Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #14581, comment 16

Jan 21, 2019, 6:46:34 PM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #14581, comment 16

    v2 v3  
    2020- close this ticket as not-reproducible, since my laptop got "unbricked" in some mysterious and unfathomable way, so there's no more HDA driver work that's possible on it at this point; maybe someone who wants to work on the peer X220 ticket can pick up where I left with my zip-of-goodness above.. Or tidux can run the OpenBSD driver on his X220 in case it has the same 'magical' effect it had on my laptop :-).. If my laptop ever gets "bricked" (probably too strong a word) again I would re-open this. Maybe I should try to not only power it off but also unplug it from mains and remove the battery..
    2121- gather more data about that "media_server silent for minutes after boot up" bug that's been there for some time. (EDIT: see #7284 for support data)
     24**EDIT: @waddlesplash: posting a reduced version of my answer here, since the effing trac won't let me post a new post (complains about "spam", then inflicts me 13 slow-as-molasses captchas, and finally Web+ CRASHED):
     26Yes it seems th