1 | #!/boot/common/bin/perl -w
2 |
3 | #
4 | # colorgcc
5 | #
6 | # Version: 1.3.2
7 | #
8 | # $Id: colorgcc,v 1.10 1999/04/29 17:15:52 jamoyers Exp $
9 | #
10 | # A wrapper to colorize the output from compilers whose messages
11 | # match the "gcc" format.
12 | #
13 | # Requires the ANSIColor module from CPAN.
14 | #
15 | # Usage:
16 | #
17 | # In a directory that occurs in your PATH _before_ the directory
18 | # where the compiler lives, create a softlink to colorgcc for
19 | # each compiler you want to colorize:
20 | #
21 | # g++ -> colorgcc
22 | # gcc -> colorgcc
23 | # cc -> colorgcc
24 | # etc.
25 | #
26 | # That's it. When "g++" is invoked, colorgcc is run instead.
27 | # colorgcc looks at the program name to figure out which compiler to run.
28 | #
29 | # The default settings can be overridden with ~/.colorgccrc.
30 | # See the comments in the sample .colorgccrc for more information.
31 | #
32 | # Note:
33 | #
34 | # colorgcc will only emit color codes if:
35 | #
36 | # (1) Its STDOUT is a tty and
37 | # (2) the value of $TERM is not listed in the "nocolor" option.
38 | #
39 | # If colorgcc colorizes the output, the compiler's STDERR will be
40 | # combined with STDOUT. Otherwise, colorgcc just passes the output from
41 | # the compiler through without modification.
42 | #
43 | # Author: Jamie Moyers <jmoyers@geeks.com>
44 | # Started: April 20, 1999
45 | # Licence: GNU Public License
46 | #
47 | # Credits:
48 | #
49 | # I got the idea for this from a script called "color_cvs":
50 | # color_cvs .03 Adrian Likins <adrian@gimp.org> <adrian@redhat.com>
51 | #
52 | # <seh4@ix.netcom.com> (Scott Harrington)
53 | # Much improved handling of compiler command line arguments.
54 | # exec compiler when not colorizing to preserve STDOUT, STDERR.
55 | # Fixed my STDIN kludge.
56 | #
57 | # <ecarotti@athena.polito.it> (Elias S. G. Carotti)
58 | # Corrected handling of text like -DPACKAGE=\"Package\"
59 | # Spotted return code bug.
60 | #
61 | # <erwin@erwin.andreasen.org> (Erwin S. Andreasen)
62 | # <schurchi@ucsd.edu> (Steve Churchill)
63 | # Return code bug fixes.
64 | #
65 | # <rik@kde.org> (Rik Hemsley)
66 | # Found STDIN bug.
67 | #
68 | # Changes:
69 | #
70 | # 1.3.2 Better handling of command line arguments to compiler.
71 | #
72 | # If we aren't colorizing output, we just exec the compiler which
73 | # preserves the original STDOUT and STDERR.
74 | #
75 | # Removed STDIN kludge. STDIN being passed correctly now.
76 | #
77 | # 1.3.1 Added kludge to copy STDIN to the compiler's STDIN.
78 | #
79 | # 1.3.0 Now correctly returns (I hope) the return code of the compiler
80 | # process as its own.
81 | #
82 | # 1.2.1 Applied patch to handle text similar to -DPACKAGE=\"Package\".
83 | #
84 | # 1.2.0 Added tty check. If STDOUT is not a tty, don't do color.
85 | #
86 | # 1.1.0 Added the "nocolor" option to turn off the color if the terminal type
87 | # ($TERM) is listed.
88 | #
89 | # 1.0.0 Initial Version
90 |
91 | use Term::ANSIColor;
92 | use IPC::Open3;
93 |
94 | sub initDefaults
95 | {
96 | $compilerPaths{"distcc"} = "/boot/common/bin/distcc_real";
97 |
98 | $nocolor{"dumb"} = "true";
99 |
100 | $colors{"srcColor"} = color("cyan");
101 | $colors{"introColor"} = color("blue");
102 |
103 | $colors{"warningFileNameColor"} = color("yellow");
104 | $colors{"warningNumberColor"} = color("yellow");
105 | $colors{"warningMessageColor"} = color("yellow");
106 |
107 | $colors{"errorFileNameColor"} = color("bold red");
108 | $colors{"errorNumberColor"} = color("bold red");
109 | $colors{"errorMessageColor"} = color("bold red");
110 | }
111 |
112 | sub loadPreferences
113 | {
114 | # Usage: loadPreferences("filename");
115 |
116 | my($filename) = @_;
117 |
118 | open(PREFS, "<$filename") || return;
119 |
120 | while(<PREFS>)
121 | {
122 | next if (m/^\#.*/); # It's a comment.
