Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #13669, comment 38

Jun 2, 2021, 8:43:25 PM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #13669, comment 38

    initial v1  
    11Ah yes, that's correct. I saw something myself as well: I re-enabled the default modeline setup from this driver, where for 1920x1080 I had a 'tighter' modeline (from my own screen) in the driver.
    3 Both should work of course -but- the default line @60Hz requires 3 lanes, where 'my' line just 2. Since the BIOS sets it up for the native modeline from your screen, and that's apparantly also tigher than Haiku's default modeline: therefore the BIOS sets 2 lanes.
     3Both should work of course -but- the default line @60Hz requires 3 lanes, where 'my' line just 2. Since the BIOS sets it up for the native modeline from your screen, and that's apparantly also tighter than Haiku's default modeline: therefore the BIOS sets 2 lanes.
    55The fact that the driver would need 3 lanes @60Hz makes the distortion happen. at the lower refresh the mode 'fits' in 2 lanes and therefore it works OK.
    1111Are you able to do a test for that screen using a digital connection instead of the analog one? If so, I'd like to know how that works out. Be warned though: the same limitations (more or less) apply there. So set a lower mode than 1920x1080, or see if you can set 55Hz or so..
     14I'll see if I can replace the default modeline for the 'native' resolution with the full native modeline from the connected screen instead in the future at some point: that would be optimal I think. :-)