Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#16419 closed bug

Kernal Panic "failed to acquire spinlock for a long time” in _user_poll — at Version 2

Reported by: bronzie94 Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta3
Component: System/Kernel Version: R1/beta2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64

Description (last modified by bronzie94)

Kernel Panic (64bit) on 2011 MBP (*Dual Core H/T i7, 8GB, 500GB hdd)

I recently installed Haiku 64 on my 2011 MBP. I have suppressed Intel graphics drivers (using Vesa) but everything else is pretty-well default per installation.

I am experiencing constant kernel panic tantrums, to the point that I had trouble running os/app package updates and installing larger programs through the package manager. I suspect this may have to do with the Broadcom ethernet driver as I am usually doing something network related when the machine keels over, and the longest it has stayed up is when the ethernet was physically disconnected.

A (sorry blurry) screen shot is at: and attached

Change History (3)

by bronzie94, 4 years ago

Attachment: 4eb2c147b953880f.jpeg added

Blurry Screen Photo of Kernel Panic message

comment:1 by bronzie94, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by bronzie94, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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