Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #17699, comment 28

May 17, 2022, 9:23:35 PM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #17699, comment 28

    initial v1  
    44> No, I could have failed something in my calculation. Which size did you find is working? 96 then? Or does it need to be larger than that?
    6 96 does work, but so do lower values as long as they're a multiple of 8 (16 and lower is very laggy). So the problem might not even an undersized buffer. 32 seems to be the smoothest value based on my testing, more than 96. However, even at 32 the clicking issue still remains and the mouse is slower than it should be.
     696 does work, but so do lower values as long as they're a multiple of 8 (16 and lower is very laggy). So the problem might not even an undersized buffer. 32 and 24 seem to be the smoothest value based on my testing, more than 96. However, even at 32 the clicking issue still remains and the mouse is moving at about half the speed it should be.
    88Switching directions with the mouse is also delayed by one count (if I move right, stop, then move one pixel left, it moves right one more pixel before moving left). So it seems like it's processing an old packet whenever a new one comes in.