Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #14581, comment 12

Dec 3, 2018, 10:38:08 AM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #14581, comment 12

    v1 v2  
    22- could not send anything to codec3; {{{controller->codecs[3]}}} is NULL; turns out it's because the driver fails to initialize that one; probably makes sense since it's an HDMI(?) codec; still would have liked to experiment with it "just in case", oh well.
    33- did something of a line-by-line comparison; seems the haiku driver is sending the same verbs as linux (on codec 0 anyway) in a slightly different order; including the oft-quotted VID_SET_EAPDBTL_EN (external amplifier).
    4 - also copied the modified driver to another machine, known to work (sanity check to make sure I wasn't minlessly trying to make the driver work after unknowingly breaking something else in it), I get audio, and extended tracing; all checks out.
     4- also copied the modified driver to another machine, known to work (sanity check to make sure I wasn't mindlessly trying to make the driver work after unknowingly breaking something else in it) : I get audio, and extended tracing, it all checks out.
    6 I'm not giving up yet... But it will be a few months before I tackle this again. I have 2 other OS'es I'm thinking of trying, to check the "warm boot from other OS" effect.
     6I'm not giving up yet... But it will be a few months before I tackle this again. I have 2 other OS'es I'm thinking of trying, to check the "warm boot from other OS" effect/theory.