Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#12374 assigned bug

Opening apps (by mimetype?) need to prioritise system installation — at Initial Version

Reported by: jessicah Owned by: bonefish
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Kits/Application Kit Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I have a problem where I'm doing development on a query-enabled BFS partition, building a 64-bit Haiku installation on a gcc2hybrid install.

But when Haiku tries to open apps, e.g. say in QupZilla, choosing to open a zip file (with Expander) rather than save it; or double-clicking an image file that should open with ShowImage, the query-based search for the app signature ends up finding the copies of the apps in my development tree first.

Since these apps are 64-bit, rather than native, launching the app fails:

Could not open "" with application "Expander" (Not an executable). Would you like to find some other suitable application?

Clicking on Find produces a query result with 2-3 copies of all apps that can handle the filetype, e.g.:

  • ~/projects/haiku/generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/apps/expander/Expander
  • ~/projects/haiku/generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/packaging/packages_build/regular/hpkg_-haiku.hpkg/contents/apps/Expander
  • /boot/system/apps/Expander

The registrar (I think?) needs to prioritise the system apps, rather than blindly selecting the first matching entry of the query.

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