Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#16927 closed bug (fixed)

Any Boot ISO missing from nightly download links

Reported by: hey68you Owned by: haiku-web
Priority: high Milestone: R1/beta3
Component: Sys-Admin Version: R1/beta2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All



Where can I download a nightly image?

as of April 27, 2021: missing links for Any Boot ISO at

Same for 32bit

Thanks in advance hey68you@…

Change History (8)

comment:1 by modeenf, 4 years ago

You get this error.

<Message>The bucket haiku-nightly is temporarily unavailable: egress</Message>

comment:2 by mutterhunt, 4 years ago

I'm the classical "me too"! Plz. make them visible again; it's nothing to feel ashamed of, really!

comment:3 by mutterhunt, 4 years ago

ahhh.... know what! I think this should leed to people making their own "nighly-build". doing so on a FreeBSD-machine at the moment. It's 4pm here so I think the "nightly" will become a "morningly" built if everything works, if not, I have something for the mailing list!

greetz, lizbeth

comment:4 by korli, 4 years ago

the links are working for me (both archs).

comment:5 by mutterhunt, 4 years ago

juist! (right on nederlands!) they are working again! so what to do with the configuring I started 3 hours ago? let's finish them and see what comes out, the anyboot-versions can be used if it doesn't get the jam-target or on compile failures - I think the .init-scripts have been updated, as I got the /gcc/isl buildtool withouth any mistakes (prob. with compiling for arm).

How about a Haiku OS mobile system? Use the pin64-tablet or phone and compile it for them? can this be a future project???

thx a lot for the repair!


comment:6 by hey68you, 4 years ago

Working for me now too. This ticket can be closed

comment:7 by pulkomandy, 4 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta3
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

It seems downloads are back.

comment:8 by kallisti5, 4 years ago

Here's a rundown of what happened:

In 2018 when we decided to use for hosting our artifacts, they had a policy of unlimited egress traffic. As of April 26th, they walked back that commitment and shut down egress traffic on our buckets for using too much bandwidth. We store around 1TiB of data, and have 3TiB of monthly outbound traffic.

Wasabi tech support has temporarily removed the egress block, but I feel like we're going to run into it again.

Here is some scope information:

  • Haiku master/r1beta1/r1beta2 repos
    • Where: Wasabi s3
    • What: Haiku's core update repositories
    • Signed: Yes. minisig on repo file
  • Haiku nightly images
    • Where: Wasabi s3
    • What: Haiku's nightly builds
    • Signed: Yes. minisig on artifacts
  • Haikuports repo - Our own server
    • Where: Digital Ocean block volume
    • What: Haikuports repos
    • Signed: No
  • Haiku releases - Wasabi s3 (US), our own server (EU), generous mirrors
    • Where: Wasabi S3, Digital Ocean block volume, rsync Mirrors
    • What: Haiku releases (r1beta2, etc)
    • Signed: Yes

Anything on "Wasabi S3" was impacted, including the financial tracker on

We really can't depend on external rsync mirrors until every repository is signed *AND* haikuporter gets some signature checking ability.

I've been panic mirroring our Haiku repos from Wasabi onto IPFS as a temporary measure incase they pull down access again. (IPFS has deduplication, easy mirroring, *AND* transparent signature checking. You can access the US gateway here: (and notes on how to use it here:

"haikuports" is empty there since my only focus at the moment is stuff on Wasabi.

So.. this issue isn't solved yet, but we're working on backup options incase this stuff goes down again.

Version 0, edited 4 years ago by kallisti5 (next)
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