Ticket #18619: HaikuDepot_crash_on_browse

File HaikuDepot_crash_on_browse, 2.0 KB (added by grexe, 16 months ago)

relevant snippet of the application log

1@00951102 {D} <t:908> pkg [handbrake] will be updated from the server.
2@00951103 {D} <t:905> post-json; will make request to [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v2/user-rating/search-user-ratings]
3@00951369 {D} <t:905> post-json; did receive http-status [200] from [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v2/user-rating/search-user-ratings]
4@00951369 {D} <t:905> rating [92ff9ec3-a2a1-49f5-88d5-46cfe9ab0818] retrieved from server
5@00951369 {D} <t:905> did retrieve 1 user ratings for [handbrake]
6@00951370 {D} <t:905> http-get; will make request to [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkgscreenshot/0af12622-7e7d-4f66-9ab0-6f646238f7ea.png?tw=320&th=251]
7@00951802 {D} <t:905> http-get; did receive http-status [200] from [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__pkgscreenshot/0af12622-7e7d-4f66-9ab0-6f646238f7ea.png?tw=320&th=251]
8@00951803 {D} <t:905> populating package [handbrake]
9@00951803 {D} <t:908> did find screenshot for package [handbrake]
10@00954106 {I} <t:908> adding and starting a process coordinator [IncrementViewCounter]
11@00954106 {I} <t:908> [Node<IncrementViewCounterProcess>] initiating threaded
12@00954106 {I} <t:942> [Node<IncrementViewCounterProcess>] starting process in thread
13@00955118 {D} <t:942> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer
14@00955118 {D} <t:942> post-json; will make request to [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v2/pkg/increment-view-counter]
15@00955336 {D} <t:942> post-json; did receive http-status [200] from [https://depot.haiku-os.org/__api/v2/pkg/increment-view-counter]
16@00955336 {I} <t:942> did increment the view counter for [handbrake]
17@00956911 {D} <t:942> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer
18@00956911 {I} <t:942> [Node<IncrementViewCounterProcess>] finished process in thread 2.805202 seconds
19@00963991 {D} <t:942> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer
20@00963992 {D} <t:908> [Coordinator] will run deferred coordination
21@00963992 {I} <t:908> process coordinator [IncrementViewCounter] did complete