Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #18108, comment 4

May 20, 2024, 7:27:59 AM (4 months ago)


  • Ticket #18108, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 With UEFI BIOS versions 3.06 (in beta state for ~ 1 year) and 3.08 (released as stable last month) PS/2 emulation of the laptop got fixed ('automatic' now means on, 'off' still means off, and 'on' isn't an option anymore) and the touchpad started to work in Haiku as one-button mouse - even after rebooting from another operating system.
     1With UEFI BIOS versions 3.06 (in beta state for ~ 1 year) and 3.08 (released as stable last month) PS/2 emulation of the laptop got fixed ('auto' now means on, 'disabled' means off, and 'on' isn't an option anymore) and the touchpad started to work in Haiku as one-button mouse - even after rebooting from another operating system.
    22How well, however, depends on Haiku revision.
    44At first, you had to press really hard to get a click registered by Haiku, then after a while even tap-to-click started to work (great times!). After an another Haiku update, just touching the touchpad to move the cursor frequently produced unintended right(?) clicks which opened context menus in inconvenient places. Usually, these context menus could be dismissed with the ESC key, so using Haiku with only the touchpad was still okay.
    6 After updating from hrev47719 to hrev47734, the touchpad now stopped working completely (no matter which option is chosen in UEFI BIOS). It is still shown as PS/2 mouse in Input (if PS2/emulation is set to 'automatic'), but doesn't react to any touch, tap or hard press. It is necessary to plug in a USB mouse for everything that can't be done with the keyboard alone.
     6After updating from hrev47719 to hrev47734, the touchpad now stopped working completely (no matter which option is chosen in UEFI BIOS). It is still shown as PS/2 mouse in Input (if PS2/emulation is set to 'auto'), but doesn't react to any touch, tap or hard press. It is necessary to plug in a USB mouse for everything that can't be done with the keyboard alone.
    88I don't have another laptop that uses PS/2 emulation, so I can't check if this is hardware-specific or not.