1 | | .... and who knows, there May be more going on than just Ethernet. I returned to the machine after a spell, and Att 5‘S lovely Kernel Panic was waiting for me. |
| 1 | .... and who knows, there is likely more going on than just Ethernet. I returned to the machine after a spell, and Att 5‘s lovely Kernel Panic was waiting for me. (General Protection Exception - Tracker Task Loop). |
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| 3 | UPDATE |
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| 5 | After my next boot, fully sans ethernet cable, I copied about 6 GB of data from a thumb drive over USB to the hard drive; spent hours playing games in DOSbox and Scumm VM; Playing mpg, h264 and HEVC videos with the media player from the HDD (both while DOS box was running and separately) - the machine was rock-solid stable and has not had an app crash let-alone a Kernel Panic through that whole process. Ethernet driver or related kernel issues seem strongly indicated :) |
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