Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #17008, comment 30

Dec 13, 2021, 10:10:59 PM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #17008, comment 30

    v1 v2  
    1 Thank you for the extensive report. So when actively switching to VGA this screen is deteced. I am guessing it still does not work because the BIOS sends both signals via PipeA, which results currently in illegal setup by the intel_extreme driver, unless you were to set internal panel native mode maybe (now you tried 1024x768 which should be scaled up to the native internal panel mode. So you could try specifically that to see if both outputs give a desktop.
     1Thank you for the extensive report. So when actively switching to VGA this screen is deteced. I am guessing it still does not work because the BIOS sends both signals via PipeA, which results currently in illegal setup by the intel_extreme driver, unless you were to set internal panel native mode maybe (now you tried 1024x768 which should be scaled up to the native internal panel mode. So you could try specifically the native mode to see if both outputs give a desktop.
    33If so, you could try to experiment with the driver to see if you can actively use PipeB for the analog screen for instance, though it might be that won't work at all since there's the FDI interface we cant control succesfully yet.