Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#16378 closed bug (fixed)

HaikuDepot crashes when loading

Reported by: mrentropy Owned by: apl-haiku
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta3
Component: Applications/HaikuDepot Version: R1/Development
Keywords: crash, repository Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


When HaikuDepot is selected from the Application menu, it starts up and then crashes when synchronizing meta-data about repositories. HREV 54412

Attachments (4) (28.4 KB ) - added by mrentropy 4 years ago.
HDTraceLog (792.0 KB ) - added by mrentropy 4 years ago.
Trace log for HaikuDepot
ReposInUse (593 bytes ) - added by mrentropy 4 years ago.
Repositories in use
repository-all_en.json.gz (711 bytes ) - added by mrentropy 4 years ago.
The naughty repository file

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

comment:1 by apl-haiku, 4 years ago

I am so far unable to see the problem locally. Could you please attach a trace log here to look at and can you please also let me know what repositories you have installed on your system.

If you *temporarily* rename the directory ~/config/cache/HaikuDepot and restart HaikuDepot, does the problem keep happening?

by mrentropy, 4 years ago

Attachment: HDTraceLog added

Trace log for HaikuDepot

by mrentropy, 4 years ago

Attachment: ReposInUse added

Repositories in use

comment:2 by mrentropy, 4 years ago

Added files for trace log and what repositories are in use. Renaming the cache directory did fix the crashing problem.

comment:3 by apl-haiku, 4 years ago

Could I please ask you to also attach your *old* repository-all_en.json.gz file in whatever locale you are using -- the one that is causing the problem. This would have been in the renamed ~/config/cache/HaikuDepot directory.

Last edited 4 years ago by apl-haiku (previous) (diff)

by mrentropy, 4 years ago

Attachment: repository-all_en.json.gz added

The naughty repository file

comment:4 by mrentropy, 4 years ago

Repository file attached

comment:5 by apl-haiku, 4 years ago

Thanks; can you please try again with the 'naughty' repository file and see if it works for you now.

The client checks with the server using an If-Modified-Since HTTP header to see if there is new data to pickup. I changed the format slightly on the server, but the client thought that its own copy was newer. I have 'touched' the server-side data so that HaikuDepot will see it as being newer on the server, pull down a copy and use that instead and the new data will be in the new format.

I do need to modify HaikuDepot to better handle this, but this quick fix should sort out anybody else with this problem.

comment:6 by mrentropy, 4 years ago

Yes, it is working for me now.

comment:7 by apl-haiku, 4 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta3
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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