Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 22 months ago

#16586 closed bug

xHCI error on UEFI booting — at Initial Version

Reported by: Lindenov Owned by: waddlesplash
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Drivers/USB/XHCI Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Usually I booted Haiku on my SSD with a second system installed on a flash drive. I've always did it on a legacy mode, because I have some framebuffer error on UEFI with enabled CSM. But it's not about that. I turned CSM off and tried to boot Haiku with flash drive, like I usually do, but in UEFI-mode now. So I've got 2 KDLs. The first one is when I've tried to boot Haiku that installed on SSD. The second one is when I've tried another Haiku, on that flash drive. I remember, that back in a january I've met with the same problem, but it was not only about UEFI booting, but legacy-mode booting as well. I've disabled xHCI in my BIOS settings then and did not meet those KDLs again. The legacy-mode booting was fixed in february, so I've enabled it again. Now I don't use legacy-mode booting anymode and I've met this trouble again. In attached files, the first one is for Haiku on SSD, the second is for Haiku on flash. hrev is 54679

Change History (3)

by Lindenov, 4 years ago

by Lindenov, 4 years ago

by Lindenov, 4 years ago

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