 document.head.appendChild(style);
12 // Full list: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/variablefont/MaterialSymbolsOutlined%5BFILL%2CGRAD%2Copsz%2Cwght%5D.codepoints
13 const ligatures = {
14 'alternate_email': '\ue0e6',
15 'arrow_drop_down': '\ue5c5',
16 'arrow_drop_up': '\ue5c7',
17 'arrow_forward': '\ue5c8',
18 'arrow_right_alt': '\ue941',
19 'block': '\uf326',
20 'bug_report': '\ue868',
21 'calendar_view_day': '\ue936',
22 'cancel': '\ue888',
23 'chat_bubble': '\ue0cb',
24 'check': '\ue5ca',
25 'check_circle': '\ue86c',
26 'chevron_left': '\ue5cb',
27 'chevron_right': '\ue5cc',
28 'close': '\ue5cd',
29 'code': '\ue86f',
30 'content_copy': '\ue14d',
31 'delete': '\ue872',
32 'description': '\ue873',
33 'done_all': '\ue877',
34 'download': '\uf090',
35 'edit': '\uf345',
36 'empty_dashboard': '\uf844',
37 'error': '\uf8b6',
38 'expand': '\ue94f',
39 'expand_all': '\ue946',
40 'expand_less': '\ue5ce',
41 'expand_more': '\ue5cf',
42 'file_present': '\uea0e',
43 'filter_alt': '\uef4f',
44 'help': '\ue8fd',
45 'history': '\ue8b3',
46 'image': '\ue3f4',
47 'info': '\ue88e',
48 'label_important': '\ue948',
49 'lightbulb': '\ue90f',
50 'link': '\ue250',
51 'mark_chat_read': '\uf18b',
52 'mode_comment': '\ue253',
53 'more_horiz': '\ue5d3',
54 'more_vert': '\ue5d4',
55 'move_item': '\uf1ff',
56 'new_releases': '\uef76',
57 'open_in_new': '\ue89e',
58 'pause': '\ue034',
59 'pending_actions': '\uf1bb',
60 'play_arrow': '\ue037',
61 'publish': '\ue255',
62 'published_with_changes': '\uf232',
63 'rate_review': '\ue560',
64 'rebase': '\uf845',
65 'rebase_edit': '\uf846',
66 'schedule': '\uefd6',
67 'search': '\ue8b6',
68 'settings': '\ue8b8',
69 'star': '\ue838',//\ue885,
70 'stop': '\ue047',
71 'style': '\ue41d',
72 'swap_horiz': '\ue8d4',
73 'system_update': '\uf072',
74 'timelapse': '\ue422',
75 'undo': '\ue166',
76 'view_column_2': '\uf847',
77 'visibility': '\ue8f4',
78 'warning': '\uf083',
79 };
81 function replaceIcon(element) {
82 const name = element.icon;
83 if (name == 'star' || name == '\ue838' || name == '\ue885')
84 element.icon = element.filled ? '\ue838' : '\ue885';
85 else {
86 const glyph = ligatures[name];
87 if (glyph != undefined)
88 element.icon = glyph;
89 else if (name && name.length > 1)
90 console.log('Unknown icon name:', name);
91 }
92 }
94 function newIcon(icon) {
95 replaceIcon(icon);
96 iconObserver.observe(icon, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['icon', 'filled']});
97 }
99 function iconMutation(mutationList, observer) {
100 for (const mutation of mutationList)
101 replaceIcon(mutation.target);
102 }
104 function newFragment(fragment) {
105 fragmentObserver.observe(fragment, {childList: true, subtree: true});
106 replaceIcons(fragment);
107 }
109 function replaceIcons(root = document.body) {
110 if (typeof root.querySelectorAll != 'function') return;
111 if (root.nodeName == 'GR-ICON')
112 newIcon(root);
113 else {
114 for (const icon of root.querySelectorAll('GR-ICON'))
115 newIcon(icon);
116 if (root.shadowRoot)
117 newFragment(root.shadowRoot);
118 for (const element of root.querySelectorAll('*')) {
119 if (element.shadowRoot)
120 newFragment(element.shadowRoot);
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 function fragmentMutation(mutationList, observer) {
126 for (const mutation of mutationList) {
127 for (const node of mutation.addedNodes)
128 replaceIcons(node);
129 }
130 }
132 const iconObserver = new MutationObserver(iconMutation);
134 const fragmentObserver = new MutationObserver(fragmentMutation);
136 addEventListener('load', (event) => replaceIcons());