Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 4 months ago

#17538 new bug

WebPositive SVG stroke rendering — at Version 7

Reported by: thebuck Owned by: pulkomandy
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Kits/Web Kit Version: R1/Development
Keywords: SVG Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by thebuck)

The handcrafted stroke-test.svg uncovers many stroke-related rendering issues, see Conclusions section.

Using the test image:

  • View it standalone in WebPositive to test mouse hover effects and to avoid #17305.
  • Every assymmetry (except color change on mouse hover) with respect to the vertical red line is a browser bug.

Elements of the image (left | right):

  • orange top: filled rectangular path | stroked line path
  • blue top U: just one curve path
  • black O: differently scaled quarter paths with their stroke-width and geometry adjusted to make them look identical;
    listing stroke-width:
    • top: 4 | 0.125
    • bottom: 16 | 2.5
  • blue bottom: line path segments | one dashed line path
  • While the mouse is over an element, the element becomes green.

Conclusions from my hrev55788/x86_64/QEMU test run:

  1. If 0 < stroke-width < 1 then it renders as 1.
  2. transform is neglected for path polygonization detail level (same for fill).
  3. stroke-dasharray is unimplemented.
  4. ???
  5. Renderer's bounding box of paths neglects stroke (however, extreme points of curves extend the box more than enough).
  6. LCD subpixel antialiasing preference generally affects SVG (should always greyscale like other browsers).
  7. The fill-rule equivalent for stroking is uninitialized (should be nonzero).
  8. Renderer's bounding box of paths is one path-d unit too big to the bottom and right.

What tests led to conclusions:

  1. The magenta zero-stroke thing is invisible, the O has thick top right (0.125 as 1), and bottom right was correctly not rounded to int (2.5).
  2. The number of polylines (look carefully for corners) in O quarters increases with stroke-width, i.e. with less upscaling
  3. The bottom blue right half is continuous, also for mouse hover detection (thin hover area because of 5.).
  4. Scrolling the bounding box of the top left orange rectangle in/out of view toggles orange painting of all black elements (resize window for this). With LCD subpixel antialiasing only the fully covered pixels are aliased orange with a thin antialiasing rainbow border of black around. With greyscale antialiasing there is just a perfect orange stroke, but temporary black stroke glitches into view while scrolling. Only happens when encountering the combination "fill:none;stroke:#000" after an element with only fill but no stroke. Fixed in hrev55883.
  5. Hovering the mouse over elements works only in their bounding box and repaints only the same (test especially blue elements; move between them and the red cross to get larger repaints).
  6. Change antialiasing preference and reload page.
  7. The red cross has a transparent center. I also saw that effect triggered by an unrelated transition somewhere else, without nearby "fill-rule:evenodd".
  8. Hovering the top right orange line and considering point 5., the BBox is too big towards bottom right. The top right O quarter being orange as per point 4., then hovered, updates exactly one path-d unit (equals stroke-width with point 1.) too far to the bottom.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by thebuck, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by thebuck, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

by thebuck, 2 years ago

Attachment: stroke-test.svg added

version 3, to demonstrate also point 7.

comment:3 by thebuck, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 by thebuck, 2 years ago

Most issues are actually in the app_server:

  1. /haiku/src/servers/app/DrawState.cpp : DrawState::PenSize returns at least 1 (not in screen space). Even in screen pixel space this would make sense only with antialiasing disabled (no such option in haiku).
  2. /haiku/src/servers/app/drawing/Painter/Painter.cpp : Painter::_StrokePath and _FillPath do not set approximation_scale on the VertexSource.
  3. /haikuwebkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/haiku/GraphicsContextHaiku.cpp : GraphicsContextHaiku::setLineDash requires app_server support first.
  4. Likely in agg. How else could it know which pixels are fully covered?
  5. /haikuwebkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/haiku/PathHaiku.cpp : Path::strokeBoundingRect is used not only by the web inspector. Should be like /haikuwebkit/Source/WebCore/html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp : CanvasRenderingContext2DBase::inflateStrokeRect.
  6. app_server: Differentiate text and geometry antialiasing generally to prevent rainbow borders on geometry. Because text is usually small and pixel-hinted, artifacts are minimal there.
  7. /haiku/src/servers/app/drawing/Painter/Painter.cpp : Painter::_StrokePath uses the fill rule that is set for Painter::_FillPath but should SetFillRule(B_NONZERO) temporarily.
  8. /haikuwebkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/haiku/FloatRectHaiku.cpp does ±1 a non-pixel size.

comment:5 by thebuck, 2 years ago


  • app_server's Painter effectively ignores the bounds aka shapeFrame. This is good for now because Interface kit cannot DetermineBoundingBox() of a shape correctly because agg is not fully exposed.
  • Do we really want to channel an aggressively introspective web browser through interface kit and app_server to reach agg? The same shape data is passed multiple times for filling, stroking, hit testing, and yet to come bounding box computation, length measurements... Why not let WebPositive use agg directly? Would increase security and even integration...

comment:6 by pulkomandy, 2 years ago

Thanks for your time and efforts investigating and researching this.

Do we really want to channel an aggressively introspective web browser through interface kit and app_server to reach agg? The same shape data is passed multiple times for filling, stroking, hit testing, and yet to come bounding box computation, length measurements... Why not let WebPositive use agg directly? Would increase security and even integration...

If we were to do this, it would probably be not using agg, but cairo, which is already supported by WebKit. This would make a lot of things easier, since the cairo code is used by GTKWebKit and already well-tested there and in a few other places. However, it has the following disadvantages:

  • The rendering will never look exactly the same as for native apps. By using the same API, we make sure WebKit renders exactly the same way as other applications, which is part of the efforts to provide an extremely consistent look and feel.
  • Possibly usage of WebKit through remote_app_server would be faster by sending only drawing commands to the app_server, but that is probably only true to some extent (for simple webpages). Now the number of operations is so high that it probably is slower in the end than just sending a bitmap.
  • It proves to be a very good stress test for app_server and interface kit APIs, and that seems important to me as an OS developer. If we are not able to deliver these nice complex drawing APIs to native apps, what is the point in writing all this OS? Surely everyone will write only web apps because they have more features there, and the native API just isn't good enough.

I agree that this approach may not be the best in the short term. We don't get a good working web browser because of it, and if we just used cairo (and curl for http) to power WebKit, we would have saved a lot of hours (or even days or months) of work for various people trying to get this to work.

It kind of worked, the native HTTP API is quite good (but it is undergoing it's 3rd or 4th rewrite) and app_server is a lot more capable than it was before we started trying to use it for webkit. So I don't know at which point we should stop efforts in that direction.

/haiku/src/servers/app/DrawState.cpp : DrawState::PenSize returns at least 1 (not in screen space). Even in screen pixel space this would make sense only with antialiasing disabled (no such option in haiku).

There is a B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE flag on BView to enable full usage of subpixel coordinates. When this flag is set, this method could return smaller values. And indeed the screen vs transformed space issues need to be solved (there are probably more of these)

app_server: Differentiate text and geometry antialiasing generally to prevent rainbow borders on geometry. Because text is usually small and pixel-hinted, artifacts are minimal there.

app_server antialiasing works quite well for native apps I think, so I'm not sure why it looks so bad in WebKit.

The antialiasing on text is also (and mainly) limited by font hinting, which forces the fonts to be aligned closely on subpixel boundaries. There is nothing like that for regular drawing. And I think the Appearance preference to adjust the antialisaing to have more or less colorfringing also only applies to text.

comment:7 by thebuck, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Point 4. no more observed, assuming fixed by hrev55883. Description updated.

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