1 | 47238: DEBUGGER: _numBlocks > 0
2 | debug_server: Thread 47238 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `_numBlocks > 0'
3 | stack trace, current PC 0xffff0114 :
4 | (0x782c999c) 0x9ea201 __assert_fail + 0x51
5 | (0x782c99cc) 0xa59deb moveSuperblock__Q28BPrivate9hoardHeapPQ28BPrivate10superblockiii + 0x273
6 | (0x782c99fc) 0xa5a41f freeBlock__Q28BPrivate9hoardHeapRPQ28BPrivate5blockRPQ28BPrivate10superblockiPQ28BPrivate11processHeap + 0x48f
7 | (0x782c9a5c) 0xa5b25a free__Q28BPrivate11processHeapPv + 0x1ee
8 | (0x782c9aac) 0xa5c991 free + 0xb1
9 | (0x782c9adc) 0x5bbb32 _FreePrivateData__7BString + 0x2a
10 | (0x782c9b0c) 0x5b6ffe _._7BString + 0x4e
11 | (0x782c9b3c) 0x4da41a GetTruncatedStrings__C5BFontPPCclUlfPPc + 0x132
12 | (0x782c9b7c) 0x2ca473 MenusBeginning__4PDoc + 0x633
13 | (0x782c9c2c) 0x4f3641 StartMenuBar__8BMenuBarlbT2P5BRect + 0xa1
14 | (0x782c9c8c) 0x4f336d MouseDown__8BMenuBarG6BPoint + 0xb5
15 | (0x782c9ccc) 0x557357 DispatchMessage__7BWindowP8BMessageP8BHandler + 0xff7
16 | (0x782c9edc) 0x2c7de9 DispatchMessage__4PDocP8BMessageP8BHandler + 0x4d
17 | (0x782c9f1c) 0x55c044 task_looper__7BWindow + 0x270
18 | (0x782c9f7c) 0x49855b _task0___7BLooperPv + 0x3f
19 | (0x782c9fac) 0x9e3fe6 thread_entry + 0x36
20 | debug_server: Killing team 9982 (/boot/apps/Pe/Pe)
21 | debug_server: TeamDebugHandler::Init(): Failed to get info for team 9982: Operation on invalid team
22 | debug_server: KillTeam(): Error getting info for team 9982: Operation on invalid team
23 | debug_server: Killing team 9982 ()
24 |
25 |
26 | ------------------
27 |
28 |
29 | 52768: DEBUGGER: _numBlocks > 0
30 | debug_server: Thread 52768 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `_numBlocks > 0'
31 | stack trace, current PC 0xffff0114 :
32 | (0x70db496c) 0x79f201 __assert_fail + 0x51
33 | (0x70db499c) 0x812794 isValid__Q28BPrivate10superblock + 0x3c
34 | (0x70db49cc) 0x80e479 removeMaxSuperblock__Q28BPrivate9hoardHeapi + 0xc59
35 | (0x70db4a1c) 0x81130c malloc__Q28BPrivate10threadHeapUl + 0xa50
36 | (0x70db4a6c) 0x8116b0 malloc + 0x154
37 | (0x70db4a9c) 0x812434 realloc + 0x114
38 | (0x70db4acc) 0x476650 _SetSize__7BRegionl + 0xa0
39 | (0x70db4afc) 0x476e2f miRegionOp__Q27BRegion7SupportP7BRegionPC7BRegionT2PFP7BRegionP13clipping_rectP13clipping_rectP13clipping_rectP13clipping_rectii_iPFP7BRegionP13clipping_rectP13clipping_rectii_iT5 + 0x63
40 | (0x70db4b4c) 0x4774dd XUnionRegion__Q27BRegion7SupportPC7BRegionT1P7BRegion + 0xf9
41 | (0x70db4b8c) 0x476186 Include__7BRegionPC7BRegion + 0x32
42 | (0x70db4bec) 0x29c1d6 ProcessDirtyRegion__6WindowR7BRegion + 0x52
43 | (0x70db4c1c) 0x25cba6 _TriggerWindowRedrawing__7DesktopR7BRegion + 0x6a
44 | (0x70db4c5c) 0x25a136 MarkDirty__7DesktopR7BRegion + 0x4e
45 | (0x70db4c8c) 0x29d7ba SetFocus__6Windowb + 0x5a