123 | next if (!m/(.*):\s*(.*)/); # It's not of the form "foo: bar".
124 |
125 | $option = $1;
126 | $value = $2;
127 |
128 | if ($option =~ m/cc|c\+\+|gcc|g\+\+/)
129 | {
130 | $compilerPaths{$option} = $value;
131 | }
132 | elsif ($option eq "nocolor")
133 | {
134 | # The nocolor option lists terminal types, separated by
135 | # spaces, not to do color on.
136 | foreach $termtype (split(/\s+/, $value))
137 | {
138 | $nocolor{$termtype} = "true";
139 | }
140 | }
141 | else
142 | {
143 | $colors{$option} = color($value);
144 | }
145 | }
146 | close(PREFS);
147 | }
148 |
149 | sub srcscan
150 | {
151 | # Usage: srcscan($text, $normalColor)
152 | # $text -- the text to colorize
153 | # $normalColor -- The escape sequence to use for non-source text.
154 |
155 | # Looks for text between ` and ', and colors it srcColor.
156 |
157 | my($line, $normalColor) = @_;
158 |
159 | my($srcon) = color("reset") . $colors{"srcColor"};
160 | my($srcoff) = color("reset") . $normalColor;
161 |
162 | $line = $normalColor . $line;
163 |
164 | # This substitute replaces `foo' with `AfooB' where A is the escape
165 | # sequence that turns on the the desired source color, and B is the
166 | # escape sequence that returns to $normalColor.
167 | $line =~ s/\`(.*?)\'/\`$srcon$1$srcoff\'/g;
168 |
169 | print($line, color("reset"));
170 | }
171 |
172 | #
173 | # Main program
174 | #
175 |
176 | # Set up default values for colors and compilers.
177 | initDefaults();
178 |
179 | # Read the configuration file, if there is one.
180 | $configFile = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.colorgccrc";
181 | if (-f $configFile)
182 | {
183 | loadPreferences($configFile);
184 | }
185 |
186 | # Figure out which compiler to invoke based on our program name.
187 | $0 =~ m%.*/(.*)$%;
188 | $progName = $1 || $0;
189 |
190 | $compiler = $compilerPaths{$progName} || $compilerPaths{"gcc"};
191 |
192 | # Get the terminal type.
193 | $terminal = $ENV{"TERM"} || "dumb";
194 |
195 | # If it's in the list of terminal types not to color, or if
196 | # we're writing to something that's not a tty, don't do color.
197 | if (! -t STDOUT || $nocolor{$terminal})
198 | {
199 | exec $compiler, @ARGV
200 | or die("Couldn't exec");
201 | }
202 |
203 | # Keep the pid of the compiler process so we can get its return
204 | # code and use that as our return code.
205 | $compiler_pid = open3('<&STDIN', \*GCCOUT, '', $compiler, @ARGV);
206 |
207 | # Colorize the output from the compiler.
208 | while(<GCCOUT>)
209 | {
210 | if (m/^(.*?):([0-9]+):(.*)$/) # filename:lineno:message
211 | {
212 | $field1 = $1 || "";
213 | $field2 = $2 || "";
214 | $field3 = $3 || "";
215 |
216 | if ($field3 =~ m/\s+warning:.*/)
217 | {
218 | # Warning
219 | print($colors{"warningFileNameColor"}, "$field1:", color("reset"));
220 | print($colors{"warningNumberColor"}, "$field2:", color("reset"));
221 | srcscan($field3, $colors{"warningMessageColor"});
222 | }
223 | else
224 | {
225 | # Error
226 | print($colors{"errorFileNameColor"}, "$field1:", color("reset"));
227 | print($colors{"errorNumberColor"}, "$field2:", color("reset"));
228 | srcscan($field3, $colors{"errorMessageColor"});
229 | }
230 | print("\n");
231 | }
232 | elsif (m/^(.*?):(.+):$/) # filename:message:
233 | {
234 | # No line number, treat as an "introductory" line of text.
235 | srcscan($_, $colors{"introColor"});
236 | }
237 | else # Anything else.
238 | {
239 | # Doesn't seem to be a warning or an error. Print normally.
240 | print(color("reset"), $_);
241 | }
242 | }
243 |
244 | # Get the return code of the compiler and exit with that.
245 | waitpid($compiler_pid, 0);
246 | exit ($? >> 8);
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |