Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#17663 new bug

Convert x86 EFI bootloader to gUART — at Initial Version

Reported by: kallisti5 Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: System/Boot Loader/EFI Version: R1/beta3
Keywords: uart Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


On x86 EFI, we currently hard-code sSerialBasePort on x86 and use it directly.

To assist in supporting alternative serial ports, we should likely only choose sSerialBasePort / 0x3f8 when no other options are available on x86.

To accomplish this, x86 should likely follow the design used from non-x86 platforms.

  • src/system/boot/platform/efi/serial.cpp uses gUART if not NULL
  • src/system/boot/platform/efi/dtb.cpp assigns gUART based on the optional dtb
  • src/system/boot/platform/efi/acpi.cpp should also assign gUART based on the configured ports?
  • src/system/kernel/arch/generic/debug_uart_8250.cpp could be used for x86? (even fixed 0x3f8?)

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