46 | (0x70db4ccc) 0x259db7 SetFocusWindow__7DesktopP6Window + 0x1d7
47 | (0x70db4d1c) 0x2582c6 HideWindow__7DesktopP6Window + 0x156
48 | (0x70db4d9c) 0x28c96b _Hide__12ServerWindow + 0x63
49 | (0x70db4dcc) 0x28d648 _DispatchMessage__12ServerWindowlRQ28BPrivate12LinkReceiver + 0x1c8
50 | (0x70db4efc) 0x294896 _MessageLooper__12ServerWindow + 0x28e
51 | (0x70db4f7c) 0x273aac _message_thread__13MessageLooperPv + 0x28
52 | (0x70db4fac) 0x798fe6 thread_entry + 0x36
53 |
54 | ---------
55 |
56 |
57 | 219: DEBUGGER: _numBlocks > 0
58 | debug_server: Thread 219 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `_numBlocks > 0'
59 | stack trace, current PC 0xffff0114 :
60 | (0x7ffed4fc) 0x1a76201 __assert_fail + 0x51
61 | (0x7ffed52c) 0x1ae5deb moveSuperblock__Q28BPrivate9hoardHeapPQ28BPrivate10superblockiii + 0x273
62 | (0x7ffed55c) 0x1ae824b malloc__Q28BPrivate10threadHeapUl + 0x98f
63 | (0x7ffed5bc) 0x1ae86b0 malloc + 0x154
64 | (0x7ffed5ec) 0x6b8c4a JS_malloc + 0x2a
65 | (0x7ffed61c) 0x73edc3 js_NewScope + 0x23
66 | (0x7ffed64c) 0x73ed2f js_GetMutableScope + 0x4f
67 | (0x7ffed68c) 0x709a08 js_DefineNativeProperty + 0x1e8
68 | (0x7ffed6ec) 0x6e8b38 js_GetCallObject + 0x438 (closest symbol)
69 | (0x7ffed75c) 0x70a036 js_LookupPropertyWithFlags + 0x326
70 | (0x7ffed7fc) 0x70dbd3 js_LookupProperty + 0x33
71 | (0x7ffed83c) 0x6e88c0 js_GetCallObject + 0x1c0 (closest symbol)
72 | (0x7ffed88c) 0x6eafe0 js_PutCallObject + 0x40
73 | (0x7ffed8cc) 0x6f1463 js_Invoke + 0xbe3
74 | (0x7ffed9bc) 0x6e99ab js_fun_toString + 0x3eb (closest symbol)
75 | (0x7ffed9fc) 0x6f1341 js_Invoke + 0xac1
76 | (0x7ffedafc) 0x6fa0ff js_Interpret + 0x7aff
77 | (0x7ffedc9c) 0x6f13c9 js_Invoke + 0xb49
78 | (0x7ffedd8c) 0x6e9c6a js_fun_toString + 0x6aa (closest symbol)
79 | (0x7ffedddc) 0x6f1341 js_Invoke + 0xac1
80 | (0x7ffededc) 0x6fa0ff js_Interpret + 0x7aff
81 | (0x7ffee07c) 0x6f13c9 js_Invoke + 0xb49
82 | (0x7ffee16c) 0x6e9c6a js_fun_toString + 0x6aa (closest symbol)
83 | (0x7ffee1bc) 0x6f1341 js_Invoke + 0xac1
84 | (0x7ffee2bc) 0x6fa0ff js_Interpret + 0x7aff
85 | (0x7ffee45c) 0x6f13c9 js_Invoke + 0xb49
86 | (0x7ffee54c) 0x6e9c6a js_fun_toString + 0x6aa (closest symbol)
87 | (0x7ffee59c) 0x6f1341 js_Invoke + 0xac1
88 | (0x7ffee69c) 0x6fa0ff js_Interpret + 0x7aff
89 | (0x7ffee83c) 0x6f13c9 js_Invoke + 0xb49
90 | (0x7ffee92c) 0x6f1617 js_InternalInvoke + 0xc7
91 | (0x7ffee9dc) 0x6bbaa7 JS_CallFunctionValue + 0x37
92 | (0x7ffeea1c) 0xd0da09 CallEventHandler__11nsJSContextP8JSObjectT1UiPlT4 + 0x2e9
93 | (0x7ffeea8c) 0xd22a9f RunTimeout__14nsGlobalWindowP9nsTimeout + 0x41f
94 | (0x7ffeeb7c) 0xd296f6 TimerCallback__14nsGlobalWindowP8nsITimerPv + 0x26
95 | (0x7ffeebac) 0x1702fcd Fire__11nsTimerImpl + 0x9d
96 | (0x7ffeebdc) 0x1703a40 handleTimerEvent__FP14TimerEventType + 0x80
