Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#16922 closed bug (fixed)

MediaPlayer does not hold settings

Reported by: vidrep Owned by: stippi
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta3
Component: Applications/MediaPlayer Version: R1/beta2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


hrev55046 x86_64

MediaPlayer -> settings -> resume

When set to "ask every time", it will fall back to "always" when resuming playback of a media file.

Change History (11)

comment:2 by vidrep, 4 years ago

Version 0, edited 4 years ago by vidrep (next)

comment:3 by shaka, 4 years ago

This can be fixed by removing the settings file /boot/home/config/settings/MediaPlayer and relaunching.

comment:4 by mmu_man, 4 years ago

That's because the sign of the fields have been changed, so the code does find a "resume" field in the message but with the wrong type, and it can't replace it.

Maybe we should add code to convert the old settings.

comment:5 by modeenf, 4 years ago

But how can this commit brake that? it's the same code(more or less)

To make a converter we need to know what type it was before. But if we don't do a converter we need to have this workaround in Known fixes in the Release documentation for Beta3

The only thing I can think of can brake this are that now handle uint32 "correct".


SettingsMessage::GetValue(const char* name, uint32 defaultValue) const
	int32 value;
	if (FindInt32(name, &value) != B_OK)
		return defaultValue;
	return (uint32)value;


SettingsMessage::GetValue(const char* name, uint32 defaultValue) const
	uint32 value;
	if (FindUInt32(name, &value) != B_OK)
		return defaultValue;
	return value;

comment:6 by mmu_man, 4 years ago

That's the thing: it was stored as an int32, and so the new code doesn't find it.

comment:7 by modeenf, 4 years ago

as we have this for int32 I would say this are bug fixed. So now's the question. Do we make a workaround when we a bug are solved?

I wouldn't, but mention this in the release notes?

comment:8 by axeld, 4 years ago

What's the big problem in staying compatible? Just also search for int32 after uint32 failed.

comment:9 by pulkomandy, 4 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta3
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in hrev55056.

comment:10 by mmu_man, 4 years ago

Except now it does load the value from the settings but is not able to change it.

comment:11 by mmu_man, 4 years ago

Ok, really fixed in hrev55062, works for me™.

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