97 | (0x7ffeec0c) 0x16fded5 PL_HandleEvent + 0x25
98 | (0x7ffeec3c) 0x16fd5fc PL_ProcessPendingEvents + 0x14c
99 | (0x7ffeec7c) 0x16ff62f ProcessPendingEvents__16nsEventQueueImpl + 0xdf
100 | (0x7ffeecbc) 0x9e18db Run__10nsAppShell + 0x15b
101 | (0x7ffeecfc) 0x104e3c5 Run__12nsAppStartup + 0x35
102 | (0x7ffeed2c) 0x6aa17a XRE_main + 0x21ba
103 | (0x7ffeef4c) 0x6a3cfa main + 0x2a
104 | (0x7ffeef7c) 0x6a3b9f _start + 0x5b
105 | (0x7ffeefac) 0x105d72 runtime_loader + 0x14a
106 | debug_server: Killing team 219 (/boot/apps/BeZillaBrowser/BeZillaBrowser http://echelog.matzon.)
107 | debug_server: TeamDebugHandler::Init(): Failed to get info for team 219: Operation on invalid team
108 | debug_server: KillTeam(): Error getting info for team 219: Operation on invalid team
109 | debug_server: Killing team 219 ()
110 |
111 | ------
112 |
113 | 103: DEBUGGER: _numBlocks > 0
114 | debug_server: Thread 103 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `_numBlocks > 0'
115 | stack trace, current PC 0xffff0114 :
116 | (0x70206abc) 0x79f201 __assert_fail + 0x51
117 | (0x70206aec) 0x812794 isValid__Q28BPrivate10superblock + 0x3c
118 | (0x70206b1c) 0x810a4c malloc__Q28BPrivate10threadHeapUl + 0x190
119 | (0x70206b6c) 0x8116b0 malloc + 0x154
120 | (0x70206b9c) 0x812347 realloc + 0x27
121 | (0x70206bcc) 0x403998 _ResizeData__8BMessageUll + 0xd0
122 | (0x70206bfc) 0x403c96 _AddField__8BMessagePCcUlbPPQ28BMessage12field_header + 0x12e
123 | (0x70206c2c) 0x403ea3 AddData__8BMessagePCcUlPCvlbl + 0x87
124 | (0x70206c7c) 0x406062 AddBool__8BMessagePCcb + 0x36
125 | (0x70206cbc) 0x29d685 Activated__6Windowb + 0x3d
126 | (0x70206d3c) 0x29d816 SetFocus__6Windowb + 0xb6
127 | (0x70206d6c) 0x259db7 SetFocusWindow__7DesktopP6Window + 0x1d7
128 | (0x70206dbc) 0x257b8c ActivateWindow__7DesktopP6Window + 0x3e4
129 | (0x70206e2c) 0x29c9ea MouseDown__6WindowP8BMessageG6BPointPl + 0x4de
130 | (0x70206e9c) 0x255603 Filter__11MouseFilterP8BMessagePP11EventTargetPlT1 + 0x103
131 | (0x70206eec) 0x264d83 _EventLoop__15EventDispatcher + 0x29f
132 | (0x70206f7c) 0x2653ef _event_looper__15EventDispatcherPv + 0x1f
133 | (0x70206fac) 0x798fe6 thread_entry + 0x36
134 | PANIC: Keyboard Requested Halt
135 |
136 | Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
137 | Thread 1 "idle thread 1" running on CPU 0
138 | kdebug> bt 103
139 | stack trace for thread 103 "event loop"
140 | kernel stack: 0x80f4d000 to 0x80f51000
141 | user stack: 0x701c7000 to 0x70207000
142 | frame caller <image>:function + offset
143 | 0 80f50774 (+ 48) 800691d7 <kernel_x86> context_switch(thread*: 0x8225d000, thread*: 0x822c5000) + 0x003f
144 | 1 80f507a4 (+ 96) 800695a8 <kernel_x86> reschedule() + 0x038c
145 | 2 80f50804 (+ 64) 8003ec99 <kernel_x86> ConditionVariableEntry<0x80f50878>::Wait(uint32: 0x20 (32), int64: 0) + 0x01a1
146 | 3 80f50844 (+ 80) 80052d6d <kernel_x86>:read_port_etc + 0x018d
147 | 4 80f50894 (+1440) 8007909a <kernel_x86> debug_debugger_message::thread_hit_debug_event_internal(0x1, int32: -2131423548, true, 0x6e722701) + 0x0322
148 | 5 80f50e34 (+ 96) 80079316 <kernel_x86> debug_debugger_message::thread_hit_debug_event(0x1, int32: -2131423548, true) + 0x002e
149 | 6 80f50e94 (+ 176) 8007c196 <kernel_x86>:_user_debugger + 0x0082
150 | 7 80f50f44 (+ 100) 800f90f2 <kernel_x86>:handle_syscall + 0x00af
151 | user iframe at 0x80f50fa8 (end = 0x80f51000)
152 | eax 0xce ebx 0x83868c ecx 0x70206a80 edx 0xffff0114
153 | esi 0x82bb64 edi 0x0 ebp 0x70206abc esp 0x80f50fdc
154 | eip 0xffff0114 eflags 0x207 user esp 0x70206a80
155 | vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
156 | 8 80f50fa8 (+ 0) ffff0114 <commpage>:commpage_syscall + 0x0004
157 | 9 70206abc (+ 48) 0079f201 </boot/system/lib/libroot.so@0x00770000>:unknown + 0x2f201
158 | 10 70206aec (+ 48) 00812794 </boot/system/lib/libroot.so@0x00770000>:unknown + 0xa2794
159 | 11 70206b1c (+ 80) 00810a4c </boot/system/lib/libroot.so@0x00770000>:unknown + 0xa0a4c
160 | 12 70206b6c (+ 48) 008116b0 </boot/system/lib/libroot.so@0x00770000>:unknown + 0xa16b0
161 | 13 70206b9c (+ 48) 00812347 </boot/system/lib/libroot.so@0x00770000>:unknown + 0xa2347
162 | 14 70206bcc (+ 48) 00403998 </boot/system/lib/libbe.so@0x0033a000>:unknown + 0xc9998
163 | 15 70206bfc (+ 48) 00403c96 </boot/system/lib/libbe.so@0x0033a000>:unknown + 0xc9c96
164 | 16 70206c2c (+ 80) 00403ea3 </boot/system/lib/libbe.so@0x0033a000>:unknown + 0xc9ea3
165 | 17 70206c7c (+ 64) 00406062 </boot/system/lib/libbe.so@0x0033a000>:unknown + 0xcc062
166 | 18 70206cbc (+ 128) 0029d685 </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x9d685
167 | 19 70206d3c (+ 48) 0029d816 </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x9d816
168 | 20 70206d6c (+ 80) 00259db7 </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x59db7
169 | 21 70206dbc (+ 112) 00257b8c </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x57b8c
170 | 22 70206e2c (+ 112) 0029c9ea </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x9c9ea
171 | 23 70206e9c (+ 80) 00255603 </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x55603
172 | 24 70206eec (+ 144) 00264d83 </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x64d83
173 | 25 70206f7c (+ 48) 002653ef </boot/system/servers/app_server@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x653ef
174 | 26 70206fac (+ 48) 00798fe6 </boot/system/lib/libroot.so@0x00770000>:unknown + 0x28fe6
175 | 27 70206fdc (+ 0) 70206fec 2409:event loop_103_stack@0x701c7000 + 0x3ffec
176 | kdebug> thread 103
177 | THREAD: 0x8225d000
178 | id: 103 (0x67)
179 | name: "event loop"
180 | all_next: 0x8223d800
181 | team_next: 0x8225e000
182 | q_next: 0x80156e00
183 | priority: 90 (next 90, I/O: -1)
184 | state: waiting
185 | next_state: waiting
186 | cpu: 0x00000000
187 | sig_pending: 0x0 (blocked: 0x0)
188 | in_kernel: 1
189 | waiting for: condition variable 0x80169a64
190 | fault_handler: 0x00000000
191 | args: 0x002653d0 0x185c6910
192 | entry: 0x00798fb0
193 | team: 0xccd2bc00, "app_server"
194 | exit.sem: 736
195 | exit.status: 0x0 (No error)
196 | exit.reason: 0x0
197 | exit.signal: 0x0
198 | exit.waiters:
199 | kernel_stack_area: 2408
200 | kernel_stack_base: 0x80f4d000
201 | user_stack_area: 2409
202 | user_stack_base: 0x701c7000
203 | user_local_storage: 0x70207000
204 | user_thread: 0x6fff0060
205 | kernel_errno: 0x0 (No error)
206 | kernel_time: 1086972
207 | user_time: 6769937
208 | flags: 0x4
209 | architecture dependant section:
210 | esp: 0x80f50718
211 | ss: 0x00000010
212 | fpu_state at 0x8225d3d0
213 | kdebug>
214 |
215 | --------
216 |
217 | 103: DEBUGGER: _numBlocks > 0
218 | debug_server: Thread 103 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `_numBlocks > 0'
219 | stack trace, current PC 0xffff0114 :
220 | (0x70206aec) 0x79f201 __assert_fail + 0x51
221 | (0x70206b1c) 0x812794 isValid__Q28BPrivate10superblock + 0x3c
222 | (0x70206b4c) 0x810a4c malloc__Q28BPrivate10threadHeapUl + 0x190
223 | (0x70206b9c) 0x8116b0 malloc + 0x154
224 | (0x70206bcc) 0x812347 realloc + 0x27
225 | (0x70206bfc) 0x403bc4 _AddField__8BMessagePCcUlbPPQ28BMessage12field_header + 0x5c
226 | (0x70206c2c) 0x403ea3 AddData__8BMessagePCcUlPCvlbl + 0x87
227 | (0x70206c7c) 0x406062 AddBool__8BMessagePCcb + 0x36
228 | (0x70206cbc) 0x29d685 Activated__6Windowb + 0x3d
229 | (0x70206d3c) 0x29d816 SetFocus__6Windowb + 0xb6
230 | (0x70206d6c) 0x259db7 SetFocusWindow__7DesktopP6Window + 0x1d7
231 | (0x70206dbc) 0x257b8c ActivateWindow__7DesktopP6Window + 0x3e4
232 | (0x70206e2c) 0x29c9ea MouseDown__6WindowP8BMessageG6BPointPl + 0x4de
233 | (0x70206e9c) 0x255603 Filter__11MouseFilterP8BMessagePP11EventTargetPlT1 + 0x103
234 | (0x70206eec) 0x264d83 _EventLoop__15EventDispatcher + 0x29f
235 | (0x70206f7c) 0x2653ef _event_looper__15EventDispatcherPv + 0x1f
236 | (0x70206fac) 0x798fe6 thread_entry + 0x36
237 | PANIC: Keyboard Requested Halt
238 |
239 | Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
240 | Thread 1 "idle thread 1" running on CPU 0
241 | kdebug> info
242 | kernel build: Feb 25 2010 14:12:49
243 | SVN revision: 35618
244 |
245 | cpu count: 2, active times:
246 | [1] 633930956
247 | [2] 631594684
248 | pages: 216956 (753600 max)
249 | sems: 3479 (65536 max)
250 | ports: 279 (4096 max)
251 | threads: 212 (4096 max)
252 | teams: 25 (2048 max)
253 | kdebug>
254 |
255 | -----
256 |
257 |